xt708k74xb77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74xb77/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1990 1990 1990-11-09 2020 true xt708k74xb77 section xt708k74xb77  

Kentucky Kernel

Friday, November 9, 1990 .



Staff Writer

The leader of a growing
women’s college in Kentucky
takes exception to the notion that
such a place is sexist, saying it
fills a much-needed niche in-

Indeed, Midway College in
Midway, Ky., has grown by leaps
and bounds in the last few years.
And its president David Botkins,
believes he knows why.

“Women, girls really, have the
right to learn and to be clear-
headed about choices," he said.


“They can't rationally recognize
their choices of they don’t know
what’s available. That‘s why we

Botkins. who spoke at UK last
week, said he believes women's-
only colleges foster the seed of in-
dependence and drive to achieve
excellence and doesn’t believe
that single-sex colleges shelter
women from society and from

Botkins quoted from a report.
“The American Classroom, A
Chilling One for Women,” which
stated that women’s colleges
produce the most successful

More than 600 students attend classes at Midway College in Midway, Ky. (above). The president of that school, David Botkins. said
he knows why: "We provide a nurturing, nourishing environment for women." He spoke at UK last week on the benefits ot the school.

All-women schools not sexist, fill niche

women. Alumnae of women’s
colleges, he said, are represented
in Congress and comprise one—
third of all board members of
Fortune 500 companies. And 30
percent of the 50 highest ranking
corporate women in business
graduated from single-sex

Botkins, who spoke at UK as
part of the Donovan Forum
speaker series, said Midway is
one of 94 women‘s colleges in the
United States. It offers associate
degrees and has doubled its
enrollment —— currently about 600
women —- in about three years, he




He said it’s easy to see why.

“We pr0vidc a nurturing.
nourishing environment for
women," he said. “Most faculty
are women, and they serve as
successful role models for our

Botkins said he blames social
conditioning for society’s sexist

“I do not believe, at least very
much, that willful prejudice
occurs," he said. “We must go
back and look at culture anti how
we are conditioned.

See MIDWAY, Back page



Overnight visit
WOuld give some
early taste of UK

Staff Writer

When Shannon Smiley was a high
school senior trying to choose a
college, she was impressed by
schools that offered prospective
students the opportunity to spend
the night on campus so students
could get a feel for campus life.

So last year when Smiley, a sena-
tor at large for the Student Govem-
ment Association, ran for office, she
and her running mates used the idea
as part of their platform.

“I went to a couple of schools
(that participated in this type of
program) when l was a senior,
and I had a blast," Smiley said. "But
UK didn‘t offer it, so I didn't even
come and visit UK because I lived
here in Lexington.”

The program will allow high
school seniors to spend the night
with UK students living in a 1TH"


dence hall, attend some classes and
eat a few free meals.

“I gave Robert Braun a call -—
he‘s in charge of Food Services k
just to see what he would say about
it," Smiley said.

“He was more than cooperative
— very much more,” said Ashley
Boyd, SGA senator at large. “He
just thought is was fabulous that we
had this opportunity because it
will make it so much better for
someone whojust wants to come up
and check out the campus. So
Robert Braun has given us a verbal
commitment to about $5 for each
student for food," Smiley said.

Only students who live in rcsi<
dcnce halls will be able to host visit-
ing students.

“We think that if you're III a
fraternity or sorority house. for
example. you're going to be pUsh-

See STUDENT. Back page


tied to Kuwait, UK

Staff Writer

Saad Haj Ibrahim waited in line
to register for spring semester
classes Wednesday armed with only
a filled-out
schedule and
hope. but he
came out empty-

The 21-year-
old Kuwaiti was
unable to pay his
fees for the fall
Because he can’t
pay. he is lBFlAHlM
ineligible to register, UK officials
told him.

