xt70cf9j6k7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6k7d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1995 1995 1995-02-06 2020 true xt70cf9j6k7d section xt70cf9j6k7d  


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WEAIHEB I’aH/t \‘H/Hl“. Itu/i/t.

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[/1 Mm.” / it tie/din Alina/Ila QI'I/li l , m 10 ,, 3
[t/i/l‘ It] /I‘//‘.", /)t'//\ .St‘t‘ WIN: V’il’l‘fl’l‘l‘d‘. [ti/gt 9. I / 9 I 8




Committee picked to lintl new campus chancellor

By Jennifer Smith

‘s/Jtt ll '/ [.21


\Vttliington has atherttsed the
position in the ( :lll'tilllt'lt' of l ligh-

l.awson. who is t'espoiisilile ioi
eompiling the .ll)pll\.lllltll\ L‘Hlllill:_‘

Hill) [it'iiltlt‘ Ml Lt]


. I
t'llt]l\tl\l\.l‘ts lltv'lt’

leadership .lltlllllt'\ .tii.1 1 t "'\l will,

I , ,llltl lei






.t mi. pretoittened untiotts
l\l\lsttl\ ttilll'l‘ll

ot \m l U \\ml\_ h: ls Ill ind‘

\l\lll.ll \.hii w“l i'iee‘ tltt iii.iii_iit::3








er l‘idueation and has formed an into the president's oil-tee. saiil uiidt istaiithng ot Ilie‘t up rsit‘ ' , ll: \ ud lie plans on t’ttl'li in deuiatidsot lust ill-.1.
'l'he seai'eh is on to ehoose .i .ltl‘.lsltl'_\ tommittee to aid him iit there already ha\e heen "se\ei'al l.'\\s~:t sat-l alti‘ u on ll uiuid. "\:u t l'/\ llllt' ( olleye ot
i'eplaeetiieiit tor Roliet't llemeii the seart h prot t‘ss, responses and .tpplii‘atioiis." ( tillllltlilt‘t' ii:- It in" \l {1' ll " it In a di\ersit\ oi nt eds Sm i l: \\ oilfl- i'Ill- illllt iit hay
“".\~ k haiieellot' lot' the l e\iiigtoii 'l‘lte l.‘ itteiitlier totiitiilttee, l.awson said lte would like to \Illlllh t hairiuan of tfit l"'t«'il“l it o': t'rt im. and we need soiiieoite lieeii Il‘» rt isiiizi lh llettieiiw l\
. (Iamplis toiisisting of one student. and se\'~ see the iie.\t ehaneellor he an leputiut ni. said he il- i. it dawn > lot « .1, [wet those ueeds." L‘JH' u‘ lllltt' lEt \. re AHH WNHHH‘
~' l'ls; l’iesideiit (‘hat'les ei‘al laeult} and stall iiieiithers, aetne niemliet' ol the L'nnersiu tot someone who h is ill! “walnut ll l‘~.i t s :id “\\'e need .l t'll.lllt"_‘l to :ztei' those detu .i;.is." he s nd
7' \Vethington has started a nation will lie t'espoiisihle tor renewing who has the \tsioit to take the lt‘ltlt‘lsl‘alit tpi tl'llt's l!-l l: h h-t \. hm t ill ohieetne and who "I tom 4 pureh \. litsh point oi
g wide seareh to iill lleiiienwaws the .ipplieations and tandidates. l.e\iiigton (Iampus into the iie\t (Witt't'liltllls lot l l\ ti M illli' an m a eonseusu‘ as to ;u w w .‘llt luuat l"'llllti'\ ll
¢ post when he lea\es in \la_\ to lhe re\Iew [)IHLL'\\ is seheduled eenttii'y illt lllllltL‘llItl a‘ n weds to he done on , l!|l tin ( till ',‘t . s \ n l t; \‘i oil. hu'l
" lieeonie the \ hiei e\eeuti\e Ulllt er to hegin l‘leh, li. "I‘d like to see somehodt with /.if ‘l llisiu. dean t’. ( of w: ' ,iiu wztli tte't ~lt‘l will tel.‘ t "1
f at Kansasl iutersiti (.oiuiiiittee iiiemher Rohert good iudgmeiit who works well le e til s.. l.ll \thl'ls. .i'! w dot lie .4, l_ e dean ol the(‘olle::e ‘th SEARCH 1, 2
' NEWS/ "
.' 6 r 1 7yr( 3
00“ SWd '0”) l W
- i
. t ’ * ~ 1 Em Budget battle
l begins with GOP attack
\\ \Slll\(il\l.\s i} .illtsttll l’iesi
deiit( liii‘o l s \l I’d ltw at l“ ‘. et palm-i Ute”,-
-l w llt l\L ltlEllllkdi Hi |« Linux Ii'itoii 2u ”takriL-x
