xt705q4rn79g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rn79g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1960-01-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 11, 1960 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 11, 1960 1960 1960-01-11 2020 true xt705q4rn79g section xt705q4rn79g   



The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday,
January 11, 1960 at 4:00 p. m. President Dickey presided. Members absent
were Philip Austin, A. J. Brown‘, George B. Byers, Bernard Fitzgerald, Lyman
’ V.Ginger, C. P. Graves. William E. Grubbs, W. A. Heinz, w. M. Insko,R. D.
Jacobs, Sidney J. Kaplrn, Helen Marshall, J. E. Heeves‘, Robert W.Rudd*, G.W.
Sdnwider*, Doris M. Seward, Lawrence Thomps0n, Bennett H. Wall,Warren W.

f Walton, and M. M. White.

{ The minutes of December 14 were read and approved.

Dr. B.D. Haun presented the report of the Committee on Committees. which
was voted approval by the University Faculty.

*1 - The Committee on Committees continued to study the committee structure
of the University Faculty during the current year. This study was carried
on in line with the original directive in President Dickey's letter of

’ August 3, 1957 creating the committee and outlining its functions. The
Committee also considered the report of the COmmittee on Composition and
Role of the UniVersity Faculty which the Faculty approved at its meeting

L on May 11, 1959 and which gave some indication of the functions the Faculty
might wish to assign to committees.

It has been the belief of the committee that there are certain areas
in which purely administrative matters are concerned and that the eighteen
administrative committees of the University for 1959 operate predominately
in these areas. On the other hand there are areas with which the committee
feels the Faculty as such is concerned but which the four standing committees
of the Faculty for 1959 (other than the Committee on Committees) are not
authorized to consider. One such area has to do with the admission policy
of the University on which an ad hoc committee prOposed by this committee
I and established by the Taculty made a final report during the current year.

Another such area is the handling of the gifted student and the Committee

‘ on Committees was pleased to COOperate in the creation during the year of
' a new standing committee of the Faculty known as the Honors Program com—
mittee to work in this area. This committee was the outgrowth of a study
and recommendations of a subncommittee of the Committee of Fifteen chairmaned
by Dr. Betsy Estes.

. Two additional new standing committees have been recommended for

7 establishment by the Faculty during the year. The first of these, to be

3 known as the Committee on Course Offerings. is designed primarily to relieve
the Faculty of certain recurring duties in the application of existing
policy. The second new committee, to be known as the Program Committee for
the University Faculty, is proposed as a means of opening the way for the
Faculty to keep itself infOrmed on comtemplated University activities and
to arrange to take up in orderly fashion matters considered important to
the academic welfare of the institution. This 00mmittee is to serve in an
advisory capacity to the President in setting up the major topics for dies
cuSsion at Faculty meetings.

The recommendation of the creation of the Program Committee represents
the outgrowth of the view of the Committee on Committees that it should
proceed with caution in recommending new Taculty committees until it can be
seen how effectively the newly created committees will Operate. Whether or
not the individual faculty members will have the necessary time and desire
to take on additional respOnsibilities will be known only after a longer
period of experience.

* Absence explained.











































It is hoped that as an outgrowth of the actions of the Program Committee
there will come an indication of areas in which the Faculty evidences
sufficient interest and willingness to act to justify establishment of
standing committees which will have the desire (and find the time) to
work effectively.

During the past year your committee has acted to revise the statement
of functions for the Committee on Student Organizations and Social ac—
tivities to authorize it to act in behalf of the Faculty on matters which
again have been considered more or less administrative in carrying out
established policy of the Faculty,

Of course the Committee on Committees has acted to recommend person-
nel for each of the newly established Faculty committees and as replace-
ments for members of existing committees whose terms have expired or who
have left the University. In the selectiOn of such personnel the com-
mittee has kept three objectives in mind: (1) in so far as possible all
divisions of the University should be given representation. (2) there
should be as little duplication as possiblein assignment to Administrative
and Faculty committees. (3) interest and capacity in the area of com-
mittee assignment combined with a willingness to work on committee tasks
should be considered. The committee wishes to emphasize to the Faculty
the importance of committee duties and to urge those named to committees
to contribute fully to them.

With the establishment of the two new committees proposed recently
by the Committee on Committees the University Faculty will have eight
standing committees. No doubt additional committees will be needed as
time passes. The work of the cemmittee in developing a committee
structure for the University Faculty is therefore only partially com-
pleted. In fact, it may well be that the development and reorganization
of the committee structure will be continuous as a chore to be carried
on in the future by your committee on committees.

