xt708k74xc41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74xc41/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-01-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1997 1997 1997-01-10 2020 true xt708k74xc41 section xt708k74xc41    


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lilo snow now,
' hut UK ready
tor the worst

By Kathy Reding
\‘t T. \ I‘l/l/‘ll


\\'ednesday ”s warnings ofsnow did not materiali/e in Lexington yes»
terday beyond a light coating of ice. but with two more months of win-
ter ahead and snow forecast for the weekend. seiere weather should not
be counted out of the forecast.

L'Is has its ow n sex ere winter weather procedures 7! ranging from
closing some L'niversity operations to canceling early classes m that it
follow s in the event the campus and local area are hit with snow or ice.

.loe Burch. \ice president for L ni\ersity relations. makes the closing
and posipoiietiieiit decisions.

Ilureh said since some operations of L'ls'. such .is the (Ibandler \led—
ical (Zenter. residence halls and the Physical Plant Division never close.
the .idtiiinistration tries to keep
classes on schedule as w ell.

“()ur general rule is if the com»
munity is open for btisitiess. [Is is
open for business." Burch said.

“ \ctually Lilxi is always open, no
matter what. Some people think
we’re iust an organi/ation that has
classes going on. \\'e‘\ e got a med
center and hospital that net er


UK outlined its procedures in a
memo to faculty and staff.


; V‘smce motor units of the
I University must remain open. the
University will make every effort
to ensme that all offices remain
I open and that classes meet as




SCRAPING AWAY Bin/ugr/lullur Her/7 .llnlilijy remuz'ex Ire from lter nu' .Ifirr r/w lamp/Ii Ii‘il\ i/H‘Itll ;.'///V run; and l/ l icing mm ll olnru/ai n/glir.


(Ii I\C."

He said it is important to keep

regarding personal safety. \ state of eiiicrgenc\ was declared in Isentuckv. .iiid the inteistatc

Ll‘l‘l‘“ (In I“ llhlfll‘l‘ “Ir ll“ many "\\ e re dealing with an older group of people \\ ho can tiiake their highways w eie closed, II was the first tune the classes had bcctt called
'“The “WHICH 0f dela Of 8““ cnts “ m “L on campus ”r own decisions on conduct and safetv." he said. olfand iiiosi ollices ( losed since l'r's
y nearbv even though some students If , _ ll' - l l' . ~ .1 ', - » _ . - , . g I !. ‘ . _ ..
- . cance atioti or re at of c asses is imminent. Burch said. after llllltll said the tilt .I\lsL=l t Is to t lost to .ielp ieduce Il.llllL. \lost

classes announcements will nor-
mally be made by 6 am. from
UK TV cable channel 16 or the
UK lntoiine at 257-5684.”

atid faculty who live further way

I l I l t It P-ll'ls‘llttf lots \\l,‘l't' also filled \\ illi snow. sit eiiiplin ces .mtl (”InlnllIL-y\
Indy IN) )L' 'd I C () gC () C‘JIIIPUS. ‘

had no place to park

He said both the t it} .indl I\ would be iiioie pl‘rpal‘ctl to handle i
snow eiiicrgenty this \ear ll one Ht’x iitit d bet lust \t‘\"l'.|l Ii I\L 1K curred
since I‘I‘H Iluich said prior to IllL I'M-I slliliil l t \ii'iizion had not siil

reviewing weather reports and road coiiditiotis from [K Police and
information concerning local business operations, L'K will normally
make the announcements by (i a.m. through local media.

The most up7~tofirdate information can be obtained from [K TV
on cable channel to or through the LR lnfoline at 575684,

"'I’here‘s never a time when
everybody is here," Burch said. “It‘s
just better to plow on and keep the

V “Employees who are

v lequlred 10 report. under Plan B “II“‘IUI" “‘9 have. liven \\ hen classes are canceled or delayed and offices closed certain fcred .l signific in: oin an! l‘.‘ in: I l\ Iii‘l I ’\l";j""i \‘ rulers-s nv i‘e l‘l‘!
must report even under these Iiiirch said I linersity employees employees whose jobs are considered essential are required to report used to dealing w itli all Illt snow
conditions.“ and “l“ls‘m‘ ”C CVPL‘CIUI 1” try I” under a Plan Ii. Stipen'isors‘ develop their own Plan B schedules. Burch said college students should iioi compare themselves to stu

dents in elementary and secondary schools w lien those schools close.
“\Ve don't have .i schedule to make zip the day s.” llm‘ch said.

