xt705q4rn414 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rn414/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1988 1988 1988-02-10 2020 true xt705q4rn414 section xt705q4rn414  



Blues City All- Stars give Lexington a
taste of the blues. SEE PAGE 6.




For an expert’s view of the
state’s budget, SEE PAGE 4.


Today: Mostly cloudy
Tomorrow: Cloudy, 30°-35°





SGA votes tonight
on VP amendment

Staff Writer

The Student Government Associa-
tion will vote for the second time to-
night on a bill that would amend its
constitution by eliminating the posi-
tion of the executive vice president.

In its last meeting two weeks ago,
the Senate passed the amendment
by a roll-call vote of 25-9, only two
votes more than the required two
thirds majority necessary. However.
SGA by-laws require that an amend-
ment pass in two meetings for final

If the amendment passes. students
will only vote for a president and se-
nior vice president in this spring’s

The president would then have the
power to appoint a chief executive
officer, subject to Senate approval.

“The executive vice president has
really not been much more than an


For the complete run-
down on the bills to be
considered by SGA to-
night, See page 7.


executive senator." Executive Vice
President Brad Dixon told the Sen-
ate during its last meeting. “We‘ve
got a history of four years that says
this is not the way to do it . "

Last year Dixon was elected to his
position, despite being on a different
ticket than President (‘yndi Weaver
and Senior Vice President Susan

Weaver has charged that Dixon
was apathetic last semester and ap»
pointed Ken Walker as executive di—
rector to carry out Dixon‘s responsi»
bilities in the executive branch.

Dixon said the bill is not a direct
result of that conflict. instead. he

said it is a change SGA has needed
for a long time.

Because there was such a close
vote at the Senate's last meeting,
there is still a possibility that the
amendment will not win final appro-
val tonight.

"As far as I know. no one‘s
changed their mind." said Allied

Sec SGA. Page 2

Budget freeze renders
SAB plans fros

Staff Writer

Due to a cut in this budget tor

renovation and reconstruction.
Student Center will not he
vated, as previously planned

The money has been "troll-n."
acording to Lynne llunt. Student Ac
tivities Board president. became ot
the growing concern over (lot.
Wallace Wilkinson's proposed bud
get for the next biennium

The money will be tro/cn. Hunt
said, pending a reallocation oi t'K‘s

Frank Harris. director ot the Stir
dent (‘enter. told the SAP; last night
that the renovation proieetx wcl'c
“dead in the water ‘



m. m ”My.” .4;

Construction workers in front of, Latterty Hall accidentally hit a
water-service line yesterday afternoon'causing a breakage and

rendering six University buildings :vlthOut water for more than an“


hour. The workers were installing chill water lines at the time




Anthropology iMuseu‘m
provides look at past

Contributing Writer

imagine that a spaceship‘ landed
in a cemetary nearby'to study life
on Earth. . .

There was no contact with hu-
mans. Just from looking at the size
of the gravestones, the_higher life
forms may discern who were the
wealthy and powerful. They could
even learn about the types of reli-
gions by looking at the Catholic cru-
cifixes and Protestant crosses that
marked some of the graves.

This is similar to the way archaeo-
logists understand past conditions
and events that have shaped our
world as we know it.

Mary L. Powell, director of the
Museum of Anthropology, said ar-
chaeologists are constantly adding
new information about earlier times
with the aid of improved technology.

Powell said the UK museum, since
its beginning 50 years ago, has con-
tributed a great deal of this informa-
tion with its own vast collection of
objects from the different cultures

Powell said the museum, located
in Lafferty Hall. actually contains
only a sample of the many artifacts
found. Most of the museum exhibits
deal with archaeology, but Powell
said there are three other branches

of anthropology, the study of human

One branch is physical anthropol-
gy which is the study of the human
body development and fossils. Pow-
ell said. The other branches are
linguistics, the study of languages.
and a current form of study called
ethnology. This is the study of living
civilizations. she said.

