xt70cf9j449c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j449c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1915-08 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 1, August 1915 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 1, August 1915 1915 1915-08 2012 true xt70cf9j449c section xt70cf9j449c ?E§}.:·· ‘ · `.
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3 Bulletin of the State University of Kentucky
gi VOL. VII AUGUST, 1915 Number 1
 ’ —-—-————-—-——-—- 
 iii .
l -1
  Editorial Comment . ......................... 5
 a` Alumni Association, Its Duty and Purpose ..... . ...... . 9
ig  The Annual Business Meeting ,................... 10
  Alumni Parade. ......................... ` . . 11
  The Annual Banquet ................... . ..... 12
 r Tau Beta Pi Day ....,..................... 13
 ii , The Faculty, Colleges and Departments ............... 14
it  I Fraternities ............................. 15
 y; Our Golden Jubiiee ......................... 16
  Women’s Fraternities ........................ 17
Q;  Athletics .............................. 18
  Some Colloquies ........................... 20
 it News from the Classes ....................... 20
Zi Doings of the New York Club .................... 25
Q; D. TURNER, Acting Editor
ly 1

{ Alumni Representatives on Board of Trustees
GEORGE G. BRooK, London, Ky.
J oHN E. BROWN, Shelbyville, Ky.
 · PHILLIP P. JOHNSTON, JR., Lexington, Ky.
, SAMUEL B. MARKS, Lexington, Ky.
' JOHN W. WooDs, Ashland, Ky.
= General Association
` M. E. JOHNSTON, President, Lexington, Ky.
MRS. MARTHA WHITE BLESSING, Vice—President, Swarthmore, Pa.
; J. D. TURNER, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Lexington, Ky.
Q Executive Committee
_ W. E. FREEMAN, Chairman, Lexington, Ky. ·
' FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky.
i J. W. MCFARLIN, Franklin, Ky. '
{ Miss LUcY K. HUTCHCRAFT, Lexington, Ky.
* MRS. CHARLES J. SMITH, Lexington, Ky.
WALLACE HOEING, Louisville, Ky.
, Class Secretaries
Q 1915 CLYDE TAYLOR, Nicholasville, Ky.
1914 (To be selected)
1913 A. T. BRYSON, Ashland, Ky.
* 1912 J. R. DUNCAN, State University, Lexington, Ky.
1911 OLLINE CRUICKSHANK, Georgetown, Ky. _
. 1910 D. V. TERRELL, State University, Lexington, Ky.
1909 H. H. LOWRY, 1839 S. Lawnsdale Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
. 1908 FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky.
1907 L. E. HILLENMEYER, Lexington, Ky.
1906 ANNA WALLIS, 326 Aylesford Place, Lexington, Ky.
1905 HARRY EDWARDS, R. F. D., Lexington, Ky. .
3 . 1904 W. E. FREEMAN, State University, Lexington, Ky.
- 1903 MARGARET MoLAUoHL1N, 226 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.
1902 T. J. BARR, State University, Lexington, Ky.
1901 G. H. HAILEY, Cleary-White Construction Co., Chicago, Ill.
1900 L. K. FRANKEL, State University, Lexington, Ky.
1899 GEORGE ROBERTS, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. .
1898 HENRY CLAY W1LsoN, Lexington, Ky.
1897 MARY E. CLARKE, Lexington, Ky.
1896 J. I. LYLE. 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City
1895 MARY L. DIDLAKE, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.
1894 MRS. P. F. KESHEIMER, Madison Place, Lexington, Ky.
1893 J. R. JOHNs0N, Richmond, Ky.
1892, 1891 and 1890 (To be seleeted)
1889, 1888 and 1887 H. E. CURTIS, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.
1886, 1885, 1884 and 1883 (To be selected)
1882 to 1869 A. M. PETER, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.

 . _ Alumni Associations
Birmingham, Alabama.
J. Miles Sprague, ’0'7, President, Ensley, Ala.
H. J. Wurtele, Vice—President, Ensley, Ala.
A. B. Haswell, ’13, Secretary—Treasurer, Ensley, Ala. »
Chicago, Illinois.
