xt708k74xd07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74xd07/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 2002 2002 2002-09-23 2020 true xt708k74xd07 section xt708k74xd07 New lights brighten Singletary Center stage I PAGE at

A close

Men's soccer
team plays a man
down, loses


September 23, 2002

Celebrating 31 years of independence


htp: Mchykernelsom

Budget fixes may include tuition hike

Money: Council seeks ways to combat feared budget
cuts, suggests tuition increases and larger classes

By Steve lvey

Raising tuition and in-
creasing sizes of university-
required classes will help
state colleges and universi-
ties deal with budget cuts. ac-

cording to education

At the Council on Post-
secondary Education meet-
ing Sunday at the Lexington
Radisson Plaza Hotel. repre-
sentatives from the council
searched for ways to contin-


ue a commitment to higher
education while state fund-
ing declines.

Kentucky postsecondary
education finance faces a
unique problem of having
more students but less mon-
ey. said Dennis Jones. presi-
dent of the National Center
for Higher Education Man-
agement Systems. headquar-
tered in Boulder. Colo.

He said lowering the en
rollment number. as Califor»
nia state schools did during
the recession of the early
1990s. is not a good solution.

“Accepting fewer stu-
dents is not a good way to in-
crease the tax base of the
state." he said.

Thirty~eight state legis-
latures have asked their state
schools to increase tuition to


DOIN’ 11'

Daniel Burnett
shares the excite-
ment while embrac-
ing Artose Pinner
alter he scores a

UK beat Middle Ten-
nessee State Univer-
sity 44-22 Saturday.
It is the first time
UK has been 4-0
since 1984.



Traditions: Chinese language students participate
in poetry, singing and Tai-Chi demonstrations

By Jennifer Mueller

About 40 people gath-
ered to eat meats, rice and
mooncakes and celebrate
the full moon last Friday

Chinese language stu-
dents recited poetry, played
traditional Chinese instru—
ments. sang Chinese folk-
songs and watched a Tai
Chi demonstration during
the Chinese Mid-Autumn
Festival held at the home of
UK professor Carol Yu.

The group included
first and second year Chi-
nese language students
from UK and LCC.

This is the first time
that the university has
sponsored such a festival.

said Beverly Hong-Fincher.
a Chinese language profes-
sor at UK. It is also the first
year the university has had
full-time Chinese language

The Mid-Autumn Fes—
tival is one of the two ma-

jor festivals in China, said

Stories surround the

festival. One story is about

the fairy Chang Er who
flew to the moon because of
bad luck and suffering on


The second story in-

volves a revolution during

the Yang Dynasty when
Chinese people were being
oppressed and had no way


mm | Itnnrisrm

Melinda Joseph-Dem. a student at Four Seasons Martial Arts,




cover budget shortfalls.
which could be as much as
five percent, he said.

Increased tuition is only
one way to meet budget
needs. Jones said. He sug-
gested schools including
making core. lower-division
classes larger to decrease fac-
ulty costs.

He also recommended
working with state high

Patton's churc

schools to make Advanced
Placement classes more ac-
cessible. minimizing course
work that repeats high
school curriculum and limit-
ing the number of credit
hours students can take at
iiirstate tuition rates.

['K President Lee Todd
spoke on behalf of all state

See BUDGET on 3

forgives, prays

Tears stream
down the face of
Kentucky Gov.
Paul Patton as
he pauses during
a news confer-
ence Friday, dur-
ing which he
admitted to hav-
ing an "inappro-
priate personal
with a woman
who is suing him
for sexual
Patton denied he
used his influ-
ence to assist or
damage her
business, a
nursing home,
as she has


Aftermath: Gov. Patton apologizes to Ky. citizens;
Pikeville pastor asks Kentuckians to be forgiving


PIKEVILLE -—~ Worship-
pers at First Presbyterian
Church prayed for Gov. Paul
Patton and his family on
Sunday: asking for reconcili-
ation for their most famous
member who confessed Fri-
day to a sexual relationship
with a western Kentucky

“I truly believe he has a
repentant heart.“ said Rev.
Scott Weist. Patton‘s pastor.
“He has stood up and is do
ing the right thing. now."

