xt70cf9j6h9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6h9g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1979 1979 1979-04-02 2020 true xt70cf9j6h9g section xt70cf9j6h9g 9-? _- .... .. . u....s.r an, . . .c... , r .... .. .
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' H «-I_j:-’:'=I;I. . . .I Vol. LXXI. No. .33 . _ I niiersil) of kentueli)
I Monday. April 2. I970 . an independent student newspaper l.e\ingtiin. Kentucky
r i ‘ ’15" . ' ' ' ' I I I
.1 o l ication of five campus but inQS
' use 3" , '
~ Will improve access for handicapped ,
- 1-f',-.\’:\-‘s§{§:;:: u I was .
. s: ». u’_f‘“:s ' ‘ I . .i- .
'IIIII {III . ‘ 1. w I'," I Is no II 1:“ .. » By DALE G. MORTON that the 5700.000 won‘t be enough to often too heavy to be opened by which allocates SlO million each year
. I . - 1 . Staff Writer take care of all campus hutldings‘ wheelchair students and many of the to Kentucky‘s public universities and A
I “shin... .. . ~' ’ ,, 355-, . inaccessibility problems. plastic braille tags are missing. community colleges will
' ' I ' .II- ' , . UK will spend 5450.000 to modify The UK Handicapped Student In an attempt to cut costs. UK appropriate SI million to UK.Blanton . '
i- I h ‘{__J. 1 it liveUKcampus buildingsthissummer Services reported March I that I3 placed temporary plastic tags on the said.
s i . ' 1 - v to improve their accessibility for campus buildings were inaccessible elevators instead of metal tags. In He said UK aSked the CHE for the
II . . ._ I., . .: w handicapped students according to and five others should be avoided by many cases these tags have come off. additional SI million eight months .
. - I , II ' . I I Warren Denny. assmtant director of UK‘s approrumately 500 handicapped leaving the blind student in a bind. ago. but no one knows yet how much. ‘
/ ,. ; ..~-"'., g " DeSIgn and Construction. students. Elevators in McVey Hall and the if any. will be appropriated.
" ' .. ' A Lexmgton architectural firm. However. despite federal legislation Journalism building are freight Tom Braun. the council‘s executive
I ' Omni and Associates. will handle the requiring public buildings to be elevators and must beopened by hand. director. said a committee of 19
. as?“ g , . structural modification of Kastle Hall. accessible to the handicapped(Section If they are left slightly open. the people. ll of whom have voting .
if 'I'_-";: '> Erikson Hall. Funkerhouser Building. 504 of the I973 Rehabilitation Act) elevator will not run. power. is collecting information on
‘ II " I > " Research 2 and the Journalism these campus buildings do not haveto Advertising professor Scotty which Kentucky colleges merit funds
"i '- I Building. Denny said. be renovated. Whitlcw. whose office is in the for handicapped students.
I! Each building will be studied Jake Karnes. UK Director of Journalism building(one of the "avoid .. .
, I ‘ ' " separately to decide what specifically Handicapped Student Services. said if possible" buildings.) said that the W“ i” looking m Jilly as a dz?"
" 7 . will be done. he said. Access to that although all services must be elevator is “awkward.“ to distribute the money. Braun said. '
» . buildings —- by ramps or elevators ~ made available to handicapped Whitlow. who uses crutches after B"! despite the expected money. I
and renovations of restrooms will be students. not every building must be being crippled by polio asachild. said there are no plansIto bu'ld speCial . .
' B TOM MORAN/K I SI the two major considerations. accessible. wheelchair students must use a service dorms forIthe handicapped 5‘“9‘"‘5~ .
_ ’ 3 ' "m ' ' UK Vice PreSIdent of Business If a handicapped student wants to elevator to get to floors. UK Housmg Director Jean Lindley
Sprlng has Sprung Affairs Jack Blanton said the 5450.000 take a class offered in an inaccessible According to Karnes. the University said.
