xt70cf9j6n10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6n10/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 2007 2007 2007-04-02 2020 true xt70cf9j6n10 section xt70cf9j6n10 WEEKENDSPORTS

I Mississippi State takes series from UK baseball team PAGE 4
I Men's tennis dominated by Southeastern Conference foes PAGE 8

W’VVW’. KYKERN E L .( ‘( )M





APR“ 2, Still“







Birth control pill prices double, triple for students

By Alice Haymond

l K students are tonttntttng to ltLI_\ hirth cort-
ttol pills despite prices doubling rind e\en tripling
.tt i ntierstt} Health \xhtch no
longer ollet' the pills .it .i discounted t'.ite

l the man) college health proxtdet‘s, [“5 re
cetied tit-til tonttdcepitxes ttottt phitr'muceuttc.il
dt‘ttg \ttlllp.tll‘tt'\ at .t distotinted price I'ltts .iI
loued them to sell e.itli ot the 3‘ dtllerertt hr'iinds
the} otter .tt $|tt pet tttotttli to stitdettts

lhrs de.d thtinged tilten t'ongtess pitssed it
ilt‘llt'H'lt‘tlllxliUIl l‘tll itt IN“

Set\ lL'L‘\. ttttt

student art



Paul Rohr


(heist/ed. stitlpletl sitnglitsses. ttittlts
.irtd ”lt.ipp_\ among the
pieces «it .tt‘t on displ.t_\ sttirttttg todit} iii the
Rustittil (ittllt-r'} .it the Student (‘entet'

.\tt stttdto senior \Xtrult \l.it'te \ltllct
\\Ill ltc displiotng the htipp\ .ttctdetit
Millet titlis her pteee. t‘lllkl.tlt\ tilled "Seed

iii “A “otttl‘ H till ticttdfltt l‘vecdttse

iiittdents' .trc

ll 1\ .i
photogtitplt that did riot dewlop .ts e\pett

\ltilct ,\ pictttt: its \\eli .ts ttt.itt\ other
\\tlll\\ t‘l _it't. \\lii itc le.ititt'ed lititit ll .tttt
to R p ttt e\er'). d.i\ this week ttt tlte gallery
tis l‘dl'l ot the .\.Illll!ttl \pt‘ittg \‘tttdetit Shoo.
liiisfed lt\ lltc \iittltit \ltl'tll \tiidtixl ( oiiit

lhe \l‘li tttlt \\ltit it had its ltrst shim
l.ist spring .ttttts in its mission ‘slttlt‘liielll to
"\\otl. toward 'ltt \t'ktl'tlt‘il til tl'ltl t‘tttllttt'
ttott oi .itt ouctnfl i'l‘t\llt‘llil‘t\.'lll or postmc
tittisttt ttlltl itetltlx‘llllx li'.lllllt'l_‘_‘ t-.~t tiii tinder
gt'.idit.ite l‘lllt‘ \t‘t studio sitidents "

“\tittlettt’s tit" lie
SMSF l’ttstderit
Poitier \ till'i‘tttils

Aime-ti tillkl ptoiid.‘
lee \itn I’ti_\nter stitd
ill .tlso he iii the l\'tl\
dtill (i,tlle‘!‘- lititi; \ p m tll lttditi's
Silent \t‘t \ililit‘ll \ilmlt tittlttél.‘ its
proceeds to tt_'llt‘\ i'tttg i K‘s .igttt:' Harri
httt‘t (t.tilet\ tti the l\)e“slltti’\l\ iitiildtttg
l‘“.ett \iit;‘.e l h. l.‘L"ll\ ”w
ll‘ "i‘



titltcts li.t\e

ilit ‘tiiiltliL'

\ttitt i

vli\il'lli litl

ilt‘littlt'il t‘lett'\ ti _ Aill‘l‘
ptoless tis l.i'itvs Rolict' ll:
\lottt‘o \ind-t‘ttil _tl't ttttte
ltttiell lxttterr

the wetting s t losing tetepttor‘. \‘lllt lt ends
“ti-'t\ .i? (L.islt ttit/t‘s

setoittt Alltl 'lttt‘d tine \ktli he

tilttl }
lllellitll itsell is the Illtlll‘ tzntttite t‘t
\\tt‘t .tn tl\‘~tllils tete
lot' lttst

llte e\t'rtts
[‘ittl lllt‘ '.il:'t‘t
(t.tllet'\ Hop tklittlt \Hil ltit\e iit't
pretes on displtii .it the l K \i'l \lttseitnt
l'itsltd (ltlllk’l\ .ittd tlit' “dillildll l_i.i|let\
ltotit * to \ p I“ lrtd.i\

