xt708k74tw0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt708k74tw0d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-12-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  9, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  9, 1927 1927 1927-12-09 2012 true xt708k74tw0d section xt708k74tw0d 4m






'OUTWARD BOUND' U. K. Concert Band
To Play 1812 Overture!
OPENS MONDAY AT The closing concert of the Univer-





sity of Kentucky Concert band to be
jiven under auspices of the
club, will be in the men's gymnasium, December 19. Th principal
Suspense, Comedy, and Mystery number of the concert will be
1812 overture. This is reForetell Success of Pleasing
garded as the most colorful and elab
English Drama
orate overture ever written and is very
inspiring in band form, according to
It requires twenty-fiv- e
IN LONDON, NEW YORK Professor Sulzer. which
to give it.
minutes in
Other numb rs for the program will
Cast Will Include Many Stars of be the Volga Boat Song, given by the
Former Offerings of
Men's Glee club, a violin solo by Prof.
Carl Lampert, and Russian Airs, by
Wieniasky, to be rendered by the
Romany theater will open the sec- university band.
ond play of its fall season. "Outward
Bound," by Sutton Vane, the distinguished English actor and playwright,
on Monday, December 12. "Outward
Bound" should be even more popular
with the faculty and students than
Robinson, Plummer,
were "The Torch Bearers" or "The
Purock, Keffer, Mohney and
Visiting Lady." It has the factors
Turnpr Are Selected by Scholwhich make a great success susarship Fraternity
pense, comedy, and mystery.
who can renvmber the Strol
The national hrao-ar- y
Jer production of "The Thirteenth fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, at the
Chair" will have at least a faint idea university, initiated its first selection
of how interesting the present play from the class of 1928 at Pr sid nt
will be, for "Outward Bound" excels McVey's office at 4 p. m. Monday.
The seniors initiated Monday on
"The Thirteenth Chair" in comedy and
the basis of thir high scholarship
and outstanding qualities in the Col"Outward Bound" is one of the pos- lege of Arts and Sciences were: Viritive successes of the last five years. ginia Lee Robinson, of Portsmouth.
It has had two long runs in London, Ohio; John Rice Bullock, of Covng-- f
one season and a revival in New York ton; John LeRoy Keff r, of Ashland;
and has been translated into French Gayle Alexander Mohncy, of Lexingand German.
ton; Leonard Kiel Plummer, of LexinThe cast of "Outward Bound"
Barnette Turner,
charming young ington; and Luther
cludes the part of the
by Frances of Hartford.
Kirl, Ann, which is taken
Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest Gr ek
Smith, former Stroller star in both letter society in the country. It was j
and "Lady
"The Thirteenth Chair"
established at William and Mary col
Windermere's Fan." Playing opposite lege in Virginia on December 5, 1776.
Miss Smith will be William Tuttle, The initiation was held on Founder's
new "find" in Komany cir- Day in commemoration of its
cles. The roles of rt.
able traditions. Many years ago, the
Prior, and his mother, Mrs. Midget, society became an honorary society
old Cockney woman, are laKen m which attempts to focus attention upan
Alvin Hammel and Ann Callihan. on the value of high scholarship. Phi
Mrs. T. T. Jones, whose delightful Beta Kappa aims to make scholarship
performance as Mrs. Pampinelli has mean not only creditable grades in
made her a great favorite with Rom- tho registrar's office but those qualiany audiences, will have the role of ties which according to its
the English
Mrs. Clivcdon-Bankinvolve, "notable mastery of some one
field of knowledge, together with a
The remainder of the cast is equally more than creditable achievement, and
interesting. Dr. J. C. Noe, as the a broad sympathetic intTest in
The following 28 freshmen were
kindly but impartial Examiner, is at many." The chapter at the Univerawarded numerals by the council:
all times convincing. John Jewel and sity of Kentucky was established in
Rob rt T. Baughman, Clyde
Leon Wigglesworth, as "Scrubby" the 1926 by the national society in recogJake Bronston, Max Colker,
steward, and Duke, the minister, re- nition of the opportunities which the Arthur Denman, William H.
spectively, are delighting the hearts unhersity provides for scholarship
John E. Epps, L. G.
of the directors and will delight the achievement and of the high quality
Jr., W. F. Greenwell, A. R.
audience. And then there is Benn t
Gentile, Henry J. Hayne, Oliver
Tucker, the youngest member of the
(Continued oa Page Eight)
M. Johnson, J. C. Kellog, Brady
Ling-lecast, who plays the role of Mr.
Knight, Orval Nowack, A. W. Low-erthe hard, scheming business man.
0. R. McElroy, A. M. Osborne,
should bo mentioned the
C. A. Rose, E. T. Riley, C. A.
the understudies and direcslaves:
Jr., Dick Richards, H. M. SulMiss Lampert, who has starred
livan, L. A. Toth, M. R. Wilson,
in several plays, has given her whole Miss Mary Ader, Weldon SimpI. C. VanWinkl", Sam K. Allen
attention, with Mr. Sax in the directand William B. Collins.
son and W. D. Bowling
ing of the plays. The
Take Honors
who are to have a part in the performance at some time during the
On page five of this issu? of The
run of the play, are Mrs. Lovell
Kernel will be found the
and Lewis McDanald.
Wolf Wile's advertisement, in
The set, perhaps, with the excep- a contest conducted last week by Dr.
tion of the Chapel in "Sister Bea- J. B. Miner in his class of Advertistrice," is the most ambitious piece o. ing and Selling.
