xt70cf9j4225 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j4225/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1921-08-sep20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-08-sep20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-08-sep20-ec. 1921 1921-08-sep20-ec. 2011 true xt70cf9j4225 section xt70cf9j4225 

     ,Iinutes of the Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky for
the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 1921.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Ken-
 tucky, net in regular monthly session in the office of the President, at
 11:30 any. m., Tuesday, September 20, 1921.  The following members were pres-
 ent: P. P. Johnston, Jr., Robert G. Cordon, Rainey T. Wells, :and Judge
 Richard C. Stoll.  Frank L. MicVcy, President of the University, and W,'elling-
 ton Patrick, Secretary of the Comm-ittee, were also present.  The minutes of
 the previous meeting were approved as published.

      (1) Report of the Business Agent.  The financial report of the Busi-
ness Agent wa,.s read and filed.

      (2) Audit Committee for Hatch and Adams i-unds.  The Business agent
called the attention of the Comm-iittee to the necessity of appointing the
usual committee to audit the report of the Experiment Station on the Hatch
and Adams funds.  The chair appointed Mr. Johnston and Senator Froma.

     (3) Laboratory Fees for _E-Servioe M-en.  A communication from the
Business Agent was Presented, -asking if ex-service men should be required to
make the usual deposits for breakage of mrteriz.l.  On motion, duly seconded,
the President wans requested to makie inquiry of the Attorney General regard-
ing the matter.

     (4) Business Agent Authorized to Borrow $752000.  A communication wtans
read from the -Business Agent indicating that it will be necessary to borrow
considerable funds to meet the obligationz of the University during the fall
before the funds are received from the Staten   On motion, duly seconded,
the Business Agent ens authorized to borrow such sums as may be necessary,
at one time, oW from time to time, not to exceed $75,000.

     (  Ap~ l:pication of Ra3.mond T. Johnson and Leonard C. Yielder, Ex-Servioe
Men for Free Tuition.  A communication from the Registrar of the University
presenting the applications of Leonard C. Fielder and Raymond T. Johnson for
free tuition wAs read.  The Registrar indicated that the men, according to
his records, had registered too late to receive the benefits of such free
tuition, as the laws of the State require that such students register thirty
days before the opening of each semester.   On motion, duly seconded, it 1w5s
held by the Executive Conmittee that the University is unable to pass favor-
ably on appliocations that are not filed in acoordance with the law.

     (6) Contraots with the Federal Board for Vocation-l Education.   Presi-
dent MeVey reported to ths Committee that contracts with the Federal Board



for Vocational Education for the training of disabled soldiers had been
forma1lly approved.

      (7) Bond of Business              -      - Pa yment of Premiums.A statement from
the Business Agent was presented indicating that he had paid $112.50 on
three annual premiums on his bond required as Business Agent of the Univer-
sity, the annual premium being $37.50.   On motion, duly seconded, it was
ordered that this amount be added to his salary for the month of September.

     (8) Grading of Grounds Around Dormitory.   A communication from Super-
intendent a.. 0. Whipple was prescnted, asking authority to let a contract for
the grading of grounds around the men's dormitory now being erected.   Super-
intendent Whipple indicated that there would. be 4,132 cubic yards of earth
to be moved and stated that if the contract vas let at once, we could expect
bids as low or lower than forty cents a cubic yard.   On motion, duly seconded,
MIr. Whipple Was authorized to enter into a contract at once.

     (9) Police Authority for Night Watchman.   A communication was presented
from Superintendent A. O. Whipp.e, suggesting police authority for the night
watchman at the University.   The matter was referred to Judge Stoll with
the request that he consult the city authorities and make report.

     (10) Wages of Jim Robinson.  A communication was read from Superintend-
ent A. 0. Nhipple regarding Jim Robinson, who was for several years fireman
at the University, and who some months ago had become incapacitated.   Super-
intendent Whipple inquired if the Board decided to continue to carry the man
on the University's pay roll.   On motion, duly seconded, it was ordered that
he be dropped from the pay roll beginning October 1, 1921.

     (11) Funeral Expenses of Harry Moberley.   A communication was read from
Superintendent A. 0. Whipple, asking if the Board would pay for the funeral
expenses of Harry Moberley, a negro workman wvho had been employed by the Uni-
versity for about fifteen years.   On motion, it was held by the Committee
that inasmuch as the negro carried life insurance which could not be used for
other purposes, it was not deemed advisable to pay such funeral expenses.

     (12) Insurance.  Mr. Gordon stated to the Committee that he was not at
all sure that the University is receiving the maximum insurance at minimum
cost, and suggested that Senator D. H. Peak, Business Agent, be authorized to
make a trip to Chicago to consult experts on insurance matters and make report
to the Committee.   On motion, duly seconded, the Business Agent was authorized
to make such investigation.

     (13) Payment to University from State Board of Health.   1k communication
from Dean Cooper was presented, indicating that the State Board of Health had
declined to pay to the University the $1,500 a month, as required by law for
the conduct of public health work, except on bills presented by the University.
On motibu, duly seconded, the matter was referred to the Attorney General for
opinion.  The papers were handed to Judge Wells for presentation to the
Attorney General.



     (14) Leave of absence for Doan F. Paul Anderson.   on motion, duly
seconded, sabbatical leave ofT absence on half pay  s, granted to Dcan F.
Paul Anderson, for a period of one year, it being stated by members of the
Committee that Dean Anderson had been in the employ of the University for a
period of twenty-one years without sabbatical leave, and further that although
he was entitled to take summer vacations, he had seldom done so, but had re-
mained at the University on duty twelve months each year.