Political pundits have be-
gun trying to weigh the dam-
age to the Democratic Party
and to Patton who had been
considering running for Jim
Bunning's US Senate seat in

One UK political science
professor said he thinks it‘s
too soon to tell if Patton's po‘
litical future is doomed.

“There are still a lot of
unknowns in the whole
episode." said professor Don~
ald Cross. “1 think the major
question now is whether the
accusations about issues of
office are accurate or not."

But eastern Kentucky
church leaders say their con-
cerns transcend politics
What's important. they say.
is not what voters think of
Patton, but what God thinks
of him.

Weist said he has spoken
with Patton several times in
the past three days and that
the governor asked him to
ask the church for forgives
ness. Weist said he hasn‘t yet
spoken with the first lady.
Neither of the Pattons at
tended the service Sunday

Patton admitted in a
news conference Friday to a
sexual relationship with
Tina Conner. a nursing home
owner who filed a sexual ha-
rassment lawsuit against
him earlier this month. She
claimed in the suit that Pat
ton turned state regulators




loose on her nursing home.
effectively closing it down.
after she broke off the affair.

Conner's lawsuit alleges
that she had a two-year sexu~
al relationship with Patton.

A tearful Patton used the
news conference to apologize
to Kentucky residents.

“I didn't sleep at all
Wednesday night as I prayed
for forgiveness from God and
for guidance and strength."
he said. “I do believe I am
now on the right path.“

At Savage Memorial
United Methodist Church in
Fallsburg. where Patton at-
tended seryices as a child.
Pastor Jack Savage said
members were saddened by
the governor's failure. but
pleased by what appeared to
be genuine repentance.

“We know we have a
merciful God. and he said he
would forgive us and cleanse
us from all unrighteousness
if we ask with a repeiitant
heart." Savage said. “I
wouldn't condemn the goverr
nor. but i wouldnt condone
what he did "

(‘heryi Rt‘if. a iiiciiilwi‘
of First Presbyterian
Church. said the coiigrega
tion will be pray iiig not iust
for l‘attoii but also his wife
and family.

“In this case. we have
two members of our church
who are very hurt." she
said. “We‘re all praying for

Weist read to the congre
gation a statement from el-
ders who said the church
loves the Pattons and will
stand by them.

“Scripture reminds us
that David. a man after God's
own heart. sinned by com-
mitting adultery with
Bathsheha and paid a heavy
price for that sin." Weist
read. “Many of us who are
not as holy as David also
struggle with sexual passion
as well as a multitude of
other sins "





They‘re just
going to be
relying on it
tired. old.
about life in
the rural

Ewell Balltrip,
head of the Ken-
tucky Appalachi-
an Commission,
criticizing the
search for cast
members for
“The Real Bever-
ly Hillbillies,"
CBS’s new reality


Hospital wants to help you stop smoking

The l'K Mzirkev (‘ziiieer (inter and its Multidist'ipli
liltl'_V littiig (‘rineer l’rogruiii ;ire sponsoring it free sinok
ing eessiitioii program 101' the Hi roininuuitv and the
piililit' The program lusts 1‘}. weeks. li:is group support
ltllll uses resenreh liused methods to help people stop
smoking The t‘liiss Wlll he held ll'tlltl 31:;ti p in. to out) put
sturtiiig f\loiid;tv iii the first floor waiting :trezi ot' the
Whitney llendrii-ksoii lluiltling :it the Mzirkev t‘uiit'ei'
(‘enter To register or lor inore llllttl'llli‘tllltll. (‘itll is; 32%“
Wiilk ltls {tlt' Wt'lt'tlltlt‘