A ll.“ w” ill: hird U: l‘“. led, t ‘ thr
-lt'fit I!
lll’. (dll‘K ttip il‘l th't .itti ill it: lititli the
llolisv and Senate lili‘li‘li" ti '1» iv 'e. :e v:' .3: ‘His
‘ lw i.ltlLll!l1' popuiai t'lllilit‘ll‘vt tit gamut trus. tut using
p ti‘tit ulat‘lt 'tll \ledh llt. w lll' !' 'itox :.l: s ht alth
t timer tee tor the elderly. and \le l: aid. lllt h dot .
the same tot the l“ wit l op lti'lll!il\ll".liilll »iiil' ials
« ountet'ed that ( liutt in had t at th« ilt‘lle it more than
‘ .iii\ ptesident Ill histoia lht\ \ iw'd lx’epuhlitaiis
‘ ol hidmt: limit. the \iiiei’itau people the painful
spetuli:i,g .ztts that will llt «led 'o tutet the
‘ llt'ltttlill_.lll L'Hll til .l l>.ll Illtt l lt‘ttl;"‘! lit 3"”:
Russia reluses leaking shuttle
‘ \l’l‘ \\\\li"\‘.l'3: l‘t ‘lwitl
ilu iitlssla‘t \put \_,_:_: to \ \‘t ‘t i, -' .en
tet‘d.‘_\ \v-iii l: kitty st‘titt, “.1 win: lli ii our
\lii \‘. itli ti'tie i'ttiittiite out. \I \S\ :ieti l l hs o.
'l“.l\ii*~llltl1.ltt"x to it peitedlx hut don-a on; it pus
suri/e t hail-iii}: jet ii: iii l‘ ‘ll‘ ' eff '» Mt ‘lie
‘_ tll'tlllldl‘l‘ and peruit.’ a ti use . .li ou'iftt wi'h ls'dsma'»
‘ t-rlt'm \li! ti' er. l‘ "'- " ,..,:‘ 'r' tin/ii .ii
lI‘ 1‘75l‘l' titli'm ‘t it 'l‘I. l'l s'll i: 'i‘, '.:"
Dist wert must stat ' mast a!“ .‘ei' ‘t 'l" \li'
i/i i't‘t'i l.£l'tht‘l 'l t" j. "i.‘ it it ’l‘a sl‘:.ili
‘ ‘l‘tllllks ot tilt/en l ;.; "i ' .‘ h l! ttr l<‘
optim" st'lt 'tl’~ ou t\o 1 2p t;.t itti l V th:
st itioi: ind lt' i'de l h'. " . e \l!' Ilttll.:‘l' to
:etinn to lull“: in t‘ 1‘” all.
3 \
JOHN flSWAlDI 'K‘i \It‘l/‘fll't’a'ltlt'llf. (lit'l/ Ilia/Merino: Ilia I‘ea‘rg‘tuuiru/ from the ('IIII'eI'Vm In 196.9 in“ me! l’t'pr I {rim lIl'rI‘r f/w‘ 7/“ I'll/em ,Ii/a’ '. en , , I tr ./ . ah I Marrlage doesn't do "'8 body ”and
pleat/ed. ‘Ia'tli/ m. Uni/3' leave uv.‘ ‘ 3 \' \\( ft ll \‘t, p \l m] A”. 3. pt“. nidk I“ Ran
. : (llzatles “\llli. is .l gteit tritiiie lu't not e\er\hotli
F arm 67‘ UK Preszdent oversaw [or and ‘omrozierr ~ ~ ~
/ ’ g y ". / ’ (x / » ‘y , \ltlllltJL' is- l'. it uz-tiit-izor l ‘i my tea it it, hut l
’, t eannu-t handh it "
By Stephen Trimble threat. \s a result. more tax money and ()swald leates no le\.in;jton l .uuiais ‘ (fl: l]lt‘\‘ who tit-Lune, ‘ef . f": .-
; lam/III: [ill/tn" tuition dollars eatised lllll\'L't‘s‘l[lt‘s to huilding or landmark oi: 'lte heiruig hi- ehildren l)‘\ a at r dilletvsit .\ lllt'
3 lllttll‘lsll. names llut that itsell is a it‘llllti; lti’nllttatl. - was married in ls' "l llzglllt '1. it u 4'
5! john ( lswald‘s iiiiitpie tenure as L'K's “'l’hose were good years for tile and to his legaet. l enough.” he s i\ s i don‘t \ litt' ‘« 1;":
: piesideut tiom l‘Hi‘ to l‘itits‘ t'llt'ttlll' my eolleagues," said \Villiam Royster. lie was lined l'.‘ titan} illtlt ‘Zts .ud l eneantoiieestain} llll‘it ltl.«t!\ V ft! s , t
". passed hoth the l'imeisity iiiost glori ehairiuan oi the math department during young protessors duiiiw a pet w-t‘ w hen 'l he .04 tear oldt l' il h- l'» . his 3;? ""
; ous and il'lttlllllllg moments. ()swald‘s leadersltip. .ltllllllllslt‘all'tl‘ rule w is disd iiiu d and i work is l]]\ lite. V
; ()swald. ‘S. who died \Vednesdai ol' lieliire ( )swald lelt iit I‘Mh’. however. sometimes hated. \t the s.tlt:‘ time. ' "ldll not the kin l wt uiai I: . an ___’__