“Ethnologists live with
groups,” Powell said. The
ethnologists closely study such
things as eating and hunting habits.
They learn most of their information
by observing and questioning the

“Ethnologists look at the subsis-
tance, how they survive, " she said.

Powell said one thing ethnologists
study is kinship which varies in dif-
ferent societies.

“These systems developed in so-
ciety because life was so hard in the
frontier. . . . Women and men often
died so children would go to the clos-
est blood kin “ she said.

The Kinship Exhibit shows that in
some cultures children may have
more than one father or mother by
counting uncle as aunts as parents
also, Powell said. This ensures the
care of children, she said.

There are other exhibits in the
museum dating back to 50,000 B.C.,



. H uruaw m.


Exhibits at the UK Museum of Anthropology contain many artifacts
that have been collected by UK anthropoligists.

“I can‘t tell you whether weie
ever going to get the work done. ' he

SAB studied proposals last be},
teinber for renovating the (iron
Hall and the mezzanine ol the \tii
dent (‘enter

The renovation was to pit l‘rl-
painting the stairwell lt‘tltllllL’ ’1‘
(lrand Ballroom; new floor lil“ l'i:.\
and furniture for the (iron l7»
and a new lighting system

At that time. limit said the Sn.
(lent (‘enter issue” had not died. :i::..
that the board felt the renovation
was "part one of the plan

liasl night. however. llunl \(iiti
now tell like she ltad limit-i"
from the spending freeze

“its extremely il'ilSli'Liillit’
said "i don't understand wtij.



nailed now when other
lii'lili‘i"~.liciit ”

John llerbst. director ot student

l/t’.1‘:.‘. new

minim-s. said that he was disap

bitilli‘t‘tl "i think cverbody is disup
“innit-tilt} llIi-lilldilt‘l H

llt't‘lrsl went on thal he
fiiitn'.\ 'lil picturi- will be a little
iii'iiililei .lowii l'neroatl "

ltzi' lllt' moment the udin'ins
lint 'le l\ iinikiiig a choice.

to so)

lie ll)\l \(tltl

llernst \lltl that it lt~ important tor
7h: :iiiininislralion to step back and
Ilutllt' priorities while looking at the
~.\ hole pii'lill‘c

iteratield. Little Kentuck).
th.:.'xniair said lllltlt‘i
druids '24- l :nx ersity's \‘lillilllttll

' was a \\l.\(' decision.‘
where would we gel the

n to.

it": in slic

l L ‘l"\*v

\t t' \,[[t!

N‘u' \ \B. l’ in ‘

Dole vie

for primary victory

Candidates set their sights towards
New Hampshire’s primary Feb. 16

B} I).\\ Ill I‘ZSI’U
Associaled l’ress


Republican Sen ion [loge
Democratic ltcp Richard ncimt ii.
blew into New Hampshire \e-Fw:
day. :wi; .\Iid\\'esterrier~ dug! ;,_
turn their first place lowa t'tilli'im
finishes to admittagc lll next wi-i l. ~
lcadrotl presidential primar; \

\icc President George ltiisn
national trontri‘unncr hiiinbictl I \
il'lll‘ll'plilt't‘ finish. redoublcd
campaign efforts and l‘t‘l]lll\illtilii-il
one ot liole's camping: tin-mm
“lni one of you.” he told \t"\

Hut Pat Robertson. .
prise Republican runner up \i‘ti m-
\'l(‘t‘ president‘s “myth oi lilt at mu.
ty " was gone. Another ri\.il i ll mus-t
Bush's swift political den ..-
spitc the Vice president's ~
New Hampshire polls

l'nlike Dole. (‘iephardl name-ll
only a narrow win in Iowa ii: in.
niediatel} declared himsel: 'he
“clear underdog” in the Sltitv :ri".
pronounced Massachusetts (iti‘. \izr
chael Dukakis the Democrat to he“:

Even so. he said. "l'ni gor-v, do

Sen. Paul Simon. i'unzu.
among the Democrats lll Ill\'\tl
pegged Dukakis the man 'o *w‘
and said. “The important tho..-
vho comes in second."

