xt70cf9j6h06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6h06/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1971 1971 1971-10-01 2020 true xt70cf9j6h06 section xt70cf9j6h06 '3‘) q. x" .1~ _ < .- .- s..- . .. .. . . ' '
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“ng"? 7 teVéfit“ " = '. “s. . f :‘.- .‘t
3% . .... , _ 5 . g -' “
ass Va " .. a“ . ‘s. - ,. :
fiemk'i‘7en It“? *’ a . r * » . . .
has as age“ am” é .. .4 5-:
7%”???“5‘3’38‘ Vt Vsfltfisaee‘f‘gma. " V. V V fie ,_ ' 4m _ -. ~ -. _ _ V
. Kappa Alpha Theta won, no doubt helped by the dazzling display of defense (an 77
We belleve interception, folks). The unlucky contenders in this conflict were pledges and members of " ~.
Zeta Tau Alpha. The Powderpuff Tournament game resulted in a 13-0 score. (Staff photo «I‘-
by Bill Elder) .
. i.
o s eepmg ta 3 on you.
ByVGREG HARVTMADVJN Hall has two files Safety Division; Larry Craft. director of records _ l -‘
Assnstant Managing Editor An academic community of over 20,000 people for the Registrar; and Dr. Harriett Rose. director ' .
In an era of computerized data banks and cannot exist without records. Scholastic, 0f Counseling Md Testing. .7 ': 1'
government bugging, the individual’s right to disciplinary and personal information files all exist Here is what he found. V’ _ “I " " 7 ‘ ’
privacy has been seriously eroded. No one can be on campus. Dean of Students Jack Hall handles violations of .-

sure that someone Isn’t building up a file on them, To determine the extent of such files and the the Student Code. His office maintains two basic ‘

a file that Will perhaps hang over their heads for record-keeping policies of the groups involved, a files, an anecdotal and a disciplinary one ‘3

years. . Kernel reporter talked to the heads of four major “The anecdotal file COMET-3 any material "7‘

So What does this mean to UK students? Is departments. They were Jack Hall, dean of generated by student requests. SUCh as when
anyone watching them? students; Joe Burch, director of UK’s Public Continued on page 8. Col. 1
I he Program attempts curb .»
Kernel Staff Writer
Venereal disease derives its name from the Roman goddess ot "
love, Venus. So does Operation Venus. a program now being
manned by local junior high and high school students in an
attempt to curb the epidemic proportions of VD now existing in -: *
Lexington and Fayette County. ' ‘ .
- “The situation is now considered pandemic." said Public " "
Health representative Bailey Orton. who now advises the ~
Operation Venus group. “When anything is pandemic. it‘s out of V",
control." said Orton. 8’
The facts support his statement. Vcncreal disease has increased
()0 percent in the past two years. giving Lexington and Fayette
an i ' - - County the hi hest VD rates in the entire state. and placing tht‘ " 7 ,
"dependent newspaper pUthhEd by Stadents at the univerSIty Of kentUCkY area well abovegthe national average 3.7-
Friday, October 1. 197] LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40500 v0] LKIII \‘o 99 The most often infected age group reported at the local public .7 '7'
M llCaltll clinic is 20-34 according l0 ()TlUll. (‘lO\ClV\ lik'llHVn'lllg l.\ lllt " . _
. under—20 group. , .
531 cases ; ' -' ,
I unds uncertaln During the first half of 197l. 531 cases (H inlettiom \'l‘* ', 2 .
(syphilis and gonorrhea) were reported at the public clinic. . _'
Stlldellt Senate pr()l)es Continued on Page II. (‘ol. 1 "I ', ‘.
Stadlum {1113110an " - , as 7 7 V = 2.’ i : . ' I
By BONNl BROCKMAN b $700,000 in future gate receipts a s " Q a!“ i: * .
Kernel Staff Writer ) about $700,000 from the state. ~ . 9;. , " - ~ 5.

Whether or not UK‘s proposed $ll million Schilling explained that the surplus *7 . V1” . ; ‘
stadium will be built will be known when athletic fund money will come only from V ' ' -. I. V
the state legislature reviews the stadium the money already allotted to football. \ «M‘s. . - ~.
financing plan in mid-March, an Athletic which receives half of the estimated $12.50 V4. _ _. .-

Association Board member told the Student of the student activities fee given to g ' I,
Senate Thursday night. athletics. ‘1 2 "

The Athletic Board will propose that the The bKSiC design 0f the new stadium W1“ Air 'i
state be held liable for the entire $725,000 be two adiacent sections of seats “going " ' i,
in annual bond payments for the next 30 straight up." Schilling said. The stadium Will ‘3?" . “Vfibffi 7 .
years if the University cannot meet the be arched at the top “so it can be extended “ _VV iN‘W - .

