xt705q4rn26z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rn26z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 04, 1974 1974 1974-02-04 2020 true xt705q4rn26z section xt705q4rn26z The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 103
Monday, February 4, 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


of three trustee members

Kernel Staff Writer
THREE MEMBERS of the Board of
Trustees are serving on expired terms
until Gov. Wendell H. Ford replaces them.
And he is not expected to replace them

Because the legislature is in session, the
governor's energies are devoted to in-
suring that his programs are approved.
The stall is being interpreted in two ways.

Some observers think Ford has not
named the new trustees because he doesn't
want to make any legislator angry. They
think Ford could lose votes in the General
Assembly if he commits himself to a
political appointment that may not be
popular with some members of the

0N THEother hand, there are those who
say the Governor's schedule is too busy to
worry about filling positions that are
legally and competently filled now.

The law governing the appointment of
trustees states that a trustee whose term
has expired Will continue to serve until the
governor names a replacement and the
successor is sworn in.

The three

trustees are Jesse M.
Paris; Thomas P. Bell.

Lexington; and Richard E. Cooper.
Somerset. Their terms expired Dec. 31,
1973. Each one has served a full four-year

press secretary to the governor, said the
Legislature's only effect on the naming of
the new trustees is that it is time con-
suming. Ford has the recommendations
for the alumni member of the board on his
desk now but no date has been set for the
appointment, Ruehling said.

The candidates for the alumni trustee are
elected by the University alumni. The top
three vote getters are sent to the governor
with a recommendation from the
University President. Dr. ()tis A.

The other members are recommended
by citizens from all over the state. Some
recommendations go directly to Ford and
others are sent through other channels,
like Singletary‘s office.

THE PRESIDENT "rarely" makes
recommendations to the governor. said
Anne Wilson, Singletary's secretary. The
only official recommendations are for the
alumni members. she said.

(‘ontinued on Page 7



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A l'K design student recently unveiled the
look for the habitual recluse.
Avenue recluse also has a great sense of humor
staff photo by

This Arlington

Bruce Hutson).



intro courses


Kernel Staff Writer

The sociology department is evaluating
and reorganizing its introductory courses.
“We feel that we have a primary
responsibility to undergraduates," said
Dr. William Kenkel. the sociology
department chairman.

In September the department called in
two experts from other schools who are
specialists in teaching undergraduate

“Four-thousand people take our 101 and
152 courses each year. they‘re our main
contact with most students," Kenkel said.

AS A RESULT. plans have been made to
offer a seminar in introductory sociology
instruction for teaching assistants and to

hire a director of undergraduate studies
for sociology if funds are made available.

“The director would be hired under the
special title series." said Kenkel. “He
would take the lead in undergraduate
studies and his advancements would be
specifically related to instructiohal ac-

The special title series is reserved for
full—time instructional responsibilities
instead of the regular title series which
divides a professor's time between in-
struction, research and service to the

II" FUNDS are not made available for an
undergraduate director. the sociology
department plans to rotate the respon-
sibility among its faculty.

“Now. faculty members are being
required to teach a beginning level course
once every fourth semester." said Dr.
Willis Sutton. sociology professor.

Last Spring 3 study of the sociology
department. prompted by the release of
faculty salaries by Student Government
showed. in general. the higher paid faculty
members taught a small percentage of the
undergraduate courses.

TIIE STl'DY showed that professors
earning over $14,000 per year taught no
sections of Sociology 101 or 152.

Kenkel denied that current changes are
a result of the study.

“We had been talking about bringing in
advisors long before the study.“ said



News In Brlet

Olsraell base attacked

OUrban problems cited
oCongress gets budget

0leon's popularity sinks
OVIetnam battle goes on

OTake me along...

0 Today's weather...

0 DAMASCUS. Syria — Syria said it
wiped out an Israeli missile base. three
tanks and six mortar batteries in a two-
hour tank and artillery due] on the Golan
Heights that Damascus called the biggest
since the October war.

The Israeli military command in Tel
Aviv said only “a few shots“ were fired
along the heights. and denied any of its
tanks were destroyed.

O NEWPORT. Ky. — After a week-long
tour of cities in Kentucky. head of the
legislative group making the visits em~
phasized the need for an entire package of
city-oriented legislation to help solve the
urban problems.

