xt70cf9j4200 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j4200/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1968-10-nov19. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-10-nov19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1968-10-nov19. 1968 1968-10-nov19. 2011 true xt70cf9j4200 section xt70cf9j4200 

      Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky on Tuesday, November 19, 1968

      In accordance with action taken at the May 7, 1968 meeting, the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special session on Tuesday afternoon,
November 19, 1968, at 2:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, in the Board Room of
the Administration Building on the campus of the University with the following
members present: Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mr. Sam Ezelle,
Secretary, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Smith Broadbent,
former Governor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Richard Cooper, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr.
George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, non-voting
faculty members Professor Paul Oberst and Dr. Robert W. Rudd, and non-voting
student member Mr. Wallace Bryan. Absent were: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr.
Wendell P. Butler, Mr. J. Robert Miller, and Mr. Hudson Milner. The adminis-
tration was represented by Interim President A. D. Kirwan and Vice Presidents
A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech,
Lewis W. Cochran and Stuart Forth. In addition, representatives of the news media
were present.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Dr. Ralph Anpelucci, Vice Chairman, presiding in the absence of Governor
Nunn, called the meeting to order at 2:15 p. m. Following the invocation, pro-
nounced by Mr. Black, the secretary reported a quorum present and Dr. Angelucci
declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:17 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mrs. Id, the reading of the
Minutes of the October 22, 1968 special meeting of the Board of Trustees was dis-
pensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       Dr. Kirwan discussed briefly some of the items contained in PR 1. He
mentioned one item not contained in the written report, namely the contribution
made by Mr. Robert F. Kerley at the recent meeting in Washington of the National
Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. Mr. Kerley reported
to the Council on Business Affairs of the Association on the entire legislative
program of the Association to be addressed to the next Congress. Included in his
presentation were reports on Tax Credit for Educational Costs, indirect cost on
programs funded by the Federal government, the Educational Opportunity Bank



proposal, the College Housing Act, the Higher Education Facilities Act and Student
Aid Programs. He also made a brief presentation to the Senate of the Association
on changes in the Association's Legislative posture as determined by the Council
on Business Affairs. The interest subsidy program was of particular interest
since under this program institutions may sell bonds on the market and receive
Federal funds in an amount each year to reduce the interest cost of borrowing down
to an effective interest cost of 3%.

       Dr. Angelucci, having determined that there were no other items to be
added, accepted the report and ordered it filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       The Board members indicated they had no questions relative to the appoint-
ments and other staff changes and, on motion b0\Governor Chandler, duly seconded,
and passed, PR 2 was approved as presented and ordered made an official part of
the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       E. Director of Public Relations Named (PR 4)

       Dr. Glenwood L. Creechj gave a brief report on the role of public relations
in the University and the method used to select a candidate to recommend to the
Board of Trustees for the position of Director of Public Relations to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of Mr. Gilbert K rjsv. He called attention to the
biographical material relative to the candidate which had been sent to the Board
members in advance of the meeting and said it gave him great pleasure to recommend
the appointment of Mr. Frederick A. Woodress as Director of Public Relations, ef-
fective December 1, 1968.

       On motion by Governor Chand~lr, seconded by Mr. Z7,elle, and passed
unanimously, the appointment of Mr. Frederick A. Woodress as Director of Public
Relations, effective December 1, 1968, was approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the

       F. 1968-69 Budget Revisions (PR 5)

       Dr. Albright explained the sources of funds which would require approval
for re-allocation from the Board of Trustees before expenditure authorization could
be made. He noted that the item of $1, 600, 000 realized from fund balances resulted
from "prudent stewardship" during the past year.

       On motion by Mr. Uillennavr, and seconded by Mr. Black, the proposed
budget revisions for 1968-69 as shown in PR 5 were approved. (See PR 5 at the end
of the Minutes.)



