xt70cf9j6f8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6f8s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2008 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2008 Vol.79 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 2008 Vol.79 No.9 2008 2008 2019 true xt70cf9j6f8s section xt70cf9j6f8s E E r< . 1,
, Frankfort, Ky. 40601 U-S-Posmge .Z on < 13 8 . . "
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1, BY DARRYL ARMSTRONG ' ' 1.. zf/ .
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CTION VOL. 79 . SEPTEMBER 2008 - NUMBER 9 d j, V121." 111533.111}? - 5 .

Per Dept. *W i
33° People KPS sets one—month record with 1 6 million
.flfi? 0 i .
v.79 i '

O . 1
no. 9 d ‘c
=2oos an Sales stall contlnues t0 shlne , 1'
- Sept. i
The Kentucky Press Servrce adver- The bulk of the August total was a g“ er“ 1
tising staff set a one-month record in placement for Kentucky Utilities and ‘ . 11111‘% i
August with more than $1.6 million Louisville Gas and Electric, both owned 1*, i 1
Arnold Gal-son named billed to clients. by Eon Corporation. It involved some 1'. 1 ’”‘ '7'” 1.: i~
, I . h The total surpassed the August, 95 newspapers across the state with full , 1" u l
’_ Courier-Journa pUbl's er ' 2006, record of $910,000. page ads that ran for three weeks. 1» _1 W 7 ' 1
1 1 Of the $1.6 million, a majority was The ad staff — Teresa Revlett, Rachel 1 g , 1i; ' ' f
Longtlme newspaper editor and placed in Kentucky neWSpapers, the McCarty and Stephanie Conrad — was ” ' ‘ '11,:1 .
lexicucillledghngd 1233111501111 who remainder being in Indiana newspa- recognized at a KPA/KPS Board of 1.3 ”e 7
1 1’3 Pe ea e e5 omes egister pers through thelndiana 1Newspaper Directors meeting on Augns18. Holly ' V ' , , i ' ~ HEL _ . ,. :-
_ to two Pulitzer Prizes 1“ the 198051 Advertising ‘N‘etWOrk, toperated": by Willard Was unable to attend the meet— TERESA 1 w? RAG "13;?“ ”’Z'LF’Jw 1.1» "
has been named president and pub- KPS. . ing and be introduced. REVLETT MCCARTY ~ ‘ ‘ i '
lisher Of The Conner—Journal. Through the end of August, KPS has Thompson also noted that the ARK ' > ' . i
' G a r S 0 h , now placed more than$4 million in 'Network, a program in which about . : ’
1;111111.1 67’ 1 comes to 2008, nearly matching yearly totals in 98 newspapers run small space display 1 1 " ~
”e” 5’ Louisvflle from 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2007. The yearly ads sold by KPS, had already set a one- ’2 ‘ ~ 1} .
' SIOUX Falls, record is $5.3 million in 2006 ”and that’s year record within the first six months . ' ; :
8D" where he well within reach for this staff,” said with $273,000 place. . we . '1: Page“ 1 i
, v was pr651dent KPA/KPS Executive Director David T. '“It looks like the $5.3 million ' WW 5.
‘ 1 ” ‘ 1 1 and publisher Thompson. record for a year is well within reach," ~ ' "1 1 ' 1
”pg 11““ 0f the Argus "In 1987, we had our first million Thompson said. ”We have four months 1 1% E .
1111 $19 Leader. dollar year,” he added. “Now we’re to place the remaining $1.1 million 1. “‘33:? 1‘ '
w &1 He replaces talking about a million dollar month needed to break the all-time record HOLLY STEPHANIE % 1
ARNOLD Denlse Ivey, and not really all that far from a $2 mil— and I have no reason to think this staff i ‘
who last June - u > I 1 n WILLARD CONRAD , .'
hon month. won t do 1t. 1 1
GARSON 1 announced she . 3
would leave M
The Courier— i,i¥2,av»./'/ A 1'3 ' O O O .,
Journal by year ,5 end. Ivey, who Chris Ordwa Ah“ .1 I. o d B d f D t if
became The Courier-Journal’s pub— . y %/2« r way Jalns oar o ‘ Irec ors ;
. . . . . Is the pub- 142w . 2 .
lisher in 2006, Wlll remain the chair- 1 ’/ - 4
man of the newspaper through the llsher Of the 1 1 Chris Ordway, publisher of the lowing the death of Kentucky Standard . 1 .
end of the year. Elizabethtown 1% i’éfi/ié Elizabethtown News Enterprise, has publisher Ron Filkins. , 1