. , is part of 8700.000 allocated for building. the class must be moved to will makea lot ofimprovements inthe However. there will be [0
Although members of l'K‘s rugby team expend a lot of their energies on the building modifications this fiscal year. accomodate the student. Karnes said. next two years. “I can tell you (the apartments for handicapped students
“pitch." the! recovered from th¢h '055 t0 l‘hh'el'Shl’ 0‘ LOUISVIHG'S team Elevator repairs and installments “Kastle Hall is probablythe number construction costs) will behundreds of at the new apartment complex on the
Saturday afternoon ata party on Linden Walk. should be completed by next fall. he one problem.“ Karnes said. thousands of dollars.“ he said. south campus.
said. Elevators present problems to both In addition to the 3700.000 Only Holmes and Blazer Halls are
“We will go as far as we can withthe legally blind and wheelchair students allocated this year. it is possible the set up to house the handicapped
1 money we have.“ Denny said. adding because the service elevator doors are Council on Higher Education ~—- students at this time.
Nuclear reactor bubble shrinking
C lh M'l ' ' I
arter tOUI'S ree | 6' 88 S evacuation pOSSIDIe
, Y .
- By TIM PETTIT me.“Cartersaidaftertouringthe plant a Navy submarine. said that if an containment building. Senate subcommittee on nuclear company has to purchase powerfrom ,
Associated Press Writer control room. “Atthe presenttime.the evacuation becomes necessary “it will The p resident. who was energy. said “there is a real doubtasto alternate sources. The large dollar . ' .
' reactor core is indeed stable. However. indicate a change in being made in the accompanied by his wife. said he had who is in charge“ at the plant. . value IS passed on to the consumer
HARRISBURG. Pa. -— Engineers within the next few days. important cooling system." come to the area to “assurethe people The shutdown of the generating under the fuel adjustment clause.
slowly shrank a potentially explosive decisions Will be made on htho bring Scientists are concerned about the ofthis region that everything possible plant is costing 500.000 utility About [.700 megawatts of .' ,
835 bubble in the reactor Of the it to a COM and stable state. If it possibility of hydrogen and oxygen has been done and willbedoneto cope customers about $600.000aday. “It‘s electriCityaday~abIqut40percent of .I-
‘ crippled Three Mile Island “Whit" becomes necessary. GOV- DiCki mixing. in flammable proportions. with thtese problems." costing the rate payer." said MetEd‘s total capability — was lost .. .
Phil"t yesterday. 35 President Carter Thornburgh Will 85k you to take both in the bubble in the reactor and In Washington. meanwhile. Sen. Metropolitan Edison Co. spokesman after the shutdown of the two nuclear .II; _
' visited the plant and suggested a appropriate action. If he does.lwant outside the reactor. but inside the Garry Hart. D-Colo,, chairman of a George Troffer. The reasoii is the units at Three Mile Island.
precautionary evacuation may be the instructions carried out as calmly .‘.I '
necessary within a few days. as they have been inthe past few days." .4
. Local officials in the area of the Harold Denton.chiefofthe Nuclear created world passport
plant readied contingency plans for Regulatory Commission and Carter‘s ' . l I l l . I
such an evacuation and said late personal representative here. said: world Cltlzen Da V’s WI], 8 eak tada .‘I .‘
j Sundaythat arrangements were nearly “From the data we‘ve seen. l'm f
> complete for relocating the elderly. convinced the size of the bubble is -
invalids and persons in instuitutions being reduced. . existence of the World Government of edition. The WSA receives over 600 Other activities for the week ,
such as hospitals and jails. ' “If we don't succeed in further By BRIDGET McFARLAND World Citizens and began issuing requests a month for the 42-page include: .
"We‘d like to have things in shape.“ reducing the bubble in the next few Staff Writer “passports“through its administrative document. Each passport sells for $25 H A StTCCt Cafe “3“"th ' '
commented Francis Hess. commis— days. we would have to go to agency. the World Service Authority hUt one-third are sent to refugees, European dCSSCI’tS. Room 245 Student
, sioner of Carroll Township.east of the emergency core cooling systems to Self-proclaimed “World Citizen" a an organization Davis still heads. prisoners and deportees who are Center. April 2“" '0 a.m. ‘0 7 pm. ‘
plant. He said l.000 copies of a public take it to a cold shutdown.“ The Garry Davis. an advocate of human According to the WSA. the passports unable to PBY- WSA claims the fee — Taking 0" 793 Work-Study- g -
notice advising people what to do if an reactor core temperature remained rights and a unified world have been sought by refugees. stateless helps finance operation and legal Travel Abroad Fair. Room 206 - -
evacutation is ordered were steady at 278 degrees Fahrenheit. government. will speak today at 4:00 persons and those in political trouble battles. Student Center. April 4~ '0 a.m. ‘0 5
distributed yesterday.I The bubble. located in the top of the pm. . in Room “8. Classroom with their own nations. Davis has been arrested 27 times in p.m. . 'b' R - . ‘
Although an estimated 50.000 sealed reactor dome and containing Budding. . . The W8 A claims 25.000 World 20 different countriesfor possession of — An International EIxhi It. oom .-
persons have fled the Harrisburg area hydrogen and small amounts of When DaVIs declared himself a Pass orts have been issued to citizens invalid papers. He is currently 206 Student Center. Aprilo. IOa.m.to \
since Wednesday‘s accident touched oxygen. was being slowly depicted by World Citizen in 1948 at the US. frompl25 countries The ass orts are‘ appealing an exclusion order fromthe 6 pm. , . . ‘ " '
off the first of a continuing series of letting the gas dissolve in the Embassy in Paris. he renounced his officiall reco nized b Six cpountries US. Immigration and Naturalization I— A Discotheque featuring I . .