3 an apparent heart .lildkls‘ ai‘i'i\ed in the the pulilie trust ol‘~ eollegiate eaitipus‘es (lswald earned tuaiii eat-Hues and a take iu\ wile with lllt eteijt Nut '1 Charles
§ middle «it what many ha\e ealled the was nearing its darkest hour, as litany t‘ew ti’teitds among the state‘s power 11..” he sats. “l eaiutot stand ilie
nation‘s golden age tor highet L‘tllltalittlL students alid professors delied eom‘en— elite. . piessute oi the two Tlllllé's. making rte th ll ~tie
t whieh spanned Whit to NM; alter Split tion. the draft, Vietnam and many hasie He was oute tlL‘st‘l‘lllL‘il ht :he lsen ' this and that. You'ie ltI'J l.-:s-. and \ ll \\:t_~ gets
iiikand at thestart ota prosperous “liahy priiieiples that had lieen unquestioned tueky Kernel as a hunt: toutiaditlion ltlllt "t. it tat: \ltdli‘ hitm .:uh- - l peistm wedit
ltoom" generation that wanted to litist tor many years. among his peers. { undt ist uids.“
the seams tpttettlle-gt- {tnl'ttlllncnl\' (lswald is rememhered as one of L‘K’s ()swald was .iii \ll \lllt'l'lt a toothall i ( hailes is , oiiuir;l tol lson ll h :s as put tit the
l'ls‘s sttideitt hoth rose from lllfiili) inost toiitrm‘ersial leaders. player who dowiiplaied the \alue 'llitlll ' (,ollege ol l ine \i'ts ( i.ll| lleur tit
to 30.00” in those in e years. and the "l‘d like to feel that I had a part iti tak- lege .tthleties. a plant pathologist l‘h.l). l 1’ 'tljcr " w
addition ol ill eotiuuumti eolleges mg and helping an institution that was who urged the ('ollege ol' \etitulture to
‘ lii‘ouglii the [Wits total to I» eaiiipuses ready willing and aitVtous to move to a eoneeittrate less on studying the litlldktit 1
atross the state. higher le\'el ofpertin‘tnanee in all aetiri plant. and .l solt spoken idiuiiustrator t ' ' -
\\'hen the Russians launehed the ties." ()swald said iii WM when he was w ho. iii the midst ol great opposition. I ll VlSIt move up
Sputnik spaee tapsule in WV. man} in president emerittts of Penn State L‘ni— lirarely defended the right ot tree speeth l
the [tilted States asked this new gL‘llL‘l‘a' \ersit_\. {or his professors. students and the stu l \e,“ , ,
tioii to raise the letel olitheir edueation l'iilike his predeeessor l'lrattk Diekey l
to remain eoinpetitive with the Soviet or his sueeessor ()tis ;\. Singletary. 5H OSWALDM 7 l H“ dart ”3 pm.” twinflwuaw thaiipiou
‘ no...o.0000.000.IO...O0..000.IOOOOIOOOOCOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOIOOOOIO.0...000.00oculouotoooocloooooooccooooooaooououtoooooI \ltllhllllllldll “le l\ ‘~t\lt lit‘ lit't‘l‘. ll‘-\t ill-it a
week. so he will not ttteitd the opening of the ( lilite
A I - - . Ill \lrtean \iiieriean Student \llaiis sp " Wed plat
u it in s no noo t at ones misuse un s u
l he plat. w hteh is s. heduled to open l eh .‘i at
the l,e\ington (lpert llouse. tetlet ts on the hit ot
By Jennifer Smith shirts and collection of money, especially eash. \Vright said. “ l‘hat‘s the piohleui. and th it's w h\ the the luwtne legend. st i essint‘ has \(Illlltllltllt‘lll to
Mal] ”titer ‘lones said the audit results assure the student audit had to he Itll.l1l' 'ed." humanitarian wwrk It is put ot the l l\ i't‘lt‘ltl ition
hotly ol‘something he has known all along. ___¥_ _,_,,__. W \lso. she s till she wa» lit it suipiised at ol Blank llistoia \lonth. and on: lilf.’t is hoped \li's