L'K closed due to snow _lan. l8. I‘M-l after 10.3 inches ofsnow fell in
Lexington over the Martin Luther Kingjr. holiday.

meet their classes or be at work. btit
they make their own decisions





Students tintl comtort
with tilt-VIP, Add/Drop








CLEAMNG UP I l 'I'llian/ ’I llamas (Rig/Jr) pulls/It's tln’flmn‘ [flare students
inz'atle cam/ms llt'.\‘l :z‘i-el'. jefli'l/a‘fines (.'lltr)'t‘t’) makes sure the bathrooms
are clean as the maps Item/e the toilet in the Lat." Building. The Late Bar/zl-
ing it only one afmanv [mi/dings and residence Iva/ls cleaned during the break.

‘EGI‘iE' silence lills
empty UK buildings

PPD readies campus
for students, classes
By Gary Wult

.‘IJZYIM'III re .Vt'tx‘i‘ lit/[raw

\Vhilc students were looking
forward to the freedom

you busy," she said.

(ieorge Brown, assistant super-
intendent of custodial services and
PH), agreed with her.

“The population goes down.
but not the volume of work." he

Although school begins

\Vednesday. Pl’l)


from exams and lectures
during the long
semester break. the
time off for students
meant something com—
pletcly different for UK


“It is a time we get to
thoroughly clean." said
Custodial Supervisor
Inez Richards. “V\'c .
don't consider this a
time of relaxation."

Scrubbing and buff-
ing classroom Floors and
cleaning bathrooms are
jobs the custodians are
unable to do during the



Physical Plant Division ‘- “M“


already is prepar—
ing for the influx

will invade campus
this weekend.
“The campus
will come back to
life. so everything
we need to do will
be done (today),"
Brown said.
During the
four-week break,
the University was
closed Dec. 24 and
didn't open again
untiljan. 2.
. , However, a
9-4 skeleton crew of l 5
‘ ' custodians monitor

.. of students that



semester while school is
in session.
"‘Thcrc‘s enough work to keep

the campus to ensure everything is
wellsstockcd and cleaned for the





New Year.

\Vith snow and ice likely to be
tracked into the buildings in the
following months, the only thing
to be done is to keep the floors dry
and clear of debris.

Richards said because of the
snow and ice in the winter
months, she considers this one of
the busier parts of the year for

When students return to cam-
pus. it means back to the regular
duties of sweeping floors and tak-
ing trash, but that doesn‘t bother

“If it weren‘t for the students,”
she said. “we wouldn't be here."

Shasta Walker echoed those
words, but for a different reason.

“I‘m’Qo bored." she said.

\Valkcr. a resident adviser at
Blanding I, spent most of her win-
tcr break monitoring the mostly
empty balls at the nine-month
residence hall.

The hall housed anywhere
from live to 20 students during
the four week break, \Valker esti-

Thcsc students included inter-
national students. students who
did not go home and athletes.

\Nith the absence of so many
students. Walker said it is eerie
staying in such an empty building.

To relieve herselfof boredom,
W'alkcr said she entertained her—
self by watching movies.

“This dorm is usually lively,"
she said, “but there's no one
here.” I

By Andrew Blankenship

(.‘inlrl'llwl/nq ll 'I'Ili'l

Having a class canceled is the
last thing students want to hear
as they relax during the winter
break, bill because of :\dd/l)rop
students get a second chance to
fill that gaping schedule hole.

:\dd/l)rop continues this
week and gives students it ho
have already registered the
opportunity to add or remove
classes from their schedule over
the phone. ”Ill some students
want a more personal touch
when it comes to t hanging class~
es. Tired of frequently being cut
off by the autotiiatcd operator.
ctiininunications iunior ’\llf_‘tl.l
Swain said. “It would be better if
we inst had a human to talk to."

Still most students seem to
litid LiK—VII’ convenient.