That wouldn‘t qualify as out of
the ordinary for most I'K students.
But his plight, brought on by un-
expected trouble in the Middle East
and at the University, is an unusual

Haj Ibrahim, a political science
sophomore. was granted an exten«
sion by UK officials for the tall sc-


Texas leader says UK must strengthen race relations

Staff Writer

A noted educator said UK and
other schools must establish educa-
tional formats that encourage
cultural diversity because of the
changing population of the United

George Wright, vice provost of
the University of Texas at Austin, in
a speech to more titan 200 people
last night in Memorial Hall, said
change is inevitable.

“By the year 2000 the combined
populations of minorities will our-
number whites to become the new
majority multiculturalism is
important because of the changing
population," Wright said.

Wright discussed retrospective

U.S. effort to gain support gets

Associated Press

A US. campaign to gain support
for UN. military action against Iraq
got a boost yesterday, with the
Soviet Union offering its qualified
approval. Saddam Hussein sacked
his army chief, suggesting dissen-
sion in the ranks over Kuwait.

Former West German Chancellor
Willy Brandt, meanwhile. secured
the release of 50 more Westerners
from Iraq, including Germans, Ital-
ians, Dutch and Britons, the Iraqi
News Agency reported. It did not
say when they would be freed. lraq

race relations in Kentucky and the
need to begin programs in education
that encourage multiculturalism.

Wright said that universities
should establish programs that
would expose students to other
cultures, citing mandatory courses
about groups like African-
Americans and women as possibili-

“We must know more about
Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, and
women... The more you know about
other people, the more you realize
that they are really not different
(from you)."

The former UK student said that
the “sense of self" of minority
groups must be reinforced through
education to improve society so that
the majority “can better understand

on Wednesday promised to free
more than 100 Westerners.

Hundreds of Americans are
among those still trapped, some held
at strategic sites to deter attack by
the U.S.-led mutinational force in

Secretary of State James A. Baker
Ill met in Moscow with Soviet Pres-
ident Mikhail S. Gorbachev. Baker
wants Moscow to agree to using
force as a last resort to liberate
Kuwait, which lraq seized on Aug.

Later, Soviet Foreign Minister
Eduard A. Shevardnadze said
military might should not be ruled

what various minorities have had to

Wright also said that minority
groups, in particular blacks, sh0uld
not isolate themselves from the rest
of society because of their color.

“I firmly believe that black
students must come to a white
school to understand the concept of
being a minority,” he said.

Although Wright encouraged the
need for blacks to learn more about
their culture, he said that tee-shirts
with the phrase "Black by Popular
Demand" may reflect an intimidat-
ing image to white students.

Wright said that people are black
or white by an “accident" of birth,
and that it should not dominate the
thinking of anyone.

“We should not be vain about the

out, but cautioned it should be used
only under U.N. auspices.

"A situation may emerge which
effectively would require such a
move.“ Shevardnadze said.

He played down any differences
on Iraq between the superpowers.
Before Baghdad's invasion of
Kuwait, Moscow was Baghdad's
principal ally and principal weapons

“I w0uld advise against looking
for some difference in the positions
between the Soviet Union and the
United States," Shevardnadze told


Bush administration,

race we are bom into," Wright said.

Wright‘s use of the word
“accident" in dctcrmining the race
of an individual m as well as the
mention of the “Black by Popular
Demand" paraphernalia
provoked the interest of many of the
students present at the speech.

“By saying that we are black by
accident of birth is to give the nega-
tive connotation, so once again we
have something negative associated
with being black. Black for me has
been a positive experience,“ said
Veronica Duncan Gordon, a PhD.
student in the College of Communi-

Wright‘s discussion of the
dangers of cthnoccntric thinking did
get support from some white

help from

impatient that three months of
economic sanctions have failed to
dislodge Saddam from Kuwait, in-
tends to ask the UN. Security
Council to authorize force to
liberate Kuwait if Iraq doesn‘t pull

Baker is on a weeklong tour of
Middle Eastem and European na—
tions to gather support for such
action. He travels to Paris and
London before heading back to
Washington on Saturday.