Treasury secretary speaking at UK today

l'S 'l‘i‘ei‘tsurx \‘eeretsiri l’ziul O‘Neill will speuk .iliout
the litisli :itlniiiti zillions polirv on the nutton's emiioinv
:it 9 .i in Monti it it Woi sllitlll 'l‘heritre in the Hi Student
t‘enter tl‘Xeili it til .ilso pgii'tit'ipute in .‘t punt-l disrtisslon
.\ question :iiitl ttllsvtr'l st'ssltilt \vtll tollow the panel dis

Todd named outstanding Kentucky alumnus

t'lx' President Lee ’l‘oild i‘i-i'eived the (lutstiiiitling
Alumnus ot Kentueki Award ll‘ttlll the :\tl\'(it:tlt‘s tor
lliglier litlumtior. vesterilzi}. litlwurtl lirkenhol‘t'. :i grzulu
:ite ol’ 'l‘iziiisvlvuiiia l'iiiversilvl Hit] the Wrishiitgtoii
Seliool ol Medieine. .intlt ol. 'l‘ei‘reitre Wileutt. 2i Western
Keiiturkt t'iiiiersitt :iltiiiiniis. were :ilso honored. To be
t'onsidrretl tor the i't\\(tl"ll noiiiiiiees must hold :in under
grttdiinte degree from :t Keriturkv university or rollege, ei
ther [)lllllll' or ornate The person must lli'l\'t' zilso
:it'hievetl ii'Itioiisil stilllll‘t‘ in his or llt‘l' t'ui‘eer and have
shown tlt‘tl’t hair to their iliii:i irritei‘ find the stzite.

Foundation planning new golf course for kids

\. non pi'olit tounrlution is planning to build it puril

:._:oj.g i'otnxi- where kills twin lezirn the gziitie. 'l‘he (illliert
(‘ouiwe Izl ‘veterztns l':irk in Lexington is :i $31,". million pro
«d in 'l‘hi In tii‘ iei‘t Fotindittioii. :i non»
:tioii tin-[33 tied to it"tt'llllltl voting people
touiitlutzoii wants to liuild :in operiitions
riiiit'e llt'tt'llt‘l‘ greens (tiltl zi golt
.t-s til ii”) in No ‘ ‘it‘tls. silltl ll.’t\'t‘ lilllll‘it'll.
the - -‘-.e« utiie lllll'l toi "Mont \ouiigsters l'eel
\i- ol the size oi it iioriiizil goll' t'tltli‘st'.”

'l‘lir. is .l '.\.'l\ lltt-x Willi pl l\ without the in

. titt s l’:ii‘l«;~- .\tl‘i'l\'tl‘) ltozird

ii'k hind tor two \e:ii‘s to give the

one to l‘ltlst' $2.”. 3 million to rover eonstruetion
“it: “notional siniiiiioo to esl.tl)ll\ll :iii endow-
Illt’ll' to op» lwl“ it. inuiiitsii‘i it :iiiil tiltt\‘ltll‘ program in


tert gii‘
Itlllllll 11o?
litiiiilinq. : " I._.’



ltitiiitl ililtti


Eastern Ky. leaders not happy with CBS show

l‘ll\'l*.\ ll.l.l§ \‘l'AX'l‘lCl i. l‘:\tt‘lltlt'(l tinnilv li‘oni deep
in the .\ltlt.‘tl.tt‘lll£tll lizirkwoorls unfamiliar with liig-eitx
lite. Must be willing to lo nl up the Hull; and move to ltev
et‘lv llills. that is ('zis‘ting ztgents hour the ('l’iS re:t11t_v se