“I think it's very comcnient
to have that optioti available to
use," said Matt .\latteson. a psy ~
eholog’y itinior.

“We're trying to get students
a good impression of VIP," said
Assistant Registrar Michelle
.\i()r(lln. “And I think most stus
dents have a good impression of
the phone system."

Students who registered in
November may alter their spring
schedule between Jan. III-l l and
”-22. For students who did not
priority register. but still plan to
attend spring classes at L'K. late
registration will run .l'an. 15-22.
Students registering on these
dates will be assessed a 540 late


[K VIP. or k'nnet‘slty oi
lscntucky Voice Information
l’rocessing \etwork. is Htit'l‘a
tioual \lontlay through l‘illtlay _
.i.iii, X p.m.. except _l.m. liaiid
H when it “I” be open I -‘~
p.iii. ‘l'he number for L'K—Vll’ is
51mm or ‘v'ou it calling on

l'ls—Vll’. first used in fall of
I‘Wi. allows students to register
by phone. liefore the dawn of
the system. students registered .tt
teriiiinils and stood in long lines.

llearing impaired and othei
students unable to use ’IIL telc
phone may tonic to the rtgis
trzii‘s oilir c during their registia
lion windows.

It you need help \\llll regis
tration. go to “ lunkhousei
liiiilding or call I“ _l_i
betweei‘ t4 aaii. and I iii p.iii..
\londay through I‘il‘ltl.l'\.

lltc t‘eglslratK olilit c tillcis
seveial suggestions to help siii
dents deal \\l[ll L'I\V\'II’.

Vllclort dialing. lia\e yoiii
desired st Iiedtilc written out and
l1:1\c the Spring I‘W7 Schedule
oli(1l.isscsal llalttl.

VII. _\oii ban; a problem
accessing L'ls-Vll’. try anothei
phone. Do not use the tordlcss
or cellular phones i'Hl do not use
automatic busy red . or any t_\ pe
of redial function.

VKnow your l’.\(,~ (l’ersoiial
-\ccess (lode) which allows you
into the L'K-VII’ network. If
you do not know your PAC. vou
shotild go to the registrar's office
with a photo ll).

VRemember to tress the
pound key (if) after each entry.

Don‘t let me forget...