. costs, said Baxter Schilling, student member by a bowl if more room is needed." he x: . . . .. _ j ‘7 ’. _
of the board subcommittee investigating the added. 5 ‘ V , . 55 a .' ~. _
new stadium possibilities. In addition to needing the legislature to $5?“ “i; *‘f .' " ' ' ‘

Barring any difficulties in the University’s appropriate the money. Schilling also VVV . . as. - .
ability to pay, the Board will propose that explained that construction of the stadium :3" . V . u__ . - .7 f
the legislature provide $175,000 and the depends on the costs of the architectural " ' “ T7, .7 - ' '
University 8550.000 annually until the $9 design, which must not exceed $11 million. 3 .V . c‘ ‘l . . ’-
million in bonds floated by the state are The architects will be selected by the state. t‘ V . .' . .‘ '
met, Schilling, a junior in Arts and Sciences. Will end in 1973 . f ll‘ ~_ . .‘
explained. The $550,000 would come from Under the plan. construction Will end in 7 £3 .- -- i - '
ticket revenues from the stadium. June. 1973. w. - T. . _ .

If the University cannot pay the In other action. the Student Senate ' t . "‘1: . . ~ .
$550,000, the legislature would pay the endorsed Operation Venus. a youth group 6 . é . 3
difference between the University revenues project which gives information about 0 I . .' ~. .‘
and the debt service. venereal disease to clubs and individuals "let on t 19 ' i. . ~ '

Sources Of 088'! asking ff” help. . Ted Bradley seems a bit perturbed by the presence I ' ‘ .

Under the plan, the additional two million Dennis StuC_key (dentistry) presented the of Kernel photographer Paul Smith at Canterbury . . »_ .
will come from; resolution, which also pledged active support House play rehearsal Thursday. Julieanne Beasley . .

> $600,000 in present surplus athletic toward “5 PTOJCC‘S- ”6 “88mm" UK has her attention elsewhere. (Staff photo by Paul i ‘
funds Continued on Page 5. Col. 1 Smith) . . ‘- .

