xt70cf9j6j8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6j8f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1986 1986 1986-10-16 2020 true xt70cf9j6j8f section xt70cf9j6j8f t I . t i
I Vol. XCI. No.37 Established 1894 Urwersuy of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 197] Thursday, October l6, I986 .
F t °t I t P . . 11 t0 [1h 11
l 6 SBI‘V iCCS at Horse Park ”HM M. . . .
.m c ass re ations ips _.
t0 aSSISt handlcapped ‘ .. ‘3 - . . . SE\\ \VWR-“W tent ne\‘t semester \Kllh tuo pairings I ‘ ' '
. ‘ 'u‘ \ , Special Protects l'lditor Int'ol\ mg four t'lit.\\(‘s tine mil i-on ' . "
’ ‘ ' s s ' - x hx t'out‘se and II po» -' - '
, I , . . . I . , \. , o s_ ' I . ._ _ l t of a grog! Ip . I ,
. “t‘ l‘ \\ H \_\‘\l‘|” not ”MI H“ ‘.‘“|)‘\ «1W1 ‘ittt 5‘“ htitt “\ - ' 1 It ‘ " A t‘Ul‘d (It‘attt ‘Mtl‘lh HUN“ “1” litieai science course Students \\ ill ', , ‘ 5.
s it “titer n:IiiIih.shes.ili I I . \4‘ I _ . -' ’, enable [K to deielop its curriculum enroll in both and ntatei'iai In one ‘ , ‘ , ‘ ‘ “~ .
I I 4 II (‘i Ihe .t\\tt( i.ilioti \\ iIiIt topettites at I‘ \ . i It. ! , ) II . b} pairing i'elatedcoui‘ses “I“ “In”? “I the othet Kari-t. I _ II. . ,
I I I I \ , l .I I 5 . _ . . . . . v . , ' V . '. ' '
Ili Ii_ l. .t H ”II I\It.i; o i li‘»‘i tlit hiiitiit let IlloiIst I .itkI isIa non \ \1I\!I . the plan b (In. "some \er‘» (listln “mu“ a professor of politii‘al w] . I .. I,
t " “ ‘-I""I “’ kl“ 1‘ ‘I“”I‘ " I l”"“' ”WI! ‘)“\.‘“I‘.‘\k‘“.“‘1‘“‘ WWW”; 4““ I ‘ l guashed taeulH to \mrk iii pairs at ence sdltl this will be done tirintai' I ‘. 4 7 .‘ , .
“. ‘ ‘ ‘ “‘I ‘t‘l“ i“ ‘0 “H; r—"”1- “L“ “HP“ “Uh“ “Ht [“ ll“: ‘U ““m‘ 3 v ‘ \ ‘ ’ (‘l't‘zititttl ("Itms illst‘ttilttie ('(tlll‘\(-\ as ]I\ h.‘ u>lnu some [if the \ma‘ teem ",‘ . '. .I vII I
‘ *‘ "’ ‘ ! II‘I "L‘m ”1 \t ”I": ‘\‘“l““““ \“tiilIt; .Iiltl Iih. Iaen. \IIlllt «I 5 I , pat". ot the l lll\t’l\ltI\ studies pro m both (ampere . ' ', 1
. it: -‘e' ‘. wit. t w tiet'essa '_\ o a t i'eetit ei . teat ins i‘ut'toi' or I * : ~ .. . . . , .! . ,. ' .' ' ,' ; ‘»
ti -tI llilt“ tioii pin Il lIItI tin Hl‘L‘llll/ hm“ ‘ ' ; gm” “”‘1 \'H“ I)“ "5““ "I“ "lhe purpose Is to take Mo 'tlHt'l' w . . “
l . \ _. 1t \ ,\ s ‘ I - i. I I . I .- . I . . _'\ I , .' _I
fl. , t, dent ot tlIi ttilltL’t ot .\It A Ni m, IINWhm‘ and lmk I], Wm. H. I I I ‘, '. _
‘ , I - I I- ‘ -"" . ' 's , t I ' ‘ 2 Z .‘ 'v
t' ie~~ 't, .' It} the horse t‘lttltli.‘ um} "I m“ IlllttLItiItt-Is I\oluntuIis ruuxwiuus KemelStoN m“ the t-oit.n.or. questmns \liiI».~ ". “K 5 I
t i, V w. h x I IIN-Il I1l\ It as “H‘ I“ "H "‘1‘ ”I I h \ \'I‘h“ "‘m‘H‘” . _ _ [he said the ne'.\ pl'tiL'l'I'ill'. \HH said hai'h eourse xiii! Gad: m .i . , I .I .-
to‘ most-I » IItl llls lt‘ttttll'l “h“ 1"”th 1““ I“"““‘”m and Alpha Gommo Rho little Sisters lead a Chdd on a horse ride m pair courses in dittei'ent disciplines both geographers and political »- e: - ‘ ".‘," ' ~ I
i‘ 't . \‘: tits ‘ tt\ lIttle sisters have iI;.'ide the hand the Riders-for-the-HODdiCGPPGd program yesterday \(I that students \\ill better under» tists approach eoiiiinon eonii :' » ' , ." -.. I' ’ I.
“WIN“! "“1”“ l”“”~‘""“‘ 4' ”"1"” stand hou the concerns of one area such as regionalism and pone: ', " . i ' I‘ f .» .-;
l IIiI‘ Ie Attit- to rule horses thanks th-opie pt’otet't, said \IltIn ltob the l”"‘”‘- ”mm I-IIIiIM-It It," Hot» While the pi'oui‘aii. teaches \oIize relate to those in another though tht“.\()l‘lft ' . .- '. ' _'
‘ ““ “ML“ ‘i\“\‘““““‘t “Ml“? ““ “\‘“t““‘ Ph‘l‘m‘hH’l" ‘ht'lm ”11 “’1‘ t‘lt‘ltllNitt eleii.ent.Ii'\ l'ltilll:}\‘\“‘\ “\ “n“ l‘“‘_\ the pairings ma} not be i'eadil) "it \I.‘llil(‘\ ltrunn. L'htlll'lltttll of 'tIe g " I -, ‘
"ti HM?‘ I -. ssttt'l. an 1.5: iui')se is ll\ ti-i. ~t ' . i . ‘ -\I . n; - t, . ‘ . t, . . , ' . ' ‘ . »
I trim I t t‘.tt‘.\ltl llenitriek. a “mum. of :IIIIIiIIiIiIIIIIIII III 4 "ml,“ It IIIIII Iii \IiotIs Slit IaIIlIthm \iIiIll t.iIblt IstIuII utoL’tiiph) departnant said lit I. . ‘ II .