tasl rm to unit) a class With a lull reluntl - Jan. 14


last rm to arm ("'00 Willi Ult-VIP - Jan. 22


Need to may lees Jan. 29

last nail in ma mass wiihniii a w crane ~ FBI]. 5


last nay to Withdraw mm a class rMflI‘ClI 14








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06225 PHR 695 003 15 1,0
[(UNIHCKY 06226 PHR 696 002 15 2.0 R 0315PM osooPM
. 06227 PHY 624 001 11 3.0 Mw 0315PM 04pr .
. 12451 PM 760 002 12 3.0 TBA ? 1
12462 PM 790 002 9 3.0 Mw 1000AM1150AM
‘ 06241 STA 715 001 3' 30 TBA
I . , 06252 STA 715 002 5' 30 TBA
. ’ 06253 STA 715 003 4' 30 TBA
06259 STA 715 004 2' 30 T32
. . . . . 06264 STA 715 005 2' 0
E or In 1'11 . . . B . The number of available seats is noted in the 06334 sw 300 401 15 40 R ()5pr 08001314
dlt C Cf ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' - c - - . . o renna Reilly column tollowmg the sectuon number. An astensk (') TBA PM 0520':
' ' indicates that the section has live or lower seats 06266 SW 444 004 8 80 9 033° M -
Managing EdltOI‘ . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . Jeff Vlnson available . 06265 sw 444 401 6 60 M ggm ggggm 1
. ' . . . 06315 sw 720 401 12 20 W ‘1
NCWS EdltOI' . . . . . . . Kath R d- Course sections that have the IetterCrmmediater 06344 sw 73, 405 25 20 1 117pr 0920PM 1
° ' ‘ ' ' 2 ' ~ ~ - - - y C lng alter the number of available seats have controlled 06324 TA 350 201 1' 3.0 TBA 0900AM 045“ 1
' ' 06297 TA 770 002 5' 30 R 1 ‘
0 t enrollment. You must get special permisslon Irom _
ASF 8 C13 ehquCWS Editor . . . . 4 . . . . . . . .Ga VVUlf the otterlng department in order to enroll Inacourse 05236 V5 79‘ 003 3 ‘0 TBA
eatures ltOl' . . wtth controlled enrollment. . :
. . . . - 4 - 4 . . . . . . . . . . .Mat Herron Course sections that have the IetterSimmedIately
Editorial Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iiffany Gilmartin a"°'"‘° "“mwmavwabb ““5 8’9 '°s°"’°-d'°' .
, . . . students in speclal programs and are not available 00324 AEC 610 001 02619 H15 109 01., .
ASSlStant Edltonal Edltor . . . . . . .Chl’lS Campbell to students who are not part 01 that program. $3: 251:: 233 0081 2323; mg 183 8%;
. . . 1 ’ 2
., ' ‘ - 06133 AGR 676 001 02649 HIS 109 401
.Assmtant Editorial Editor . . . . . . . . . . .Bruce Mee Annm COURSES 00400 1611 112 001 06215 1115 6:11 001
> . 12010 ANA 612 001 06232 HON 202 003
--2 S 01138 EdltOI'. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00420 ANT ‘2‘ 006 02755 ”5'“ 2“ 00‘
p ' ' ‘ 'Chrls EaSterhng 96.63229 2‘: :00 003 3' 3.0 MBWF 0200PM 0250PM 00422 ANT 121 008 05656 HSM 622 401
‘N7 ' 37 ‘- 25 001 1' 3.0 A 00426 ANT 160 002 05649 HSM 775 4:"
eekend SpOI‘tS EdltO . . . . . . . . . . . .Rob Herbst 06243 AH 502 001 14 3.0 TBA 00442 ANT 161 002 06036 ISO 469 401
Weekend S orts Edi G- age 221: 4336 $1 2 2.0 LR 1200PM 1250PM 05412 ANT 255 009 06037 150 469 402
T 60 1 0 3.0 w1= 0200PM 0250PM 06136 ANT 255 013 02616 JAT 497 004
