xt70cf9j430j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j430j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1895 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1895 text Annual report. 1895 1895 1895 2011 true xt70cf9j430j section xt70cf9j430j       EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT
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To 1:1-is 1·ia·ccZlcucy, Hon. WM. O. BRADLEY,
Governor of Kcutuciuy:
Sir: Under the authority of the Board of Cont1·ol, and in.
accordance witl1 an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887,
and entitled "An act to establish Agricultural Experiment
Stations in connection with the Agricultural Colleges estab-
, lished in the several States, under the provisions of an act,
’ approved July 2, 1862, and of the acts supplementary there-
to," and of an act of the Legislature of the State of Ken-
tucky, approved February 20, 1888, and entitled "An act to
accept the provisions of an act passed by the Congress of the
United States, approved March 2, 1887. for the establish-
inent and maintenance of Agricultural Experiment Stations p
in connection with the Agricultural Colleges established by  
the several States and Territories under act of Congress,  
approved July 2. l8ti2." I herewith submit the Eighth An-  
nual Report of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta- i
tion. Very respectfully.  
M. A. SCOVELL, l)ir¢·cto»·.  
February 1. 1896.  
{ ,
I f l

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’¢’?3§f~T’;*f"L< gi  ‘ ·-I His Excellency Gov. Jeux Yotfxo Buowx, esl;-officio, Chairman.
=;i..‘··~.;;·;—  3  ‘ 2 · ' ` `
  Vv.‘   = I
  Y y ’ J As. K. Pl~.'1‘T1·:Rs0N, P1·csiG1·: P. P. JoHxsT0x ...... Fayette county. `
  _. I Du. R. J. SPYRR ...... . . Fayette county.
%?z*:ir::·r;   ._ · t · _ ·
  ·Vj , Piutmros Bum, hsq ....... Shelby county.
 Z — A Hox. R. A. Simian ....... Fayette county. `
  V I /· DAVID H. J.uu·:s, Eeq ...... Fayette county. '
    _ _ ? J um:12 1iO1lEltT RITl]II·Zl.L ..... Estill county.
  ‘ I Gus. D. C. BUELL ........ Muhlenberg county.
"J:".f ‘ ?..,.;. H I
pm _;M;_2 y. 3 J. C. Fmunxoy, Esq. ...... Fulton county.
(:;L:i;;;`·#__~.—   ' _
—.?T;‘._t;;‘;· I     Hoy. J. T. GA'1`Hl{I(IlIT ..... Jctlcrson county.
 ° ;.` :—.   Isaac \V11.soN, Esq. ...... Nelson county.
;_}-_·r~;;jl ``A``   I I Hox. A. P. Goomxra ...... Mason county.
Q?   A   I Q - .
;;ji‘.·~_ i , 5 ; llox. \\. F. PEAK ....... Trnnblc county.
  A I {   ·*D1<. J. D. Cr..xunY ....... Christian county.
  `‘_° ` - ‘ I   Hoy. J. R. flixoxmx ...... Adair county. `
j;· · -     ·lL'lW(IE Tuoxms H. llmezs . . ..FI`tIIll{lIlI county. .
  » _ I l   ILGEO. V. GREEN. Esq. ...... Christian county.
X. .. ` 1 I- I
. .. {   v _
-·     1 ’ Y . lx. MUNCY. Secretary.
j   I . _
y I   Resiguell. ·-\
._ F I t Elected to fill Dr. (’Iurdy`s place. ·
. I A
  A    . .__._.i W •
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D J. T. G1v1·111:m1r1*1*, Clmiriimn.
D1:. R. J. SI’L'l{li.
D,u*11;> H. J .111 1·;~.
R. A. S1·1’1:1:.
R01:151:’1‘ ]{11»1»1-31.1..
' ‘ J. K. I’A1"r1-;1:»<»X, President of the Colluge.
M. .~\. S1··»v1»:1.L, I)i1·cct<.»1·, 5UC1`€t&l1`}'.
` D1:. R. J. S1·U1:»1:. Clmi1·n1a11, G’I`09llLIi`llL*, Ky.
_ P1111.1·;>1<»x B11:1>, Shelbyville, Ky.
A. P. GOl'¤l>[NG. Mays Lick. Ky, .
` J. K. P,\'I"I'l£I{SON, 1’1·esidc11't`1»1`ti1e College.
' M. A. S(.‘U\`I·ZLI., I)i1·0<·to1·, S<2c1·0t111·y.
M. .\. Sv<»v1;1.1.. ]')ii·c0t·»1·.
A. M. P1c'1‘1·:1:, 1 . _ ._ _ 1
H. li. Cu1:‘1‘1s. {UN’ml°t°'  
Jl. G.:1:x1.xx, I§iit¤»1m»1·»gist and Bnmaiiiist.  
C. \\`. )I.\'l'IIJ·l\\`S. 1·I¤»i·ti<~11lm1·i#t. g
J= .\. 'I`. .I01:1>.xN, .\ssist:u11t.<>]{u1·tic11lL111·ist.  