low-level radiation leaks. Carter said constantly circulating coolant water US. citizenship and began his (Ecuadgr K Ewait ermen U r Service after being cited when he tried dancmg and a late-night international
. that even if an evacuation is ordered. and then allowing it to escape from the campaign promoting "the entire earth Volta Zaimbia an d‘ Mauritanial‘pifio to re -enter the US. with only a World menu. Room 245 Student Center. . . .I .
“this will not indicate the danger is water outside the reactor. as the proper home and rightful ‘ . . . ‘ P ot April 6- 8 pm. to mldhlght- -
hi h. . . Iti l tio “It‘s low but it‘s saf “ id Bob ossession of II ki d." Davis' “h“ °°"“‘”°S‘ “‘“udmg the ”'5" as” " AilactiviticsareopcntoUKfaculty. .
, g . 5 pure y a precau nary s . . c‘. sa p. a man [.1 have honored the passports on a case- . - - - - ~
. measure.‘ Lengel. licensmg engineer for Views were supported by intellectuals b -case basis DaVlSIWlll speak In connection With staff. students and the Lexington - - -~ . .
“Radiation is being monitored Metropolitan Edison Co.. the plant‘s of that era including Camus. Sarte. y ' International Week '79. Aprli 2-6. an community. For additional - - . -
I throughout this area and any trends operating company. Gide. Breton and Mauriac. The World Passport. which is annual event sponsored by the information. call the International > I‘ ' ‘
,_ towards increase will be reported to Carter.aformer nuclear engineer on In I953. Davis “proclaimed" the printed in 7 languages. is in its third International Student Office. Student Office 258-275l. "
.. N , I g, ”@232” f a g THE BEVERLY HILLS SUPPER CLUB civil trial begins inflation guidelines. said “interference by high-level keep his welcome a mere shadow of the one President Anwar .
”.i , t. /4 I ' _;II .I . -. today in US. District Court in Covington. with lawyers for government bureaucrats played no small part“in his decision Sadat got in Jerusalem l6 months ago.“ . I . I .
II. , z IlIngs. air IIIIILB If ,3 more than 250 next—of-kin of the I65 persons who perished to order the walkouts. Begin says he is coming as a friend; to open my heart is , I
. iii-z, w r kw??? -:,. . . If and soIinjureId in the May ng [977 fire bringing suit against every man. woman and child in EgyIpItI-I EgyIPttimedIt‘oflr-lectlhi'hatrhe .
i' 4% it #3 . - ‘~- the Union. Light. Heat and Power (I30. I I UNITED AIRLINES SAID vssranmv that it Wat people inthe street. however. seem I cum .
.II .' ,,I WW I fl .-f'f'..~ ,. . SJ II US. District Judge Carl Rubin will presiIde over the trial. laying off a total of l 3'300.p'l°(s‘ attendants and other crow seztIIment. E . . ed b the anti-Be in line in the
'.' y. . . W .t I}. $3.55.; . estimated to take one to two months. in which UHLtltP. the members because of the strike that has grounded all its daily e average gyptian. prim y d I fell h’ I
.“~ ’“ . I Q? was “. 75.13:??? supplier of electricity to the Southgate. Ky. night club. is the flights. press. speaksIharshly I°f the "We“ I“ er. ‘ | "‘3 'm a ' ~
. ,, __ "fit--3; - "L . lit " 3.»: '3 a" , only defendant. United. the nation‘s largest carrier. said the layoffs would former terrorist. a dekus bargainer and a tact ess orator. -I
'i ”I 1' ii " 3 . V . '25; H The owners or the shit?" ‘3th. the 44‘ Corp. and its begin at midnight yesterday and would remainineffectIforIthe I
, . I! .. ' .-:- g 2.3,; h“ ii ,I I princtpals. RIChNd SIChlIhIlth. St and his four sons. were duration of the machinists strike. The strike beganat midnight T ANZ AN] AN JETS BOMIED UG AND AS ENTEIBE . . .
