xt70cf9j448s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j448s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1959 yearbooks ukyrbk1959 English The Kentucky Kernel Press, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The  Kentuckian 1959 text The  Kentuckian 1959 1959 1959 2012 true xt70cf9j448s section xt70cf9j448s 1 .
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mLM  University Archives Margaret I.    ing Library - North
University of Kentucky Lexington/ Kentucky    40506
z .- v  University of Kentucky
Lexington  CONTENTS
Student Life   4
Cultural Opportunities   40
Beauty 54 Seniors  66
Greeks    118 Sports 182
Organizations 216
Residences  323 Administration 338 Student Life

This first section will be a true "student life" section only in part. It isn't meant to picture all that happens in the life of an average UK student, which is impossible. Rather, the following pages are intended to reflect some of the undeniable highlights that are common year after year at the University, and to present certain customs or institutions that students are at least vaguely acquainted with. We have omitted some things that have appeared too often in past yearbooks, striving for a fresh perspective. No doubt some things on the next pages, such as campus scenes or the "contemporary" pages may seem to have no business here, since each of us ar too close to these things to appreciate them. But if criticism on this point can be withheld until the year 1979, perhaps the portrayal of the campus as it is today and styles as they are today will have more justification then, even as a 1939 yearbook, in all its oddities, certainly must be justified as  far as   1939  graduates are concerned. This policeman's job was simplified at the familiar intersection of Main and Limestone Streets, when Limestone was made into a one-way street.

Lexington's only "skyscraper," the  First National  Bank building,  looms  alone  over  the  city's  thorough-fare,  Main  Street.
What can you say about the Avenue of Champions?
This  was   East Main  Street,  Lexington,   in   February,   1959.  Wonder  how new the Cadillac will look in 1969?
This afternoon shot of a quiet Chevy Chase street belies the noisy student invasion  that will come with  darkness.
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 The mad rusha class change at UK. One of the first things a newcomer to UK learns is the adept art of side-stepping, lest he be trampled trying to cross campus during the last 10 minutes of most hours of the day.
The   inter-section   before   the   M. I.   King library is seldom this empty, even at night.
The botanical gardens are beautiful in winter or summer, though some would defile the area with sleds. The stadium and Fine Arts building are seen in the background.
Though the Student Union is replete with lounge rooms, fair weather attracted many with an idle moment and delicate lungs from the smoke-filled  Grill  to  this  shady  place  at  the  building's  main  entrance.
People walking behind the Journalism  Building  have this view of Memorial Hall and her spire.
A popular lounging area in warm weather is at the rear entrance to McVey Hall, and the Campus Book Store.
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Classes must have been in session when this picture was taken, for the walk passing in front of ancient White Hall is usually so thickly-populated between classes it is hard to get through.
 The rustic winter beauty of Maxwell Place, home of President Dickey, gives way in the spring to another type of beauty, as blossoms of dozens of varieties surround and almost obscure the old residence.
The Campus
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The direction of traffic in front of the Administration Building was changed in January, 1959, after South Limestone became a one way North street.
The Speedway. This shot from the Rose Street entrance to the campus gives a full view of the street that is the bane of pedestrians trying to reach Funkhouser through speeding campus traffic.
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One   of   the   most   picturesque   and   little-used   spots   on   campus   is   the amphitheater at the rear of Memorial  Hall.

Frazee Hall shows no sign of being nearly ruined by fire car/y in 1956. The walk leading past it toward the SUB is one of the busiest on campus, especially about lunch time.
The walk in front of the M. I. King Library is the shortest route to the Fine Arts Building and sorority row.
ill Perhaps at an earlier age these boys swam only with other boys. But as college men you can almost bet three friends of theirs are back on the cliff tanning their female legs.
Those   desiring   to   picnic   at   Herrington   for   the   most   part   must  temporarily   become  cliff-dwellers  if they seek solitude.
Hemnpton Lake
The freedom of motion and the cool spray of lake water make surfboarding and water skiing perhaps the most exciting of water sports at Herrington.
Even   if  you   can't swim   or  water  ski,   it's  worth  a   trip  to  the   lake   just  to   look around, and observe nature's  handiwork.

 Nothing ancient about these mariners, adrift on Lake Herrington. Aside from their nice age, their position and activity are  both  quite contemporary.
Sarah House winds in the ski rope as someone up front in this sleek craft gets steering instructions. Though boats of this type are many at Herrington, a lot of students frolic in lesser things, for rent at any of the docks for the day.
Maybe the sun  was too  hot out on  the lake, perhaps they are tired, or perhaps there are girls swimming inside the inclosure.
It is the last weekend before finals. The temperature holds a steady 90 degrees in the afternoons, and it has been nine months since you swam outside. What would you do?
 Many of this opening-day Keeneland crowd are UK students, destined to be without beer money for the next week. But others will leave conspicuously better off financially than when they came, and they will be surprised at the friends they made.
One interested in the horses could easily forget other things, such as how high a dress has slipped. That thing on the ground beside her is a ladies purse.
And this is what they come to see. Though Kentucky is a horse state by tradition, most natives have never seen horses race. It would be interesting to take a poll to discover how many go just to write home and tell about it.
 Jack Gallagher and   Dick Mabry  may be  obtaining  a  tip, or  passing   one  to   the unidentified  stranger.