‘ ’l'lie L'K audit on the Student (imeriuttent :\.sso— “I'm glad the audit is finished and that — V thv .uidit's iesulr~ \isit woultl draw tuoic attention to the tient. there
. eiatioit found no proof of administrative :tlttlse of it helps to prove what I eouldn't prme at “l is would not want to t-iltlt' hat k l’.‘ inereasing toiuuuitutt aw ,ll’t‘llt ss oi lilaek lllslttH
i l'undsduring 'l'..\.‘lones'eoittrorersial presidency. the time." Jones said. “lt prores that l \.l\lllf' illt'ti w ' with kind ot hugt \li will he on taiupus l el» is
; [‘nder pressure and amid dainag~ didn't do anything wrong. st'altilal." \\'i g ht .ud "elones. :eilh did \ll'lt ,ui \iueiu .in ‘siudie~~ Dirt-i tor ('hester
ing allegations from the S(.';\ Senate, “I think it is a {act now . It was deli, If [WI/7a fr) do \\ ronr. and l uu lll't d oi l‘t'IlslltL‘ had (itumh sud tlu' Lit-High Hi da't \llttllld Hot s'ltaltgv
former S( i.\ president .lones resigned nitel} a witehhunt, a eonspiraey lrotn the [H'UI"?1‘/'Ilf I lHl it." the dim tn eness mt \li‘s \ isit
. in ()etohet'. 'l‘he allegations ineliided start. \Vhoerer was involved in (the eon ‘ H , . l he audit enuld not tiiid any tinaiitial . “l “as disappointed at tit-st." he sud. “l-ut then l
’ lying to the Senate and misusing T7 spiraey) was wrong. hut l attt sure there ‘0" ‘ ”f ‘ wiongdoui» h\ lttl|(\tll|lll11_‘ li.sa.liutti waived the ltstl'. iuax «alter its er. en inore [)tIssllHll'
f:- sliirt l-lllltls in eotineetion with the are things I could have done to make [WI/Tr... I, ‘ istratiwu. natum "tlitie w .s lltit'\ltl('lltt ties to athie\e tht },l|tll\ wt tehhratme \li'iean-
; S(l.-\-sponsored hontire for the ['lx3 things hetter." prover f/de] , oi pets.iit.ll l'\'lt'llst‘\ thunk it uel. t'lt ~ \ineriean llistott \lomh \nil_ also. I realize the
:I [ tiirersity ol Louisville lootliall Although the audit 'prored lihdlllltt (lit/I17 (/0 ”’1,"— 1 that-gt d t-- lll\ It‘t'olllll l‘,‘ \li ~loues oi sthedule ot .lll'lltlt‘lltttllttltal ligure sueh as :\ll is stllir
E} will.“ . Jones eenee, ,ltmt“ \glltl,l he will not run lor ref mm}: 3.”)le “ ‘- IH_\ other pi i so" , wit to \ hange. . . _ .
i te audit eoneludes there may ClL‘tllttn in the spring. V {a Hit llltlll im' .\ \t'\t‘l ll weaknesses in (.iutid\ said the uni date will allow \li to \isit
hare heen a “possihle misuse ot’liiiids." Julie \Vright. S(v':\ Senate eoordinator. the setup ot ”u l l‘ll' sale. uu hiding a with the t‘ttlllllttlllIH. l hat would not ha\ e heen
However, it says “it eannot he proyen with any said the audit was not a part ola “'ltt‘ltlllllll T-A- Jones J laek et plop I‘t l-lllf"tllt d oi doeu l possihle on l'eh 3*
degree of certainty given the laek of adequate audit againstlones. She said she thinks an audit I lit/‘Iiltv'.\(i.l ‘ tllt'ltlt'tl listohiuum t l shirts to the “l’iet .iiise we as .l UtllllllillllH ate tat mg dittieul
trail and supportin r doeiittientatitin." should happen every year to make exert /"""”/"” : salespt vvple ties, we hope .\li's appeaiaut e on the 18th ean .tdd
The audit said tte errors oeeurred due to a lack of one aeeountahle. , to the healingr tli it we ate working tor in l.e\ing
internal control over sales and distrihution of 'l3 “Nohody knew where anything went." “ J \ AUDIT i Back Page ton." he said
I I . 8 t “I 1 r