· T. S. llmv 1;1:_gl'l`lp]lCi`.  
` 'vE<;5:I|JLl )[1lI'f.‘i1 Ist.  
I V AI»I>i:}·1#> 01* TUE >'I`A'1`I<»X, _ `

 "";_   77:   W"]   ;_.;i.   . 
LW p  i.'   ` * ’, Q
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f‘—  Z, ·. 
!;F",  . réf _ 5
 · . ‘°;*.  E  t 18%.
i     A:   M To recei ts from the Treasurer of the United States as per appro- .
’ we } p . .
 V;   r  p priation for tiseal year ending June 30, 1895, as per act of
   ._, i Congress approved March 2, 1887 .......... $15,000.00
EM .     ` By salaries .................... $9.356.60
      Labor ................... 2,145.00
    E Publications ........ . . . 830.83
°' ° __¤»_¤§_ -·QJ`    Postage and stationery .......... 186.05 _
    _ Freight and express . ............. 71.56
mn ~_;;__%r;:;Q`     Heat, light and water ............, 75.43
    _ Chemical supplies ............... 106.89
*     if » Seeds, >lants and sundrv su i ilies ........ 516.3-1
    F t.1.l ~ ll .,00
.., ;~•»···.¢sJ2.  .3* I V er 1 izers ............. . . . . ...
A       Feedinv stutls l 00 `
    · Library ..... . ......... sm.60 .
,      l Tools, implements and machinery ........ 375.50
  i'_v I l Furniture and fixtures ............. 82,07
..`,..<.».s   »;. . »| . . . .
    1 Scientihc apparatus .............. 7.oO
    3· Traveling expenses .............. 58.65
      Contingent expenses ......... . . . . 105.53
Z»’$?.§Fi3»2'=`-.‘...:‘», ·_ » Buildin<·· and re yairs ............. 703.39
*’?~ ¤¢.¤ . • . . D 1
g`?yj§t‘;j;;..··;._ 5; · · -—»» $15,000.00
;w.:;:;5;5~f‘··‘  >- ; _ _ _
  ( ; [ \\ e. the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the COl’~
    ”/ poration. do hereby certify that we have examined the
¤e-$+‘*u—:- is»·· , . . - .
 ·. — i books and accounts ot the Ixentuck ‘ ;X"'l‘lCl1l}[l11'{ll Ex >er1—
    , F ¤
%5’5L·Ztrj?>g‘§e-9 · ` ment Htation for the fiscal vear endinu June 20, 1895. that
_y.·. ._.. ,  —_   - 7" I ·
    1 we have found the same well kept and classified as above,
··.-..11:';‘,‘·· - i
§?;*ZV;    I . and that the receipts tor the year from the Treasurer of the t
*€e;j~j¤s ~.,-· ··   E . ._ _
;;,;e.$.é.-;{¥;; l { United btates are shown to l1ave been $$15.000, and the cor~ V
  s l { responding (liSlIlll‘S<‘1llt%1llS $15.000, for all of which proper
  i i vouchers are on tile and have been bv us examined and -
  ·—_‘ c ° “ l it found correct. p
      E   And we further certify that the expenditures have been
{Eff.     Q I solely for the purposes set forth in the act of Congress, ap» `
;··j—       proved March 2. 1887.
F _ {   Signed. D. H. JAMES.
.   `   A. P. GOODING,
i `Z , i
‘· ` E ; RICH. A. SPURR.
·   l Auditors.
` A Q * Attcst; JAR. G. YVHITE. ('ustorlimz.
  ,. " 4 .
. 9 ’
Q .· 5 ,
ir .  
.975 ‘ i
 " .1__, `=...J 2-

)0 —— OF Tllli —-—
  »' \
FOR 1895.
00 In the work ot the Station tv ·]v;l#l _v<·a1· no effort has been
' made to take up new lines ei 11 siigation. YVith the pres-
l'· . .
E} ent tunds at o11r ¢l1sposy»1 11 .» been thought best to
I? __ strengthen the limited lint .1 A 11 »a The Stall'.
he Mr. A. T. Jordan, HSNTNTIITII 111 the Tl()1'T`lCllTTYlllTlST. resigned Q
Ol" 1 his position last Z\[a¤»·h in ·¤1··l··1· to take up l1ortie11lt11ral  
my work with the Xen .I1·1·~1· l\;;l‘T(‘llTT`lll’{lT Experiment Sta-  
ml . I tion. The rest of the l`oi··e· is as it has been Tll‘l'CTDfOl'(’,  
. namely: M. A. SM1 ··H. =iT!‘··¤·I('ll’; A. M. Peter, H. E. (Tnrtis, f
icn _ chemists; TT. (`lamnan. .;; hnologist and botanist; (A`. YV.  
