xt708k74x59n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74x59n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2002 text GLSO News, April 2002 2002 2002-04 2019 true xt708k74x59n section xt708k74x59n E
emetso NEWS t
"\‘x 45.1.13! ~ ! LES'BW ,
— WflON ;
\ Wm.Kenwaq Apr" 2002
A publication 01: the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service organization E
Volume 17 Number 4 E
GLSQ Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Reverend Mel White
Open House
The Gay Service Organization signed The Coalition for Faith and Diversity E
papers of incorporation on'Aptii 28, 1977. announces a weekend of events with Mel E
“Lesbian” was added to our name a few White, author of Stranger at the Gate: To .
years later. On Sunday, April 28 from 2 Be Gay & Christian in America and E
until 5 pm we will have an Open House at Executive Director of Soulforce(www.soul- E
the Pride Center to honor our Twenty-fifth force.org). Rev. White was previously a E
Anniversary Everyone is invited to share speech writer for Jerry Falwell and other E
in this celebration. ' . fundamentalist leaders. He now confronts ,
We are particularly interested in con- religious leaders that condemn GLBT peo- !
tacting former members of our Board of ple. He will be speaking in Lexington April E
Directors! If you know how to reach some 5-7. There will be a fundraiser/reception E
of these people give Ginger a call or email with Rev. White on Friday, April 5, from 7 E
her the information. 253-3233 or lexing- tn 9 pm, $50 per person. RSVP by email E
tonglso@yahoo.com. dotti@EmpoweringDiversity.com or call E
_ _ _ _ 859-489—4791. E
Pride Center Library Highlights On Saturday, Apr“ 6’ between 1 and 3
Religion and Spirituality p.m. there will be an opportunity for area E
‘ BY Jane” Minder] ministers, as well as leaders of organiza- '
_ . I , tions in the bluegrass area, to meet and E '
mot-1:15;scgEEnti'iriSthcighlEEgfitirligctfi: 2:)an dialogue with Rev. White at the-Woodland E
collections of the Pride Center Library. My Christian Church, 51'30_East H'gh Street.
intention is to select a subject or area of Please contact Dotti (mm above) 'f you E
interest each month and provide a sam- wish to attend. E
pling of the titles. If you have any sugges- continued on page 2 E
tions or comments feel free to contact me
through the Pride Center at 253-3233. Sponsor Of the Month E
With the Reverend Mel White coming to E
Lexington this month to speak on “Spiritual T l C E
\fiolence,” It seemed appropriate to draw HE HEPEREAL 9URT E
attention to Religion and Spirituality titles E
from the Pride Center Collection. Given the 9F E
pain and cufusion that so many of us have -
Continued on page 17 KENTUCKY E
Men In Tights V .. see page 2 - See ad on pages E
.. . . l