I. , \‘ - i \-\ I - -' t' “, .- .- . 'I \I .- ‘. IUIIII I ‘. ,
It ‘IIIIII. II I”, “I “W, “1‘ ”In,“ ltobertson \IWI about I” ”I “I \t.lt INN“, “H”, H,“ L,” w” (. 'l‘ti\tlt‘( II ‘|ll(l \t' IIII 'lI lti I I ort (It? s to shuI IIo «(I ltII\:)::l((IlIt (( in t\ “I“ dial \iith tnt queti ..» . ,I . I
-. .I -.-i.t In .. wins - .. -\ “;.\'s I... .. w. ;» 4
i i ‘ l‘liI- piot‘iaii, Is t'iil‘i‘lHl' tie lt ('lltllt'l‘\ \olunteei’ their tiii.e t'\(‘l‘I\ one out here tot; eani eet then: to a):(i\‘.:‘l:nm“,rU‘hv“ ‘0 1 ‘ ‘ ”t t’”“” “”d ‘1‘“ l”l)”“”‘ '” dm 'IV - , .- ~
I -.-- ‘ I;iti~1l1‘\t' tl ('t’l.il It uniniwiltix and l‘hlll‘\lLt\ night sl.I\ out \oii get .ttittlt'll‘lt to it he ‘” ‘ ’ > ‘ "- ent parts of the sorld and illu- ~ ~ ,‘ , ,
. ‘ . . I ‘t ‘ '
I ‘. INN“, IIIII .Iton: “I“. l"\ei=.tmd_i. ”My \ w,” ”m I'm-(I “1,1 \t-t- -\sslsl. Page: ll\ \\ill experiment Iiiih this ‘3» \t . P\IRI\(.s_ i'I. , . ' » . '.I ._ ‘
. I i . I s -‘ . I I .
p. t “L size“ '5 I * .u m'» . M . t--.., , l - I; ' ,. I I I”
we ,““" (I . , V ‘ ‘ ' w H - . ’ \ ~ t “3%: § ’ .. *1, , “w j ,' .‘
focuses on roblem Ws~ ~~2 _. l-.- i»: .- . v - - -~ ., " "s -, I
wmg‘?"~su . w— » ‘I ' ”43» __ a" “‘3“; “I L x I» “I 'it. *fi";:§ ‘sss “'E f t ’ ‘ ‘ ‘
D W __ a» t‘ ~- ; £133“ ~3th gkkfi. V. . z * - . - ~ .
WW.-M....‘-..--~. ‘I 1 ‘ I i t ‘99 ‘m m“? “ .._ W i , ,‘ .
. ‘E‘: "mum‘w 3"“ “in“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L \ “ ‘ ‘ ' 1 ‘
0 un r nations w" ~ "’ i.“ * ‘ ' v ' * " ‘
WE...» . .‘«..t.-.-.d:a-—-—-»—-o-—— “ fl . ‘ - ‘ L ‘ W. . 5 - ‘D L :m 9% . I ‘ “
v -.t-.,_m-,, ._..s,_.._.__!-.._..__-_m. “ . - " * " .. .:-.-~n _ e " . . '. 2
, I w... M * . . A. _. s; , any 2!» ~ 9 st. "‘ ‘ ‘
['le toms international teleconference ~ ‘. f A » e; ass.“ - I -,
_ 7' a} e g ., ‘ “wk“ ‘ ~' *' »_...;~JW ‘ 4‘ I t
I .s W w a... ._..._......~...e... I I I I I
I 1 s ‘ ‘ , ’ .t ». . , _ _ , I ’, 3" WW-n—mww" WM. i . I
as part ot Food Awareness Week 5 l g. as. ,_ t il .. , . .
.wvws ._me-w k ,. . I a”, ‘ . “‘ J! 12;” \ s I ' , . . ‘ .
‘ " " .' "-» \‘t'i't‘l .- viii! Bowl *IivlJilttli as .xell as the ‘ !‘ 5 , ’5‘, “ . II - ‘ ‘ m .5 ,
~" who" in the l titled States tron. l ' N ”‘ fi 23» I“ w. .3 -WWW n...” ‘ . ‘
““ \“‘ “‘r “‘““““ ‘\ “‘“ ““‘ “‘1 " l“! "“"%’ Mfi‘xi‘ ‘ L ‘ ‘
" heme liltt‘t' ot the teleeontei‘ent-e , -W ‘ i y _ .- W ‘
‘tw «Ht-'5 “”1 1" 'll'l‘ift” at! eoii' true with tIiiestioiis dit‘et'ted ._ ‘ “ ‘ . L...— ~~ ‘ H ‘_ ' ’ ‘ ’
, ‘its an meet in: Alli it“ I., 'lie in net e i‘lt'li lll tron 'Iround » niniv “ v . - . «g 3,. _ ' ,1" , .t -"
, t .I . I . _ tug" 5‘s,"- ‘9, . 33$s ”a“! {I . _ . « st" _ .