H. H. Lowry, ’09, President, 1839 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, Ill.
J. B. Sanders, Vice-President, 108 S. Stone Ave., LaGrange, Ill.
F. H. Graham, ’ 08, Secretary-Treasurer, 204 N. Mason Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Paul S. Ward, ’98, President, 1646 Cedar Ave., Cincinnati, O.
W. P. Sayers, Vice-President, 219 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.
J. J. Thompson, ’03, Secretary-Treasurer, 201 W. Pearl St., Cincinnati, O.
- Detroit, Michigan.
` J. E. Bolling, 15, Secretary pro tem., Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Detroit, Mich.
Lexington, Kentucky.
M. E. Johnston, ’00, President, 230 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
S. B. Marks, ’99, Vice-President, 243 Rodes Ave., Lexington, Ky.
Margaret McLaughlin, ’03, Secty., 226 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.
Mary L. Didlake, ’95, Treasurer, 418 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky.
Louisville, Kentucky.
E. C. Wurtele, ’O3, President, 903.4 Inter—Southern Bldg., Louisville, Ky.
Lucy Higgins, ’O3, Vice-President, 426 Walnut St., Louisville, Ky. `
Joe Wilson, ’00, Secretary, A. J. Anderson & Co., Louisville, Ky.
W. E. Gary, ’O4, Treasurer, Louisville, Ky.
Nashville, Tennessee.
J. M. Foster, ’11, President, 1909 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn.
Eugene Gilliland, ’ 04, Vice—President, 308 Arrington St., Nashville,Tenn.
John J. Tigert, ’09, Secretary—Treasurer, 1710 Broad St.,Nashville, Tenn.
New York City, New York.
Perry West, ’01, President, 6 Ninth St., Newark, N. J. _
L. L. Lewis, ’O7, Vice—President, 39 Cortlandt St., New York.
V Chas. White, ’09, Secretary-Treasurer,521 W. 122d St., New York.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Frank Daugherty, ’O1, President, 2109 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
K. F. Adamson, ’0’7, Vice—President, University of Pa., Philadelphia.
H. Logan, ’ 10, Secretary-Treasurer, 1530 S. 55th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
H. S. Fry, ’O4, President, Box 24*7, Rochester, Pa.
D. C. Estill, ’0'7, Secretary-Treasurer, 1312 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.

. E Schenectady, New York.
I S. C. Ebbert, *11, President, 24 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y.
 g C. M. Roswell, ’08, Secretary, 72% Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.
  South Africa.
 I H. W. Taylor, ’O6, President, Busenburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
 I J. du P. Oostliuizen, ’12, Secretary-Treasurer, Vredefort, O. F. S., South
 I Arma.
I I . . .
 I St. Louis, Missouri.
l I
  A. C. Ball, ’11, President, 721 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
 L Washington, District of Oolambia.
  P. M. Iliefkin, ’06, President, Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines,
 g Washington, D. C.
, I W. G. Campbell, ’O2, Vice-President, Department of Agriculture, Bureau
  of Chemistry, Washington, D. C. ‘
 I F. H. Tucker, ’O9, Secretary, Chemist, Bureau of Standards, Washing-
I ton, D. C. .
i Members of the Association are requested to notify the Secretary of
changes in location and occupation and to send any items regarding them-
' selves or other members that may be of interest.
The addresses of the following persons are not known to the secre-
tary. Any information concerning them will be gratefully received.
Moses S. Cole, ’77. C. S. Pierce, ’05.
Caleb S. Perry, ’77. Fanny Weir (Mrs. H. Wilson), ’05.
llcnry M. VVright, ’77. C. R. Wright, ’05.
Burton P. Eubank, ’84. E. Webb, ’05.
R. B. V/'alker, ’89. H. F. Scholtz, ’05.
I Margaret A. Wilson, ’90. J. D. Rogers, ’06. _
, U. L. Clnrdy, *91. R. P. DuVale, ’06.
John G. Maxey, ’92. Mary L. Bagby, ’07.
ry Cora E. \Vare, ’93. Florence Maddocks, ’07.
B. C. Keiser, ’94. H. L. Rankin, ’09.
XV. C. Trigg, ’94. C. E. Baldwin, ’10.
; W. A. Beatty, ’97. R. G. Strong, ’10.
i Jane B. Cox, ’99. W. E. Mosby, ’10.