Rp' Mathews. Tl(>l‘lT(‘llTtll1`TSl; T. S. llawkins, foreinan of farm; fg
V. E. Mnney, vveather 1»l»se1·vei·; Miss Alice M. Rhelby. stern-  
;_ ' The facilities for the work of the (`hemieal Division T
have been greatly i11<·i·eas1· ‘r
lY__ I A   I ?   l I Y 4
E a    ‘ ,·  1 l ¥ 1 `
Q 1 ; 
‘-.  `·` ·’% ·t 1
 -  1¤· ‘*>: ¥é ’III - EIGHTH ANNU XL Rnrorr or `
  ': halt the s1ze ot the main lill)Olilt0l_}1 and 15 eqmpped yy1tl1
   ··—  1 1
    Y K ventilating hoods, work tables, etc., 1n the same 1.11&111l€1‘ as
  1 the general laboratory. The ettuipment of our chemical -
»,$*L:!- · g= T;  i Y _
i}};_ “ -él  'l1ll)Ol‘ilt()1‘j' IS very complete.
42  _` ·· s._ ,;j    . _ _ _ V _ I
  A11 inseetary has been btnlt tor Prot. Gartnan, costm;4
1  " _ °;`4!·S·  _ '; _ .
  2 ii 1 5,$1,l1lllll. Prot. (,li1l‘11l£l11 has ])Ul'SUQ`1illlj' Sll1)Cl‘lDt(¥].1(l(f(l. tl1e
s,,,..·-,,,~—?7?i??  V  I . . . . . _
°  C0llStl'l1Cl`l011 ot 1t. It 1S constructs d \VItl1 all the latest inod-
  1 1 €l'11 11Ll1)l*0\'C1llt’11tS, such as slate and t1le benches, etc. A
- 1_ tlillllrtl da111·y-l1o11se tor (3X]_}€1'1lH(;‘lZlill purposes 1S l111(l(’l con-
  fi; SJ[l'llCl'lU11 and w1ll be ready tor our experiments lll lull). It
,¤m1.t..¥1;;f~1·   _ »‘
    contains a cheese room, an (}ll§§l11(i room, a general work
‘••!\n’n~»•·,,· ,.·.. xt _ ,1
 {fi, l room, and a cream and butter room, illlll {lll ice-house at-
1 .1w.:¤:i#?   T
*•v?·=.s~n».»’?‘ . '
1 1..,,,, 1%;. . tathed.
~.»».,;2;;>‘t‘>   `
T`Z‘£TL11.;;.;, ·ri*   1 ` , . . . -‘¥ ¢ ·
  = l Analysis and Inspection of Commercial Ferttltzers.
a¤.&.,';.`ZtI'_.Z~;.{f ’_ V ·
i¥€·EiS5E£i`TY}°€ 1   1I11 accordance witl1 the State law we have Clllltllllllill the 1n-
;_;r,;··?:1?..i1_.1:·‘.   _1l _ _ _ . .1 . . ., _
    spet1·t1o11a11tlanalystsoteo1n1ne1·e1altert1l1zers. Thtsltastalten ·
  _ I 1 the grreater portion of the ti111e of Oll(i of ot11· chemists. The
-?`L;J'“.‘.1~L.'°‘.;% ; V _ _ , , . . . · ` _
  it use ot tert1l1zers IS constantly 1l1(f1‘(‘&lSll1g lll our State, and, 1
    l (‘0llS(*l]llC11lil)', this work l_)CC l , . . 1 _ . .
  .°1,.  ¢» l ers lleeome more ilC1llltl1l1l<*(l \\`ll'l1 tl1e use ot terttltzers,
  l i 1 l when so manysamples 1nay he sent i11 for free analysis that
  "   the ttmtls 2l(‘(‘l'lllllg' from this sonree may not meet the e·x·
V 4··`-—-hl     l { . . .
  _»‘_~   l penses lIl('lll`l'(’(l. The resnlts ot our analyses Ellltl insprr-
  E"`;     tions are given in ltnllelins llllll1l)l*l‘S Sli illltl ($0. n _
.· .»,. .1 1 "
    ~ 1 ·l Crop Tests
1 l l' ·
    t \\'e have eontinnetl the tests of erops mainly for the 1l\ll'· ·
  l— pose ol studying varieties. lltese vartetal tests have been
r 1   nntler the rharge mostly ut the l'lUl‘l'l(Illll'lll‘2ll l)1v1s1on. and _
l — 1 1 . . .
_   l 1 may he tonntl tn the report ot l’1·ot. Mathews. herein lllC(>l‘·
._ *     poratetl.
l l Grass Plots
l Prof. tlarntan ltas eontinnetl and ettlargetl the tests of the
  y (llll·<‘l‘(‘lll varieties of grasses. elover and forage plants.
  — .,1.. esill L
 .   s .
     1...; lr

Study of Methods of Analysis.
. This feature of the Station’s work has been of great use-
ful11ess. The work has reference both to the development
of new and approved apparatus and adoption and use of
chemical 111ethods. The work under Prof. Peter has been
contined almost entirely to the study of soil analysis. As
stated last year, if a method of soil analysis can be discov-
ered whereb_v we can tell the available amount of plant food
to u certainty in illly soil. a great problem in agricultural
science will have been solved. and one which will be of in-
calculable value to agricultm···.