[)ukakis predicted he would tilll'j.
he state next Tuesday but ilt‘dllt‘l


ltiu\,; s

=.i- noi lil~ illilt‘.\ wanted to predict a
l ‘llzzak alter \ew lltllllibilll't‘ the
will mt. lit‘ narrower and \\t' will ltt'
tin lioil‘. riiiini-r." he said ii‘. in ii"
'i-H .z-‘i
ill whiz-'2 'lllniik i‘
:..oit- aggressor. onl_\ because lhc

tel-ti wow l.\ going to begin to our

.~ L‘UlllL‘ to tie


'lhu-rc was no disagreement lin
T‘iu‘ point 'l'raditionall}. the iiisl
if,» mp, 1\ Alan the ltl>7 for man) of
‘lii liso rails

llole .illl'llilltt‘tl lll.\ easy [own win
2.. \ili‘killg’ to the issues and holding
rillo lll\ lt'llllN'l' ill the face of briwo
(.1l4tll‘ tiom Bush s campaign

lint he \iilll he faces an lipliill llttl'
tii- against the \icc president in New

l.«",\ lace ll. in. behind." he
m~l 'l in not the trout tiiiiiici lll
\nw Hampshire '

lthe Senalc Republican leader \tlil
he .\llll \icwed the campaign as .i
two man race between himselt and
the \lt't.‘ president. Robertson‘s sur
pi':>i:ig finish aside

But it was clear that the itcpubh
campaign had undergone an
opening night upheaval

'I think t‘t’i‘l'dllll} Robertson will
he .i hit-tor i think Jack Kciiip will
ln' .1 inaioi‘ lactot' in New llitlllir
\‘lll‘t' something that hasn‘t been
(l‘~‘i'l.\\'t'l! much of late." said Elsie
\.ll'i.ll‘il(iil. head (it the s'utc liepiib
hum l’ai't}.


Army says soldier shot
teen-age Arab protestor

Associated Press

JERI'SAIEM The army said
yesterday an lsraeli officer shot and
wounded a 16 year-old Arab pi‘olcs
ter. and Arab reports said another
youth died of beating iniurics A
Jewish settler was being investi
gated in the fatal shooting of a dem

U .S. envoy Richard Murphy began
talks last night with Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir on a peace process
to help end rioting in occupied terri
tories that has claimed 31 lives since
Dec. 8.

Shamir lashed out at the Palestine
Liberation Organization for its plans
to send a boat loaded with 200 Arab
deportees back to ISI‘ilC‘l from
Athens, Greece. He called the action
a “declaration of war“ against is

The Palestine Press Service. on
Arab-run news agency. said Fuad
Tarazi, 17, of Gaza City died yester
day of injuries sustained during a
beating while in army custody,

Palestinian sources said soldiers
chased the youth after he threw
stones and arrested him in his house
Monday. His mother told a reporter:
"They took my son, they beat him
They broke his bicycle. "

The army contiriiied 'l‘ara/i's
death but \zlltl the cause w as under

.\ military spokesman said that
during :i demonstration an Israeli
oiticcr drew his pistol and shot a 167
yearold Palestinian in the legs in
litilah. a (villa Strip town bordering

'l‘hc Palestine Press reported four
separate incidents in which Jewish
settlers smashed car Windows or
damaged houses in Arab areas of
the West Bank last night and early
yesterday The army said it had no
information or that police were in

Yosef Fares. spokesman for Sa-
maria policc. said a settler would
appear before a judge for a bail
hearing in the shooting death of a 2-3-
yeariold Arab yesterday.

Fares said two settlers from the
Jewish settlement of Kedumim
came to the Arab village of Kfar
Qaddoum to pick up workers Mon-
day and were stopped by stone-
throwing. masked youths He said
one settler shot in the air with an
t‘7.i submachine gun.