And here is a winner. After a brisk rub-down and a bucket of oats he will be taken to his pent house while his owners cash the check.
"Dear Mom and Dad: Books sure have gone up this year, and they hit me with an unexpected lab fee. Do you suppose . . . ."
Some try to figure out a system, others buy tips and still others just close their eyes and  point to a horse. Which method is most successful  is debatable.


The Little Kentucky Derby, 1958, came off somewhat short of the expectations set for it by its planners and executers, who worked on the project several months, but it still provided an interesting weekend, with scattered moments of genuine excitement and exhilaration.
The excitement was brought on by the Friday night Debutante stakes and the afternoon bicycle derby the following rainy afternoon, with the exhilaration being generated by the old trumpet master himself, Louis Armstrong and his All-Star band, in a Memorial Coliseum concert the night after the race.
Rain marred the Derby itself, holding down an expected large crowd to several hundred ardent race fans who were far from crowded in spacious McLean Stadium. A loose track slowed the 'cyclists down and made the going all the more rugged. It took an all-out effort for the AGR's well-conditioned team to come through, but so they did in fine style, and Fred Whelan received the Little Kentucky Derby Trophy from Derby queen Nancy Saufley on behalf of the AGR's.
Though not much of a comparison with Indiana University's Little '500,' as the Courier-Journal pointed out after both races were held, the weekend was never-the-lsss a vast improvement over the previous 'Derby, and all indications pointed toward still greater improvement in the 1959 event.
Little Kentucky Derby jf
Here is UK's Homecoming weekend, 1958, the wet, loud 48 hours of house decorating, shining of trophies, cutting class, sitting at the stadium, renewing acquaintances, and later, the climactic revelry. The photos here of Greek and independent house displays may be a bit misleading, as you might expect, as the finished product certainly belies the long night hours of work and pledge-pushing that went into their construction. . . . Action shots of the muddy Mississippi State game illustrate the powerful UK offense which enabled the 'Cats to thrash an erratic State team 33-12, allowing Kentucky to keep intact its long string of Homecoming victories. . . . Rain fell during most of the game and the period between post-game time and darkness gave students and returned alums a chance to get into dry clothes after a wet|| afternoon and perhaps rest a bit for the night of festivityp that was to follow. . . . And such a night did follow. TheBB* SUB ballroom and every other place in town with a neon light was packed for a victory dance or party. Entertainment at the SUB was by the vocal quartet, the Hilltoppers, who caused some anxious moments for campus officials when they were late for their performance. . . . But by 10:30 p. m. nobody cared much about anything except the business at hand, and the night flamed on at Joyland, the downtown hotels, and all over the fair city of Lexington before quieting down in the pre-dawn hours another year.
The week after Homecoming was marked by a bitter dispute among several campus sororities over suspected foul play in the house decoration competition. But while grievance committees met in an attempt to resolve the issue, time assuaged the sorority wounds and the matter became history before any official administrative action was ever taken.
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   :; i VE GOT M rP Wl     GOT]-,1-   :
I        STOMPS "I jS. STATE
 That's the  price of being  a Sigma Chi  pledge.
Brcnda  Clarkson,  Derby  Queen

Sigma Chi
Nobody ever wins the whipped cream bout between sorority pledges and Sigma Chi pledges, as these sweethearts of Sigma Chi   found  out.

But though watered down considerably, the afternoon, never-the-less, was a spirited one as coeds battled patriotically for valuable  trophies  that  were   presented   later.
If  you  can   remember  any  of  the   Derbies  before   1957,  the   presence  of  skirts  on these sorority pledges is a disappointing contrast.


