xt70cf9j681x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j681x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1968-09-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September  4, 1968 text The Kentucky Kernel, September  4, 1968 1968 1968-09-04 2015 true xt70cf9j681x section xt70cf9j681x Tie Kmtocky Kernel

The South's Outstanding College Daily

Wednesday Evening, Sept. 4, 19f8




Vol. LX, No. 0

Chicago Violence
Incites Weekend



Berkeley Protest


council, citing violence over
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP)-C- ity
the holiday weekend, canceled on Tuesday a permit for a five-hostreet demonstration this Saturday on Telegraph Avenue.
"You are going to find a re
action that you won't be able
to handle," a representative of
Councilmen, at their meeting,
the sponsoring group, Jack Bloom backed indefinite continuation of
of the Independent Socialist the regulation.
Club, said at the council meetThe Hanley regulation is not
ing, which attracted an overflow called a curfew but does prohibit
loitering in any public places,
"You're using the acts of a including the university campus,
few individuals to destroy any between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. It
opposition," said Bloom." The also bans meetings or use of
people are not going to take sound trucks on streets or other
kindly to cutting off Saturday public property and assures Berknight. You're going to have a eley police and fire department
meeting whether or not you per- assistance under a mutual-ai- d
mit it."
pact with nearby communities.
Monday night and early TuesGroups sponsoring the weekday police made 24 arrests, bringend rally were the Black Paning to 55 the total since Friday thers, a militant Negro group;
night after a rally called to pro- Students for a Democratic Sotest police methods used in Chiciety, the International Socialist
cago at the Democratic National Association, the Young Socialist
Alliance and the Peace and FreeEarlier Tuesday in Chicago dom Party.
Thomas Foran, U.S. district atVice Mayor Wilmont Sweeney
torney, said that a federal grand said hoodlums had infiltrated the
jury session would be extended protest rally and told council-me- n
"the danger has not passed."
"subject to call" pending the results of an investigation by the Police said some demonstrators
FBI and police of the Chicago were students.
An explosion Sunday night
Foran, said that the FBI, un- damaged a commercial building
der orders from Atty. Cen. Ram- and broke a water main on Telsey Clark, is conducting full in- egraph Avenue. Police, still investigation of street violencethat vestigating, said an explosive debroke out during the Democratic
vice was placed in a utility closet
National Convention.
at the rear of a store. Crowds
Telegraph Avenue is a narrow attracted by the blast were disstreet lined with small shops persed by tear gas. Saturday night
and bookstores that runs south- was quiet.
ward from the University of CalWhat Mayor Wallace J. C.
ifornia campus in this San Fran- Johnson described as two "atcisco East Bay city of 120,000. tempted murders" occurred FriIt was relatively quiet Tues- day night. Police Sgt. Tom Haley
day, said Police Capt. W. N. was wounded in the leg and,
Stahr, as police enforced a "state according to the mayor's stateof civil disaster" regulation pro- ment, a pistol shot from a roofclaimed Monday by City Mana- top missed a television
ger William C. Hanley.






SG Supports




Kernel Photo by Howard Mason

The 1968 version of Student Government got underway Tuesday
night with the commendation of former President Dr. fohn Oswald.
Tim FutrelL SG vice president, presided.

SG Suspends Election

Student Government voted Tuesday night to
for the Sept. 18 election
suspend certain
of representatives, moving back the deadline for
filing to a week before the election.
allow applicants to apThe amended
ply within one week of the voting date, as opposed to the two weeks required in regulation





The motion also suspended any conflicts between SG's by-laand its constitution in order
to block claims of irregularities, such as those
which resulted in the invalidation of last fall's
regular election.
The filing date for election applications was
set for Sept. 4 through 11. In addition, it was
decided that the election results will be tabulated
by computers.
The meeting opened with an attempt to unseat
the assembly speaker, Steve Bright. Joseph Issac
stated that Bright had been elected illegally and
by parliamentary oversight. The amendment was
almost unanimously overruled.
A Yesoliitioh; to '.support President Oswald was
passed. The petition in part stated

By-La- ws

"WHEREAS, Dr. John W. Oswald fought for a
free and open consideration of issues and
ideas by members of the University com-

munity, and

WHEREAS, the community college system was
greatly expanded and developed during said
administration, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the University of Kentucky
Student Government hereby commends Dr.
John W. Oswald for five truly outstanding
years of leadership and vision and that
the body expresses its deep appreciation
to him for making the University's start
into its second hundred years a successful

Petition for a third branch of the government,
the judicial board, was brought up and will be
voted on in two weeks.
The problem of destroying student campaigning posters and other materials also was dealt
with. A bill was passed requesting maintenance
men to refrain from removing campaign literature
from September 11 to September 18. All students
who destroy campaign material would be punished
under the bill.