Leslie Hundley, 'OO. Paul Francis, ’11.
T. A. Jones, ’0O. J. A. Boyd, ’11.
Mary E. Neal, ’00. Lincoln McConnell (Hon.), ’11.
L. O. Beatty, ’01. R. H. Thomas, ’13.
J. S. Lawhorn, ’02. Morris Roth, ’13.
R. I-I. Arnett, ’04. L. Covitz, ’13.
Lillian Austin, ’04. Otto_J. Jones, ’14. g
Nancy B. Buford, ’04. C. A. Duncan, ’14.
NV. D. Gray, ’04. T. B. Kelly, ’14.
Bessie Lee Munson, ’04. James Roemer, '14.
G-. O. Harding, ’04.

 Editorial Comment
You have gone to college and through college. You have
Class *15 graduated, accepting what the University had to offer. You
are no doubt beginning to realize seriously, some of you at
least, that, whereas, you have been college boys and girls for four years,
you are now to be college men and women for life. We feel you are
proud of the Old College, proud to be numbered among her Alumni. We
greet you with a most cordial welcome into our midst. While we con-
gratulate you and are pleased with you, we would ask you to keep in mind y
_ that the University which gave you your training was created for public
service, and you yourselves were trained for service rather than to make
you efficient for your own ends. The University is judged by its
Alumni—by you in part——and you are now called upon to show your
worth by your service to your community, your county, and your State.
Please do not confuse service with efficiency. The University has en-
deavored to make you efficient for service, and efficiency in service is what
is expected of you, but mere efficiency, not linked with service, is like the
body, which without the spirit is dead. Service is the watchword of the
present and every progressive age, and he who always gives-—and is ever
ready to give——will have the reward of duty well done and of making his ‘
own life sweeter and happier by serving others. We know of no greater
joy than that of unseliish service.
s a a * *
The subject of this editorial involuntarily re-
The Sccretaryship minds the writer of the following story: At the
railroad station of a very small hamlet of the
West—and the not—far west, either-—a party was waiting to see the fast
express go by. The party consisted of an old man, an old woman, and
a little white dog. There was a whistle_in the distance, then, presently,
a nearer whistle, and then a rush and a roar and a great clou_d of dust-
and the train had come and gone. Straight up the track after the fast-
retreating train ran the little dog. The old man looked at the old woman
and the old woman stared at the old man. Presently the old woman
asked: “Do you think he’ll catch it ?" And the old man, slowly shaking
his head from side to side, said: “I’m wondering what he’ll do with the
blamed thing if he does catch it !"
V In paraphrasing the statement of the philosophy of the old man, the
writer has caught the Secretaryship of the Association and can’t get rid
of it. Mr. Harry Edwards was elected to iill this important position, but

  resigned on account of other duties. For similar reason, Mr. Bullock,
E editor of The Alumnus, resigned. So you see, the writer has caught the
it "job" and can’t turn it loose, and no one can befound who is willing to
lf give the time to this important work. The writer, therefore, has been
is doing the work the best he can, waiting for "developments"—jthe selection
  of Secretary (and Editor) and he trusts the ideal Secretary, if you please,
lj may be found-—one who is a wise and patient friend to every alumnus
ll and to every person in authority at the University; one who will submit
  to a lot of kickers and patiently strive to see that only the healthy kicking ·
  proves effective; one who possesses so much patiencethat he will submit {
 ‘ quietly, without himself becoming inactive to torpidity and sloth. on the 3
 f part of the alumni and unwisdom on the part of the college authorities. ;
l ‘ The reason that this issue of THE KENTUCKY ALUMNUS is no better is L
As simply because of the lack of co-operation on the part of those whose `
 Ei duties are to help and those of you who can help and won’t. Ofdcers of
l   the clubs and class secretaries have been severely derelict in their duties,
  only a few consenting to answer important communications.
 E` s< =1= >1= =¤< >x< .
 =l . .