Rep. William Kenton. D-Lexington.
chairman of the House Committee on
Cities. said the panel planned to begin
work immediately on such legislation.

OWASHINGTON —— President Nixon
sends his record-breaking $304.4 billion
budget to Congress Monday. completing a
trio of messages traditionally sent at the
start of each session.


r r /
. I}? ’13” /



#5412 L

O PRINCETON. NJ. —- President
Nixon's popularity reached a new low of 26
per cent in the latest Gallup Poll.

The low rating came just one year after
Nixon's popularity was at an alltime high.
In the latest poll. conducted Jan. 18
through 21. Nixon received his highest
rating in the South.

Among the Southerners surveyed. 34 per
cent approved of Nixon‘s performance,
compared with 22 per cent in the East. 27
per cent in the Midwest and 21 per cent in
the Far West.

0 PIINOM PEN". Cambodia —
Government soldiers backed by river
gunboats tried to fight out of a rebel
stronghold with grenade and rifle fire
Sunday as helicopters strafed the in-
surgents in an unseccessful attempt to
blast a hole in the U-shaped trap.

0 WASHINGTON — lf Pentagon plans
work out. even the lowest ranked privates
will be able to take their wives with them
at government expense when they are sent

It's the latest move by the military to
keep the troops happy.

...enter February

February makes its entrance somewhat
like a polar bear as we have to get used to
winter weather again. Skies will be partly
cloudy today with cold temperatures
nearing 40. Tonight the temperature will
drop to the mid 205. The outlook should
improve on Tuesday. with sunny and a
little warmer weather. Precipitation
chances are less than 20 per cent today.


 The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. 1272 Priscilla Lane. Lexington, Ky. Begun as
the Cadet in 1594 ant‘ published continuously as he Kentucky Kernel since 1915
The Kernel Press inc. founded 1971. First class postal: paid at Lexington. Ky
Advertising published herein ls intended to help the render buy. Any false or
misleading advertising should be reported to the editas.

A legislative guard

With the facts of an article in Friday’s Kernel
(Residence halls receive, review student records,
page 1) mentally digested, it becomes increasingly
obvious that widespread student support of HB 408,
which promises strict guarding of records, is needed.

Friday‘s story by staff writer Wally Hixson
illustrated an instance where grades were posted on
one floor of Blanding Tower to put, in the words of
Dean Rosemay Pond, “emphasis on scholastic en-
deavors in residence halls.” We and many students
feel, however, other ways should be devised to em-
phasize scholastic achievement. Posting grades
without consent tends to embarrass rather than
motivate students with low GPAs.

HB 408, introduced by Rep. Terry Mann (D-
Newport) and endorsed by some members of the
House Education Committee, will protect student
records from this haphazard abuse. It is receiving the
attention of the Kentucky Student Association (KSA),
a student lobbying body, and UK’s Student Govern-

The bill has many good points and was drafted by
students and administrators. It would guarantee,
with some exceptions, that student records must be
confidential and cannot be released to “any person,
organization, school or institution, group or agency"
except with the student’s consent or by subpoena.

Exemptions would include:

—Releasing records to the Council on Public Higher
Education when precautions are taken to keep secret
the student’s identity.

~Releasing records of students under 18 years of
age to parents or legal guardians.

—Releasing a student’s medical information when
it will help in treatment.

—Releasing information to the student with the
exclusion of medical and psychological information
and solicited recommendations.

HB 408 has already received promising attention
from members of the Education Committee and Sen.
Mike Moloney (D-Lexington). Moloney said he likes
the structuring of this bill, incontrast to the one he
killed two years ago. Passage of this bill, with
amendments, can be expected. However, to insure
passage, a few well-placed letters with local
representatives and senators would help.




editorials represent the opinions of the editors, not the university




Letters to the Kernel

ERA should be rescinded

The controversial Equal Rights
Amendment that was ratified by
narrow margin in Kentucky‘s
special session, June 1972, should
be rescinded. Debate and
reasoning ended in 1972 when, at
the very last minute, the
proponents of ERA turned up
with Dee Huddleston banners and
we had yet another display of
people blindly putting partisan
politics ahead of their country.