‘. 7' ., it .y' : ., II released from further liability in the case after an out-of-court Friday. “[1ka yesterday, causing severe damage to the main .
.. g If. '53}; :; ii “I?” I“ settlement of $3.l5 million was approved by Campbell runway Libya has used to ferry troops and arms to support . .
. I 3 . - , . . , he , ff ".giigsttc .1' County Circuit Court Judge John DllIkln March 23. Diskin is world Ugandan President ldi Amin. diplomats reported. . ,
. ,. I I . ., . ,,I .I {33: i. ,I g in reviewing litigation lotntly With Rubin. The attack was the first Tanzanian air strike into Uganda
I I ' ~ ; II . _ durin the five-month war. thedi lomatsinNairobisaid. he .
‘ . i”5i ‘ I hr ' DISTURBED 3y POLITICAL UPHEAVAL '“ Iran. raid agpearedtobein retaliatioanorThursday‘sbombingbya ‘ .
' . ' natIOn Texas A&M University officials say the school has decided to Libyan bomber of Mwanza. . Tanzanian port on the southern .
i temporarily halt admission of some IranianI students. shore of Lake Victoria.
state TIHEI TRUCKING INDUSTRY DECLARED a “We are holding off admitting students directly from Iran Diplomats said Tanzania‘s 50““-de MiG-2| jets |¢ft ;
nationvlnde shutdown yesterday “hm“ 300'“ Teamsters unless they h‘“ certain P"°°f their records are indeed "I", bomb craters in the main runway and may have putthe airport ' . ~
~ after the union launched strikes against 75 companies in the and meet our admission requirements." said Edwin Cooper. temporarily out of service. ~ , ,
. ‘ CLEANUP OPERATIONS BEGAN YESTERDAY in a wake of I collapse in marathon contnct tllkl. dean of admissions and records. "We will hold off until the I
. tomado-stricken area of Barren County while other sections The executive committee of Trucking Management Inc.. political situation stabilizes.” \
. '. . ol‘ the state kept an eye on rivers being fed by heavy rains. the industry‘s bargaining am. said in a statement it “had no Cooper said the policy was implemented in February. a weather . .
- - The state Division of Dinner and Emergency Servieeuaid alternative but to instruct its member associations and month after the fall of the monarchy. About l00 Iranian . ' .
I ~ . ,3 it had opened its center in Frankfort as a precautionary authorizing carriers to shut down their operation: in defense students attend the university. which had afall enrollment of . .
' . . . measure because of the threat of flooding. against the strike." 30.200. SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS CONTINUING 1 ."r . .
-'. T ,. . State police. meantime. were installing roadblocks to keep TMI said 42 major carriers were targeted by the union throughout the day and endingtonight. Highs today willbein . ’ . I . ,
, i i ‘sightseen away from the Poynten Lake Community. five strike. But union sources said 75 companies were struck. MENACHEM [EGIN ARRIVES TODAY as the first the upper 60s. with the temperature dropping to the mid 50s ‘ . ,
._'I_ " ' ' . -4 1 miles from Glasgow. whereatwiater killed achild and injured Union President Frank FitzsiImmoni. It Odd! for week! Israeli prime minister to visit an Arab capital. But Egyptian tonight. Mostly cloudy and cool tomorrow with highs in the : .1 'I
.. . . I4 other persons Saturday. with the Carter administration about its “voluntary" anti- - dislike of Begin and Arab outrage over the peace treaty will mid 505, _ . -. y I
. l ‘ .
.,,__‘m-‘-,r.t NW, . . , ‘Mfl,.s......... .- I . . .. . I .
, - " ‘ 1 . . 4-: g i BEST COPY AVAILABIE i . \. . ~ -

 ‘ .- .
‘ I r‘ " ‘ I lWhuhm It“ 1 "t" Slit-Iii Iililiu I’I’t'tll” til l‘lmluuiu/ihi v‘ I.