 ’i The success or failure of The Kentucky Alumnus 1S' en-
'   The Alumnus tirely in the hands of you fellow alumni. If it fails, the
I stain of failure will be upon your hands. The funds for y
_ j the May issue, as well as for this number, are advanced
_' by individual members. If the publication fails, it means a failure, more
[ or less, of the Association. If the Association fails, it means a great loss
s` to the University. But why should it fail? There is only one reason
  (no good reason) and that is YOU. Some of you may not be able to
l, support it financially. If this ijérue, lyougzan at Jleait enézourage it by
,1] ivin it our moral support. ter t e niversi y as one so muc
  for y§u—g.,ll free, too—and yciu can notdsiipport a pliéojgct which shguld
* · add much to our ersonal easure an appiness o o so, as we as
  to the general Btvelfaiie of the l)Iniversity, you should “tuck your heads un-
ll der your wings" and ask forgiveness for the lack of gratitude, or return
Qi your diplomas to the old College that has done so much for you, with the
  explanation that you are a misfit. tt f
¤ This is a matter of great importance—a serious ma er, i you
* please—and won’t you meet it seriously? It is the desire of the oihcers
  to get out a monthly, and this will be done if you will aid in the matter.
fl We must have your co-operation to do it. .
6 What will you do about it?
ii * * * * *
{ The subject of this editorial is suggested by the
‘ T°¤ B¤•Y ¤¤' T¤¤ too-frequent remark: "I have no time to give
t D¢¤d» Whi¢=h? to college affairs; I have had my day; the col-
1 lege is a thing of the past with me; I have some-
, thing else to think about; it’s no use to ask me to take part in any of the

affairs, help the. University or support the Association. I have neither  
time, money nor inclination for such purpose."
Did you ever hear anybody talk like that? Not even yourself——yes-
terday, or some time? If not, you are more lucky than some of us. Suffice
it to be said, a goodly number of alumni do not appreciate what Ken-
tucky State has done for them, that the State has bestowed upon them a
free gift in the form of an education-—an investment of at least $1000
y in each of them, and that they have not given anything in return, nor
* do they even possess a loyal disposition toward her——in fact, their position
, relative to the University is negative. If these anti-sentimentalists—-
' these recipients of the State’s favors-—have never tried keeping in touch
i with the University; have never "reuned" with the old classmates; have
i never attended a meeting of the Association; have never felt a throb of
` loyalty to the old College that has done so much for them, there is hope
yet, for there must be hidden away somewhere in the innermost recesses
a little feeling of appreciation, loyalty, a sense of duty—a service they
owe their Alma Mater and State.
. * =¤= =i= * *
Those who were fortunate enough to be able to attend the
The Alumni annual business meeting of the Association June 9 will
Trustees testify to the genuineness and the sincerity of the hundred
‘ or more loyal members who were present to bring to the
service of the Association and College the very best that their sober judg-
ment possessed. It was a meeting marked by good spirit and unity of
action and purpose. It would have been a happy occasion indeed if every 4
alumnus could have been present to hear the Alumni members of the
Board of Trustees make their report and speak upon the subject of the
University and the.Association, expressing themselves forcefully that it
was their desire and duty to render the University the very best service
possible, and they stated that in order to do it, it was necessary that they
have the undivided support and co-operation of the Alumni.
These gentlemen left no doubt in the minds of those who heard them
that they fully appreciated the responsibilities imposed upon them
by their offices, that they would take up their duties eourageously and
discharge them without fear or favor. In these gentlemen the Associa-
tion has a strong representation on the Board—men with a broad vision,
judgment and grasp, and men with good hearts as well as good heads.
The alumni are fortunate to be represented on the Board by such a type
of men, and men who are so deeply interested in the development and
welfare of the University.
* »¤= * * *
There seem to be a good many reasons why the
Kentucky State Net alumni of state universities apparently feel less re-`
An Exception sponsibility and less adection for their alma maters
than the alumni of privately endowed universities,
but the most potent cause of lack of loyalty seems to be that of free educa-

 II .
I tion. Most students who attend state universities come from free public
  schools, and this is particularly true of Kentucky State. At the univer·
  sity, the student pays no tuition and pays very small fees. The state . ·—
  furnishes him free education and he soon comes to feel that it is the state’s
  duty, and not his, to see that the machinery is kept in proper condition,
II and that the work of the university goes on. The psychology of the sit-
  uation seems simple. Being a product of the free school system, he is a I
[II constant recipient of favors from the state. He constantly receives
It favors and gives back nothing to the source of all these favors. His con-
  sequent feeling to the state and the institution is one entirely devoid of
Ig a sense of responsibility.