"We suspect that the man who
was killed was killed by one of those
bullets.“ he said, adding that under
israeli law a suspect may be held in
custody but is not charged until the
investigation is completed.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, February 10. 1988



Tonight’s SOA agenda

Staff reports coordinating more events be-
tween MIA and the Student Activ-
ities lioat'd

. rIXlt-s (sponsor: Bridges) —
encourage (.‘ov. Wallace Wilkin-
son's ailiiiinistration and mem-
tier.» of the (leneral Assembly to
“give their highest support to the
llt‘t‘tis of higher education and the
college students of Kentucky in
the upcoming biennial budget."


OSGA vote

Continued from Page I

Health Senator David Bingbam, the
amendment's primary sponsor.
Bingham said he still expected some
more debate tonight over questions
that may have arisen over the last
two weeks.

In addition to the amendment
calling for the abolishment of the
executive vice president, the Stu
dent Government Association
Senate will also be considering
the following pieces of legislation
tonight when it meets at 7::to lIl
206 Student Center:

- EXB-li'i' (sponsors. Lisa (‘opr
and Social Work Senator Susan
Bean) -» allocate $750 to bring
Denise Giardina as a speaker til
Women Writers Conference to be
held on campus April 6-9.

' EXB-tii «sponsors:

Communications Senator Jason
Williams, who opposes the amend-
ment, said that votes may have
changed in both directions since the

- \sltis sponsors: Senator at

huge l\|lll Fowler) - allocate
31 iron to wiiil four SGA members
to the \iiierican Association of
semi),- illl\t‘l‘.\II_\ Students Conference
VICE President Susan i’,[‘1(igp_\ Ill lil"i\\'ll lilll\'(‘r5lt_\' on April 7-
and Executive Director Ken I“

Walker) — allocate $l6ti to titin't
tise Beta Alpha Psi, an account
ing honorary, volunteer income
tax assistance that will be held in
the SGA office Feb. 2224 1").
March 1—2; and April +6.

0 EXR-ti «sponsors: executin-
branch member (‘raig FI'It‘tillMtl
Communications Senator .lasoi.
Williams arid Bi‘idgest urci
the UK administration to put iilt'
proposal for a new evening i)ll\
((‘A'I‘ van) as atop priority in ii.\ ii‘ ‘21 3“

0 I-IXR-t) ispoiisoi':
Vice President Brad l)l.\'ttll‘
form a committee to look not,

“I’d heard some people were
changing their minds against it and
also for it,” he said.

He also mentioned the importance
of considering that two senators

wereabsentat thelast vote. - ssit iii sponsors: LCC Sen-

.iioi t‘hris l‘Issid and Fowler) —
i'l't-ii‘i' .i lil\k force of students,
la-wilig and slit” to study estab»
lisliiiic a L'tlioiir crisis hotline.

Williams currently has a bill in
committee that would retain the ex
ecutive vice president position. but
would mandate straight-ticket vot-
ing in SGA elections.


- \“IIli: ispttllsttt‘SZ Freshman
ti"l)it'~r‘lli.‘lll\(‘ (‘ouiicil member
.\t'.tli i.itiltl|.tll and freshman sen-
ators ( lll‘l\‘ Price and Sean Cole-
'l:{ll|' ilIIlt'IHl the SGA Constitu-
Iii'nt' freshman senators
li-cti-zi in the sixth full
Ext-entiti- ..i,_ ul tall semester classes.
Iiltlt‘liii) there is no specific
‘I it. wt tot thcelcction.


M i i i “If (the amendment) fails, I‘ll
wait and see what happens with my
bill," he said.