Steve Mam, I
I Richard McDonald (inn PM ",th Mattingly ' ( ary willh John ( la) linda ( ampbell 1
, tlmmemt' IJIIIUI J'ealue “TIM/I7 :- furl?" Imuum MI lilum Brian Rickerd I'fl'tftl "illltIL’t‘l 1
. . . um'mlr ‘uun n H 1H “H limlunl \Imm til/um iI ,.
. editorials 8: comments
H i L
I dlS .7
5 co deadly 1
F kl' f' d d' h d t h' h Ih
ran In m s 1800 azar ous 0 IS ea t
:t’ .‘2’
I ShOWCti thf man thy license and "I haven‘t seen 50 many people step ”You‘re kidd ing.“ I said ordered. Franklin leaned toward me. the gut by a guided knee missile. As I the door. A girl walked up. "Listen." «its
. walked inside. Franklin.the last time together smceband camp. I yelied. disbelievingly." “Aren‘ttheyaturn-on'?"hewhispered. struggled to regain balance an she said.“a coupleoffriends they're :3th
I dressed III“? thIS I got PICIth IIP~ Franklin PUt his month he“ to‘my car He started to reply but hiseycs fixed “If you like whoopee dolls without intercontinental elbow hit me in the roommates said they‘d love to. you '1‘;
l :0 qIIT'L complaiging about dhd and .VCIIC‘I SOIIICIIItms I COUItIht hear. on something behind.me.“Look at the air." _ . . groin. l bent over in pain just as know. take you two home. They‘re in {it
CPI 35- C "OISC a 0“? U5 50"“ C III? yelled 382“"- lhen he POIhth ‘0 a two girls walking this way." I turned He frowned. “Will you quit being so Sandy‘s aluminum hair swung across the corner booth.“ 31%
‘ I'I‘f tanks. . fl . table. We walked 0"" and 53‘ down. and saw a blonde and a brunette. nasty? Some ofthese people are highly my face, nearly severing my eyelids. I turned around. The roommates I;
_I mean by the Police. I saltt- my _,___—-———_ “What do you think?" he said, intelligent. That girl we saw by the Too injured to continue. Icollapsedto smiled and waved. 15:55
vorce raised dttewto the progressively- fmnklin and me’ “Let‘sjust say I‘m suretheylovethis door looked very deep in thought." the floor. I looked up after the “Let‘s go with them.“ said Franklin. “iii
‘ louder musrc. by doesnt this shirt b song‘s lyrics." “I agree." I said. “But she was a helicopters flew off. Franklin was “After all. Sandy and Nympheaux live ‘5:
yo}: loaned me have IIUIIOIt5~ Y 9,999 fields The girls walked up and accepted mannekin." standing above me. pretty far away.“ :33;
—~ . It 5 "Gt SUPPOSCd to; That way you ———————— Franklin‘s invitation to sit. “What are Franklin smiled wanly. “Oh.“ “What happened?“ be snapped. "You don't want to go." 3" I
325‘s?” 0“ that ha'ry‘ “manned A waitress walked up. After your names?" he asked. The helicopters returned.“And now “Got ambushed. captain. Didn‘t see “But why?" ;
l groaned “Franklin my chest H mouthing “Miller" until my jaws “I‘m Nempheaux Neaumynde ~ we have "Stayin‘ Dead‘ by the Nogo the Cong tillthey were right up on me. "Remember that bit about hairy. i
I. .' ‘ ‘ ached, she left and returned with two that‘s French."said the brunette. who Nads." screamed the disc jockey. They just had too much ammo.“ suntanncd Chests?" It}
“’0‘" as ha'ry as the WW5 palm and margaritas. wore enough makeup to stage a Kiss The girls stood. Franklin dragged “Many people do this without "Yeah.“ “it.
the other day some EIIIHI" my CIaSS “Hey. that was ‘l‘vc Put It All concert. the to the dance floor. “Everyone‘s suffering permanent injury.“ he said “Both those roommates have one.“ it?
infevmtta‘tke notes on I" Behind Me‘ by the Village Idiots.“ “I‘m Sandy Electrolux and ljust doing the Sado.“Sandy screamed into coldly. Franklin W35 SiIeht- "Gregg?" he 1:;
“8:22;”: she thou ht it was a sheet crooned a disc jockey. as‘l sipped my lovethis song." said the blonde.whose my car. “When I start. go four steps “Tell that to my testicles.“ finally said. "
of notebook a H "g salty slush.“Welcometo Fallen Angel. hair had the. look and texture of up. bend backward until your head “Anyway. let‘s go. The girls invited ”What?" . 3??
