xt708k74xc0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74xc0p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1993 1993 1993-04-05 2020 true xt708k74xc0p section xt708k74xc0p I it

.. Ke ntucky Ke m















Loss silences
UK students
in Louisiana


By Gregory A. Hall
Editor in Chief


NEW ORLEANS —— Before the
game, UK students stood outside
the Louisiana Superdome making
all the noise. Michigan‘s students.
also picking up their tickets, could
barely muster a round of “Hall to
the Victors."

But by night's end, an 81-78
Wolverine overtime victory
forced a role reversal that left UK
students stunned.

“Everybody just sat there like
they were hoping there was more
time on the clock," psychology
senior Kelly Sullivan said.

“Two years in a row in overtime
— it hurts.” she said.

Education senior Gema Heman-
dez sat on the back of her chair,
holding her head in her hands.

“There should have been a foul,
and Michigan did not deserve it."
she said. “If they’re gonna beat us,
then they better win it all."

Some fans sat in their chairs
looking out at the sea of maize
and blue celebrating on the floor.

“1 don't feel like doing anything
but just sitting here.“ civil engi-
neering senior Eric Mosolgo said.

A few minutes earlier the mood
was much different. UK fans
roared when lalen Rose‘s last-
second attempt to win it for Mich-
igan in regulation fell short.

With the Cats up four in over-
time. some felt confident of a UK
win. Then Jamal Mashbum fouled

“I guess Mashbuni fouling out
just killed us,“ Mosolgo said.
Pre-pharmacy student
Walker blamed the referees.

“The fourth foul on Mashbum
was what bothered me," he said.
“It was a little sissy foul. I think
we didn’t get a lot of calls."

Walker also gave credit to an
uncanny night at the line for

“I've never seen ‘em shoot free
throws like they did today,“ he

“Michigan just got lucky. that‘s
all 1 can say." elementary educa-
tion freshman April Fluty said.

Though disappointed, Fluty said
she was glad she came.

“I feel like the trip was worth it.
1 got my money‘s worth. It was a
great game."

“1 feel disappointed after what
happened to us last year," finance
junior Jim Ed Brown said. “We
were finally gonna get some re-
demption. It just didn't end that

UK President Charles Wething-
ton said he was disappointed by
the loss, but that it wasn’t as hard
to take as the loss to Duke.

“There is a considerable differ-
ence from last year,“ he said.





-M°“daV-.Aprt§: 99's”













Junior forward Jamal Mashburn grimaces during the Wildcats' Final Four game against
Michigan Saturday night at the Superdome in New Orleans.


Cats lose another OT heartbreaker


By Ty Halpin
Assistant Sports Editor



stormed back with a Jamal Mash-
burn driving layup and back to

NEW ORLEANS —— UK rolled

into the Final Four like a world su-
power than President
more force than Hurricane An-
drew and more support than Jim

The Cats had more

It seemed they had reached bas-

ketball's equivalent of leaping tall
buildings in a single bound.

But bounding wasn‘t a part of

UK‘s arsenal Saturday evening at
the Louisiana Superdome. It was,
however, in Michigan‘s.

The Wolverines prevailed in

overtime to win the battle of the
superpowers 81-78.

“They rebound like Charles

Barkley." UK coach Rick Pitino
said. “They‘re a great rebounding
ball team."

“I think they had a great re-

bounding game.“ UK freshman
Jared Prickett said. “That‘s prob-
ably where they won it."

Michigan gathered 40 rebounds
scored 20 second-chance

“They got a lot of second

shots." junior Gimel Martinez
said. “Rebounding was the differ-

The Wolverines. college basket-

ball's sleeping superpower, came
out of hibemation early in the sec-
ond half. Following a Jimmy King

layup with 13:31 left. Michigan

had its biggest lead of the game

A dunk by Michigan senior Eric
Riley with 12:54 left irt regulation

made the score 54-44.