Over and above

Rob Lock goes up for two during the Cat's first

loss of the season against the Auburn Tigers.
The wildcats play Auburn again tonight at 8:30.

it) is»-

If the amendment does pass again
tonight, however, Williams said he
will withdraw his bill

Ex-associate says Noriega behind enterprises

on the activities of Sen. Jesse






By LAWRENCE LKNL'TSON Jose I iiiiiiirioii. ii ioriiiet' Pana- Blandon told a Senate Foreign Rela— babylon 115 N. Limestone

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - A former asso
ciate portrayed Panamanian strong
man Manuel Antonio Noriega yes
terday as the driving force behind a
“gigantic machine" that generated
hundreds of millions of dollars
through drug trafficking, money
laundering, gunrunning and other
criminal enterprises.

maniaii intelligence otticial fired by
General Noriega as his country‘s
counsel general lll Next York. said
also ('tibaii President Fidel Castro
once personally intervened in a dis-
pute between Noriega and the Me-
delhn drug cartel Ill (‘oionibia

Une cocaine shipment by an al~
leged Noriega associate involved an
apparent connection to the US.—
backed contra rebels in Nicaragua,

tions subcommittee.

Blandon also testified that Norie-
ga. Panama‘s military chief, worked
closely with the CIA and regularly
received classified reports on the po-
litical leanings and personal lives of
US. senators and congressional
staff members.

The CIA reports, along with others
prepared by the National Security
Council staff, included information

Helms, R-N.C., a leading Noriega
critic, and on Sen. Edward M. Ken-
nedy, D-Mass.. Blandon said.

Sen. John Kerry. D~Mass.. head-
ing the congressional investigation,
said such reports would be “repre—
hensible“ and that if the testimony
proves correct, those responsible
should be fired.


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'SAB feels

Continued from Page I

UK’s budget freeze

Harris said he had chosen the ren-
ovation company for the project, but
was unable to award the contract
due to the freeze.

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money? It‘s a matter of practicalr

Hunt said she was under the imi
pression the freeze was only sup-
posed to affect new projects. She
said since the Student Center reno»
vation was approved last fall. it

Harris told the board to "stay
tuned" and that he was proceeding
\\ith lilt’l)i;lll> ‘oiietliij. at a time.”

"I‘m trying to protect the
money] he said. "but I have no

guareiitccs from anyone \ilicthel‘ I Information for this story was also

should be unaffected.

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 Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, February 10, 1988 — 3



UK golfers
headed for
warm climate

Staff Writer

The guys on the Kentucky golf
team just wish Mother Nature would
give them a break.

Freezing temperatures in the
Bluegrass have prevented the team
from practicing three out of the last
five days.

But they’ll get the chance to knock
the icicles off their 9-irons today
when they arrive in Gainesville,
Fla., to tune up for the University of
Florida’s Gator Invitational, which
begins Friday.

“The weather has hurt us, but I
think we‘ll play better than a lot of
people may think," UK coach Tom
Simpson said. “When you layoff,
and then come back and hit it, you
lose that rhythm that you‘ve devel-
oped. So that’s hurt us."

“They don‘t have to put up with
this garbage," said junior player
Steve Flesch of UK’s southern oppo-
nents. A few flakes of snow floated
down at the Griffin Gate Golf Course
yesterday during UK‘s practice

“The schools down there have the
weather. They get to play every day
and it‘s 60 degrees out and sunny.
We come out here, it‘s 35 and it’s
going to snow here in a minute,"
Flesch said.

His teammates agreed.

“If they‘re out every day, it‘s not
the same as playing only twice a
week, if that," junior Olen Grant
said. “And when you are playing,
you’re out here freezing. "

“It‘s tough just playing a little bit
every now and then," said senior co-
captain Bill Lundeen. “This is a
game you've got to be playing ev-
eryday to be in good form for com—

And you can bet the Gator
Invitational will be competitive.

All the members of the always-
tough Southeastern Conference will
be present, with the exception of
Alabama. Some of the other partici-
pants include Ohio State, Southwest


UK junior Steve Flesch practices yesterday at the Griffin Gate Golf
Course. Kentucky begins its season today at the Gator Invitational.