If such a measure were adopted, it
would be the first time the UN.
authorized a joint military
command. During the Korean War,

"I think all he was saying is that
blacks have to do their part as well
.. to try to feel superior likc whitc
people is not going to change the
problem. it will reverse thc prob-
lem," said Kclli Wicklinc, a UK
engineering scnior.

Wright was hesitant to say
whether or not the “polite racism“
that has dominated Kentucky‘s hist-
ory exists today.

“The one thing I don‘t tccl rcal
comfortablc \vith is making rcal
strong asscrtions about thc present
we would be naive to assuttic that
all of thc \cstigcs ol racism have
been cliniiiiatctl in American so-
ciety,” Wright said,

But “it would be unfair to assume
that racism is its bad today as it was


it authorized the Unith States to
command the UN. forces repelling
North Korea's invasion.

The United States has 230,000
troops in the region — facing some
430,000 Iraqi troops in Kuwait and
southern Iraq — as part of a multin«
ational forcc that numbers more than

A Pentagon source said late
Wednesday the Bush administration
has decided to send additional
armored divisions to Saudi Arabia,
but did not say how many troops
that involved. The United States also

See GULF. Back page


mcstcr until Nov. 30 because his
funds from home were cut off when
lraq invaded Kuwait in curly

But he said he knew then — and
he knows now »— that he won't be
able to come up with the money. He
owes UK $2,305.75.

“There is no way I can pay my
tuition." Haj Ibrahim said. “No mail
comes from Kuwait or goes to

Judy Marshall. an assistant to vrcc
chancellor for administration Jack
Blanton, said that any student who
has a delinquency from the fall sc-
mestcr cannot register for the spring.
even if that student has signed an

Three other Kuwaiti students have
been blocked from registration
because of their inability to pay fees.
Haj Ibrahim said that thc SllulelOl’I in
his country is hopeless.

His mother currently I\ living in
the West Bank. btit his father and
sister are still living in Kuwait. He
has only spoken with his mother
since hostilities began in Kuwait.

He said that [K has shown littlc
deference or understanding for him
and other Kuwaiti students attending
UK. This I\ the first time he ever
had problems paying his fees,

"The last couple of years since I
have bccn hcrc. l llLl\C paid my
tuition on time. It‘s not ”H fault or
my parents fault - . it \\.l_\ thc lra-
qis' fault."

Marshall, citing thc Buckley
Amendment. refused to tommcnt on
llaj Ibrahim‘s prcdicaincnt, but she

See KUWAITIS. Back page



Public talk and
discussion: “A Baha'i
View of the Middle East
Crisis" with Charles
George tonight Room
115 Old Student Center.
All are invited.





looking for
two-wins in
a row Sat-


Page 2

After Dark ...................... .3
Classifieds ....................... 7







2 — Kentucky Kernel, Frlday, November 9, 1990



Curry still looking for perfect game

Staff Writer


When UK takes on Vanderbilt
Saturday, the Cats will have a
chance to put together a complete
game —- which UK coach Bill Curry
has been set on achieving since the
beginning of the season.

“We're coming out aggressive and
shooting for our first complete per-
formance of the year," Curry said.
“We've got a chance to be a really
good football team and we have not
hit on all cylinders. We have not
had a game where all three groups
(offense, defense, special teams)
went out and just put it together."

Of UK’s three remaining games,
Saturday's matchup will be the best
opportunity for the Cats to put Cur-
ry’s dream game together.

Considering that Vanderbilt stan—
ed the season as one of the worst de-
fenses in the nation, especially
against the run, (allowing 278.7
yards per game), look for a big run-
ning game from tailback Al Baker.
Baker is going for his third straight
lOO-yard game.

A potent running game will open
up the passing lanes for quanerback
Freddie Maggard, who will be mak-
ing his first start since the Nonh
Carolina game on Sept. 22.

Last week‘s 0an date allowed
Maggard time to get his arm rested
and ready. Maggard is still healing
from a shoulder injury he suffered in
that game.