Dr. Haun also presented reCOmmendations from the Committee on Committees.
Of these recommendations the University Faculty approved numbers (1) and (3h

(1) That the statement of functions of the Committee on Student
Organizations and Social Activities be amended to read as follows:

"The functions of the Cemmittee on Student Organizations and Social
Activities shall be to formulate policies governing student organ-
izations and social activities of students in line with the Rules
of the University Faculty, and to act in behalf of the Faculty re-
garding new organizations andproposed changes in the constitution
or byulaws of existing organizations, The Dean of Men, the Dean Of
Women, and the appr0ved student representative on the University
Faculty shall be ex~officio members of the Committee. The Dean of
Men and the Dean of Women shall be responsible for carrying out the
policies formulated by the Committee. The Committee shall make an
annual report on its activities to the University Faculty at its
January meeting".

(2) That there be established a Committee on Course Offerings as a
a standing committee of the University Faculty, to be appointed by the

President upon the advice of the Committee on Committees.







It is recommended that this Committee on Course Offerings consist in-
itially of nine members as follows, with subsequent changes as experience
may promp t:

When the
that not






Arts and Sciences

Agriculture and Home Economics







Graduate Council

committee is first appointed, the terms should be so staggered
more than five of the ten shOuld reach the end of their terms
(normally two years) in any one year.

It is recommended that the Committee on Course Offerings be empowered
to act in behalf of the University Faculty on all new courses and other
course changes submitted by the various colleges of the University, and

that the committee report its actions monthly togéhe Faculty,

concerned, and to the Registrar.

It is expect /
consider course offerings and course changes.

to the college
at the committee will
This committee would be ex-

pected to give a summary report to the University Faculty on its actions at
least once a year, and would be privileged from time to time to make such
other reports to the University Faculty involving course Oiferings as it may
deem desirable, including recommendations on matters pertaining to total
University curriculum,
with the decision of the Cemmittee 0n Course Offerings be allowed the privilege
of appealing the decision to the University Faculty as a whole°

It is further recommended that any college dissatisfied

(3) That a standing Program Committee for University Faculty Meetings
be constituted from the elected Faculty to serve in an advisory capacity to
the President in setting up the major topics for discussion at Faculty meetings.
This Faculty Committee of four members would have the responsibility of sug-
gesting special topics related to the University's program which might be re-

ported on or discussed within the Faculty.

After selection of such topics and

the suggested dates for their discussion, recommendations would be made to
the President.

Notes on recommendations:

The first reCOmmendation prOvides for the sub»
stitution of the words"..., and to act in behalf of the Faculty regarding

new organizations and proposed changes in the constitution ob by-laws of
existing organizations. " for the words"..., and to make recommendations to
the University Faculty regarding new organizations and preposed changes in

the constitution or by—laws of existing organizations", This would, if ap—
prOVed, probably require a change in Section IX of the Rules of the University
Faculty which is in line with the original statement of the functions of the
Committee on Student Organizations and Social Activities.

The first and second recommendations are made with the idea of re-
lieving the Faculty of recurring administrative actions and permitting it

to devote more time to the study and development of educational policy.


is in line with the report of the Committee on Composition and Role of the

University Faculty which was approved by the Faculty early in 1959.
third recommendation is also designed to effectuate


the recommendations of











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the Commogltlon and Role co m.tuee in extendinn the areas in

which the Faculty exercises its deliberative Iunctions.

Recommendation No. 2, for the establishment of a Committee on Course
Offerings, was discussed at length by the Faculty.

Several motions to

amend were offered and the Faculty finally approved a motion that the
recommendation be referred back to the Committee on Committees, with a view


clarifying the wording of the recommendation.

A final report from the 1959 Rules COmmittee was presented by the Chair-

man, Dr. w. M. Carter, and was approved by the UniVersity Faculty.


The 1956-57 University Faculty approved a revision and recodification of
the "Rules of the University Faculty" and asked the Committee on Rules
to carry out this revision. Work was begun by the 1956~57 committee and
continued by the 1957-58 committee.

Under the new scheme of committee membership. as recommended by the
Cemmittee on Committees, the terms of office of all committees now start
in January. Hence, the 1959 committee began its work early in the year
and held its last meeting on December 18.