' Addressing the newsroom staff in News 1 1 1 been elected to finish the board term for Read abouthPA/KPS’ newest Board 1;
Louisville Aug. 7, Carson acknowl- Enterprise aft. C11 D1str1ct5. member and hls thoughts 0“ newpapers ?
edged that American newspapers 1;? " He will complete the term, through on page 7 of this month’s edition of The 1
are undergoing difficult financial :* ” 11 the January, 2011, Winter Convention, fol- Kentucky Press. 1
times and that changes inevita- 2e " i '
bly will continue to occur at The ——————‘———-——————— i "
Courier—Journal. G 0 K o I o o I

11. overnments get to e-mal meetlng notices .

’ per and its Web Slte ’ Wlll contlnue to j ‘
be the primary provider 0f 10931 and BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS open-meetings law took effect in July. meetings, as well,” said Allison Martin, 3 i
regional news and mformation 1n REPRWTED WITH [IE/{MISSION Touted as a money- and time-saver, it a spokeswoman for the state attorney
thls community. And he .Sald he ‘5 allows local governments to send meet— general’s office. “Because you never can 1
”extremely bUHlSh about the future Local governments in Kentucky will ing notices electronically to any agency ensure when a mailed letter is going to
0f newspapers. now be able to notify news organiza- member or news organization that asks arrive by the postal service.”

Origmally from Nebraska, Carson tions [about their special meetings by in writing for e-mail communications. The attorney general’s office is send— , 1
e-mail. ”It gives the media and the public 5 ,f
See PEOPLE on Page 2 The new provision in Kentucky's more timely notification of the special See EMA”- On Page 8 ‘ ;