According to the
Hollywood Re-
porter, Nicole Kid-
man has ex-
pressed interest
in starring in a
big-screen version
of "Bewitched"
that's in develop-
ment at Columbia.
Kidman would
take the role of
suburban house-
wife and re-
pressed sorceress
Stevens. played by
Elizabeth Mont-
gomery on the
1964-72 sitcom.
Mentioned for the
role of her hus-
band, harried ad
man Darrin
(played first on
TV by Dick York,
then by Dick Sar-
gent), is Mike My-
ers. No word on
who'd play the
Agnes Moorhead
role of Darrin's
flamboyant, med-
dlesome mother-
in-law, Endora.
Penny Marshall,
herself a sitcom
vet, is expected
to come aboard as
a producer; at one
time, she was at-
tached to direct
the movie. While
the Reporter
points out that no
deal is in place for
Kidman, she at
least has some
experience, having
played a witch in
"Practical Magic."
Myers also has
yet to sign. Maybe
the studio should
emulate the TV
series and have
Myers play Darrin
for the first half
of the movie, then
hand the role over
to Jim Carrey.

ties "The Reid Beverly Hillbillies” pill!) to ltold open (tll(ll
tions in eastern Kentucky next month (is part of an effort
across the rural South to tind real-life eountei'pztrts ol‘ the
fictional t‘liiinpett t'lltll. "We‘re looking for people who
have eountrv sinurts. tiut nnu be not so much sophisticu
tion." said t‘itstlllg ugent Ken Billings. who has put
Plkevllle. Hit/,iii'd :ind llui'lzin among the possible audition
lot‘iiles‘. But don't expert :i (‘luinpett‘like weleonte. even iii
it region (‘tilltltil'tltlllt' enough with its heritage to stztge :in
annual llillliilli [luvs li‘esti\:il. l’ure. litilililin' t'l'tlllt' is
whut some lottils :ilrezuli think ot. the show's premise.
Wlllt‘ll takes \‘lllllilt‘ [littlllltltlll l‘olk. drops them into :i lll.\
urious inzinsion (llltl lets the tiiiiierzis roll. "'l‘hev re iust
going to be relying on (t tired. old. worn-out stereotype

about life in the rurzil Southfi' said Ewell Biillti‘ip. he;id of

the Kenttirki .v\l)[):tlit('lllftll (‘oininissioir "The result will
lie to perpetuate this myth of the Beverly Hillbillies tin
ztge. whit-h is not representative at all today." l‘lslllltll peti
tions seeking to lilork the show are eirrulitting :ind tt‘ltl'll
ers ill some \t'lltitll\ in the inountziin region :ire hzu lIl‘,_’
their students write protest letters to (lib. "ltori't i’t‘pl't‘
sent us :is stupid." pleaded Susie Davis. president ol~ the
Kenturkt liliirk Lung ;\sstit‘l£tlltill. Whit'll helps eoiil niin
ers :ipplv ltll' government lieiietits. "’l‘he ll‘itllll‘iiltlll people
me very s‘iinti't people The; ‘re proud people 'l‘hev're good
neighbors lion't intike us out to be something we‘re not "
t‘zisting zigeiit ltillings said the l‘t'ltlll} series rould lll‘ .‘tll
etl‘ertive wzii to dispel old stereotvpes. (‘liS hus sztid it
would l‘oeus lts st‘ttl't'll priinzii'ilv in the rurzil hills ot
Arkansas. West Virginia. North (‘tirolinzr 'l‘eiinessee .‘tlltl
lx'entnekv. "We w. it to liiid lititllllt‘s that (”1' interesting.
.‘tlltl :ilso siiizirt' he suid "We're not looking tor the llollv
\vood stereot} pe til it hilllilllv We don‘t \\ltlll people who
are hurt-toot end toothless We‘re just looking for :i tuitiiljv
tlizit loves eurh other. :iiitl tlizil :\ltlt'l'lt‘.'t will lull ill low

