xt708k74xb29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74xb29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1985 1985 1985-02-26 2020 true xt708k74xb29 section xt708k74xb29 _____________________________________________________________
Volumyeltl; 1:44..th UnivmflyofKOModtonxlngoomltoniocky WWI”! iuudcy.Fobruory26.1985
3_. __ __
Pulitzer rlze-wmner ectures i ma es grants ,
on the roles of TV in society . of ‘Derby’ dollars
. a U Bi'DAMlisSERT students- who attended L’K full
lile)t'til.Ab l-..Pl'l"l‘i:l\(.l-.R Americans to come to terms with Another function of television is to 3 .. Reporter ““9 dunng the fa“ semester 135‘ V‘
StaffWriter their history. ..The ‘Execution of give Americans a shared context. . 3 Al 3 33 . _ 3 _ year and are domg so this semester. . 3 ;
. 3 . 3 Private Slovik,‘ perhaps the most "If you speak of someone as an Ar- 3 A 3 3 ucrative tradition ‘tontinues this line a minimum grade pOint aver- 4, .3 . - _
. [Television is thesmgle most P?“ powerful anticapital punishment ar4 chle Bunker. clearly you mean that .a .2. ytearhthaéiks to the Student Actnu use ill .' .3. and are not graduating , 3 .3 .

. vasive Institution in American life gument ever put on television, was sort of bigot who is understandable. -4._: 3 _, 4 l 1;:er . . 3 3 . 3 seniors. are eligible for the awards 3' .4 . 3 -3
and it performs. “‘3' 935” 5003' alsoa means ofour coming to terms even human. but none the less ', ‘ ' . 1 15 givmg away‘four 33"“ "\pphmtmm can be picked up from ' ' I'
functions in American somety ~ with the change in our values. the firmly rooted in his prejudices re- .. kite: Strenglgcrfiyeggé‘gyenszholal‘zhlps ”1937“; on“: m 21313117t3mentt Center ' V '. .

That was the messa e delivered change in our certainty about au- sistedtochange. * 3 . . C 5 “‘1 cm “W "0””95‘ ence a "9‘" ors. ' . -‘ ’

6 by William A. Henry ”g. a pumzer thority. between World War II when “if you speak of a Fonzie, people I "V51 andpartit'ipation m LK. organi- APPllt'illlom mus‘ be turned ‘“ b." 4 . .. . - - ‘
Prize-winning television critic and there was no question that a desert- see a leather-jacketed street tough t Zduom‘dtfluues‘apd 89“?“ng . 4P {“ March ”at the 5A8 Office ' ' .- ‘ '
. "'— w associate editor for Time magazine. er should be executed. and the era with a heart of gold. I would say " Une oft e boards goals thlb yeai .“mne” “'1” be selected the week _ ‘ '- ' - a 2

, who spoke last nigh, to about 25., in of the vietnam War. when dissent that people know immediately what WILLIAMHENRY 'V”3‘]°l$r?;leVm°Vr‘t’ ”mpelltm'? for the ”He" spring break b.‘ a committee . ' : .

. i the Center for the Arts on how tele~ became legitimized." y0u mean when you speak Of Mr. T. b.Lholffirbhipsfi Isald Ben (’ue“ L“) "' three faculty members and three . ’ . ’ _ '-
. 2‘ vison relates to the fine arts in Television also chronicles social but I suspect there is only one, and “WM”?- ‘0 ”9'"ng le'eViSion 5C oars ipthairman. "9‘9"”?! Students‘ . according to ' 1' ,
.. American culture. 'ha h .. 'd ._ . h' . _ Im not altogether dissatisfied with “150 acquaints society “1th leaders Guess said students should not feel "“9” [he SChQIarShfps m” be pre- ' 4‘ l .
L nge. e Ml I We aim traced that.” and role models. gives ”may 1‘ intimidated by what they rceive to sented ”t the lee henlucky Derby . ' - 4
~ One of television‘s functions is to the (“antic "0‘ only m “UtOWOb'IeS _ . . shared responsibility in the fate of be . l'k 1'. ha . .fpei . wards hun(X‘lilllt)ll students apply " partyanda footandbike race. . ._ ‘
. i f
:1 V_ .__—“es . u. ...- o _ . . '
Loan aims W'F—aT—W Dr. DeVnes - .
A! " a ' " '
I - - - v o 4
4 g f _ ,t 3 ‘ . a . .
to improve 33... a4..- . s .. .4... ~..,. ,. 4» , .J— 4 Will lecture -, . -
V“ ' I “a i " ' . w .3 b” “ - ’2 :‘ - i
y; 4 .- 4* a ' . in Law Week . -
5a ‘. ‘ ¥ 3 z’ s w r .
rura care it ~ \. .4 . . a. .. , . V
33.. 3... 34.- 4 3.4,, .73....” 3. ‘fl ,5 ... _ .. . V... \Viiltrziilniis 4
Byl-‘RAN STEWART f‘ x a a: <37: 4.. f‘ 4-4, .3 ‘ ’z .4, - 3" g. senior Staff writer _ ‘
Senior Staff Writer 4 ' J “‘5‘. é - “ -‘. i ' h
J‘ J 3 3 , ‘3 3 e .y William l)e\'i'les. the only man 11- ‘