work which the Romany has yet tried
Miss Mary Ader was the winning Co'or Guards Will Accompany
and represents the bar of a small
ocean liner Almost evry piece of contestant.
Musical Cadets to Frankfort
furniture on the stage has been built given second honors and W. D. Bowlto Take Part in Governor's
and his crew, in- ing was ranked as third. Special
by Thomas Lyons
Inaugural Parade.
cluding a bar, benches, and two hex- mention was given to advertisements
The lighting effects, jubmitted by Miss Geraldine Cosby,
agonal tables
When Judge Flem D. Sampson is
especially the simulation of fog for James Shropshire and Walter Drake. sworn in Tuesday as the chief execu-- 1
Th" judges for the contest were
spceial machine has ben obwhich a
tive of th- - Commonwealth of Ken-- !
tained, are most mysterious and ef- Harold Hecht, of Wolf Wile's; Miss tucky, the band, regimental and na-- 1
Elizabeth Thompson, of Wolf Wile's,
D. D. Weer, of the Lexington counted for" at the ceremonies. ac- and
Seats can be reserved in advance and
miversity will be "all
attention is called that Leader.
counted for' at the ceremonies.
this week but
Another contest iB being conducted radets, 90 strong, will furnish the
because of the holidays, the play may
be able to run after Saturday, this week and the thro- winners will hief military .lust r to one of the
December 17. The management re- have their entries published next week -- ost brilliant inaugural parades ever
quests that the faculty and students n The Kernel. Judges in this
taged in Frankfort. The R .0. T. C.
will be Mr. H ss, of the Lexingreserve their seats as soon as possiwill follow in the line of march
A matinee will be given on ton Herald and Victor R. Portmann, Kentucky
National - Guardsmen,
Wednesday, December 14, at 2:80 of the department of
marching clubs, military bands and
mounted police will also take part in
the march.
The band and color guards of the
Dear-T- his
university will assemble Tuesday
morning at 9:45 o'clock in the men's
Busses will transport
them to Frankfort and bring them
back to Lexington after the inaugurmore, ation.
The vote favored the Britishers,
(By Alfred P. Robertson)
The parade at Frankfort will
their wit start promptly at 11:15 a. m. on a
That delightful institution, the in- it must be admitted, for
ternational collegiate debate, was pa- than for their logic. However, they bugle signal from the head of the
raded for the edification of the stu- would have won on either considera- column. The line of march will be
west to St.
south to Main str-e- t,
dents and the citizenry of Lexington, tion.
Clair street, south to second street
Wednesday evening, November 30.
We of the university have always (the bands will cease playing and the
A team composed of three men from been loath to criticise the conduct of
British universities met in split team ithletic teams and we feel th-- same marchers on foot will break step in
debate three men from the University hesitancy to criticize our Spanish crossing the bridge over the Kentucky river), ast to Capitol avenue,
of Kentucky.
athletic team. Nevertheless, we f'el
capitol, taking the right- Those who attended the highly dii that they have not adopted the proper south to the around the state house.
hand drive
vaude- training
methods in preparation for nT,v;ni nntnmnhiles will be narked in
debate turn- th ir international contests- - We sug- - .
ville that was last
m, thnllJmn
head rcstine
ed out for this one expecting an en- 'est as text books for the public
joyable evening. They were not dis- peaking department "Four Hundred at the Goebel taking position on the
Battery F,
Best Stories" of "Irving Cobb's Favo-it- e bluff ov rlooking the river,, will fire
Stories." A two hour course in a salute of 19 guns, after Governor
The British debaters followd their
commendable course of not touching - partee at the Ben Ali theater would Sampson has taken his oath of office.
the subject front, flanks, or rear. la nf 5noctimnhl vnlnp A n
Their arguments consisted of amus- malification each candidate should be
ing lampoons of one another and so compelled to give all the 783 versions
amusing revisions of old jokes. Th of th" "Who was the lady I saw you
The class in farm management,
present British team lacked the cos- with last night?" joke. With these
mopolitanism of last year's squad but training measures we feel sure that taught by professor W. D. Nichols,
the personal rivalry was just as keen. our team will fare better in interna- took a field trip, Saturday, to the
spent the evening tional matches.
farm of Hardin Field, in Woodford
Two Scotchmen
county. They mad a special study
riding one another and the lone Engatof the plan and organization of this
lishman had a struggle to get any
farm and of the crop rotation system
tention at all.
which is followed.
The Americans, with a fine disreThe Child Study Group of the
gard for the ethics of international
merican Association of University
debate, insisted upon speaking on the Women and Woman's Club of the unisubject. They treated the very aca versity met at 3 o'clock, last Monday,
On account of conflicting engagedemic subject in a.decidedly academic
n the Education building of the Col- - ments, the University Philharmonic
g of Education. Dr. C. C. Ross, of Orchestra will practice next week, on
As is the practice in split team de- 'ie Education College lead the discus- - Monday evening, D cember 12, in- ion with a talk on ,"The Instinct of stead of Tuesday, the regular prac- bate there was no decision and th
C. A. Lampert, Director.
audience gave their verdict by vote ?ear."
tice night,