 «— nd Rev White ...continued from page 1
e:‘“~:~:§, $1; Saturday evening, at 7 pm, Rev. White will speak at
1”“ Memorial Hall at the University of Kentucky. His
’3“ SERVICE speech is entitled “Healing the Wounds of Spiritual
" WTION \fiolence, Spirituality versus Sexuality?” Admission is
WW: KEMCKY free. tc
Rev. Mel White will also speak at a local church in
TGLSO NEWS on Sunday, April 7, time and location to be T
announced. These events [are sponsored by id
Volume 17 Issue 4 Bluegrass Fairness, the Jabez foundation, and e:
Woodland Christian Church. gi
published monthly by ____________
The nggngin Gay Moveable Feast 2'
Service Organization _ W
389 Waller Ave. Moveable has an ongorng need‘for volunteers. lf rr
you can help deliver meals between—5 and 7 give them W
Editors a call at 252-2867,..Jou can-get a specific route if you IC
_ commit to a regular schedule, .Once a week, twrce a 9
Mary Crone John Rldner month, deliver food and save a life. IE
Board Members ____—______ SI
Ter Mullins, President , , , , tr
Jernr/yNeff, Vice President LMC--"Men in Tights V" Girls Just Havmg Fun!
Mary Crone, Editor Lexington Men's Chorus presents their annual '5
Charlie Slusher, Treasurer Drag/Fundraiser show on Wednesday, April 10th at E
Joh-rrihRIdner, Selcretary 9pm. Appearing in the newly remodeled Gilded Cage (3
Kggag’lggrrlerlls showroom at the Bar Complex will be some of LMC's o
Cary Sudduth finest, dressed to the nines and wanting nothing more
Tom Collins than to entertain YOU. Past audiences will tell you it is
Bill Chandler one of the funniest and most glamorous shows of the
Dan Rogers year-
Lee Noble The show will feature the sisters DeLaRouge, Miss
Tuesday, Miss Sundae and Miss Lazy—think the Gabor
GLSO Annual Dues & sisters without the heavy accents and prettier clothes!! 3
Newsletter. Also gracing the stage will be Kelesa Sands and p
Individual _ $15 Jennifer Grant. The production number this year is g
Couple _ $25 “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," fully costumed and par- V.
_ . _ tially choreographed as always. , tl
Sr‘:mli‘fipéfgixgéhgnifiar:$ For the $5 admission fee you get aimilli‘on dollars
essarily represent those of the GLSO worth of fun. Bring your friends, family andcoworkers. fl
Egret-2:233:31;:triowsgggnawi‘: Remember to bring "tip“ money for the girls as well as q
sions and advertisements as we" as money to by raffle tickets. This years extravaganza will a
21:, 6:518:12: tsreiect SmeiSSiOr‘s °r support LMC's efforts to attend the regional GALA con- :3
' ference in Cincinnati inril‘uly. Find out more about LMC
by visiting their web site at www.lmcky.org. —
GLSO Page 2

 Comm ”t N *
FTM & Im-ersex Li sfsepv sons are encouraged to participate as well. i
Announcing a new listserv for female— We also-welcome supportive friends and 3
to—male transsexuals and male identified community members who have an Interest :
intersexuals living or working in Kentucky. '9 Issues ansmg due to gender presenta- L
The purpose of this listserv is for male- tion, identity, and variance.
identified transpeopje to network, The group meets on the second l
exchange advice and information, and be Monday and fourth Sunday of each .month
given the possibility of meeting in person. at 7pm 'n a private home 'n Lexungton.
The listserv is open to anyone who is or Email LexDGA@aol.com or call (859)433' l
. has already made or started an official 8388 for the location. Meetings are free i
change in status from female gender to and are not a substitute for therapy; the l
male gender (via full-time living, or hor— group founders do "Ct offer therapy or i
f mones, or surgery) and individuals born counseling. You may dress however you i
1 with incomplete or‘ambiguous genitals who feel comfortable. l
1 identify as male in adulthood. There is a
a great need among FTMs to disseminate ACTOUT ‘
legal and medical information specific to , ;
Kentucky as well as a need to discuss ActOut has chosen The Laramie Project i
_ social and political implications of being as their production for Pride Month 2002. i
transgendered. Tryouts for this play will be on May 6 and i
For privacy, membership to this listserv 7, 7 pm at the Pride Center. There are 11 E
II is restricted. For more information, contact roles including both male and female parts i
FTMinKYowner@yahoogroups.com or view and covering a wide age range (22 to 60). .
it http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ftminky. The play will be preformed during the last ,
3 Guys living in border towns are also wel- two weekend in June. l
3 come. ;
a I l
“ . SisterSound l
S Lexmgton Dress & l
Gender Alliance SisterSound is rehearsing every
5 Sunday night for their next concert, Girls 9
,r LDGA is a new social support group for Night Out. There are singing lots of fun i
H anyone who transcends gender normsand songs by girl groups. Put it on your calen- l
5 wishes to socialize with other like-minded der now, May 18th at the Singletary 1
people or discuss issues they face. The Center. l
3 group is open and supportive for anyone _
" who dresses, acts, or thinks differently from KentUCKY BIWay l
the gender in which they were raised. l
s “The group founders hope that-male and There is a new Bisexual support group Ii
‘- female crossdressers, transvestites, drag that meets in Lexington. Questions can be
s queens and kings, transgendered lnleIdU- directed to Lovingheart, founder of i
ll 3'3, transsexuals, Sender outlaws; and 99"- Kentucky BiWay» at KyBiWay@ureach.com ‘{
|_ der 'questlonlng InlelduaIS wrll, attend. Check out the web site at http://wwwgeoc- l
3 Family members of gender euphoric per- , -ities.com/kybiway/ l
GLSO page 3 !
L2.-.__. _ # ____ J