The immediate and dramatic
effect of ratification of ERA
would be a grab of substantial
power by the Federal Govern-
ment over matters that
heretofore have been generally
acknowledged to be the primary
and, in some cases, the exclusive
legislative responsibility of the
States. These would include
family law. divorce, child
custody, alimony, minimum
marriageable age limits, dower
rights, inheritance, survivor‘s
benefits, insurance rates,
welfare, prison regulations, and
protective labor legislation. All
state and local laws, policies and
regulations involving any dif-
ference of treatment between the

sexes will be overridden by
Federal legislation, which
means, ultimately, ad-

ministrative regulation. Every
aspect of civil and criminal law
which specifies men or women
will be subject to challenge in the
Federal courts, as a consitutional
issue, and ultimately by the US.
Supreme Court. For example, the
women's Iiberationists are
already demanding revision of
primary school textbooks which,
they claim. are “sexist“ because
the perpetuate the “stereotype"
of women as mothers and

To abolish unreasonable and
unfair discrimination against
women is a worthy goal which
can be achieved by specific
legislation and by application of
the Equal Protection Clause of
the Constitution. To resort to
ERA for this purpose is about as
unwise as using an atomic bomb
to exterminate mice.

The ERA will not promote
women to better jobs, will not
elect more women to public of-
fice, and will not convince men to
help with the housework. It will
cause massive disruption of our
military defense and chaos in our

For more information about
this very important amendment
please contact THE KENTUCKY


RESCIND ERA, 122 Woodside
PI., Ft. Thomas, Ky. 41075

Patricia Leadman

(‘ommittee Representative

230 Reed Lane


I was shocked and outraged to
discover that my academic
record, which is to be “ ....... kept
separate and confidential unless
the student consents in writing to
have it revealed," is released to
my Head Resident and sub-
sequently, to my corridor ad-

I fail to see how “motivation of
other students“ qualifies as an
“official use,“ as Dean Pond
stated. I seriously doubt that
corridor advisers, who are not
professionally trained in
academic counseling are as
competent as the “authorized
University personnel" of the
Counseling and Testing Center,
for example.

I consider this just another
example of the improprieties of
dormitory life.

Mary Beth Knisley

‘Only a few can survive monetary crises'

NEW ORLEANS — He was a
rare specimen, this Mr. Brenna
from Dallas, holding his highball
and talking words of confidence.
He was a happy stockbroker.
When so many in his business are
worried about bankruptcy our
Mr. Brenna was mingling at the
reception given for those at-
tending the monetary symposium
sponsored by the National
Committee to Legalize Gold and
explaining how he and his clients
were going to get through the
impending business disaster and
come out rich

“Only a minority survive
monetary crises.“ he explained,
“and they don't do it by adjusting
their stock portfolios. That's like
rearranging the deck chairs on
tte Titanic.

selling a depression. putting my

people into gold. The major
houses can‘t afford to do that, but
lsay, ‘seIl that damn boat. Don‘t
buy that new car. Find a
monetary haven.‘ I‘ve already
picked out the house I'm going to
buy for taxes due when this thing
hits. It's a marvelous place. The
guy who has it now is maintaining
it beautifully.“

We‘ve had recessions, but it
has been nearly 45 years since the
last major deflationary crash, a
time so far removed that two
generations have grown up
thinking there need never be one
again. Modern orthodox
economics teaches that govern-
ment intervention can and should
flatten extreme fluctuations of
the business cycle.

The 7th persons who came here
for this conference don't believe
that They've backed up their

faith by plunging heavily into
gold and silver. Not only are they
buying stocks in the companies
that mine these metals; they are
buying gold and silver.
Americans are legally permitted
to own silver in any form as well
as certain gold coins, but no

large bars, isn‘t readily fungible
in bullion form. Hency the wacky
market in castings that ranges
from silver Raggedy Ann dolls to
a recent offering in the Wall
Street Journal by the Franklin
Mint of “the biggest silver coin in
the world," a ZOO-grain, sterling
silver Panamanian coin. You pay
a premium in buying precious
metals in coin form, either
because the piece has
numismatic value or because the
dealer or the mint must make a

profit on the transaction.

Some people pay cash for their
coins; others buy on margin.
Either way, our inflation is now
so rapid you can borrow money,
pay interest on it, invest it in non-
interest-yielding gold, pay the
storage fees on it and still show a

Some purchasers take physical
delivery of their gold and silver.
So convinced are they that paper
money will soon be valueiess that
they store their coins in safe
deposit boxes, or if they fear the
government will close the banks
when the crunch comes, they
literally bury it.