“Freddie just gets better all the
time. Of course, he‘s been doing that







About the Game

since March," Curry said. “Fred-
die’s picking up the offense now.”

The Commodores defense was so
bad earlier in the year that they
trailed Alabama 52-0 at halftime be-
fore finally falling 59-24. They also
lost 44-7 to lowly Southern Metho-
dist University, 56—6 to Auburn, and
49—14 to Syracuse University.
Along the way, Vandy accrued an
average of 481.7 yards and 40.3
points per game.

Last week, however, Vandy's de-
fense allowed only 14 points to a
strong Ole Miss team. That perfor-
mance was due, mainly to the fact
that Vandy coach Watson Brown
went back to last year’s defensive
scheme — the original George Per~
lis Pittsburgh defense.

“When you watch the Ole Miss
film, it’s hard to believe that’s the
same defense that played against
some of the other teams,“ Curry

The Cats‘ defense also will be
tested against the second-ranked of-
fense in the Southeastern Confer-
ence, which averages 343.4 yards a





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(Nana-I. we sea-inure) '- Ulr- you

(No on.“ an murmur h Um Slice

“We want the defense to come out

and go full boar from the opening
whistle and they will certainly have
to against a very dynamic Vander-
bilt offense,” he said.

Vanderbilt has both of its quarter-
backs, sophomores Marcus Wilson
and Mike Healey, available for the
game. Curry said that Wilson
“makes all the difference in the
world in their offense." Healey, de-
spite playing with a stress fracture.
is first in the SEC in passing effi-

In preparing for the Commodmes
wishbone offense, UK got some
much needed help from its scout
team. led by quarterbacks Pookie
Jones and David Kestner.

“It's the first time in my coaching
career that we’ve got really two
quarterbacks to come out there and
give us a good picture of the wish-
bone,” Curry said.

“Both of them are fearless. Both
of them are quick so they’ve been
giving our defense fits. I think our
defense will be glad not to see our
scout team anymore. We’ve never
had a scout team that talented.”

Considering that the margin of
victory in the UK-Vandy series has
averaged only 4.8 points in the last
five meetings, Curry is looking for a
war on the field.

“If history is any guideline, then
this will be a tough, hard-fought
close football game, and that‘s what
we‘re expecting,” Curry said.


. :sss»*s’55‘5°.«z%”§'. 7"“




UK running back Terry Samuels carries the ball in the Georgia game two weeks ago. The Cats take on
Vanderbilt Saturday at Commonwealth Stadium.

UK harriers battle in regional meet

Staff Writer

The UK men’s cross country team
travels to Greenville, SC, Saturday
to compete in the NCAA Region
Three meet.

The team hopes to earn a bid to
the 1990 NCAA Championships
held later this month in Knoxville,

The Cats, who are currently
ranked 12th in the NCAA Cross
Country coach’s poll, will face one
of the nation’s most competitive re-
gions, which includes six of the top
25 teams in the coach’s poll.

UK will once again challenge the
Tennessee Volunteers, who are
ranked founh in the coach’s poll.

The Cats, who were led by James
B. Kaiser‘s fifth-place (24:32) and





















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Charlie Kem‘s ninth-place finish in
the Southeastern Conference Cham—
pionships two weeks ago, as the

Vols edged UK for the team title.

The Cats can automatically quali-
fy for the NCAA meet if they finish
as one of the top two teams from
their region. If they fail to finish in
the top two, UK could also earn one

of the NCAA‘s three at large bids.

Individuals may qualify for the

NCAA meet, even if their teams do

The UK women’s cross country
team, who last year won the Region
three meet en route to the title at
the NCAA meet, will not compete.

UK sophomore Christa Holms,
the Cats' lead runner this season,
will attempt to qualify for the na-
tional meet as an individual.

Santa comes early
for bowl scouts

Associated Press

The college football bowls, which
traditionally fill their holiday stock-
ings well in advance of the official
NCAA deadline, have done their
1990 Christmas shopping earlier
than usual.