. p l 01' ' ' - v - a - . . . . 4 3y . ate 06235 AGR 597 001 5' 2.0 M 0100PM 0150PM 06136 ANT 255 015 02621 JAT 497 401
.. .. , - M 0200PM 0450PM 06139 ANT 255 016 05794 JAT 504 001
Arts EdltOI‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* .Dan 0 N61“ 12476 ANA 601 501 5' 1.0 MP 0600AM 0950AM 06093 ANT 323 401 05600 JAT 599 4C3
sistant CS EditO S R ff @2328 A12; 10(2) 033 19 3.0 M 1000AM1230PM 05905 ARC 963 203 02936 KHP 644 401
AS Ar r . . . . _ . 07 A 19 41 164 3.0 MW 0600PM 0715PM 05906 ARC 963 204 06314 us 600 001
. ‘ ' ' ' 112811118 3 61d $3 316) 221 002 17 2.0 TBA 05907 ARC 963 205 05663 LIS 623 001
K - 2 55 201 15 3.0 R 0730PM 1000PM 05906 ARC 963 206 03007 MA 109 010
CG EdItOI' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rodman 1). 801216118 06287 CD 555 202 15 3.0 R 0730PM 1000PM 05909 ARC 963 207 03016 MA 109 021
PhOto EditOI’ S h , C CH $388 23 5:5 203 13 3.0 R 0730PM1000PM 00585 As 112 003 03019 MA 109 02.7
. . _ . . . . - 89 55 204 15 3.0 R 0730PM1000PM 00600 ASC 301 001 03025 MA 1111 001
.D , Edi ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' tel) 31116 01‘ C 06290 8:01 555 :05 15 3.0 R 0730PM 1000PM 00601 Asc 303 001 03166 MA 4176 001
1..” ' 06291 555 06 15 3.0 R 0730PM 1000PM 00624 Asc 664 001 03194 MA 4656 001
. 681g.“ tOI‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iracie PUI‘dOl’l 06292 go 555 207 14 3.0 R 0730PM 1000PM 00645 AST 192 002 05222 MA 616 10:
' 1 - . . 06293 D 555 206 15 3.0 R 0730PM1000PM 00649 881E 100 001 05223 MA 617 001
fiSIIStgnt D681 11 EdltOl‘ . . . . . . . .Sherl Phalsaphle 06294 80E 555 209 15 3.0 R 0730PM 1000PM 00667 BIO 111 001 03206 MA 642 001
- ~ 06321 H 533 002 10 2.0 TR 0200PM 0450PM 00669 BIO 111 003 05936 ME 406 002
e n ependent. ewspaper at The Umversxty of Kentucky 06240 CM 580 001 9 30 TBA 00703 3.0 209 005 0327;, ME 63, 07,1
Founded In 1894 Independent Slnce 1971 06244 CLS 660 501 5' 1.0 TBA 00704 610 209 006 03290 MGT 301 061
7 . . . 06341 CME 395 002 19 1.0 T 0400PM 0500PM 00729 610 425 007 03364 MNG 211 1.1113
02.6 Grehan Journalism Bldg, Umversny of Kentucky 06219 CME 780 002 8 10 TBA 00743 610 4766 001 03503 MUP 101 005
Lexxngton‘ Kentucky 40506-0042 06307 COM 325 003 10 30 TR 0330PM 0445PM 00757 BIO 612 001 03866 N5 652 001
Y , ~ I) K 7% K3 . 06306 COM 452 002 16 30 TR 0600AM 0915AM 00827 CE 106 003 03944 NUR 620 016
am fimrropy 0ft 6 enmcoy me] wfi‘ee. 06319 cs 122 004 26 4.0 Mw 1000AM 1050AM 00631 CE 211 003 05711 NUR 741 501
Lx. 7 ' TFl 0300PM 0350PM 06276 CE 660 001 04036 NUR 791 001
"71 17plesare$1. own.”- 06222 DIS 760 001 3' 3.0 TBA 00925 CHE 521 001 04040 NUR 623 001
06296 DIS 780 002 2' 3.0 TBA 00926 CHE 521 002 04046 NUR 623 007
06316 EDC 550 001 23 3.0 T 0500PM 0730PM 00927 CHE 521 003 04064 NUR 634 004
0 06233 EDC 730 201 2' 3.0 TBA 00969 CLA 102 001 04069 NUR 636 0112
e “'_' 06339 EDP 522 001 9 3.0 w 0500PM 0730PM 01251 cs 665 002 05606 NUR 662 0.11
e v a) S— —. 06260 EDP 765 006 30 10 TBA 05300 DMT 254 003 04096 OR 525 0C1