 I— ' —|
“i *llome BIIYIIIQ Made HIST" fBE
2:00 PM ‘ ‘
(ifil MISWCI'S [0 all your IIIIBSIIIDIIS:
' 9 Can I qualify for a home loan?
o How much money will I need to buy a home?
9 How do I start my search?
9 What are the steps in the buying process?
0 How much will the house payment be?
0 What if I want to build a new home?
Hosted By: .
Scott Ackerman Kim Farmer
Paul Semonin Realtors National City Bank
338-8483 281—5234 .
. m
L_ _J

PR 5 5 E NTS
2 aim-Ii? I V‘ixi‘i ~' $.42” ‘ ' 333:: Mt: Wit}: A:
5 __ MW fig» mate and .
f‘ ‘ . , 5 12’ Va" ;, wit,
1- 5 1*“ é; ' x‘ ;: 1‘17 .1 it. “uh.
‘witft gm 3600i ‘3 7 “fume-t ”ti-ii” _’ PM“ awards
mzdifaoteao Sf 23‘?le ' 33;: ‘HSCZ at BMW? thwarted
MW - ' ‘1» i admit . ‘3’ ’
:9an .. ‘ ‘4‘ .. . Jmfie “WW it"
~ Scheduled to ARE-fir ‘zc‘i‘mm‘m
Empress 9 of Kentucky Reigning Miss Gay World
5 Cwmnie EDiel/ricfi. .‘Dam St. flames , ,
i The Blonde Bombshell The Queen of the Catwalk
I?” 7 fjmnw Shutter ‘UicfiiSt. jameo :33, a ,
a“? Farther Miss Gay National and ' , ' “7’13”
7. . aofifeu W back from retirement
’i‘ilégIhe illusion of Confusion Regent Emmess 5 0’ Kentucky
' - )
& 5.7 Jedi Santana W“ “3W ’ Wrfidc
TUESDAY APRIL 23. 2002 AT 8:00 P.M.
—" I «Maw—W

 Trick Center News
389 Waller (859) 253-3233 M-F 10-3 Sat 94
Discussion Group Famfly Movies
The GLSO Discussion Group continues
to be a popular place to meet and talk with Lesbian Movie Night ' on Friday April 12
a variety of GLBT folks. Every Wednesday at 7 pm we Wi“ be showing What’s
at 7 pm you are invited to share good con- Cooking, 3 multi-family, multi-cultural look
versation and laughter. For information, at Thanksgiving. We are introduced to a
contact Ginger during the day at the Pride Jewish family with a lesbian daughter and
Center (859-253—3233) or Jane in the her partner. an hispanic family with a phi-
evening at 276-0672. landering husband, a cross generational
\fietnamese family struggling with
Writing Practice Americanized *children, and an African
On the second and fourth Saturdays of American family where tensions arise
each month, Davina has organized a wn't- between a successful father and his son
ing practice group at the center. In April who thinks he has sold out. Kyra Sedwick
that will be the 13th and the 27th. We and Julianna Margulies do a great job as
experiment with writing exercises and the lesbian couple. The film also stars
share our work. No experience necessary, Mercedes Ruehl, Alfre Woodard and Joan
regular attendance not required. Bring a Chen.
pen and some paper and join us.
Men’s Night Out - On Tuesday April 23rd,
[DI-me mum] Cummmee we will be showing Billy Elliot. The ladies
The Pride Month committee will meet WOU'd like this movie also.
on Thursday, April 18 at 7 pm at the
Center. This is open to any interested indi- Classic Movie Matinee ' On Sunday April
viuals. All groups planning an activity 21, at 3:00pm, join us for Cabaret. It is the
should call Terry at Moveable Feast during city 0f Berlin in 1930, a time when POIitioal
the day at 252-2867 to be sure the time is unrest racks Germany, the economy has
free and email details of the event to been destroyed, and millions 0f unem-
Terry_Mu||ins@msn.net. lncludeadiscrip— ployed roam the streets. Enter into this
tion of the event, time, date, lace, and cost. chaos an American cabaret dancer (Liza
Deadline for inclusion in the Pride Minnelli), working at the downtown "Kit-Kat
Brouchure is April 28th. Deadline forinclu- C'Ub" where anything goes on stage. Into
sion in May GLSO News is May 15th. this young dancer's lifelcome several char-
acters including a rich German politician, a
young Jewish man struggling with his sex-
ual identity, and teacher from London. Also
- starring is Michael York.
Do your copying o! the
Pride Genie:
8.05 per page
GLSO Page 6