More than two weeks before the
Nov. 24 invitation date, most of the
bowls apparently have their teams
signed, sealed and all but delivered
— pending the outcome of some key
remaining games.

“It's the earliest it‘s ever been
done," said Jim Brock, executive
vice president of the Cotton Bowl.

“I’m a little disappointed that peo»
ple are panicking and I‘m really dis—
appointed that peoplc are calling
press conferences."

Brock apparently was referring to
the John Hancock Bowl‘s disclosure
earlier this week that it had lined up
Southern Califomia and Michigan

“You snooze, you lose," was the
retort from a Hancock Bowl official.

The current scenario has No. I No—
tre Dame bound for the Orange
Bowl if it beats No. 9 Tennessee on
Saturday, even with games left
against Penn State and Southern Cal.
Fourth-ranked Colorado, the Big
Eight leattr, is the likely Orange
Bowl host team with only Oklahoma
State and Kansas State left on the
regular-season schedule.

If Notrc Dame wins on Saturday.
No. 5 Miami seems headed for the
Cotton Bowl. If the Irish lose to Ten-
nessee, the order could be reversed,
with Miami in the Orange and Notre
Dame in the Cotton.

Second-ranked Washington has
clinched a spot in the Rose Bowl,
probably against No. 6 lowa, the Big
Ten leader.

The Citms Bowl's dream of a na‘
tiortal championship game died
when Virginia, last week’s No. 1
team, lost to Georgia Tech in a 41»
38 thriller.

Follow the Cats in the Kernel








Cool Cats





d Sa














Staff Critic

It's difficult to create the classic
I love story. Boy meets girl, boy gets
igirl. boy loses girl, boy gets girl
' back.

But Universal Pictures tries with
its new release “White Palace."

In this film the viewer meets two
people — and for a refreshing
change they’re from opposite sides
of the tracks. Blue collar girl, white
collar boy. He’s a Volvo-driving,
Chablis-drinking, tuxedo-wearing
perfectionist. She takes the bus,
slams vodka tonics, wears a polyes-
ter fast food restaurant uniform.
and is a real slob.

An unlikely couple, yes, but they
are drawn towards each other and a
beautiful romance results.

The story takes place in present-
day St. Louis. Max, played by
James Spader is a young, 27-year-

old Jewish advertising executive on
the rise. He has an elegant town
house and eats brunch and drinks
cocktails with his yuppie friends.

Susan Sarandon plays Nora, a 43-
year-old waitress who sells hambur‘
gers at the local fast food joint
White Palace. She lives alone and
spends her spare time watching tel-

Once these two meet, they each
realize that the other fills a void in
each other's life. The relationship
builds on mutual need, reciprocal
desire and great sex.

However, the element that makes
this particular love story work is the
excellent acting.

Sarandon has come a long way
since playing Janet in “Rocky Hor-
ror Picture Show" and has found
her niche playing the mature, self-
confident, sensuous woman. From
“The Witches of Eastwick" to “Bull
Durham" and now “White Palace.“

Sarandon is more than convincing.
She is vulnerable and mysterious as
well as sexy.

Spader is Max Baron. Known for
his rich boy roles, Spader assures
us of a flawless performance. He is
the king of introvened looks and
steely glances. Unlike his part in
“Less Than Zero," as the cold self-
ish user; and in “Sex, Lies and Vid-
eotape,” playing an introverted vid-
e0 voyeur, Sparder pulls it off as
the tender romantic. His young
pretty-boy looks are the perfect
compliment to Nora‘s weathered

The entire movie contributes
many fine performances including
some wonderful supporting roles.
The combination of Sarandon and
Spader is believable, and it works.
If you could believe “Pretty Wom-
an,” “White Palace” is certainly a
worthwhile contender.