 L’ —— THE KENTUCKY kERNEL. Friday, On. I. |97l ___________________________________———-————-——————
l . t Z133:}.,i3252:535:1371$-fifii?fiiziriffizighh‘h‘: i"1152::535.113355323535355?33335353- g;vin;_j3.5:1;;Egi:E:'::;;-5:111.535532375313g;255233{3335355532332735'3'33:? 313:3:3:§:§:§:§:E:§1fir?1:313:11313232323:32.223255151511255:115:5:fzggi
' By RALPH CLONG LTK . I ' 0, d' CAM I I I l l,
We, 5,8,, We, , spare 1mb 0r irector
' , N0 definite plan of action has . I 0 0
g it... warm to. It. or new resea re 1 institute .
Institute for Mining and Minerals
I Research. The Board of Trustees committee. He also said he has PTOdUCtiOh in Kentucky is 1
1 established the UK institute given no specific orders to the 36000003000 PCT Yeah .. .
. after funding for separate committee as to what type of There 15 the POSSIblhtY the i
ihShh‘h‘S ih 3” states was individual to seek for the ihSthUte Wih become a free Eh.............;...;.;.;.,3.;.;55;;his;555555;;;;:;:;:::;:;:;;;:;::5;z;$555555:152:33;5:;zg:5:;.~j:3:;:g;;:3:§:52S:E:E:E:S=E:E=E=Z=f‘i;’jE33$;35325EgigE5552-16g332353353535555335525E'123353533E5£5E5E5E$335$35335535353555553535353iii-:55Siiiiifi-‘iigg :
authorized 7 by the US Senate. directorship. Until (I director iS testing ground for all aspects (éf t
. - ' The L K ”15mm“ WI“ be chosen, the institute is only a C081 operations. Dr. James - British grants offered more than 20 tons a week.
‘ . located 1“ the Coliege 0' paper organization. Funk, aChhg Dean 0f the College _ . However Matlow added there IS 3
. . . - ' Engineering, under a director to According to the bill, of Engineering, said proper If you want-a monthly hung a large margin for improvement
. . . be aPPOihtt‘d by the Dean (“the introduced by Sen. Gordon L. administration would take care allowance, tuition fees and book since it has been estimated that ‘
' i:' i Graduate SChOOl' Allott (R.-Colo.), the institutes of that problem. allowances and travel more than 200 tons of .
I William H- Dennen, acting are to deal with all phases of Funk explained, however, for allowances, totaling not more newspapers are discarded each i
i I ‘ 1 ' Dean Of the Graduate SChOOL mining, including “scrap the institute to be “effective” it than $2,875 per year while week in Lexington.
. _ .i said a director for the institute recycling, mined land must have the co—operation of working for two years at British Papers should be tied in ,
AI . i: ‘ ShO‘hd b9 appointed in the he“ reclamation . . . and related the coal industry. universities then the Marshall bundles with anything but wire. 1
_, .. six weeks and the institute itself environmental research." According to a proposal Scholarships in Britain may The pickup points and their 1
.i . .‘ b e c o m e o p e r a tional by ucoal will be the dominant submitted by the College of interest you. . d d hours are:
' . ~ , _ Christmas. . . . concern" of the UK institute Engineering. to .the Board of The scholarships are awar e Antioch Christian Church. Paris
' ‘ Dennen 531d the director Wlh said Dennen. At thepresent time Trustees, fmancxal support for to 24 college graduates, under Pike; Central Baptist, 91644 .
' . ‘ . . ~ ‘ I ' - . ) ' . ' ' ' ' ‘ e from e of 26, and are iven In a N'cholasville Road, weekdays a.m.
‘ . . . ' bt chosen by a tour man seaflh t h c e s t l m a t e d m i n e r al the institute Will com the ag _ g 1 d' ml 5 pm. and all day Sundaymentm
. : three major sources. voluntary wide range of subjects, me u ing Christian‘ 204 East Short Street,
. .I . «f » . , . . , and continuous support from humanities and the seiences. . same hm? period as Central Baptist;
.. . - ' ' ‘Jl~GREAIs-M0VIE£ETSI-GREALREVIEWS! the coax industry. federal hpphcahons for scholarships szzse‘msatfiaf‘.
. " ' .y ‘ .. : _ . ‘ ' agencies, and state and/or beginning in October of 1972 crestwood Christian. Benefonge
' II I ’ I ' ' . " ‘v d at the re ional D‘ e, Sunday 9 am- to noon:
