xt70cf9j6j7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6j7v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1985 1985 1985-11-19 2020 true xt70cf9j6j7v section xt70cf9j6j7v t
.‘n..;;;-~~x~,zgr.;. .) . 4
’3 4 " Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky indopondont since I971 Tuesday. November l9, 196‘ . _
Vice resident lauds C t ‘ '
p o pu er 4 .44
o o ' ' , . '. 'I g’ ,1".
spirit that produced ~ firm gives
. .- ' i l l
UK Tt efiwUK ~“~
cancer am 1 y 9
. 1 .4 444 . .44 .44 1.44:4
BySACHADEVROOMEN ——'——’——’ ._ Equ1pment IO hull ’44 "’4. ;'=4‘4-‘4-4,;’-;
ManagingEditor H ' ‘ ' l 4 4 4w =,4.’-
I look on this 111561! 5 3 track cancer care l

The love and spirit of Kentucky commencement time —— , g ~‘ =’ .0 4. .' {41.4 ',- 4,
lus a ublic and rivate rt- . - ,. fin‘. ' . " i oo- , (;' "4. ’i_'.
:ership :re evident lit the (42.34444 [he begmmng and an ‘ J l . \«. 4 ~ .4133‘ "lb grilllhllttlr H“ 45' 44-414 34,.{4‘4
opment of the Lucille Parker Mark- end of a phase4" . 3 o H; ‘ § N 4.4, .. _‘ »~":',]{
ey Cancer Center, vice PreSident 3h: 44444 4‘ - ”)4 k Want: 11,.l..n..tvi.».... 4,44 44. , 4444. .43,