Like any super hero. UK did not
over and die. The Cats

back three-pointers by Travis Ford

and Dale Brown pulling UK to

within two.

An Andre Riddick thunder jam
ignited the Wildcat contingent ty-
ing the score at 54 with 9:33 left in



Michigan’s rebounding
key to Wildeats’ defeat



9:22 p.m ~Michigan (31-4) vs
North Carolina (334).

Game at the Superdome in New


the battle. From this point on, the
two heavyweights would trade
blows as well as the lead.

The drama built as time winded
down. Time left: 1:47.

Score: Knotted at 67.

Chris Webber. Michigan’s Su-
perman, tipped in a miss to give
his Wolverines the lead, 69-67.

U K‘s Ford donned his cape and
made two clutch free-throws at
1:26. Sixty-nine all.

At the 1:05 mark. Michigan
again looked to Webber for an an-
swer to Ford's call. He didn't dis-
appoint. lhe sophomore took a
pass from teammate Ray Jackson
and promptly drove it into the
hearts of all Kentuckians. Wolve-
rines 71. Wildcats 69.

With just 10 ticks left. Wildcat
hopes once again rested firmly on
Ford‘s shoulders. After being
fouled by Michigan's King. Ford
found himself staring at a rim 15
feet away — with an entire state
staring back.

"He‘s gotta make these.“ l'K
cheerleader Mike Pare said just
before referee Gerry Donaghy
handed Ford the hall.

'lhe junior calmly ntuled both
freebies, tying the score at 71.

A desperation shot at the buzzer
by Michigan‘s Jalen Rose caught
nothing but iron and the two pow-
ers took a breather before battling
for art extra five minutes.

The overtime period saw the
teams fight each other to the
death. It started with a reverse
layup by UK‘s Tony Delk. Michi-

See CATS, Page 8

Haggin Hall, Blanding Tower damaged in postgame rampage


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


After the Michigan Wolverines
defeated the UK Wildcats Satur-
day night in New Orleans, some
UK fans took out their anger and
fnrstration on campus residence

At least one floor in Haggin
Hall was damaged, and a window
on the 23rd floor of Blanding
Tower was broken Saturday night.

Bob Clay. director of residence
life, said that “surprise and disap-
pointment" accurately described
his feelings about the incidents in
the two residence halls.

Clay said police reports were




See STUDENTS, Page 2

filed concerning the damage and
staff members at the residence

halls were trying to find out who
caused the damage.

He said the students could face
a disciplinary hearing and that re-
imbursement for the items dam-
aged would be the minimum pen-
alty if they were found to be
guilty of causing the damage.

“T he cost will be assessed. and
(the guilty) will pay the freight,"
Clay said. “We will assess the re-
sponsibility of the people in-

Kristiann Santamaria. director
of Blanding Tower. said a window
was cracked by someone who
threw a chair shortly after the UK
game ended.

She said the chair only cracked
the window and UK Police were
called to the scene to investigate
the incident.

UK Police Chief W11. McCo-
mas could not be reached for com-

The damage in Haggin Hall was
considerably worse. as 48 ceiling
tiles and five light fixtures were

The light fixtures were torn
down in the hallway and the bulbs
had been broken and spread on the
floor along with the ceiling tiles.

There were several minor re-
ports throughout the building. but
the worst of the damage occurred
on floor B3 of Haggin.

Assistant Hall Director Garrett
Wallace said there were two sep-
arate instances on the floor.

He said there had been some
previous damage immediately af-

See DAMAGE, Page 5




JAKE. CNSP/Komel Stab

Floor 83 of Haggin Hall bore the brunt of damages caused
by students who were upset by UK's loss to Michigan.





University may allot money to kill campus pigeons


By Melissa Rounthel
Staff Writer


UK is considering allotting mon-
ey to kill pigeons on campus be-
cause they are a “nuisance,“ one
administrator said.

