xt70cf9j6d39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6d39/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2015-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, August 2015 text LinQ magazine, August 2015 2015 2015-08 2019 true xt70cf9j6d39 section xt70cf9j6d39 I , I
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_ August 2ot'h e ivi‘t -
Lyric: Theatre . 300 IE Third Street
August 2015, Vol. 37 No.8
A publication of the PCS 0
I/h/‘Im'rly l/u' GLSO

Bang Locally Proud
Ranada touts the benefits of shopping at the Farmers’
Market and buying locally.
0 0
Rural Prlde Summ1t \
’ Coming to Lexington on August 12, the USDA, NCLR,
True Colors Fund, and the PCSO host an event to raise
the voices for LGBT people from rural communities.
0 O
Lexmgton Prlde 2015 ,
Chad Hundley, 2015 Pride Festival Chair recaps the I
> 2015 Pride Festival, a record year!

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Editor-in-Chief The Pride Community Services Organization seeks to educate,
Christopher R. Bauer enhance, and empower the community about sexual minority
Assistant Editor - Advertising and gender expansive issues.
Tuesday G Meadows
PCSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Copy Editor _ _
Chrlstopher R. Bauer, Presrdent
Paul Brown & Ann Malcolm
Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Paul Brown, Secretary
Jessica Garner & Lisa Ham
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
Calendar Coordinator
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
Chad Hundley
Kira Goldade, At Large
Amy Hatter, At Large
PCSO Board, Chad Hundley, & Rebecca Adams
, Dena Lee, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Pride Community Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
Services Organization members and community. The Pride Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large
Community Services Organization envisions a community
_ . _ PCSO Staff
that accepts and celebrates each 1nd1v1dual.
Chad Hundley, Office Manager
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to
. _ PCSO Pride Center
the editor (ed1tor@pcsoky.org) or to the PCSO Prlde Center _ '
_ . . 389 Waller Avenue, Sulte 100, Lex1ngton, KY 40504
(859-253-3233). All submrssrons may be edlted for length.
859-253-3233, www.pcsoky.org
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyPCSO Office hours are:
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyPCSO Tuesday—Friday l p.m.-5 pm.
Follow us on Instagram at LinQbyPCSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

EThat’s What I’m
, _ ,, \
Talkln About .. a:
By Helena Handbasket
ell... it was bound to than anyone else. Ijust go from conscience — will never lead you
Whappen. You knew my own experiences and try to help wrong. Does that mean that I have
Mamaw would talk about God people find their own way, and if always made the right choices?
at some point, didn’t ya? Why they want to use my experiences as Don’t make me laugh. I’m human,
would I want to take on a subject a gauge to base their own stuff on, honey.
that inspires so much debate? I then who am I to stop them. People have asked me how I can
guess it is because I just want to You see, I always believed there believeinthisGodthingwhenIcan’t
share my own experience. Many of was something bigger than myself see Him (or Her). I can’t touch or
y’all know that I go to church most out there somewhere that seemed to hear God. Then why believe? (By
Sundays, but that doesn’t make me be watching over me. I have been the way, I do refer to God as Him,
holier than thou. Truth be known, in so many situations in my life but in all actuality, I believe that
I am just trying to do my best on that could have ended tragically God embodies the perfect mix ofall
this journey, and what I get out of but instead I came out okay. I’ve that is both masculine and feminine
church on Sunday seems to help me never been a person who claimed to and understands everything about
find the strength to endure life’s have all the answers, but in my life, us.) My answer is that I exercise
challenges. It helps me find my it has seemed that when I needed my faith andjust choose to believe.
center so that I handle things from an answer about something, it was What is this FAITH thing anyway,
a place of peace rather than chaos. always there - right on time. Not you might ask? A cousin of mine
Does that mean I have my “stuff” always on my time but at least it recently defined it as well as I have
together all the time? Don’t be was there when I really needed it ever heard it. He said, “Faith is
silly. I can freak out just as easily to be. It was as if I heard or felt walking around corners.” Think
as anyone... but when I get to my someone or something guiding me about it. That is exactly what he
quiet place and try to find my center, to where I needed to be or what I said, and he was right. We walk
I can usually talk myself off of the needed to do. Someone told me around corners metaphorically and
ledge. Does that mean that I know once that when you hear that voice literally everyday not knowing what
and understand everything about in your head trying to get you to is around that corner, but we do it.
God and spirituality? Yeah, right! choose right over wrong, it is more We walk around that corner, and we
Not a chance. But I have learned to than your conscience talking. Many believe that whatever we encounter,
trust my heart. I know sometimes I people think that your conscience we will be able to deal with. And
can get a little preachy, and I really is the voice of God and if we listen what does it mean to “exercise”
don’t mean to act like I know more close enough, then your heart - or Continued on nextpage