' ". e'tei-ts s t'if .ItI!y es I' ‘ll(‘ . ~t.t.': . me: i tittiiita it’iitt. I to .i .‘fn’f’édg‘ 1““ _&- 3:7 ‘ ‘ _ " '- ‘ ‘ ‘
,,.t 1‘ t" " at ‘\ Lt'l1""‘ tilii't'u" i‘ -. . ‘3‘"? ' I .. I»? I t, ' , '
t . maintain: It: [food \( Leizees It, ., ti‘ "Me “It“ Ittt I. \,”,I ““I I..I . “5"" ~ i ‘N i _ w ‘ : I g tI . ,'
2' “t I | teen: ." tilt: tt\ Met a t n" "T“ ‘ ‘ . ‘ \ . 2k —. ‘ , -
, tit-at“: i‘itt .wiiii' liIItLi-t \lillu va “,3“ .mwsm ”I pinup”, y\;{~,.. IW __ _ ‘ I ‘ gm \ I 1- . I
it ' “We! 13""! I) it I‘I‘W‘itll- ,i' ‘tiei olie-eoi \;t‘tt'iiltiii‘i- " ,. t e \ . ‘ . I, » w . - ,
t q.» 1* . l }\ :z‘ coupe! .'iiil‘. '.\l'tl “w. l"""‘ H” (“\Hh the tol‘o‘i "5‘" WI , ‘ u‘ A 5 ' E ; I “‘w ' “ . -t . .
i . .I I \ I t . ,. "'."4-‘»t.‘§‘~5- I ’-, I I ~ t , ' ‘ '
. \V ' it v 1 Int nutter it” "I“ ‘tlfl itiitll-lesiiiits ‘e‘éz‘ffi‘; . ‘ “ § ‘ ‘ t “- I ‘ ‘ f
: l- ton, Jim. tut be held tli'llt »‘l‘ttt' Alitl'lllllL' gap liettieeti food §;i;-r‘£'%' ‘ ,- ‘ I »‘ s" " .. n ’ ‘“ i . '
; .tt I ‘I. p it. toiltix ‘n it: ”NW mtg doritestte ptoduetiou eta/1‘ I 353'- . [I III // I ,. I I; W._ t E .
.mt ». ~ a; I, I I
.. ‘ st ,-Ii-s i i-IIlllll‘IJt i'ltlt‘l (Kuhn; Ill.i‘C|l'llltitli'tttiltll'lt's “I H \I £17.)? v i, ‘: 10* I r , II .
“‘ “‘ ““‘ “““.“‘ “““H‘ 5"“ I‘l‘he :‘ItIe‘izinL’ eftei ts ot the (lei. “41:55: , . W“ i «(I 5; ‘c‘. . ‘ '4’. X A“ . , .' ‘lt ‘ "
"'l “Th l“""l \\\~”‘t‘l‘i"“ astatii , \': (All dzotiuhts ?‘ ‘ ‘9'" ;,‘ ‘ ». . 1. 1‘ » ' -,«-' ‘ I “ ’3’" , - " " i t
,‘_"(‘> h. -I‘lli‘h\ »"l‘ltt' thiuisdllth (II ttlslthtt'l‘tl pi'U I”: a. . I . . v .. . - . I.“ I. t . _ . I ‘ ~. I II I , I
l r . " ~ I IiziinitIl \‘Ioi lit l-‘ooilIlt.I\ ple ‘.\ ith It" resource» ”M“‘:&;§Q§fi‘ , . "““ ' ‘ his" “ “ ‘ I‘ ‘" ,' 7:) “ l ‘I .! “
“ “‘ 1"" ” “HM”: IN“ "Ht" lttloi tnod distrilttitton ".;-.“‘3~s.t,\..z’ft‘.»"“3; '.»' » ~ r‘ 1" v . » a $33? ‘ a ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’v ’
, t. e- . I include thiee titan ‘ . . in ‘ " -. “M W ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘
“ l‘lie ii,.I1tI pi'olulett.s tai'ed tl't' . ~ ‘ a“: _, ,‘ I! j“ t‘ “ x. ‘ ,_! t '-.~. Is ;; . . 3;; , . ~ 5‘. .t 'If '- ‘4 - ‘1 ~'~ :' ‘ .“ » I.
' ‘,t\ l“ ll.‘ll". I I . , , {54;- I I I gfliag I _ , . II I. '2’ ~ .t F“ ”I. ,Ifi r“ v I . I.IIt
i.IiisiIoi.I.ioi., tiiiltl.i'.tl .IiIIt eeonon.i ’ ‘ ~ "‘M‘E’ 3-. ;i..: , i »,» s: ,, ,~ A?" 536‘ n v ‘ ' - = »' ' .. m »
L- . ti one the opening ie I ~ .- ,1
I . I i_ili.[tt't'ltlYlt'\ t\t‘tt:ps.tlil ALANussIc-.. , mt- . t . .
, t mt t . l r '
t-I ~ - tie tollimed it) .I \i-tee “~\l'”i"”‘ “i people ”1" 5"!” htttt' Paln‘ removers ‘ j ‘
I it I liIIt'it‘l l’eople ttIiiIiiitII :H the irtsi~ 's not mer inst he 'I ,' ' ‘
t, w ,wtt! tooit situation titli lie muse 'tie media stepped onerine Chris Shemnoker on undecided sophomore looks over the as Turn Mottingly also on undeCided sophomore removes the ,» , . " .,
I g I , I . I \.¢T‘»Hll\‘ iliieeih to ,I the \ki'llti toad sllll.itlittl “hen the ee damage dgvtg; u, the plow in front of the meHouse fraternity red and ye||0w point lettby voodolsthis past weekend ' ‘ I' 'I .
t. int i\ in the .Iiiditoi‘iuti lelii‘I‘u-s Ilisi-ontinued Interest in the ‘ “ 4. I; ,9 _
mitt ‘iiiIltl' ,Keiipsaid subject " ______________________________. "‘ ' :' ‘I,~ ' .‘
. «I. ‘ ,..' 0 . ' > ‘- ‘ . -‘ ' ».
: ' ~ = M OVI on 0 o l K alum ~ .. '~
' " ' . ' ,‘v'ir‘a‘ I I". , '. z ‘ . ’ 4
0 0 ~£ _ t i “ ”M“ "T *1 v--. ,. lh Bttltltl “UHH‘II K.l\.tll;lilt.{h ot Lexmgton. \iitli uhou He had n.an‘. niore hooks to ' . , ~'. .
‘ #:W‘.‘ ’~ ‘ ’ ' t" '2‘" V ‘ "(7“ “ ' . , . . . ~ , . ~
In a In . , I . , - Stall\\riter tens learned him to pla\ pool \he \\t'lt('. Mrs lexis said “He had ' 1 , ,
.. .1: said plentt toxirite plettt} toms . . = _ .