Views Of The Democratic Convention
From The Inside



Assistant Managing Editor
delegates who journeyed to the Democratic
National Convention with hopes of seeing "representative democracy" returned to Lexington this week disillusioned.
JU...W. a
himii iiiunii im nnMnif process clmnLl k,l at
Winterberg found the delegates the state level.
to be largely "uninformed on the
There, he pointed out, the
issues;" Merrily Orsini, a non- choice could be directed to the
voting member of the Arkansas people. But a more
open selection
delegation and a UK student, process wouM bring the possithought "everyone had a good
bility of a plurality rule; and
time and drank a lot".
the two convention process, like
And retired political science
that in Kentucky, suffers from
professor Jack Reeves, recognized the
strong influence of the macas an expert on Kentucky state
hine. Prof. Reeves said.
politics, was shuffled off the floor
He said the problem is far
by a secret service agent.
from solved, but that the solution
All three, McCarthy supportshoukl be within the bounds of
ers, expressed a need for change the
system, which he
in the nominatioug process and still
strongly advocates.
change in the Democratic Party
Winterberg, who this summer
itself; none of them wanted to worked for McCarthy in Northern
overthrow the Establishment, but
Kentucky's Fourth Congressional
all wanted to change it.
district, said he thought the conProf. Reeves, who has been the vention was "safe," the organiguiding influence in the youth- zation pretty well having things
under control.
ful Kentuc ky Mc Carthy organizaContinued on rage 8, Col. 1
tion, said that change in the noini- UK-base-


two-part- y








And The Outside

Associate Editor
They were in the streets of Chicago, some 15,000 strong, to
protest the United States' involvement in Vietnam. They were
met by clubs, tear gas and chemical mace.
Suddenly, 1968 the political year which was supposed to have
turned young people on, was a disaster.
The specter of alienation was
flung back into the face of youth man for the McCarthy forces in
ChiKentucky, went to the convenby wedges of
tion to work for McCarthy maincago policemen.
Six local people were among ly speaking with delegates, trythe masses in Chicago. They ing to get them to vote for Mcweren't injured as badly as some, Carthy or tlte peace plank.
After the defeat of the peace
with only one suffering more than
bruises, but what they saw ami plank, Patton left the confines
of the convention to join the
experienced left deep impresdemonstrators in Crant Park.
Two of those people have "The convention was unrespongiven up completely on the Dem- sive to what I felt was the will
ocratic Party while two more of the people," he said.
In the streets Patton "manfeel they can still woik within
trie party though they are badly aged to stay out of the line of
disillusioned. Two others merely fire" but was affected by tear
reinforced their belief in the gas on occasion.
"I saw girls clubbed and
party's intransigence.
dragged by their hair, I saw boys
Talks To Delegates
hit in the groin. 1 was scared
1 wanted to
Phil Patton, a UK student
try to stop it,
who served as the youth cluir- Continued on l'age 5, Col. 1





� 2 -- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 19f8

Straight Movie Review

'Rosemary' Is Natural
From the plaintive, haunting, little Rid voice singing through
the opening credits and into the action of the film to the disquieting horror of the unexpected yet inevitable ending, "Rosemary's
Baby" commands hill attention of its audience.
It is confusing and frightening in its implications and imagery.
Exactly what was the significance of Satan coming to earth and
through an earthly woman having a son destined to conquer the
world? There are obvious possibilities for making a definite commentary of some kind on the coming of Christ. Or to focus it
differently, the coming of Satan as a victory for the forces of evil
could very easily be used to make a value judgement on a century
confronted with
racial conflicts,
"God is Deadism" and wars in a dozen places across the globe.
However, all these and other possibilities go unexploited, leaving
the viewer with no cohesive, tangible meaning or theme to walk
out with.
Instead, Roman Polanski, the director and screenplay writer,
simply uses this fantasy as the vehicle for a film of unusual power
to chill and stun an audience.
Both violence and nudity are present and openly are used in
their rightful role as a part of the story. "Rosemary's Baby"
cannot be called sensational, however, because neither element,
violence or nudity is ever used for its own sake and has little to
do with the film's most chilling and stunning moments.
"Rosemary's Baby" is notable in its unusual naturalness and
believableness of the characters. We see Mia Farrow as Rosemary
with rings under her eyes, a sallow complexion and natural-lookin- g
hair as thoroughly believable as the young wife in the next apartment.
This aura of reality contrasts sharply with the persistent eeriness
which permeates the entire action.