KY. DECEMBER 9, 1927





- ....



first. nfTprimr nf flic vmr tha
Chin so operetta, "The Feast of the THREE-AC- T
music department of the university.
The musical production will be given
sometime in February, at which time
month will be observed.

Tschai-kowsky- 's











re-.s- on



Illinois Youth Is Elected Captain
of 1928 Football Team at
Annual Banquet Tuesday
(By Kenneth Gregory)
A lad from the wilds of Illinois
.vhere football players come and go,
.nd after th y have gone are remembered for their persistent fighting,
will lead the Wildcats of 1928. The
player is Claire Dees, of Oblong, 111.,
who was elected by his teammates to
succed Charley Wert at the annua'
football banquet at the Pheonix hotel,
Tuesday night.
Captain-eleDees entered the university in 1925 and was the regular
center of tho Kitten eleven. In 1926
he alternated with Jim Penceas cen-- i
ter. This year Gamage, seeing that!
Pence could handle the pivot job con-- 1

Dy-sar- d,







r Ar'0





con-.e- st


I Say


Of Debating Calls for



Wit, Eh?












Announce Winners
in Advertising

Now that the Strollers, stud nt
dramatic organization of the univer
sity, has completed its eligibility try- outs, work has begun on the three-acomedy selected for the 1928 produc-ioAt a meeting call d last Friday
Will Be Held Two night, Hunter Moody, president of the
Weeks After Christmas Vaca lub, announced that the Strollers will
tion; Fiorht or Ten Prospects present "Dulcy," a noted Broadway
Now Ilemg Considered.
for the cast will
be started as soon as the scripts arTryouts for the position of spon- rive. Addison Yaman, student disor of the university band, one of the rector, will have charge of the rehighest honors a girl can receive on hearsals.
his campus will be held two weks
The Strollers are planning to tal:e
the Christmas vacation, it was this year's play on the road. Last
announced by Elmer G. Sulzer, late rear it was impossible to accomplish
Tuesday. Eijcht or ten prospects are vuch a road tour, and for that
now being considered and it is prob- nil Stroller memb rs are aTxfoi-s'able that more will ent r the race.
awaiting this year's ev nt. It is also
Two committees, led by Rober
planned to hold th" Lexmcton
Hayes and Warren Ellis, members of
at the Opera Hcusc, in order
the band, have been chosen to select to accommodate tho lanre
list of ligibles, and it is the privhich always attends th productions.
ilege of any student to recommend
"Dulcy" is perhaps the outstanding
his or her choice for the position, 'vork of Marc Connely and George
''ometime immediately after the hol- S. Kaufman, whose successes include
idays the fun will begin when th "Merton of the Movies," "Beg.ear on
of the "eighty and Horseback," "To the Ladies" and
five" wil look the prospects over and "Butter and Egg Man." Aft r "Dul
-ark them according to marching cy had played Broadway for more
ability, beauty, personality, and the than a year and then made the pro
willingness to work. It is also, be- vinces, Constance Talmadge interprelieved that the band favors a girl who ted the part for an excellent sere n
19 not too small.
Many of the most production. Lynn Fontain and Elliott