: . . _‘ _ : Truly a remarkable film. The acflng Lniversny funds. must be recei e g 77' Egg/"mm”! Presbyterian, 1161
I ‘ is extraordinar ' ***"*'" l ‘I N Funk termed the $500,000 center no later than 00" --. Liberty Road, weekdays 9 a.m. to
’ 1 ’ ., y' ' ”C'm’hoa'y e" per year support expected from 1971. The regional center for noon. Saturday 10 3mg; 2 p,m_;
‘ ‘ ~ ' ' . . .. x f1»; “1,1: x k” : . '. 1.; ' - . . . 1 n . 1 , ' ’ ' . F 'th L theran, East i . papers
, ._ rwhnflhttrt- .33 J the coal industry way too Kentucky is British Consulate mily benign on stoop of Meimse
’ 3 ' ~ 'i: \._i"‘"‘§’:u§“iflh :‘t‘, i-".:.i;jiti.j;. y.i1‘-';-;.;$s-33j;f:.23“?'-5f“:=.-,§f‘§"i?‘.‘-:-‘31h much." The $500000 represents General, 2320 P.S.F.S. Bmldlhg- Street entrance anytime; Lafayette 1
. ‘ ‘ 3- :33? xtet“t“03 “ only one-half of one percent of 12 South 12th St.. Philadelphia. Christian, Clays twillM etgzltgm'gmg
V' : ’ ' ' .. hi hi“ “NC "1512??“ :55?- ’¢ the value 0f C031 produced Pa- 19107~ . V iii-2:133, iéganhsglghoro Avenue. front
‘. " : . ‘ i -.‘K' 5'5?" annually in Kentucky. More information for UK porch of .13“ building on left on
; _- . » *' Ahhough the Senate bill students may he obtained from Bosaggnimgegsgzmm 460 E...
,- .- . ‘ - ::--;-.{.fj_—;1j1j”i_. would eventually grant each Christine Torquebiau, study Main Street. weekdays 9 am, to 4
‘ ' i‘ ' ' _* . 1' ,- :§~:::ii..i::<'~ :, state $250,000 annually, the abroad advisor, 10] Bradley p.m,, Saturday 9 a.m. to noon and
. , . u ' , . -~" * Sunday 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.:
‘ I . . , .1 ' ’ ~- ~‘. f " i§r§§§§§155i§r§5§3...}:I£122.:fir“iiii'..;:i;1.?=:::§‘;..r-fj'i actual fEdCI'dl money for the Hall. 5 o u t h e r n H ills M e t hodist.
' " 1 ' . ?-~ 31 has et to be Harrodsburg Road, daylight hours at .
. : » ' -' .' ’ ' propos ' )d b y ' te PFC/1 )Iuns trip Laramie Street entrance; V°luhteers
. . ' ,. , mm: *2 :3111192: .. dPPfOPHa“ Y a 59W” , . l - of America, 669 South Broadway.
‘A ‘ . §.,'I:'="5§§,“:§‘E:;2§§_if: .5... ___.,. :. $533.. ...-i....:;.:i.:iriéiéfriigizih:if:is}::riiizé'si...‘..siaszsz-fizé'.‘ * 33.4: action. Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to '
' ' . - twig...ii-QsEEL-wr', .x; t , ' ‘ ' . ‘ ' . of Pike 5 p.m.: and the YWCA East End
. , 3 é _. t $135.; 358153533”. . Funk. said the institute he has Campus _ friends . .~ . Center, 647 Chestnut, Monday.
.' ' h 1: 1... 1.: m mmd “won’t take any County Omens A5?°““h"“ Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 am. to 9 1
' g 1 «‘0w University funds.” (PCCA) saw slides of strip-mined p.m. anh,d Wednesday and Friday 9 .
. ~ . . ’ ..-- . . . a , - ' a.m. to . p.m.
L ‘ Ti Restricted At 2:00-5;OO_7;35-9;45 The institute involves other Belmont .Lounty in Ohio
7 . W i colleges in the UniverSIty, Thursday mght and firmed UP 1972 Pl' . i i t
V J . . ' ‘— Held 0V8"- 2nd Big Week I, “IRELAND MALI. including the Colleges of Arts plans for a trek to Pike County d( ( "If I] t
r ' . I ,, arr-om . and Sciences and Business and the weekend of Oct. 8. A ‘ l . 7‘ flab]?
‘- I ‘ - BARGMNMAT‘NEE W Economics. Concerning the Pike County "lllld d‘d
. ' _‘ ~ lowinnraAr~TrLI 30PM ON THE MALL . . k i , -
. - . . . ”mun...” mmmaiAutAmu When a proposal 18 made by tour, Sherry Clar , co-Ciairnian, free 0“ Char“?
a - the institute, “we’ll have to be said anyone can go provrding ' h
f ' '. careful we are not ‘whistling in they pay a five—dollar fee for The College Placement Annual (
f ,, '. the dark’ as to the economic and transportation and food. The f 1977 - :V .1, ble fre . of
. , :. V , . . . . or -isnowaaia t ,
. _ «. W _ 15* AREA SHOWING' social aspects,’ said Dr. Funk. travelers Will stay in homes of charge to approximately 1500 . I
'. .' 7; ‘1 ‘ US BY-Plitdwhntbtttarfé Starts Pike citizens. Those interested in seniors and graduate students I
i, ‘ l ‘ 'W ' ”“25”” ' 7:45 participating in the tour should registered as obtaining degrees :
‘ ' ‘ -.' “ . AUTO THEATRE Adm. $1.50 F()rrocli0n contact Sherry Clark ‘h sometime this school year. t