. S “hen l l\‘ graduate and author The l K \luinni .\s‘six~iattoiv_ I\ ‘lle had integriti as a nun .Is a . . . I . ~ ' I_
0 m I] n ‘ ., \Valter 'le\is told l’aul .\e\\ii.aii holding a pl‘t‘\lt'\\ ot the movie to human beinuandasa \\ ritei ‘ ‘. I ' J,
c Fe 1 g "i‘ about his plan,» to l)"lllLi back 'he night at soutlipark (‘mpmm I” “IN, In“ Tm“ NW1 gm. “I” ‘.\()t‘hlnfl , . . I I » I
' ‘ character of Fast Eddie Felson tron: tunds tor the assoeiation \- seho] tor the literar} agenex representing , . . 3- “ ,
' a . . ,t -, . .
lh laltlh ltliht 1.; j: his noiel [5w Hustler, .\e\\n:an \ias arshitt and lllit‘l‘ttshlP progran‘ lt‘\'ls \thettshe tnet hill‘ in tum .I I j t
\er “mm- _. . t-itItItiiisi.Istii ltatlle 'iekets tor a (it‘;t\\lllt_’ on {I “\\lieii 1 read hls \Hit‘h l |ll\t.illil_\ I II ' ' . .‘ I I ,
- r letis tinisheil the >t‘t‘('tttplit_\ tie pool tattle eost s3 eat-h. or three for tell inlotetiith him , - ,
13“,”: the farcical Mn“. Fantas- 3 7' ~f tore he diedIon Aug 9. 1984. after a 83 "He had .I phenoIm-mi “““‘,“."“\' ‘ - t - .
'iks l K Hump,- takes quite a I G» , relapse I\\ith tungeancet‘ lens was ’tllltt‘ e\ti‘:iordinar_\, a aid the \\l‘ltt‘t' s Isistei', ltetti lexis I - _‘
leap lll Its second production of the I u . ' _ “l” M‘“”‘-~”‘ -‘ enthusiasm hfll’f‘" \et‘_\ iai'e lt'..lll \\ith a terrible ten.» All” works at l l\ Elittll'lttatlttlt set‘\» I . W
si'.’tsitll. eiiibiacing the brutal rea~ ‘_ § ‘ . bring ““““.‘. the ““lm’l ”‘9 I‘ “'"l‘ per and a lonnei heart \nd the con: ices He could quote huge passages . I ~ . ."
‘1s’ll‘I oi the iconoclastic. “Talking ‘ ‘ II ' » 0t Money. saiId ltleanora “alker bInatIon \ias Irresistible." his “Min“ of literature I , ,
\\ith ’ I - Tom‘- the \‘ "”0" “WW“ . said during a telephone conversation "”0 “as ‘[l\\JI\\ mating tron. the ‘ -
First performed :It —-—————— . _ § Everyone I lm‘ludmg \euman. t‘t‘otIt‘, \eu \ t‘l‘h tum- he \\‘|\ .1 Child he ‘.“i\ .il'e\‘|I\_\ . I -
\etors Theater of _ A costar "loin (Iruis'e. director Martin " l‘he lite tin‘r'p m h:m “I“ Mam.” a urea! storitellei‘ * -I .
. -' ’ ‘ Se i. - I “ties is "\'(‘t‘\ t x “ \'I - \ 1 , 1 th it I iI~ t - ‘
[Mummy “he”. n . ~: I . . ()t\(\( ”M iii _ (oii_. _ lt ait. am \\1 it In (t .! .I .‘ . _I I H _
Hymnami J,- a coin REVIEW . ‘- . I '\ I ’ happ}" \itth the moiie. \\hl(‘h made est in niakini: his timels \tomnt: h 29““ .‘Im‘: \‘rli‘mL “‘I "‘t“\"“ t _
iiilatiiin pieeed to- t t k . t i . its \iorld premiere last \ieek iii Neii inn! and HI.- QM”, \ Gummy ”m. \i: “$3”: “idn”\‘\ r‘i‘ti‘tig‘x‘i‘iWZs .
' ~ .» .. ~ I .‘s‘ ‘ssa es ‘.- ,
Wm”- h.‘ members —— y ‘t .a ., \orkt it}..\lis ieiis said mones. ‘I feel his energ) is \er} \ I I t ‘ I- »
.. a v. - ' ‘ I t I i -- t " . _ - tr '1 m t .
«it the \11, eonipan) Imeu‘rlgm ‘ . ._I . / m . 5. M, [ht nIo\n is dtditattd to lob) (hm s3 \II I .
» »l.ltlt' Martin pseudonym). “Talking ‘ 5‘ i , z I I -_ . . . '
“tilt is a play of expansive sub~ EL S A to he] S onsor I ' *“ ‘». _
Iei is and critical i‘ii|('»[ilti}‘iitg “here ‘~ ‘ ‘ m
eliaraeters introduce us to eccentric '- ‘ , . "J“ "WWW." *
. sliee-ol-strilesituations * I : ». '- - cam us arkln forum
Tht' pla} Is a txio-act series of it . ' . t t UK coach Eddie Sutton
‘ ‘ . ' . ““" 3‘- ', “
monologues performed by 11 ac- " sit. » : * "» i talked about m. Wildcats at .
tressm that runs exactly tum hoursI “74"“ II , H.‘ .l “, Bl. \\'l‘(i\ “W“‘V'F‘ to ”mam,” ”10mm.” “‘. press day yesterday. See ' t I
I“ "W N'.‘ “til" ”ff that ”“5 CdISt “ff; . 1 141;?“ ! News Editor the l l\ administtation in a panel SPORTS Pa .2
'* i“ "Wilt! 3-“ any lextngton 935‘ m ‘j ‘7' ‘- 3f». ’2‘ ’“ setting about parkinL' prohlems ' 9 '
"“‘m "mm“ 1h"? “'9 "0 “93k 4W I, 6t“ s} » . I _ I v», lhe Student (y(t\‘(‘l‘llm(‘lll Assoeia DIV)“ added that he would like to .
4“""<‘-‘~‘l‘»‘~””l.\ various personas. ""J‘ ‘ , ’. ‘ " *I» , u: I g tion allocated 3100 last night to co invite administration members to 5“, has had I" fWt, but
. , " a» . 5 y. ,, *., « . , . . .