o . >, 06355 EDS 459 002 30 30 TBA 01412 ECO 741 001 06216 PA 037 401
9 g 0 = 06348 EDS 649 201 10 30 TBA 01542 EDP 522 401 05646 PA 775 401
e 3 E‘— E (6 06349 EDS 649 202 10 30 TBA 05504 EDP 615 001 04119 PA 795 001
0 ' 06350 335 649 203 10 30 TBA 01565 EDP 664 002 06216 PA 795 432
a) o ‘6 06351 1503 649 204 10 30 TBA 01566 EDP 664 003 04142 PHI 100 002
m Q 06352 505 649 205 10 30 TBA 01567 EDP 665 001 04161 PHI ‘20 009
z 0 06359 gas 649 206 10 30 TBA 01566 EDP 665 002 04170 PHI 120 016
= H 05347 EDS 549 401 10 30 TBA 05554 EDs 641 001 04173 PHI 120 021
._ C 05302 EDS 753 010 5' 10 TBA 01674 EDS 730 202 04174 PHI 120 22
>_ 06303 EDS 789 010 12 10 1871 01676 EDS 730 206 04163 PHI 130 006
V o N 06267 EE 499 005 1' 30 TR 0100PM 0150PM 01800 EM 585 001 04302 PHY 201 0'17
_ v .. N 05345 EE 699 002 1' 30 TBA 05977 EM 613 001 04322 PHY 211 CC"
U (B 06262 EGR 611 001 20 30 MWF 0200PM 0250PM 018j5 ENG 101 006 04356 PHY 241 009
m w 06206 ENG 616 401 13 30 M 0630PM 0900PM 01828 ENG 102 006 04357 PHY 241 41“
= a) 05300 ENG 780 002 19 10 TBA 01629 ENG 102 007 04376 PHY 524 00'
4.; >5 N 06322 EPE 301 007 16 30 TR 1100AM1215PM 01849 ENG 102 027 06131 PHY 555 001
Q 1 06248 FAM 252 001 149 30 MWF 1200PM 1250PM 0‘906 ENG ‘05 001 12351 PM 621 00'
= _Q 06249 FAM 253 001 133 30 MW 0200PM 0315PM 01907 ENG 105 002 12353 PM 662 AC:
G N 06223 FIN 795 001 29 10 TBA 01909 ENG 105 004 04428 PS 101 006
0 06237 FOR 612 001 12 30 MR 0330PM 0450PM “949 ENG 205 003 05436 PS 780 0m
: S In 06256 FOR 620 003 15 30 TBA 01950 ENG 205 004 04494 PSY 100 003
H 06091 FOR 620 201 5- C 10 TBA 02058 ENG 618 001 04505 PSY 100 014
H N 06254 FOR 620 401 11 3.0 w 0700PM 1000PM 05745 FAM 475 00‘ 04512 PSY 100 02‘
Ln m 06299 FSC 540 201 20 30 TBA 02225 FIN 300 002 04513 PSY 100 022
m _ 02359 GEN 300 003 4- C 10 TBA 06217 F|N 637 401 04523 PSY 100 400
_: —1 — — 06340 GEN 300 004 12 20 TR 0130PM 0330PM 02279 F” ‘0‘ 001 04527 PSY 215 00‘
(B 06331 GEO 320 001 76 30 MWF 0100PM 0150PM 02253 FR ‘0‘ 005 04532 PSV 215 00t‘ -
H 06264 GEO 480 001 5' 30 TBA 02286 FR 102 001 04535 PSY 215 401 n
E ’ U 06226 GLY 260 002 6 4.0 MWF 0900AM 0950AM 02296 FR ‘05 002 04537 PSY 2‘6 00‘ f
w T 0100PM O350PM 02310 FR 202 401 05507 PSV 21b 40" l
o 6 06343 GLY 395 003 20 20 TBA 05296 FR 202 402 04568 PSY 426 061
(u ——0 06333 HA 623 402 2. 30 R 0600PM 0830PM 02314 FR 204 002 04569 PSY 426 002 I
= = “a 06346 HON 202 010 16 3.0 TR 1230PM 0145PM 02375 GEO ‘52 005 06119 PSY 620 00‘ 1
= 06234 HOR 597 001 7 2.0 M 0100PM 0150PM 06°74 GEO 285 40‘ 05396 RAE 4306 00‘»
= = ——I M 0200PM 0450PM 05824 GEO 707 401 04705 soc 101 004
o 0 06323 JAT 204 005 3' 3.0 MW 0200PM O42OPM 02425 GER 10‘ 003 047? SOC “’1 4‘9?
._ (6 C6 06338 JAT 504 401 20 30 T 0600PM 0830PM 02439 GER 202 40‘ 04703 SOC ‘52 00.1
MINORITY ‘H ._ U 06230 KHP 644 001 11 30 Mw 0300PM 0415PM 02459 GLY 111 001 04794 5F" 10‘ 00‘
. ._ _ 06330 LA 895 202 6 30 TBA 02461 GLY 111 003 04800 SP! 101 009