Medical students willing to set up 0 12.333 3 ‘5" '33” 3 .. _ ~ 94, a... ‘v "I! ,4 4 t x s tensed t0 perfornl artiflcal heart .
residency in rural Kentucky coun- ’ ‘I : it .' 2. . ) ' ~%' - ‘. - ‘ I (‘8 V \ V “A surgery. “'1“ "0m? ‘0 ['K in early ' '-
ties can receive money while still in h L \ .' ' ‘ .‘ - 3 ““c. ‘ 4. ‘0" \pi'il to speak about legal aspects of
school ' ‘ i ‘ ’4 ’ . ‘4 3%" ,W ‘ v I” ‘~ ‘3 f K"? a" " .,‘ , lliedlcaltechnologv
‘ ' l «v - ~~ 4. New 4%.. or "' “cw .sc . . ' . .

The Rural Kentucky Medical 16"”. t . g ”3‘. .fj ‘2ng ’ .4 5' 3 A ~ \. I)e\ ries speechon Monday April - 3
Scholarship Fund is accepting appli- l... . ’ _. 4 l . 333.; . 3’ kl ‘ J u. 3, \ 3‘ . u .; 'sllll help kick off the annual Law
cations now through April 15 from ‘ 3v: fivf" ' “~ or’ ' . $55.4“ v. (i X ‘ “Wk- 531“ Ld“ “99k chairman «
students at the University of bouis- } ._ ‘ , 6-. N? 4 .‘ . Q“ .3‘. ' V ‘ i 3“,“ l’d‘ld Bradford The speech 15 t9” -
villeand L'K medlcalschools. '3 2‘» M .. 3 a‘ - 3 i «K ' 3‘. . \ ‘23“ 3 \ Ltd tatively scheduled for T or 730 p.m

‘ '4 3 ’15." - n‘.‘ ‘ » .3 .

According to a press release from ’ ‘1?“ :4 '. gm. «.4 . - ”‘5 V . .S‘ _- 1% if . ' ‘ T. a“ N “l hlemoria ”d“ 3 -
the Kentucky Medical Association. l. ‘ ”if" r “aw-1" “2.4. ..,'""V m . "‘3 ~ . K ‘ N. 5 We hOpe m drd“ 1.” students
"the fund provides a $5.000 loan per . 3 _ 3 3 fig: f £3 4- 333 N43. 4.34. «M33 ‘rjfi. re? 3 . g”. . . ‘3 I from all across the tmierSity. >
year to a recipient who is willing to a 3 “it “7* '2‘: '4 m k ‘ d if" Q“ 4‘ 3‘3 3-3 . ‘ lii'aidfogd. 3 first-year . 13“ "student. .
practice and reside in a rural county 3 33. 3 3 333 '3 . 3333.33 ,3 1.)“ w 4.2? g . 3 . 3 3 s3iit T espeeth “I” also draw a lot 4 .
in Kentucky for one year for each I 3 , f 33’ a ., . " *‘ 3: «.34. .13 .244. .~ 9* ._t, .3 s ‘3 3 3 1i illulrrilittirlethtelffl (3:161 if}: Lexington corn-
loan received." 1"; if. 4., 4». . ‘49 ‘4...“ 4‘ .33.. c "'1 ~ .- “" ‘ r. . "". 3. i i ' - 5 . 5

. ' .,, .- a.“ . -4 °‘~ " - )fi “air '* \ ‘ 4. .

' ' . '2 ~ ‘ g ' e "'4 4. 4. . i l Bradford said I)e\ ries confirmed . '

“The medical education has be- I a- > . '. ' ~-':" - \ lh't h h‘ i ' .. ~ . ‘
3 33 3 M. . 3_ v a e at accepted the imitation

come amore and more expensive 3 3 a“ . . ' 4 '4- (9“ ‘3 N ‘3 k? . i inintly issued by the colleges of Law
PFOPOSltlon- 531d (3’01 blam. d" k .- ,',; . . _ ,- w . \ l ‘ ‘ fl and Medicine and President Utis A ' .
rector of educational services at the 3 / «A .- ‘T ‘ ”1:23 ~ .1 ’ , e. _ ‘ ‘ 3 \mgletarv. late Sunday lie said -
['K Medicil Centerggstudfntsiocan 2 . 3 ’ 4‘ ' a." , ‘ .- M“ . ' ' ' .4 * ,‘~' llci'rles “received mam: invitations ’
anticipate avinga .000 o .000 l " in; 3 " "' ‘ ~ V., .31" ' ‘ ‘1’. _ 3‘ s in make speeches. but the heart sur- ' .4 ‘
debt :3— and that‘s really living fru- . '_ 3 «if ‘V .‘v ‘ 4- \ 3 ._- ceoii decided to accept l‘K's invita- I V .
gally. r‘ . 3 a: ‘ lion becaUse it was local and De\'- ‘