The Use of Paris Green to Destroy the Tobacco Worm.
The experiments ill this line have been continued on a.
more extensive scale than those of last year, and the results
may be found in Prof. tiill’lllilll`S report, found elsewhere in
this report.
_ l Butter-Fat in Milk.
· \\'e have continued our experiinents in the study of the
variations of butter—t'at ill the milk of cows, and our records
now cover nearl_v tive years of continuous work. lt is  
· . . . t
hoped that these results may be published in bulletin torm. ?
Publications. ?
~ The publications ot' the Station since our lGl§i:'Il1Il_lll&li re· p
port are as follows:  
p _· . liulletin No. 54. Notes on Vegetables.  
i llulletin No. 35. Field ltlxperiments with Fertilizers. if
].—t_`orn. ‘
. 2.—l’ot‘atoes. '
' ·,i·.Y]Il‘lIl]l.
llulletin No. St}. -\nal_vsesoft`on1mert·ial Fertilizers. .
Bulletin No. 57. I.—\\`heat lixperiments. ri
2.—t”lats ]‘:X]lt‘1'llllt’l1t`S. ’
t. t?

 NF,.   =—.;,  H , l
  J  _. ~: .   ]_,. .
1;:::;:%%   .1 . A EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF
r;»¢`$K$.Y·Yp—Y”:\§  4¢‘—
    “ , . T - . , . ,
 ~  ~    1. Lulletm B0. ab. (»Ut\`VO1‘l]]S 1n kentucky.
`T    ’* ·¤: . ..- . . . ..
  1 Bulletm N0. 09. Sprajynng Expemments 111 1890.
   ·=·_ `  .`·:'  1·. ` . . . .
    Bulletm N0. 60. Analyses of C0mn1erc1al F€1‘lZ1l1Z€I'S-
 "":.P·‘ >  . . -
l,=»»  —. :. ·  V I. Ofhmal Analyses.
  1 II 1 1— in · —· dI 1
  g; Q . ; na gses 0 zumens an nspec —
      0rs’ Samples.
 _   _;  1 The 1ep01ts from the du ISIODS f0ll011, after wlnch the bul-
9   ‘Z 1 E - . . . . .
 .  ·_     1 letms ubhshed dumnv the vear are 1I1COl‘ orated 1n tlns re-
 1 D L
   _»%_i y,   9 ; I port.
  *.1*: ··~· ~ ~%_;?_ 5* w ` 1 . •-
  Y; 1 1 M. A. SCOVELL, D1rcct01·.
 "..,···-·,., +47345;. gr L 1 `
  i· 1 1 .
-·<¥·;T5T`:T’ ;‘i‘t*:‘V$  °. . A `
  - l
v`i{.°L'.£';’;"j‘jt“""j{~  · 1 r
  ·`·. 1.1
 $2    1
  ¤.`   . 1 1
.,,. ;.5`::r¢.:4:···Q.z‘ A
$?*$?£;+¤¤·¤?*  ‘
    . l Q
  - 1 A
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 I ‘
M. A. Sewell. Director:
I- I)et1r Sir—The work of the (A/`l1(*llIl('llI Division in 1995 IIHS
3* bee11 of tl1e same eharaeter as last year. The analyses of
eoinmereial fertilizers have l)0(*1l published in Bulletins 56
and ($0. The work Il])0lI the presence of arsenic a11d copper 1
in spra_ved tobaeeo has bee11 continued and tl1e results will
be l1l(‘Ol'])O1‘{llt‘(I i11 a fUl‘YllC()l]Il11g' bulletin on tobacco. A
, brief 11ote 011 the presenee of arsenic illld copper in sprayed
apples was published i11 Bulletin 59 in connection with the
work of 1'rot. Garman on the spraying of apples.
The work on n1etl1ods of analysis. as usual. oeenpied mueh
time Ttll(l attention. especially that upon soil and ash analy-
sis. The results obtained so tar. taken i11 eonneetion with
those reported by other chemists at the last meeting of the
A ssoeiation of Otlieial i\grit·ultural (_`hemists. S(*t‘l]l to show
that tl1e proposed method of determining the availability of
potash a11d phosphorie arid in soils by means of dilute ox~ ‘
alie aeid is the most promising one that has been tried. Init  
more wo1·k is still needed on this question. .\ part of our  
results will appear in the `l‘ro<·eedings of the .\ ssoeiation of  
(lltieial -\gl‘l(‘llliIll'2Il (lIIl‘llIlNl'S.  
l 'l`wo examinations for poison in susperted poisoning of  
stoek have bee11 made. i11 one of whieh SI'l'_\'t'Il]1IIl(‘ was de·  
te<·ted,in the stomach.  