“The pigeons build nests on
buildings. blocking vents and gut-
ters." Vice Chancellor for Adminis-
tration Jack Blanton said. “We
don‘t know how much the proce-
dure will cost, but we have contact-
ed the US. Department of Agricul-
ture to assess the problem and


determine the cost.

“We have been considering kill-
ing the pigeons. but we haven't
made any definite plans yet.“

Animal Damage Control. a divi-
sion of the Department of Agricul-
ture, ha been called in by the ad-
ministration to assess the pigeon

Kim Roberts. a member of Peo-
ple for the Ethical Treatment of An-
imals, said Animal Damage (‘ontml
kills the birds using poison, which
does not solve the problem.

"They are planning on using poi-
son. the same means used earlier


this year on the crews and starlings
found dead all over campus." Rob
erts said.

“When the pigeon population is
reduced. the birds fill in the gap
over the next year, so the problem
develops into an endless cycle," she

Roberts said it has been proved
that pigeons are a minimal health
risk. “You have m much chance
getting struck by lightning as you
do getting a disease from a pigeon."

Thomas Zentall, a UK psycholo-
gy professm, perforrm experiments
on pigeons and corroborated Rob-

erts' remark.

“Pigeons are of no health risk."
he said.

“Health risks are used as an ex-
cuse so people will accept what is
going to happen," Rubens said.
“The Urban (‘ounty Govemment
spent $15,535 to poison the birds.
UK won‘t spend that much. but it
will cost them a considerable

Pl-ITA promscs that instead of
killing the birds. the University
should allot money to modify build-
ings or install a service to take care
of the problem.


“1f the University is so concerned
with budget cuts. then why are they
allotting money to kill pigeons?"
Yentall asked.

“1 think the University wants to
get rid of a problem that doesn‘t
even exist." he said. “1 don‘t know
where they perceive the problem is
coming from.“

Zentall said he had heard there
are between 25 and 400 pigeons on
campus. “l’ve seen about four or
five pigeons since last September."

He said UK should be concerned
with bad publicity it may receive
from killing the pigeons.


Cloudy and cool today with
rain likely: high around 50.
Cloudy with rain ending
tonight: tow around 35.

Sports ................................ ".6
Classifieds ................. ”ml





'45,; ,




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2- MuckyKerneL londsy.AprlIS.1993


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- Exhibit: College of Architecture ’ o
Faculty Show; Free; Student Cen- g
for Rasdall Gallery; 11am-5pm. a
M-F: call 257-8867: thru 4/16 .3
- Sculpture Exhibition: by Gary [30‘
Bibbs; Art on Main Gallery at the

Community Bank. Lexington S
- Exhibit: 'Function on Function,‘ 11-}
by Steve Davis-Rosenbaum; °<
Headley-Whitney Museum; call [:5
255-6653:thru4/25 FRIDAY . Ame 9 .1993



' Exhibit. 'Transifion '93.I by 53 KY ‘ fl0l'V‘i' CNN"! to. In: any:
Artists and Crattspeople; Head- ‘
lay-Whitney Museum; call 255-
6653; thru 4725

- Exhibition: Connie Sullivan.
‘Light Environments'; UK Art Mu-
seum. Rose and Euclid Avenue;
call 257-5716; thru 5/9

- Exhibition: ‘R.S.V.P.. A Decade
of Docent Favorites': UK Art Mu- .
seum; thru Summer 1993 ,,‘_”
- Exhibition: ‘Popular Passions.‘
Harlequin Romance Cover Paint-
ings; UK Art Museum; thru 4-7