 2 \IIII/./.Ii lIrIII/I I I'I‘I‘

AI'II /\‘

Senator McConnell speaks to GOP collegians

By Joe Godbey

\I,tl III.II.I

III.I\I'II IIII' t'll'lllk'lll\ \IIIIIIIII. III

l\'("lllllll\ ,Illn ~Il.llt'\\ lIlI I IIII\I'IIIIIIII

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~Il.lll'\ III [In lIII \IItI-I


”Pl“ )\L'\

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.lllk't‘ll llIIlljJt‘l .IIIIcnIIIIIcnt \\llll .I

“\VI‘ ll.l\L' IIecn LIL

[\I‘Iigt‘l"\ [tIII lll.|ll\

III ( ,IIIIIIII \~. llt‘ \.l|Il
It llt‘.ll\ \\lIll IllL‘ IIIc.I tlnt tln'
IIlIlt‘l' III Lllllltl l)L‘
" I lll\ I‘x IIIIIIIt IIIIII' I‘llllll‘c .IIIII
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.14.- tI‘IllIIIII III lt\llIL.’

f i


I :I‘Irx fl’t‘ [MI/~-
I'/‘ all f/JL’ 0/7/70-

IllL‘ll ILIII III~I ” \II( IIllllL'll \lltl.

"I ',,'I("I\ IIII III-IiIixIIIfg t|I.It lll_\

\\ lllt' \\|llIl llll'\‘. IIIIIu ltlll‘wlill‘ II~III-I.II IIIIIIIIIIL'
\II( IIIIIII-ll \IIIILI IIIWIII' IIII. \III \ lllllllllllllll
lIlI Iratxr' \lIIl‘lxx IIlt tllt‘

Il'.‘llI ( t‘lllt‘l .IIIIIIII Illt II‘UIIIIIIHII

I-IiI-III llllt‘ltlt'll|l\t‘.llt‘\I|IIl.

IIII-III. \Illl II IIII- lSAB Honier‘omlnr I C‘ “ “ Q ' “
- . 1Committee lnterwews. COII§£Um Lexm ‘
..., . . I . . I ~ _ 9 . on. KY
1‘ I W" I " CALL 257-8867 q


UK’ {‘lI' t (.IIIII leIWI'.’ IIJ‘ I ",1I’}"I’al(}
; IIwywr K. [,II II? K r’ Conservation
ler ture by Dr Ivan Van Settlma. "Blacks
In 1-; WIN/k Anew-"f & Modern." 8'00pm.
Rm m: figflSjfitjfly CIIJ FREE