.7 I i I. \ ' "I " ' 353'2107- This occupational directory 1
‘ 5 i ' A StOTV WhiCh appeared in rovid's the student who is
. ,, , . Hell steal our hearts ~ . 7 . . p v . . . i
. .i ‘- , ,1 y ’ is Wednesdays Kernel headed TI‘ () 1881108 118’. searching for job opportunities i
.7 .’ 7 . - 1' YOUF women, YOUF bOOZe, . . ”53:6 01:” femwky hears . A . I ' I with an easy to use.
" - - I ‘ a 9" spea 6T5 “00' strip mining” "P '11 ) )0!" 8 SP conveniently arranged catalogue 1
‘; , :- ‘ ‘ . and anything Else YOU alnt ‘ _ . r Eontéiibned sev;ral errorstade IT 6 m polragy KL n t u ck y to the positions offered to <
' ' ' ' ' ' ra . CO’C airman 0 the ' l . ‘olle e raduat’s b industrial
. . . ' ,3 . gO't IOCked Up or nailed down. 3 ‘ Friends of Pike County Citizens Organization (TKO) has issued a :nd g givernmhent y employers (
.i ~ 1‘“: Association, did announce a“ “St Of 14 pickup p013“ for throughout the US. :
‘ I ‘ I . , N f? anti—strip mining campaign. 8‘” neRIdvsspapirs iiciibelzleactbllgi: ' TKO The annual classifies jobs in
, 5 x -' .' a . . Mfiga ' the campaign'wdl not include a volunteer ysaid since the have alphabetical order according to l
" - 1' i' é 5 9-“? rally in Washington. as Congress been assistin the Volunthers of discipline and lists the names Of 1
'i ' . . 1. .:r’firJ' begins. The rally wm be held In America ii the news a er 2’000 companies recruiting ]
i i , 5%: ' Frankfort as the Legislature ro'ect collections rhapve college campuses for graduates t
I. . . _‘ . g . . begins. The Kernel regrets the 5x ainded from four tons to with majors in that field_ i
" I . I 3 3 '8; ' .72, error. p Harry Jones, head of the l
‘. : : ,3 it}. placement service at UK, 1
. : , .1 . at: ,1 .21 commented that this directory
- . '3 1 1*“ 5 RD EATRE “is the most complete book of 5
‘. ' ,‘ '_ s1 . its kind” and contained “the 1
‘ ~ g ' . i. f?" venom”: Kentucky best advice I have seen lately.” I
.. . i. ‘. h ’ 4 To all UK students: buy one movie ticket—get one swat té‘Is’Eifiaéf-xt ”mi “$32 ;
‘ 5 l '. - 1 .- " It admission FREE! iii: , '
-' .j 1 t”, t FrI.-Sat.-Sun.-Mon., Oct. 1-2-3-4 Every 1 r
a. . . . s - s it "m" b" " *‘g ' i
- -. . ,. , MW so“ .
. . . . . . - .' i . . . ;,_ l- } hen sf its: ‘I 5:33-39.“ :.3 E
_ . .- .. . ' 1 . . . It I. i, 7" . ill:-
1 - i , .1 ”.... ,; "'- . ,3,»le 'L , ”it" 5h The Kentucky Kernel. University I
. , ' , . , i Chin/:3 "- , 2:?" i1 V, '{L' ‘1 ' , Station. University of Kentucky. Lex— f
'. ‘. I. 1' '\ ' 2' ' (l ‘ ’ Ingtmi. Kentucky 40506. Second class
: I. i . h 1 - . - ./’ . postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. (
.' '1' . , - , her, ‘ , _ / Wtear‘s Mailed five times weekly during the
, . . . .35.. . Q SChOOl :v'car except holidays and exam
, x : . . my .- i l ., \‘\\\ “1 periods, and once during the summer
1 ' I ALBERT TVIOLAS 1 ' ‘ \‘hhé” “mm" ”231%?
’. . . : , v.“ u ished b, th B d {Std t
.l . . , ’ -. ' .' ‘ d7 \ I h; (x!) Plgggfitmns. fix I§sé$§ficg Rogqut‘id
. . . . , 1 ~ , . as it.- ‘
* . PREA HERMAN :1 _, v hhsht
. . . ; ‘~ .ince .
.. ,_ ' ter’i‘dhilerttmi‘igl piiglished herein isAln-
- ‘ " I - . m mm. N" ‘ ~I may 0 0 C d b ,
f .' : - . aw ..r Is: ‘JAPlAN BROWN [WW DAVIS in w HENRY SMITH ILEN' KRISTEN Mi Macs," . Ryan O'Neal {fisieggrgijlggdiiig arsseftlsin‘iiyshouxlh
. .V i ,i . Ah"): “11...:"'vfiEfiwFflg‘lEQM/XN 'L: awn. :4 «5» .I : :‘uwuv ur'h- urn MI L-w SUBSC;IW:O§Tdi:;;ES
' I -- I ,' . .., h, 9, ~ _: 1. ; ..r.‘ ‘ , _ i... It 1: :l:; 4-4;». nL-L: 4-. A544 w» u w. 'w .m ”.1 Yearly. by m.“ — ”-‘s
' ' ' , R... 12211.-..“ “W ~~ . Per copy. from tiles — $.10
. , — 2nd Action Hit _ l_,._-l “‘1‘“ ‘ Imam-MIMERPIMM MM‘MWIM Editor “if“? T3930”
: ... u—n ...... l-v-hu- a..." :1 ' . 3M! “or 857—17“
, “...... WWMWQ “...... “w
, , {It , ...- «M W‘ T.“ H S ' . -.-- ~ , . r . , .. ' . . .' ".. an!” .‘ . - W‘I%‘ _O1-u@ A
I - . 1 ;_}.z ’- ' . .‘ . . .. _ _ . ’.' t, , -. , . . _ o . . - ~ 7‘ “‘V-"H .‘:'r'.')$fl " 5:5". :1 1.“.