r e Bush said at the dedication .. . . .- * - no med Wm,r44444 4. ,. 44 44,4 4 44 _ .454 4- .4. l
Searerglony forthecenteryesterday Dr. (”men H' l‘nedell‘ /’ " LuLcillc Parker um... i on. . . , .4.', ». ,' 14
"In the work of this center you cancer center director " . ‘ I ter a 52mm» L'i‘aiil ~".: . ~.. '. 4 4 4n; . =7
, can see how great has been the __ .--:".~:.-.l‘r* 5.4 , ‘~ equipment 4, 2' ': .4 l
power of love . . 4 love in the family. 4 f,x;§§‘l‘f,,t:~'.;fi ,‘m’lp \ The equipment .c-l. . , .; . ;
love in communities here in Sh“ “‘1“ the ‘leth‘d Wile 0‘ . buiz‘i‘f, ." II, . [lent care by iiiiiiiitoiiln. .z' ' . . ‘ l ,' l, 7'!
Kentucky," Bush told an audience at M'“ lillgt‘l‘“ Starkey." he said. .;.4.z4..4;; S f 4 “.‘ ing the effectiienc» "! -‘.-- ~ - ,
, about 2.000 gathered in from of the "Anti alter tier liiisoand was cured 1 ‘ i ‘ treatments .‘ ‘ '3 at .'-'.
, center, oi vol i! cancer at the l'niverslty of ", z- \ The "real “chm... ..; it... ., 44 . ' ,“4 44 44 .4; 4' ,4
’ “We talk a great deal about the K'“ 3‘1 ~i~ >ht' and ”19 admiral dO- ‘ C ’"M' $- will he to conipnt.»rm ~ -' 3 . . -‘_-'._».
importance of public-private part~ "3‘9” 33 ”Hum" and that be- I ‘ 4 ‘JI‘US' and study the ettm-t.\.>i~..-~~ 44 ~4 .4
nerships in America about the came lllt‘ si‘t‘il illi‘ lhO financmg of cancer [reatmt-nt‘ _\d4ltf ; . . 4 ‘4 4 4 -.
spirit that Tocqueville wrote about this center" 44 A \‘iang. executiic x... ' , 5 444. .. ‘
150 years 380 - - - the American 5P” l l‘ l’mwlml ”“5 ‘\ singletary “ , and treasurer oi it... l,lt‘lll’ seemed on the verge of at» The first side winds out with Cos- game where one doesn't necessarily its working-class community. The . . . . _ q
» . . ' '2 .tt".lli.'. a sis/able American audi- telln's version of “I Can‘t Stand Up learn from mistakes. Best of, . finishes as fittingly as it ngngggsgéARCL‘A‘ [Sacméggit' Richard Rogers and D3“
. . ~ . _. “it iris-trail ptip's prodigal son For Falling Dovm." an original Sam In “Almost Blue.“ he is nothing begins. with Costello’s two biggest ceia ru '
_' . . ., . n “ck iii: . his fumed musical and Dave cover It is a paradoxical but someones old flame. shunning American hits to date a “Every . . - - . b' V » \, .
' ‘ . ~ . t\ltt mth (itmdbvi‘ ("UN World ~ anthem that typifies the role of the his own character flaws. clinging to Day I Write the Book“ and “The onThgf-‘ZZ‘: 512:2? 3;??? 35:13: pig; lz‘agfiigi lgakalilititl‘clifiegaitgfl
g '1'. .Vll‘u‘l!‘ 'it‘t-l‘lt’d “diihcult to de, romantic defeatist i a character the hopeless thought that “there's a Only FlameinTown " the music world with Ja nese andTakoshilnomata ondrums
, , ' . ' . lillt Costello plays to perfection. part of me that‘s always true . . . al- For the diehard Elvis Costello fan. e . ‘ . pa 4 - . » 7. .
., , . -. .. . . . . groups forging a new big band sound The sound is higth reminiscent of
‘ , . l' > H. .1 . . picks up these The remainder of The Best of . . . ways. this album will hard].V be enticmg. and blendi the traditions of classi- the graceful work of America‘s Mod-
’ ' ' - ' 1- ktltJlt' pieces Milli tracks that pre» contains material recorded after Get In “Beyond Belief“ he narrates There is no new material rep- ‘ 1 music [hgvith the im rovisation of em Jazz Quartet without the mag
_. - . - \i'l‘il .iri (illx'dlt‘gtlrlcal t‘nstelln in a Htipp\ The songs are the product of the tired tale of secret passions from resented. and none of the songs were 3:22 p mficem vibes of Milt Jackson
~. . . , '- ;.iw...'ciiihg quinttsscntiallight an artist who. to avOid becoming a some obscure corner in “an almost rerecorded for the collection. How- ' . . . . ‘ _
' 7' town the album s llr\l track. cult symbol of rebellion. was forced empty gin palace.“ while he remi- ever. Columbia Records has done a 1:1“: nggsoflfgggflsfitt gig: a Wémgg iscn:riastu;engb0;st llglllt]