The Lexington Men’s Chorus
in association with .
i The Bar Complex E
a - presents E
l . .
_ E ‘ . E
.i Men In Tights V E
3 Girls Just Havmg Fun E
1 r. E
l; Featu ring the talents of 3.
s Tuesday DeLa Rouge E
Sundae DeLa Rouge V E
., Lazy DeLa Rouge E
s Kelesa Sands ’ .
H Jennifer Grant
f. Wednesday, April 10, 2002 E
s The Bar Complex E
.— Doors open at 8:00 PM ;
s Show starts at 9:00 PM E
It Admission $5 E
" For information, please contact Darrell Maines at (859) 537- E
a 6482 ‘ E
'— = l
i . l
° All proceeds to benefit the many charities of the Lexington E
Men’s Chorus
- ' GLSO Page 7 E
_._ -,,~___. 'W~~~~~~W i

 Jubi|ee Fe||owship but its membership does reflect the views
of much of the Catholic community that
Jubilee Fellowship is a Christ-centered there should be ministry to and for the gay
charismatic church where people of all gen- and lesbian communities.
ders, sexual orientation and color are wel- Dignity is active in our community in a
come. Some have asked what charismatic variety of ways. We participate in the
means. This simply means we believe in AIDS ministry, Moveable Feast, sponsored
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and our by the Episcopal Church. Additional
worship style is lively and upbeat. We information"isavailable at 859-268-1351.
believe that Jesus is alive and well and
desires a daily personal relationship with Interweave
each one of us. Join us on the second Sunday of each
We would like to have you join us for month for Pot luck lunch after the service.
worship and study. Our church currently The Unitarian Universalist Church is locat-
meets every Wednesday night at7pm. For ed at 3564 Clays Mi" Rd- We are a
more information or directions please call Welcoming congregation where GLBT
BeVefly or Corina at 264-7006 or e-mail us individuals are welcomed and encouraged
at cwbm121893@aol.com. We look for- to participate in all aspects of our church
ward to hearing from you. community. Services at 10:45 every
Sunday. Call 266-5904 for information.
Wishing Chair
Integrity, an EPISCODaI support group Wishing Chair’s new CD'S, Crow, is
for LBGT people, meets at St. Michaels .
_ now available for purchase. You can
Episcopal Church on Bellefonte Dr. We . .
. _ find it at goldenrod.com, amazon.com,
welcome everyone to 10m us on the second .
cdbaby.com. , terrakln.com, Joseph-Beth
Sunday of each month at 4 pm. We have . .
, , Booksellers and Poor Richard 3 Books.
increased our membership and would love .
. , Looking ahead to May 8th, the
to included other interested folks. Call . . . .
_ Camegle Songwriter Series Wlll feature
Rev.DaVId Boyd or Rev. Sandy Stone for . . , . . .
_ f t277 7511 JBl t , l _ Jamie Anderson. Jamles mu3lc ls delight-
m 0 a - or n egrlty@ao .com ful, and often very funny. Don’t miss this
Dignity opportunity to see a wonderful entertainer.
Dignity Lexington continues to meet at PFLAG ,
the Pride Center on the first and third Parents, Friends, and Family of
Sundays 0f the month at 7 pm. On the Lesbians and Gays, will be meeting regu-
third Sunday, we oonrliluotra W0rShiPhserVé larly on the second tuesday of each month
ice, which is open to a - here is a s are at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. The
discussion 0f the scripture readings fOi- church is on the corner of Tates Creek and
lowed by a Fellowship hour. Armstrong .Mill Road.
Dignity is not officially accepted by the Contact Dotti Berry for info at 489-4791 or
hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, Dotti@EmpoweringDiversity.com.
GLSO Page 8 I