I" 1984- instate tuition for Univer- ‘ 3 4 (m , .. s. "‘ W ’ 3. -_n‘ \ i'ics likes to speak in higher " . V '
sity medicaiistutti‘entsgost $3.180 for 4 3;, . 3 33.3....3 _ 3 333 ,- he , 3.... 3 $3 I educationinstitutions . .
'vearo stu '.sesai. r ' ' “M “I. . 4 v- ' . c . . ~ .
d'The scholai‘ship fund. “'thh “‘35 l :3 - ’M _. .. 3’, '. ’3 ‘ m 3 iii" _ . 1 l i a l lillitel‘i‘iliieiit[.kls’swtsilllriigoll[fliteztlf‘geaiit- 1' '-
eatablished in 19334 withhthe hellpgé ' ‘ " " ‘ “- ‘ "—_L_—‘-_—m}T/:4.{Tinj locale slim to help pay for De\’- I. V I ‘
S 9 approprla lons. as pac ' ’ L‘ i 5 lies \lslt which it is co-sponsoring '. ,

"Farly 500 doctors in rural areas 0f ROCkln \iiththe Student liar .\ss0clatlon. ' ~ _ I t. .
themut‘ky- “1323150313? PFQVIded ":39“! Jimmy Feris breaks up rocks which will be used in the con- son Street. Feris is employed by Holbrook Stone Co. "”t‘r lll'filmhl) the foremost sui ' ' -
:0129523;':;e;2;‘s‘e“ oans. 3“" ing struction of a log cabin. The rock pile is located near Jeffer- mm m the mn'ld. said sl;.4\ presi . *- 3 '

"Yo: always have people who i . see DH th‘page} V 1 '. . ’ i.
want to practice in Lexington and C F3, - 77' T" - A ' - ’7' - ' ,
bouisville.“ Elam said. "But to try en er 0 3 en 10“ V / . ' . ‘ _
to get physicians to go to under- 3 *M’ ‘m’ " 3 '
served areas has beenaproblem." N h b “Id - - - - in“) @x'fie‘” "We “Warren“ - .- 1 l ' . «

"Sixty percent of the recipients ewt ree— 111 mg complexpromzses an Intimate setting, 4 ‘4. W gem M 4.. -- - 4... . ‘ V
are still practicing in rural or crit- - - . - - - \_ ' ' . ' - 4. t. - '
ical areas of the state. and another varied proyects for undergraduate studies m humanities . “3 «’3. . 5* ~43 .V . 4

' 16 percent are still practicing in " ' \ \ - 3 . .
metropolitan areas in Kentucky," By FRAN STEWART -—————*‘-————_——3 3 1 «4:35 «W . 33 .. 3339:; \ . - -
according to the press release. Senior Staff Writer “When people see we have a workmg fire- 1 M . g 3.3% a?” a -4 .

In 1984. 28 counties were consid- - ' "V- V“ , ‘ ‘- 5')": _ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' . .
ered rural counties and 19 counties Study in the humanities may be place: comfortable Chairs and an envrronl; ; 7'" ‘" pg, ’ V - -
“'9" destgnaled as "“1““ care °V°”°°"ed at many ”“9895 and m nt 0 in ormalit and intimac 1 thin ‘ " ' 4 - . '
areas. A county's rural or critical universities. but at UK. the field is e . f. f . y ,, y, . . ‘
designation is determined by state developing its own“mini campus.“ the building Will be well-used. 3 ~——-—~-~~ 3 .7... .. > . '
government figures in accordance Where once stood the Tau Kappa 3 . .. . .23 - .4. / . 3 .
with the county's doctor-patient Epsilon fraternity house. the old ' w "r - , . 2.3 4 ' '
ratio. public safety building and the Cam- Raymond Betts. * 33/ , . .3; ‘ _‘

Recipients of the scholarship owe pus Crusade for Christ headquar- Honors PrOK’am direcm’ “' :5. ‘ ‘ , ' l
a rural county a year for each $5.000 ters. people W1" 00W gather for in- . . i . ‘ 3 - .
stipend they receive. if students opt formal study and discusswns. — _ 4~ .__ '- 33W“. . _
to go to a critical care county where 3 The Games Center for the Human- rooms." he said. “It‘s ideal for dis- because 11 students received :4 . ‘. V T . ‘ .3 i ' 3M 33' ' i . '