But you don‘t have to believe in
imminent anarchy or a crashing
deflation to see that if this year‘s
inflation is as had as last year‘s,
the degree of fiscal chaos and
personal injury could approach

dangerous levels. Neither
Congress nor the White House,
however, can be expected to do
any more than they've done,
which is to make matters worse.

IF THEY WILL not spend less,
and spend that more wisely, gold
offers some small hope. Its
legalization might afford a
monetary shelter for a fortunate
few, but mostof us have no assets
to convert into gold. Never-
theless, if gold became a kind of
second, unofficial currency,
people conceivably might begin
to pay each other in gold and
their taxes in worthless dollar

Hoffman is a
King Features

Nicholas \‘on
columnist for





 ‘2‘ firmer- ... 1



opinion from inside and outside the university community



Ban cars, create efficient mass transit


As the weeks and months roll
by the energy shortage becomes
more and more a giant problem
that needs a variety of solutions,
sometimes drastic ones. I have a
suggestion that may help many of
the cities across the nation cope
with the energy crisis, increase
revenue, and help transport the
people across the city to and from

How? By banning cars from the
city streets and creating a more
efficient and low cost mass
transit system. I realize that this
sounds like a drastic move, it is,
but so is the energy crisis. I am
not suggesting this for all cities,
cities under 10,000 people would
find it more of a burden than a
help while San Francisco,
(‘hicago and New York could only
do it in certain Boroughs or

USING Lexington as an
example I will demonstrate the
procedure to be followed. The
first bus leaves the station at 5 :30
am. each one following its
standard route. Fifteen minutes
later the second set of buses
leave. This goes on until the first
bus returns creating a continuous
flow of buses every fifteen
minutes. Smce all vehicles except
taxis. police cars and other
emergency vehicles have been
banned from the streets it will be
easier to keep the buses on
schedule. The last bus would
leave the station at 8 a.m.: the
car ban would be lifted at 7 pm.
giving people a chance to get

home from work and drive back
to town for an evening out. People
who have to work at night and
must be at work before the lifting
of the ban could get a special
police permit.

“What if you don‘t live on a
main bus route"? If this question
hasn’t entered your mind it
should have, it is a very im-
portantquestion. Through the use
of buses half the size of the ones
on the main routes the people who
do not live near them can be
transported back and forth with a
small amount of effort. One
example of a connecting route
would be a bus leaving Main and
Limestone turning into Pat-

terson, West High, West Maxwell
and East Maxwell. It would then
go to Transylvania Park turning
into Euclid, Woodland, and East
High Street to the Viaduct and
back into Main Street. This may
sound complicated but really is
not, this route connects people to



the buses running along Rose
Street, Limestone, Broadway,
and of course downtown.

The advantages to car banning
are many; less wear and tear on
your car, (with the trade in value
of most ca rs going down you want
to keep it in top shape and run-




ning smooth), faster tran-
sportation due to lack of traffic
jams. You do not have to warm
your car in winter or air condition
it in summer, that saves fuel
which saves money. It also gives
you extra time to read the
newspaper or a good book. These
are just a few reasons why mass
transit is the better way. Think
about it.


Jay Arthur Mills is a social
professions freshman “who
appreciates replies to his


Your Health

Hearing these troubled voices from home


A student recently posed this perplexing
situation: “I‘ve always been pretty close
to my mother and she has always said that
she wants me to have my own life. Now
that I have come to school, my mother has
called me many times about family crises,
particularly about my younger brother
and sister. She says she is turning to me
because she can’t understand the younger
generation. I found myself being pushed
into going home almost every weekend to
mediate disputes. My family is very im-
portant to me and even though I have tried
my best, there doesn’t seem to be anything
I can do to make everyone happy."