The daily tests of fat in the milk ofthe Station herd have  
e been eontinued as usual. Z
Quite a llllllll)t‘l' of minerals and rorks have been identified  
a11d examined qualitatively aml several sanitary analyses
of water have been made. but the 1·est1lts are not t··»nsidered I
of sut`tic·ient interest for publieation. .\ll the analyses that A
are of any general interest or deserve permanent reeord are P
given in the following pages:  

 111 ‘ '·‘; 1.1 — H1" ’ ` — V- 2
.2 x,. . Y
  Y . ·
    1 Sorghum Cane.
1.;*I ·-  1* .
1*;,:;;,,     Two lots of seed were )l2111t0(l at the Stat1o11 farm. o11e of
14.11.,. · 44 11 .. I
3 ' ·Q'¢·.  *—1  » . , , ,
 _¥:¤t;1;y? i  1 one-half ac1·e 011 acre J trom llllX(*d seed of the ]'>1'€V10l1S
  1. year; t11e othe1· of one-tent11 acre on acre S being from a sin-
  1 ‘ gle head of the same cane. T11e variety was “COl1112l1lS.” .
  'T~°·2e"i. 1 ; T _ .. . .
  . = j kmety-two separate stalks were G‘X{ll1l1l1l*d, takmg an equal
°‘__»  3  1 lllllll1)(t‘l‘ trom each acre. Each stalk was l‘llll through a
"  .—‘ Y• 1~ _ _ _ _
  = llillld 111111 and t11e ill110lll1)[ ot jmce measured, and the
  1 specific ;!1‘1l\’lT)’ lP2ll{(*ll. If these data were satisfactory, the
-  _E e. . . : . .
    ‘ . 1‘(*dll(‘1l1g' sugars were dk‘t¢3l'l11111(°(l hy coppe1· $011111011 a11d the
 s; § 1 cane sugar by double ])0l2l1'lZil1Tl011. The results are given
  F *1 } . . .
·   ‘,‘p   111 t11e lOll0\Y11l1Lf tables:
>··=—"·‘:“::.;..—i—e iq _ ‘ —
$¥’LTZ`I'.I:1·;:..:$;    1
1Y1.%+*,,,_`”"?‘“;;;.;;;Q»  x 1 CANE IUICE, ACRE 1.——MlXED SEED.
$§§§",.2L»lT.°Z3.I..:.;j1¤ `=·  1  _
”:S:-::1;a.L::..;:;i * ‘_";‘;"‘;‘L* "··—·— ——··
i`1’;‘·.:x‘::;`.2;‘.”  1 M C; gy 7. · -1 1 O G
"*ii7*z;z..·.·;;~. i. if z 7 ·: ¥ ' :: ;
;;1i.;§1`:;..  ._ ~. “ · g-3 z'   .4 ;· 4-· C; ;;·gj
 gig  3 T ? 1 · 5 1: w 2 ¤= q§ " §
  E 1 ‘ 2   E- " 2 E 1 Z Y
€ZY$:`I??*?%`.·‘° .· € 1 ` ?·   "   F   . :`
 iii. A 1 ‘ 41.. —.   ;; _.. -..7 .-._* %.._
;g1;jf*1{F;1· 5   30081 Sept. 23 440 1.071 17.2 2.17 1 12.03 1 73.4
  _»;_j .1 3000 0 370 1071 17.2 2.48 12.10 1 70.3
1.:;;}jIQfQ·1QQQg1. A   1 30871 Sept.213 350 1 1.076 1%.4 3.7:3 1 12.14 1 111110
 151 1 3088 ·· 300 1.070 11%.4 4.07 1 11.00 1 04.1
11mL1..,j;1   _ 3001 1 ·· ·400 1.071 17.2 1 4.40 10.00 02.8
  · 1 . 1 3002   275 1.07:4 17.7 1 4.00 11.11 02.8
  _j   1 3004 1 ¤· 250 1.070 18.4 1 337 12.01   00.0 ‘
1._:-:jg;·;-A — 1 3100 $0111.30 :410 1.077 1%.0 1 2.71 12.42 1 008
g;.;_;-;:~-;1_ ·_ 1 31101 ·< 200 1.087 _ 20.8 1 1.72 15.13   72.7
  ;1._ 11 1 g111 1 ~ 200 1.000 21.0 1 1.43 1013 1 75.0
gcijc; ·~.·   1 1 ra ~ :470 1082 10.7 1 2.23 1:;.751   000
j._g.-.. ,_‘` 1 3115 1 0 200 1.1180 10.:: T 2.30 13.42 00.5
  »— .. .; 1 31201 ·· 300 1.077 1s.0 1 1.07 1:1.00 1 70.2
  A ‘ 1 1 1 ?? —-—1·——- ————1—— -—————-
1, is   11   1 1225 1 ***1
ati;. »  
;.— · 1 Zj“—;*7”7*7}’777’
r A 1 3080   Sept213 1 370 1.077 18.11 1 3.20 12.72 1 HR.4
1 1 1 3002. -· 320 1.003 21.1 1 1.52 1007 1 70.2
__ A 1 1 3084 1 0 270 1.0T>< 111.3 1 2.00 1::.011 1 72.2
.. . 1 1 :.11001 sep1.20 200 1 1.030 20.4 1 2..10 14.87 1 72.0
1 . 1 1 =110§1 ·~ 1 300 1.071 17.2 1 4.01 1 10.11 03.0
— z 1 310111 0   240 1 1.073 10.3 1 357 1 13.22 1 70.:1
. 1 31221 Sept. 30   3:-:0 1 1.00:: - 20.0 * 200 Q 1330 1 00.11
1 31120 ~· T 410 1.031 1 10.0 T ::.:14 1 12.70 05.0
  3127   0 1 :3:30 1 1_0R0 1 19.:1 3.45 1 12.07 07.2
Z ——1——1——I—-— —»— —-—-— ;—-
` ' 11 4\VCl'2lgl* .1 KOS 1 1.0NO   10,3 2%.12 ~ 131.110   ON.0
 "._\ `_ _ \’~'—‘_A    t.i .." ' l ”"L‘L;
11 "" 1 " 1 .