 , l
”a? a
fl ;
ay " b l
g; “Newly Demodeled” l
TheGilded Cage Cabaret l
:2 also
ry . :
The Johnny Angel Dlsco l
6‘ In 3—D”
:2 ,i
:2 e l
1;: l
o. f 3 clubs l
:3 I place l
Celebrating 21 years in business. 1
0r ' God Bless America 1
_ ———-—-—-——-——-—-——_a§a;;g:9 l
. ______7 Wm“ A__#_*_WW J

 Research on Aging tact: Alice Foose e-mail: afoose@indi- -
. . ana.edu, 502-451-8039 or 502-876- f
. A research proiect “looking at the rela- 4280(cell) You may also leave you phone
tionship between partiCIpants somal net- number with Ginger at the Pride Center
work and leisure actIVIty is being conduct- and your call will be returned. (253_3323)
ed by Alice Foose, a graduate student at
Indiana University. She is particularly inter- Study Of Lesbian Mothers
ested in including interviews with GLBT ‘ . . .
. . . . . . A research proiect at UK is looking for
indIVIduals. The study is limited to . . .
. . . . . volunteers to partICIpate in a study;-
CaucaSIan subjects. InterVIews Will begin ,, . s:
. . Exploring the nature-of support systems
May 15 and continue through mid June. f le b' in th rs a d co m th _ T’
Volunteers between the ages of 60 and be; “81"?" t: e ti; 'the o ers ' 0
90 are needed for a two hour interview. I: 9' :17 3:3: ("Tie e' arrs f
The first set of questions will focus on we 8. ieig en ye 0 age or
. . . . . . . older) identifying as lesbian or bisexual
somal support, life actIVIty, satisfaction With .
. . . . who has primary custody of at least one
life, and general demographic information. . . . . .
. . . child (under age eighteen) livmg With or
The second part Will involve creating a .
. . . Without a partner or the partner of such a
somal network diagram by answering . . .
. woman, who has lived With the family for 6
question about the people you know and
. . . months or more. .
their relationship to you. (spouse, partner, . . . . .
. . If interested in partICIpating, please call
children, friends.) . .
. . . Jill at (859)271-8285. A survey Will be
The final part of the interVIew Will .
. . . . mailed to you for you to fill out and return.
explore your daily actIVIties, and who sup- All . f t' 'll . f' d t' l
ports or hinders your participation in these m orrna '0" WI remain con ' en '8'
activities. If you are interested please con-
Healing Sea Myofasaal Release
and Bodywork ' ‘
u ”mats-245%”? »
'. ‘ » “W“iig“mv‘é ii m. M ,
a“ my - . ' . '
thfifl'é’wesneieiusfihfisvmp‘wmsi W :
1 “skin-wire ‘0 w” J“
. formimgafi-ééfifecmePammsiefi '
- ”WW aim-WW “‘1‘
Matthew Schuler, L.M.T.. - .. - - .
(859)420-4MFR * (859) 263—3998 j ' '
203 Woodland Ave”'LeXington’.'(inside Hair Razors)
*Ncn‘ionally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
*Licensed Massage Therapist *Member AmericanMassage Therapy Association
GLSO page 10 -~'

 GLSO News Sponsors 2002 ‘
Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201 ;
fl 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside t
f” .Scott Ackerman . .~'.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-205
r ' (mobile) 338-8483 ' 5
_ . For all your real estate needs ‘
SisterSound......................i.......243-0243 i
Diverse music for all women 1
‘ TheCreativeTeam........................494—1832
‘ ' ' Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner ‘
Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
A Charity Organization

“ TheBarComplex.........................255-1551 g
224 East Main Street 3

, Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448

3 Seeking a Diverse Congragation ‘

“ Kentucky Fairness Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296-7812 1

' i www.bluegrassfainess.org
' Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244