 Continuedfrompreviouspage own heart and soul based on your at 10am at our church: Bluegrass
my faith? For me, I exercise my own life experiences. The only United Church of Christ, 500 Don
faith by thanking God for the thinngould try to get everyone to Anna Drive. You don’t have to
answer even before I know what do is to find your quiet place and drink any Kool-Aid or bite the head
the answer is. I believe or “have truly listen to what is inside you. off any chicken (not the first visit
faith” that what I need will be there Search your heart and be brutally anyway). Just come and check it
when I need it. That doesn’t mean honest with yourself. Don’t try to out. I like to say that we don’t love
I can just sit around and wait for convince yourself one way or the you in spite ofwho you are; we love
God to work miracles. Sometimes other. Listen to your heart and you BECAUSE ofwho you are. We
those miracles happen through my listen to that voice in your head. embrace all of the differences and
own efforts, and I am guided by the Then and only then will you find we celebrate diversity. We live this
force that lives within me. Could your truth. motto, “No matter who you are or
that be God? Anyway,this is what works for me. where you are on life’s journey...
WouldIdare to try to get everyone I leave you with this, my prayer: you are WELCOME here.” See ya
to believe just like I do? Well, that everyone who reads this article Sunday?
NO. Your faith and your beliefs will find that force within him or (Send comments or suggestions to
are yours. They are what you feel her that leads to a place of true joy. HelenahandbasketKY@gmai1.com)
and what you sense and what you Lastly, consider this your invitation v
choose to believe in inside your to join me any Sunday morning
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.éigigfi'l - :7? 73.,
aw, ourt
1. en 11C CWS
By H.M.I.M. Empress XXXIV of
the Imperial Court of Kentucky
Kali Dupree
ummer is in full swing and I hope All of the events that the Imperial Court '4- e'. " r"? 5; . ,5 '12
”a? i m7 age.
everyone is enjoying themselves. plans and hosts are for the community. ' . ' 'f _ ' 155??"
13.1 4. ‘ ”’ "”1331” 3'1 .55." ',
During the summer, we find ourselves We are Lmique in the fact that we raise 3'33; .r‘ ' ., '. {gt-T é" , -'-,-I'
traveling, hanging out, and typically, money, $1 at a time, to give to our other :W ”W, ‘ 4
just socializing more with our fiiends local charities so that they can continue the , - ix. z-"Wm , «31,5 ‘1
and loved ones. We have late evenings, work that they do. Our relationships are y W b “ 2 .. I. a
.1 \ I |.
warm weather, vacation times, and there’s very important because of this. ‘ {Fix/.14 " . f
typically lots to do. With our relationships Throughout the many years that the ' I '. 4 4' . g
with fiiends and loved ones in full bloom Imperial Court has been established, we 32' . I _
and stronger than ever, I find myself havebeen ableto puthundreds ofthousands On August 29 the Imperial Court W111
looking at the strong community that I live of dollars into our charities. This success raise money to help gather SChOOl SUP p hes
in and that I consider my family. comes from the hard work of many people for children in need. We have been working
Themultitude ofwonderful organizations and many organizations. The participation wrth AVOL’ Fayette County SChOOI
in Lexington, KY and the surrounding and collaborations between the different systems, and the Blg Brothers Blg Sisters
areas that do incredible things in the organizations and even some businesses to make sure we are able to helpasmany 0f
community is outstanding. All of these giving back to community is key to these familiesasp0551ble.Alsomtheworks
organizations have a relationship with the bettering and lifting up our community. 15 Dragging Out For Llfe on September 16
community and the community depends Recently our organizations’ at Crossrngs Lexrngton, WhJCh IS a kJCk
on them. Since becoming Empress 34, I relationships have been stronger than ever, Ofic to AVOL’S Dming Out For Llfe on the
have personally taken an interest in these and the plan is to make them even stronger. 17th There W111 be many parhcrpating
relationships - an interest not only in The The Imperial Court was given the chance restaurants throughout Lexrngton. This is
Imperial Court’s relationship with our to represent at the Pride Festival where I a great opportunity for any Of you to get
members or any individual organization’s was able to perform to raise some money out and Witness the amazrng team work
relationship with its members and clients, through tips. We were at the Fairness that goes into the events that raise money
but in the relationships between the many Awards where I was, again, able to raise for tins commuruty.
organizations within our great community. some money through the opportunity to For any information for upcoming
Two months have already passed perform, and again, walking in the Fourth events, questions, or to donate, fed free to
into reign 34, and The Imperial Court of July Parade with all my brothers and contact me, any board member, follow the
of Kentucky has already been moving sisters fiom the different organizations. Imperial Court OfKY on Facebook, or go
forward with our frmdraising endeavors. Simply amazing is the feeling of unity. to nnpenalcourtkentuckyorg. O