 M“— THE KENTWLKY KERNEL, Friday, 0”. l, l97l _ a ' . ,
o , , ,
, Operatlon V enus N0 bells jingle , '
attem tS V D Curb By OLIVIA MAGGARD M ' l H ll ’1 - _ ' z :
P Kernel Staff Writer emorla a C Imes -_, .
Continued from Page 1 early July. He said they need h Forb thosfi UK stthutdlents who . . f ‘ .
With these alarming facts and PUbliCitY- ave een eanng e s at noon fake lt thh a ta 8 1’ ' ' '
5555;: . . for years and wonderin for ’ p ' '-
533333 figures before him, County Student Senate co-sponsors g . , .- 1 ~
Jud e Robert Ste hens, in For these reasons, and whom or why the bells toll, the f. , . n , , , . -. . ' ' .
coogeration with Kthe local because of the magnitude of the Kernel offers an explanation: rletortctllgr-tillge lihlsltsrumfntacatllpd Chablis oéfmt‘lied :eilfecct‘iodnis (guilt; . 7 '
health department initiated the VD problem the UK Student The sound Of the chimes the “Westminster Ch‘ " e l t h' ‘l d ‘ l W I ‘
51:53 O eration Venus ro'ect Senate voted last night to comes from the tower at lmes ' - seven. apes w I“ are use a” 7 ‘ :
5k. pThe studenfs J including become official co-sponsors of Memorial Hall and has been The bells are an electronic rellglous. However, John , , - ,
is representatives from every junior t h e g r o u p a t th e ringing with some regularity for SllStemqth‘l: lS actlvated like an Hughes, of UK “electronic .._ t. ..
:nt high and high school in the city recommendation ’of Stuckey 20 years. In 1947, Alexander 3 arm‘c oc . At noon altltd agalh maintenatncetand the keeper of . . .
t h . , Bonnyman, an alumnus of UK at. 5.00 p.m., the alarm the bells , said at Christmas-tulle .
[a and county, used the $300 W 0 15 a Senate member. (The presented the set of carillonic trlggers the “Westminster even “Jingle Bells” is played.
0f appropriated for them by the other sponsors are the local bells to the U , ‘t f
ch county judge’s office to set upa public health clinic and the . t t h. “”8““ Yh 35h 3 — .’.
“hot line” to which anyone can Bluegrass Regional Health {femoral do _ lswsorld WW0 ‘1’! ,3 "'*“' ‘0 ’4 at“ JUST A SHORT DRIVE SOUTH ',
in call if he thinks he may have Planning Council.) The“ e m d (”ht at d ‘1‘“6 t-"‘— 3/: ON LIMESTONE—U.S. 27
re. VD. The students tell callers the Under Student Senate ey were use tun aroun pg " " o Adm. $1.50 Cartoon 3' }_ *~
- - 1962 when the chimes went out ' Dmk '
elr symptoms of VD and where free Sponsorship, all aspects of the of order HELD OVER 2 d WEEK' :, '.' ,
medical attention is available. Operation Venus program are The Universit checked with __.____.... _ n ' ‘
m No names are asked. The hot available to any and a“ campus the Massachusefls firm which sruomrs— USE YOUR FREE COUPON! 5 :'
44 line is Open from 7 p.m. to 9 groups, as well as to any other h d f . d h "h' —————_____._______
:3; pm. week nights and 4:30 pm. interested group in the area. seae hmoivmrlnzccthmt; t e"? Imes t1: .
iet. to 9 pm. on Saturdays. The Activities, other than the cost The ori 'njlrzngsmwizst DIRECT FROM DENMARK '. <'
'3: number is 255-8484. hotline, include speaking groups more than $120 006' and the , . . i‘
in; The students who maintain to address clubs and estimates which Were iven for a“: .0 _ .
““3 the hot line are young, and their organizations, preparation of the atch-u .05 were :5' '.~ I" .t' 7v" t _ ". '1
35'? UK campus liaison, Dennis pamphlets promoting Operation “I'ldlCKIZIOUS” paclordin t 49:. V - f; :« -",_ .1, ,, t’
to Stuckey, said their main Venus and publicity work. Carlton Du Su t L f l gt ,3 7t , V " t 4:3. ',
m" problem is organization. Volunteers may contact the . nn, p '0 e ec “La " ’ '5 1.. ‘_ ‘3 ' i
’95 . . V . maintenance at UK. So the '- ' a: . ' .~ » .» '
ose , Eighth-grader Steve Hamrln, Student Government office, Universit dec'ded to l v th ~ .\ = . ,
"‘9': ‘ president of the group, said their after which they will be given six chimes bryokenl ea e e * ,t ‘ l? i 'e» - n, ‘ * .-
i e phone calls have trickled down hours of training by the Public , ' _ f‘i. . .. f'
p . - - Then In 1964 the Chi Omega ~ ‘* ,, - .
0m to three or four a day since Health Clinlc. The three soron‘t ’ checked w‘th offic‘ ls fr ' "i ,. _ . . _, -. .. h :
on school has started, though they two-hour sessions will be and becided to] have the __ _< , ,t ‘. "{t it???" . ; . ~.
:ast received 60 phone calls in their centered on knowledge Of the necessar arts re laced so the .5. ’43- hf». _ w ‘3" . l -
3 4 first two days of operation in symptoms of different forms of ,y p, P ..,, 7 z, ' ,3,. .:.:>:f%.=s.;.t .. t .
“‘01 bells might rlng again. ,3,, ‘....’z . . v.3, ,. . , . ,. _ ,,
m.: VD, legal aspects of the problem A la ue in M , 1 Hall ,th é ., - . i . ._
[silt and places where medical calls the (Zhimes theer‘r‘lIlDex—Ill:1 tower :ar 1 ' ‘ ,l.
’ attentio n be received. ,, . . ~ . ,
-:;s RO‘ I 'C n ca bells , but all that was needed to EAT-5:“ My: hreesome _, . ' 'f
.tO " Iximo won a l U ‘
2nd kind‘.’:ot’ally '13:“le 73.3.... (mmxorm: PossmltmES) . '
T d T -
'0 d ‘°"' '"' is the first film made in Denmark 5
y 9 r60 ens O a an omorrow ,‘,,,,;;°,’,’,” 1,123,117 '0, since that country abolished all 7 . ,
II In I _ .
.°.'" censorshmJHREESOME was . 1
l L".."'"2°"' J:"J'.’°L"°""ll°" d seized by U.S. Customs and, as _- '- ‘