beautiful and popular girls in the uni- Nugent created the leading parts for
versity would not make good sponsors the first New York offering. The
b xause of their inability to keep step character of Dulcy, of Dulcinea, was
with the swinging strides of Drum created by F. P. A. or Franklin P.
Major Waller Jones.
Adams, of the New York World staff.
It is necessary that the favored girl "Amateur Night," the annual entershould possess all these desired quali tainment of the Strollers, which was
ties, for sho is to represent the boast held last Friday evening at 7:30 p.
ed womanhood of Kentucky next fall resulted in the selection of "Catesby"
when the band takes the road again, J as the best play presented by the
especially is this true when they jour Stroller candidates this year. Miss
ney to Alabama, Tennessee and West Elizabeth Hall and Louis McDonald
Virginia, for those states are as were the two members of the
proud of their beautiful girls as Ken- cast. "The Traitor," with Don
Robert Thompson, John Herne,
Miss Chavlaey Smith, the" retiring Robert Baughman and Harold Wilsponsor, is to be held as an example liamson, won second placer while
"Hearts," with an
(CaatfawHl on Page Bight)
composed of Misses Carolyn Latta,
Elizabeth Goode, Margie Edwards and
Lucille Home, was third. The names
Pan-Hellen- ic
of ninety-fiv- e
students who were ad16 mitted into the ranks of Stroller
To Be
were also read.
Committee Is Composed of The eligibles selected this year are
as follows:
"Brud" Farmer, Joe Holton
Robert Thompson, Robert Baughand Oscar Stoesser
man, John Hearne, Harold Williamson, Eunice Huntsman, John Archer,
The Pan Hellenic dance will be held
at the university, Friday, December Ruth Bonnin, Edna Jones, Guinevere
16, from 9 to 1 o'clock in the men's Pitzer, Roger Smith, Richard Lowry,
gymnasium. This dance is an annual Margaret Simms, Frances Henry,
affair and is sponsored by the fra- Richard Engstrom, Eleanor Doud,
ternities who have representatives in Eleanor Swearingen, Sadie Hovias,
Council. Every ef- Wallace Embry, Anna Mae McCauley,
fort is being made to have this event Kirk Moverly, Mary Moore Milton,
one of the most enjoyable of the year. Bobby McMurray, Elizabeth Hall.
Jim Thompson, Virginia Ellis, LuThe committee in charge of arrangements is composed of "Brud" cille Clark, Charles Blaine, Julia MarFamer, Joe Holton and Oscar Stoes- vin, Bonnie Dale Welsh, Elizabeth
ser. It has always been a custom at Cramer, Betty Gibbs, Louise Rouse,
dance to have a Marie Howard, Mary Virginia
Caroline Latta, Elizabeth Good",
for each fraternity
represented, but owing to the great Margie Edwards, Lucille Home, Polly
amount of confusion by this arrange- Warren, Katherine Wilson, Mary
ment it was thought best this year to
Agnes Forman, Don Forman, Sam
in which
have only eight
every one may participate.
The Blackburn, Anne Rodes, Henrietta
Sherwood, Garnet Shouse, Leon Hoffshields of the fraternities will adorn
men man, Elizabeth Turner, Tom Reythe walla, and the Greek-lettwill do honor nolds,
Mary Grace
and their fair
great goddess Terpsi- George Kay, Anna Mary Miller, Ver- to the
chore by music from Peg Langon's
(ContiaBed on Page Eight)
Phoenix Hotel Assembly Orchestra.