Louisiana. Nebraska and Texas—El

“I don't think anyone's expecting
us to do anything." Lundeen said.
"And id just as soon have it that
way. I‘d rather go in as sort of a

Darkhorse or not, Simpson thinks
he has assembled his finest group in
his eight years at the reigns of the
UK men‘s program.

The Kentucky golfers are led by
the experienced trio of Lundeen.
Flesch and Grant. Lundeen was a
first team. All~SEC selection last

season. while Flesch made the sec-

ond team.

“I think they give us the lead-
ership and the maturity to carry us
a long way," Simpson said, "Of
course. we can‘t expect too much
this early , . . I‘m hoping and think-
ing we will really begin to put things

And when you ask the team mem-
bers their goal this season. you get a
unanimous answer ,.. an invitation
to the NCAA Tournament in Los
Angeles this May.

Todd Jones
$00115 Editor

Jim White
AssnstaniSpIivi i imv

Jeff Moore or less, Cats glad
for another shot at the Tigers

Staff Writer

it took about one second for Au-
burn forward John Caylor to release
his 3-point bomb that knocked Ken-
tucky from the ranks of the unbeat~
en back in January.

Now, with that shot still vivid in
their minds, the Cats will head for
Auburn, Ala, tonight for 40 minutes
of revenge against Caylor and his
Tiger teammates.

LeRon Ellis will be ready. He just
wants to get his licks in on Auburn.

Because he was nursing an in
jured ankle when Auburn visited
Rupp Arena, the 6-foot-11 forward
didn't get in the game. But he still
felt the agony of defeat.

“The first game is in everyone’s
head,“ Ellis said. "I‘m going to be
ready for this game. l didn‘t like sit-
ting there watching us lose last

Don't remind UK coach Eddie Sut-
ton of the Auburn game either. He
probably took the loss the worst.

When the students were lined up
for tickets the Sunday morning after
the game, Sutton. who normally
walks through the front door of Me—
morial Coliseum. ducked in the back

He didn‘t want to face the students
because he was embarrassed by the
team‘s lack-luster performance. He
called it the Cats' "worst perfor»
mance of the year."

The Tigers won, despite playing
without two of their star players. No
doubt, the loss of center Jeff Moore
to a broken hand and forward Mike
Jones to academic ineligibility was
a bitter pill to swallow.

Make that horse pill-sized propor-

With the two stars gone. 42.1
points and 18.9 rebounds per game
were erased from the Tigers‘

Capable replacements Caylor and
center Matt Geiger are averging an
identical 7.6 points per game.

But the man Auburn relies on for
most of its scoring is 6~7 forward



Metcbup: Kentucky 16-3 (8-3
SEC) vs. Auburn 12-7 (5-5

Tlme: 8:30 pm.

Place: Joel Eaves Memorial

Radio Coverage: Live on the
UK Radio Network, WLW-AM
700 with Cawood Ledlord and
Ralph Hacker.

TV Coverage: None.




Chris Morris, who is averaging 20.4
points and 9.5 rebounds per game,

He led the Tigers‘ attack against
UK, scoring 18 points and grabbing
12 rebounds. But Auburn coach
Sonny Smith says he’s playing even
better of late.

“Morris is playing much better
because he stopped taking all the
shots," Smith said. “We went into
thinking he had to be the star and
score all the points.

“But he didn‘t handle that real
well, and now taking normal shots
has made him better."

If Moore had his way, he‘d be
back in uniform tonight and take his
familiar place next to Morris in the
paint when the Cats roll into town.

“He said he‘ll play in the Ken
tucky game. but we're thinking
more in terms of the Georgia game
(this Saturday).“ Smith said. “The
cast is off. but he couldn‘t bend his
wrist or close his hand."

Sutton said Moore's return will
make Auburn a different team, And

if that happens to be tonight i1 t'tiiiitl
spell trouble for UK

"They'll get a shot iii the all“ with
the return of M()()l'i'_ sintor -... If
“The Tigers “ill ht‘ all t .
ferent balk-tub than thin. .\l‘.'t' t’. .
her in the year "

But then you could dl'tlltt'
thing for Kentucky Hill" the
tion of Ellis into the 0.1.“pr viiie'igv
Although he hiltl it lJtl'l
Saturday against Miss»: M“
Ellis was still his usual .P"'l?; «Ln
self on the tip of the I..‘\
zone press.