I‘llltlll" IIINIII lllc IIIIIIIIIII ll\Il.lllIlI Inlt‘IIIlnx III «LIIIILI .IlltI iIllll .llIlIIl.IlIIIlI
I’\.ilIl\ Ruse \ I\.llIlIkl\1I'Il.II\lxlI.II IIICIIICItIxJI.” .|\\‘ll\ll.l1lllt‘le. \\||Il .III
a. mu ‘ .l‘~.|I'lI :‘.II(II’ dllllullwll Illlt‘Il\\llllll:' lllllII Inn Ill'lil \[‘.|[|I'~Il
ll_lIlI.~Il_I» H.|Il|lt'\\'t1.lllt\ .IIIII l.lp.illt\c I\.llIIll.l III.‘.III‘I \KliIl lil. I‘ll.‘IlI IIIIIIIII
.Illllll.lIlII|l III 11.1 LIIIIIIIJIII I‘llilx'LIIUlh. Ix.llil) Rm. .IIIII III‘I I'llM‘lllI i. [not llI
Ulllqllt‘ [\'lIIIlIll.lllIt‘\ III.” .III' imlll allla/Illylx thtI.IIII1(II'1|\.IIL‘I\ I‘t'JUIliUI

‘\IIl.i\I.’!\\: IIILI‘~|I‘!I.II1I‘NIW\ \lvrk thnrcuerleI-r :IlilIIII Ikcl \III‘IIII'il III III-p III .lIIll
“will a! hot \L'HIIIKIIII [‘.lllllt‘I\ 'I III' I\'\IIII .I I\ .l 1.3le lul IIl-' i \I-\ \.m
I [minim

lill'lltllll: III'I lultlllCIIlJ.RU\«‘\II'11C\ hull! .ll\\ll.ltl ILIIIurlls u llcrt' IIIIII I'l .IIIII him
I‘m with: .l \lllL’Il' llllll ill llillllllll H 'r “Ink I\ .l lllll\I wt: IIII .lll\illl\' IIIII'II'\II'(1IIIk'IIIIA‘T

Sponsored by UK StudentActIVItles NEXT STAGE SERIES


Monday 415

0 View NCAA Championship
Game on 12' Screen; FREE;
Commons Building; 9pm (Can-
celled if UK is not in the final)


Tuesday 416
- SAB Movie: Mamalbatesj

MaanlcuLflasl (France) free:
Student Center Centre Theater.

8pm: call 257-8867






cutors and public defenders speak
on the practical aspects of their
side of the law; UK Law School
Court Room; 12-1pm

Wednesday 4/7

- SAB Movie: Dracula: $2; Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
8pm; call 257-8867

0 UK Library Associates' Prichard
. Lecture: Katharine Graham.

:1 speaker; 510. $5; SCFA Recital Wednesday 4”
Hall; 8:15;pm; call 257-4929

- Gallery Tour: 'Function on Func-
tion'. 'Transitions '93'; Free with
admission to museum; Headley-
Whitney Museum; 11am; call 255-

Saturday 4/10

- Indonesian Cultural Night; Free
with UK lD; 5-7pm - Art Exhibition.
7-9pm ~ Entertainment; Seay Audi-
torium, Agricultural Science Center
North; tickets available at Room
101 Bradley Hall, Ag. Science

0 Slide Show: James Archam-
beault; FREE; Student Center.
Room 230: 7pm; call 273-1880

- UK College of Law Student Publ
c Interest Forum: 'Beyond a Rea-


6653 sonable Doubt _ Prosecution or Center North. Room N307. and in
Defense. Which is Right For front of the SGA office on M.W.F -
ThUTSday 4’3 You?’ - Current and former prose- 122me call 2574555

- SAB Movie: Desire; $2; Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
8pm: call 257-8867

- UK Steel Drum Band: Paid Ad- N)

mission: Memorial Hall; 7330Pm1 THLIBTIN DHARGYI [INC PRESENTS i
call 257-4929 Tl Ir. MONKS :or CADI N SHARTsI.




Friday 4/9

- SAB Movie: Dracula; $2; Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
8pm: call 257-8867

. Performance: Kathy Rose 'Ka-
bukiMenco Visual Theater':
$14-general public. $6—students,
$11-facuity and administration;
SCFA Concert Hall; 8pm; call
257-8427 for tickets and 257-
8867 for info.