During this time, the work of revision was completed. reported to
and approved by the University Faculty. This included Section XI,
Physical Education and Section XII, Miscellaneous.

Important changes instituted during the year were the new numbering
system, the addition of a glossary of terms, and the admission require-
ments for the College Of Nursing. The Committee Chairman and the
Secretary of the University Faculty have assembled and prepared the ma-
terial for publication of the new edition of the "Rules of the University
Faculty” which will be distributed sometime in early 1960.

The University Faculty, at the regular meeting on Monday, November
9, asked the Committee on Rules to make a study of certain areas of
student discipline. Four meetings were held in November and December
and several resolutions conCerning this matter were passed on to the
1960 Committee. It is expected that the 1960 Committee will bring its
report on this subject to the Faculty.

President Dickey expressed thanks on behalf of the Faculty for the work of

Rules Committee.

Dean Willard presented racemmendations from the College of Medicine

covering its pr0posed curriculum and courses for the first year, together
with several reCOmmendations pertaining to scheduling and organizatiOn.of


recommendations from the College.

curriculum for all four years. The University Faculty approved the







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The College of Medicine submits herewith recommendations for its
first year curriculum together with several recommendations of a general
nature pertaining to scheduling and organization of its curriculum for
all four years.

These considerations are based on three years of study by the
Medical Center Staff, including visits to more than half of the medical
schools in this country for first hand observation and discussion of
curriculum organization, a review of literature on modern trends in
medical education, and participation in recent curriculum conferences
conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Council
on Medical Education of the American Medical Association. The specific
recommendations have been formulated by the College's Committee on
Educational Policy and Curriculum which has devoted itself to this
subject during the past six months. The Committee has formulated and
been guided by the following underlying principles:

Educational PoliCy

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine should provide an
atmosphere of graduate education wherein its students can acquire a sound
and adequate scientific basis for the practice and continuing study of
medicine. In addition to providing a sound education in the basic and
clinical sciences of medicine, the rescurces of the College should be
directed toward the training of minds and the nurturing of such important
traits as a sense of responsibility and integrity; initiative; intellectual
curiosity and an ability for critical evaluation; emotional maturity;
independence of thinking; an appropriate willingness to challenge "authority"
within the limits of good judgment; a sensitivity for human values and
relationships; an understanding and sympathy for others; insight into
personal biases and an appreciation of the personality, social, and
cultural forces influencing the beliefs and behavior of others; the ability
to inventory objectively personal strengths and weaknesses; and the moti-
vation to overcome personal deficiencies.

It is important that these objectives be pursued with the realization
that students in the College of Medicine will represent a broad range of
intellectual capacities and personality characteristics and that the medical
profession involves such a wide variety of responsibilities that it can
utilize nearly every well—qualified and appropriately motivated individual.
The College of Medicine has a responsibility to provide a basic educational
experience which will enable students. with further study, to enter any
of the fields of medicine.

It should be recognized that some students will require remedial work
in some of the subjects basic to the study of medicine while other students
will be ready to pursue advanced and independent activity. Time should

be provided in the curriculum to permit students to meet these individual

It is important that the educational program in the University of
Kentucky College of Medicine be characterized by a degree of flexibility
and oriented toward helping each student as an individual realize the
maximum potential of his personal strengths and compensate as far as
possible for his weaknesses.














































Planning the Curriculum


In planning curriculum for the University of Kentucky College of
Medicine every effort is being made to achieve full advantage of the
"clean slate” in deVelOping multidisciplined and correlated teaching
wherever this seems logical and desirable and in re-examining the
selection of phenomena, concepts, and principles to be presented as l
well as the order and organization of presentation. At the same time, t
it is important to recognize the symbolic and concrete importance of {
certain aspects of the traditional organization and identification of r
medical sciences, and continuity with former activity. 5

A, \,‘, «\ 1“”

It is recognized that most medical students come from an education- y
al background which has emphasized the separateness of the traditional
scientific disciplines. It is also recognized that many medical faculty
have had their primary training and derive their professional identi- {
fication from a specific discipline. Students and faculty should be
able to find continuity with this former activity. Furthermore, it is
recognized that the various disciplines have emerged in a reasonably (
logical manner, each concerned with specific types of subject matter
and each characterized by its own concepts and principles. It is ex- {
pected that certain elements of this organization will be retained. It l
is also suggested that changes in organization provide for gradual and
logical transition. An effort should be made to identify those basic I
concepts and procedures of each discipline which are essential or high- »
1y desirable and to plan for their orderly development in parallel '
teaching units. At the same time, there should be pr0visions :Eor bridgm
between the disciplines whenever this is logical and possible through jmnfl
lectures, seminars, and laboratory exercises involving two or more discwhn