Switzerland gives gays right to marry

Zl'ltlt‘ll. Switzerlznid \'oters in SwitL'erliind's most
populous siltlt‘ voted overwhelmlnglv Siiiidziv to give
suineses pitirs i‘iglits pi'eviotlslv reserved tor lllItl‘l‘lt ll
t-otiples. in :i iotnt stuteinent. three Swiss guv rii
groups sztltl it was the tirst time in history tltztt :i rel'eieii
(turn had been (‘itllt‘tl on legal rights for honiosexuiil eou
pies. ltv :i Hit-ti", perrent margin. the referendum in Zttl'lt‘ll
runton upprovetl elvil registration ltit‘ guy and lesliiitn eon
ples They will have the same i.’t.\. inheritiinee {tlltl sot-tut
set‘tlt‘ll_\‘ lienetlts its other married (‘tittplt‘s While it nttm
lier ol~ other littropeun eouittries have :ilreiidv ret ognlzetl
szinie sex unions. Zurleh is the first Swiss eunton to do so
Siniilur et'torts :ii'e underwrrv elsewhere in the t'ttlllltl‘V,
llttt petrtners must live in Zurirh (‘ltllitii‘i :intl ltil‘llli’tll‘.
('tillllllll theiiiselves si\ months in :irlv:iitre to running .i
ioiiit home and to provit‘ting eueh other with mutual sup

poit and (till. “For the lesliiz‘ins Jtllll guys ol‘ the t‘ltlllttll ol'

Zurit-h. this histoi'ir yes signifies that the state no longer
eonsiders thein s‘er'oittl t‘lziss eitizens." still the stzileinent
liv the Swiss llt'f‘lllill‘i ()i‘giii ‘ ‘tlon; l’ink (toss. the Swiss
()i‘gunizution oi~ (luvs: ztnd H' S. the l’riends and Parents
of Lesbians and (lays. The gay rights orgzinizutions suitl

the governing Swiss t‘;1l)llll’t should now move for (ill of

Switxei‘lzind to hem saint-sex ('otlples and married cour
ples with "pelteet equality."

Compiled from staff and wire reports.

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Do u luv me? Tech

unleash rampant flirting

Online, in love: Cellphone text messaging provides
singles with “uninhibiting” ways to use chat


On her way home from
London. Sara Gartman
checked her cell phone and
saw the text message from a
friend she‘d just left: “if we
had met earlier and u wer-
ent leaving read the line
he'd tapped in from his own
cell phone.

So much for the old-
fashioned love note. In the
age of wireless communi-
cation. flirting has gone
mobile via such devices as
cell phones and two-way

“People say things they
don't normally say over the
phone and especially in per-
son. I think you‘re more un-
inhibited." says Gartman. a
senior at Brandeis Universi-
ty in suburban Boston. She
spent last semester studying
in Britain, where text mes-
saging is already wildly

This high~tech flirting ~ A
often punctuated with smi-
ley-faced and winking
"emoticons" ~~ has its roots

in e-mail and instant message

ing. the private. online con-
versation done in real time
and. most ofien. by computer.

As technology im-
proves and expands. how-
ever. flirts are increasingly
punching in messages on
their cell phone key pads.
Still others use PDAs (per-
sonal digital assistants.
such as Handsprings and
Palm Pilots) to make an-
other kind of PDA ._ a
public display of affection.

Peter Shankman. a 30-
year~old New Yorker, has
landed more than one date
that way.

It started when he saw a
woman on a plane who
seemed stressed as she
futzed with her own PDA.
Using a function made posi~
ble by infrared light. he
beamed the word “smile"
from his Handspring to her

“She laughed and said.
‘Thanks.’ w and I thought
‘Why not keep it as a regular
thing?"' says Shankman.
who travels often in his role
as CEO of the Geek Factory.
a public relations and mar-

keting firm.

Short message service
known as SMS and done via
cell phones and pagers like
Shankman‘s _. is generally
limited to 160 characters. So
abbreviations are common
in a service that is just now
catching on in the United

Debra Mulkey. a senior
at the University of Texas.
used instant messenger to
keep in touch with her
boyfriend in Rhode Island
until they broke up. “Al-
though to be honest. I do my
best flirting in person." she

That may be a relief
for those who prefer find-
ing dates the triedand-true
way But Shankman ~~ who
says he's just as happy
when he meets women
through friends or every-
day conversation makes
no apology.