Student lught :I’ the CaIIIIIIII,, Newman
IiI"'ter.. I' 'éQQl‘ , ,IEIALL 82515567.“-


lImce Lessor-'3 spI 'Isorm by the UK
[fI'IllrooI-I Dan I- 30 thy (E wry Tiles),
7 I 'I-BIIInm l.“"}lflnt Is 8 ()u U UOpm
NIiIv=ce. BIIell AIInory D Ince Studlo FREE;
CAI I. Betti Nodurtt 31257-2873 Learn
LIII n a BaIIIIIIIn Sow Dances- Partner
'IIII required, IIIIIWIIeIpIul


(“I l IINQS I. II’(TURr$

~PlarInIng For the CIosely»Held Business.
sponsored by the Ky Small Busmess
Development Ctr. 9‘30am—12'00pm, 4th
Floor, Room 3-Lex Central Library. $20.
CALL 257-7667
-The Master Student Program. Learn to
Study Smarter Not Just Harder, sponsored
by the UK Counseling Ctr, 12.00-12.50pm
(1 ’24-3/01 Tue & Thur l Rm 201 Frazee
Hall. $35 plus textbook. CALL 2578703 tor
EULOIIILem IDIQHUQILQD and_§La_§s*L,o,catIon
-COuncil on Aging Donovan Scholars
Program presents Reverend Loren
Broadus: Play for Your Lite. 4:00-5:00pm
Rm 230 Student Ctr. Open to the PublIc.
CALL 257-5314

-Last day for IIIIng an appllcatlon tor a May
doorman £0”eggfiansgtfice ,, , ,


UK Swnnming 8. BMW} SEC Diving. All
Day.LQIIIII.CIt,QnIKXLtt1Iu2/Jl_ A, ,

Slllllltllll)I Z/II


ISAB MOVIE "Pulp FIctIon." 7'30 &

IO 00pm. Worsham Theater- Student Ctr.
52 thll UK ID

ISAB Spotlight Jazz Mulgrew MIlIer and
Wingspan, 8 00pm. Memorial Hall. Tickets
86 UK Students. $12 50 General admis-

>UK Theatre "Spell #7, 8 009m, Black
Box Theatre-Fine Arts Bldo. FREE

-Guest Vocal Recital Howard Ray bass,
8 OOmjecitat Hall-Sinqletary Ctr FREE



sprunt EUIENIS




accustom 1mmbm


Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.
@0211... .





