ltleS Will give new life and newpur- cussion classes. fellowships last year. One of them “.i- "fly? -- Er?“ ' 3. . .. ’{y
seeunmiv'lfi pose to the three old buildings. “1 also think all three buildings went abroad to study. so he will re- “.3355? f 3. Vic. .551. ’ I“ ‘3' 4
thanks to John R. and Joan B. will be most appropriate for infor- ceive his fellowship with this year‘s "‘ ‘" '. ' 3%6 . ‘ , 4;; 3'1: .__.-.
Gaines' 3500.000 donation which was mal gatherings. Particularly for recipients. ’~‘- , ’ - m ' 3 i .
INS.“ "‘3de by WUNVCTS"! evening activities. it will be most in- Award recipients participate in - I I ‘ 4- M”
_ "The effect of the three buildings viting. seminars taught by outstanding fac- . \ t I a . . - 3,3. 3 sew. .3333 is to produce a wonderful little mini “When people see we have a work- ulty members. Betts said. During ’ ‘ '4- ='-‘ ’ WW ‘

33.9%: campus." said Raymond Betts. di- ing fireplace. comfortable chairs their senior year. they write an un- "mm-tr kernels»:

new» .3,- nayswggar rectoroftheHonors Program. and anenvironment of informality dergraduate thesis for six to 15 cred- The Gaines Center for the Humanities is on Maxwell Sircci.

one, . : . . vémasat The renovation of the central and intimacy. 1 think the building it hours on a subject of their choice

4—... 3.3. 4a»... . . ' "I i ' ' II ' e - - . . .

o‘r‘sWWW" ,_» 3,44». .-. building is slated for completion by wtllbewell-used. Betts said. With historical or philosopllcal im- pensa ansrng from the em lovee‘s 't': be h .ed -onlribuled

2“?““W‘i‘ "; 2.4.: " . “'9 ”d 0‘ Apr“; The “WSW? “With prover landscaping. they plications. timeoff for study. p ' hobks.‘!nsgald a§anc."ii’£.§ni. admin-

as”: 3*“mf‘: building will “(“31" three confer- lthe three buildingsi Will. draw the "The application and reviewing Chairmen of humanities depart- istrativeassistantatthe center

if; 913625 c «49.2%»? 1.333%“; once roam. “YO “1‘0" mal lounges. a community to the University and the procedure has been taken from the ments have also contributed funds to _

£3 ”‘3“ :e’“. library andalutchen. UniverSity to the community." he Rhodes Scholar procedure." Betts provide a $100 book allowance. he Betts 53“ he “rm? a letter “’ “H

gone as. ywtsw.n§c3me 3 “We‘re awaiting furniture and the said. “What we hope the center will said. He said the center hopes next said. faculty members. aSKmS ""7"“ ‘0 d0'

<3 4- 33:: :1 ~33. .333 3 like." Betts said. “Then we‘ll have do is break any barriers between year to announce plans for providing "All the money we‘re expending "3‘9 a M from ”‘9‘? field that

if" «arefixtwgf at? In open“ hauler the Univemty and town and gown. it will serve as a a substantial travel scholarship {or for scholarships all comes from pm. they thou ght was Significant to the

g“ WM“ “ 4. .4 m4 uniting force between the University one of the Gaines fellows to do ex- vate funds.” he said. "The cost (to humam‘m 09m"- More "‘3.“ 1""

14:3.333gfi3‘gyw3my in the future. classes. such as andthecity." tensive research outof the state. the center) is more than compen- ms have ”‘99“ ”“9"“ m '9‘

‘ ‘ Horton Program colloquia. may be Betts. however. has even bigger Betts said the center also will satedforbythebenefits. Smem Betts plea.
wean-Hen 2:: emit": can: ma.‘;.t':-a°fi;:'a"'“ 1"“ '" W mime? "m "as: ”was“ "were M "m M "v
. . lies wi in mm ma mg respome“ or sc ars ip pro lbooks) a week now." he said. “1
. axgét . . W3 location. thue clones probably The center is now accepting appli- the center a focal point. These activ- gram. which will be implemented would be very surprised if we don‘t
a3 2; ~ a valid be limited to afternoon sernl~ catiom for the Gaines Fellowships ities include a humanities schol- nextfall. have 200 by the time the year's
_. . 44 .3... 4 . 4 III!- for students. Nine sophomores will arship for University personnel and 'me humanities center also will over"
“it. i; i; “Anyone with classes back-whack be chosen to receive scholarship alibraryforthecenter. award a dulcimer to the Donovan '
s - .3 . 4 4= in m to find it inconvenient." he with stipends of $2,000 for the junior According to Betts. any regular scholar making the greatest contri- Tbe center library will be ”essen
. -. aid. your and ”.mforthesenioryeur. UK employee may apply for a schol- butiori during his or her study of the tially a COHU'ibutim 0‘ UniVflSity
4 TbGoh-Conter will ”provide: Each year 10 students can be anhiptotake anycounein humani- humanities faculty and administrators. “'3 a
. V 33 .. e V mill mt tillt‘l w awarded the fellowship. (lily nine tic tilt the University offers. The Another center project includes wonderfully SWWC WWW"?
- - -- -- w m the {ml large c will penalty be nwanhd tlfi yur. center will pay tuition and any u- the compilation of a library. “So far swim“
. t