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press - September 2008
P A S S I N G o |
Ralph Utley www. ypresscom
Ralph Gordon Utley, 93, of Owensboro and formerly of Central City, passed away T H E M 0 N T H L Y P U B L I C A T I O N O F T .H E
July 18 at the Hermitage Car and Rehabilitation Center in Owensboro. K E N T U C K Y P R E S S A S S O C l A T 1 O N
He retired in the early 19805 as part-owner and business manager of Central City . .
Publishing Corporation which owned the Times-Argus and The Messenger newspa— °
pm Kentucky Press Assoaation Officers
He owned one-third of the newspapers along With Larry Stone and Amos Stone. President _ Taylor Hayes District 10 _ Cheryle Walton
The Haley-MCGinnis Funeral Home was in charge of all arrangements. . .
Kentucky New Era BeattyVille Enterprise
1 E Berr Smith Hopkinswlle District 11 — Willie Sawyers
' y President-Elect - Edmund London Sentinel Echo
E. Berry Smith, a longtime executive for Schurz Communications Inc,, has passed J Silelblfr District. 12 - Donna Carman
away at age 82. ac son lmes Casey County News
Smith was senior vice president of broadcasting for Schurz Communications from . .
1988 until he retired in 2000. Vice President - Chip D'Strlct 13 - Wayne Snow
He once served as vice president and general manager of WLKY—TV in Louisville. Hutcheson - Princeton Times— Lexington Herald—Leader
Leader District 14 — Scott C. Schurz Jr. 7
Treasurer — Dennis Hetzel Advocate Messenger
Kentucky Enquirer State At-Large
' PEOPLE Covmgton John Mura - Courier-Journal
Continued from page 1 . Past President — Kriss Johnson Rob McCullough — Morehead
Lexington Herald—Leader ' News
’ began his newspaper career as a reporter for the Omaha World-Herald. Board of Directors B lMarkaan Pgttfin N
Before coming to the Argus Leader in 1996, he served as editor of the San Bernardino District 1 _ Loyd Ford OW ")9 reen a' y ews
County (Calif.) Sun and as managing editor of The Des Moines Register. The Lake News Calvert City Denms Hetzel ' KentUCky
‘ 000.. I Enquirer
Barren County native Amber Dilley is the newest member of the Glasgow Daily District 2 - Ryan Craig Division Chairman
Times’ newsroom. Todd County Standard News Editorial Division — Mike
Dilley is a graduate of the University of New Mexico with a degree in journalism. . . , . . . Alexieff, Bowling Green Daily‘ “fir-x
w While studying at UNM, Dilley worked for the student newspaper. ' D'smCt 3 _ Dav'd Dixon News ’3'
The Henderson Gleaner . . . . . .
Advertismg DIVISIOn — Eric
B Sh h b d 1 . o . " fTh L R C t H ld N District 4 ' Jeff Jobe Balierstedt, Oldham Era , .
. en eroan as een name genera manager 0 e .a ue oun y era ews Butler County Banner Circulation Division _ Jamie
in Hodgenv111e and The Record in Leitchfield. Both weeklies are owned by Landmark 5' Th K t k St d d
Community Newspapers Inc. District 5 - Chris Ordway lzemore’ e_ en U? _y_ an ar
Sheroan began his career in 1974 while still in high school, working as a part-time» Elizabethown News Enterprise Assocrates D'V'Slon '
sports writer with The News-Enterprise in Elizabethtown. Helen cam)” ‘ TOYOta MOtor
He served in various newsroom roles, including assistant editor through 1990 when District 6 _ Julie Satterly Manufacturing
he became city editor for The Messenger-Inquirer in Owensboro. He later served as edi- Oldham Era Journalism Education
tor of a morning daily in West Virginia and publisher of daily and weekly newspapers in Representatives
Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. ' District 7 - Kelley Warnick Stan McKinney
' Gallatin County News Campbellsville University
"n. - - - Pat Moynahan
The Times Leader is one of two Kentucky newspapers winning an award in the DIStr'Ct 8 ' 39b Hendr'Ckson Northern Kentuck Universit
National Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest. MaySV'He Ledger G I C y I y
Publisher Chip Hutcheson will be presented a third—place award for best sports fea- independent enera ounse s
ture story Or series, non-daily division, at the association’s annual convention this fall D' . 9 L T k Jon Fle'SChakerr Ashley Pack,
in St. Paul, Minn. lStrlCt ._ oretta ac ett Dinsmore & ShOhl
The winning entry was titled ”Field of Dreams" and was published July, 2007 chroni- AppalaCh'an News—EXpreSS
cling the history of youth baseball in Princeton. . .
The other winner for Kentucky was a third place for best editorial by Ryan Craig at KentUCky Press ASSOClatlon Staff
The Todd County Standard. David T. Thompson, Executive Stephanie Conrad, Research/
. . . . . . Director Marketing Coordinator
Keith W. Ponder, former publisher at the Glasgow Daily Times, will again lead the Bonnie Howard, Controller Sue Cammack, Administrative
Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales A55istant
south-central Kentucky newspaper. , . . _
. . . . . . . . DaVId Greer, Member SerVices Rachel McCarty, Advertismg
Ponder, a Vice pres1dent and diViSion manager for Birmingham, Ala-based Community . .
. . . Director A55istant
Newspaper Holdings Inc., had served as publisher in Glasgow from 1998 to 2004 when . . .
h . . . . . . . John Whitlock, News Bureau Holly Willard, INAN Busmess Clerk
e was promoted to a CllVISlOI‘I corporate aSSignment while still based in Glasgow. . .
- - Director
Pete M10, who spent more than two years as publisher at the Glasgow paper, has . . . .
, DaVId Spencer, New Media Staff members, officers and direc-
been promoted to CNHI s Tonawanda, N.Y, newspaper. . . . . .
. , . - . . Administrator tors may be reached by e-mail usmg
During Ponder s preVious tenure as publisher, he helped the paper reach record-high Buff Sams Bookkee in the in divi dual's f'rst _ 't' | f H | t
circulation levels, led the conversion to a new Web site and helped establish CNHI’S y .’ p g I W 'a’ u as
A55istant name@kypress.com.
Kentucky news bureau. , _
The Kentucky Press (Permit #478) is published monthly by the Kentucky
° " " Press Association/Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Third Class postage is paid
Bell County native Brandy Murray Calvert describes her promotion to managing edi- at Frankfort, Ky. 40601. Subscription price is $8 per year. Postmaster: Send
See PEOPLE on Page 12 change of address to The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, Frankfort,
KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. .