H II d Pdp Iv, d h . y . Right now we‘re going to play Donna aluminum Siding. touches the floor, stand on your neck us over." “Take Wt" arm 0” me-II ”jg;
the iiiIsItioe bin]: IfiIel d aghz:§;;:a:g Bummer‘s latest hit.“ I saw the man “Do you go to UK?" Franklin without ushig your arms and jump up “Great.“ I said. "Let‘s pick up some .. 53$
squirming soldiers boogied in start the record. but heard no sound. asked. . ' and down. . flash cards on the way over." I started Gregg I'IEIdSt Journalism senior, fish»
formation to the beat ofwhai sounded “Franklin!“ I screamed. panicking. Sandy hodded. “Yes. We re in lfell out ofline betweenthe first and to stand but couldn‘t. “Franklin. you loves disco muslc- But then again. he 15%
1k (1 k fh l' h b b “This noise has made me deaf. I can‘t specral ed. . . second step. An artillery of feet. arms have to help me. My knee got Sadoed had a hard time remembering all the fig
I'C oc so .e icopters.tl e om sol hear this song." my“ bet,“ I said. as Franklin and elbows new about me. [dodged on.“ words to “Row. Row. Row Your ‘ijt‘t,
Emu?“ "om .EXI’bd'ng among "You stupid nit. That‘s because she glowered. the shelling. discoing toward table- I put an arm around his back and Boat“ in kindergarten. His column {5;
ata IIOIIS OI blazmg IISIItS- sings so high only dogs can hear it." The waitress came. While the girls base. But halfway there I was struck in leaned against him. hobbling toward appears every Monday. ‘33
‘ 93'.
l t?
Letters to the Editor
campus should also have a voice. promises and takes clear posnions on - - I believe that the m . . - it:
88E endorsement Safety seems to be a very important Metcalf bUMb|os - issues °I importance. as IIIS E'GCtlon promlses us today is the issue oIfIIinuItsiSeIiiet 2:22? 5':
We want to endorse Bob Clark for issue this year. and rightly. so. Nearly. 60 P°°PI° attended II“ participation I“ the ““aII’IIaI IOI'IIII‘ My name is Glenn Lipton and I am This could be alleviated by increased 4 ’
Senator of the College of Business and However. students who do n0t live in #:S'dsmm. :hhdldhte I°“"“ III“ Showed- running for senatoreatdarge. My work lighting and foot patrols. Another hi i
Economics. He isaconcerned student dorms 0T 0“ the perimeter 0f the l urs ay mg “n the Student Center. Tom Coward would make a.“ With the Student Affairs Committee issue that ht‘CdS to be investigated IS .‘ti' 3
wanting to improve our crowded campus are doubly affected. Many twastime t0 QUEStIOnthecandtdates. excellent senator and I hope hes this year has provided me with the the rising cost of education. I'ItI' I
conditions in the B&E Colle e. classes have tests. help sessrons and MI- Mthth I said, you claim to elected. ' ~ .. I
8 . , .. , - - - - experience necessary to perlorm I led e if elected to re resent the -. i
Bob has had a lot of experience other activmes scheduled at night that have been “my PmPIIIBIIIIIS “In“ competently as your representative A E ‘ g}. « I ‘ p ' . ' I
working with student government and are often mandatory for students.This January. The election board rulestset Fred Christensen M k ‘ I I & (OI‘e'ge IIIIIhIIItI: CIIIIIfI unIIEIIS'II'y 3% i
he can work to get things done. Some means that many students have to forth March 27astheearliest possible History graduate student L' hy wor on the South Campus community, tot c est 0 mya my. .33 .