       G. Finance Committee Reports (FCRis 1-10)

       Dr. Angelucci suggested that the Finance Committee Reports numbered
1-10 be presented and acted upon in one motion. Mr. Kerley and Dr. Denham
explained briefly FCR 2, FCR 3, FCR 4, FCR 7, and FCR 10, and indicated that
FCR's 1, 5, 6, and 8 were routine. In connection with FCR 9, Mr. Kerley ex-
plained that the policy statement regarding assignment of students to University
residence halls was necessary to protect the $35, 000, 000 bonded indebtedness on
the housing and dining facilities. He felt that students should be aware of the fact
that in order to provide reasonable room and board rates for those living in the
residence halls and to protect the credit of the University, the policy statement to
assure full occupancy of housing facilities was essential.

       Mr. Ezelle went on record as opposing an earlier decision relative to the
Council of State Governments project (FCR 7) when there are retarded children
who are not properly taken care of.

       Dr. Denham recommended approval of FCR's 1-10 and so moved. His
motion was seconded by Mr. iillenmeyer and passed~without dissent. (See FCR's
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Adjustment of Housing and Board Rates (FCR 11)

       After calling attention to the proposed adjustments in room and board rates
to become effective in the summer and fall of 1969, Mr. Kerley explained that the
increases recommended amounted to approximately 4% for the undergraduate
students. He said that higher labor costs and higher food costs which the University
could not absorb because of the fixed bonded indebtedness, necessitated the recom-
mended increases. Dr. Aiielucci asked Dr, Forth if student reaction to the increase
would be serious and Dr. Forth replied that there would be some negative reactions
but, if the students clearly understand the reasons for the increase, he felt they
would accept the situation gracefully.

       On motion by Dr. Denmark. seconded by Mr. Black, the recommended ad-
justments in room and board rates as proposed in FCR 11 were approved and ordered
effective with the Summer Session and Fall Semester of 1969. (See FCR 11 at the
end of the Minutes. )

      I. Committee Reports

      The Hospital Committee indicated it had no report. Dr. Kirwan pointed out
that the Joint Trustee-Faculty Committee appointed to codify the Governing Regu-
lations had a vacancy in the Trustee membership of the committee due to the
expiration of Dr. Stephen Diachun's term on the Board. He recommended that the
vacancy be filled immediately.



      Mr. Fze1lemoved that the Vice Chairman name a Board member to fill the
existing vacancy on the Joint Trustee-Faculty Committee on the Codification of the
Governing Regulations. His motion was seconded by Dr. Angelucci and passed.
Dr. Angelucci indicated that Governor Nunn had suggested Mr. Richard E. Cooper
to replace Dr. Diachun on this committee, and he, therefore, named Mr. Cooper
to the committee on behalf of Governor Nunn.

      J. Committee Named to Study Senate Policy Statement Governing
Off-Campus Speakers

      Dr. Kirwan said the secretary of the University Senate had sent to him
copies of a policy statement adopted by the Senate on September 9, 1968 for distri-
bution to members of the Board of Trustees. He said the copies would be mailed
following the meeting and recommended that the Vice Chairman name a committee
to study the policy statement and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees
at as early a date as possible. Governor Clinadier so moved. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Ezelle and passed. Dr. Angelucci named Mr. George Griffin,
Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, and Dr. N. N. Nicholas to the committee with Mr. Griffin
designated as chairman.

      K. University Exceeded Goal in United Community Fund Drive

      Dr. Kirwan noted that the University had exceeded its quota in the recent
United Community Fund drive and pointed out that Dr. Robert W. Rudd had served
as Chairman of the drive on the campus. Dr. Angelucci thanked Dr. Rud on be-
half of the Board of Trustees.

      L.. Meeting Adjourned

      The Vice Chairman, having first determined that there was no further
business to come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The
motion was duly made, seconded, and carried, and the meeting adjourned at
3:20 p.m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Sam Ezelle
                                           Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 4, PR 5, FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, November 19,
1968. )



                     November 19, 1968


      The University's annual Information Team tour,
sending representatives of several University divisions
each Fall throughout the state for the purpose of talking
with interested students, parents, and friends, will
feature a Spring tour next year. The tour, scheduled
for the latter part of next April, will cover the entire
state within a two-week period, and will be aimed at the
high school junior. The Information Team will include
University faculty and administrative personnel, and
will be scheduled to enable members of the team to meet
with individual students and their parents. The sched-
ule within each area will be arranged so that any inter-
ested family or student will be less than an hour's
drive from any meeting site. The meetings will be held
in a high school or a community college.