_ « ..~ “\lvlt‘llt‘t‘ enough oi this A suici- to diversify Consequently. Side two nisces over his ovm inadequacies very calculated job of making sure 9uTok2" se :1 Osak lt featuresbbo charm He current]. 15 the rm“ 'l
, , ‘ ' . . 1.:i homicidal love ballad. it is quite exhibits love-over-the-cl‘iff ballads. Costello is a performer who contin- The Best of. hit the racks just in int 0 )0. 3; Mi :16“) on works by oboist ‘0! the Cologrlle RadiopUrch‘e)‘:
. g . . ' whirl; the most initial“) pleasing mixed with subtle satire and tender. ually undergoes the pain of reject time to become the gift worth giving '5 h! md'."a 1 C323“ ers as Bach train WestGermanv "
7 ,. . ~iingt'tistrlluhas eicr recorded often witty storytelling. ion. absorbing listeners in a perva~ duringthis holiday season. suc iverse pos ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
' " ' . v-illClllllfl. the Deter-Ines] t‘os- Costello is the eternal victim of ro- sivelyricalscheme.
‘ 1' ‘ ‘_ It's the l
. ._ . . Woridramous TWO KEYS TAVERN s
’ . ‘ . ‘ ii "
.7 . - , ~ F R E E I TONITE tworid Famous" BEAT TENNESSEE WEEK com-wuss
' '- 'I ' ” . Tom“ From “.5 THEMETROPOLITAN / LITTLE KINGS
' : ' . , G 1 O F 9 "' 1 BLUES ALL STARS only 50c
- - ' Little Ceasars. BUY One. e no ree 0 (Only $2.00 cover) Tue. 57 Shrimp-Ala Keys
, = —' 0 i5
. ‘ ' » ~- ' ‘ 3-3-1: ifs-sea}g‘:=;;:5::~:3;-;52=:.:;i;5g-f;5.=:;g’s;=;;=;§=~*f:j-~= " (A ’ Plus a sur rise bumper sticker given out to the first 100 people each night.
4 . , . ;. .. .;:-:-;,.-» ::: -;.;.:v:5:r: ~ 4;;,;.v....:;:_;;:,:...;..-.-.-:; . ' ’a p V t a - .
’ 52 WeekgAYgar 4‘ Thursday night is a pep rally (BEAT TENNESSEE). Jom us for a night of
. ‘ . _ . ~ ' - ' ' ' . , fun and for $5.00 it's All— You-Can- Drink. Plus you keep a very special and
- . - 11; 50‘. unique Kentucky beer mug.
' H t‘ ’ . .
. ' . //'°s* '3‘. ,’\ .- Sat. is the big day and we ‘1! all be cheering on the Cats. looking for the
' '7 / ”BIG WIN". Come join us and your friends after the game. There ‘5 just no place
' . _ \q,‘ ‘5' quite like the ‘Keys.
. \ . 0‘3“”
~ : - \“i/ “KICK’EM IN THE VOLS”
~ - A 7 i
' - ‘ . , when you make pizza this good, one Iust isn’t enough. m , . " \S
. ~ r-— vALuAILIcouION—--r—— uwnucouvou-—-r-- “kW-“000m"‘l ‘_ -
> . . ' . I I I I if "'12; ‘_ he. - ""’""-'o.-...,.
. » . I rwo PIRAS i II!!! t I . ”N . ‘
- ' .' : s 30 t t : c-mvw v -~
: ,. g 8 . :DIllAI :DIllAl: oenvlery -- -
."l ' . I ‘vfi'Jiiim Size Pizzas I Buy any Size | any any Size | On Y . g .
* ‘ ». 357 DUke Rd. | With Cheese 8: I Ofig'm‘ mm.” I (“WW Pm‘f‘d I Sum-Thurs. " “-51. _.
r , . . _ _ I 2 ltemls‘ I pizza at regnm I filial "Elm” | 4 1 ‘
I ' h :- ' 269-7354 I ' Manx}; 29'1“ I I who}; 29mm ‘ p.m'. (I'm. ~ I. H
. - >‘ = .* I Dollvoryhouu I FREE! I \ FREE! : I
v. ‘ l 5331;??? ..'."'i'.'.7.‘.'"‘ l _.:-;,:";::‘:.‘.:v:.".., i .2; :1;;:‘;':.,:':::;» I Fri-'5°'- “
‘- ' > - ' l I “'":Z’RT‘&:"""“ I " '“ZI‘?,“"&:‘.“'"“ I 4p.m.-2a.m.
~ - l , . I 7, "WW" "I! I #7: Inn-mu no: I, 3’ hymn-nu :
~ - '». i '46 ”H"- » . ”hr? ’1. ' \"r ‘
. , v ' ‘ l 1- rats algal k/ufiztlemfludomj ‘
., 5\ j.‘ 1» --—'--——------"-V--"'""""-" -""'"'""
1 . ' i. Bes-Type Typesetting Service 257-6525 x , ' .
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. - -5-doy lift ticket ghaovcoptNa $19000 crnIreer onerlgechOké travefl and restalifirants As well as shop l
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5:9" “P3 l" “09'“ ‘2‘ 5'93“" “M" how in your future And as you . for one on campus,
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swam: ACTIVI‘I’IIS noun tnvn. commm: “""" '
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 KENTUCKYKERNEL, Trashy, Maven“ 19, 1905 - 1
Group of Costa Ricans v's't’ng campus