 The Kentucky Press ~ September 2008 . Page 3 f i
3 0 1 :7
News Bureau curtailed' lookln back at 25 ears
, y
KPA has long had a history of offering some ties. We put him on the KPA News Editorial
unique member services, most of them avail- O S d W__WM Division board. Q

E able to members at no additional cost. Pay your n econ I“? His first meeting With the diViSiOD included 5

dues, get the services. 2']; 4; 7 some familiar faces for him ‘-— David Hawpe, Jim 7
Each year, we ask the incoming president Th ht , 9%” g Henahan and a couple of others. One he had not

to come up with one new member service, or oug , M ‘ met until that day was Larry Craig. 1

tweak an existing one. In 1991, David Hawpe ' am We sat in the large conference room table at ,

1 expressed his concern about newspapers out " 1 ,/ the Capital Avenue building, with Larry and
in the far reaches of that state not being able to BY DAVID THOMPSON ' David Hawpe sharing a stories, seeing who f-
get news out of Frankfort. Oh, there was some KPA Executive 57% , could outdo the other. Some 15 minutes past

. available through the tons of news releases Director the schedule starting time, Jim Henahan, who
mailed each year but what those newspapers was chairing the division at the time, still hadn’t 3
really needed was not available. _ made it in from Elizabethtown. ;

1 David suggested we set up a service, free valuable service. So coupling the lack of use and Staats was growing more and more impa— :
to members, that would help them get stories, apparent lack of interest, the KPA News Bureau tient, wondering why we were so laid back on R, ‘
pictures, open records, court documents from will cease to exist as we know it. We’re going to starting a meeting. ‘
state government. It wasn’t an Associated Press try to make a weekly legislative wrap-up avail- Finally he asked, ”Who’s going to chair this i

7 in that the newspaper made the request and able to newspapers, if there’s interest. Interest meeting if Henahan doesn’t show up?"

Jr. the news bureau was not going to just generate mean newspapers want to stories and will run The Right Rev. Larry Craig put his briefcase ;:

story after story. the stories. on top of the conference room table, opened it
He saw this particularly of interest to weekly We know most all dailies get their legislative slowly, put his hand inside, pulled it back out if
newspapers that did not have the staff nor news by either covering the General Assembly and in his drawl, said, ”I will if I want to.” At I ,

'| resources to drive a few hours to Frankfort just or using AP’s service. But most all weeklies are that point, Larry closed the briefcase lid and j

d to get a record or take a photo or cover a news represented by an employee stationed around placed his handgun on top of it. E
event. But dailies might use it as well. the Capitol and don’t subscribe to AP. Staats’ eyes were about the size of half-dol- j 1

There was only one other such service from Still, that’s been the most-used service lars. He didn’t complain any more about Jim i .1

l a state press association but it was geared more through the News Bureau though even that use Henahan being late. . _ j;
toward generating stories for newspapers than has waned in the last few years. ,
being a newspaper’s own employee based in "0-0 .~
Frankfort. 0 0 0 . 0 Now if I check into a hotel room and find a ,_'