‘Trip To Bountiful’ride is
smooth sailing for theater

Staff Critic

Actor’s Theatre of Louisville has
mounted a fine production of Hor-
ton Foote's “The Trip to Bounti-
ful.” My memory of the film ver-
sion of several years ago is strong,
and comparisons between the two
are inevitable. But Horton’s quiet,
intimate story seems more suited to
the theater, and its sensitive han-
dling here has displaced my memo-
ry of the film.

The story is slight In Houston in
the early 1950s. an elderly woman
with a heart condition, Carrie
Watts, lives in a two-room apart-
ment with her middle—aged son, Lu-
die, and his complacent, discontent-
ed wife, Jessie Mae. It is Carrie’s
fervent wish to return before she
dies to her girlhood home, the Gulf
coast town of Bountiful.

Ludie and Jessie Mae regard this
as frivolous and, for Carrie, poten-
tially dangerous and so for years
have kept a close watch to prevent
her from escaping. But one day she
eludes them, boards a bus in the di-
rection of Bountiful, and fulfills her

Much of this is conversational —-
the petty bickering between Carrie,
Ludie, and Jessie Mae in their
cramped apartment; Carrie’s quick
friendship with a soldier’s young


Staff Critic


The music of the Swamp Zom-
bies is as deluded and as fun as Un-
cle Fester tripping on acid.

It is crude, simple and guttural.

It covers all the basics of being
low class, so crank up the stereo
and play it loud.

Their latest release, “Scratch and
Sniff Car Crash," is 13 tracks of
pure savage enjoyment — Morticia
and Gomez would be proud. Their
two previous albums, “Chicken
Vulture Crow” (1988) and “Fink"
(1989), were released on the Dr.
Dream recording label.

Josh Agle, Travis Agle, Steve Ja-
cobs, and David Warren comprise
the Swamp Zombies.

Together they are spirited and
raw and have earned the respect of
many critics from around the coun-

This album is definitely worth
picking up and will enlighten any
household library like a cockroach
in heat.


Well. this album gains its charm
through its irreverent disrespect for
the traditional routes modern music
has taken.

wife she meets along the way; her
pleas to the sheriff who, at Ludie’s
request, intercepts her just before
she gets to Bountiful. There is re-
markably little action in the play.
Instead, we see the interaction that
takes place between events.

The success of such a play de-
pends on thoughtful acting and di-
rection, on the accumulation of tell-
ing detail that yields insight into the
characters and their experience. In
the production, Horton‘s play re-
ceives these in abundance.

Ray Fry has directed with clarity
and precision. Nothing here is su-
perfluous, nothing is arbitrary. The
actors — among them. Adale
O’Brien as Carrie, William McNul-
ty as Ludie, Pamela Stewart as the
soldier’s wife, and Peggity Price as
Jessie Mae — are well cast and per-
form with intelligence and restraint.

The relationship between Carrie
and Jessie Mae, in particular, is
much more satisfactory here than in
the film, which made Jessie Mae
into a harping shrew and was fatal-
ly weighted in Carrie‘s favor. Here,
the relationship is more objective,
more carefully modulated, and
more pleasingly ambiguous. And
Price’s performance as Jessie Mac
is a model of comic understate-

Karl Hass‘ lighting, Lewis D.



Album _ r.


l Kn, imp ,"fiitttl‘iw';

Rampino's costumes and Paul
Owen’s set also deserve recognition.
All are pleasing to the eye, evoca-
tive of the play's era, and. most im-
portantly, abundantly functional.
Again, everything is concise, well

Owen’s set is particularly effec-
tive. For the first part of the play ——
in the Watts' apartment. at a bus sta-
tion in Houston, on a bus on the
highway, and at a bus station just
outside of Bountiful —~ the settings
are simple and economical and are
placed in front of the theater's cur-
tain. But in the final act, the curtain
pulls back and the lights come up on
a huge, fully realized outdoor scene.
Carrie stands in front of a dilapidat-
ed Victorian house, a cluster of trees
with a blanket of Spanish moss
hanging from them. and a slowly
brightening morning sky.