It is deemed important that study of the sciences basic to medicine
not be restricted to abstract or theoretical consideration and that thdr
application to clinical medicine be illustrated by a wellnplanned part
of the curriculum through joint clinicalabasic science conferences in Hm
first and second years. There should be gradual increase throughout Hm
academic year of conjoint exercises among the basic sciences and between


basic and clinical sciences culminating in a total conjoint amplificafitm
review, and summary exercise during the last weeks of the academic yeah

It is recognized that medical students tend to assign relative vahms/
to v rious parts of the curriculum according to what they think are thevalu
of the faculty or according to measurements such as the relative amountof
curriculum time assigned to a particular subject. Because of this, smmwt
sometimes tend to neglect certain areas of work while concentrating ontMfi
which they expect will bring them greatest symbolic reward. Frequentlytm?
is considerable anxiety associated with trying to outwguess the faculmn
Often students guess wrong with unfortunate consequences. A curriculum
which prepares for and stresses the cencepts of correlation a.nd integratlon
among its component parts should help to minimize faculty competitionf°ri
student time and effort. ’




It is recognized that students entering the study of medicine will
vary greatly in the degree of sophistication which they have with resPect
to such matters as the educational process or the nature and organiza’filon

of the so 1e and in ' - -
p P Stltutlons which comprise modern medicine.

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Time must be provided for the orientation of students, and thought must

be given to the way in which orientation experiences can be most meaning-
ful, Orientation provided solely thrOugh introductory descriptive lectures
is often not very effective. While some introductory overview type of
orientation is necessary, it is recommended that provision be made for
integrating most aspects of orientation into the regular curriculum,
particularly into units in behavioral science and the introduction to
clinical medicine. Time should be made available for explaining such
resources as the Medical Library in conjunction with an initial library
assignment while the organizational structure of the hospital should be
explained coincidental with student's initial clinical experience. It is
of major importance that those aspects of the student's experience for
which orientation is necessary or desirable be recognized, and that careful
consideration be given to the most appropriate and effective means for
providing such orientation.

Flexibilitv in the Curriculum

In order to provide for each student the most appropriate environment
for learning, a high degree of flexibility is desirable in the organization
of the curriculum, in pedagogical methods and in the provisions made for
the physical accommodationsof students in the Medical Center.

The curriculum should be planned to permit students with particular
strengths or problems to take time for the pursuance of independent research
interests. elective advanced study in one or more subjects, or remedial
work when necessary. Some of these needs can be met through the designation
of a sufficient number of unscheduled hours in the aCademic program. There
may be other instances when individual students should be permitted to
digress from the regular curriculum for a period of time in order to engage
in advanced study or compensate for deficiencies.

Academic Schedule


Insofar as possible, the academic program of the College of Medicine
should coincide with that of other units of the University Of Kentucky in
order to facilitate an interchange of activity among medical and other
University Faculty and students. This is particularly desirable with
respect to the first two years of the medical curriculum which will encompass
the largest amount of time devoted to the sciences basic to medicine.

Upon Careful consideration of the components 0f the College of Medicine
curriculum, the Committee on EduCational Policy recommends that the academic
year, follOwing the practice of a majority of the other medical colleges,
Provide a minimum of 36 weeks of instruction time, exclusive of time devoted
for registration, initial orientation, and vacation.

For the first two years of the curriculum, it is recommended that

14 weeks of instruction be scheduled prior to regular University Christmas
vacation. Under such a plan firstuyear students will report to the College
Of Medicine on the Wednesday of the week preceding this ldaweek period and
second—year students will report on the Friday of the same week. In most
Years these first days will be the Wednesday and Friday following Labor
Day. Following the Christmas vacation, first and second year students will
have 22 weeks of instruction interrupted by a oneeweek vacation during the
week of April 15 and ending with the second week in June.








































While this schedule starts earlier and ends later than the regular

_ \i ..

