xt70cf9j419q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j419q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1936-08-jun16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1936-08-jun16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1936-08-jun16-ec. 1936 1936-08-jun16-ec. 2011 true xt70cf9j419q section xt70cf9j419q 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 16, 1936.

     The Executive Committee of the 'Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in President McVey's office at 5:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, June 16, 1936.   The meeting was called to order by
Chairman Richard C. Stoll, who announced that the primary object
of the meeting was to review bids and award contracts for con-
struction of the east unit of the Engineering Building*   Those
present were Judge Richard C. Stoll, Jd B. Andrews and James Park,
members of the Executive Committee; President Frank La McVey,
Secretary D. H. Peak, and Dean James H. Graham.

     1. Requisition CoMi ttee Report.

     The Requisition Committee filed written report of its actioi.
each week from the meeting of April 30, 1936, to the meeting of
June 10, 1936, incLusive.   The report shows that orders had been
made by the Business Office on the authority of the Requisition
Committee in the manner prescribed by the Board of Trustees and
state laws, running from No, 6305 to No. 7292.   The report was
examined, and on motion and second, the orders named therein were
ratified and approved and payments on said orders were authorized
and approved.   The following budget additions, shown in the re-
oort were approved:  Patterson Hall  51860.02; Janitor budget,
$145.95; Graduate School Bulletin, ;165.79; President's Residence,
$73.66; Extension honoraria $3093.45; Buildings and Grounds,
186.17; Library books, $2,000.00; Superintenddnt's Residence,
$ 46.20; Superintendent's budgets  shades, $1430.00; Art Department,
$166.65; President's Residence, 484.00; Buildings and Grounds,
fencing, $241.00; Observatory, $4500.00; Administration Building,
$472.75; Patterson Hall, furniture, $1880.90.

     2. Observatory -- Purchase Qf Equipment.

     President McVey stated that Professor H. H. Downing compiled
a list of much needed equipment for the University Observatory and
that he had examined the list and recommended purchases to the
extent of approximately $4500.00.   On motion and second, the pur-
chases recommended by the President were approved and authorized
to b e made, provided funds are available for that nurpose.

     3. Library -- Gifts and Constructign

     A. Gift of Books.

     President McVey announced that. Governor A, B. Chandler author-
ized donation by the State to the University Library of books,
documents and records, a large Gnd valuable collection, the



quantity being about 25 truck loads.   The members of the commit-
tee highly comrmended Governor Chandler's act in having this col-
lection transferred to the University Library, and Pres-ident Mc-
Vey was requested to wsrite to the Governor expressing thanks

     B. Room Preparation.

     In order to provide for proper storage and care of this dona-
tion, President IMcVey stated that a room in the basement of the
Library Building should be prepared, requiring among other things
the construction of a concrete floor, cost about $305.00 for ma-
terial, as estimated by the Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, the labor to be obtained under W. P. A. project.    The
expenditure required was approved and authorized.

     C. Purchase of Book Stacks.

     President McVey further recommended the purchase of book
stacks to be placed in the room above authorized prepared.    It
was suggested that stacks having capacity of 25,500 volumes be
ordered, cost estimated at $1374.03, not erected.    The purchase
of the stacks was authorized and approved, provided funds are
available for that purpose.

    4. Joel T. Hart Bust -- Von Engelken Gift.

    The President presented the following deed of gift:

    Frederick von Engelken, of 29 Washington Square, West)
    New York City, New York, being the heir of Louisiana
    Gibson von Engelken, in consideration of the University
    of Kentucky placing in a suitable place the Joel T.
    Hart bust previously loaned to the University of Ken-
    tucky by my wife, Louisiana Gibson von Engelken, and
    in further consideration of this bust being marked
    with appropriate statement as follows:

                       Lily D. Duncan
                 (Elizabeth Dunster Duncan)

    do give this bust to the University of Kentucky.

         In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
    seal this 15th day of June, 1936.

                           (Signed)   Frederick von Engelken

    Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of

    ( Siryned) R. L. SChleid

    (SiEgned) Virginia Sullivan



     The gift was accepted and copy of the deed of gift above re-
corded was ordered incorporated in the rinutes.   President McVey
was requested to v. rite Mr. Von En-gelken thanking him for the gift.

     5. Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan -- Birthday Ceremonies.

     The President presented a letter from J. Holmes Martin, pro-
fessor of Poultry Husbandry, in which he requests that a convoca-
tion -speaker be selected for celebration of the seventieth birth-
day, September 25, 1936, of Dr. Thomas Hunt Mcrgan, an outstanding
man in the field of genetics who graduated from the University in

     The President was authorized to have Professor Martin arrange
for the ceremonies, and to have a suitable plaque made to place on
the IMlorgan residence in Lexington.

     6. Waugh Lease

     Dean Cooper reported that he had given notice of cancellation
of lease at 119 Washington Avenue, Lexington, Kentucky, made with
Annie B. Waugh, August 8, 1935.   The rental is to cease July 8,
1936.   See minutes of Executive Committee, July, 1935.