:5 9
By Tuesday G Meaows I I I ‘
Where Do We Go From Here?
“Slip Kid, slip kid, realization... There’s no easy way to be free... It’s a hard, hard world...
I am a solider at sixty-three... No easy way to be free.” Slip Kid, The Who
6 Supreme Court of the United children, who may be subject to harmful from its list of mental illnesses in 1973.

T‘States has made marriage equality a conversion therapy. Let us make Leelah’s Gender Identity disorder was removed fiom
reality. The law is now on our side despite any law to ban conversion therapy a reality. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
resistance. Now a burning question remains: The law is named for Leelah Alcom, a Disorders when the DSM - 5 was published
Where does the LGBTQ+ community put transgender teen from Ohio who killed in May 2013. The people still practicing
its collective advocacy emphasis next? My herself last winter after experiencing conversion therapy ignore what the APA
answer is, to paraphrase a bartender or two, conversion therapy. Banning conversion has said and act as if being LGBTQ+ were
“You don’t have to go home, but you can’t therapy would benefit not just transgender something that needs to be cured.
stay here.” We still need to move forward. children who are subject to the practice, Unfortunately, our state Senate has already

Many battles remain in the fight for but also those children whose families may proven that they are more than willing to use
equality. Marriage is just one piece of the not accept their sexual orientation. In fact, our children as cannon fodder for their own
puzzle. We are all aware of the backlash of many mental health professionals (including political pandering to the far right. It will be
recalcitrant county clerks who are virtually most major associations of physicians and anuphill battle to break their habit of picking
daring Governor Beshear to fire them for psychologists) believe that conversion on LGBTQ+ children when they reconvene.
not doing their jobs. However, instead of therapy is harrnfirl. Not only is it ineffective, Of course, there is always push back fiom
focusing on the small-minded folks, who it also can cause harm to the victims progress, be it child labor laws or interracial
history is in the process of leaving behind, tantamount to child abuse. It can lead some marriage, but we owe it to the next generation
let us continue to bring the fight forward to depression, substance abuse, self-harm, or to protect them and help them flourish.
to make a more equal, just, and fair world even, like in Leelah’s case, suicide. Ithinkthatalawbanningconversiontherapy
for all LGBTQ+ individuals. Let us focus New Jersey, California, Oregon, and can be accomplished here inKentucky. Then
on better and more accessible healthcare. Washington DC have banned conversion again, we do have a group that wants to use
Let us tackle workplace discrimination. Let therapy. Those bans have held strong in the our tax dollars to build Noah’s Ark right up
us challenge the rampant violence against face of challenges in federal courts. ANew the road fiom Frankfort. To me, passing
LGBTQ+ people of color. Let us help Jersey Superior Court noted, “Saying that Leelah’s law is not only a worthy endeavor
undocumented LGBTQ+ people who may homosexuality is a disorder is not novel, like but it should be a top priority. You may write
be fleeing persecution. the notion that the earth is flat, it is outdated me at tmeadows828@gmail.com or follow

My personal quest will be to advocate for and refuted.” The American Psychiatric me on Twitter Tuesday Meadows@trishgigi.
LGBTQ+ children, especially transgender Association (APA) removed homosexuality Now Tuesday is gone with the wind. 0