“Any technology that al-
lows people to communicate
is a good thing." he says.
“I'm sure that when the
cavemen hit women over
the head. that was a form of

“Technology has just
helped it evolve a bit."





Continued from page I

to communicate with each
other in order to stage a re-
volt. They decided to send
messages in mooncakes on
the night of the brightest
full moon. In this way. they
were able to organize
against their oppressors
and successfully revolt.
Heather Handel. a
sophomore studying Ger
man. said she thought cross-

cultural events like the Mid-
Autumn Festival were a
great thing to have at UK.

“It‘s great to have that
rich tradition." she said.
Handel said she lived for a
while with a Chinese family
in Cincinnati.

As a first-year Chinese
language student. Handel re-
cited Chinese poetry along
with five other students.

Festivities also includ-
ed a slow demonstration of
Tai Chi, led by instructor
Tingjie Chen. Chen talked
about the health benefits
of practicing Tai Chi on a

regular basis.

“If you practice every
day your probability of
falling down can be reduced
by 50 percent." he said. He
said that in Beijing people
regularly practiced Tai Chi
in the parks in the morn-
ings before work.

Carol Yu. an interme-
diate Chinese-language
teacher at UK. said she
thought the event went

“I've had such a great
time and I thought that
everyone did a wonderful
job." she said.


" Kenmore} ringer. | MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2322092; L11






Continued from page 1

college and university presi-

"(The CPE) challenged
us to bring in 80000 new
students to our state
schools," Todd said.
“They're coming; now we
have to figure out how to
keep them here."

UK experienced a
record enrollment this year.
with 34,182 students en-
rolling for the fall semester.
an increase of five percent
over last year.

UK officials are
fearing a budget crunch.

“We have to protect our
core academic anti research
programs." Todd said.

He said UK looks at state
per capita income levels be-
fore considering any tuition

Todd challenged the
governor. state Legislature
and the CPE to stay the
course in improving post-
secondary education in
Kentucky. He said all the
state college and university
presidents are cooperating
to do the same.

Amid looming budget
cuts. UK is still working to
attain Top-20 public re
search university status
and to promote its college-
town vision of connecting
students with Lexington

The CPE approved con-
struction for UK's Profession
Development Center at the

Property on High Street
has been donated for the
project. The remaining cost
is estimated at $8 million.
Todd said UK has yet to
raise the money. but he is
confident the money will be
available within the next

Todd said the center will
house an executive MBA pro-

“With the site located
close to downtown. this
brings us even closer to
achieving a college-town
connection." he said.









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“One World _. One Furntlj“


Come and Joint s’


l K Office of
International Affairs




((ll \I'RIIlS


“Talent from around the iiotld’
‘I.t\c music 34 dance pcrlivrtntinccs'
“Melodies trotn dttl‘crcnt culturcs‘
‘Intcrttdttorul hunter: Soon '


\\ taut-xiii}. \t-ptctttitct IF


I .
’.\Icct catttpus icedcrs’


«’0'! 5.40pm

an trio iilil


DA IF I‘I‘Itlu}. Scptcrtthcr I". 3002
TIME. ” W pm
\‘I NLI Braille} Hail Courtyard


Iletttrncd stud; .iltt'old


students \\lll litilt .iltutlt tlictt


For more ltlli‘r’llltlllill‘. contact.
Joseph u ptuo/ilttctigr tilt) cdu


wpcrtqticcx m. I touch-


\Ik‘iihlll‘.‘ L‘i'lllilI‘IL'S.


i or more Iliiillilllilli'll.