Sltooetstrtg the .tt't l!) titttttctotts lottt

i? ’l'tt' Rdsilttil (t.illi‘l\ tilt‘ .t

tit foo" \tittttg (.intpus


ttons ptoxides tin oppitrtittttti litt students tit
[K to drum .ittettttoti to their “oil illltl pos
stltl} c\ett ptoxtde sottie ttiotte\. its tttost ot
the ttlt'ees \\1ll l‘e liit s.ile

Mtltoitgh it is intended tuttti.tttl\ ii'l t!il
riitttors. tlll\ stttdettt tttt‘t ctt'ct to limit. his oi
het .tt‘t put on dispi.i\

"l'lits is ll‘t\ tirst sliott' said I .ttitte .\p
pleli} \\illl.i{‘.t\ .ttt till stitdttt ‘tlltliil l in
proud to he II" .t shim \\ ttli so llltlll\ great
artists "

‘llfl'll‘, Allt‘” 1; (i.tt'tt.'tti 'Htrlitittzii 1’;
:t t t my wit " tlt‘sii‘tlv
titw't" s Rr fillet; litt'tt‘W t" '. new is tttirf

‘ rite"? w

t t, \ itit‘ t



H , .ii‘ Murat; ‘

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

No“ onl) se\‘eii brands ot oral contraceptn es
tire ot‘lered tit Sill. .>\ ten others tire discounted tit
$31). but the [HS phitt'tntie} sells tttore thun httlt
ot its birth control pills dl ttrll price. Much is gen
erull} .ihoirt 8W per month

The deltctt-r‘editctton hill concentrated on
Medicaid. .1 federal insurance progrtittt tor the
poor. l’r'eitousl). corttptinres didn't lime to p.t_\
more to Medicaid to gi\e dtscouttts to colleges.
hut tlte ltttli hill did riot include colleges tn the
eu‘eptron list, .\s it result. drug ritiintiltictiirer‘s
have to p.i_\ tttore it the} continue to gi\e til»
counts to [NS .tttd other college hettlth proi tders

"Vie \ieren't e\en .mtu'e ot this impact ittttrl

we started getting the lie“ prices.” Mlltl ltttjt
\\t‘lls. the tissocttite dtr‘ettor ot the ph.ittii.tc\ .it
its (‘httndlet' Medtetil (‘enter‘ She began noticing
the lie“ pt'tt es id” 1

"I don‘t think anyone thoitgltt through \\h.il
\\otild happen.” s.itd Dr Greg Moore l HS direc
tor “it \itts .trt unintended side ettect "

.-\lthoiigh Moore lt.is htid some iktllL‘llts s'ii tteh
htunds to t'ecet\e .i discount. he doesn't e\pect this
change to deter stiidettts tt‘ortt iismg litrth \Ulillt‘l

"ittet'yitte l\llU\\\ tt‘s more e\pettst\e to .‘i.t\e
ti l‘ttltyn Moore s;iltl ”It's lsititl iil like gtis tttiu‘s
)ou ttist de.tl \\ith it ” '

Moore suggested students could tise other

totttts ol lut'ilt control \Usll as the pitch. the rings
the httth \tlllilltl shot tll.t[‘lllttf_‘l‘tl\ or condoms
Hui tts ot )et. he heistt‘t seen titt\ th.tnges tit tise ot
sitt lt dilL‘lllellH e tot‘tns .tmong his p.ittents

Some students e\pressed ii cotteer‘n tor the
l.it’l\ itl .tllitttldl‘lt' tittlli‘lls llidl .ite t‘lletlht' i'fll
students olio tire Jexll‘slt‘lllt‘tl to l‘llilt‘t‘llllg bill .t
month till int te.ise to 8 ‘0 .t month presents uh oh
stilt lt'

'ila-o tit.trt\ people “in s\\ trig \ itt .i ttiottth
\tllil (Kittie iitiss. it lr'crttlt tittd .ttt lltsiitl‘. itit‘ttot
\xlttt ts .ilso tlte president ol ilte letittittst \llltlnkk'

Birth control ‘ ;_: w 3

BACK TO BACK '1‘() B.\(il\' roR Mao's


\Vhile the Final Four plated out in _\tl;tttt;i on
Saturday t\\o national basketball chantpiottships
were decided in Metttorial (Ioliseitnt at the goth
annual National \Vheelehair Basketball 'l‘i )tll'litllllL‘llf.