What I Learned At
S u In m e r C a m p
By Carol Taylor-Shim, MSW
rowing up I thought I was We shared so many experiences we were feeling. The thought of losing
Gmissing out on the rite of together. Some beautiful, some one of our own became a reality to so
passage that is summer camp. Hearing challenging, and some that were many people that night. Some campers
kids brag about all the new friends they downright frightening. We all got a real couldn’t understand the concept of
made, who they made out with, and all life lesson on the need for solidarity intersectionality until they realized the
the cool friendship bracelets they got, when the campus police showed up to reason their fellow campers could’ve
made me feel like I was missing out on engage in state policing of Black and died right in front of us simply for being
' something. Last summer I made up for Brown bodies. In those moments, the black. Being anything other than white
} my lack of childhood camp experience, fear of death of some of our own was in America automatically puts atarget on
' and I went to Camp Pride and GOT palpable. They dared to exist in their your back. But it shouldn’t take seeing
; MY ENTIRE LIFE. Camp Pride is identities as people of color, as trans it up close and personal to believe that
‘ the premiere leadership academy women of color, as queer people of our lives are at risk. If you are a person
i for LGBTQQIA students and higher color. The White officers, with their state- of color in America, your life is at risk.
education professionals. My life was sanctioned power, had complete and If you are a queer person of color, your
i completely changed last year thanks to total control over the lives and bodies of risk is even greater. If you are a trans
: Camp Pride. They showed me how being people I cared deeply for. The thought woman of color, you are at the greatest
' a woman of color and a lesbian intersect. of them becoming a hashtag brings risk for death, which is the ultimate price
: They gave me a sense of pride as a queer about an overwhelming sadness, fear, to pay for daring to exist as a fill], 100%
; woman of color that I never had before, and frustration that is hard to explain, authentic person.
and I am forever grateful for that gift. but I feel it deep in my soul. The need For me Camp Pride was the first
This summer I came back as part of for solidarity presented itself again as time I’ve seen my entire LGBTQQIA
Camp Staff, and I am still reeling and our campers were harassed bya group of community come together in the truest
' reveling from the beauty of it all. This misinformed, misguided, and completely form of solidarity. When I look back, I am
year camp taught me a lot of things like obnoxious middle-schoolers who threw so thankful for the time I spent with some
I North Carolina humidity is oppressive, food and ice and called some of our of the most powerfiil and courageous
it is possible to sweat your eyebrows off, campers “disgusting.” Once again, our social justice activists you could ever
and sometimes bees come in dinosaur campers were merely existing in their bring together. They gave me so much
sizes. The best thing I learned at summer own glorious kaleidoscopes of identities hope for our future. We cried out of shared
‘ camp was the beauty and necessity of and living their lives out loud. Some pain, fear and utter exhaustion, celebrated
L solidaritywithin and across marginalized folks just can’t handle all that fierceness one another with love and admiration,
populations. Our community is in and power. and committed to each other to work in
desperate need of solidarity not After both incidents, we came together solidarity with all oppressed identities. It
yesterday, not next week, not after the in community as a family to process is solidarity NOW or nothing at all. That’s
next big thing, but RIGHT NOW! all that we had experienced and all that what I learned at summer camp. 0