‘1 1513 Nicholasville Road ‘

i WindyKnollFarm.........................299-7410

V ' Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding ‘

Lexington Men’s Chonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0090

‘ Rehearsal every Sunday

j Prudential Securities, David Cupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033 i

‘1 Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families

1 PegasusTravel...........................253-1644 ;

‘, Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

 Call number In A ril 2002
Directory for Location. p . »
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 , ,5 6
7 pm GSA i 7 Pm Jubilee Fellowship 6:30 Women’s Spirituality Pride Center Open 104
8 pm AA Step Study _ i 7 Pm'plscussion Group . 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
' : . 8 pm'Gay/Lesbian AA ' - .
7 8 . , 9 1 O 1 1 1 2 1 3

10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm FamessSteenng . 7 pm GSA 7 pm Discussion/Support , i 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Pn‘ded Center Open 9-4

10:45 am UU Church Committee 2 Group 2 “Watermelon Woman" 10 am Lex. Men's Chorus

5 pm Imperial Court of KY 7 pm C.O.L.T.s 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship :_ r. . ‘ 10 am Writing Workshop

5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus 3 pm AA Step sde 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Gay/ Lesbian AA

6 pm SisterSound 7

7 pm Dignity Pot-Luck _'

7 pm HUGS ‘ 3

14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20

10:30am Faith MCC 7 Pm GSA 7 pm Discussion/Support 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 6:30 Women’s Spirituality

10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm PFLAG Group 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA

12:12 Interweave Pot-Luck 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship

4 pm Integrity 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA

5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus

6 pm Imperial Court of KY -

6 pm SisterSound . .

7 pm HUGS

21 22 23 24 , 25 26 27

10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm GSA 7 pm Men's Night Out 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Pride Center . 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ Pride Center Open 9-4

10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Discussion Group Committee .

3 pm Classic Movie Night 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA -

_ 5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Choms ;
6 pm SisterSound
7 pm Dignity Mass & HUGS
28 29 3O . 28 29 ' 30

10:30am Faith MCC 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA .

10:45 am UU Church 9 pm Rainbow Bowling -

1 pm Bluegradd KFA

5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus .

6 pm Imperial Court of KY _ '

6 pm SisterSound . ‘
GLSO Pare12 ' . ~ GLSO Page 13

. -__,. 7, . _. . . -. --_:"_-.-.;' " ""1“.”7‘ 'i’flW—W” “i“ " ' ’ ' ’ ’ ”W” "‘ ' ' _,..a.__u__.....,. -*-#--i-:~-r "

 ‘55 5‘5 .555: :5 55, 55
5 5555 5 E 5555 5 ,5
55555 55E: :5- iv
55‘55555 '55 5E‘5 55' .5 5?;
5‘55 .. : ,5
E Sunday April 21st, 2002 ,
Come join us for some free fun, friendly competition!
Refreshment, information, prizes and much more. .
Sponsored by AIDS Volunteers and .7
Volunteers of American HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs '
Practice and Game Dates: SUNDAY, 2:00-4:00 pm
April 21st - Registration and First Practice
April 28th E
May 5th ,
May 19th .
June 2nd
June 9th f
June 16th ‘,
TOURNAMENT: SATURDAY, June 22nd, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
For More Information Contact: _ r“ :
: Larry Collins, AIDS Volunteers 222-1918 y tr .;
Keith Lyons, AIDS Volunteers 222-1920 55,555 .
Mark Johnson, Volunteers of America 254-3469 _ v V
5 John Bentley, Volunteers of America 254-3469 ‘ 'Q a