 Q Such students have not sacrificed for the university or for the state. I
 Qt They do not appreciate how far they are indebted to the university and
 _I‘ to the state, and as a result they leave the institution indifferent to its
  welfare and ungrateful for benefits received.
 Ii This lack of sense of responsibility is no less true of the faculty. The _
  same spirit pervades it, but not on account of the bestowal of favors by
  the state, as is the case with the students, but because the faculty is will- .
 QI ing to accept the easiest route and it takes a small interest in preserving
  class organizations and awakening and conserving the interest of the
~ alumni to the institution. I
  In saying this we do not speak of exceptions, but of the general
I EE feeling of alumni, and particularly those of our own Alma Mater.
~. =x= * * * >¤=
fl, The Alumni Association has started a file of the names and I
  A New addresses of all former students of the University. There is
I! Departure no record anywhere available concerning the present location
  of the ten or twelve thousand former students. In the Reg-
  istrar’s oflice there is a file of the names of the students, but the addresses
"I are the home addresses given at the time they entered the University.
if This is a tremendous task. It will take considerable time and co-
  operation to accomplish it, but it is worth while. The Secretary has
I].; already been working on this list and has secured the correct addresses of
TQ some 40 or 50 per cent of the entire list. It would be of great assistance
It if the alumni would send in names and addresses of former students whom
  they might know. * * * * * p
I Only a small number of Alumni have filled in and re-
  lnformstien turned to the Secretary’s office the information blank
§§I Blank sent out a short time ago for the purpose of having on ile ‘·
I important data concerning the various members. This
I information is earnestly desired and each and every alumnus is earnestly
.   requested to fill out the form as completely as possible and send it in at
 {I once. A number of alumni have called for the specific purpose of looking
°   over the records to see what their old friends and classmates are doing.
I »i
~ I
I if

Some were greatly disappointed in not finding any record save that gath-
ered here and there by the Secretary, while others have been pleased to
~ find the information they were seeking. Often inquiries come in, too, by
mail from old friends, classmates and professors, asking about so and so.
It is, therefore, exceedingly desirable and very necessary to have as com-
plete file as possible of these interesting and valuable data on file in the
Secretary’s office and the Alumni are again earnestly requested to send
t this information at once. ‘
_ BY J. D. TURNER, ’98.
The Alumni of Kentucky State University number approximately
1500, with an honorary degree list of 65, making a total of 1565 mem-
; bers. In addition to the alumni, there are between twelve and thirteen
I thousand students who have attended the University, but did not grad-
» uate or receive a degree. Many of the alumni and old students rank
among the foremost citizens not only of our own State, but of every State
V in the Union, and in many foreign countries, taking front rank in every
vocation of life.
A glance at the occupations and achievements enumerated in the
. biographical form returned to the ofhce of the Secretary will convince the ·
I most skeptical that the occupations are varied and the callings are high.
= A few of the achievements mentioned are:
' "Home making."
y "Absolutely nothing." i
"Two boys and a girl."
“The short and simple annals of the poor."
"Jane—2 years, 1 month and 3 days."
"Sewing on buttons, patching pants and teaching young ideas to
Under the head, "Whom did you marry?" one good brother an-
swered, “My wife."
_ In the older and bigger universities, alumni associations have ex-
isted so far back that the mind of man runneth not to the contrary, and
the alumni organization has become a recognized and leading factor in
the development and welfare of every well-established college in the
` country, notwithstanding the fact that our own University and alumni
body do not realize it. Heretofore, the alumni organizations have existed
primarily for social purposes and for the further purpose of securing
financial support for the college, but it is only recently that the alumni
have organized, not as an adjunct to the college administration to gain
` the above ends, but for the purpose of formulating independent alumni

t .