. Alt I. ”My kaIIIIu (,IIIIIIIIIttee »UK Men's TennIs vs Clemson. 2'00pm. SPURTS
' i ”HI l'NGX ’_ Il( [URI '8 ‘1"! l IItIIIns'd‘ue. Rm 403 Student CI'. Lexmgton. KY
mUNDny 2/6 . . ‘ , .. K (III I :YII7:§§_.(_J__/_:___u____h__r___ _‘ —UK Men's Baseball The Southern
l K _ .. ‘, ,, _ , . . ‘, . if ' I" ’ “:13"; WV "l‘l’l‘va’é‘tll'-15§B’n lRany Z/m Challenge (thru 21121. Charleston so UK
flL’l‘. 1. ”Hill“ a .' ' ' . I ' . " “I'M” (“J“"nfiwg ‘7 ' ' .
:I' w l. . If, “I . IIIx (.- “32:1. In... p. :yrvI Vii/r??- Hall. FREE 8‘ VS. VMl 10-003m s
' ’ f. I" “III p" ‘IJII ‘ L , I”, . I .. I. I, (I I III-.i I- Iii/ILL 257193 I II, ("215 L mUUItS ;:UK Indoor Track Meet. Wildcat Track 8
‘ I ' . :It’ ~'. 1”" )I'I-‘I'l" II." (I 't“-t‘l/I .g'JAIIII ' ‘ x: .
~ A ' ‘ " ”" ’I ’ "w" H 1' 1"? ‘II"II‘~W‘I1 TIIII‘~I"III‘~I~}”\ III-IrIsVou Becomertne’ V C" for Contemporary Art (Fine Arts Bldg) new Classic (AuburnEastem Ks” UCKY
. I I. w. ( . ”In,”J {I 3, . Hf. WW. I”. p. M ‘ H K N You qu to Be spon» AstIury Show Paintings. a-OOam-4:30prii GeorgIa Tech. MISSISSIppI. OhIo State
. r l ‘ T I- Is. It NHL ‘1‘ FIIII'rIe 5n I‘. II‘. "LI“ MI ‘1}Ir‘all Busrness I. weekdays lthru 2’26)‘ FREE South CarolIna Washington); Lexmgton.
I. I ,.. . . . . I, n: . . l 227 rant} ow. III-I : I::I :I 00.4 .IOpm, 4th Floor 'SAB MOV'E "Pu'p F'CI‘O”: 7:30 8' KY -_, ...____
III I . .I ‘ § . {a .( I’lilllllII] III . (Central Bank St Trust g2) OOtimqu‘ODrsham Theme" Student Ctr. IUK Lady Kats Basketball VS. Alabama.
In IIIII K I tral Bld .FREE CALL JL——_A~m—_— “w, .
.4 _ I, i .. y j . . “th ' ‘ 9 -UK Theatre ‘Spell #7,“ 8:00pm, Black Box 181* LexmlonI KY -.
I- I ru' II :III ‘ H ’ ' *de — -—~'~7~
y . ‘. .. W2 Itts IIII Corr: I,tatII)nal Sciences presents Theatre’F'": Arts Bldq. FREE _ ”A
, . .. .. 31:22:22.3::3:::‘°:::.2’°I:3‘.:: WNW l/ll ,
. . . .' I‘IIIII'I' . - II‘II ‘Il ,IIIrne' 3 30 m. Rm. 327 '4 - . -
: . .. I .II. .. , . ,_ 1 Mr V]. y ”(ii/«pm Ems/n at 3 80pr Concert Hall-Singletary Ctr. TIckets range anS l. mnuu S
, DI , WE “I ;' fjop‘bfilfilgh; l'rv‘AAA from $25—37. FREE to first 120 UK
' I : '- I .“I I V9, '. Wed ‘ 5 00pm. Rm 4 Students; CALL 233—4226 >th Art Museum Proskauer Collection
”H I ”N! ‘ ’ “- rm, . . _I “III-.-.I~..In I‘IIH -_ _ ___ _-7__7 lecture. 2 00pm. ReCItal Hall~Singletary
. I . I l I _ ' .‘ f' I“ . I. ' I ‘ " '4 VE)II(.I01{1\I P'O LC‘ngUS. Pre-Law Honor mEEIINGS 6 I.E(IURES CIT, FREE
h I ' ' ‘ H I I ' U “wily 'Hdl‘m'on cernmmy 8‘ F'm SAB H ' C ttt I - . ASAB Next Stage Series David Mamet‘s
.‘ I'I', “1 Meetlrut 7:00pm. Rm, 206 StudentCtr. ' omecomrng 0mm ee nterVIews. _ ‘ '
.I, ' - - , 2’ II . . . I [III-u. firml’lOfnla' Yearbook photos will 9A4 257‘3857 Oleanna. 8:00pm. Concert Hall-
-. :~ w i I ,II- . I...I IIII law: also V , ’Unc'e Sam Wants Y°Ul3 Finding G0“ Singletary Ctr. Trckets: $15. $10. 8. $8.
! . t. . . . , .V I . rum IIIISIdence Hall Meeting. 8:00pm. Emplng‘oeTB,gg°"s°:d by "‘3'“ Gem" CALL 257-8427
‘ I I . II .. II . III I’IIS‘I-IIIIILHall Lobb 'CALL 323-191 tr. 0. ‘ . am, m. 201 athews
. ’ Bldq. CALL 257-2746 SDE(Ifll EUEN‘IS
. I II ‘ . .I . A I“ 1, ”a“. R 00an Alumni Gym Lott; ‘ ' D RE(:ERTION -Cathollc Mass at the Newman Center.
. I I, I]. L . ,3, I. , »UK 8008 ance lub presents Contra 9.00 1. m . .
., H , W W, N , ., .. i. ._, ,., , . .,. H, H . son—”mi H- -' Dance. 8:00pm, Arts Place 161 N. MIII St. ‘ 8‘1 305-4500 8‘ 8‘30””
. H 1, I ‘, , , . $3 50 ($2.50 Student); CALL 15232181. No INTanURnlS
y f .. ‘ “it .. Ilk I Mr K I' . H IIIIIetbaII vs. Marshall partner/experience necessary. all dances
H 1 K "V . ‘ Il"”‘l..,l.-f"" ;l“I’L!SX_ .._-- ._ are taught. live music. wear soft-soled f' RE ..|. ' . . . . .- 1 . .
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