The Dallas \Vheelehair

M;t\ er‘ielxs


British ( Iolttmhia ot-Sh‘ in ()\‘Cl’tlmL‘ to pick tip their

third eonseeitthe national


in l)i\ision l.

.\lean\\hile. the Arkansas Rollin' Razorbacks tell

()(i-(tl to the iifikltiit it Dallas i\l§(
l)i\i.sion ll championship.

I M;i\et'iel\s iii the

hour teams from eaeh di\isioti eattte to l‘lx's
eatttptts Friday for the semifinal gdlt‘les. \tith the
\\ inriers ad\ aiieing to plat Saturday

Police: six burglaries at
Newtown Crossing in six weeks

By Alice Haymond
abavtttrt"tl£2kvlmt'te‘ rye
\t\ ltitrglur'ies hit\e heett report tlte .tt‘t,.t to M»
ed at the \eutimn ('tossttig '\gttttl
tttettt (‘ontplm in the lttsi st\ “eeks
sttrd Sgt lod\ Stout-rs ol lestngton

.i tteri/\ _'

l’olit e l)ep.irtrttent‘s r'estdentt.it l‘itl
glttr\ di\tston

"\l.ttnl\ elettttt .ipplmntes lltl\i‘
been stolen." ~\toiicts ’ \nd
\itl‘itt‘llltltN nothing is missing "

Polite tire still 'llitt‘lltliil
“hether the titttderits are related
the rtttrdents otttitred .it dtlterent
titties ol dto. hut each time the sits
peit \ms able to gttttt eritrt through
an tinsetnred door or \trtido“

tllilh tti i|t.tt

[\itlldllet' lt'rl
.1\ iii



gl.tries "

I cungton polite h.t\_-
puttol tit tlttil tired .il illl


'\\t’ (litll l \\.llll lit :‘t'?
\ll“.\L'!‘s s.1;il

iguitl st‘tlllll\.
he done ttt .lli 'ttt'tt‘\
string ol tired ‘ns

\\ tttdim s in

mi r'tntsetl

‘ times hut

\\.int residents in

do med


it ~lttt
‘titit il .
l l) I \lilliiitly

llte\ don"

need to Horn tli.tl tltete s ltlll’tl‘utiil


lie t ttt;‘lt.is./ttf the l!‘
\'l|ilk‘lll« to puttltx
sortit-thtrtc tlt.tt short d

not ’ll ‘ .titet t

pitt tit net cert
\\c ille'

‘lt.tt 'A ill help tl‘c







keepttte things se I” «Mafim

titre is the l‘est \\.t\ to pren‘nt l‘ltt

i?ti"'l\7.tiltllll\,' rt'
‘t trortttieritu? prtittt Not}

to tottdttt, itiimst‘s


9‘40'35 8' Fl" VA"HFWS


L'K reeeiVes grant for
sustainability education

By Josey Montana McCoy

v7~'v"' t

-. . \-t[

i’\.t'.t\’l tit 'th .r“

l t t
‘\ -.ittl

'ziti‘l ‘hitt \M’. ’\e
s~tf'\\.tre p.ttk.tees

tit slisl.lillttl"llll\ .ind en

\ still“ \
“9“. K
\iittiiteiid stir:

'. ltc:p dewiop the sustain

~ Grant *' 31.1.23

Newsroom: 'i“ 5 Advertising: 2572872


 PAGE 2] Monday, April 1’, 2007

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ 0'

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I — —



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4.9 1.2..
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g @333 tent is dow
flat @i33 Patio Pa '


8) linda C Blatu

7» get the t'lllltl".'tit}t‘ "wt to;
days rats/ig '17 as 3w ois‘ ws‘ 5.);
the Was: t"i.a/ e“; "t;
Aries (March 21 — April 19) '
day‘stiG pooh“... " :‘6-
wt“ t : a:

l’ "‘ay

.5 per t1 ‘


t if. t f ..t ' ' 't:'2
Taurus (April 20- May 20)

W'iat xxx. 1
't'Tit" V
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) '
day satin i ‘-. ‘z:
" V). t'o i,

.‘t t.

o .‘m t to) t'iti two mos


Cancer (JuneVZZ ~ July 22) "

"to es"; TW‘ '1‘


.ltt‘, ~. i’.‘
"‘th " ,"r' ("t ".H ft!
'i (uj'ti: ie ”at rxtra .tttt “.
‘ 3". V. " {‘2' Shift“. 1 Lil): 't‘t
If'c' i ". Q‘s
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) ! lilo). ,.
a f it " I sit .e' .3‘1 error
, (

Virgo (Aug. 23 ~ Sept. 22) L:,

v v

LihralSept.23)A10ct.22) ' a.