for Cast Will Be
Started As Soon As
Scripts Arrive





partmtnt during the









of Chinese
of Chinese
music, to be given by the University
Plan to Take This
Concert band, and a recital by the Strollers
Year's Play on Road
Men's Glee club.




Give Chinese Operetta
Tho Women's Glee club will present











Awarded Letters

The athletic council of the
at a meeting just before
V footfinll banquet, awarded the
coveted "K" to the following mem-jaof the squad:
S. A. B it, Will Ed Covington,
Clair Dees, William Drury, Ray
Ullis, Warner Ford, Elmer Gilb,
aul Jenkins, Leonard Miller,
yle Mohney,
Frank Phipps,
James Pence, Alfred Portwood,
G. T. Summers,
Emanuel Van
Meter, Charles Wert, Thomas Walters, Arthur Bickel, Lawrence Curry and James Kirkendall.




Except for the time when he wa3
nursing an injured shoulder Dees
played in every game in which the
Wildcats participated. He was soon
r cognized by Coach Gamage for his
fighting ability and Dees' presence in
the lino at tackle stopped many plays.
His best game was played against
Centre, when he recovered a fumbled
ball far a safety and later in the game
foil on a fumble which developed into
a Wildcat touchdown,
Dees will take up th leadership
where Capt Charley Wert left off. In
the face of alj hardships, Captain
Wert was a worthy captain and his
rame m ha rcmcmbered as lead r of
the wildcats who downed Centre fi3
to 0 Both captains made short talks
after the election,
Judse nichard c. Stoll, who has

For-ma- n,




Representatives From Various
Kentucky Colleges Will Compete for Oxford University
Award December 10.
Several students from the various
Kentucky colleges and universities
ill compete for the Rhodes Sehol- irship, Oxford University, England,
n Saturday, December 10, at the
"Vversity of Kentucky, when the
Rhodes Scholarship committee will
onduct the examination and elec

The Jlhodes Srholarship is that
. nvn:tmiv1 f nrPsifUnw nvor
cholarship which entitles a winner to
football banquets, that he just walks three years of training In Oxford Uni
up and takes the seat without any versity. The contestant must possess:

urging, presided and his slants and
wisecracks added to the merriment.
Wallace Muir, one of Kentucky's
capable supporters, made th-- principal talk of the evening and in his
speech paid glowing tribute to Coach
Harry Gamage, "who," he said, "has
come to lead us to greater heights."
Mr. Muir said Kentucky is entitl d to
(Continued on Tate ESgkt)

Professors Webb and
Funkhouser Write
Book on Kentucky
"Ancient Life in Kentucky" is the
subject of a new book by Prof. W. S.
Webb and Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, of
the Univ rsity of Kentucky, which
will come off the press about January 15.
Professors Funkhouser and Webb
have traveled extensively in Kentucky
ind other regions in search for relics
of anci nt man and this book will in
nart depict the travels and discoveries
of the two.
The volume is a report on the ancient marine and land animals and
prehistoric man in this state. A part
ropresents the archaeological r esearch
of the authors for the past six years.
The volume will contain about 400
pages and 175 illustrations of Indian
graves, mounds, tools and other
man of
things which
used. The illustrations and the
;nt resting way in which the subjects
written should make the book en- lortaining as well a3 educational.
The Kentucky Geological
announces the publication of the book.
rr. W. R. Jillson, Frankfort, is state
" ologist and the work may be obtain
:d from him in the near future.





and scholastic ability.