      A resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of
the Alumni Association pays tribute to the late George W.
Warwick, a graduate in the Class of 1916 who was founder
of the UK Senior Associates, made up of alumni who gradu-
ated 30 years or more ago. Mr. Warwick died in Lexington
while here to attend an advisory committee meeting for
the University project CEAL--Colloquium by Elder American
Leaders--on October 8. William Woodson, another alumnus
who has returned to Kentucky after a successful career
as a patent attorney in Chicago, introduced the resolu-
tion in memory of Mr. Warwick. The resolution, adopted
unanimously, states in part: "During his long and useful
life he was one of the greatest benefactors that the
University of Kentucky ever had in the devotion of his
means, time and energy to the welfare of the University
and this Association. The time was never too short nor the
distance too long for him to attend the board meetings and
the meetings of the numerous committees on which he so
ably served."



      Success in helping several hundred people who other-
wise could not afford legal counsel not only has been per-
sonally rewarding to College of Law students, it has given
them experience in better understanding the law as well.
"Our students cannot give legal advice since they are not
licensed attorneys," says Robert G. Lawson, assistant
professor of law, who teaches a course in legal aid and
serves as advisor to the students, adding that the students'
work with the indigent is largely investigative. For ex-
ample, they may interview an accused person, determine his
history of involvement with the law, contact witnesses in
the case and type up this information for the lawyer who
will be defending the accused person.

      Student participation in legal aid was begun in
Fayette county in 1963. At that time results of investi-
gative work was turned over to one of some 50 lawyers who
agreed to give part of their time to legal aid work for which
they received no fees. Last year the City of Lexington and
Fayette county each appropriated $5,000 for use by the Fay-
ette County Bar Association. The Association sought a
practicing attorney who would agree to work approximately
20 hours a week on legal aid. Arrangements were made
with Attorney Scottie Baesler, who now provides legal ser-
vices to eligible persons and also helps direct the work
of the students. Two students work in Baesler's office.

      Five students are specializing in work with juvenile
delinquents, doing what they can to help rehabilitate the
young offenders. Typical among those being helped are
parolees from Kentucky Village. Each student in the legal
aid class works with various phases of the program and
usually spends about three weeks in each category. Some
problems of a non-criminal nature which require the help of
law students and legal aid are landlord-tenant differences,
consumer credit disputes, and other civil cases.

      The number of cases involving student participation in
a calendar year is estimated by Prof. Lawson at 600-800. He
said investigative work and the legal work performed by
members of the Fayette County Bar Association total thousands
of hours annually. A practicing attorney doing the same work
would charge a minimum of $20 an hour, he added. "Our stu-
dents do a good job on the cases. This gives them experience
which is different from the classroom situation and is valu-
able to him by underlining some of the theory of law he has
learned in class." Student participation in legal aid is
directed by Donnie Murray, senior law student from Bow
(Cumberland county), Ky.


- 3 -


      How the University has up-dated the extension service
was described by Dr. A. D. Albright at a recent conference.
Citing rapid change as a key factor in American life, several
spokesmen for the Cooperative Extension Service noted the
many areas in which the service and its agents will be in-
volved in the future.

      During the recent five-day conference on the changing
role of the University extension agent, Dr. George W.
Schneider, associate director of extension, remarked that
"change has many faces: it frees us from much labor, but
makes us slaves to gadgets and new ways of doing things."
Dr. Schneider went on to say that today's needs and to-
morrow's needs always will be the concern of extension
people. "If we are to communicate successfully, it is not
sufficient merely to increase the number of volumes--we
must know the people to whom the messages are directed."

      Dr. Albright, executive vice president, emphasizing
the new role of agricultural agents, commented that educa-
tion today almost appears to be "post-dated," preparing
youth to live in an age which already has passed. "We are
uneasy with the future, uncomfortable with the present, and
not satisfied with the past," Dr. Albright said, listing
these innovations: a 24-hour poison control center for
Kentucky physicians; legal service to the state's indigent
and underprivileged, and a special service program to busi-
ness and industry in each geographical area of the state.