Scorpio (Octl23 — Nov. 21) ‘


Z (10!)!




rot; “we! ti "out .may in a outer
mo .i ‘ 1 a .i'1 ”ext ’Y‘UHE
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
lam 'fs .i ft Vittt In an excellent
t.) u' ‘i .. i so“ th‘il donut a'iy
'."‘ ".; ”t .w, "wvttwttt your tit-St
sf'afet‘. \ It ‘15?!” ta'eltdiy
Capricorn (Dec. 22 -— Jan. 19)
7 tax -:' ‘i’ r7 a re in the envr
~ ma able to tli
’t'ti‘" nit ytttt
i ikllfi"
'..'1 r f . "in ' Li'". :teiso't
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) ll
1:. :‘ ‘tW ,.
Pisces (Feb. 19 ~ March 20) l .-

l l t v



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Rt statiriiit .iiid lotitigt

Dish B OWN’S

h’ l o l- ticlid .-\\ e.





list. 1902







0R stats


pnit ,r «i m



w, I ‘h- 1"
I. '1' I 0" a F‘ttlttp

. W ‘a C)“ s



Go lrom night to day
I. Wear a strong lip color

"It immediate!) goes )0“ a
mug ot' sophistication." s;l_\s
iiiaketip artist Brigitte Reiss-Ait
derseii. \slio \toi'ks \\ll(l stars
like (‘oui't-ene) (‘os ll} a
sheer lipstick iii a hold htte,

“htt'h has more color pasott'

than a gloss hut is loner mainte
name than clean] or ni‘atte Itpr
2. Make a pomtail chic

Mischa Barton‘s il.lll'sl_\il\l.
Brian Magallones. likes to ci‘er
ate a deep \lLlL'rllill’l iii hait' he
lore ht'tisliing it iiito a low poti}
tail. "l‘his tllsldllll} makes the
stile look more sleek and pol
tshed.“ he tells E's.
3. App!) at lip-plumper

lot a hill. se.\_\ pout. Hath"
itig With the Stars‘ Paulina
l’ori/kota stiiooths on a shim
iiiei'tiig llpittllttllplltg’ gloss he-
tore going out. "lt makes me
teel glttitiot‘otis_" she tells l's
4. .\dd a pop of color to e) es

Stiitidge a rich purple shad
I)\\ .tc‘t‘tiss lash lines to create a
who look, ('iara's ptck’
“l..uicittiiitiie ese sliadoxs ll]
Backstage Pass.” the star tells
5. (‘armen lCleetra‘s l'aiorite
(lap—to-night tip'.’ ”l‘\e al\\.t\s
liked a dramatic. s.iiiok\ e_\ c. so
I iust add a little more etc-liner
and a strip ot lalse lashes.” the
stat tells l's.

Look 5 pounds thinner

(i. .\\oid “lld patterns

".\ iiioiiocht‘oiiiatit look is
\ct‘_\ sltniiiiitig and chic \tt}‘s
Sliophoptoitis ,-\lle l'tstci Istai’s


Radiant skin! Sultry eyes!
A trimmer figure! Stars and
their pros share the best tips for

1.19 Dis“ updating your look in an instant

like llllltl'} Dull are tans ot the
site). \Vitness leiitiiter .»\riistott‘s
tt'ettttent headrto toe single»col
or enseiiihles.
7. Do dark denim

liltis ultrahip shade helps
gains look longer and skititiiet'.
sa_\s Angelina Jolie‘s st)ltst. .leri
Rade (to (or a straight or hoot
leg cut
8. Wear a bod) sliaper

Stats like .lennitei' Hudson
“ear slimming undergarments
to smooth the midrttl and rear.
s;l}s Sliopintiution.com o\\iier
Jase Hersh
9. Add a belt to \Ullllltlllttlls
clothing tor a l'resh l\\tsl and to
create an hourglass tigtii’e. sass
It). Try an empire waist dress

“(‘lotlies pulled in at the
smallest part ol )our tili cage
“Ill Itelp slitii _\ou douu it you
cart} _\out‘ “eight in tour hot
tom halt." s;t)s \\ hat .\ot to
\‘vear's Stac) London.