2. Meritable character, leadership,
wd public spirit.
3. Physical vigor, and a fondness

for outdoor sports.
4. He must be a malecitizen of the
United States, and must have lived
here at least five years, and he must
b" unmarried.
He must be between
years old,
nineteen and twenty-fiv- e
nnd he must have completed at least
his sophomore year at an accredited
A number of university students
have been winners of scholarships in
nrevious yars. The last U. of K.
student to receive the distinction was
Roscoe Cross, who received his Master's degree in 1926. He was graduated with high distinction.
The committo-will award a aehol
Tship to one of the contestants, and
The winner of the contest will take
up residence at Oxford, England, in

October, 1928.
No restrictions
are placed on
Rhodes scholars as to their courses.
A scholar may d
for the Oxford
A. B. dogr e in any of the colleges,
he may enter one of the
liploma courses in special subjects, or
if qualified by previous training he
may be admitted to read for an
advanced degree. The scholarship not
only entitles the student to residence
in the hall, tuition, and incidental fees,
but it also carries with it 400 pounds

a year for the three years.
The committee for selection and
elect-ois composed of: Pres. Frank
L. McVcy, of the university; Prof.
Allen Barnett, Massie School for
Boys, a graduate of Exeter; W. S.
Hamilton, graduate of Christ Church;
Roy Helm, Rhodes scholar; and Rue-bTaylor, of LaGrango, graduate of
Christ Church.







Quaint Customs That Prevailed
On Campus Forty Years Ago
(By Kady Elvove)
"Whew!" weary freshmen exclaim
three times a week, "This old military
training is too hard on a fellow. What
do they think we are anyway? And
we have to take two years of it. Oh

signal for a great deal of fun among
the upperclassmen. Putting freshmen on
patrol duty on the
campus was a favorite form of "hazing." At dusk, the guileless underclassman, often a youngster straight
from the farm, was stationed in front
If the university boys knew that of the home of President Patterson.
they had to undergo fbur years ofi "Now don't dare let any person
military training, quite a few of pass," he was instructed. "Perhaps
them would seek other schools of one of the boys may try to fool you
learning. They should be thankful, by saying that he is president Pattherefore, that they were not college terson, but you have been warned.
students in the "good old days" the Don't let him dc ive you!".
older generation boast of, when comThe poor freshman would be forced
pulsory military training was re- to wait for hours, marching back and
quired throughout the entire college forth in the lonely darkness. At last
course. Back in 1885, when the uni- President Patterson, dignified presiversity consisted of only two build- dent of the university, would apings and two men's dormitories, mili- proach his home, after having attendtary discipline ruled the campus. ed one of the debates, lectures, or
Ther was no dean of men in those other entertainments which were fredays, for the military commandant quently held in the college chapel.
was in charge of the conduct, morals
"Halt!" the freshman, glad to reand welfare of the students. Then lieve the monotony of his duties
Neville and White halls, where stu- (would shout. "You can't pass!"
dents now gather for lectures and
"But I am President Patterson,"
recitations, were men's dormitories. the scholarly professor would mildly
They were not like the dormitories of I protest.
today, but more nearly resembled mil"Aw, you can't pull that one on
itary barracks.
I'm not so ignorant. Get out!"
, me.
Despite the strict martial
; And the president would be forced to
tlons, a great many pranks were play get, to the future discomfiture of
ed by mischievous students upon un- the freshman.
suspecting victims.
Any person
Hallowe'en and St. Patrick's day
walking past the barracks window? were prank days for Kentucky stulat-- at night was likely to be enthusOne of the most amusing
iastically welcomed by the students
Jokes in Kentuckian history was
with a deluge of cold water. Profes- played on President Patterson's horse.
sors were even more fervently greeted. The arrival of new boys was the
(Continued on Page Eight)


IlllMittiir i iirifci










Subscribe for

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association


Edited by

Shoe Artisans With a Reputation

Secy.-Trea- s.


Alumni Assn.