 MCC: LENTEN LAUGHTER his pointed questions.
MEMO FROM THE Judas. He seemed to be very practical,
PASTORAL SEARCH COMM'TTEE cooperative, good with money, cares for
In our search for a suntable pastor, the fol- the poor, and dresses well. We all agreed
lowmg scratch sheet was developed for that he isjust the man we are looking for to
your perusal. Of the candidates Investigat- fill the vacancy as our Senior Pastor.
ed by the committee, only one was found
to have the necessary qualities. ;The list Thank you for assisting us with our pastoral
contains the names of the candidates and search. Sincerely,
comments on each, should you be inter- The Pastoral Search Committee.
ested in investigating them further for
future pastoral placements)” - So what’s happening at your local MCC
this month? Faith MCC, located at 145
Noah. He has 120 years of preaching Burt Road, in Zandale, holds Sunday mom-
experience, but no converts. ing worship services at 10:30 am. MCC is
also your local outlet to support AVOL with
Moses. He stutters; and his former con- your $15 donation for a Christmas oma-
gregation says he loses his temper over ment. For more MCC information, call
triVia' things- (859) LEX-FMCC. The church e-mail
Abraham. He took off to Egypt during hard address is LMCCREVMEL@AOL.com.
times. We heard that he got into trouble
with the authorities and then tried to lie his
way OUt' Kentucky Fairness Alliance .
David. He is an unacceptable moral char— Bluegrass Chapter
acter. He might have been considered for
minister of music had he not fallen. 33% L ‘
"’7' "1'3: 1
Solomon. He has a reputation for wisdom . “ .. 9“
. . W‘Wfl . -- up“
but fails to practice what he preaches. . fi?"l&§m‘£} ,.
John. He says he is a Baptist but lacks fli‘mg'bm‘ma
tact and dresses like a hippie. Would not Fairness works with legislators and other
feel comfortable around him at a church decision-makers to ensure equal treatment .
potluck supper. . of LGBT people in the Bluegrass and
around the state. Contact us to help in the
Peter. Has a bad temper, and was heard fight and to stay informed on important
to have even denied Christ publicly. issues.
Paul. We found him to lack tact. He is too 6 BLUEG ss
harsh. His appearance is contemptible, FHAPTER oxentucky FA'RNESS "
Fairness Alliance _;
and he preaches far too long. PO Box 22032 , ., 5
Jesus. He tends to offend church mem- ‘232'33335? "0 More, "0 L955 l
bers with his preaching, especially Bible, Call: (859) 296-7812/lvisit www.muegrassraimessgrgl
scholars. He is also too controversial. He
even offended the search committee with
GLSO Page 15

Que ’ 01‘]! people who were trangendered or who vio- tr
JCentucfiy er Hm lated gender norms. The April 16, 1863, tr
Tart II: 581701? 1930 Louisville Daily Democrat carries a descrip- Vl
tion of an apparent suicide by a female sol- a:
Many people ask me if my doctoral dier passing as a man. In researching his ul
research found much information about family genealogy, Marc Rhor er, an intervie-
queer Kentuckians before the 20th centu- wee for my study, similarly found an intn'gu- W
ry. Regardless of whether individuals of ing Clipping describing the suicide 0f one p'
such times viewed themselves as queer, Stanley Rhorer of Mercer County. This W
there are hints to a richer past to queer Clipping describes Stanley Rhorer as living rr
Kentucky than we currently know. These in St- Louis as a "Mrs..Green", the manag- Ol‘
rare glimpses usually arise either from er ofa boarding house. Stanley's male sex 1'
legal cases or newspaper reports of indi- was only discovered upon her death. Her n'
viduals violating gender norms. family comments in the Clipping only that w
As early as pre-colonial times, Stanley had left home years before with a "
Kentuckian John Tanner, a heterosexual woman and had since not contacted them. h'
. kidnapped and raised by Native In his research on Shakers, Marc tl‘
Americans, was describing an Qiibway Rhorer also found a reference to a Shaker 'p'
berdache around the Great Lakes. sister expelled from Pleasant Hill for trying
Tanner’s narrative is probably the oldest to seduce other sisters. For queer women
connection between a queer person and a especially, bUt also for queer men, celibate 3'
Kentuckian that I've found. By the early Shakertown may have provided a refuge a
‘ 1800s, when Aaron Burr was in Kentucky, from pressures to marry.
the two male co-editors of Frankfort's anti- There are Other issues Cf speculation-
Burr Western World newspaper were subtle stereotypes Where modern queer C
, openly called "sodomites." Sodomy laws Kentuckians may see commonality with the
were already on the books, and strayt past regardless of whether such past indi- (l
. Kentuckians obviously knew what viduals were queer. In the Frankfort ceme- C
sodomites were. tery holding Daniel and Rebecca Boone's a
‘ Later in 1880, the US. Census lists a graves, there are two nearby, identical C
table of prisoners convicted of "Crimes gravestones. They mark the graves or two
Against Nature" and lists two such prison- prominent Nineteenth century l'l
ers in Kentucky. Legal cases such as Kentuckians, Robert Burns Wilson and H
; Commonwealth v Poindexter in 1909 also William Thompson Price. Wilson, "Poet Ir
point to early homosexual practices in and Painter" on his gravestone, and Price,
. Kentucky. In this case the conviction of "Author and Dramatist", married women C
two black Kentucky men for oral sex was late in life. Where are their wives' graves ’l’
‘ thrown out by Kentucky's highest court and Why are they buried next to each P
because the then sodomy law only prohib- Other? Perhaps the stereotypical associa- C
ited anal sex. It was not until 1974 that tion of the arts With queer ness leads us to
oral sex between male same-sex partners speculate that these two men were lovers. Vl
and femaie homosexuality of any type also A similar attitude towards lesbians and Vi
. became illegal. It is also interesting to Sports leads to Similar speculation about (E
3 note that in 1880 two-thirds of sodomy Lexington's Marion Miley, the top U-S- Vi
; convictions nationwide involved black female golfer in 1937. who was murdered in
men. Sodomy laws were thus used to dis- 1941-
cipline "uppity" blacks in the Nineteenth Even Kentucky's favorite son, Abraham R
‘ Century and to discipline outqueer people Lincoln, has been linked to a long-term
in the Twentieth. relationship with Joshua Speed, a man with V
A number of other stories arise from whom he shared a bed for four years. Later
GLSO Page 16 " _