The incline of the street beside the SUB caused quite a strain on the coeds' tiring legs, but a competitive spirit and lust for trophies drove them on.
The Lambda Chi Pushcart Derby is one of the first outdoor spring events, and summer clothing lets the queen candidates look even prettier for the judges. This is Miss Sue Schuler, the 1958 Queen.
Pushcart Derby
A  wrong   turn,  a  slight miscalculation   could   easily  turn   near-victory   into   disappointment.
It takes originality and  a   lot of work to   produce  a   prize-winning   float at the   Pushcart   Derby,   but the smiles on the facts of these "gauchos" indicates it is worth it.
Chill October air . . . loudspeakers . . . signs . . . sideshows . . . painted men and near-bare coeds . . . noise . . . masses of people . . . several combos blaring. ... A few such nouns and adjectives help describe Lances Carnival, the first big social event of the school year, but only after wading through the crowd under McLean Stadium amid deafening noise and mass confusion can one appreciate the tremendous blast that is the Carnival.
Here, the Greeks have one of their first chances to gather up some more trophies, put the pledges through their paces, display the peculiar quality of "ham" most people have, and too, to raise some money for the Lances' charity fund.
At Lances' Carnival, one is likely to see pretty nearly what he saw the last year, but yet he pays his his 15 cents again because generally the skits are worth seeing again. For the carnival midway-wanderer, there is an old car he may beat with a hammer, dancing sorority girls, two rows of prospective Queens, bare-legged female "barkers," a fraternity sattire of the University administration, skits dealing with anything from segregation to TV Westerns.
At the dance the following night, the winners of the skits competition, the Queen and her court are announced, the trophies are passed out, and the revelry continues until midnight in an apparent effort by the celebrants to ward off the approach of Monday, 8 a. m.
  The Contemporary
The year 1958-59 was no more significant than most years to anybody except the seniors, perhaps, yet in many ways it produced things that will definitely linger in the minds of people who were on this, or any, campus then. Certain styles such as Como sweaters the men wore and the crazy pointed-toed shoes the girls began wearing were peculiar to this year, a year which of course featured carry-over styles from the last season. The rapid influx of foreign automobiles also became quite noticeable around campus, as sports and economy-minded students and professors alike began taking advantage of their low-mileage performance. Pizza Pie continued to gain in popularity as a tasty, casual meal, which caused several shops featuring the Italian food and its accessories to spring up near the campus. "Hi-Fi" lost some ground to stereo during the 1958-59 time interval, and the jazz music of Brubeck, the Four Freshmen, Garner, Winding and others was heard with increasing frequency from private phonographs, radio and occasional concerts. Playboy magazine did anything but lose its wide following, as its presentation of men's clothing sty'es, music, art, travel, cheesecake and fiction made the monthly worth the required 50 cents for many UK males. Some elements locally found Mad's sattire entertaining, while others studied, and some imitated, characters of the Jack Kerouac variety, who became generally known as the voice of the "beat generation," for his books, "On The Road," and "Dharma Bums." The racks of "contemporary cards" in city bookstores provided good browsing and timely gags of sharp wit for use on friendsor enemies.
Though it probably won't occur to the class of '59 until it happens, it will be interesting to observe current slang expression such as "out to lunch," "cool," "crazy," "don't bug me, man," and others as they gradually suffer the same fate as the "23 Skidoos," etc. of the previous generation.
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A graph showing the frequency of church attendance among college students of all levels would in all probability reveal a sharp downward trend among students after their freshman and sophomore years.
The reasons some college students have for losing interest in church attendance are varied. No doubt many attend regularly as freshmen as a carry-over habit formed in early childhood at parental instigation; as the ties of home and authority are broken, so is their church-going habit. Others may at first really look forward to the Sunday worship periods for personal reasons, because they find the minister stimulating, perhaps because at church they find a refuge from the differently thinking professors they have encountered in class. Then, as their stay at the University lengthens, he may find the minister less and less stimulating after being exposed to a variety of contradictory ideas on theology.
But it would be erroneous to assume that the University community is composed of nothing but hard-core cynics and agnostics. A significant portion of students and faculty are quite active in campus and off-campus religious activities, and the YMCA, Canterbury Club, Newman Club, BSU, Inter-faith Council and other organizations are among the campus' strongest, organized bodies.  Student Union
The Student Union Building, is the center of campus student activity. Here, dozens of meetings take place weekly in the comfortably-furnished meeting rooms, while in other parts of the building people are getting haircuts, eating in the Grill or cafeteria, shooting pool, reading or perhaps even sleeping in the plush lounge chairs scattered about. The SUB ballroom is utilized with almost tiresome frequency as the site of "all-campus" dances. It is probably the best dance hall in the city.

 Within the last year, the University has probably expanded its facilities more than it has in any other corresponding length of time in the school's history. The purchase of Coldstream and Spindletop horse farms, with Carnahan House and Spindletop Mansion, greatly increased the land mass of the University. In addition, Holmes Hall was put into use for the first time last fall, and this spring, bids were accepted on the construction of a new men's dorm.
The building of the new dorm behind Donovan Hall made necessary the moving of the football practice field farther out onto the experiment farm, and plans also call for the construction of an adjacent baseball field. Added parking facilities are also in the process of being constructed behind Memorial Coliseum, with the razing of present residences now.
In the meantime, the Medical Center is also moving forward with construction of the Medical Science building well along toward completion and the heating plant almost ready. Contracts have been let for three additional buildings  the hospital, out patients clinic and ambulent ward. Construction will begin on these new sites in the near future.
If facilities of a University are an indication of greatness, then saying UK is on the threshhold is certainly no exaggeration.
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