One-piece wonders
ll. Metallic accessories

l’atrtiig metallic shoes or
liandliags \sith an) outttt is an
instant \\.t\ to look glam. l on
don tells l's. (lo lot a glit/s
clutch. like (‘ate Hianclictt does.
to look hot in one ot sprtiig‘s
higgest trends
[2. (‘ropped jacket

Need to i'e\amp ~\oui look
tast' lltl\ titultitasktug pic-u
can tllllt kl). dress tip a part ol
lean» ot dtess dim” a Ii'illt
diess. adklses Rachel l‘lllM‘llK
sl}il\l. I\icole (liaxe/
l3. 'l'ailored dress or top

,\ itioie stt'catiiliiied tit cle

ates the illusion ol .t siiiallet
tt'atiie and helps _\ou look hettet
put~togethetz l-‘istei tells l's
H. lmest iii a hig. hold piece
ol _te\\elt_\ that can cast!) take
_\our look tiom simple to edg).
s.i}s Radc
IS. Padded bra

liistaiit cle;i\.tge' l:\a l.oii
gori'a‘s sl_\list. Rohett \eidi.
uses this trick on the star to take
.t laigei hust Need more
padding ' " l I) silicone chicken
cutlets too" \et‘di tells l's.

Look younger instantly

to. Deline arches

lot a _\otitlilul lit'ou. use a
soil pencil to elongate the shape
tust past the outer corner ot
c‘)es. sa\s Nicole ls'idmaii's
makeup pro. .\iigela l.e\ in.
l7. Yunjin Kim's secret to
looking trcsh tated' "l spt‘a_\
rosenatct' on iii_\ lace to re\ i\e
iii} makeup .tiid keep ltt_\ skin
den) 0
18. Fi\ tired eyes

\ ttillet lash litie helps open
and lilt e\ es Renee /el1\\egei”s
makeup man Kristotei' Buckle.
stitttdges hlack tream litici he
l\\ t‘c‘tt tut) lashes.
l9. Soften fine lines

Kate “itislct's itiakeup
artist. l’at: l)uhtott. nttiitmi/cs
shadous and lines around e_\es
and mouth \\itli .t skin hrighten
mg concealer
2t). Brighten skin

"So til a toss (this!) on
cheeks to look sotuigci instant
l) .. sass lltthtotl





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at [is

said I!

iii ord

in {MI
on tli


t_\ lo
!I\ iii
he t'





N \
\\ h
\ lli

l [1'
ll 1






(ll/'llllllltlil t'iz'n traae‘

at I'K.

Although sortie pills are still tltseounted. Bass
said these options ean he prohletniitie also.

"I know plent} of people
hraeket ol the pill does not “ork “1th their bod)
eheinistr)? Bass said. “I detrnttel) don‘t tltitik that
in order to moral pregnancy )ou slioultl lt'a\ e to go
through sitle etteets like “eight gain and acne.

nausea and depression."

Man) ot the ehe'aper alternatn e toi‘ins. Such as
diaphragnis and eontlonis. are rnttelt less ell‘eetne
tti prewnttng pregnant}. aeeordtntr to the Planned
l‘he site‘s statisties are hased
on the t}pttal use ot the eontraeeptne tlettee.

Parenthood V) eh site

\\l)l(lt allims lot‘ error

(‘ondonis are .85 percent etteetne and Lll’
ttttltt‘agtttx are H” percent elleL‘IlU.‘
hirth eontrol pills are 9: pereent etteetne Al
though the ring and the shot are equall) et't'ettn e


In 'It "an, naatl'
ahtlit_\ hung learning: eonitnittn
t) loeatetl in Holmes Hall. The
hung-learning.v tornniuriit) tiia)
he retoeused as a rumor tear
program and e\tentled past the
elassrootn into the eottiniunrt),
Yanat‘ella sattl

l'llleett to :1) high \c‘ltitttl
teachers tti l'a) ette (hunt)
might also start ineltttling stts
tarrtahilit} tit eottr'ses. he said

In order to aehie\ e change.
lessons on and rain. endangered

species and global isarnnng

that the lots er

as the pill the) cost _|ll\l as ninth and sortietinies


Bass douhtetl whether students would know
him to use less popular alternatixe methods
“It the)'re going to push alternatne methods.