      Five areas of concern for extension agents were listed
by Dr. Lloyd Davis, administrator of the Federal Extension
Service: community needs; peace and economic development on
both the domestic and international scene; all aspects of
crime; the changing of old institutions and traditions to
involve new concepts, and equal opportunity for all people.
"The local extension office is becoming a contact point for
people in areas other than agriculture and development,"
Dr. Davis said.

      Clarence P. Bayes, University area extension agent
specializing in resource development, told the 500 extension
workers at the conference that people who live in rural
areas "need and demand the same services (as those) in urban
areas, such as facilities for water and sewage systems,
community centers and recreation areas." An interest in
the economic growth of the area led the Blue Grass area
agents to help organize the East Central Kentucky Development
Council in Clark, Estill, Madison and Powell counties. "This
council will work through four main committees consisting of:
(1) business and industrial, development; (2) manpower develop-
ment; (3) public facilities, and (4) natural resources,"
Bayes said.


- 4 -


      Dr. Bruce R. Moore, assistant professor of geology
and native of Australia, came to the University at the
beginning of the Summer Session and is already at work on
a contract with the U.S. Corps of Engineers on the prob-
able movement of sediment on the Ohio River. His special-
ity is sediment transport and the use of hydraulics in

      "If my theory is good, by using the river and hy-
draulic devices to keep them clean, river locks and dams
can be kept free, supplementing the present dredging
method," Dr. Moore said. "We have to study where the
sediment goes." He said the whole idea is related to the
transport of ancient sediments "which is still not clearly
understood in relation to present-day sedimentation." Dr.
Moore has built a device called a flume tank in a labora-
tory of the College of Engineering. The college cooperates
in the research. Water and sand can be run through the
tank under ideal conditions so that movement can be studied.
A 75-foot tank soon will be constructed in the lab, pro-
viding more depth to the study of the problem. Dr. Moore
makes frequent visits to the Ohio River in the Louisville
area to gather more information concerning the sediment
problem, but he is not a stranger to the Falls City. He
taught geology at the University of Louisville during the
1966-67 academic year, and then returned to the University
of Melbourne where he has received all his academic de-
grees. Dr. Moore calls Melbourne his home university. He
says research programs in U. S. universities are much better
organized and funded than in Australia. "Openings there
are few. There are only 10 universities in Australia, a
country with a small population."

      Dr. Moore conducts the geology department's even-
ing classes, and works mostly with graduate students since
the geology graduate program is rapidly expanding.


      The University is providing a service to the state's
mining industry through a new program established at Madison-
ville Community College. Students in the new study course
may earn an associate degree in engineering. David Fackler
of the Madisonville faculty said 18 students are currently
enrolled. Seventeen others are studying pre-engineering
for the baccalaureate program. The holder of the associate
degree is described as a technician and his work is directed
more to the practical application of engineering, as com-
pared to the technical work of the graduate engineer, Fackler
said. The associate degree is based on a two-year study pro-
gram. Emphasis is placed on mining engineering because of
the community college's proximity to the state's western


- 5 -


      Architectural students should be taught principles
and methodology at least 20 years ahead of their time, be-
lieves Dr. James P. Noffsinger, acting dean of the School
of Architecture, who recently spoke to about 100 architects
and engineers--mainly from the telephone industry--at the
second of a series of Systems Building Seminars sponsored
by the University at Lexington. Discussing the archi-
tectural school's response to the growing interest in
systems building, he pointed out that in the school's
eight year history, three different curriculums have been
utilized. "We try to employ the latest methods available,"
he said. He added that all architectural classes at the
University have been integrated, each stressing "the
sociological and psychological factors as well as the
mechanical aspects involved in building." Dr. Noffsinger
warned that if systems building is to produce beneficial
results, it must be started in the right direction. He
noted that the Eskimo hut and the Japanese lantern were
successful ideas which resulted in better designs.