` Butter.
gf 2822. 1:111101* b1*o11gl11'l;1y Mr. Bishop Clay. Lexiiigton, K):.
IS 2941. Butter lll2l(1(* nt S1`il110l1 from milk of Jorsry cow
u_ Mia1111i`s S1;.fll{l1(11I`lil. millciiigs of April 15111 £lIl(1 16111, 1895. _
 _» _ 2944. S111111;· as p1·ec0di11;;·. milkiugs of April 17'th and 18111, ·
al 1895. V
a 2954. Sz11111· {IS ])I‘€(‘&‘(111l§I. milkings of April 19111. 20th,
IG {l]l(1 21st. 1895.
llc X11111bc1·.   2822 i 2941 i 2944 { 2954
_____;___ :;____ ____ l ___
911 ‘  
Fat . .... ,. i 75.15 81.83 i 82.99 78.98
w\Ytl1(}1` . . . .   14.44 11.86 12.40 13.15
Salt nucl Ash . . . 1 8.65 5.26 3.83 6.84
Curtl- . . . . .l 1.76 1.05 ` .78 1.03
Z   15 100. i 100, 100.
  DistiIIcrs’ Grains.
_ 2979 lllriwl  I ..T...—..T.... —.—... .——— i
5 _ 1
* Waiter . . ................ 8.66 ...... j
1 Urmlo protein ............... 29.94 112.78 5
< Ethor ext1·z1(·t ..., _ , . . . . . . . 8.94 9.83  
3 Nit1·1.»go11-free extract. . . . ' .... . 39.29 46.01 V _
A Crude iibcr ...... . ........ 11.62 12.72 *
.- Ash ..... . . . ,_,......... 1.51 1.66  
1 ——··— --1  
—· 100. 100. jr
Alb11111i1i1»ids, Stutzors 111eth···l ........ l 28.88 { 31.62 1,
——— Total D11.l'UQL‘ll ............... 1 4.79 5.24 ¥
4 ·‘ pl1ospl11»1·ic:11·i··to1»1—1· 1st. The sample 1w<·1“ was svnt to the ,{

    i t  Q  I 2‘    I
x'   _ `
  I Station by mail and was somewhatshrivelled when re- ]
  jceived. A determination of moisture gave 84.54 per cent. _ E
  * , 3143. Same as the preceding. Moisture 84.33.
    l 3149. Vilmorin Blanche, sent by same iirm as the preced- _
’i .f { i Q ing. Planted April 20th; harvested October 15th. Soil, a ,
      dark loam. V A
  l` 3150. Same as No. 3149. ,
  if 3151. Same as No. 3149.
  I 3157. Keilholz Improved Klein \\'anzleben, grown at the .
    , ~ Station farm from seed sent by Franz G. Zimpel, 37 Beaver ,
    , i street, N ew York, sole agent for Keilholz seeds. Gathered ,
    October 23d.
I   mss. Same as Ne. ::157. . ,
    { 3159. Keilholz Lion, Most Saccliarine, grown, etc., same ..
  A l as ye. 3157. —
    3100. Same as No. 3159. .
  I , 3101. Keilholz Improved Imperial, grown, etc., same as
  M. 3157.
  ,__ .· _ :21112. Same as Xe. :3161. ·
  l l   3103. Same as No. 3157, collected October 24111.
  l   3104. Same as No. 3103.
      3105. Same as No. 3159, collected October 24th.
  l"’ l 3100. Same as Xe. :;1o5.
  {   { 3107. Same as X0. 3101, collected October 24th.
  »'V` jij, i i A   _ 3105. Same as Ko. 3107.
    3109. Klein \\`anzleben, sent by H. Cordez, for the Ken-
  U _ ·   tucky Beet Sugar Company, Bowling Green, Ky. Planted i
_ZiQZ_ ji U   June 23d; harvested October 20th. Soil, loamy, bottom
  ,»-·   land, manurcd with 125 lbs. phosphate per acre. Sample
ij‘[Q‘     consisted of two small beets. weighing. together, 340 grams.