 tummvxm WWII, I“
Sports Editor
0 0
Baseball team blasted b y East Michigan , 12-6
. By JOHN PAINTER Whelan was struck with a barrage with two runs before leaving the think we are playing with a lot of the Cats. recording a 5-3 season “But because they are not used to
Reporter oft-um gameintheeighth. confidence. opening victory. Junior Jack Savage the Florida heat (ill-85 degree
Whelan ended the fourth giving up Kentucky freshman Vince 'I‘yra. “I think everybody in the field came on in relief during the seventh weather), and haven't thrown a lot
LAKELAND. Fla. ~ After back— two runs which lost the Kentucky who came on for Carrol in the wants the ball hit to them. and torecordthesave. outside, they seemtoIberunmngout
to-back weekend victories the Ken- lead. And from there on out. it was a eighth. closed out the inmng. but we've come up with some spetacular On ISunday, three Wildcat pitchers ofgasafteraboutso pitches."
tucky baseball team suffered its hard uphill battle for the Wildcats. Eastern Michigan continued to roll. plays becauseofthat." combined for a five-hit . shutout. . _ . _ .
first setback of the season with a 12- Whelan. who came on in the fourth scoring two more runs for the final Last night, the Cats errorless play knocking off Eastern Michigan, 5-0, Kenmetucky 5 Clint mm lighting
6 loss to Eastern Michigan last night D I-‘ ltr ave u margin in the top of the ninth. ended wtth two pitching errors to record Victory number two. up batting slats or . Cats. Ar
' at the DetroiiTigers spring home. 2;." sulfgrtgrmnzqn the firth gand leg Madison pointed out before the A strong sign for the UK team, Junior Jeff Hellman pitched the "flit: has ‘comticeted “"9 "m5 at the
. . - - -- ' “ " inmneam.
.r ““93. .0.... .... .. '92:: start? 5.282252“: :33 “as “we... “"2. arms? .0. ”“
sI re .0”. as Ihig ..5 game wi fivehits. . I . . .‘ . ng _ .
hast Michingan hot. according to The CK team did manage do fenswe play. In the team s first two up Since coming to UK. er came on in the seventh to record Freshman Terry Schumpert has
Kentucky Coach Keith Madison. strike back in the bottom of the Victories. they were Virtually On Saturday. Kentucky's Jay Ray thesave. also hit well for the Cats. The sec-
1 1’U1'dlngupanea’1-V lead sixthwiththreerunsoitheirown. “worms; I . II " stadrtIed uagainst l-‘florida Southern b;fWe'Vf had linx pitfherls "WW. ond baseman is 5for 13 on the sea-
The Kentucky team ran into a “ e've n paying rea y we an eft gamea terthreeinnings i ore as nig ii an my one of son.
wall. however, in the form of the Eastern Michigan. however. chas- defensively." Madison said beforIe with a near perfect slate — one hit them gave up any runs" Madison
Eastern Michigan top half of the ed UK reliever Chris Carrol. who last nights same. “We havent and no runs. Tim Swob came on in said. "For the most part. all Six The Wildcats take on ism-ranked
‘ fourth. when UK relief pitcher Dan came in for Wnelan in in the fifth. made an error in two games and I the fourth and recorded the win for guys have thrown well. South Florida in Tampa today.
18 orica Trackers perform above par'
‘ ' Tennis team “1956’s 18’h"a”ked 1/01“”199’5 UK coach pleased with m t
B) KRISTOPHER Ri'ssmi. ry over a top team such as Tennes. According to Emery. his team will
. Reporter see is the first step toward Top 20 need strong play from all positions ByCHRIS WHI-ZLAN ————- Jeff Justice ran a personal best
' status In the upcoming weeks as the Wild- staff Writer “We did what we with his 4:i4.86 in the mile and
. The weekend started out on a low cats Will face a few other teams in Richard Ede broke the freshman
11919 101 ”‘11“ men‘s twin,“ phi-“1'1“ The fact that the [K squad had the TOP 20' Four UK tracksters. Mike Bun- haped to do. 1 two miletime witha9:l;t.82.