Know your Mat-u @618 Tested! <

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elng oca y =
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i" By Ranada West-Riley
_ i sabusiness owner and chef Some other benefits include V I g it
j i
7 - 1 ‘1 find our diner is perfectly SNAP’ and W1C cards are accepted Q w/
i,‘ i _ '
W located near the Saturday Farmers’ at many locations. Beyond those
‘32 Market in downtown Lexington. things, farmers usually have 5))
' . . . . . K J
This gift has opened my eyes to the incredlble rec1pes to use w1th their @‘rmaky
, ou -
beauty of keeping my buying as produce and products. You 11 also
local as possible. A sad statistic is have an Opportunity to try new
- - fruits and vegetables normall not
that there are fewer than a mlllion '1 bl h . y instead of the cookie cutter chain
- - - aval a e at c a1n grocery stores. .
farmers left in our nation, yet it was F h f . . f-ll d . h salons, and even local boutiques
- - res ruits, in turn, are 1 e w1t
what our natlon was bullt upon. We . . . with locally made clothing and
have lost nearly 5 million farms in :n;1(10x1:antsfand phytonutrients ' a accessories.
1 en ene it.
less than 75 years. M ' 1 f Since it’s the middle of summer, I
- - ost 1m ortant y, armers’
‘ Buylng locally 15 fun, promotes k b p h 1 I figured a nice fruity and cool treat
sustainability of your community mar ets OOSt t e oca economy would be the best recipe.
and neighborhood, and stimulates as well as educate the communlty
3 the growth of an essential business. abzuthhealthy 111:0”. 0f :esh foods RASPBERRY POPS
7 - - an t e 1m act armln as on our
Farmers markets are easy to find in _ p Th g - 1 _ 2 1/2 cups fresh raspberries
- - - - - env1ronment. e are essentla .
c1ties, and keepmg it local benefits y . _ 1 cup raspberry juice drink, such
the community as a whole, Farmers fLocal goes :eyond gust fOOd and as Welch’s
‘ - armers’ mar ets an restaurants.
. g1ve consumers access to foods S k 1 1 . f - . _ 2 tablespoons light corn syrup or
» t t t
. they normally would not get at local ee ou oca pr1n ers or prln 1ng creme de cassis
stores for a lesser price than you’ll needs, local brewerles for some of
- the best beers around, local salons
find elsewhere. _ - In a blender, puree 11/2 cups
’ " ‘ . L , raspberries, raspberry juice drink,
‘ p and corn syrup (or creme de cassis)
k ' E . I until smooth. Fold in the remaining
rt L.- " 7 ' 3 3 "~ 3 3 cup of raspberries.
Kentuck D1v1de among the molds or paper
i 3 ' ’ ; - ,. _' y cups. Cover and freeze until firm,
: . - Proud
- o

H °
appy Belng Healthy
By Angel Algarin : 53$
Agua-Fit ‘fiiy
ater is an essential part plastic waste, but this also allows a lemon wedge or a low calorie
W of our everyday diet, you to count how many full bottles flavor shot into your water not only
but ironically many Americans you need to drink in any given day. changes up the flavor of plain water
today are not drinking as much When you find that number, make but it may also satisfy some hunger
as recommended. Since water sure to spread the intake throughout cravings.
is so important in weight loss, the day so you maintainaconsistent If you want your lifestyle to
not drinking enough could be a hydration level. continue on a healthy path, make
contributing factor as to why the 2. Eat your way to hydration. sure to drink plenty of water. Not
obesity rate in our country is so Some foods like melons and citrus only does it decrease your appetite C
large. Here are three different ways contain very high amounts ofwater. but it also helps rid your body of
you can add water to your diet By adding these foods to your diet, the waste of the fat that you are
without feeling waterlogged: you increase your fluid intake burning. So go turn on your tap for
1. Start carrying a water bottle. without having to drink it all. your free weight loss supplement!
Not only does this cut down on 3. Flavor your fluids. Adding o
Coach 5 Corner
Coach’s Cornerwill be featuring me, volleyball was a very exciting thatsupportsthe acceptance, visibility, 81
the Captains and Coaches sport to watch. The way it combined and participation of members of the
from our various leagues as a chance speed, strength, and teamwork was LGBT community in professional,
for you to reach out if you have any something I wanted to learn more amateur, and recreational athletic
questions or would like to get more about and be a part of. programs without regard to race, '
involved. This month, the Volleyball Favorite Sport Memory So Far: gender, orientation or age. The
League! Playing in the 2014 Gay Games in Lexington Gay Sports Commission
\\ Cleveland, Ohio creates and promotes programs
. 5;: T4- Team Lex Volleyball is available that educate members of the LGBT
" I for both beginners and intermediate community about the sports and <
)5 .44 ’ i ["75" / players. recreational resources available
,‘ 37 1 i‘. J For more information on TeamLex to them. Although the Lexington
kg; ‘1‘ ' Volleyball: email teamleva@gmail. Gay Sports Commission serves the
T _ .r; 3 corn or visit www.facebook.com/ interests of the LGBT community, all
Coach’s Name: Ben de Jesus groups/teamleva/ persons are welcome in the true spirit i
Sport: Volleyball (sand and indoor) The Lexington Gay Sports of humanity and sportsmanship.
Why You Became Involved: For Commission is a non-profit 501(c)3 ' o

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