xt708k74xg1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74xg1x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-03-06  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 6, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 6, 1942 1942 1942-03-06 2020 true xt708k74xg1x section xt708k74xg1x    

Ainutes of the University Faculty - February 13, 1942

would be expected to cooperate in this war program. It was the bone of the
administration and the Faculty that the goal of the University might be
accomplished by voluntary means, althoogh it appeared not improbable that

a plan involving deductions from salaries might be necessary or, perhaps,
eventually required by the Government. The Faculty expressed its apprOVal
of the suggestion that this matter be referred to the Committee on Informa—

President Donovan invited each member of the Faculty to send a repre-
sentative of his staff to meetings whenever it was impossible for the mem~
ber to be present. The next meeting of the Faculty of the University was
scheduled for Friday, February 20.



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more: see pare 110 ‘or Minutes of Meeting 0



February 20, 1942

March 6, 1942

The University Faculty not in the President's Office Friday. March 6.
with President Donovan presiding. Those attending the meeting were Jesse E.
Adams. Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans, W. E. Freeman, Henry H.
Hill, Frank D. Peterson, W. S. Taylor. and Edward Wiest.

The minutes of February 20 were read and approved.

The following recowmendations from the College of Arts and Sciences
éfii regarding admission, degree requirements. classification, and student load
‘\ were approved:

1. Admission

That the requirements for admission to the College of Arts
and Sciences be the same as for admission to the University.
The college, however. recommends strongly that the student
present for admission two units of mathematics.

' 2. The Degrees 3: B.A. and 3.8.
For the degree of Bachelor of Arts or the degree of Bachelor
of Science, the student is required to gain a total of 192
quarter hours and 192 points; that is a standing of 1.0.

‘l‘ 3. Requirements for the Lower Division (Freshman and Sophomore Year)

.General Beguirements:

Freshman Orientation, first and second quarters,
freshman year, 2 quarter hours.
























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Minutes of the University Faculty - March 6, 1942


English, 10 to 20 quarter hours (20 quarter hours
required if only 3 units of entrance are prea “a.
sented). \9
General Hygiene9 freshman or sophomore years, 2
quarter hourso
Physical Education, freshman and sophomore years,
6 quarter hours.
Military Science (men), freshman and sophomore years,

12 quarter hours.

Group Requirements:


Foreign Languages, 4 to 28 auarter hours
2 quarters in one language, if 3 or more units
of entrance are presented; 4 quarters in one
language. if only 2 units; 5 quarters in one
language, or 4 quarters in one language and 2
in another, if only 1 or no unit of entrance. 6%.

A student may take after any quarter of foreign
language a departmental examination which. if
passed, will fulfill this requirement.

Social Studies, at least 8 quarter hours in one
department. (Economics, History, Political
Science, or Sociology).

Mathematics. Philosophy, Psychology, at least 8
quarter hours in one department.

Physical Science, at least 8 quarter hours in one
department. (Astronomy. Chemistry, GeOIOgy,
and Physics)o

Biological Sciences. at least 8 quarter hours in éfi‘
one department. (Bacteriology, Botany, Physis \“
elegy, Zoology)»

Requirements in the Upper Division (Junior and Senior Years)


Generically Related Fields

Sixty quarter hours in a Field of Concentration; 22
quarter hours of the 60 in a major department; a minimum
of 6 quarter hours in the major department as a prerequisite
for the major; 9 quarter hours in Education may be counted
in the field requirement; in a combination course 30 quare
ter hours in the concentration field before transferring
to the professional school; an undergraduate is limited to
18 quarter hours of independent work and must submit a
formal report of each such course which report is to be A
filed with the head of the department concerned; electives ‘
in other colleges not to exceed 45 quarter hours.



 Minutes of the University Faculty ~ March 6. 1942

That a student to be classified as a sophomore or
junior must have within 15 quarter hours of the normal
number, and a standing of 1.0, and that a student to be
classified as a senior must have sufficient credits to
make it possible for him to graduate at the end of the
succeeding summer quarter.

6. Student Loads

A regular student is required to Carry, each quarter.
work amounting to at least 12 quarter hours. A lower divi~
sion student may carry without special permission a maxi-
mum of 16 quarter hours, exclusive of military science and
physical education. An upper division student may carry
without special permission a maximum of 17 quarter hoursr

7. Residence Requirement a Same as in University Rules

8, Degree of Bachelor of Science a Same as for A.B. except that

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student must gain at leastiga quarter hours in science.

9. Other Changes consist in substitution of quarter hours for

credits and quarter for semester.

10. The adVanced course ROTC will meet 6 hours a week instead of
5. This change is necessary in order to meet the requirements
of the War Department»

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Faculty
approved the petition of Earl C. Fowler to have public speaking, 3 credits.