.   10 run Knnrucxr ALUMNUs.
  thought and opinion, and making intelligent alumni sentiment lreally ·
ya eifective for the good ofthe college and the cause of education 1n the
3*} community, state and nation. -
yl; The alumni organizations of the various colleges recognize that their
nl highest service is to bring together, for conference, men and women who
  take a broader view of their duties than to merely organize and promote
[Y1] social affairs and solicit funds for their respective colleges. While these I
ill are proper functions of alumni organizations, yet they should be subordi-
  nated to that which is higher, namely: To bring to the service of the l
  college the very best that the sober judgment of an awakened and en-
  lightened alumni body is capable of producing. This is the sentiment, A
  the duty and object the loyal, appreciative, live and wide—awake alumni of ·
  thg live and wide-awake colleges are recognizing for the purpose of doing »
§;i to ay. , 
Et Now, where does Kentucky State University come in? Where do l
  the alumni and army of old students of Kentucky State University come  
 fi in, in this great procession of human intellect and endeavor for service? .
 it Is not the old college ill with many diseases? Are not the alumni suier- ~.
 ll ing from the same ailments——due from both heredity and environment?
 HZ One of the leading college presidents of this country defines the col- ·
  lege as the alumni body——not the faculty nor students, but the alumni.  I
-   If this definition is correct, and it seems to be generally accepted, we, the F
V alumni of Kentucky State University, are hardly worth our salt as an y
[Vp educational adjunct. If contrasted with alumni organizations of most (
{ i other colleges, our organization is negligible. Yet, we can look back and 1
  see many things-good things-—the association has done for the Univer- .
tm sity and students. With factions in the University and the Association, `
Hit progress has necessarily been slow, but the few faithfuls who have been I
it engaged in this work have paved the way for the alumni for better service. °
tl; If the alumni have any loyalty, or sentiment, or appreciation for what .
!`£` the University and the State have done for them, they should show it by .
{fi co-operation and by giving back something to the source of these favors-  
.‘f{ the University, and consequently the State.
  th. The Alumni Association is the medium through which you can do
»» is.
if ··—··"""
  BY Gnonen Ronnnrs, ’99.
it The writer of this paragraph has attended nearly all the business
  meetings of the Association for fifteen years. Without doubt the meet-
[gl ing this year was the most satisfactory one held within that time. The
  attendance was large, but was notable more for the serious interest which
;   pcrvaded the body. Most of those in attendance were older alumni, men
1 .

· and women of mature experience in life. They all seemed to realize the
responsibility which rests upon the alumni in creating sentiment for a
. larger and better State University. There was entirely absent from this
meeting that spirit of frivolity and lack of purpose which has too often
characterized former meetings.
The reason for this remarkable and satisfactory change in attitude in
· the alumni is no doubt due to the responsibility that has been placed
upon them by representation on the Board of Trustees. They realize
{ that the alumni members of the board reiiect the sentiment of the alumni.
A great responsibility like this can bring only seriousness of purpose to
A our body. If our representation on the board does not bring loyal sup-
· port to the University from the alumni, it will mean a retardation of
, progress for many years to come. We now have a large number of
» alumni who have reached a maturity that should make them think
seriously on this matter. The complaint has often been made that the
· alumni were not recognized by the University, and for this reason they
were without interest. This complaint cannot longer be made. If we
do not take an interest now and make our influence felt for good, the
I - fault is only ours, and we shall deserve to be ignored in the future.
It is highly desirable that alumni not serving the University in an
A official capacity shall largely take the initiative in alumni activities look-
ing to the betterment of the institution. It is gratifying to note that
such is the case more than formerly.
t BY T. R. BRYANT, ’08.
E It has often been demonstrated that people need to be advertised to
themselves almost as much as they need to be advertised to the rest of the
This fact was clearly set forth on the afternoon of June 8th, when the
alumni parade broke all monotony for the citizens of Lexington, and at
the same time showed to our alumni the fact that they could really do
_ things when they try.
_ Hearty co-operation was given by the faculty and students. The T
parade consisted of floats, automobiles, clowns and other foot passengers,
and the whole spectacle parading the business section and certain resi-
dential districts of the town brought out throngs that were scarcely in-
ferior in numbers and interest to those called forth by a circus parade.