(e For 17 years the News Bureau has been avail- All Betty Berryman asked for was five years. number of large boxes in it, I think I’d ask the

. able to members. At the beginning, there were When I interviewed for this position, Betty’s one front desk to put me someplace else. { \

WK several assignment requests. Eventually we 'question sticks out in my mind: ”If-you’re hired,. ,Back in the 19805, KPA..,.-vvas_to judge the, . . m
, added legislative coverage, offering newspapers would you commit to five years?" Mississippi PressAssociation contest. Mississippi '

a weekly wrap—up of House and Senate news As of Sept. 26, 25 years later, Betty, it’s didn’t want to spend the money to fly the entry '

, ' ' when the General Assembly was in session. been five times what you asked about. And it’s boxes to us so they put them on a Greyhound .

3 That became the most-used News Bureau been more than five times the fun I thought it bus to Frankfort. I went to the bus station, all .

rd service, with up to 80 newspapers just a few would. the boxes had arrived and took them to the i '
years ago carrying the weekly wrap-up. We There are some stories over the past 25 years Sheraton Hotel in Lexington. ’ j
can only assume that decreased news space or that many of you’ve not heard. I share those for I left the boxes with the front desk and spe- [
maybe even a lack of interest in what the legisla- you unfamiliar with them while perhaps boring cific instructions that they were to be put in 1
ture does to Kentuckians as a reason nearly half those who have. Kelly Green’s room. She’d be arriving later and "
of those 80 do not use the stories any more. In the first few weeks on the job, when KPA to please store them in her room. j ‘

I remember several years ago talking with was on Capital Avenue, my office was in the Ihaven’t met too many Kelly Green’s in my { ,
Jerry Lyles, a KPA Board member and publisher back of the first floor. An old den turned office, life so I didn’t think twice about there being i T
at the Benton Tribune Courier. Jerry told me complete with black and orange shag carpet- another Kelly Green and it never crossed my ;
about sending a reporter all the way to Frankfort ing. Barbara Brown, who was office manager mind there could be two Kelly Green’s staying

ty to get a record about a public agency. at the time, came to the door and said, ”David, at the same hotel in Lexington. 5

That’s about a four-hour drive and even we have visitors.” I looked up to find two state But there were. ¥
(, at much lower gas prices it was still a costly police detectives, plus an silver-haired gentle- Igot to the hotel the next morning, expecting
expense. man and a beautiful tall woman. to introduce the KPA judges to Kelly Green and ' » 1
Jerry’s reason for not using the News Bureau? The silver-haired man was GOV. John Y. to get them started on their duties. Instead I was 5"
”I forgot all about KPA having that.” Brown. And the lady with him, of course, was met at the door by former Clay City Times pub- 1
That was an oft-heard phrase, ”I forgot about Phyllis George Brown. lisher Jerlene Rose who told me the boxes could i ‘
it.” We tried to remind members about its pur- They were taking an afternoon walk down not be found. It was time to start the judging yet
pose and availability. But assignments didn’t Capital Avenue and Phyllis was pregnant with there was nothing to be judged. f
increase. If we have three assignments a month, the second child. When they got in front of KPA, After some futile attempts talking with the 7,

3 that’s a high number. Some months go by with— she said she told the governor, ”I know KPA is front desk, we found there was a second Kelly
out any newspaper asking the News Bureau to an OK organization. Lets ask them if I can use Green at the hotel. And all those contest entries 1
help it out. the restroom.” were in his room. The front desk called his room ; '

The decision has been made to cut back, Who’s going to say no to the First Lady? I a couple of times but he said he would not allow '
ark maybe even cut out, the KPA News Bureau as invited her to use my private bathroom. That anyone in to get the boxes and to not call his ;
we know it. That came last fall at the Board gave me a couple of minutes to chat with the room again. .