Saturday 4/10

- SAB Movie: Dracula; $2; Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater:
8pm: call 257-8867


/\ in. I.’llI I Ilh um III III "TIINAI\ IIIII Hit IIIIII ”HIM!

. Annual Day of Jazz: UK Jazz ' ' "
Ensemble and Louie Bellson.
guest artist; $10-general. $8-



~ students, senior citizens. and chil- 8:00 PM

' 3:: dren: SCFA Concert Hall: 8pm; APRIL 5. I991
“" Sponsor-eh Du:

E’; Sunday 4/11

- SAB Movie: Dracula; $2; Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
5pm; call 257-8867

W New Club 9 Jewel Heart









0 Canterbury Club - Supper and
Fellowship; 6:30pm; St. Augus-
tine’s Chapel; call 254-3726

Monday 4/5
0 Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; Bzaopm; Alumni Gym Loft; call




- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 6:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

Welcomel; 8pm; Seaton Center,
room 212: call 277-5252

1“ 269-4305
«4] Thursday 4/8

Tuesday 416 0 Meeting: CN2 - ‘Catholic New-

- Bible Study: Black Campus Minis— ma" Center NIghI': Newman Cen-

"y. Bible Study (Weekly meetings); ter. 320 Rose Lane; 7:30-8:30pm;
~ 1 tree: 7pm; Student Center, Room call 255'8555

205; call 254-1811 .

fl \ - Meeting: UK cycling Club - All are Friday 419



; - Dancing: 'Dance the Night Away - 269-4305
3 Swing Lessons'; $5 per semester;
E An Exotic 7pm-beginners. 8pm- Saturday 4/10
I Night intermediates; Barker Hall. Dance 0 Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
. Studio: call 2770664 Lane. Newman Center; 6pm; call
in the - Meeting: Cosmopolitan Club; 255-8566
Indonesian Jewell Hall Lobby; 7:30pm: call
, 257-8911 Sunday 4/11
ArChlPeIago - Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
Wednesday 4” es; 1pm: Alumni Gym Loft; call
- Classes: Aikido BegInner Class- 269-4305
Art Exhibition 5-7pm .3; 8:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call . Mass; Catholic Mass; 320 Ron
Entertainment 7-9:30pm 259-4305 Lane. Newman Center; 9:00am.

- Meeting: Encounter (Religious);
Student Center. Room 359; 7pm;
call 276-2362

Indonesian Snacks 11:30am; 5:00pm. 8:30pm; call

0 Holy Communion: 10:30am.


Saturday, April to, 1993 ' Contomplative Prayer I Meditation 5:30pm; St. Augustine's Chapel;
5“, Auditorium Practice: 59m; St. Adgustine's call 254-3726
A’flmlml CCIIM North CITIDOI; C8" 254-3726

. Hon Communion; 5:30pm; St. Au-
gustine's Chapel; call 254-3726









.,..,-. ..

.. - -m-w.. ....





March 31:
oMounce. Clemon; 60; 700 S.
Broadway; alcohol intoxication.

April 3:
~Rect0r. William 0.: 50; 163
Loudon Ave: alcohol intoxication.



March 25:

~Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; 4558 Commerce Build-
ing: items not listed; UK, complain-

oTheft by unlawful taking. less
than 5300'. Margaret l. King Library
Nonh. second floor; items not listed
removed from book bag;

Andrew Segebanh. complainant.

~Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; M8607A UK Hospital:
items not listed; Penny McDaniel,

oTheft by unlawful taking, less


Continued from Page 1

“We‘re in the Final Four. and that‘s
a select group."

“You can‘t be too disappointed.
We got this far." undeclared fresh-
man Leigh Cunningham said.

than 3300; Clifton Circle; items not
listed removed from vehicle; Jared
S. Baker. complainant.

s’l‘heft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 437 Nursing and Health
Sciences Learning Center; purse
removed; Jo Ann Ruiz-Bueno.

{Theft by unlawful taking. less
than 3300;308 Kirwan Tower; items
not listed; FJ'iC P. Schidmeyer.