C 388 TODAY FREE U. FRIZBEE THROWING difZJS'. ' ° 's'c’vlfil‘efy in the case otIAM CURIOUS and ~ . .‘
[(3 ngtt OFFf‘IghE 1321' the first EDIEEEST agd 33m $3530; Win tfie nbold andlnlorutlnglllm... WITHOUTASTITCHV was finally ! l
pl’O UC Ion 0 e partme t f e DJD. un ay, (2 . . on e smacks clan man m mums: ’ ' .
By JENNY PULLIAM Theatre Arts 1971-72 seasonn“Tl(I)e Student Center patio and Stoll Field. which 97";2‘0‘3'7" “ml: reflfgasedjtz the U.S.. “Pong“ S " :_.
Kernel Staff Writer 23:: frozthh Szrgguse” wattage ogen SENATE AD noc COMMITTEE iniciii'fg'olfn;333.1335? sugflt'ce’w' 0'" a smgecu '
' 9 ' un : p-m- . . - ' CID Inl'lln- MCHCCH _ 3
Despite Congress . latest aCtlon re servations call 258.3’26831: gliifitheZa-glnngn sfllaeianCngg‘jh-Sgtansdt :o-pr‘bduchon: " glitzytttBROYN-Marirmxnlhdflodxv anhStPTgl-rd. J:
13‘ on the draft, entering freshmen Production dates are Oct. 6-10. Room 206. Student Center. cmsm. London generate 33$“; Loo 3.3.531?» £2:ng ,
of 19 and older can still obtain a Agfsoggltigttl’figghtlfiycg AND ZERO POPULATION GROWTH ALSO . '
00 ' 2-S deferment from the Selective Women’s Center. Call: 825121133565 ge;”::m7§30°9 p'snt‘hdlzret‘znggizr‘ (23°13 ‘T———‘—7—T——‘—.————',,T—.—.—-—~————— " '-
1“ Service. 31/0? 3'9 Dan-2 5Monday through and new members please attend; Fsrmds and Lovers B" t fOTAlmt Ne“?;;,W.LpW‘ {{0th mmepuregnie, : .
38$ . While the new draft law "241:: 33’ an _' D.m. on Sunday. FRESHMAN ENGLISH MAJORS " usDenselul' Made With Intelligence :, . . ‘2
. . gency. during other hours, call . . . . l‘ :i .; ' '
ehmmated defermentstfor most Patti or Laurie at 253.2284. . Smtfingttf‘fhxtgg‘gmflnfigeififig n '5 ”at Asamflgihlf.§.~m K“ A, , . r
”:y new freShmena 1t Stlll grants C THE R4}? ROOM} featunng the attend the meeting to be held Oct. 6 "A modern morallly play wrapped ' 2- ' " ..
.15 deferments to StUdents enrolled prtanntll 2 :TrszlNitflybzcctpin‘tlg in 2.031; 113:? Qffitcen %%w8,9m" 2:1! aroundasuspense murder mystery .3 Q I. l '- ”an i. '
les in ROTC. Rose St, . ‘ . ' 2?;33003::_ enmng o ' ‘ packs more reallsm than a dozen _\ 3‘ ‘ *2" I. ' ,3)" I, 't'
56~ The first men inducted under TOMORROW ZERO POPULATION GROWTH HO'WWSUWS’W“ {,NIN- 9 v If , - , '.
we the new draft law will be college YWCA BLACK AFFAIRS presents the film “Population- HdlSlUlblngSllCE olllle ‘rJ ’1 2 W ahhtgtgighhh tat:- . i _
t COMMITTEE will hold a meeting for Ecology” 8 p.m. Tuesday. Oct. 12. tn Suburbia It goes as \ -l “\\ r "iii-ms; ,. " , i .'
.0 dropouts and graduates whose all black University women 2 pm. Room 118‘ Classroom Building. lataSDhySlcallypossmle‘ (4‘ $4) 1"?!» e é r, .
'lal deferments expired in June, Saturday.0ct.2.Koinonia House. Discussion after the film. '--w-n~mo~mm “ Q, fl? at » .‘ ;
CI’S according to seleCtive Service [vaul'll‘ATslérgAnI‘JAFOgéBPAPLfi engigéringfignpocaryngdnsgll'Scatrfiilfil “MAKESMWOMAN' km Etgitd‘fi \ .14” ' I a!
. . t , I . , .--\v ..-~_'-‘"40-‘<' ,. -
_ aUthontleSo TOURNAMENTtwelcomes the teams series every Wednesday at noon in LOOK LIKE‘HEIDI"" 5k???" :1!th - I.
In The call-up for the rest of the Sgttgmgnhltefittsht ofd 'It'fl'ltnesste‘e, Room 255, Anderson Han. mam... -» .
- s an mverSI a - , . . ,-
to year, according. to the Defense °f Daymn- Games Wm be Played a3 chgngthdEr. A3332 invtzgscgeld “TOTAL - i . ‘ ' . ‘
‘0‘ Department, w111 be less than day Saturday. Oct- 2- in entering the state competition Of °"°°"°"°°' _ o ,
mg 15,000 men. But officials said THE HENttzgtMING UP fiwinlivtatntnd knitttingcfigédr? caring: .mmammm’; W . . ‘
' 5. 18m . . . . '
tes that It COUld reach lottery SOCIETY tnvfi::¥f£g:£~l;¥:fltg 266-4700. MWANNE um" WWN “hm "Ht-Mt”- , . . . .'
number 140 depending upon collectors to attend especial meeting SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP mmuuuonuonussu MnNmVEVCO‘" . . ’.
the how soon the Pentagon calls the 2-4 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 3. Faculty 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 3. 412 Rose '"”m‘m"nfin;";;:t;7un~""“ . . . ‘ "
IK . Lounge. Student Center. St. _ ' - '
i first man. '. .7 a.
ary In an attempt to give more 3» .‘ " ', I.
0f students a 2-8 deferment, the ' .
the Department of Military Science ,1
Y- reopened enrollment of Military . . t- -
$3532 Science 10] and Aerospace , f
n eres e m n ergra ua e urrlcu ar ~
a Freshmen accepted in the .f “
< basic course will obtain a . . . , ,
éiiégiig'gilit military deferment as long as p _, ‘-. -
e am In I er uca lon .
z .2 University and ROTC. Entering ° 5
students will be given study -_' = ‘
to materials and required to ‘ ' ‘t
successfully complete an ' »_ .
examination om previously Hear 0 panel presented by - .
_ covered material. j g . .
’"‘°"“““°" ‘5 “”3” ‘" D K th E bl D Ed Wh " " ' "
2| ma Isis": Roogk 101 2%»; r. enne e and r. gar an _ ‘
Sm, ary crence an oom _ . . . . . ,
m“ for Aerospace Studies director of 0 r0 ect to up rove Colle e director of Educotlonol Develo ment at ‘ - , ‘
“‘55 (AFROTC) ‘ '
hie ‘ teaching Ohlo UnlverSIty .3 w , .
:am . . , _ .
'ner . .
:1. i ‘1 ‘ t _: . . a
t - .
:13 and Straight lockers ~ .
o _ . .
“1d ing on the U K i I ”
For oniufionol . y '
7» °" Monday, October 4 of 8:00 p.m. — Rm. 106 of the CB Bldg. - . -
In Information
may. _.-. a; Call ass-cons : .