30 Retreat. We held on to it through the 2008 governor as he looked at the Wall of Presidents The hotel manager called with the same ; g

n9 session, through the Special Session in late and noted which ones he knew. result. In fact, that Kelly Green was getting more : ,

't June and even thought maybe a column by Wouldn’t you know, when we moved to irritated with each contact. '

_ John Whitlock, News Bureau Director, asking, Consumer Lane in 1991 I forgot to bring that The manager asked the occupant to just set , ‘

:ky pleading, begging for assignments while turn toilet seat with me. the boxes outside the room, offered discounts 1

ii d it around. and other amenities, anything to get the contest :- ,

nd It made no difference. 0 0 0 0 0 materials to us. . ; _-

>rt We also noticed that back in the spring, in Ed Staats hadn’t been in Kentucky long. Ed Finally, after nearly two hours of negotia— ‘
I a survey of members about KPA offerings, was the new bureau chief for the Associated tions, the boxes were thrown into the hallway . .
the News Bureau got no mention as being a Press and offered to be involved in KPA activi- and we were able to start judging. ’

« a :

 Page 4 ~The Kentucky Press - September 2008 ' A
It takes a V.S.0n to $92 “I f 1: 0f bus' 5
”WV" 7 VI ' "777777 7 7 ' ,;.:5_.,.:;_. 23.. . ‘ ' ' I a bi:
t Pl Encourages openness to unique and creative
w ra eglc annlng ..1... Sup
hcthcr an or anization communili or a cr- 5 ‘ ' the i
g r J P 1 0 Encoura es and builds confidence
son without a vision we will simply perish a: it . B ‘ld l g It th 1 h invol eme it ( r- to P
No vision and you perish; BY l.. DARRYL ARMSTRONG g 'L i ’-° ship) m S oya y ror g V n owne ClOSi
N 0 ideal and you're lost' H” ‘ ’ T
' ’ ~ sW‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ '
Your heart must ever cherish GueSt COlummSl s L} . Results m effic1ency and prOdUCtWIty' so 1‘
Some faith at any 5051‘ ' .a Vision Killers wor
Son/1e ho 6/ some d [”1 to l 7 f I 7" T ’ ""4’"~7"7 "' T" if T T ' , , W ( . ‘ . . 7 T
Some ”51170510 in H: sic C 1’75 0 As we engage in the v1s10ning process, we must Joui
Some ””1610 d1 to 51;" toy, . be alert to the following vision killers: ider
Sam i? 'ci/ H1 1‘ lg] , I} When Visioning change, we must ask ourselves, o Tradition — ”We have always done it this Mc(
e S rm e a IS 113 1‘ ”What is our preferred future?” way” mentality ’ Fou
' , To effectively do this we must be sure to draw 0 Fear of ridicule was
-Harr1et Du Autermont on the beliefs, mission, and environment of the o Stereotypes of people, conditions, roles and Rec«
, organization; describe what we want to see in the governing councils cy, t
v 5:: t2: gfsdrfiszgcigh: chiiari/rfnrffifkidavrldh adi- future; being very specific to the organization; be . Complacency of some stakeholders for ]
V? (1:15; to h fl them in It heir strate lfc’ laniiiii positive and inspiring; not assume that the system . Fatigued leaders wor
rocesses It isthis t e of work th§t “I; are cugr- will have the same framework as it does today 0 Short-term thinking of p
. pentl d in . 11 bprat'on with th K t ck because change is always underway; be open to o ”Naysayers” Fou
‘ r y 0 8 H} CD _a O 1 e en u y dramatic modifications to current the organiza- - Autocratic management culture and
. Press Assoc1ation, its staff and management and . . .
I its board tion, or the current methodology, teaching tech— W1tl
1 '. . . . n' es d c'l't‘ s. - ~ , I:
There is nothing maglcal or mystical about iqu an fa 1 1 1e f tiiiafegclziplammg doesn t attempt to make Circ
. . . . . . u i ons.
‘ strategic planning. Strategic planning is Simply a What are the key components for a vision? Fou
3 management tool albeit one not used as often as it Within our dreams and aspiratio efi d r diff!
. . . as w n ou
Shir;alifhlgrorffaglagaetihZfilibbl it has e 'fi ”Be sure to choose what you believe and know why opportunities. CO“:
= ur oses- to hi1 an gr anization d a 13:}; Cl, Cb you believe it, because if you don’t choose your beliefs, - Sue Atchley Ebaugh 7 onl)
1 P p ‘_ p g 0 er lo you may be certain that some belief, and probably not a to d
- to focus its energy, to ensure that members of the _ . . ' n . . . . cou:
. organization are working toward the same goals very creditable 0116, Will Choose you. Strategic planning is about fundamental deCi— t
_. . . . . , _ R . . . . es 1
and to assessan d adjust the organization’s direc- . obertson Dayiess srons and actions, but it does not attempt to make prei
, ti on m1. e sp ons e’ to a" changing environment-H _> The Deptford Trilogy future dec1srons. Strategic planmng involves br
‘ In short strategic 1 . is ’a disci lined ' ' anticipating the future environment, but the deci- “a 0.;