\\ hat these characters have in ‘. .i’? I .- . . 'v. ” .. .I . . sponsor a forum on .\o\ 12 that “ill park in the stadium parking lot and now its hm. to lot tho issue
common Is an Inability to cope with :7»; W: .E_ .1 . t- % “if"; . ., :5, give students the (,ppfirmmty to ride the trans” system back to (-am- rut. For a columnist's ViIW.
aspects of their past and a need for . ‘ . » . v' t " 4- ‘3‘." ~- ~. . speak 1“ administrators about the pus so they could experience the so. Vlmm P0904
masks crutches and talismans to AtANHAVIfl Iemo‘S'n“ campus parking problem system they so "gloriousl_\” uphold ' '
\\hlt'h th(‘\ cling if thev are to retain The forum co-swnsored h\‘ the as a good one «an; 3; i »- 9 - s g“
sanity lhe) cannot see their past Stephanie Richard Sykes enchants m UK 5 Talking With commuter student office. is being In other hustness, the senate allo» “953$ ~ . -- lewd:
but aIsI blurred visions they must es< certainty that the audience is intro- “Talking With" begins backstage htIIlIdIItIo help (loath 3]]? “":k atxsiIuI catedfsitnoodtodshrn: {Eur "ITIIMQS $3?“ --_» {‘sg?
iapt tom or return to. duced to the women and theirtrials with an actress il’attt “93mg, 15 “. Ia s grim: 2112?“) eopaaIirIigIar e tho in orm Ian IeIIuchi ( {f e puII icAiIr:
The I] women cannot detach These characters also share an minutes before curtain She rumir ua ‘31) f‘“ ‘ ‘ ‘ na g Ihe 838.21 '2‘.” “a any?“ h 7“” W." 5' mostly WWW
theIiIselves from feeble beliefs and unfailing belief andor fear of a nates about 'I chance to see her au- Bra non ‘ \' ll . . Kt . res ”T. \HA :n' l “ [E 9 with a high at 55 to 60. To-
ostranged dogmas they arm them- greater power - be it the heat of dienee Just as clearlv as thev see [)ixon ”a‘d (.ene ‘ ‘ mms‘ 3855‘ "‘5‘ ‘ Sn‘ ‘ ‘ n ‘usqcp. or Mg," m b. h. d 0°.
,1 . h b h l . f .. . l h ~11 - _ . . , ‘ ' tant vice chancellor for busmess All. and Dr Strangelove WI" be W T 0" C
.\( \es “It to com at t e crue t} o \arious room amps. t e I umina her and undprstdnd past struggles f ‘h . V I ~ d 9 I h lth I id
what they perceive as the real tion of the golden arches over Mc- they have been through She gets “‘r‘m‘" vull he at the Ihorum "I? zoxnfl'] ‘to‘ Th“ 18 an 1‘ m t e w 0 Ian n ”I. m 0'
“(WM Yet their convictions are Donald‘s Restaurant. warped visions her “15h when the house lights come 5m“ students “3“”) “ ere 1 .tu 9" en er 93‘" 0P9“ 3h. tomorrow will be
‘ often not enough to sustain them It of God or the power of childlike standsviithparking All movies Vi'ill start at 7 pm Ad- sonny withohtfl't floor 60.
Is during this ecliptic moment of un- faith ScecAST. t’agct Students WI” also be given the op mission is free to students

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5 i
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1‘ 4
‘ My October 10, in _ W_____________«-————————————T-—M—mI————— .
‘ ;~ 2-KENTUCKYKERNEL . _ w I , SportsEditor
, ...__.__..__._____————————-——————' ._...———————- My
. i i » » - .. - o:~>-.:(::;I:-:-.¢-'-» "#3331215;$‘z-."3'I}SEJ:~>:55"--;:«721:9:535:’25:}:v.:5=:=§353“stud <»\‘e3§:}:‘
. ~ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' " W. 5”":"5'5‘3'7‘5 "M3’11'1'3‘531‘3"'-""3P5?""~""ii"f3?5l3*:-::i~‘¥f'-:=123>‘ ‘1'"‘='-'\‘33- “ ':?~:§:"E‘?'::‘:3~‘ H»"%VA§‘\"~';~“:~ ”’3". 42"'1:£:;YI-;r:--::--
M t. - s . l to .. ., _. ’ ' " ' 223~§§imi
, - , - ,. V - t » ‘. --=<::~I-.;::,;.;V;.;:j::;2&5-35.»‘: “"‘° ‘3:.-:-‘=:\_.»\::::1_,7:...:I .'«:.v.*-_\
“ Sutton sees some dar c ouds
.5 .‘ i ,
Cats recall .
I t ,, . I
,. t . I , .
. ~ , t I I 4'
' * N 7» ats reach for the sky
or ‘~ 1‘ .' _ I‘ I . -
" ‘ t" -- 'v» I A ,4 .
' “ “ Memorlal .~: n3. . 1.~ _ ,
" . I A w , . f t .-
" ,t ,' ‘§ ,' I. - ‘1' (I v . .’ ,
1 § ‘ y if f“ " "I "'34 l l \ts’l'ttltl‘ pm- the present 5-? semor \ltnston rtfiht up there with the talented
r. v. "Wu"? 0 K. v“ 4 ‘ is ‘ ¢a s l“ \\Il\ ) . . (I apmanI
I. h. ‘I I kw, ‘ r ' o " ' . . tett ‘ . .
t- f: '. . '33 memorles it o *7 _. t “Mu l- ttztw. thin ‘I unlm‘ the [outswlle native But before (hapman 0r Millet
ii} N V A; - I 5 ‘ J W— - . 1 - 11‘ wd step into the vacant sturttng spot.
‘ ._\._ .A , Ftldte \ut t-htpped m 13. potnts ant U) are I . . ‘ .
. s. v. ,1: - g the \M t\ tallun. on t . . . t I I“ the they “1“ run Into the likes of ltd [)d-
t. k: I. ‘-=.-; llt ll\l “I“ l l‘ ' a , _ . k Mr H L, unp “we” “mund5 P031 0U 1m“ h . . . d P. 1
..‘ “J a, 3' , u -—-———-—-—-- ,. « ltll‘. \ f\“f1'1j('}\I\ lttl\ K ‘1 k « , . . . . . \‘Qnder_ James Blackmon an du
\ II 5»: :__. \i »\- w-v v ’n . w. I I I h' I“ ‘d tl‘tlll‘ It‘ll" 5 NO 2p]d\0l x-
I: I l: ‘ ' l” [MM ”W 5M “5 l ‘1 1‘ ‘And \‘utton' who touted Sir Andrews. Blackmon and Davendu
3" ‘ ' ‘1 ‘ . ' war em'ertn’ UVOI‘ A’th' ‘ r ' .. . ‘ ' d 5 )t5 and
“ A?“ ' ”M" ““‘ “”5 doubt that Ml". i. ' ' m mm 'H t i tier \tmhattan \t'mston last year as an unheralded anchored starting finer. pth th.