of Bob‘s main concerns deal with walk down dark public streets from date If" a candidate to “""Iy . I8 IIIIg TaSk Force this year has "It? I
enlarging the Commerce Library. and their homes. or park in places that are campaign. can you CXPIItIII IIIIS tWO' thtailagl‘am proven my concern for Studentlsafety Rusty Ashcraft 3:13 i
increasing Ihe, “mum 0f classrooms often ”Hit and unpatrolled. Granted, month difference of'opinion?” - - What‘s all this fuss i hear about Bert gIofzimIi/Iiiithizon IIIHI CIIOIIISE WIIII 'IIIII Geology junior 0% I
to keep up With the incresing rate of an escort semce would be a badly- lwas. ladmit.tryingtocatch him in P . . . ours “C"S'O" 53 i
. . . . a blunder _ he had alread arks and Jane Curtin running for Project shows my receptivenesstothe , . o"
incoming students. We know the needed help to campus ICSIdCIItS and . . y Student Government'Whe don‘teven d . senator S ple
Problems exist. Vote Bob Clark into those who are able to park 0" campus. embarrassed himself severaltimesthat oto school here Be Iide Iii ‘ t ld Stu CI“ 5 wants and needs. lfelected. I f
the Senate and get something done. but what about these other people? evening; I thought I WWI‘I BI" IIIIII a find senile and would :b ebsl 0:- 0- p romise to dillgcntly continue my During the 935‘ year, I have served at
Will this proposed escort service help chance at one more. He glanced at fl" Wh d ‘t h PI_ : ybeIe III work on PTOJCCtS vrtal t0 Sttldeht as a senator from the College of Arts T§
Anne Coffey them in any way? Their welfare must Buzz (EIISIISII) and the“ leaned 0 ice. y oesn’) e we to auty interests. and Sciences. I have had the 3'
Tammie Haworth also be considered. IOIWIII‘I “'IIII a I°°I‘ IIIIII 9°“I‘I I‘III- pageants. anyway. - . OPPOFtUhItY to observe tWO 0f the 9
Accounting juniors Other issues also affect commuters “YO“III find III“ that wasn‘taslip Of Jane Curt'in already has a 10b on Glenn LIPIO“ candidates running for A&S‘ Even g
_ . , .. - - - “Saturday Night Live.“and she‘s never Political Science so h . - ‘ I'
(besides the obVious parking the tongue. he said. as I felt hissmile been . I’ ”“0" though they served in appomted hit
. .. - as nice to me as Cheddar Cheese - - . - .
PUb'IC apOIOQY problems). people who commute on cut through me. l think you'll find If k 'd ll be be posmons. Lynne (rutcher and Mike ,
_ . , . . bicycles are faced with bike racks with that the Senate has defined “active was. . hyou as me, we a tter Safety issue Breen have shown a keen interest and
Thlilimcr.“ dlrecllCd..by adtscc 0‘: anchors so flimsy they can be campaigning“as the act of putting up 0 Wit 0‘“ Ihem. _ insight into 50 activities. They both .,
our. 1 ustrious e ections oar unscrewed and are too narrow to allow posters. I started putting up my‘ . have worked on man 30 rows
chairman. Steve Washington. to some adequate chains or cables to be posters on March 27.” Jim Nolan My name is Rusty Ashcraft and l ranging from the SG WyLEX pIiongam g .
rather substantial acccusations which ‘ ' W ' Biology sophomore am running from the College OI Arts I ‘
. attached. This means that bikers must ell. apparently he “IIII‘I e’Il’I‘III- . ’ I0 the gubernatorial forums. ’
ha“ be“ made 3831"“ thc Nth“ I block doorwa s o d His 65 engagements (Yes 65) at frats (““0" No“: Bert Parks and Jane and SCIences asacollege senator: IIeeI II
(excuse the overuse of the first-person to secure theyir htEOIItImaIItheItms dorms and various ' clubs and Curtln are not runningl‘orSG offlceat that I am quaIlfiCd tor the Position in A College senator has the t I
singular; I happen to be a very countless other mbyc es.l ere are organitationssinceJanuaryimpressed this time. Howey“, Bert Clark and thatlhave beenamember of the A&S responSIbillty of serving on the i
arrogant and self-centered person). in them the slow End £3,263); :emr‘qgg me greatly. but what I learned later pg." Curtin are announced College for three years and I would University Senate. 'Lynne and Mike
a fit of political. rage. and suffering that pervades the food service at the turned my admiration into disgust: he candidates.) best represent those SIIIdeIIISI ggu/l‘dtZegegryeffectiv; repjresentathves r
from an adrenalin-induced psychotic Student Center where the majority of had retroactively legalized his _ ast record.ofiseeriqes. asteh upont “(It '
3:53;??in tore birom OI" IVY} off cmapus students eat;the problems campai'gn III a M‘I'CII “IMIIIE °II tII‘ Left II responsiveness rl igzlethatuligiirezzd ‘ '
a num r I I ‘ I
senatorial candidatesa ipnocslItIiIIdsi: OI older people “tho atend UK; Schate.‘ h I IN! ~ ers p0 Icy .imd major; University employees Mike are very qualified for the job. i 7
Stur eo R k . 8 students who work, and the basrc ‘CS.I was e.aongwn uzz(but The Kentucky Km", welcomes should list their department and . . . ‘
3 'n. 0° “Id FICIIIS- I hope apathy that many non-resident I“ 5 .leave Buzz 0‘“ or "n“ he‘s and encourages contributions from WWII"L Therefore as an outgomg A&S
that this apology will compensate‘for students hold to, UK. growmg grey as it is over his own the Ultcommunity forpublicationon The Kernel reserves the right to senator- I WhOIeheaIte‘IIY endorse ;
those felonious acts. lwould never ina These problems may seem trivial in alleged violations) who effectively its editorial and opinion pages. condense or reject contributions. limit Lynne CTUtChCT and Mike Breen for "
. sober state hurt those who have done comparison with some of the bigger defined “active campaigning" Is Letters, opinions and commentar- the numb" OI SmeiSSIOHS by ”His senators. I urge you to vote for >
so much for us. the students. Never campaign issues, but they deserve poster-posting. thereby giving him" ies mintbetypedanddodtk-spmd, frequent writers. and to edit all them on April 4 and 5. .. ,- .