' ° ° ' l 'l"ll':t‘l' it' ;.‘..‘ ' 5 '
Students learn about US. student organizations, leadership on national tour ,

55 pliealioli is aiiiitlii-r Manor. .1 is riieiiibei's time ilei mix-i ' ‘l't'lil't' i - A
By Bl-ZTil LAWSON "They ithe students) are part of a Barbara Egan. placement aSSlS: After examining the oi‘gaiiiiaiion fil‘fi'fi'”. “1‘ mm W I k I “W ”1"?“me I “51‘5”!“ W I!” H 2

StaffWriter new t's effort to help Central mm of Partners for international of student groups as a whole. the d: inf“? l' liven! i .. - l - It“l KT? i":I iii5555o-5 H ”led”. 1 '
Americans to learn more about the Education and Training in Washim- students will take back new inior ’ n}. I ‘. “I ' . .m II“. t J .‘k N n m in" W. ”m I i I '

A group of (‘osta Rican students is linited States first hand." said Caro- ton. DC, said the students will be mation and Ideas to their own uni mm" 9H.“ WWW “ill, "H” “w " ”,wm’fl (If m" H ”NW H i , .
staying at l'K this week as part of a lyn Holmes. assistant foreign stu» exposed to ways student groups han~ versities. Egan added waves mm“ “M “W mm M ”MK” ”W MI] mm ”M I I, I ”I l " ' I I
national tour of universny cam- dent adviser for UK's international dle themselves and approach stu- While at l'K. the students hine ngmm ”m"? I,“ WWI“ “h“ “MP dome \memu M mm" “H. l I V :3
puses. Student and ScholarOffice. dentinvolvement been Visiting classes, meeting with ”MM!””rod'drdus I , mm 5 3 ~ 4 ' '5 7 .

The 19 students arrived in lexing 55 5 5 5 5 5 Spanish-speaking 5555550555 and 55555 ltu-ipieiiis tile iiot t'hdrgt‘vI oi lam. ma M 95W. .t 5., 5.5“ 5 5 5 55 5
ton Sunday and will leave tomorrow Holmes said the group consists of t [9'3“ I? 135! one aspect 0‘ the students and facult\ in the Latin ”.“I (1'me MM mp5 3.1%?“ ”In,“ “H” MN LINN ‘ .. - ' i
on a tour sponsored by the ['8 ("Na Rican undergraduates who our, igansai American studies. department lillnthili SfAiltlh:\iv».t\rl"y in“ WWI“. y .. i . t _ ,_ 4,. ~ ' I. - . '
Agency “5” International “(‘Vt‘l were selected to travel in the L'mted The students are very active at Holmes said “55’5“ II :‘I "5'55““ 55 5 5 _ 5 '5’5 "5 “ ‘5': {5"5'l5 55 5‘ 55 ‘ 5 5. - " '5 5 i
opmentinSan Jose.(ostal{ica States to observe universities and their own universities and are The students are on an (ibser 5.55.5555"?I555I5I$alr5fl2555:(;Iu.55 [:5 I" 355155;] :1'5,‘i\’II,LI,,: ,: "I ' J5 lr' .

Other colleges in the” tour include the" “i‘t‘dem organizations. engage [00"ng forward to meeting people vationai Stud} Tour that 1“ part ”i 'l‘Kl': ghouse several frateriiitli 3:}: ii.\ the-imp: l ‘555-55-5'5 i . II 2. IV I: "
Harvard. Tulane and George Wash in political discus5ions and learn and exchanging ideas and Views in the t' S PartICipant Training pro- ‘ ' I ‘ ‘ A II I i “.v ' I «I f" w .
ington universities aboutstudent leadership the i'nited States. Egan said gram -.__.__.___., i 5 5355.5. . ._ '.

