xt708k74vk6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74vk6g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1978-08-18 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 18, 1978, no. 239 text The Green Bean, August 18, 1978, no. 239 1978 1978-08-18 2014 true xt708k74vk6g section xt708k74vk6g JQID)//1_
    I   I   - ..   ,_., I   ..   °_,. I H
_ 8 September ,— Fall Faculty_Meeting, Shakertown, 9:00 AM .
i _ Current·Displays: Gallery — Department of Special Collections ·-
Science Fiction Display. I . A
i Contributors to this issue: Pat Boyle, Faith Harders, Bill Marshall,
Claire McCann (Editor), Bob Turner, and Paul Willis.

 - 2 -
Library Associates Journal
The following letter was recently mailed to the individuals listed
in the next to last paragraph below. Library staff members with
suggestions for the proposed journal or interested in assisting
with it should speak to'David Farrell or Paul Willis.
"I am writing to tell you about a Library project for the coming
year and to ask for your assistance with it. The project is the
publication of a journal by the University of Kentucky Library
Associates. I would like to invite you to serve as a member of the
editorial board. `
The University of Kentucky Library Associates is a 'friends of the
,library' organization which was reactivated last year. The execu-
tive committee of the Associates has agreed to assist the Library
° with the sponsorship of a journal. John Clubbe, who is the current
president of the Library Associates, hss encouraged this undertaking. _
It is hoped that the journal will assu e bibliographic importance
and earn a reputation as a high qualit$’humanities journal on the
Lexington campus. ‘ ‘i
One of the first responsibilities of the editorial board will be the
approval of an editorial policy. During initial deliberations with
the executive committee members of the Associates, several purposes
of a journal have been discussed. Thess include the dissemination
of information to Associa es and others interested in the University
of Kentucky Libraries. The scope of the jburnal might include all ._
aspects of the University of Kentucky Libraries and their collections
with possible special attention being given to authors and subjects
represented in the Library collections and’in the region. Notable
acquisitions, Associates news, catalcgs of current exhibits, lectures
sponsored by the Associates, and schplarly articles are examples of
material to consider for inclusion in thelpublication. During the
coming year it is hoped that perhaps o e issne could appear by the
spring of 1979. In future years, two issues a year might be developed.
A number of examples of similar publications sponsored by other
libraries are available. I would be pleased to show some of them to
you or to answer any questions which yeu might have about what is
I am hopeful that you will be willing to serve on the editorial board.
The board will have the customary authority of journal editorial
boards. The Library staff will assume all clerical and other routine
responsibilities so that your time will not be requested in these
The faculty members being asked to serve are: Steven Channing,
History; John Clubbe, English; Guy Qavenport, English; Joseph Engel-
berg, Medicine; and Joseph Jones, Spanish. Paul Willis and David
Farrell of the Library staff will ssrve as ex-officio members.
I will look forward to hearing from you."
— Paul A. Willis

 - 3 -
Library Faculty Nominating Committee Selections
The Nominating Committee consisting of Bill Marshall and Jane White
, (Judy Sackett was on vacation) has contacted the following persons
who have agreed to serve as nominees for the offices listed:
Administrative Committee: Susan Casky, David Farrell, Vivian Hall
Administrative Council: Trudi Bellardo, Brad Grissom, Cheryl Jones
Secretary of Library Faculty: Nancy Baker, Mary Davis, Harry Gilbert
The election will be held at Shakertown September 8.
Applied Anthropology Collection
[The Library System is working with the Department of Anthropology to
establish a special library collection in applied anthropology. Any
` staff member interested in serving on an advisory committee to pursue
this should express this intent to Bill Marshall, Dennis Dickinson,
or Paul Willis in the near future.
Lost Books
Professor Marino, a new faculty member in the College of Business and
Economics, shipped three cartons of personal books from Massachusetts
- to campus. The boxes did arriveiin the Business and Economics
_· building but later disappeared. if the books got to any part of the
»‘ Library System, please let Professor Marino know. Many of the volumes
have his name in them -—Kenneth E, Marino.
Academic Library Reserves
The July l4, l978 issue of the ALA Washington Newsletter has been
been placed on reserve in my name. It contains a useful article on
academic library reserves. Administrative Council members have been
given a copy of the text of the article.
‘ - Paul A. Willis
Course Taking
Full—time employees who are taking a course during work hours need to
send a note to the Director's Office with their department head's
signature on it.
The legal and ethical aspects of using copyrighted materials will be
the topics of a Conference on Copyright to be held September l0—l2
1978, at Appalachian State University, Boone, N.C. There is a $75.00
registration fee. Copies of the application form are available from
the office.

 - N -
The Center for Professional and Executive Development is sponsoring
a seminar entitled The Woman Manager: Developing Executive Skills,
September 18-19 at the Sheraton Inn. The fee for the course for UK
personnel is $165.00. For further information, see Faith Harders.
The Governor's Pre—White House Conference on Libraries and Information
Services will conduct Congressional District Committee Hearings to
provide an opportunity for citizens to iearn about the Conference.
The meeting for the Sixth District will be on August 21 at 1:00 PM in
the Seay Agricultural Science Auditorium on the University of Kentucky
Clerical Assistant II - Acquisitions
LT I - Newspaper/Microtext
LT I - Circulation (nights only)
LT II — Cataloging (2)
Ifsinterested, see Faith Harders
Public Services,LibrariénQlIndianaiUniversity. Available: July 1,
Head, Halls of Residence Libraries, Indiana University. Available:
January l, 1979. Salary floors are observed. Application Deadline:
September 15, 1978.
V For further information on these positions, see Faith Harders in the
Director's Office.