All of this — beautifully rendered
by Owen and his crew —functions
as a visual analogue to the action, a
highly theatrical effect which neatly
expresses for the audience the full-
ness of Carrie’s emotion at that mo-
ment. At the performance I attend-
ed, the audience applauded the set
before the actors could begin the
scene. Rightly so.

The only shortcoming i find in the

See HORTON, Back page



II’U“ ”writ tittiti'“

‘White Palace’ jolts Viewers



James Spader plays Max, who falls in love with Nora (Susan Sara-

don) in the Universal City Studios movie "White Palace".

The East Meadow

by Zale Schoenhorn







An agricultural farmer‘s nightmare.





I». ' m I] {rm v til

it W.i:.li

_ W amp mum mam
. _ .j dirnbies’ LP shtézws a
blessed irreverent cha



lt H primal music with Ll deep.
grotesque theme. lhe main purpose
behind the lllllslc l\ to hate tun, It‘s
sort ol like “lute Night \\ ith Datid
Letterman" on black \lll)l, iii th.it ll
finds its humor h} poking tun .it the
establishment and suburban \tk‘ltll}.

The truck that hes: tlcstriht‘s the
“hole tilhum is ‘(‘recps,” lll “Illt‘Il
the Swamp Zombies degrade .ind
renounce the people the) know by

labeling them all .is trccps sort
of an antrSanLi (‘hrisunas list. The
chorus sings out ilII these people

done me wrong, that‘s why i put
them in this song," as they slander
all the people they know.

The album‘s title illustrates the
strong tinti~soci.il characteristics tclt
throughout the .ilbiirn.

How mirth limcr can they get
with it title llIu' Stiatch and Sniff
(‘ar Wash“?

The answer is they can't *lLS just
too disgusting to . hungc.

IIIH album I‘. pcrlctt lor the mora
hid iUltI thc lllthilIWt‘, but not lor
those w ith heart conditions or \IUITL
ach problems.

The music is far from serious, so
Republicans beware? It is hedonism
at its finest hour watch out politi-
cians and priests. here come the
Swamp Zombies!

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, November 9, 1990 - 3





“Woman in Topiaries" is one of
Anne Leone’s recent paintings in
the llcike Pickett Gallery.


10. Talk about how
well their friends are in

9. “Wow! You look like
crap tonightl"

8. Eat a lot of beef and
bean burritos and
show/«oft some of your
natural talents.

7, “Nobody loves you
anymore. because
they‘re too busy loving

6. Punch them in the

5. “Wouldn't it be cool
if you were dead?"

4. Take them to a
party. leave with
someone else.

3. Point at them and
laugh and laugh and

2. ”We learned to hate

t Pummel them wath

Compiled by Kenn
Minter and Steven ;
Gabbard i



9:09 I
five Rery so



Primal Scream


Happy Fact: y ‘

1- an.ooaoaoooooooooo,
3.0 Visual



H8103 Creed
'Amphef‘ii“ :‘e Reptle)

Var Jo's A'tsts
(Sire Wurce' Bros l

Bob Meet:

(Dragon Street;

Spot tOt9

Cob Shoot Cop














 4 - Kentucky Komol, Friday, November 9, 1990

Kronos Quartet to open

new Musica da Camera M001“ FOCkS

Staii reports


The Kronos Quartet, dubbed “the
nation‘ 5 most adventurous chamber
music ensemble," will open Centre
College's Musica da Camera series
with a concert Nov. 29 at the Nor-
ton Center for the Arts.

The quartet includes Joan Jeanre-
naud, on cello; Hank Dutt, on viola;
and David Harrington and John
Sherba, on violin.

In the past l2 years, the Kronos
Quartet has emerged as a leading
voice for new work. Its extensive
repertoire ranges from Bela Bartok
and Charles Ives to John Cage and
Howlin' Wolf. The group has re-
ceived a Grammy Award for best
contemporary composition and a
Grammy nomination for best cham-
ber music performance.

The performance will comprise
seven works written especially for
this concert, which begins at 8 pm.
in the center's