”Ellis (‘rt‘éites some i" I
the point oi lllt' tiiii t'l‘rLi‘f'
cause of his \l/t' .iiiii
Sutton said

“Lelion is out tioi'? If
lot of people and iiialum
work." l'K guard lid 1).:

But the button: iziiv .

Since the (‘ats him put i-
starting lineup and ivt‘Q.
the press. t'K 'l:

Don't think Siititl- I.;:---

He's well aware of KIN-w- -
found deteiisix e \‘U'aii'it‘

He said tTK \til!
team as soon as ttn- I
the bus ”

“I think the; .i pin» .
all the way.” Smith so 1
pecting and prcpai

Smith said he
tempo of the it”: I
out Moore

The Tigers pu' >I-.;"- -
ference-leadiiig H”! It: i '
their patient halt mi." .
Came away \\ith a ~'.'lt I.

”If we can hold :Itl ~ '

I think “(I \t' an!

't‘lll .3“.

L’.ll!I:" l. I


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Students, Faculty, Employees,
and Citizens Concerned about
Higher Education in Kentucky

Dr. David Roselle, President of the University of Kentucky, and the Presidents of each of
Kentucky’s Public Universities need your support in securing a future for Higher Education in

The Rally and March for Higher Education

Tuesdaay, February 16




The one opportunity for the citizens of Kentucky to come together and show support for
funding to meet the educational needs of all Kentuckians.


4:00-9:00 pm.

Sponsored by
Coordinate Government & CKBC
All Donors Receive
a free “Paws” T-Shirt

Join us as we travel to Frankfort!
OBuses leave at 12:30 for a March on the Capitol
to include a march up the capitol steps and reception in the capitol rotunda
OBuses leave at 2:00 for the rally
Buses depart and return to the University of Kentucky Student Center parking lot. All buses
will return by 7 pm.

Call UK Student Government Association at 257-3191 to reserve your spot.

Anyone who is interested in the future of higher education is
invited. It is time that we stood up and demanded quality

education for our citizens and the future of Kentucky.
Sponsored by the University of Kentucky Student government Association



 4 -- Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, February 10, 1989



Abolishment of VP

politically motivated

SGA amendment

It‘s odd how legislation relating to the Student Govern-
ment Association elections has a peculiar habit of surfac-
ing right before the campaigns.

Last year. an amendment was proposed that called for
candidates to run on tickets instead of individually. The
senate, seeing through the political motivations behind the
legislation, responsibly rejected it.

Tonight, the senate is faced with a similar issue.

Once again, the senate will decide on an amendment
that calls for the abolishment of the executive vice presi-
dent and the establishment of a chief of staff to be appoint-
ed by the president.

At the senate‘s last meeting, the amendment was
passed by a 25-9 margin. It will require another two-thirds
majority vote in order to be implemented.

When the amendment came up for a vote the last time.
we strongly urged the senators to vote against it. We urge
them to do the same once again.

As we have said in this space before, the idea behind
the amendment is a worthy one — ensure. that the presi-
dent will have someone within the executive branch who
will oversee the day-today operations of the executive

This year the executive branch probably has not run as
smoothly as it should have because of the bickering be-
tween President Cyndi Weaver and Executive Vice Presi-
dent Brad Dixon.

But simply because you have one year in which two offi-
cials do not work well together. that does not call for the
elimination of one of the positions to remedy the problem.

As an alternative to this amendment. we have proposed
the idea of requiring executive candidates to run on tick-
ets. instead of individually, and only allowing students to
vote for straight tickets. We still feel that is the best solu-
tion to avoiding future in—house f ighting.

Although some candidates would surley choose their
running mates for purely pol