xt708k74vt3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74vt3k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1989 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, February 4, 1989 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, February 4, 1989 1989 1989 2014 true xt708k74vt3k section xt708k74vt3k ffl ’
KENTUCKY LADY KATS (10-10, 1-3) VS. GEORGIA (17-3, 3-1)
Saturday, February 4, 1989
Memorial Coliseum, LexrngTon, Ky., 7:30 p.m.
The KenTucky Lady KaTs are happy To reTurn To Ter Lisa Ellis con-   .,_ _   V -·     _,,.  
The confines ofMemorial Coliseum,even if iT is To face TribuTed 24 poinTsin “   _·‘,· ,   - ‘ 1 ‘ Q T ",ci, *_
. The No. 5 Georgia Lady Bulldogs. The Lady KaTs The Ole Missgame, A *2.iei 5   ,i»-,‘ ¤
came home Wednesday affera nighfmarish six-day KenTucky could         j   A (
Trip To Mississippi ThaT produced Two losses, one noT hold off Miss- ‘ -   T i     `
defecfion and Two illnesses. issippi's offensive .      s
The losses were boTh Soufheasfern Conference aTTack. UK Then   _ i_ . ’ ~
games (70-52 To Mississippi and 64-54 To Mississippi Traveled To Mlssis—     ·
STaTe), leaving UK 10-10 overall, 1-3 in The SEC and a sippl STaTe wiTh     ,
loser of four sTraighT games. UK was on a si><—game hopes of a spliT on    
winning sTreak before The slide. The road Trip, buT °     ,2
When The Lady KaTs gdThered for prdcTice on The Lady Bulldogs ‘    
Thursday, Things goT worse. Junior cenTer Lora Spen— had someThing dif- .   g
cer, who sTarTed 24 games lasT year and Two as a ferenT in mind and ‘  
freshman, decided To leave The Team for per- ruled on Their  ;_ f;I;;;L»é¤‘   ~f’
sonal reasons. A 6—fooT-1 naTive of Russellville, Spen— home courf. t. T t      gj ,   
cer had sTarTed in one game This season, buT had T a m m y e _  ...»    0 ' ___     _
seen a sharp decline in playing Time. AgainsT Mlssis— Jenkins, Georgia's A  "  ’i'i    "  _  `’’‘ ‘
sippl she played one minuTe and againsT MSU she 6-4 sophomore Kgmcky Cgmemsc EIMS
played Two minuTes. She was averaging 3.1 poinTs cenTerand sisfer of
and 2.5 rebounds. former UK WildcaT Cedric Jenkins, leads Georgia in
STarTing forward Vanessa FosTer-SuTTon, and sub- scoring and rebounds wiTh an average of 15.1 poinTs
sTiTuTe guard Theresa Sfewari, meanwhile, were ab- and 7.5 rebounds a game. Senior Carla Green is
senT because of flu—like sympToms. second in scoring wiTh an average of 13 poinTs and
Georgia was on a nine—game winning sTreak unTil conTribuTes To Team rebounding wiTh 5.5 per game. `
The Team was halTed by The No. 2 Tennessee Lady Alfhough her playing Time has dwindled, senior
Vols, 78-64, lasT SaTurday. The loss, Georgia's firsT in guard Jodie WhiTakerconTinuesTolead The Lady KaTs
SEC play, broughf The Lady Bulldogs record To 3-1 in in scoring wiTh 11.7 poinTs and in assisfs wiTh 57.
conference acTion and 17-3 overall and dropped Whifaker, who was a sTarTer on The UK sauad earlier `
Coach Andy Lander’s sauad from No. 4 To No. 5 in This season, has been Iiffed from The lineup and seen .
The polls. The Lady Bulldogs have finished every her playing Time fall from an average of27.1 minuTes
season since 1983 ranked in The Top 20. over The lasT four games. _
KenTucky, on The oTher hand, was experiencing
Troubles of iTs own in Mississippi. AlThough junior cen-
Helping you communicate through the prmted zmage . . .
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First Row (H2): Sharon Baldwin, LeJuana Hardman, ldm Berry, Adrienne Shuler and Carla Green. Second Row (L-R): Lisa V
Kendrick, Jill Mitchell, Tena DeVore, Tammye Jenkins, Sherelle Warren, Tari Phillips and Stacey Ford.
NO. NAME HT. CL. POS. Hometown/School
l2 Lisa Kendrick 5-ll Jr. F Albany, GA
ld Carla Green 5-9 Sr. G LaGrange, GA
2l Sharon Baldwin 5-8 Jr. G Marietta, GA
23 Lady Hardman 5-l0 Fr. F-G Atlanta, GA
25 Kim Berry 5-7 So. G Greenback, TN
30 Adrienne Shuler 5-6 So. G Bowman, SC
33 Wendy Walker 5-A Jr. G Perry, GA
AA Tena DeVore 6-l So. F Alpharetta, GA
53 Stacey Ford 6-2 So. F Anderson, SC
54 Sherelle Warren 6-3 Jr. C Dyersburg, TN
55 Tammye Jenkins 6-A So. F-C Dawson, GA
Head Coach: Andy Landers
Assistants: Eileen Canly, Bernadette Locke, Kim Weems

Coach: Sharon Fanning Assistants: Cindy Hausarman, Andy Barnss, Jana Dalton
_ No. Playar Position Fiald Goals Fraa Throws Fouls FG/2 FG/;°°""FT Tp ~
5 *555 55 ·"¤·r -5·*·~’5--5  --H
5 555*5 555 *5 ¤""*· ‘·*·5·5·55··5/5  ----
A 5 *5 ·*··¤ 5555555·5·5-55-5 - --“
*5 55555 **'5'55··5··5·5·55-·5  --H
*5     jll`IIlIlIIlIl%--I-
12 K.-me cughanum-»y,s-s,F»—.,a/F  
*5     1lIIIII@@--l-
*5   5 ·~¤~~¤    -I--
*5   55* ==—~r    --I-
5* *55555 555*5-55-55··5 _ --I
24 Vanessa Fnstcr-Sutt¤n,5·O,.lr.,C  
az Kris Mui¤r,s-4,.ir.,o _ 111111111111  
55 555* 5*·5·5·5·5-55-·5/5 - -“
55 5555 5 =·"555 ·5·*·55··5  
Llnivarsity of Kantucky Lady Kats
Saturday, Fabruary 4, 1989
7:30 p.m. l\/Iamorial Colisaum
Coach: Andy Landars Assistants: Eilaan Canty, Barnadatta Looka, Kim Waams
No. Playar Position Fiald Goals Fraa Throws Fouls FG 2 FG gm'} Tp
55 M55 ·<··¤··~·=~-5-**5-»5  ----
*5 555*5 55555·5·5l5*‘··5  --j
Y5 55 =r¤¤ 5=·5~¤~-5·5·5»·-~5 _ --
23 Lady n¤»·¤m¤¤,s-1o,i¤p.,F-s _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
55 ·<¤~· 55~v·5-5·55——5  _
30 Adrinno Shulcr,5-E»,So.,G  
55 ·~5»·=·~ —~5····5-5-5~55—»5 _IlIN @__-_
55 *555 °5*’555·5·*-555  --H 5
55 555555 5555·5·5·55-*5  ---
55 5**555**5 W 55555 ·5·5—55—·5  ---
55 *55555 555**55·5·5-5555 _ ---
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