University academic year, it encompasses the University's schedule and
coincides with that schedule for the Christmas Vacation. The longer f
academic year is required for medical education. The date of spring f]
vacation for first and second-year students follows a practice which Wkt t
medical schools have found desirable by coinciding with the annual Fedmaud
Society meetings. r

Between the first and second years of the College of Medicine curfirflq-
a Summer vacation of about 12 weeks is provided. This will enable some '
students to engage in necessary remunerative activities in order to help ;
finance their medical education. Hopefully, there will be previsionsfor l
employing many students within the Medical Center in activities having }”

professional relevance.


During the third and fourth years, medical students are engaged prhm-l
rily in the study of clinical medicine. Such study takes place in the chm'
areas of the Medical Center which operate on a year round basis. Since f
clinical faculty share responsibility for patient care, they must be geamdf
to a schedule which has no relatiou to the usual academic calendar amled;
provides for staggered vacations in every department. Many medical eMmaWV
have 10ng questioned the desirability of conducting education in clinical L
medicineon an academic schedule subject to vacation interruptions whichhwd
no relevance to the practice of medicine, and a number of schools now foflwt
a calendar year schedule for their scecalled ”clinical years". Therelms f
been concern because schedules which provide three months of vacation.5%ml
wasteful in light of the long educational period required of the physidem‘
in-training. Furthermore, patients are available on a yearnround basis,am5
during vaCation time valuable opportunities for clinical experiences are iv
wasted. In addition, students play a definite role in hospital organiudhd
Periods of vacation sometimes impose awkward disruptions in this regard. é


In favor of long vacation provisions, it is recognized that some smug
must have Opportunities to engage in remunerative emplOyment in order to I
finance their education. .


The following arrangement will provide flexibility for meeting the
individual needs of third and fourth year medical students and at the swm
time overcome several of the awkward features which have characterized A
traditional academic scheduling during the study of clinical medicine. It“
is therefore recommended: ‘1

1. That the teaching of clinical medicine be provided on a year-Nund
basis starting on July 1 and ending on June 30. divided into appropriafi f
academic periods, and with provision for fourth year students to qualifyfa
and receive their degrees at the University c0mmencement. I

2. That students' programs be arranged, under normal circumstancesfi‘
that they have staggered free periods with some fraction of the classfr”.
at any particular time. f


3. That insofar as possible provisions be made for employing shflemih
in professionally relevant activity during their free periods. :

4, That some students be allOwed to pursue adVanced study duringtmd
free PeriOdS. perhaps scheduling the free time of both years in sequenced?

this purpose.



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Recommended First Year Curriculum

The curriculum developed for first year students in the University
of Kentucky College of Medicine, based on 36 weeks of scheduled class
work, calls for the scheduling of required lectures, laboratories and
seminars in six four~hour mornings, and three three-hour afternoons or
a total of 33 hours a week. In addition, two afternoons a week (totaling
6 hours) are designated as optiOnal elective time to afford students
who need it an opportunity for pursuing remedial work or to enable
especially motivated and able students to partake of elective courses in
either the Medical Center or the University at large.

The first year curriculum is composed of the following course units:


Units Scheduled Suggested
Hours Credits
Introduction to Anatomy, Microscopy & Ultrastructure 219 7
Developmental Anatomy 56 2
Behavioral Science 48 2
Biochemistry 909 7
Physiology 193 7
Human Growth and DeveIOpment 108 4
COnjoint Sciences, Coujoint Systems.Genetics 142 5
Neurological System 132 4
Introduction to Clinical Medicine 56 _g_
1163* 40

Course units have been planned, insofar as possible, to provide for
each unit blocks of time and scheduling within each week best suited to
the units’partioular subject matter and pedagogical methods, and with
primary consideration to the relationship of each unit to the over—all
Medical College curriculum. In addition to these units, special provisions
for graduate student study will be made by many of the departments.

The curriculum is depicted graphically in the Charts 1 and 2 and the
weekly schedule of classes is shown in Charts 3 through 11. Chart 12
depicts a suggestive diagram for the second year curriculum in order to
indicate the tentative planning that has taken place and Show its relation-
ship to the first year curriculum. A brief description of the units in
the first year curriculum follows Charts 1 through 12.

i . . .
Required curriculum hours per year at other medical colleges range

from about 1050 to 1350.

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Description of the First Year Curriculum
r __

Introduction to Anatomy (140 hours) is designel to present the
principles of organisation of the human body and to lead into the several r
methods and special topics in the study