I eertatnl) hope the) otter tnstruetton eourses on
him to use them eorreetl)." Bass said

limunately the pharrnae) alua)s orders large
quantities of htrth eontrol pills. which is Mr) it
eitn eonttntte to sell some pills at the same \lIS'
eountetl rate. Wells said. l€\ettttiall). though, it
“I” sell all ol the oral eoiitraeeptnes at lull price

“I think that “I“ happen o\ er the nut eouple

nent "

ot _\e'ars." Wells said. “I don't tlitiik it‘s trtiriit

l‘he tll\L‘t)lll)[\ \\ ere a niee hotius lot the stu
dents. and tlits ehange \\Ill pt'ohahl) ha\ e an ad
terse elteet on some ot the population. \Kells said

For riiost stutlents though. it's rust a matter ot re

ln eontrast.

trittst he taught earl). he said

To help \\llll this. tireinheis
ot‘ I'K's stlltlL‘ttlit‘tltl en\tron~
inental cluh (ireenthittnh \olun
teer at loeal elenientat') sehools
teaching soeial and em trontrieti
tal eoneerris.

(Sreenthurnh eo coordinator
Niles Barnes said the rnernheis
are supportne ot Yattarella‘s et
torts and plans.

"5lt\l.tlll.ll‘llll} has sueh an
em lt‘itltttteltlal L'Otttlttlitllttl)
no“ Barnes sartl

Roh \\tsetnan. presi
ilent ol taetltttes trianagenient at
I'K. saul the sustainahilth
riio\ernent is :JI'tH‘slIlg


distributing \shere their rnotie) goes.

"Students t_\pitall_\ ll.t\ e titan) tiitaneial ehal
lenges." Wells said "It “I” he a tleeiston the stu-
dent has to make "

“l'K has three legs ot tlte
etltteation. otttreaeh anil
hustness ptrtetiees.” \Vtsernati
said "It has to he the leader tti
all three .t\}K‘\l\ "

\\l\t‘tt).ttt ts eratelul ol
Yariarella's enthusiasm to edit
eate stuileiits ot' the ltltl\L‘I'\lI_\
and the surrounding area (ilohal
\\.trtnrn_e and such prohletns are
real and it is \llal tor people to
reali/e that at a _\ourig_r age. he



"It’s trtiportant to lraiti and
etlueate l\ltl\ to hetoine interest
etl." \Vtsetnan sattl ".\ll ot us
ha\ e to get educated lliis ts hi};
I‘m \c‘l’§ pleased ”

Lawmaker seeks posthumous
US. citizenship for Anne Frank

By Karoun Demiriian

\\ \Slll\(}l‘().\' \\lien
.\nne I‘rarik died in a tieiiitari
eoneeritiatioti earnp she \\as.
like rnan} killed in the
Holocaust. a person \\tthout a

\i\\.\, o.‘ \ears Eater. a group
ot \nreriean lawmakers are it)
the to ene her a plate to call

l} 5 Rep MUM" l\lat‘l. ll
,\ ) .has itrtrotlitteil a hill in the
House to l‘rank. knoun
\sorltlurtle through the pages ot'
the that). she kept tor t\\o _\ears
\\htle liiilrne trorri the \a/rs tllll’
in); “MM \\ar ll. horiorai') I ' S

like rnilltons ot .\rnerieans_
l read her that} priming up. and
it intlueneetl me as a child." ls
t‘ael said “\o\\ that I‘m a tiietri
her ot Congress. l'ni iii a post
tron to itieniot'ialt/e the lessons
that she taught h} en in}: her this
posthumous honor "

l\t'ttt‘l tlk‘M‘lttttt'tl the Idea
u rtli (‘hrtstopher Bodkin. a to“ it
eounttltnan lroin lsltp. .\ \ .
\sho trieil unsuttesslulh to get
the l .8

,le\\ s


l’ostal \er'\ tie to issue a
corririretnot'attxe stariip tn
l‘iatrks honor in Itltt‘ llotlkrn.
art lp‘stopaliaii ‘.\l)tt\t' British
and ll'.\lt .irrtestors tarne to the
l \ llt Ille‘ l\