‘ ’ P g . . p What this means is that a person should sions are made in the present. This means that .
effort to produce fundamental deCISIOnS and embrace ideas and beliefs that sit well with him t‘ th ' t' t t b t f m a
. . . . . . over ime, e or aniza ion mus s a a reas o
. actions that shape and guide what an organization or her at the present time while keeping in mind chan es in ordergto make the best deyc'si ns 't c n AP}
.; 15, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus ’ . . g l o l a age]
~. on the future that as awareness about reality expands With the at any given point -- it must manage, as well as witl
‘ Simply, a strategic'plan is built on consensus :(fiirlgilti Sf (31:: :gpggircilciisélgo must one s concept plan, strategically. . "l
1 and is an a ed u t . . . ' . sior
_. One of tlgileefirs t 1:23 3:310? tlibovmeofs‘frdffiirfal Therefore our ViSion must encompass our belief Strategic planning is not cou
‘ parts of develo in an effective strate ic lan of system. Our beliefs must meet our organizational ' a substitute for leadership Cor
1 action is to undirsfand the importanceg ofphavin a goals, as well as community goals; be a statement ' Strategic planning has also been described as I
. vision. g Of our values; be a public and visible declaration a tool -~ but it is not a substitute for the exercise vidi
, A vision is what you want to be ”when on of our expected outcomes; be precise and practi- of judgment by leadership. Ultimately, the lead— on E
: grow up” and what it is you want to a c con}: lish cal; guide the actions Of all involved; reflect the ers of any enterprise need to sit back and ask, and . don
3 as you walk your path A vision helps ou Refine knowledge, philosophy and actions Of all that par— answer, ”What are the most important issues to don
8 what it is you want to be like and look like when ticipate; and be a key component of Our strategic respoHd to?" and ”How shall we resp on d?” Just
_ you arrive at your final destination which usually planning. as the hammer doesn’t create the bookshelf, so the —
E you never arrive at since the destination kee 5 These are examples of creative vision state— data analysis and decision-making tools of strate-
. changing over time. p merits: gic planning do not make the organization work SJ
~ , A vision is important whether you are a small . The Bluegrass Community & Technical __ they can only support the intuition, reasoning
firm of two people a chamber of commerce a College District will be the premier provider of skills, and judgment that people bring to their BY J
: nonprofit association or a community of 30,000 :23:tdhldaéglfiilfiiblrgittbligrdi: liaechéiggcfplrce for organization. A350
‘ diverse eo le. . .'
i ’ A visibni; developed only after there is si nifi- . The Kentucky New Era Will be the flrSt choice Strategic planning doesn’t F1
cant conversation amon the various arties Fhat for reliable news and information in the Pennyrile usually flow smoothly fund
1 must create it and then :0 about doinp those tasks region. Finally, strategic planning, though described Kent
2 necessary to make it a reality Boards finana ers . Storm Lake Will be a premier regional and as disciplined, does “Qt typically flow smoothly N
‘ and staffs must agree upon the vision for it ‘30 be economically progressive community in northeast from one step to the next. It is a creative process, prev
: effective. Iowa. and the fresh insight arrived at today might very F0111
: When you begin the process of strategic plan- well alter the decision made yesterday. Inevitably Will
3 ning Visioning comes after this dialogue and after Benefits of Visioning the process moves forward and back several . high
_ - there is an understanding of the need for Chan e The process and outcomes of Visioning may times before arriving at the final set of decisions. 01391
and how difficult ch an g e can be g seem vague and superfluous. However, the long- Therefore, no one should be surprised if the pro- Cou:
_ ' term benefits are substantial. cess feels less like a comfortable trip on a commut- C
What is our preferred future? Vis10n1ng: er train, but rather like a ride on a roller coaster. “V9
, ' ' Breaks us out of boundary thinking. Yet even roller coaster cars arrive at their destina- POSi
. ,, . . . . . . . I’l
When we are tired enough of domg the same 0 Prov1des continuity and aVOids the stutter tion, as long as they stay on track! 1
Id th' . . . h . effect of planning fits and starts. exc ‘
1 0 mg or our pam 15 intense enoug we will seek . . . . . . , vict(
Chan 12 ,, . Identifies direction and purpose. The time is now
3 ' 0 Alerts stakeholders to needed change. T
_ Dr L Darryl Armstrong _ Armstrong and 0 Promotes interest and commitment.
Associates 0 Promotes laser-like focus. See ARMSTRONG on Page 8