_ ·   3170. Same as 3109, except the soil was clay loam. The l
I   two beets weighed. together, 400 grams.
.   l 3170. Klein \Yanzleben Elite. sent by same iirm. Planted
li .     June 23d; harvested Xovember 0th. Soil. loamy, bottom  
_   i land. Four small beets were sent. which were treated as
i I one sample. _ .
_ _   3178. Klein \\'anzleben Elite. sent by the same firm. i__
 ~_ ie e      -·-,  
.. .. v
  . .1   1

E- Planted June 23d; harvested November 18th. Sample con-
· sisted of four beets, weighing, together, 565 grams.
3179. Same as 3178. Planted August 4th; harvested No-
l` vember 18th. Sample consisted of two beets, weighing, _
[L respectively, 68 and 244 grams.
In making the analyses t11e whole or a suflieient quantity
of the sample was grated to pulp. a11d the juice expressed
with a hand press. The speeitic gravity of t11e juice was
9 taken with a spindle, and the direct polarization was ob-
Y served after clarifying t11e juice with lead acetate. The re-
d sults are given in the following table: `
» .. SG   c c 0
° 2.   1:;; 11%   si »—.1?
5. -   • g; ii;     g_G E Q
’ _ f':. · —$‘ 92 e ry ii?
g Name of Variety. mc .   · I TUE *<  
'   " ` ’ ¢ : 2 ·= ' :·
. ZL ' ·1~:< . ` 1 3 " ` —°
· ·-* . O 3 . · ;. 7 .
O»-w; , . O
3142 Klei11 \1Va111z1eben . . . 1060 1 1.055 ) 13.6 0.33, 68.6
314:% ·· 415 1.066 1:1.6 8.20 61.4
3140 `vll1l1()l`lllBl{111Cl1U . . . 266 1.034 6.5 5.51 64.8
3160 ·· . . . 363 1.0210 7.66 3.62 47.9
3151 ·· . . . 1055 1.031%   2.38j 26.7
$1157 Klein \\Y2lIlZll}l)C‘ll . . . 720 1.058 14.3 6.30j 56.1
3166 ·· . . . 725 1.064 15.6 $1.6.3161.2 1
3150 Lion . ........ 665 1.065 · 15.0 10.501 66.0 1
3160 ·· ......... 746 1.06:: 13,1 3.061 61.6 ·  
3161 I111pe1-1111 ....... 01.3 1.042 10.4 1 4.001 47.1 1
3162 ~- ....... 926 1.054 121.:1 1 7.85, .10.0 5*
3167} Klein \\':111z1e11e11 . . . 1*65 1.056 14.25 $.6711 60.·i 1
1-l‘ 31164 ·· - . . . 1215 1.057 14.0 l 0.001 64.:)  
_d ` 3165 Lien ........ 715 1.070 17.0 1 11.-101 67.1 Q,
’ 3166 ` ‘· ......... 1205 1.075 1 18,05 10.651 60.7 i
111 3167 1 I1l1]1t.‘1`l2ll .....,. , 020 1.053   13},1 ' ><.35l 631,N  
3168   ~ ....... 0:10 1.0626 12.06 6.016 713.:1 E,
lt: 3160 Klein \\r2l11Zl(*l1(}1] . . . 1170)   1.0467. 11.6 7.1251 62.5 fj
p 3170 ·· . . .1 12:101 1 1.0413 10.4 6.016 517.7 1;
$· 3176   . . . .... - ‘1.06s.‘1 16.7 12.2 7:;.1 1
IG 3176 ·· . . . 11411 1 1.0600 14.7 11.0 74.6  
, 3170 ] ·· . . . 111221   1.071 17.2 12.5 72.7 1
1 _ 1 _ 1 1
id , / Mineral, Waters. .
lh `N 2004. (`lI2ll_\'1N'2l1t* water sent 11_v .1. 31. '.\I'1l1Sll'<111;f. Pewec
H5 Valley. (lltlllillll (_‘(1l1l11_\'. 1{y.. f1·11111 Ll well :1110111 1.100 feet j
l deep. The water 1·ises 10 :111011t 12 or 15 feet 0f the siirfaee. V
u'   Mr. .\l'1l1Sl'1‘t)]lQ states t11:1t t11e water has been freely used  
. 12

 i    gy   eeee · _ y FW g` is  
fiin.   * it A
  , and "has proven very eiiicacious in diabetes, chronic diar- py (
  , rhea, kidney and kindred diseases} I i ‘ G
      The jug in which the water was received contained a fer- A c
  A t_ _ ruginous sediment, and this was included in the analysis. y
   i f v The analysis shows that the water is good 1n1ld chalybeate. s
    ~ 3014. Sulphur water sent by XV. S. Davison, Hopkinsville, s
    . iT Christian county, Ky., from a well 150 feet deepxlocated on c
  l_ the 1nai11 street of Hopkinsville. The water rises in the
  well to within forty feet of the surface. The water has a (
  y strong, sweetish taste, and a strong smell of sulphuretted t
    . ` hydrogen. The analysis of this water is very like that of s
  the celebrated Blue Lick water.