Hip Movie Review









Baby," now
showing at the Cinema in the
Mall, will continue until Sept.
17. There are three showing daily.
The two pictures taken from
the movie depict the contrasting
moods. In the top picture Rosemary (Mia Farrow) feels the pain
and anguish of knowing her child
is to be Satan's. Below, she
snuggles next to her husband
(John Cassavetes).

It's What's Happening






Rosemary (Mia Farrow) is pronounced

preg-cl- 4

PMrtMoMf nan by her doctor (Ralph Bellamy) and her



husband to
right (john Cassavetes) in the
movie "Rosemary's Baby."




St0rtS 8:30











Made by Adults



same level.
The housing was a lot better than that of the stable, cause
this pad was furnished with heat. Other than that of a cow's
breath, Satan could have done better.
The neatest part of the entire flick was the acceptance of
child hero. It also ended with this
Rosemary as the green-eye- d
Through the flick and a few after thoughts later, I grooved;
"Is God dead? Can there be evil without good? What's hell without heaven? Black is flat without white. Doors aren't doors unless
they compute and open and close."

This is Benjamin.
He's a little
worried about
his future.



Crowing on the thought that I saw a recent flick entitled
"Rosemary's Baby", my opinions belong to me.
The year one of Our Lord is compared to the year one of our
Rosemary, being married, wanted a baby ( I can dig that).
Her husband could also see the desire to have a child He offered
the right time of conception for fame and bread. He gave Rosemary's field for Satan to sow. So Satan did his thing. You may say
he went to accumulate a dateto create. Thus it happened Rosemary
became pregnant.
Of course, she wasn't hip to the fact that Satan's kid was
hanging in with her. This doesn't follow Mary's scene, but Satan
would not work in the same manner as Cod!
There is much comparison to groove on. There was only one
wise man. He was a doctor. The prophet was the husband of the
old couple living across the wall from Rosemary.
OH! You're probably wondering about the star, like the Star of
David. Yes, there probably was one. It would be black, turned
and set in a pitch dark sky. Remember, Satan doesn't work on the




With Adults


Cartoon at 8:35
Just 7 minutes South on

For Adults!


Julio Christie in "DARLING"

These kids

are a sin
as hard as I
the streets
of London...
L' f
as luuunuwfr
as a first


The role

you've been
waiting for



She isn't the girl you thought you knew!


U.S. 27


of the


"A Patch
of Blue"




r'fffcr? nr nnfiu























Fine Arts
Staff Grows
Two new staff members have
recently been appointed to the
School of Fine Arts at the University of Kentucky. Miss Pamela
Hughes has been named assistant
technical director of the Cuignol
Theatre in the department of
theatre arts, and C. Mitchell
Douglas has been appointed Coordinator of Fine Arts Services.
Miss Hughes it
native of
Ann Arbor. Michigan rod received a. IWtelor of Arts dgre
from the University of Micbijxa.
She is a member of the Amer-

ican Educational Theatre Association, and will assist Charles
Crimsley, technical director of
the Cuignol Theatre.
Douglas received a Bachelor

of Arts degree in speech and
theatre arts from the University
and has had acting experience
with both the Cuignol and Cen-

tennial Theatres. He has served
as business and publicity director
of the Centennial Theatre and last
year was a departmental assistant
in Theatre Arts.
His professional experience includes the Hunter Hills Theatre
in Catlinburg, Tennessee; The
American Choreographers' Ballet
Company; the Gateway Stock
Company of New York; the
Theatre in Baltimore;
St. Bartholomew Players in Baltimore; and the Middlesboro (Ky.)







� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Sql. 4, l8-- 3











Photos by
John Solum

At your


The Human Condiliua



EvwB ct CHif Time



2:00 p.m. on our second floor

McGoorgo Bundy

Tiie Kentucky Kernel
Thm Kentucky Kernel. University
of Kentucky.
Station, University40006. Second LexclaM
ington. Kentucky
at Lexington, Kentucky.
eiktutf five tlmea weekly during the
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications. UK Post Otilce Box 4JM0.
Begun as the Cadet In Is
published continuously as the Kernel
Advertising' published herein 1 Intended to bain the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to Toe editors.

puit-fogei- ker


Don't shoot the university
president, says the president
of the Ford Foundation. He's
probably doing the best he can
but his job depends on more
hard work by his professors.
And . . . Sylvia Plath, Wilfrid
Sheed, Edward Sortl, Justin




with fashions from Glamour magazine and

what's what for campus.

like this right here . . .
the jumper that wraps up many a sweater, blouse
or stands on its own. In checks of grays and browns
with brass buttons.

now over a ribbed turtle neck, one of
Jane I rw ill's Kitticisms


a shop for young fashionobles
second floor

� The Kentucky


Tlic South's Outstanding College Daily
Univehsity of Kentucky



4, 1908

Editorial represent the ojtinion,i of the Editors, not of the University.
Lee B. Becker,


Sophisticated Racism
The Bcrea City Council spoke wisely Monday when it condemned
the National States' Rights Party for the recent shootings and deaths
in that city. It should be obvious that the presence of such a group
is bound to increase tensions and is in fact designed to do so.
Moreover, any speaker who proposes to "put the white man back
on top," as one States Rights Party advocate did, is bound to arouse
the ire of blacks in the city. The black community is obviously not
going to stand for such degradation of themselves by racist speakers
in their own community, nor should they be expected to do so.
The city council was quite right then in realizing that the real
cause of the racial disturbances in their city was white racism.
Further they should realize that the racial problem in this country
in the main, a result of this same racism in various forms.
The States Rights Party is a good example. Its name implies that
it is for the upholding of the power of local government. Its main
appeal in the Madison County area, however, has been "the unrest
caused by the hippies at the college there," according to one party
States Rights is clearly then, not a political platform. Instead,
States Rights is merely another way of saying hate and repression.
The same is true of the catch phrases "law and order" and "crime
in the streets."
What the Berea City Council seems to have realized and other
political groups in this country must realize is that these phrases
and others such as "property rights" and "freedom of choice" have
become merely new, more sophisticated ways of saying "nigger." They
must also realize that black Americans are no more likely to stand
for these insults than they are to stand for being spit on or openly
cursed at.

Political Communication
Speaking on "Meet the Press"
Sunday, Democratic
nominee Edmund Muskie
was asked if he condoned the activities of Chicago police during
the Democratic Convention.
His reply was generally affirmative, with some allusions to the
need for restraint and communications to insure better relations between existing authority and dissenting groups. Considering the
circumstances of the Democratic
Convention, his comments could
have been more pointed.
Where was the communication
in the Convention when the Wisconsin delegation was trying to as
Vice-President- ial

certain the whereabouts and condition of the arrested head of the
New Hampshire delegation? Where
was restraint when the chair made
the nomination of Hubert Humphrey unanimous over the audible
dissent of several delegations?
Clearly restraint and communications are necessary and desirable, and Sen. Muskie is to be
commended for espousing them.
Where they should be implemented,
however, is not limited to the streets
and police stations, nor even to television interviews. They should begin in the framework of the political
system of this country if they are
to have any meaning at all.


Controlling Guns Now
Among the many unusual arguments against gun control which
have been thrown around, none is
more specious than the contention
that anyone who wants to commit
murder will find a way, whether
or not a gun is available.
This argument recently was discredited with relation to the homo-sid- e
rate in Kentucky, however,
when the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that 77.3 percent of the state's homocides were
committed with firearms, giving
Kentucky the second highest percentage in the nation. This means
that less than a quarter of the
murders were managed with corkscrews, bowling balls or the other
diverse implements of destruction
about which the gun lobby is so
pompous. This statistic shows
clearly there are too many guns
around right now and they are too
available as it is.
Registration of firearms, how- -


Inconsistancies are abundant in
Daley's actions. Sunday night about 1,000
Yippies and Hippies, as well as such

ever, is only one step toward a
solution of the problem of firearm
murders in this country. It is clear
that the present number of firearms
is sufficient for whatever it is that
people do with guns aside from
committing felonies. If gun legislation is to have any efficacy, it is
imperative that it in some way
curtail the manufacture as well as
the distribution of weapons. Registering the new ones as, they come
out would help merely to convict
murderers, not to prevent the crime.
Considering the situation in
Kentucky, perhaps serious thought
should be given to limiting the
flow of arms into the state and
limiting the number that could be
sold in areas with already high
firearm concentrations. The time to
act is now for it is obvious that
controlling firearms does not only
mean controlling just their future
availability. They are being used
as murder weapons here and now.