This is the seventh year that he
has been an active member of the
Last week
He has been
I ITAITIWI n ATT1TV large number this letters mailed out of alumni association.
to alumni
principal of the Athens High school
the University of Kentuckyliving in for six years.
Lexington. Tho'letters were personal
Carolyn Frances Lutkeraeir, B. S.
Football Men Are Guests of letters asking that dues for this year
Naturally the letter
Honor at Luncheon Saturday be paid. for only those who had was 1916, has a perfect record as an alumnot nae. She has been active in the assointended
PRESIDENT James Park, '15
December 2; Fifty Attend
"Where College Men Go"
paid their dues for this year. Owing ciation every year since her graduaAffair
to a mistake in addressing the letters tion. She is teaching home economics
117 E. HIGH ST.
H. M. DAVIS, Prop.
several were sent to those Lexington
High school. Her
Mrs. Rodes Estill, .'21
ARE ELECTED alumni who had already paid dues in the FrankfortLewis street, FrankOFFICERS
address is 419
for this year. In this office we have
memThe Lexington Alumni Club of the been forced, from lack of funds, to fort, Ky. She also is an active
Raymond L. Kirk, '24
SECRETARY-TREASUREUniversity of Kentucky held its first use student help this year and conse ber of the Frankfort Alumni Club.
luncheon of the year last Saturday quently for the most part those who
at the Lafayette, hotel and its mem- assist are not well acquainted with Arthur J. Rankin, B. C. E. 1916, has
bers were hosts to the football squad, the work. When these letters were moved from New Orleans to Millsap,
and the coaching staff of the Univer- addressed the student engaged in the Tex., where he is a civil engineer.
George H. Wilson, '04
Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
sity of Kentucky. This luncheon, in work failed to distinguish all of those
"Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wayland Rhodes, '15
honor of the football men, is an an- alumni "who already had paid their
J. E. Torrence, LL. B. 1916, has
nual event and is held each year on dues. This accounts for the letters to just sent in a check for his dues for
Wm. H. Townsead, 12
W. C. Wilson, '13
the first Saturday after Thanksgiving. those already paid up. We wish to this year. This is the third consecu
In the years gone by it was tho cus apologize to these alumni and assure tive year that he has been an active
He is
tom to entertain only the senior mem them that it was purely a mistake. member "of the association.
bers of the teanrbut this year the list If you already are receiving The Ker- mayor of Eau Gallie, Fla., where he
was extended to include the entire nel please ignore the letter. If you went in 1925. He still is engaged in
Opp Courthouse
Phone 1792
There were about fifty pres- have not received proper credit for the practice of law.
reprinted an
In another column on this page will be found
ent at the luncheon.
your dues, The Kernel would not
editorial which appeared in the Lexington Herald of Saturday,
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, pres- come to you each week.
Jessie Acker, B. S. 1915, tells us
This editorial deals with the progress of the UniDecember 2.
ident of the Lexington Alumni Club,
that she has moved from Bethany
There also
College, at Bethany, W. Va., to Den
presided at the meeting and presented
versity of Tennessee within the past few years.
Pres. James Park of the International this year from Hickman where she ton, Tex., where she is teaching in
is a comparison drawn between that institution and the UniverAssociation who was the only speaker. taught in the high school last year. the Texas Stafte Teachers College.
sity of Kentucky. In recent years the legislative bodies of TenPresident Park made a brief and in- Her address is Box 503, Princeton, W. This college is the largest of the
nessee have appropriated large sums for the expansion of their
teresting talk to the members of the Va.
eight teacher's colleges in Texas and
The appropriations have been so large that adeuniversity.
squad and voiced the appreciation of
one of the largest in the United
quate buildings and equipment have been added to care for
the alumni, students and friends of
Jean B. Slater, B. S. M. E. 1923, is States. Her address is Box 344 T. C.
It also
an approximate increase of 400 per cent enrollment.
the university, for the showing the another member of this class who is Station, Denton, Texas.
points out that private citizens have been awakened to the growteam made this year. He stated that a candidate for the roll of honor. He
university in so far as to make
the season has a perfect record as an alumnus.
no alumnus considered
ing importance of a great state
Edgar E. Johnson, B. M. E. 1914, is
anything but a success when Centre He is with the Alberger Heater Com another alumnus who has a prominent
large contributions and bequests to the University of
told the coaching pany of Buffalo, N. Y., and has been place on
was defeated. He
All Points in the
our roll
of honor.
While the editorial does not go so far as to state just why
staff that for the first time in his with this concern since his gradua- He has been active in the association
years of association with the uni- tion. His address is 149 Highland each year since his graduation. He is
the increased interest has been manifested in the University of
versity there had been a maximum avenue. Buffalo.
Tennessee, it is easy for us who are in touch with the li