RECRUITMENT ‘6 _ n. a) 06342 LIS 600 402 19 30 T 0600PM 0630PM 832% 23 iii 8?; 82333 3;: 18; 81?;
06325 MA 123 022 14 3.0 MWF 11 A 1 U
D AY a) >5 >5 : TBA 00 M 150“" 05244 GLY 160 002 04621 SPI 102 011
(‘5 06326 MA 123 023 33 30 MWF 1 P 05248 GLY 628 001 04830 SPI 102 020
(U ‘U H TBA O 00 M 0150PM 05249 GLY 715 401 04665 SPI 210 002
. , 06327 M 213 006 22 4.0 MWF 12 p 1 p 05250 GLY 782 401 04660 SPI 311 006
UNIVERSITY OF — c = TR 1188Am 13:8Am 02510 GRN 612 001 04934 STA 4176 001
U (D = . 06261 ME 4806 001 3' 30 MWF 0200PM 0250PM 05657 ”A 622 40‘ 04936 STA 525 00‘
KENTUCKY a) o —' 06211 ME 501 001 26 30 TR 0330PM 0445PM 06215 “A 637 40‘ 0495.5 5” 576 00‘
(6 | , 06263 ME 531 001 29 3.0 MWF 0100PM 0150PM 05647 ”A 775 40‘ 04960 5” 695 00’
COLLEGE OF = 06209 ME 606 001 1' 3.0 MWF 0600AM 0650AM 02550 ”'5 1°“ 40‘ 05944 SW 609 20‘
m = 06261 ME 611 001 20 30 MWF 0200PM 0250PM 02556 ”‘5 ‘05 00‘ 05034 SW 5‘" ‘0‘
PHARMACY "c 06311 MFS 599 401 12 3.0 w 0600PM 0630PM 02598 “'5 ‘03 40‘ 0548‘ WS 500 00‘
C 06210 MFS 606 001 5' 3.0 MWF 0600AM 0650AM
a) a) (I) 06247 MGT 781 001 29 10 TBA
’ANUARY 11 1997 o_ H 06305 MKT 310 004 14 30 TR OBOOAM 0915AM
, E q... 06309 MKT 320 401 6 30 TR 0600PM 0715PM
SATURDAY an a) 06306 MKT 340 401 18 30 R 0600PM 0630PM
C 06266 M5 103 001 10 2.0 MW 0900AM 0950AM 05452 A&S 100 005 7 C 2.0 TR 1030AM1230PM
9130 UNTIL NOON U) = — 06296 Muc 192 003 27 10 TR 0200PM 0250PM 05353 A818 302 001 9 s 2.0 T 0900AM1050AM
( ) . 06295 MUP 756 001 3' 10 TBA 05475 A&S 500 001 15 3.0 R O400PM 0630PM 1
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1 R 0100PM 0250PM 00116 As 311 001 2' 30 MW 0800AM 1150AM 05892 As 730 008 4' 3.0 TBA 00341 AED 590 001 5 30 TBA
1 041130 PST 113.: ;" .- 1200191171 0230PM 00121 AS 341 31 11 30 Mw 0100PM 0450PM 00210 A-S 740 001 5' 3.0 TBA TBA 05557 AED 670 001 2' 30 M 11‘100PM 1n '-
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1 R 'J2OCPM 0400PM 00128 As 371 001 8 30 MW 0800AM 1150AM 00216 AS 767 004 2' 1.0 TBA 00348 AEN 220 001 1 30 TR 1000AM 111:11'AM
5 04940 51A 1...; 1w ‘ 11¢ MWF 1006AM 1050AM 00129 As 371 002 7 30 Mw 0100PM 0450PM 00217 A-S 767 005 2' 1.0 M 010011111 1.2511151
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1 0534.1 5w 1,1115 .41 '1‘ M 0600PM 0750PM 00137 115 395 001 5' C 10 TBA TBA 00219 A-s 767 007 2' 10 TBA W 0101,1PM 02501713
1 05041 5w . =1 1' 2" M 11800PM 0950PM 00138 As 395 002 5' C 10 TBA TBA 00220 AS 770 001 5' 30 TBA TBA 00351 AEN 301 001 9 20 MW 120017111 1251:1217
7 05949 5w “.a» 1 1.' 11530PM 0720PM 00140 As 395 004 4' C 10 TBA TBA 00221 AS 779 001 4' 3.0 TBA TBA R 03001'M 0450121:
4 05950 SW .112 1' :0 1.1 0730PM 0920PM 00141 As 395 005 4' C 10 TBA TBA 00222 AS 780 001 5' 30 TBA 00352 AEN 343 001 13 30 Mw1 0900AM 0950AM
2 051174 TA ' -' 1 11‘- MWF 1000AM 1050AM 00142 AS 395 006 :1' C 10 TBA TBA 00223 A5 780 002 5' 3.0 TBA TBA 00353 AEN 402 001 13 30 TR 1100AM 1215PM
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