would I intentionally bring revolt equal consideration. After all, this is the okay for his January campaign. Ind mt" (“little "it Wm“! c°""Ib""°"s If” 5‘3"“ 5P°III“3' II
attain“ those “who you a" know. are everybody‘s schooland it couldn‘t help Somebody look up ex pan/aria. WvaWWP‘WW" ”mm" “3“” 3"" "I’m“ Mike Whitloek i
honorable men. l Will not do them but improve if everyone is able to Now I‘m just as fallen as the next UK“M’MWM”' smemems' Artsdt Sciences senator II
wrong. I rather choose to wrong participate in it equally. guy. and I don't want to cry foul. MI W
myselfand you,than‘l willwrongsuch Metcalf‘s actions seem morally
honorable 'men. However in Barbara M. Holthaus questionable if not downright SM”: ‘ I I I
18:57:32::::l.:“:.::::.:l:::‘:::;.; .. "this...” .. .. 07h / \N3 W ‘
n asma room it o ‘ .
zealous roundskee r or accurat ' ' I ' LA ' :I
fowl in rgegard to tlitse enlightenin; cred'bllty gap friars: could he“ hlm_llst Thursday. P $10 I '
ponse to a question asking why .. '. ’?
POStCI’St ' _ . After a long. hard search in last his fraternity(Sigma Pilhld no black ' I’ .
.. lwould liketo issuethe most smcere Wednesday‘s Kernel. I finally came brothers.Metcalfsaidhedidn‘tthinka ‘ / , ,/ 1 ., ..
apology to the students. faculty. staff. upon the announcement of the “I’I‘CIt "I“ “0“” "I“ I0 I" I“ I :I?’ // " *I ’
and visitors to thts campus'for my candidacy of Bert Clark and Peggy white IfltmIItY-‘I (I‘m Mt I°Ihl t0 :I-It ’ / ‘ l I. /
previous participation in this Cunin. Atfirstglance.itwouldapp¢ar touch that one —beyourownjudge.) :t‘." _ g - ,_. tr\ . \ , .- \ . a. ,1 P . R
explonation of political freedom. that the Kernel is taking a favored No. I don‘t want a person like Mark ‘31 . h” 15" t ‘ n , t . VI j 4 ‘I m
. stance for Chas Main, among other Metcalf It" I“! SO PMIdCflt- I think 1‘ . I-‘f . ‘ m I‘ W“; I I "I I‘h‘ - , i I ' I
M.“ “009““ candidates. I thought the Florida ”I take BC" Clark. Peuy Cliftih'. and 4‘. or} II." 5'3 m1 Ilt I 1'“ “I“ It‘ll‘ I ll: ‘1 . It“ fl I
; Am a Scienees senator pictures were quite cute. but I feel that thC antennae. I t I I E. tI\ 2’3“ . .i W 1 E‘ I I
Political Selence senior a more thorough coverage of the -. 'I 7"» III ..I‘. i I Z 2’” 3‘ n I
2; candidates and theirissues would have MOP." M ’ I I‘ w ‘ fl s\I\\I j ’6 a“ 3 “wit/4W / 'I’
is Off campus been a be