7 1'": 'i' ' «'M \ I‘wkt‘HM“ WUNFV 1‘ “35 3 I tut: mat mm lamp . ~kl\:t‘ -k \llI_\lmtrK-ml prospect behind the both are expected to start “en 1
: t fie; - ., . 1 ~ dnt ht rac— .- _ tt‘» {hp tum; at a \e\\ \m . tIttII y. t . “I lk v thanks Benn?" (‘itts open their season {\m. 18
v .. . . . m llltM a». mt g p . I __, _ . .. . . . 1 int 01 a no
i . HJW” > ' ' " ~ h‘ 1 \M \MIIMI .\ hllt I I I . I .. ,.
l - 3 r -. ‘iu' . \ml “lltit; tlll} - . .- l t '1 1‘0 l.” _\h( élL’JllllSl \ug“_\ld\)d
him” 12:?“ V K h H“ ‘utt m the l a“ ' “ “ V “W ‘h ”N tttth player 1n the can lead his 1mm l ‘ ph ‘thh the addttton of ('hapman and
".“‘\"".'~"“ "1 f”: ‘0‘“.I , (l0 5 t _ I I: I II I I I I I
a; 53‘... .~:t \’ I _ ‘k -t \l mom ‘1 {‘0}. g; - \t: \ tum met‘ the Mllllllltl 101M“ “I“ _ I I “I be {m All- _\ltller. h()“(l\'el'_ Sutton would sulel)
‘ “a? i. > I" I t. t 'h‘“ “K H h t ‘ ' t h \ ~ ‘ " '1 ‘ “"W" ‘0‘”. h" 1“" ”mm” a ”Bennett 15 mun. . f. .hfl ' n‘et'er the three-guard offense after
. “-7.: fin. q , \ “an “as a rmllllltlt‘l 0 ’ ‘ "‘~ ‘ ‘ .' ,- lr . rut eo‘tt'h -\lllt’rl('iln~ and he 5‘ UUI' 5“” “5 ‘” l , II . I ‘t' n
t .-,-: s" ‘v P. I t , , , , , _- 8 ' ] Inf »‘.1'1 let the )LUHK fit. s . . . .. . I “I last rear 5 SUCCESS Bl" n“ “I” Ill-
. mg: , , Antlltt no ttlw to pla} a tegu I. I I a - H I ,e 1m cum-emott Sutton sand _ I h I k III
July-31"? ~ W w“ £«XY“"1“ [MUM *1} m I". ‘ V m“: the lt‘ttlllltl thtnk \thston l5 a great athlete and ltneup huu: mentmnet \\ tn as t
, , t t s. ~ ., x , . . \\ ltd»: ‘,\tt\ m \ . » , t. aboutt et e't
,_‘.,_, 313:»; t W _ ,t. .It . \ltllztllldl tulmljm -: .e 3., _' I .t tet‘ m ”R, mum .mnutstandmg playt . I. h t It um
‘1‘~:!“.-.1 ~i'3i . ., vhe lil‘tll‘t “1th H.300 an" g v :3 N'ntt" stunt ltllttllllt . .. II *tt 'tltlllt‘ \ton't be able to One tule addtttonl a “m“ Pt
-."'.I .- t . ‘ ‘I I ‘ L- if 2!. . eafivrl} t Utlltxt‘t‘llt't’ (lurtng [m tttlllU. lutnt ~ . I .: l k . deleth‘e that to a three-guard otteme \multl he
-‘.l'3"".-.";I M W ‘I 1"“ “mum t 1 '4 hl~" it 3: l \et" “wit-r Joe H Hall -\ntl last handle the \eltto 1 t . the udditmn of the short 199 toot
_--‘_' 3'.‘ h ‘t‘ A.” .wmlertut In K tua e 7.. I . I“ H I II III II“ \I‘IIS “I“Ilpplmtnfimtkm LN “I” I I I I I) \I H In “III
‘,:,.: {:1 -';- \ v~ t 1' \utwvthlllg llkt‘ lhlll ~ . \(A.t\tttt t'\ttt IlUUL~ I \uttun \‘lltl lht‘ pl'H tll “”1“”.5 three-pom! 5h0tI d ru‘ _u ( _-
‘H‘ is}, “I “A" N H l U - “I H " ‘ . .‘ . ‘L ‘« . _, I . . - '\|>
t.i..;",i'ir..‘;1tI :. .t‘ h WWW ti the l'tlltet‘slh I” ~r..\_ ~ 5L“ m-tt Ht: ‘, tut tilt \llhllIlL “1:“ III I] 1rd \I'tdts‘ttl‘ Hot» [Ut'k and te- \Htultl ”“me [ht will} ()1 tttltt-t
I - “.3 Itp -"i‘. \ um“. 1.,“ . - ~ I' ~‘ «3;, . ., . - I I III ‘1"..."1 )0.” .\ tllll , , \ y ‘ . t . A. i . III I
..“,.'_4’,-.V’H'-‘;‘,'I.I “- “(rt-Mtg \tnthvt‘v (-189 ll] \l’lltr‘ Kg.“ Q‘ I , Huh 3' t. .I ”I4 ‘ \ lII‘ ht- “ I\ tll'lt' JCllklllS .tlltl Sttphtllllmlv ll\lll_l.l lmsluflmll I I I I I
; .. 1n 1.: l“ t t t .. {st t K lttxkt‘lr . . . 3%; “t, A n-tmttt‘uh tnttll tt‘tllll lllLb . “I” l)( one ke\' I” t'lx"~  plttl.ltl mlulakttx I 1' st “I" per againstm
.:v.I-_: T7134" . it . vi tw :ttn t. K“, . . \ $9; I v ’, t . I” m 1‘ “II \ttttnt‘. t\ (mh (m, HUI Nnmn \t m .t. . I .