This situation isn’t as unusual as you
might think. When any family member
leaves home, for whatever reason, the
remaining members are forced to readjust
their patterns of relating. In this situation
where it is the older sibling who has left the
home, parents may become suddenly
aware of growing older, younger brothers
and sisters may vie for more attention and
freedom, and the person who leaves home
has to seriously confront the task of
developing his own life, separately and
independently of the home. Dealing with
these realities can be stressful for all
concerned and can elicit strong feelings of
sadness and anxiety; sometimes guilt and

CLARIFICATION of your relationship to
your family is needed. The boundaries
between yourself and them need
clarification. This may require your
taking a firm stand. You may want to tell

your mother that you care about your
family and that ca ring includes a feeling of

confidence that they can resolve their own .

disputes by themselves. If they truly need
outside help, suggest thaththey consult a
local professional such as a minister,
family physician, counselor or

A part of establishing your autonomy
and separateness from the home situation
will mean your giving up the gratification
you get from being “close to mother”, the
“family mediator", and the “expert" on
the affairs of youth. Giving up such
gratification will undoubtedly lead to
feelings of sadness and loss, but will at the
same time free you to move on to new
sources of gratification, such as academic
achievement, new peer relationships and
more time and energy to devote to your
college activities.

Another student presents an even more
common problem: “I have a bad temper.
All of a sudden, for no reason, I find myself
angry and yelling, particularly at my
girlfriend. She says I am throwing temper
tantrums and behaving like a child. She
threatens to break up our relationship if I
don’t learn to control myself soon. How do
I gain such control and how can I stop
acting this way?"

LEARNING T0 express one’s anger,
agressivenm and assertiveness in a
socially acceptable way requires lots of
years of practice. It is a social skill that
can be learned and can be improved with
practice. A big obstacle to controlling
yourself is your belief that you lose your

temper or get angry for “no reason".
Because you deny or are not aware of the
circumstances that trigger your angry
feelings, it seems as though these intense
emotional tones well up suddenly from
out of nowhere. It is likely that since your
girlfriend sees you as throwing temper
tantrums. you may be using an old
childhood strategy in an attempt to solve
difficulties in your relationship with her.
On the surface it appears that not only is
this method inappropriate, but it may

ultimately self-defeating.
The aggressive explosions may

represent a need to preserve your integrity
and autonomy in a situation where youfeel


threatened or perhaps overwhelmed. Take
a careful look at your feelings toward your
girlfriend and decide what is getting you
riled up. What about your relationship
frightens you or frustrates you? Is it a

-sexual issue, a fear of becoming too

dependent and thereby losing some of your
autonomy, or concerns about being
dominated? Knowing some of the reasons
for getting angry will probably open the
way for you to assert yourself in a more
appropriate, socially acceptable manner.

a .'.‘:~‘ifli..{'2l. Watts BTW .'
Dr. Bowers is Chlefof the Student
Mental Health Service.



4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. February I. 1974

UK installs informational signs

Kernel Staff Writer

The University has put up a
series of road signs with the
primary purpose of making it
easier for new students and
others not familiar with the
University grounds to find their
way on campus.

The signs are of three types:
street signs, identifying streets,
parking lots and regulating
traffic; directional signs. poin-
ting the way to more important

points on campus; and building-
identification signs.

THEY ARE designed to
promote maximum readability.
said James Wessels. physical
plant director. He said they have
been placed with consideration
given to color and height of the
signs. and visibility while

The streets are named in a
manner that indicates what kind
of offices or complex is located
there. For example. on Ad-

February international dinner
will feature cuisine from India

The February luncheon
sponsored by the Human
Relations (‘enter will consist of
dishes from India.

“The purpose of these monthly
luncheons will be to acquaint
people with the food and culture
from other countries." said Jon
C. Dalton. department of human

consist of curried chicken, rice
and green peas. spiced cabbage
and a dessert made from raisins
and cream of wheat. The drink




That IS the reason his office

will be iced tea.

"This menu will give people a
taste of the food and the spices
used in India.“ said Sheela Shah.
who is helping to get the luncheon
under way.

The luncheon will be in the
lounge of Alumni Gym, Wed,
Feb. 6 at noon. Admission will be
$1.50 per person and open to


THE (‘ENTER is also planning
an Indonesian style luncheon in
March and a Mexican luncheon in















tomer’s view.


A personal touch is given to
every customer by the per.
the personaltouch should give sonnel at the Bank of Lex-
a personal touch to every ington.

Our president sets the example.

ministrative Drive offices
geared to administrative func-
tions could be expected there.

Public Safety Director Joe
Burch submitted a list of names
for the streets to a special
committ'e. which upon approval
was forwarded to the Board of
Trustees according to Wessels.