db they dropped a tough ‘1‘) 119cm“ the contest tucked away after six This weekend. UK will be partici- cic. Martin Clark. Cindy Crapper thought that our pea- Weber said that there is a pos-
10 the Texas ”Whom“ 11131111911 M1 singles matches didn't surprise pating in the Yale Indoor Team and Andy Redmond. came out on ,, sibility that he might send Clark
81:1,[her1a1‘101l1hh1dw f th k i Emery Championships with the first match top at the Southeastern Confer~ pie ran really well. and Redmond to Florida nest
_ (’I“?‘91I- . ‘3‘ f9“ 0 e “9??” of the tournament pitting L'K ence indoor championships this Don Weber, weekend for a chance to qualify
‘ 1 1111p1(.),1ed ‘1”11‘ toppledIIIouiinille. “I think that we match up with against 16th-ranked Harvard. PaSt weekend in Baton Rouge. UK ck coach for the NCAA ChamPlOYlShlPS- bill
> ‘1“ Saturday And 0“ bunday. the anvbodv in the country in singles La. _’ra this 155““ undetermined.
squad ”hid: hIl-‘lOI?’ bli beflllnt’. Ten- right now.”he said. .., think we match up well with “We did what we hoped to do.“ ‘ Currently. Buncic. Crapper and
. ' "9>>W~"‘n 9‘ “‘1 ml 9mm” Harvard in singles“ Emery ha“, Head Coach Don Weber said. “I the most painful race that I'd Polyak are the ones who have
e most garing spo on e .. . . . . . . , _ on our eran rea y everrun." qua l or c m ions i ‘
,. .- . » . . _ Th 1 1 t th “‘1 They hate three real stlong dou [h ght that peopl 11 lif'ed f the ha p1 h‘ps
1h? \lClOI‘} agatnst the \015 “85 team this year. and something that bles teams and it should be a good well." The men's team overall scored March 8-9 in Syracuse.N.Y.
mam“ time a U‘ team has beaten COUld cause a problem later in the test for m -- Weber said Clark's and Red 40 paints and finished in sixth “W t l
111 lop 20 "Blair: dnf 111171313111: $350?- season. is in Kentucky doubles 1 1’ mond‘s individual performances place. with ihgefien? :flizmgfizeg
4N year. 1 1 e ea ‘3 1 0”“3 teams. According to Emerv. the Emery i'n't kiddin 'h . .. were “two of the best races I've Weber was also 1 's i “th . 1'
. , , 4 _ en he. peri.6( \\l . _ .. . .
State-Long Beach 1." the semifinals players have been working hard his team :an matchgu; well infill: everseen. the individual pelformances 3:33;“ 5:1?(1‘ Evgrgbody we
01 the National Invitational Tourna- 0"” the 1135! few weeks 10 perfect le‘ In the l t 1 ll . 1 Int .. ll _ “They were truly outstanding." turned in by Buncic. Crapper and .. g w u score, 1 ‘ .
ment Cal. State at the time was th irdo bl < 1. - g. 5‘ . aes e‘“ e1“) 8 he dd L" p l"k We exceeded expectations
. 1 . ' e u fipd)‘ giaite Tennis Standings. Kentucky a ed. , . 1‘ oya . w'th h -'
ranked 18thln the nation. , - CI k 'h the l B the . I t emen. headded.
"1 in k 't“ tth _, S da '3 _ placed two players m the top «10. . ar . w 0 won. me in a . unCic won mens shot put . . ‘
. m .1 5, e I““l.°n, un -‘ “l‘m really pleased with our dou- Paul Varga moved from a pre~sea~ time of 4:05.14, said. “I felt a lot with a throw of wfeet-slz. Crap— The women s team finished
the b19391 win “Sr; (x. coach bles. and I think we‘ve got the right son ranking of 38th to 29th in the of pressure“ going into the race. per captured the women's Shot with 20 points overall. good for
MIMI"? Ianiery Isdid‘I We (1.0" t exac- combinations."he said. poll so when it was over he was put with a throw of 52-feet-l and seventh place in the conference.
11>1;:“83131.11Iu>1r1?u§pm I It would be hard to say that the The biggest surprise for the Wild» pleased and “relieved to get it Polyak threw 49-feet-10 to place Even though the women‘s team
. Te pa“ 15-.119301561111. fothlmery. ”‘1 doubles teams were SUCCBSSfUl cats was the placement of sopho- outoftheway." fourth. performed above the normal
“eeI'hnIg dh {111%,39‘" 5 team ‘5 Off to against the Longhorns Texas was more I)a1vid Keevins at the 39th p03, Redmond. who won the two- The UK team also had a few standard. according to Weber.