55. 5. 5. 5 5:15. 555, 5v_

M' ' ' lcano area ’ ,4 '*
l I ary 0 O S 00 00 er I“ V rea co 3 e 0 i 1'1?ng a. r

, I: 5i5i’35,..7" t." 5‘5"

B) NIUN'I‘H ii \Yl-IS farming town destroyed by a last higher than the devastated center of government emergent-5i l‘tlllllIIIllt‘t‘ ' , . 1:3 55""; _ '5}; “ '
Associated l’l‘t'ss week’s volcanic eruption ile said town‘he said 5 told (‘ariieol radio he had reports oi : '. "'5" {IV-I _-' .5;
the area would be fumigated to kill Victor [{ieardo. president 0! the looting in the devastated area ~ ,5'1451 ~ V

BtiGUTA‘ (‘oloiiibia soldiers flies that com the disease but the j 5 55' z
patrolled the town of .-\rmero with operation would not interfere With 'i ‘ -.-»5'5Ii,55, '-
orders to shoot looters who roamed rescueoperations KENTUCKY 8 were 5 f} -. .‘I‘. a;
the sea of mud. stepping on the ill ()tflt‘litlh sa) about 25,000 people Kernel I .~'j,'_5-."I5_‘ 52-55" i'
jured in their haste to rob the dead. \tei'e killed it hen the Nevado del 5 It 3 'i?‘ "55' 53' r. ‘
offiCials saidyesterdA} ltiii/ volcano erupted last Wednes- 5 f 5 1'5”!” I.

Fl“? liitll‘t‘ SUI‘VIWH‘S were “mild. (1‘155 inching par[ of [L5 snowcap and Editor in Chl.‘ Elucbe'h COTOS 5 E I I 2- 55-; 7.5 .‘ 5' '51"
lnCltldlilL’, a T_\ear old bov .lt't'itl'll' st'lltllllL’, a 13-foot-high wall of mud Managing Edltor Sacha DeVroomen - -' ~ I, '5 5; - 5'.'5~ l
ing to rescue workers iiiteriiewed (limit the Langunilla River that bur News Editor Fran Stewart ' (5 ~ ‘ ' ' _ {5 _5="r.5 fir“
b_\' the t'olombian radiocham lit "\ 5 [Hi .\l'lilt'l‘t) Editorial Editor Alexander Crouch ll; "j 150 E 5'- 5ii T5

(‘olombia's health minister suit! \teak \oices crying for help could Sports Editor Willie Hiatt 1’ ,I 5" E2 '5, .55' 55. ‘3’
two cases ot typhoid lei er cases had be heard yesterday in outlying areas Arts Editor Gary Pierce v I. ' .. i 3;. ., 5

. )rthd in the Andes \.ille\ 1 5. , u hi i th 5 m 5'_ ._ 5 _5 '55:, 35“
been [‘(pt t . o \initio. \\ (rt e ground is Special "0'0“! Editor Scott Ward .5, 5 , 5 .. 5 5555.555
. Photo Editor JD. VanHoose it}; If .' .- 35.;
i 5; -‘. i ' .3 2 ~ Ce

5 ll ‘73 I.,‘. 'l'
Glft Advlsor Paula Anderson l , it 5 _5 .\:5 ~ -5 .5 5‘55, ‘5".
Continued lioiii part itllk' AdVOI’NIing Manager Linda Collins I I I I \I ‘ l4 5; 5‘5 5« 5'

‘ I i 4*: ‘ x: 515.5.
more Pit[it‘lll'lil‘lt‘nlt‘tl research 1?] lion iias \[X‘(‘lfl(‘ii”)’ designed for Production Manager RhondaONon I :,. ’ Phiuy steak i; c . r
particular."hesaid adiniiiisti'atiiepurposes _— . 5 i_ 5_ 35.555:

Wang 555555 ”555 55555555555555 555 55555 I h onLh:e::5r;