March 26:

oTheft by unlawful taking. more
than $300; 705 Woodland Ave:
mountain bicycle removed; Jason
M. Poole, complainant.

~Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Kirwan Tower. items not
listed removed from bicycle; Benny
R. Bailey ll. complainant.

March 27:

~Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; C122 Haggin Hall; items
not listed; Jerry R. law, complain-

The loss turned minds from the
highs to New Orleans to a 12-hour
drive home.

“It‘s gonna be a long trip home.“
history senior Chris Blair said.

Like many UK fans, Blair said he
was going to sell his ticket for the


(Theft by unlawful taking. less

than $300: 460 llilltop Ave; items
not listed; David 1.. Nolfford,

March 29:

~Theft by unlawful taking.
automobile: Commonwealth
Village parking lot; Jacqueline

Jordan, complainant.

-Theft by unlawful taking. less
than 5300; Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot; items not listed
removed from vehicle; Donald
Combs. complainant.

March 30:

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300 (misdemeanor); Seaton
Center conditioning room; items not
listed; Dean A. Belcher. complain-

'Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300 (felony): kiosk at Wash-
ington Avenue and Kentucky Clinic
Drive; Sandra Flack. complainant.

championship and go home.
Virtually the only thing that

snapped students out of their silent
stare was the pack of Michigan fans
who made a vulture-esque descent
into the section offering big bills for









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4 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday. April 5. 1993











. ”flu“-.. ...... .