5";ch 22g? 5:210! guaranteed the victorious in all three doubles tion mile in 8:46.66. said. “When it personal bests turned in by run— 3:3”? are INS! "Ol enough mem~
u r . ' ‘ ' . ' ' ' . . - i I. . t _ .
. victory over Tennessee might t matches. A bigger surprise may come down was over. I realized that it was ners who didn twin. is oscore well.
» I'K into the the nation‘s Top 20 ms? the Wildthatg. holwever. it was 11181110111111 as the Wildcat;1 Sl’f‘lnd :11 .____————————_——————~0..
teams. The Wildcats are currently irst timet e cubes teams had gout c ant-e a ma, ing e op 1.0 0
ranked 24th and Emery said a victo played together in any top match. . for the first tlmein history. l B“) Kernel Classy leds __‘ ANNOUNCEMENT
. John s Hoyas remain on top
. . ’ ’ l'he :dvisory Committee on Student Cod. Revision is
» curren y giving serious consido t’ t that ll ‘
Blg I I last tltans to ClaSh tomorrow A great W8", proposed revisions of the Code tr; gtgdezt Condzczthg
. . ‘ . a great buy. Committee solicits writton commontson thou propo-
B) JIMU‘t‘ONNI-ILI. City Conference regular-season title ing fron: 13th to eighthtilvltlticmggglci :21: 135.5153'2223m‘321d 213331955: 0:: Chair";
Associated Press with a 206 mark. are 19th and 20th ”lg "'9 ories over an K‘ 5 I I .,. 0,. . °" "' . 9 "mm: o
in this poll. Conference rivals Wake Forest and .0 .- i f I\\ f/IuIIl‘l’I outli°$gxffcggf1zgds'm’xfgfifzdl’oggmc:
. St. John‘s and Georgetown — who North Carolina State. 18-? and cur- (leImson. I . V" D' 11111 1.111” I‘l 11111! :aI than Friday, March 8, ‘19“
have a confrontation tomorrow _. rently tied for the Atlantic Coast Nevada-Las tegas. 22132?“ CUP 1 \‘ 0.» ‘ f—"~—— ‘4 1111 Copies of 3de, high“ and RfipomibimmIH
remained Nos 1 and 2 in The Asso- Conference lead. returns as the No. rentlyI on topIin~ the PaCific Coast ‘i I II' 14111111111” fl", . 1 III which contains the Code of Student Conduct, may be
culled Press college basketball DO” 16 team after missing seven weeks Athletic Association. improved from 35531 [1/1 . 1111111111\i_11._1 1.11111 obtained from the olorementionod office.
yesterday. and for the first time this in the Top 20. 151;: to 11:11:31??? (reorkgiaTTech. Q, . '*’ I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I .1 'l r: Material to booddod appears in bold-loco type.
. _ . - . - - ‘ i 1 .1 ,I‘ . 1 ._ .1 ,
season the Redmen are a unanimous Michigan. which beat Michigan after Izgllrng ”3:1“ eigfitl‘i‘laeestweefip 10 .. I I ll'll11111‘1111'!__ ‘1: ___ 111 1! ARTICLECIP-zengsigl'TDyfigT CONDUCT
- 11mm, h ~ .h- .h h ,d. ,h State ‘0 lumVe ‘0 2H and Mem‘ Kansas 2243 leads the Second 10 ’50." I 1 . ii 11‘ III .11. 1111.111 '1? Section 2.i nightolAdmi:::::riotlF:c1c11o3:NTs
' 51.10 115 ‘1 1‘ .9 5' .e na- phis State. 22‘2 after Winning three followed 1 by 1Syracuse Southern 1'M\\ 113.11 1 1111111 111.1 2.11 AdmissionPoli
"1m “ 10.11351 cums-"1. “"11"“ 5111113111 games 135‘ “Wk remained third Methodist Georgia Tulsa North ,4 ‘ 1 1— s 1 ' 111' 1 An 0 liconf «0. 0d."- - CY? th u ~ -
. ”1 19 games. received all 6'1 “I“ and fourth. respectively, with 1.127 C' l' 1Stat \"1 - - C1 _ .‘ .1 11 mp1 iIIIl'iI MI 11 shall 1:” be d' . . mm" °. ' "'w's'"
. . place votes from the nationwide andl 105 poian aroma . Ie. irginla ommon 0 I ‘. llll..‘1‘l‘l-11' 1 _IiIiI|. I I | Iiscrlmmatod against because of
. panel of sporLs writers and broad- 1 . 1 _ . .- wealth.IIllin015. Arizona and boycla o" . 11-11 2:30:23; $1191?" ’7" 9'“. “I."M'Im'
flute” Duke and Oklahoma switched of [Iltnmg .. -. ._ 1111;], M u . no iono origin..09° or IbQIIOI§_
.. places from last week. as the Blue Last week‘s Second 10 was Neva- ‘ 1.11 mew": "° °'h°.'w"° q,"°1"'°d h°"d"°PP°d
1 . [he Reanen‘ 2+] and undefeated Devils 20-5. garnered 934 Points da-Las Vegas. Tulsa, North Caroli- The wait IISOUIDBSK Dooucase savqa" Maachv Doxey each 3:3" 2;:ntf:h::2‘..d admuuon sch” “can“