      The University is moving rapidly to staff its new
educational television studios in order to meet a pro-
duction schedule starting in January. Dr. Paul H. Owen,
director of Media Services, announced this week that he
is looking for qualified technical and production special-
ists to complete the staff in the very near future. Among
the newcomers who have joined the new venture in ETV on
the campus is Miss Shirley Boyd, who graduated from the
University in 1961. Miss Boyd received her MA in communi-
cations at the University of North Carolina in 1964. While
there she received a research grant to prepare a guide to
personnel policies and career requirements for TV stations
in that state. Prior to coming to UK as executive
assistant to Dr. Owen, Miss Boyd worked for two years
as coordinator for the West Virginia Educational Broad-
casting Authority. Miss Boyd and Dr. Owen predicted that
closed circuit television would bring the community colleges
and the Lexington campus closer together, "both in fact
and in spirit." They believe ETV holds the prospect of
"more exciting classroom situations and more efficient use
of professors."


- 6 -


      The current issue of Kentucky Law Journal, pub-
lished by the College of Law, is dedicated to the
college's former law librarian who died last summer.
Miss Dorothy Salmon served as librarian from 1945 until
her death in August. The current issue of the quarterly
publication features a full-page picture of Miss Salmon
and a eulogy written by Dean W. L. Matthews Jr. Miss
Salmon was a native of Paducah. She graduated from the
University in 1933 with a BS in commerce and received
the LL.B degree in 1938. At the time of her death she
was associate professor of law.


      The international flavor of the University is
sharper this year than ever. Foreign students and ex-
change-visitors who come here to study, teach and do
research have reached a record number of 301 this semester.
They come from 49 countries--from Afghanistan and Argen-
tina, from Czechoslovakia and Sweden, Greece, Gabon,
Ireland, Malaysia, Syria, France, Vietnam. The University's
international program has grown steadily from 31 partici-
pants in 1949-50. It reached 115 in 1959-60; 221 by
1964-65, and was at 231 last year. In the group presently
on campus, the largest contingent--43--came from India.
Twenty-nine live in the Republic of China--Taiwan; 28 in
Thailand, and 23 in Indonesia.

      Large national groups have prompted the formation of
the Chinese Student Association, the India Association, the
Indonesian Student Association and the Latin American Stu-
dent Association as well as the older Cosmopolitan Club,
which bring foreign and American students together socially.
The biggest academic category among the foreign students
is engineering, with 72 international students enrolled.
Thirty-eight are in various phases of agriculture, and 25
study medicine. More than 80 per cent--242--are men. In
the group of 301, 85--63 men and 22 women--are married, and
45 of the married students brought their spouses to the
University with them. Seventy-three are undergraduates,
190 are graduate students, 38 are exchange-visitors and 16
are special or unclassified students.




      A motivation program for high school students in
Jefferson County who had "a fear of college" has proved
successful at Jefferson Community College. The 24 high
school graduates participated during the summer in an
eight-week experiment called the College Opportunity
Program, designed to "motivate high school students whose
college futures seem doubtful." Only two of the program
selectees had made definite plans to enter college in the
fall. After completing the training program, all 24 en-
rolled in a college, most of them at Jefferson. Financed
by a $5,000 grant from the University, the students spent
mornings in classes in English, speed reading, algebra,
typing, music, accounting and psychology.

      "The main thing these students had to get over was
their fear of college," said Ken Hoffmann, a community
college student who was one of two "buddy-counselors" to
the students. "The program has given them a chance to
see what a college class is like, what college teachers
are like.. .before the hurly-burly of the fall semester."
Seven of the students are women from the Park DuValle
Neighborhood Health Center. Some had been away from
school work for 12 years. The women are training for
careers in health-related fields--nursing, dental hygiene,
and health education. Many of the women have families--
one has eight children. No credit was given for the summer
classwork, but the students gained in other ways. "They
gained some confidence," said Mrs. Mary Jean Fletcher, an
algebra instructor.


      Six engineering students have been named to Tau
Beta Pi, national engineering honor society. To be eli-
gible for membership in the honorary, a student must have
"distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as
undergraduates in engineering." He must be in the upper
eighth of his junior class or upper fifth of his senior
class. Some other points of his character and personal-
ity taken into consideration by the selection committee:
breadth of interest; adaptability; personal integrity;
exceptional character, and unselfish activity. The six,
all juniors, are Vernon Goetz, Highland Heights; Jerome
Schmitz, Ludlow; Daniel Muller Jr., Ft. Thomas; Mike
Feinauer, Newport; James T. Tidwell, Florence, and
Richard B. Lee, Madisonville. Initiation was held
November 3 at the Student Center.