 - they shared intimate letters and described each other as part of the revelry. By 1930
, their mutual fear of marriage to women. James "Sweet Evening Breeze" Hemdon,
- Whether this relationship was of a sexual perhaps the first out queer person in
- and romantic nature is still a matter of spec- Lexington, would have been almost forty
s ulation. years old and already a fixture of down-
- What we do know is that at least men town.
- were having sex with other men and being This past is difficult to document.
, punished by the court system for it. Butch Women (and thus lesbians) and people of
; women were trying to pass as men and color faced many restrictions on public life
i many likely succeeded here ontthe frontier and left few documents. Ranging from
. of the 17005 and 1800s. By the early Shaker sisters to married men on the
{ 19305, there was the Circuit, a well-known downtown tearoom Circuit, we do not know
— network of Lexington tearooms (a gay slang how these individuals viewed themselves.
t word for public restrooms used for anony- We may yet still place upon them a sense
I mous sex). Lexington queer men were of kinship, and the exploration of this past
hosting drag parties in the 19205 where certainly teases us with the possibilities of
: they would dress up and take pictures of queer lives and loves.
' Pride Center Library Highlights
' Continued from page 1
1 suffered, and the yearning for a spiritual life of our own is it any wonder that these books
, are already among the most popular'in the library.
‘ Here’s some of what you will find:
Christ, Carol. R. Laughter of Aphrodite: Reflections on a Journey to the Goddess.
(BL 458.C48)
Conner, Randy P. Blossom of Bone: Reclaiming the Connections Between Homoeroticism
and the Sacred. (BL 65.H64 C66)
Curb, Rosemary. Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence. (BX 4225.L47)
Harvey, Andrew. The Eessential Gay Mystics. (BL 625.E76)
Houle, Joseph W. The Road to Eemmaus: Daily Eencounters with the Risen Christ: An
Inclusive Devotional. (BV 4811 R628)
O’Neill, Craig. Coming Out Within: Stages of Spiritual Awakening for Lesbians and Gay
Men. (BV 4596.638054 C733)
Piazza, Michael S. Holy Homosexuals: The Truth About Being Gay or Lesbian and
Christian. (BR 115.H6 P922)
White, Mel. Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America. (BX 9896.28 W586)
Williams, Robert. “Just as lAm”A Practical Guide to Being Out, Proud, and Christian.
(BR 4596.638 W55)
Wilson, Nancy. Our Tribe: Queer Folks, God, Jesus, an