”‘5‘ ,.III,I-I: tom .4 »,. \I .1 {mt tt i> ”(’Vt‘lv Itkt‘ ‘ ' . III, f: 13“?” ,' \ km. N .. It Le " ‘I I .‘ hlelt" \ feel?” the lhl‘l’t‘ mm!“ ”“9”“- It) the Hth SCUHHIL‘ averages ”Ht ”m.
l ‘ 1‘4}: ‘3' ""'v- \ \t"“ ‘4" ”“3" “hen W“ III” ‘ :-. f 'r: v: «men m l’\ett.tttl\,\ " 'eb l'tlltlod (Mensltttt'HS l{e\ k‘hdl” thin: but wmnmu eanxes ts the
1.3154 F." t . a.“ t H v 1:”??? \ II ’t't‘ I t’:\ It'll“ . I ‘ , . _ . I . III
1:, 1;":‘:“-"‘v.;; xv: my Li'tx \utl ML )ttt; .L the I fl" i. ' , * . . ' ‘, Lin ‘I:I(II :.\((.‘v» >\lll'l"' \xllHfl‘ ItE.tL’H' ”I‘m ('hélpméln not (ml) Sltllllt‘ “m" ttlilln goal m the end And l kh>
:gi'I~I"I';_,‘.:‘E. . _ rm: \ t‘\\‘1"IV'I:'-V . I _ . ~ ‘I’x; 534: . Ikfii? I t“. I' II 41:“‘3 . 13:1.” IIII‘I' >\[’ Slejt' ‘tntl \.-\H( lllt'ht‘S lullt‘l' lhtlll llarden hlllIlll tr.) \e'heduk' 15 agatn '0“de “llh l (.
"1 ’ , W ”flab the ”m u_\n.na>tunt b 5;“ ‘ ' n!” ‘t; " "a » “.1. I m V I' 3‘; ‘ ”I .y I tuth‘ \ r u'ml ttte\ tor he he \\.‘t.\ dubbed the IMHO” > 1““ Itkes~ 0t Lotttsulle and lndtana along
:- 3.! 3;» I.) ~_t t‘Yttuttglt (t! hold (ht httltlt of t P? I c we ‘ (‘1‘ 3:"; lekx , I” I" ‘ ’ . H .» I I I \H. “in II [ht'l‘t' l‘ filltll‘d pnbpecl 'Allh lht‘Lbllél] umterente 5"!“
.:~ , I . . K ,t. at to he a W“ “t the “-r " 5 “Ti—2’33"" _ ‘ z :\ tut. \l‘ttt \ .- . . t . , . td t‘hapnxan. at lhh
.I,. ’, ~7 )1. , .J‘l . k .' ,-~‘f}fi . , E, t . ,; ._,, .,. ‘m .m, hymn“ Nulltlllt\tll\i I
”I W :1. “MAM“ mm)“ thtnks V t w " “:sat,’ at: ' ' . “M“ “I ‘ . tmtnt Ill hl> career. 1.\ the most tat “(tur sehedule I5 touuhet tln~
' "Lia-5153’ \ . - -~ t «lineunt \wult‘l he a ‘ is . {Wigw- v {W e, m—t! ‘ltv .m t-nIQ-(l L‘tl ml he ha~ t“ (‘1‘ “WWW” \eat‘ Sutton Stud, “There 5 INt “~I,\
.1'.~I,., ;““'. l . . a ,_ -...,'.,, ' ‘ . «,in .I , 1:" Quit» v“ {t .t ‘ I II . . I III I I I I I;
1""; "-« 11"} 7 ~ 1 J "V nl>( dd :Upm} V 25“”: ,,,,,,,.,_,_ II: x i”.J t I ‘.. \ ,. - \t‘> 'i'lldt Hulud'g‘ le‘fldluht‘i‘ Bud“ \\t' tan have {f};~ ”(out .5? thl 1.. l.
a ,-- ,1 - l, 1 t lt‘t‘ In - w, v; t.“ l , ‘. “huh“! _\U__,,[_ am. ‘1‘ . . I \I t u I , I I. ( I‘lcronvv
.I’I_,j.;;,‘gf“z ' ' u" “' l‘Ii'.‘ " *“ I It s . e" " “L I , H; 14-. Ht- ls .tHK‘ t): \tar 5mm») Monet‘tet. \thon. _ut on _\'e.tt‘ lhe mutheajtun It)! t I
affine-Mia“, f; _ , , . . - ' i .ltt -- ‘ ( , ,z'l". ‘\ .1. WM . II ‘ I I II . I ‘(IOIII “I
'\ .I-vIJ'II, 9-3:: ‘ \ . l ‘ ,H ILt’LIll'I. Tu I\;1.‘ *nd ’ -‘ 1% 1". , [he i,» t't'\'. luf‘. t-Ht‘d‘Y‘ ‘.\ (.1 h; (‘tlilk'ht’d ”I -\l k.tl.,\.l\ _ _ \\ I” he lKllkl. ‘)n( (Illlll It H IIIII
E«;f‘;_-I_I,“,",.III"‘ . t u, ‘v‘.ttt\ lutltl tn tttlltt tl‘Id . r , \n ' Ir -a t I t. . \lltllht‘l' l‘tltlklt' till lht‘ l'()\l(’l' l\ h t» \(‘ht'tllllv l5 Itillh’h “”1 ll( 1‘. .t . t.
. 4mg. V . W .t (“Mn 1:: a plat't‘ 1”“ ‘hL‘ ’ g 4 . I «’3‘? .' Pm = \' “ h‘ .t t _ t -t \‘ ttnn \ ml 1\ lt)tll\\|ll("
,: 9:2;w '3‘? t, . » ~. t\ k Hi all N .. - ~ t _"» t. . . IIIIII tt"' w" tltt'!‘ “while “the! I. UM“ ‘tt ‘ I
'.v 5-,, I I I ','>\‘ .4 «_‘Htl .t\ (H I , .I I I I III IIIIIIIII ,t. ..
'2!!! , ~ ,, .1; .t V
:TIII I -. ”I ,.. , . . H .4! n I I g“: I . .