 ' C o O
o 0 . tlce
1 he POILCQ A disturbing trend toward peremptory JIIS )7
' . . . . - , . ‘1 ~ .- ' he admittedl diffiCUlt
There is a disturbing trend among one-sided gun battles in history. newsmen interView the other IlstS, fUtImf tenforcementyofficials
I ' ‘ policemen across America to pumping more than 100 rounds of inmates. But some have questioned Job (I) a h f. 1 that a“ three, Sup
' )l‘b . - .1 . d"t t th‘ir ammunition into Panther how Jackson could poss1bly have ignoring t. e 4" tyIPe
d 7 1 ‘ N t L 3 '5 or ‘ . . . h » h confrontations took place between writer
. confrontations with radicals. headquarters while the Panthers, hidden a gun as large as t e one 6 k 1 ti naries and white soft-s-
‘ . . maybe. fired one shot. TWO allegedly used under a Wig Without blac revo u o ingre
' Some recent examples. coroner‘s juries disagreed on being detected. policemen. f 11 more will IciIusto
w - , . - ' g
‘ l” December Of 1969 Chicago whether or not Illinois Chairman of At Attica State Prison,Just three BIut hope uhy manyllicemen are “gm:
._ . police raided the headquarters Ot the Panthers, Fred Hampton,was in weeks ago, pohce stormed the realize that t ose p0 m arm of ingrec
' l t l ”10 BRICK Panther Party. killing two fact murdered in his sleep, as the prison killing 28 inmates because, merely the en oresme H efull collIeg
4 -‘ ' ' party members. State Attomey Panthers claimed. they said, inmates had slashed the what IS a raClSItI Misti-“0138 me: their
-. General Edward Hanrahan said in San Quentin Prison, black throats of nine hostages. DCOPIC W1“ r6312: tlldd 10; that Teal;
‘ ' police were met by “a hall 0f revolutionary George Jackson was Autopsy reports made the next have to be cgm ro e fUIzIm ended the
. I . . gunfire" and went to provide the killed in an alleged escape attempt. day showed that everyone killed at raCism has to e (pleacet y '11 be emp
' . ». conservative Chicago Tribune Wlth Prison 'officials said Jackson had a Attica had died ofgunIshot wounds, or most assuredyd 1 . Wimore aIgd .
. j ‘I ' » an inaccurate and misleading gun hidden under an Afro wig, prompting some police to claim Violently et? te IIIIIIIIIake the I1: ii;I
~ " 3 account ofthe raid. All the facts have not been that inmates had guns. But no guns confrontations 1810:}: aIe b will .
l H - I " What actually happened was that discovered yet. at least partly were ever found. I t] DTeVliIZZII ones p y :IpeIci