- 8 -


      An adapted model of a single-barreled 12-gauge
shotgun is being used by three faculty members to test
permeability of highway surface materials. Profs. J. W.
Hutchinson, T. Y. Kao and L. C. Pendley say the plan is
to determine which road surface material has the best
resistance to skidding, particularly on a wet road. One
of the principal causes of skidding is a condition called
hydroplaning wherein a vehicle moving fast on a wet road
is partially water-skiing on a very thin layer of water,
says Prof. Hutchinson. The road surface that could best
reduce hydroplaning and skidding would be most desirable
for safety, he adds. The College of Engineering faculty
members have adapted the shotgun so that a blank shell
becomes the power source to drive a special piston. The
piston containing a rubber-coated face is fired against
a 3/16" layer of water on the surface of the material
being tested. Technical data is used to show the hydro-
dynamic drainage capability of the surface. This infor-
mation reveals the extent to which friction is decreased
by hydroplaning, thereby indicating the likelihood of


      A Somerset Community College student has been
elected to coordinate the activities of the student
government associations throughout the University Com-
munity College System. Ron Stricklin, second year
English major, was elected coordinator of the Inter-
Community College Student Council during the Community
College Conference held recently at Louisville. The
Council approved a resolution which endorsed the present
method of operating the Community College System.
Stricklin, who has received no grade lower than an "A"
for any subject taken to date, serves as president of
the Somerset Community College Student Council. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stricklin of Somerset.


      Miss Mary Margaret Parrott, senior, has been awarded
the Metropolitan Woman's Club $1,000 scholarship for 1968-
69. Miss Parrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parrott
of Lebanon, was graduated from St. Augustine High School
in Lebanon and St. Catherine Junior College before enroll-
ing at the University. She is majoring in speech and
hearing. The MWC scholarship provides $1,000 to a junior
or senior majoring in special education, with a preferance
to students in the area of speech therapy. Proceeds from
the Miss Lexington Scholarship Pageant held each April by
the club are used to provide the scholarship.


- 9 -


      The University-operated election returns network
on Tuesday, November 5, served more than 20 radio stations
throughout the Commonwealth and has received several com-
mendations on its performance and the rapidity and accuracy
of its reports.

      Under the supervision of Don Wheeler, director of
WBKY, University-operated radio station, more than 40
persons volunteered their help in operating the network.
About 65 per cent were students, headed by Bill Peters, a
senior, assisted by Clay Nixon. The IBM 360 computer in
McVey Hall was employed in predicting the presidential and
senatorial races in Kentucky, and was within a tenth of
one per cent of the final returns. The first prediction
was made on the network shortly after 7 o'clock. The
computer staff consisted of Dr. Fred Vetter, Dr. Michael
Baer, and Bruce Bowen, a graduate student, all of the
political science department. They were assisted in pro-
gramming the computer by Dr. Martin Solomon, head of the
Computing Center.

      John Duvall, Ph.D candidate in political science,
headed the staff reporting from Democratic headquarters
in Louisville. Senior student D. J. Everett, who co-
produced the network with Don Wheeler, headed the staff
reporting from Republican headquarters. State Commissioner
of Information James Host helped provide interviews and
victory speeches that were carried by the network.

      In Lexington, Pete Mathews reported the national re-
turns along with Dr. Malcolm Jewell, professor of political
science. Dr. Jewell provided an analysis of the returns
and supplied pertinent information on the possible outcome.
The extensive network of telephone lines, taping and
monitoring facilities were engineered by WBKY's chief
engineer, Barry Atwood. In addition, UPI audio services
gave reporting and interview coverage of the national
scene to the network at no charge to the University. The
computing service also was provided at no cost. All staff
members of the network freely gave of their time, and all
the stations participating paid the line charges to their
respective stations. Several of the stations sent contri-
butions with which to provide food to the volunteers manning
the various originating points.


- 10 -


      A research project dealing with the emotional and
physical effects on people whose homes have been or are
soon to be covered by waters raised by flood control pro-