literary figures as William Styron and ment has misused its energy. All policed
Allan Ginsberg, were clubbed or
men are not "fascist pigs." However, it
in Lincoln Park, some three to does seem like the Chicago police force
four miles north of Crant Park. The of- has an over abundance of sadists within
ficial reason for this brutality was that its ranks. Theyarebeinghorriblyexploited
the park was closed to the public at by immoral politicians and made to act
like animals. Just as it is not the soldiers
11:00 p.m. Yet, all week long. Hippies,
Yippies, anti-wa- r
protestors and McCarthy in Vietnam who are responsible for our
supporters were allowed to remain and immoral war, it is not the iwlice who
even sleep in Crant Park all night long. ordered the Gestapo tactics. When police
or soldiers ere put in a position of keepSome have said the protestors provoked the police by yelling and throwing ing "law and order" as they were in
objects at them. Most of this happened Chicago they must be talked to. The
Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, three same tactic that was used at the Pentadays after the police had started the gon last October on the soldiers causing
brutality. If the protestors had not fought three of them to step out of the line and
back with words and objects by then, refuse to battle the protestors, must be
the charges that American youth are used on the police now. They must be
apathic would liave become bloody true. talked to. If we can communicate with
The miracle is that no policeman or them and convince them that we are
anyone else was killed. The police were right, then we will force them to a moral
so up tight that they did not know how confrontation. They should not havetodo
to arrest an individual for throwing some- the dirty work for their immoral bosses.
A major problem is that policemen
thing at them. Instead, when this happened, they gassed the whole group of as well as most citizens in our country
people from whence the object came, are never faced with the stark alternatives of a real moral question. The redrushing and clubbing indiscriminately
anyone in their path. This is one reason necks of the southern police forces were
the reactionary group that was confronted
why so many newsmen were injured.
This leads to an area where the move
by the civil rights movement and pro

Plain Dealer

Meet The Press

Kernel Soapbox: Chicago And
Law School Craduate
The "Battle of Chicago" must be put
into the correct perspective so that we in
the movement towards human justice
can become better educated about the
forces that rule our country.
It is still unrealistic to call the movement a violent revolution. YVe should
not talk in such simple terms. This clouds
the depth of the issues, and, even if we
vioever earnestly advocated large-scal- e
lence, the movement would be quickly
liquidated. Furthermore, if Chicago is
any example, the power structure is now
so scared and rigid that it can only respond in a militaristic fashion. Hie debate
is therefore moot.
For those who are still wondering
who started the violence and where the
blame shoukl lie, let me set the record
clear. Mayor Daley's actions and announcements made lattle inevitable. He
refused to allow traditional protest. The
granting of a permit to parade was essential to our freedom of assembly and


duced the moral dilemma. Hopefully, the
rednecks as well as Negroes on the Chicago Police Force put the moral squeeze
on many "good," "do nothing" people
via television. Hopefully, they will wake
up to the fact that not only was Chicago a police state, but tliat we are
moving towards a United Police State.
There should be no more debate about
whether to stay within the Democratic
Party to effectuate social change at the
pace which is demanded. Cene McCarthy
himself notified his people that the political process had failed and by Thursday many McCarthy workers had tasted
the dryness of the tear gas in their noses
and throats. The Democratic Party no
longer has a legitimate right to its name.
For liberals the ambiguity of their
position shoukl be seen clearly. Moral
compromises have been made so much
in the hope of partial success that the
end result is the Super Liberal remaining quiet for five years while 26,000
American boys are needlessly killed and
floor suite
watching from his twenty-fift- h
of the Conrad Hilton as the blood of
American youth is shed for his election

� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Sept.


l!MiS- -5

Students Come First With Stuart Forth



Assistant Managing Editor
If a congenial stranger comes
up to you crossing campus and
inquires how things are going,
don't run in alarm without' a
second glance.
Wreathed in a cloud of pipe
smoke, with penetrating eyris
etched with smiles, he may well
lie the new acting vice president for student affairs Dr. Stuart Forth, a firm believer in sih

Departing from the typical
image of the retiring librarian
hiding among the dusty volumes,
Dr. Forth sought student contact.
Dr. Forth said that as director
of libraries it was the first time
in his academic career that he
had not been in touch with students on a regular basis, though
he did teach a graduate course
in library science.
Specialized In American History


Specializing in American history, Dr. Forth taught at the
University of Washington and
served as an advisor to honors
students for five years at the
University of Kansas.
A native of Michigan, Dr.
Forth received bachelor's and
master's degrees from the Unipointed.
versity of Michigan and a Doctor
Dedicated to books and peo- of Philosophy degree in history
ple, Dr. Forth firmly believes it from the University of Washingis the responsibility of all Univerton.
Exploring a love of books, Dr.
sity staff to talk with the students. Chuckling, he told of his Forth was a catalog librarian at
attempts to survey student opin- Oregon State University, and adion while walking across campus ministrative assistant to the dirand the frightened departure of ector of libraries and reference librarian at the Seattle Public Li
one coed.