'substituted for one semester of economics and organic chemistry, 10 credits.

for Biology group. 6 credits, required in the curriculum leading to the
degree of B.S» Mr. Fowler had been working for the degree in industrial
chemistry and had accumulated 147 credits, with a standing of 2.8. As he
was entering military service immediately, he wished to have these substi~
tutions made so that he could qualify for the degree of 8.5., with a major
in chemistry.

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences and of the
Department of Romance Languages. that Department was given permission to
offer Romance Language 205 a,b,c,d and 206 a,b,c,d for three semester hours
of credit each, during the current semester. These courses had been approved
for four quarter hours each, under the assumption that they were not to be
offered prior to the change to the quarter system.

The following recommendations of the College of Commerce were

1. The College of Commerce recommends that 192 quarter hours be
required for graduation under the GenerelaBusiness Curriculum the
Combined CommerceeLew course. and the SecretarialeTreining Curriculum.
and that 213 quarter hours be required under the Industrial-Administration











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Minutes of the University Faculty a March 6, 1942


II. It is also recommended that a change in the requirements of
the General Business Curriculum be made from "Elective in Advertising,
Salesmanship or Sociology" to

"Elective in Advertising, Salesmanship or Marketing" fig;
"Elective from Social Science"

On recommendation of the College of Commerce, the Faculty voted that
Mr. James Pence be adjudged to have completed the requirements for the de-
gree of B.S. in Commerce with a course in Astronomy substituted for College
Algebra, and Political Science 51b for Political Science 51a. All other
requirements of the present curriCulum not in effect at the time Mr. Pence
was in the University were waived. Mr. Pence had attended the University
from 1924 to 1928. He has a total of 133.3 credits, with the necessary
standing. The degree is to be granted in June, 1942.

On recommendation of the College of Engineering, the Faculty approved
the request of Mr. J. C. Greenwell to be allowed to graduate in June, 1942,
with the degree of 8.8. in Electrical Engineering. Mr. Greenwell left
school in October, 1940. with 166 semester hours of work completed, with ta;
a standing of 1.5 andlackiugonly a threenhour course in Differential '
Equations to complete the requirements of his curriculum. This course was
added as a requirement after Mr. Greenwell had reached the junior year. In
granting the degree, the Faculty waived the requirement of the threeehour
course in Differential Equations.


The Faculty approved a request from the Department of Athletics that
the University Basketball team be a110wed to participate in the N.C.A.A.
Tournament, to be held in New Orleans March 19, 20, 21. The team will leave
Lexington on the evening of March 18 and return either Sunday, March 22, or
Monday, March 23.

Dean Hill reported to the Faculty that those divisions of the Unis
versity under his administration had stated that they could arrange for a
saving of approximately $5,837 in the current budget.

Dean Hill stated that he was again ready to submit to the Faculty gal
the Constitution of the Student Union and that it appeared important that \\
this constitution be studied carefully. The Faculty voted that it should
be mimeographed and distributed to the members for their consideration.

On request of the President, Mr. Peterson stated that he had had a
detailed analysis made of the current budget for each college of the Unis
varsity through January 31. These prepared budget statements were distri=
buted to the Various deans and it was agreed that Mr. Peterson would meet
with each dean at the convenience of both to study the budget statement,
with a view to effecting all possible economies.

The Faculty heard a letter that had been addressed to President
Donovan by Mr. Russell Patterson, President of the Student Government
Association. This letter made reference to certain amendments that the
Student Legislature had voted to the Constitution of that body, and re'3
quested the appointment of certain members of the Faculty to committees ".
established under the proposed amendments. The Faculty discussed at some 5
length the history of the students' efforts to revise the Constitution of I
the Association. It was pointed out that the rules of the University
Faculty now in effect provide that any amendment to the Constitution of










Minutes of the University Faculty — March 6. 1942

the Student Government Association must be approved by the Faculty of the
University. President Donovan ruled that all Student Government Associa—
tion Committees appointed last fall still legally represent the Student
Government Association and will continue to do so until any amendments
providing otherwise are approved by the Faculty of the University.

President Donovan suggested to the Deans that an effort might be
made to obtain a census of their students, in order to learn the possible
enrollment of the summer quarter.

March 20 was set for the next meeting of the Faculty.


March 20, 1942

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday, March 20,
with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were Jesse E. Adams,
Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans, J. H. Graham, Henry H. Hill, L. J. Horlacher,
W. S. Taylor, and Edward Wiest.

The minutes of March 6 were read and approved.

The constitution of the University of Kentucky Student Union was
again presented to the FaCulty by Dean Hill. After an amendment eliminat~
ing Section 3 of Article 3, and Section 2 of Article 6. the constitution was
approved by the Faculty. In its amended form it is made a part of these



Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the KENTUCKY STUDENT
UNION of the University of Kentucky.


Section 1. The object of the Kentucky Student Union of the University
of Kentucky. as is stated in this, the constitution of the
Union. is: To promote the interest of the University of
Kentucky and its students.