Sponsored h) the Ollie; of
International Adam

(llllIIS (l [lilll

Week of September 23-29, 2002

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Actrvrties.
Registered Student Orgs. and UK Depts can submit information for
FREE online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information IS to appear
at: http://www.uky.edu/Campus Calender. Call 257-8867 for more
(SPCA) Meeting 700prrt Student Center Rt". '06

“ACLU Forum on " Faith Based initiatives Government Funded Religion?”
7.00pm. Central Christian ChurchiZOS E Short St Lox nglcrtt Rm Fellowsiup Hall
“Reclaiming Democracy in Rural Communities: the Kentucky 8: Latin
American Connection 09 00pm Student Center Rm 245
“Math Tutoring 6:00 8 00pm Commons Rm 307
“Math Tutoring, 8'00v10 00pm Commons Rm 307
‘French Tutoring. 3 OO-A'OOpm Keeneiand Hall Lobby

Tues 2 1'
“Green Thumb Environmental Club Meeting, 7 00pm,
Student Center, Rm. 106
“Leftist Student Union Meeting. 8:00pm. Student Center, Rm. 228
“L.E.A.P. 10:00-10:50 am. Frazee Hall
“Math Tutoring. 6:00-8:00pm, Commons Rm. 307
“Math Tutoring, 8:00-10:00pm. Commons Rm. 307

“Math Tutoring, 6:00~8:00pm. Holmes Hail Lobby
“Moth Tutoring, 8:00»10‘00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby




. N‘" ‘. " ‘3
contact. _.\ we .c.\t .._‘l












“Freshmen Case 7 00pm CSF Budding

“Bible Study 7' 30pm oft Campus

“American Civil Liberties Union Meeting 8 30pm
Student Center. Rm. 203

“Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals






















“Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Meeting, 7:00pm. Student
Center, Rm. 359

“Psi Chi Meeting. 5‘00pm. Kastle Hail, Rm. 216
“Conversational English Class 5'30pm. Baptist Student





























“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Presents “A Wealth Building Seminar, Pay
Yourself First" 6:30pm 8:30 pm. Student Center. Rm. 206

“Women's Rugby Practice. 4‘4577'00pm. Rugby Pitch

“UK Shaolin-Do Karate Club. 5-6.30pm, Alumni Gym Loft
“Tae Kwon Do practice. 6:30-8:00pm. Alumni Gym Loft

“Alpha Kappa Psi Bowling, 9:00pm. Southland Lanes





‘ "counter, 7 009m Student Cente' Rm 230
“Table Francoise, French conversation roup 3 00
4:30pm. Blazer Hall Private Drnutg room. FR E'

“Historical Marker Dedication, 3:30pm. Outside of Memorial Hall
“Dressage Team 5.00pm. Garngus 2nd floor conierencr

2 5

“Advanced Japanese Tutoring 8 00 9 00pm Young Library cl‘eclr t'ru- cirr‘tiia
tron desk for the room

“Math Tuxoring 6 00-8 00pm Holmes Hall Lobby

“Math Tutoring. 8.00710 00pm Holmes Hall Lobby

“French Tutoring 2 004.00er Keenelaml Hall Lobby





5%ORTS .
' omen's Ru by Practice A 45 7 00pm Rugby Put-n
“Equestrian earn. 8 00pm Ag North Building

“ oceI and: ates tor Ownership oi Our Water Forum 7 30pm W T Voting
Librar ,Rm Auditorium
“Stu ent Organizations Center, Open House 4pm 5 30 cc: Studenf Center
Rm 706. Enjoy refreshments and learn about servrres Marla le to student organ:
rations Please call 257 1109 or i099 tor information

Thur 2 6
“Devotions 8- Lunch, 12:00pm. 429 Columbia Aye. $1.00
“Freshmen Focus, 7:30pm. Baptist Student Union
“Conversational En lish Class. 7:30pm. Baptist Student Union

'symy, 8:00pm, c F Building
‘Amnesty International Meeting. 7 00pm, Student Center. Rm 228






“UK Lambda Meeting. 7:30pm. UK Student Center.