     7. Dairy Barn at Western Sub-Station.

     Letter of Dean Cooper:

                                       June 8, 1936

     President Frank L. ivcVey
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President McVey:

          I have to report the loss of the dairy barn at
     the Western Kentucky Substation by fire yesterday,
     June 7.   The building was practically destroyed.   The
     origin of the fire is unknown.

          I should like to have authority to proceed with
     the construction of the new barn as soon as the necessa-
     ry insurance adjustment can be made.

                        (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                 Dean and Director

Corstruction of a new barn was authorized.



     8. IMrs. Gentry's Claim.

     President McVey read a letter from M4rs. Julia Gentry in sup-
port of claim. Reference is made to Section 14, Minutes of the
Board of Trustees, June, 1936. The conclusion was that themat-
ter having been acted on by the Board of Trustees, it is not in
she power of the Executive Committee to review it.

     9. i, X. A. Construction -- College Docket U. 1013.

     East Unit of Engineering Building..

     President !AcVey stated to the Committee that at 11:00 a.m.
of June 16, 1936, four sealed contract bids for the building of
the East Unit of the College of Engineering had been received and
read iun his office.  These contract bids were then presented to-
g-ether with a summary thereof as follows:

     Thompson, King & Tate, Inc., Lexington, Ky, - Base bid -
                                                   .$47, 486
     H. S. Van Arsdale, Lexington, Ky.    -  Base bid - $46,149
     F. T. Justice & Co., Lexington, Ky.  - Base bid -   48,159
     Gilson-Taylor, Inc., Lexington, Ky.  -  Base bid - 43,000.

     After due consideration and discussion, the bid of Gilson-
Taylor, Inc., of $43,000, was deblared the lowest and best bid
and upon mot-ion made and seconded, said bid of Gilson-Taylor, Inc.,
was approved and acepted and the Chairman of the Executive Com-
inittee was authorized to sign and execute same on behalf of the
University, subject to the final approval of the State Director,
P. W. A.

     President McVey then stated that at 11:00 a.m. of June 16,
two contract bids for providing and installing the electric wiring
and appurtenances within the East Unit of the College of Engineer-
ing, as specified, had been received and read.   These contract
bids were then presented together with a summary thereof as fol-

     0. E. Lyons, Lexington, Kentucky - Base bid- $3,979
     Allen-Harper Electrical Corpora-
       tion, Lexington, Kentucky       - Base bid    3,695

     After due consideration and discussion, the bid of Allen-Har-
per Electrical Corporai    of $3,695 was declared the lowest and
best bid and upon motion/ and seconded, said bid of Allen-Harper
Electrical Corporation was approved and accepted and the Chairman
of the Executive Committee was authorized to sign and execute
sane on behalf of the University, subject to the final approval
of the State Director, P. W. A.


     10. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.


     Paul Majors, technician in the Department of Bacteriology,
for one year, salary $600 a year, 12 months basis. .He is a
graduate of Western Kentucky State Teachers College.  Recommended
by Dean Boyd.

     Beecher Layne Scutchfield, graduate assistant in Bacteriology
for one year, salary $400.00 a year, ten months basis.  Recom-
mended by Dean Boyd.

     Mrs. Lary Dantzler, instructor in voice for year 1936-37,
compensation to be paid by students taking instruction in voice.
-Mrs. Dantzler is substituting for Mrs. South who will be absent.
Recommended by Dean Boyd,

     William C. Frishe, graduate assistant in chemistry, for
year 1936-37, salary $500.00 a year, ten months basis.   Recom-
mended by Dean Boyd.

     Dr. Robert N. Jeffrey, plant physiologist, Department of
Agronomy, Experim nt Station, effective July 1, 1936, or as soon
as he reports for duty, salary $2700 a year on twelve months ba-
sis.  Doctor Jeffrey is a graduate of the University of California.
His post-graduate work was done at Minnesota.   Recommended by
Dean Cooper.

     Miss Mildred King, kindergarten teacher for year 1936-1937.
She is to fill the vacancy made by resignation of Miss Frances
Martin.   She substituted for Miss Martin last year during the
latter's leave of absence.   Salary $1800.00 on ten months basis.
Recommended by Dean Taylor.

     Miss Anne Lewis Wilson, stenographer in the office of Dean
Taylor, in place of Mrs. Ruth Bowden who r esigned May 1, 1936.
The position is for year 1936-37, effective June 15, 1936, salary
$90.00 per month.   Recommended by Dean Taylor.

Leaves of Absence

    President EcVey presented correspondence with Dr. Forrest
Black in regard to a second extension of leave of absence former-
ly granted.   The members of the committee expressed opinion that
leaves of absence should not be extended for a third year.   The
President was authorized to advise Doctor Black,

    Dr. G. D. Buckner granted leave of absence for 20 days, be-
ginning August 7, to attend World Poultry Congress at Leipzig as
a delegate of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the tUniver-
sity of Kentucky.





     Miss Frances Martin, who was to have returned from leave of
absence, resigned as kindergarten teacher in the Training School,
effective at once.

     Mrs. Ruby H. Murphy, secretary in Department of University
Extension, effective August 1, 1936.

     On motion the Committee adjourned.

                                    D. H. Peak
                                    Secretary, Board of Trustees