Successful philosophies clash for title Michigan’s
. Fab Five .
Tar Heels, Fab Five meet ,
. or t 0 havmg fun
again f NCAA r phv . .
~ and w1nmng
\ By John Kefly erans for a preseason intrasquad
. Sports Editor “wedge; .
Within five minutes. he had to
\ NEW ORLEANS — it‘s two swp the same. Reese said- because Ty Halpin '
~ . ' . ' ' the newcomers were 'clting Kernel Columnist
\ different philosophies. that s all. 5
Dean Smith operates according to a PUWm‘IL‘d-
different set of beliefs than does “We were down like 10 already NEW ORLEANS _
Steve Fisher. but Smith has never and he told us that‘was an Sit-ptunt Haven‘t you heard? “.5 true.
said his set is superior. loss. Reese said. He got his point Really. One year later with
Since his and Fisher's teams are across. enough bad press to smother
the only two left iii this NCAA If they had won. Smith said. may- even UK coach Rick Pitino's
'l‘oumament. both philosophies be they'd have all started. “But they ego. Chris Webber and his
must work. Michigan and North didn‘t," he said. Fab Five mates find them-
t‘arolina square off tonight at the “There is this mispercept'ton selves with visions of a na-
louisiana Superdorne at 9:22 pm. about me.“ Smith said. "1 could tional title dancing in their
Smith said he wouldn‘t have care less whether a guy is a fresh- heads.
done it the other way. Maybe he man or a sophomore or whatever. l Webber believes. and
doesn't have the guts. he said. but am for playing the best five players rightly so. that the negative
_f freshmen just don‘t play at North that will give me the best team on feeling toward Michigan
3 Carolina. They certainly don‘t stan. the court. But for freshmen to come sometimes is unfounded.
if That‘s what Smith believes. but it in and be the best is very. very rare. “If you meet Chris Web-
? doesn‘t mean he‘s right. It just doesn‘t happen.“ her and decide you don‘t like
“You can’t argue with it." Smith It happened for Fisher. who said him that‘s fine." Webber
53M "LOW 11! what [hCY‘Vt‘ d0"¢-" his group of now sophomores were said. “I respect your opinion.
;. l’isher started five freshmen last different. They were confident and The thing 1 have a problem
l season and made it all the way to unafraid. They didn't believe in the with is when people write . 5
Q the national title gzune. where his freshman thing. They were simply things about me when they 3.
2. Michigan tczun fell to Duke. This players. just like any senior that don’teven know me. g r
" year. Fisher has stuck with the Fisher could field. “Commean Bill Walton '
NUDL‘ fiWWIk‘. am here the “I'm not intimidated.“ Webber made hurt my family. When ‘
WMVCHHCS 1“ again. said. “I wasn‘t gonna go out there it hurts your family. that's
To see the difference in the two and let somebody have their job when it is getting out of con-
maches. yOU‘d have to so back because of seniority. l was going trol."
three seasons. See. Fisher‘s herald- out there like. ‘l‘m taking your job.‘ Near the end of this. long
ed recruiting class — Chris “That's just the way we are." season. Michigan now is 31-
Webber. Jalen Rose. Jimmy King. That confidence and Fisher‘s 4. As Webber said it feels
Juwan Howard and Ray Jackson —— uni . - . like 1 ve played 80 games.
; que ability to turn the team loose . ., '
was preceded by another fabulous has brought the Wolverines this far. How could this be. This
group ”f five freshmen. Bl" this Two Final Fours in two years. Two team has been '" the upper
group signed with Nonh Carolina title games. echelon of college basketball
“Someone had called us the Fab “Th . - . . teams all year.
.. .. . . . . at s a lifetime for most .. '
live. too. junior Pat Sullivan said. college basketball players " Smith Last yearnwe were 1.8-
-; ._ "But then Michigan‘s five came said ‘ ' Xléllir‘mialilds‘e 25:33 said.
N v ' ' ' ' is .w w - ear-
\\ 2:23.6an “C were kmd Of Fisher said he has faith in his old muygs_.. y a
if '. _ ' players. He turns them loose. The trash—talkin hi h-
Il 1.3% s llVC freshmen ~- ; . _ _ g. g i,
Clifford Rozier. Brian Reese. Eric whereas Smith ”ins complete flying. rim—slamming style
._ ._ ; 1 , ' 1. But neither 1S argumg for f 1' h sf 1 (1 th ritics.
Montross. DCfl‘lLk Phelps and contro -. 1' o p ay a no e e c _ .
Sullivan — were as good as support for his own p an. Many have pomtcd to Michi-
Michigan's. why didn‘t they make And “Ch acknowledges each the gan s open‘emotions as a .
it his right away? Smith said it‘s other. major downfall of this club. ;
becaiise freshmen are never as "“0 is 011C or the greatest mad)“ “1 think fans like us." i
good as they think thev are. —— ever." Fisher said of Smith. Webber said. grinning.
‘ “lhcv lUSI don‘t know the game “l‘m amazed this can be done." “When you get criticized. 1
yet.“ he said. Smith said of Fisher. people tend to lose respect '