“UK Cares About Eating Disorders. 6:00pm, Frazee
Hall (next to Student Centeri, Rm. 2nd floor conference
“Student Health Advisory Council. 4 45pm.
Student Center. Rm. 119




“Resume ertl . 3.3074230pm. Career Center
“Interview Tips or Technical Students. 3'30-4 30pm. Career Center
“Beginning and Intermediate Japanese Tutoring a 00-9 00pm. Voting Library,
check the. Circulation desk for the room

“French Tutoring, 3001 00pm Keeneland Hail Lobby



'UK SheoIIn-Do Karat. Club 56:30pm. Alumni Gym Lott
“Women's Rugby Practice. Art577~00prn Rugby Pitch

“Jane Goodall, I‘OOpm. CH
“UK Orchestra. 7:30pm, CH FREE'




“Bluegrass Choral Music Festival for urine 'iIr‘.
call 257 4900

“La Residence lrencsise 5 6pm Kirov-inland Hall

“Tae Kwon Do practice 5 30 ‘ 00pm Alum-t Gyir

“Niles Gallery Series: Homer Lediord Tiartrtmral must. mu an t mstrovvtent
craftsman 12 00 Noon Lurilie little Fine Arts Library Rm .luhn .iarnh Nrinc.


“Aw KO". Psi Service Evont. 1200 3‘00pm Shriner's Hospital Richmond







“Women's Rugby Match, Noon Rugby Pitch Free!

“Toe Km 00 practice, Il‘OOamJZ'JO rpm Alumni Gym




“International Student libie Study 6 300m Baptist
Student Union

“Alpha Kappa Psi Executive Board Meeting ‘ 00w
Student Center, Rm 203




“Moth Tutoring 6 00 R'OOpm (‘nmmiinc Rm 30‘
'Mh Tutoring 8 0010 000m Commons Rnr 30‘
'm Tutoring 6 00 B‘OOpm Holmes Nall Lobby
“Math Tutoring R 00 to 00pm Holmes Halt muhy






Curtis late
Asustant Scene Editor
Phone 257'l9l5 | [-mait kernelarteyahoorom

’4] Mohair, SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 | millennium

New lighting


UK's Singletary Center


The UK Orchestra rehearses last Tuesday afternoon on stage in the Singletary Center concert hall. Until last week, the concert hall
was closed for renovation of its lighting system, the first such improvement made to the center since it opened in September 1979.

Turning it on: Center staff
feared failure of old system

By Curtis Tate

ASSlSlAN' Si.‘ N‘l ilrl’UH

The hi'rglit nee. lights ~li:iiiii::
down on the lit-itinctoi: l’liilli ii‘iiionzt
Friday night at His Sitt-:ict:ti"«. i'eii
ter for the .\l'l\ debuted the tirsi nza
jor iniproxenieiit the H‘l‘lt'l lim- rt
ceived in its LL. \eai‘ ltl\llii x

The lZLIlEYill; l"‘?li‘\1lllt'i; he ltl vii
a long time cumin}..-

Singletaiw fenter liner in: ll:»l‘:\
Salisbiii‘x «it
iil‘filt'tl so lllilt‘ll that lli.’l‘.i\?l1tl-.i‘ti'tl
during perteriiiant es

"We felt like ue i enldn‘t Ill-llxl‘ it
another tearf she siid

Tanya Harper. the retitct”-~ pre
duction director \‘llfl tne weir ert and
recital halls are better lll ttzi and oil
stage non and patrons \t ‘ll ixotii c

"You ll be .ihle to read win pro
gram. \llt"~,llll

The digital system t‘t‘}ii.‘li'l‘~~ :ntn
uaih operated tinting l’iii‘ill'!‘l.\ lira:
limited the ioiitp'Iexitt lit the \llIM-s
thecentercould icminiiiodate

Harper and .‘sLiizzli-tiry (‘eiiter
pi‘e\1till\l\ had to \llliillih or scale
back shuns with greater llLIlill