     (15) Appointments.  The following list of appointments was reoommended
by President mrc'Vey and on motion, duly seconded, approved as recommended:
     Appointment of Raymond W. Sies, Ph. D., as Professor of Education, at a
salary of $3,000 a year, effective with the beginning of the present semester.
Doctor Sies received his IL. B. and M. A. degrees from Iowa State University,
and his Ph. D. degree from Columbia, and has been Professor of Educational
Administration at the University of Minnesota since 1918.
     Appointment of Miss Blanche M. Jackson as clerk in the Department of
Entomology and Botany in the Experiment Station, at a salary of $70 a month,
effective September 15, 102L.
     Appointment of R. V. Blair as instructor in mathematics for the year
1921-1922, at a salary of $1,5O0O.  He has received the A. B. and A. M. de-
grees from Peabody College; has studied at Vanderbilt and the University of
Chicago, and has had eigbt years of teaching experience.
     Appointment of Miss Lilly Kohl as instructor in institutional management,
Department of Home Economics, at a salary of $",400 a year, on a twelve
months' basis, effective when she reports for duty.    She is a graduate of
Tri-State College, Angola, Indiana, with the B. S. degree.    She received the
Master degree from the University of Chicago.
     Appointment of Miss Frances Hart as assistant in institutional management,
Department of Home Economics, at a salary of $80 a month, effective when she
reports for duty, to be paid from Cafeteria Funds.    She was graduated from
the University of Kentucky last year.
     Appointment of Miss Mabel V. Campbell as professor of home economics with
the position of teacher in methods of teaching home economics and practice
teaching of home economics in the Department of Home Economics and in the
School of iocational Education.   She is a graduate of Iowa State College,
and was for four years head of the-Home Economics Department of Rhode Island
State College, and three years head of the Home Economics Department in Ohio
Wesleyan University.   She was for two years State Supervisor of Home Econom-
ics Education in Colorado.
     Appointment of Miss Angie Hill as Assistant Home Demonstration Agent,
Calloway County, Kentucky, at a salary of $75 a month, for a period of two
months, effective July 1, 1921.
     Appointment of V. E. Freeman as Acting Dean, College of Engineering, at
a salary of $4,000 for twelve months beginning September 1, 1921.
     Appointment of VI. E. INichols, as Professor of Law, at a salary of $85
per semester hour, for one semester, on a part time basis.    He will instruct
one two hour course.
     Appointment of G. W. Vaughn, as Professor of Law, at a salary of $85 per
semester hour, for the year 1920-1921, on a part time basis.    He will conduct
two three hour courses.



     Appointment of B. E. Barringer, as Professor of Agricultural Education,
at a salary of $3,000,.payable from Smith-Hughes funds.
     Appointment of B. B. McInteer as County Agent, Ohio County, Kentucky, at
a salary of $141 2/3 a month, for a period of five months, effective August 1,
     Appointment of Miss Geneve Bartonas Home Demonstration Agent, Logan
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $141 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve
months, effective July 1, 1921.
     Appointment .f M;W.as ptuth Preawi+t .e_ c]rrk in the Department of Entomol-
ogy and Botany, Experiment Station, at a salary of $70 a month, effective
August 15, 1921.

     (16) Resignations.  The following resignations were reported by President
McVey, and on motiun. formally accepted by the Committee:
     WI. E. Brohaugh, Assistant County Agent, Oldham County, Kentucky, effective
July 1, 1921.
     Miss Ruth Duckwall, clerk in the Department of Farm Economics, effective
September 1, 1921.
     Regsignation of Thommus i. Meadows, as Professor of Agricultural Education.
(His appointment was made al tee last meeting of the Executive Committee.
He did not resume his wcrk.)
     Resignation of J. S. Davis, County Agent, Bell County, Kentucky, effective
Junk 30, 1921
     Resignation of Ben G. Marsh, Assistant County Agent, McCreary County,
Kentucky, effective August 10, 1921.
     Resignation of Miss Mary Fiemster, Hnme Demonstration Agent, Woodford
County, Kentucky, effective August 15, 1921.   Miss Scoville and Miss Fiemster
resign because of ill health.
     Resignation of J. A. Hunter, County Agent, Allen County, Kentucky, effeoe.
tive September 10, 1921.   (He was dismissed because of his disregard of in"
structions given him relative to his work.)
     Resignation of J. H. Bardsley, Field Agent in Poultry Husbandry, effective
September 30, 1921.   He resigned to accept a position as Head of the Poultry
Department at the New Mexico College of Agriculture.
     Resignation of Miss Helena Turner, County Home Demonstration Agent,
Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, effective September 24, 1921.

     (17) Increases in Salary.   The following increases in salary were
recommended by President McVey, and on motion, duly seconded, formally approved
by the Committee:
     Increase in salary of Miss Mary B. Daviess, clerk in the Department of
Horticulture, Experiment Station, from $960 to $1,080 a year, effective
September 1, 1921.
     Increase in salary of Miss Cella Taylor, Secretary, Department of Univer-
sity Extension, from $1,080 to $1,260 a year, effective August 1- 1921.
     The salary of Professor W. S. Hamilton, College of Law, was fixed at
$3,000, effective with the beginning of the present semester.

     The Committee adjourned.

                                         Respectfully submitted

                                              Wellington Patrick

Secretary of the Board


Missing report(s)