' > '3’ v t }._t\( rt“ . . ‘ I I III
. ¢._. ”5:“ , __ -_ . m, A htttllt‘ . , .. .I, I .
-I«,._. ,1» v: .1. t n!.~(tt.. .\\l\ Hit "2. t ft r 1 l l S
1 l ' ’I‘I. - —_ I ‘I III
7." "-:-‘I"’.’-;'-" , AI. . .\ , . ‘ll. ‘19:“ 1“ 1t.” . . t . III _I~,II' In e
awe-2'". ..t \\ utttt .lt . ,. , III II II a e ‘3 I'll II
'- In' 1 l\ mutt-(mil trade the name 5 I I z I I I I
_ 5 Vs . I I I ‘ I )
Jig-«12,7 . ,, . - . l" » \rena 'I‘hp old . w .uuussr) . . . . t. l . \. .3; ‘ t .\ t tap} ' . . q- \ \l' H t\ htllL‘lll lttlttlt llt It, . . I 1”th hntlng and
i», 13-" 3': ‘- "\t ttt‘tit‘z' kt-(‘p Uh \th lhl' h d h‘ .. g" ‘\ \t" I ‘. ‘ I v \l lll ”19 lltlllfllll “t lhk’ lnnlng “11h .l Ildnl plIChlllE dn( ‘ I [h d”
i.“ V. i ‘* I " m3“ ‘ . . t 't‘ 'ttt 1‘ -.\i ' . . ; . t
"' r " " “t" m 3d!“ “h" ("”11" 1“ UKsRex Chapman dunksthe bolldunngt em: rtg w ,. , n.“ . t! gm «NIL 11, hm'omn that htt the screen at sa“ lht‘ Ahm” (“”1“ ml ~
It}? ‘ U A ‘ i ' ‘ ‘ ’ .~ .i.- s t -\ ' M . o > sttr 1‘ ‘ ~ );L\'(.
:,L. .1I-A "(if N” :W‘ 5‘» gm ex hut Mltlttl; tie . . , . I , \ l: ,«M.\p- ~- . ~ ,' ..t t IJH \It K. it \ II“ mlh “(hm tothe lett tteltltoul pole \uththe \unmngtttnlin
".}""'~ '_:*-"Zi-‘~ . e~ \le:‘ .tt‘tat \Mh the best hunie untiellehxf‘lt‘ i'bm‘ " W“ MUN“ t it. he \t. at, Mus iaxt lwaw't- N“ . . , .
'37:.1‘51" w" \\ ‘ I" ’1‘ “Hi I H“ ”in; “m the “Mme“ w H h t 'llt l” V * a : 'ltt‘l: thmt \atmnal League Ne“ York “,1” open the World 59.
’ “VI." J“ ”'5 H‘ I" K ‘ v _ "‘ t l ‘ ' . . h ‘ ., ,' . s_ - . - . .
"' {iii-’- \ "Hr hu‘xelt 'te\er e\l)¢"'|9“"“d Maeetut‘htn; anew: h \lhtlltltlt‘ N“ twt hut ,...-.,:t_tz.'_. u. .lle 1011th ptbhtd l‘lt’S at home Saturdit) dildmfit 30‘ .-\,\Il‘(l.\ lottrnandet Bolt hmpllil
..,~ ,_2‘ t.‘« . .m. t . w...’ I II I II I I I
.‘ ;,..:”.:3:.’~, tu , 4 pl nor but he hax . \tllllt ( “In t't‘\t‘l ton 8*] \Atnners m‘er (alltornm last held the Mets to two hits thttrt Ihu
‘ " "1* '«vt\t't...t\t «I » I . ,. . .. I . I I I
* r’. , Virr‘g'i'i- , f it A, tut-t v‘t‘" ul'tttnL‘ :t ean he \' tu‘m’ thnuett' illl tilttl Ht {tltuat It I 4‘ . , .m “HI e\tra ”mum M“) K” Itltlhl mum m the mnth. \khllt “(III
"; rh’j'i'? “I" H > > L t ' v tut: ttt' Lfi'll 1h. W H ‘ ” " ‘ ' w t- e. t t the name as t e} . t. . »,\stro> ll'tnttt e
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.. 2,.1 .3 t i~ u: ,t: \(t‘x‘Ix .ti: t tut _ II ‘II I :‘ll . ("t . t- I I I III
filiggljw” i A» “mm ”n my phUm to I’M. Ht fl.“ -. turned eurt'eet‘x “’1“ “W " V l ‘- ' l 1 ti.» lmti 1n the 14th to come dtmn tron‘. then pennant suonduntt (
‘:, z: e: ltel’aui enaeh Ra) Meyer NtttutItI-Irewflt‘ w l 1‘. ' ‘ » mph”; ., z-J - ,I . - , .m w. a ,. t
if?) 1-5 t . we mitt It.t‘ he thought 11 .\;t.\‘ an at t'titmt _wtimt.‘ , ,
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l n t 1 t '
KENTUCK YKERNEL My, Octobor 16', 19“ - 3 _'
Pl‘O ram battles stress o ' 'Cast * " -
ASSlSt (iilllllltll‘ki tiom page one '
( oiitiiiiicd tiom page one . '
By DAVID NAYUDR come under the area of stress man» contribute an article on a regular UP and 5h“ '5 ”WVt‘d ml“ the “Udl tered the dialect and persona ot tiei . * w
Staff Writer ageiiient,asdoother problems basis. himeyer. but we‘re hoping to ot therapy VthK'h loosens and 9'1"“ 1“ POM” ”19 ltrt’dkdm‘“ that character ‘ . '
_ ".s‘oiiie students have left a girl or get things on a regular basis soon “ strengthens the muscles she ”WW“ WWW?” 1”“ 3“" 3‘” , " '
.. Thanks to the dean of students ot tioytriend behind in their home com According to Hrinkman. the target said . It is. htmeyer Stephanie Huflud , ‘ - . ' '
lice, students With problems coii~ iiiuiiities. and they have problems group for the programs is the stu lhe program. \Athh has been lthonda Jo ( astle is enchanting as Mk” “h” outshines ”“5 “mm”! .
cerning Classwork, dating yyitlithat. she said dents because it is easier to contact operating in liexmgton for five a [any housemte yiho \iihen her “LN ‘Alih her