. In H Blg hast Conference games. after rallying from a loss [0 North na. Iowa. Kansas. Illinois. Vir inia Iefdy-ioIassembie umislands 7? i-i :30 w- 12 D Alabase price olltheie 9° ICOP.
. , Q. 9 , d . .) . g 0 S 79 lsabuy you caniovevloo-tile depth available at threetoi $239.
. lav? (reorgetoun. ~31 A" 12‘: Carolina State with a 67452 victory Commonwealth. Georgia. Oregon Ems," 0""‘91131' W" 09'0"“ “a" C“°'"“'°°°'5 ”WW“ '3'9" 2“ 5"‘0'0'31‘198 Grants-MAM
. which “as haméd §9C0nfl onIevery over Georgia Tech. Oklahoma. 22-5. Stateand Boston College. WALES???3.13128$032101:aCS-1gigigglef0gggsla13332.5100 Havawa'e and Financial Aid 1
§ - ‘ hilllol- [OImONm‘ might at Mddbo“ fell to sixth with 901 points as the Iowa. 19-8. dropped from the list of mm“ pamge” 9° Assem‘l‘se‘” .
59W”? harden 51 JOhn 5 lock the Sooners lost to Kansas 82376 in a na» ranked teams after suffering confer- “‘—_ An applicant “'1 .011 ‘3 I'WlPlO'" 0‘. IUnivorIity “-
.\0 1 ranking "Om the Hoyas 135‘ tionally televised Big Eight Confer- ence losses to the last two teams in _ 3:32“ °':' ,° 1'3'1'"’,"Z,9'°""1"‘°'d' °.' ‘.’ ”"1‘
month when the RedmenI won the ence game Saturday the Big ,0 V Wisconsin and North- v . Y K 00's 'P. s not be discriminated
. _ _ . , _ L against because ol race, color, roll ion sex
. filst meeting in (apital (entre. b6 . . western _ Cont.mpoy.ry - l _ 9, ' g
63 Louisiana Tech. 242. made the ‘ , L_A a5candin-vian m ’9'". "'”"".°"' '"°"'°1"°'”" "°"°"°1‘?"‘
1 . jump from 10th to seventh as they Oregon State. 1945‘ 105‘ to Arizona. 9‘ “”1“" “m" 91",,93: °' ”11“" M°r°°"'.' "° ”I’m",
A ”‘9"? are ”'0 newcomers and one clinched the southland Conference the team the assed them in the ‘1"°'.' .1‘°"""°PP°d Wm W'" 5' d°"'°d 1'-
. . . p . *‘h—t manual and solol boco of the ' hand
. . returnee to the_Top 20 this week. regular-season title with victories Pac-lo standings. while Boston Col. AreaCodeGOG 162 East High Street. Lexington. Kentucky 40507 icap Y us. "no“ 1
. Ar”°"a~ 1‘50" and “ed‘fo'” the Pac» over Lamar and Arkansas State. lege. 18-8. dropped from the Top 20 2520308 Tues-Wusal 1000530Thw~evehm “Jimmy 1
1 . 1 “1 Conference lead With Southern after falling to St. John's. 7169. and
(‘al. and Loyola of Illinois. which al- North Carolina made an even Pittsburgh. 58-55. in their two Big . .
_ . . ready has clinched the Midwestern larger leap as the Tar Heels. climb» East Conference games last week. Playing This Week:
_ ., . 13v __________fl~_______, FLIP CITY
1 .__,'_‘—:',1f_ -—‘_- #“a— _ ”—1 .._._.0 -—_ 7—W‘fiV———~__— —"’~/ .
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Kama” 210 S. %‘\L d' AllYo c D ' k
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. ,. .Journallsm arhe LIBW ‘ $300” 0 k D I w
. .' 1 . . . , .. . or rin s, ro t, ine
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'. IVO’SIty 0 an I Present E ‘1‘ n ‘_ r (7‘7 _
t Ck Lexin . ‘ -44 _ _, —--- ‘i ‘ "i. 151 week of 8 week series
. , l" y, in _- ,. , . 2c 9 forCARlBBEANCRUlSE
‘ton, Ky. W'I o 4 g: g ," . ~ . races ’ Isl Prite Tonight, Rabe’/FH' Coat
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2871' ’8 pUb" 1." . ' .. "" ”1:1: . ~ 9.10312. 1 8mm“
' . llished class *1 ‘ ’1 " 10 ‘1 “0' 1 3.2L.
- _ 1 . v~1 ‘ .
. . days during the . '- iau Wool. ol Lexington Strip Off
‘ academic year ' Evséyrdiuesday. you‘ll find h m.............. Mm“ 5.0....
‘ OUT She T
. ""d "99"” d‘” '1 That cenainly110lmlght 311311111 1 1111111" M" am“ A
ing the summerl o my mm Day for youe Contest of Februo'v
' ' session. Thirdl , ' 1" P'iw
= i . 1 '-°'°""9= Taco JOHNS -
Ic 8,88 p 08 999. Gamble Rogers - Storyteller and Folk Phllosophor ° 800* When" my 3 ,f‘
Ipald at taxing-1 who has appeared on the Tonight Show Corner Mm ‘ m I 1" A Mm, n u‘ ' 7 5 r a)“; I \
to", Ky: m1,- '0‘ m: ”F7”. ""