Formerly director of libraries,
Dr. Forth took over as acting
vice president for student affairs
Tuesday when Robert Johnson
left the position. Dr. Forth will
hold the position for a year, or
until a permanent vice president
for student affairs can be ap-

brary. At the University of Kansas, he was an undergraduate
librarian, associate director of
libraries and acting director of
Coming to UK three years
ago, Dr. Forth was attracted
to the campus by former UK
President Dr. John Oswald. "His
breadth of vision was one of
the things that brought me to
Kentucky," Forth reminisced.
"The whole excitement of Kentucky's academic program attracted me. I was impressed with
the quality of both the faculty
and the students."

Library Problems Confronted

a library system

lishments include: two new reading rooms in the main Margaret
I. King Library, a reorganization of the administrative structure of the library system, a
doubled book budget, recruitment of first rate people from
other universities, completion of
the law and engineering libraries
planned before his coming, and
the programming of the new library addition to King Library.
Looking forward to his new
position as vice president for student affairs, Dr. Forth said only
the persuasion by acting University President Dr. A. D. Kirwan
led him to accept the position
for a year.
"A basic requirement for my
acceptance of this job is a maximum exposure to as many students as possible," Dr. Forth

"with so many problems" Dr.
Forth has attempted to bring
the humanizing touch to the library, with a greater emphasis
on student and staff needs.
"Don't tell me about a senior Maximum Freedom, Maximum
who has never been inside the
he protested. "The
How does he foresee his new
library system is the one Univerjob?
"I admire Bob Johnson and
sity facility that serves all the
plan to continue in his tradition
Dr. Forth's library accomp
maximum freedom and maxi- -

Demonstrators At Chicago Describe Situation
Continued from Pate One
but I was completely helpless."
Patton said that every action
he saw was initiated by the
police, "for no apparent reasons
I could see."

"Instruments Of Mayor Daley"
"My antagonism was directed
first at the police, but they were
only instruments of Daley. My
hostility is directed not towards
the party but towards those in
control of it," Patton said. "For
that reason it's all the more important that we try to change
the party."

Because of Kentucky's lower
voting age Patton believes it will
be easy for young people to effect
change here, but he admitted that
the youth in most other areas
of the country might be disenchanted with the party and inclined to write it off.
Melinda Buckman, a UK graduate student, went to Chicago
to work for McCarthy but, like
Patton and many other young
McCarthyites, she joined the protestors after the Vietnam peace
plank was defeated.
During the "Battle of Michigan Avenue" as the bloody,
Wednesday night confrontation
was referred to, Miss Buckman
was in the midst of the action.
Felt Calm In Turmoil

"I had a terrible time accepting the possibility of being
beaten or arrested," she said,
"but after an hour or so of terrible anxiety, suddenly felt very
calm because I knew I was following my conscience."
Wedges of police passed by
her "beating people who were
running." She watched as policemen were "dragging people
along the asphalt." She watched
as police "swanned off buses,
half-runnin- g,

half-walkin- g


. . . you
waving their night-stick- s
could see the individual sadism,"
Miss Buckman said.
She said she would continue
to work within the party structure but that she "wasn't too

happy about it."

"I feel I can do the most
within the party. Mayor Daley
was one man and I blame the
whole thing on him as an individual, not on the party. He

should be kicked out of the party,
but the only way that can be
done is for people to stay in the

Party Dead?
Two foiner UK students who
were in Chicago, Bill Allison
and Don Pratt, feel differently
about the party. Allison, a recent

law school graduate, considers
the Democratic Party to be


"It is immobile for the kind
of changes that need to be made.
Another vehicle has to be found."
He said he thought a fourth party
is "necessary."
"It was a farce," he said.
"There were no real facts for
arresting those people. In any
other week a decent court would
have thrown most of the cases
Allison was bruised during
what he termed "indiscriminate
police rushes."
"It happened many times .