K- trol it anymore."
f l r r mgr. ,9 39! n . ' tn Still. the pressure to win
66 S CF61 ' h l the national title remains. ..
pm the 33, 83 1 g g 6 ps team, t. t
Paulo 25 on 1-1 2 9 5 f0 .ho 1d M' h' l .
B JOhn K9" Walefys 7‘15 5-9 0-0 5 0 19 rC'ChS U lC lgan 0‘9
Y Y Jordan 7-13 5-7 0-0 4 i 19 Starts [re S tonig ‘- i
Sports Editor Ragga“ 32 33 a g g 2 “We‘re gonna get a repu-
Richey 1-4 on 0—0 0 2 2 tation as the Buffalo Bills if - ;
NEW ORLEANS — “Crappy; ((533539 ‘33 (ff 3% § 3 E By Ty Halpin wLe dton‘t wrn."“\iVebtber Sili‘lt .
,. ~ . , . ‘ earson 01 0-1 0-0 0 ~ - as ear, e n r e .
:03: [sylillieafnqwtigilldxlh‘isz gain Tot... 2557 11.20 7.7 is 24 ea Assrstant Sports Editor kind 02' phongy This yea; i“ gap—~—
describe the way he felt after the something different. 1 really ‘.
Jayhawks‘ 78-68 loss, to the Tar North Cgfoun. NliW ORLF. ANS __ Eric dont know what the feeling .;_
4:. Heels of North Carolina Saturday Player fg 3-pt it a r tp Montross has quite a following. 30 IS. ‘ l
3;: tn‘t‘he LouiSiana Superdomc. ‘ [am 2?? 0-0 1:: 8 4 7 much of a following [hag people To venture a guess, Web- ,
Rm“: 1”” astrimsati‘at‘mi: moss 9:14 8:3 343 1 10;; actually will shave their heads in her “(sccmpanychTlObfblig . 3'-
1: on ov. Wt . is go Infill" Phelps 1-3 o-o 1-2 6 5 3 his honor. are un r a grea ea 0 1 5 A
I; andl lf thought Wt‘lll/as a lgglunfiz mill/L": 331 3:3 33 g i (2)5 “We wanted m show our suppon pmressglre. That's just a guess, ‘ :1 a4
‘ oa or us.‘ 1 iams sat . ‘ Rodl on 0-0 on 2 o o : - " ~ ou .
Eids realized the oal and we have swam" 3‘5 0'0 °‘° ‘ 3 5 for an and the learn, saiduUNC Wibber wants to win it y". ._
m ‘ - 13.335.330.133. 33333 33 3-3 33 3 3 3 ”and member Wm “"33“" " a“ .1. Mic... .. no... .0 w... .. ,.
i 5 n or .' - . - ~ , ‘
1-0;“; lnaking me look “if; a Tour. 2552 57 11-2417 35 n geezumérlfa“ wear ”“5 Cl" "“0 all. g
.. shoot one . . . ; - . . .
“WW?“ competentcoach. ““36 100.UNC 7°~BiH""'“°fUNC Knecht and his North (‘arolina If nothing ‘3le 'l 5 £009
Losing [O‘lllS friend and former ‘O-KU “TM- gum 16' “351351 male band mates all got flagmps a to see these men —— which is
boss Dean Smith did not case the la Montross. what they have become this



Smith immediately put the class
into the fire to make a point. He
teamed the five freshmen against
his potential starting lineup of vet-

Michigan beat North Carolina in
December 79-78 in the Rainbow
Classic in Honolulu, Hawaii. The
series is tied at 2.


A jubilant, jumping Jimmy King and his Michigan teammates cheer as their Wolverines trip UK




81-78 in their national semifinal. Michigan faces North Carolina for the championship tonight.

UNC gets revenge for Smith, edges Kansas 7 8-68

N. Carolina 78. Kansas 68

Kansas coach




“It still feels crappy.“ Williams
said. “But I‘ll still be pullin‘ like
the dickens for North (‘arolina

“l‘m sure Dean feels a lot better
than 1 do right now. and there'll be
one other coach from the other
game who wrll feel better than I do
right now." Williruns said. fighting
back tears

The emotional trials of beating
his former assistant also got to
Smith. who lent support to his old

“1 was extremely concerned
about him.“ Smith said. “He is such
a competitor. Roy cares so much
for Adonis (Jordan). and he has
really stood by him."

Jordan and Rex Walters. the
Kansas backcoun. each scored 19
points and led the Jayhawks to a 55
percent shooting night from the
three-point line. The Jayhawks also
were perfect shooting free throws.

Regardless of what Kansas did.
North Carolina found a way to do it

Carolina won the gum with mi
incredible inside-outside combina-
tion created by center Eric
Mommas and gua'd Donald










Williams. and by crashing the
boards hard in a very physical

The Heels outreboundcd Kansas

“it was tough. but 1 don‘t think it
was the toughest I‘ve seen all
season." said Kansas‘ Robert Scott.
“We've got some guys in our co-
nference that crash the boards just
as hard as they did."

Williams led the Tar Heels with
25 points. which included a five-of-
seven night from the three-point

Montmss scored 23 points. mo