T   3015. Sulphur water sent by \\'m. Adair, M. D. ‘Canmer, _
      Hart county, Ky., from a public well recently bored in that
  X town. Gas was struck and it blll'l1(‘(i for some time, but the _
    supply gradually decreased. The wate1· smelled slightly of A C
  " sulphuretted hydrogen and strongly of petroleum. There  
  was a quantity of black sediment in the bottle, consisting _
  _ »_ l . of sulphide of iron, 2lI1(_l the water might. therefore, be ap-
      propriately called a "bla<·k sulphur." The an1ount of iron S
  ,._l ji   was not determined.
    30113. Water from a spring on the farm of Ho11. A. P.
    Goodiiig, Mays Liek, Mason county, Ky. The spring is a
  l-( ii. { small one, ilowiug out at the foot of a hill from shaly lime- _ (
  K t   stones of the Lower Hudson formation. This water l1as re-
  °   cently acquired a great reputation, having protlllced mal`- E
·F'l.;" . Ul velous results in stomach and kidney troubles and in con— §
.ili·.   h   sumption. Several eases of consumption that came under Q}
  i ’ B l   Mr. (looding`s observation we1·e benefitted i11 a very marked I
      manner by the use of the water. The analysis of this water E
  Q strongly resembles that of the celebrated Bethesda water {
" i of \\'aukesha. \\'is. k
Z     52132. Chalybeate water sent by L. L. Buckner, Hopkins _ I
" -     ville. <`hristian county, Ky.. from a well on his property.
    315:}. Sulphur water sent by J. \V. Applegate. \Vest
Y Point. ilardin county. Ky., from a new gas well 221 feet
_ _   deep. 'l`he water is thrown up by natural gas. A number
i it »_'      ·
J   l ‘

l" A. of the citizens of the town have used the water with appar-
i · ently beneficial results in eases of indigestion, biliousness,
1'· chronic diarrhea, kidney disease and rheumatism. The
s. water smelled sli htlv of sul ihuretted hvdroaen and
S ., I . ei
2. strongly of petroleum, —and there was a black sediment of
2, sulphide of iron in the bottle. This was determined and in-
n eluded in the analysis. 0
e 3172. Sulphur water sent by D. C. \7Vood, Cerulean, Trigg
a county, Ky. The water smelled only slightly of sulphuret—
d ted hydrogen, but was yellow when received, and tasted
»f strongly of sulphides.
[. MINERAL WATERS.—Analyses stated in Grains to the Wine Gallon.
.t _'-`—"”—""_`*“"" ‘1"
Station No. 2t1t»1 3014 3015 301•= 3152 3153 3172
B .
f   i——;) 1 ”i‘tm_F-_;-
) . Carbmne acid gas .... n. e. ri. e. n. c. ‘ u. e. n. e. n. e. n. e.
*9 Hydrogen sulphide gas . t ,60 .60 . . . ~ . . traces .40
(T Carbonatcoidron .... .62 · . . .   .052 ,99 .27|traces
" ` ·* manganese. . . . . . . . . ,` . . . .411 . . .
)- M magncsia . . 6.51 3.40 .04 3.078* 2.83 6_8l 3.27
‘ M lime., . . . 8.68 21.01 10.52 12.255 21.95 15.24 8.66
H ‘* soda .... . . . . . . . . . .886 1.80 . . . .
Sulphate of baryia · . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . ; . . . traces . . .
" 5T.Y0llLi1l · · . . . traces traces .   . . traces . . . ;
> ‘* lime .... . . . 77.05 24.04|. . .1 3.23 .70 3.37 1
'° " niagnesia . . . , 3.52 24.33 1.831; . . . 10.42  
3, " potash . . . .51 . . . 11.75 .700*. . . . . . . . .  
" soda .... 1.19 . . . 7.91 . . . . . . . . . 140.36  
B- _ Chloride of calcium . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . . 22.45 . . .  
“ magnesium. . . . 612.20 . . . . . . . . . 17.05 . . . "‘,
O` " potassium. . . . 15.80 . . . 1.37 2.84 traces. y
. *· sodium . . .58 493.14 79.55 1.673 1.95 218.081%.21 l
r .
Sulphide of sodium . . . . . i 39.56 1.82 . . . . . . .41 8.42  
I. Iodides ........ . . . traces traces _ _ _ traces traces traces Q
Bromides . . . . . . . . traces traces traces . . . traces traces 5
}l‘ Lithium compounds _ _ . . . traces traces traces traces traces traces  
ll Borates ....... . .... traces . . . . . . . . traces . . . yl
( Phosphates .... traces . . . . . traces . . . . . . . . . fl
H. Nitrates ........ . . . . . . . . . traces . . . . . . . .  
Organic ma