A prize of $10.00 had been oifered for the best float and $5.00 for
the second. The College of Agriculture, Arts and Science, Civil Engi-
neering, Law, Mechanical Engineering and Mining Engineering, all pro-
vided floats, as did also several different classes.

  " V
lil  .
l j
l l
 li  o ·.
gl The first prize was awarded to the College of Agriculture and second '
it to the College of Mining Engineering. This event preceded the circus,  
j which was held that night. Really it was good to be in the " ’mongst" of
l such a crowd of old friends and schoolmates, and those who were absent _
lil can scarcely know what a good time they didn’t have just because they .
lll were not there.
  BY MARY E. CLARKE, ’9'7.
  The Annual Alumni banquet was given at the Phoenix Hotel and y
gl was attended by about one hundred and Efty. It was characterized by the
l . .
 lll same " et-to ether" s irit that had been so evident in all of the gather-
  g S P _
  ings of the Alumni this year, and which is expected to result in so much ‘
  good to the University. ‘ d ,
 fg§ An orchestra urnished music throughout the evening. ‘My Ol I  
  Kentucky Home" was sung repeatedly in chorus by the Alumni, and l
  yells of S. U. Ky. alternated with S. C. Ky. The spirit of "service to the l
 ily; University" that ran through each and every talk made during the even- I
  mg was especially noteworthy. _ _ . I g
;*` Mr. William L. Bronaugh, President of the Association, resided as Z
l “ t 1; · t ° P
` A OBS U12l.S BI`.
.· Captain Edward Ellershaw retired, of the British Army, a member j
  of the Class of 1889, spoke on the Alumni. His address was touching and y
j   scholarly and was interesting throughout and greatly enjoyed by all .
P ls; present.
  Miss Mary Clarke responded for the Alumnae and told of the work 1
 li the Alumnae and other women of the University have been doing to
  help bring the needs of the University before the clubwomen of the State. i
il Mr. W. T. Smith brou ht reetin s from the Transylvania Alumni.
,, E g 3
yl Mr. L. B. Evans of the Senior Class made a strong appeal for a closer 4
  fellowship between the Alumni and the under-graduates. g
  Mr. Enoch Grehan made a splendid talk, calling for action on the j
  part of the Alumni and friends of the University to support the insti- g
s li tution.
lligl At the conclusion of the toast list, President Barker gave a short talk · J
  that was well received, and Mr. John E. Brown, one of the newly elected "
jj, Alumni trustees, made a strong appeal for co-operation on the part of all
l   A umni. ·‘
gif The evening was brought to a close with all standin and singing
l ll "My Old Kentucky Home " g
ll .
i  —-—-—-··· Q
l   President Edmund J. James of the University of Illinois has given .¤
l   to the university a sum of $5,000 as the nucleus of a loan fund for stu- ll
.   dents, women to have the preference. The gift is a memorial to his wife.  
—e  r
._  i:

l BY LYNN B. Evans, ’15. V
A A new and interesting feature has been added to the annual com-
mencement and home-coming week—that of Tau Beta Pi day.
The honorary engineering association, Tau Beta Pi, occupies a
unique position in the student activities of Kentucky State University.
Membership in this organization is the highest honor which the under-
graduate engineer can attain.
A standing in scholarship among the best one-fourth of the students
in the engineering colleges is the requirement for entrance, yet due con-
i sideration is given the reputation and character of the man elected. To
win the honor, every student naturally puts more energy into his work,
* and election is a fitting reward for his efforts.
l Tau Beta Pi stands for the up—building of technical schools, hence
i stands behind every organization which is working for the interests of the
1 University. And so in taking this step, the Association recognizes the
splendid work which the active alumni are doing, and wishes to put her
shoulder to the wheel in the work of making Kentucky State University
{ what it ought to be. _
Z The idea of having an annual reunion, and at that time, conferring
an honorary membership upon a distinguished engineer, and also of
initiating alumni whose records here showed that they were eligible, was
i discussed last summer, and this matter was laid before several faculty _
Q members, who pronounced it a good one. The active chapter, assisted by
- the faculty members, then carried the plans forward, and a most enjoyable
day resulted.
i A float, decorated with the Tau Beta Pi colors and emblems, in
which a number of members rode, formed a part of the parade for the
Alumni Circus.