 The Kentucky Press - September 2008 . Page 5 : '
i A b' ' t f d'
, lg VIC cry or open access, me la
‘ On the issue of the 47,000 donors who did not ,
On Aug. 2L 20081 The Courier Journal received F I l ,, request anonymity, the Supreme Court reversed 3. .
. a big victory in a long-awaited decision by the rom a ega 2 the Court of Appeals. In weighing the interests l 1
Supreme Court of Kentucky. The court decided that .5 , ; ¢ 77 involved, the Supreme Court found that the donor 1;
the identities of donors and amounts of donations t I t ”W information sought by The Courier-Journal was .f
to public colleges and universities must be dis- 8 an pOI n ,5 “’3’, of a ”personal nature.” According to case law, the .
closed under the Open Records Act . gégfigmé court is then required to determine whether the 1
To fully understand this victory, and why it was fig“??? disclosure of this information would constitute {
so long—awaited, the history of the case and how it BY JON FLEISCHAKER klfiw / a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. The .’
wound itself through the appeals courts is helpful. Dinsmore & Shoal . / court determined that any privacy interests of the f
The story began in 2001, when The Courier- LLP . 4 47,000 donors who did not request anonymity i
Journal made an open records request for donor are minimal and that these donors did not hold a '
identities and amounts contributed to U of L’s . legitimate expectation of privacy in their donations. .
McConnell Center for Political Leadershi . The Wei hed against the ublic’s interest in knowin '
Foundation rejected the request claimingrfhat it If yo u h ave a ny I eg a I the gmounts and soufces of monies donated to tie
was a private corporation not subject to the Open . Foundation (which funds U of L), the disclosure of 5
Records Act and that, even if it were a public agen- q u e St I O n S I the donors’ identities did not constitute a clearly I
cy, the records would be protected by an exception unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. : L
for records ”where the public disclosure thereof C a I I t h e KPA h Otl i n e The Supreme Court, however, held that the pri- j
would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion vacy interests of the 62 donors requesting anonym- 1;
of personal privacy.” The Courier-Journal sued the . ity outweighed the public’s interests. Its decision j. ‘
Foundation both to have it declared a public agency attO r n eyS . largely turned on the fact that at the time of the ;:
and to challen e its use of the rivac exce tion to - , donation, the Foundation had not et been ruled 5-.
withhold the ricords. P Y P Jon L. FIelS