SO FAR 33 street signs have
gone up with two more scheduled
to go up in the near future. he

The directional and building-
identification signs first started
to be erected last September.
Although the poles for the street
signs were placed in the ground
in October. it was not until Jan. 2
the actual signs were attached to
the poles.

“We anticipated the signs
coming in so we went ahead and
put the poles in.“ said Wessels.

WESSELS WAS unable to give
an estimate of the cost of the
project. stating that to do so
would require “manually taking
out every receipt for signs, bolts,
steel and labor.“ But he added.
“We‘re working day and night on
the budget and just don't have the
personnel right now.“





Our president isn’t hard to locate.

His office is located
just off the lobby.

Our president, Clyde Mauldin,
believes that the bank with

isn't hidden from the cus-

The Bank with the Personal Touch



311 East Main — Turfland Mall — 2225 Versailles Road — Woodhill Drive at New Circle
COMING SOON] — Highwood Shopping Center (New Circle hi Russell Cave Rd.) Gainesway Shopping Center (Centre Parkway‘si Milano Rd.)




is .~.

One of a series of road signs provided by the University. this sign

identifies the intersection of Rose Street and Patterson Drive for
those not familiar with the campus. (Kernel Staff Photo).


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 Med Center

curbs phlebitis
with new filter

Kernel Staff Writer

Thanks to research efforts at the University of
Kentucky Medical Center the occurrence of
phlebitis in post-operative patients has been
significantly reduced.

A coordinated study by the College of Phar-
macy and the Department of Surgery has shown
that the use of a filter just prior to the site of
injection of intravenous fluids often eliminates
the develop ment of inflamed veins and the
extension of infection to tissues surrounding the


A preliminary study on 100 patients at the

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. February 4, 1974—5

High school senior
on obscenity panel

youngest member of a panel
studying community standards
relating to obscenity says she's
keeping an open mind on whether
law should limit people‘s freedom
to read or see what they want.

Linda Smith, 17, a high school
senior, is one of 19 persons on the
Jefferson County Commission on

make a decision ahead of time
because she was afraid if she
joined the panel with her mind
made up, she would “close out a
lot of things.“

SIIE SAYS SHE feels it is
important that young people are
represented on the commission
because of the possibility that
more and more youths may be

Community Standards Related to -

‘ blOOd vessel. Med Center yielded dramatic results. Phlebitis ()bscentity. exposed to obscenity.

- IN RELATING the incidenceof phlebitis and occurred in 22 of 4.9 cases without the filter, and The panel was created in June “Society in general has become
the use of [V intravenous solutions, Dr. Robert one in 51 cases With the filter. after the U S Su reme Court more relaxed. she said. Some
Rapp, assistant professor of pharmacy com- Presentlya second studyis being conducted to ruled that local prather tha movies have been re—rated, and
merited “Studies have documented that after 72 determinetheexact nature of the particles found . . it those that were once X are now

« . . . . . national community standards

" hours 50 per cent of patients on intravenous in IV solutions. rated R and the R ones have

imet-w .



fluids Will develop phlebitis.”

Rapp also noted that IV solutions are
“manufactured with the best available
technology,“ however it is difficult to remove all
particulate matter.

The first study indicated that the filter can
effectively screen out this material and thereby
lessen the chance of phlebitis.

THE DIRECTOR of pharmaceutical
technology at the (‘ollege of Pharmacy. Dr.
Patrick DeLuca, added, “the manufacturers
make every effort to provide sterile solutions
free of particles. contaminants nonetheless may
form in these solutions when they are stored. or
can get into the IV system during the ad-
ministration of fluids and drugs to the patient—
no matter how carefully administered.“

ACTIVE IN the research program, in addition
to Rapp and DeLuca, is Patrick Ryan, a resident
in pharmacy and candidate for a professional
Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Cooperating with
the pharmacists are Dr. Ward Griffen, the
chairman of the Department of Surgery and his
associate Brack Bivins.

Although developed in the late 1950’s the filter
has not been fully utilized until the past year

Though fraught with problems, Rapp
remarked that the use of IV filters will probably
become standard procedure in the next 4 or 5

Dr. Joseph V. Swintosky, dean of UK’s College
of Pharmacy, commended the joint efforts of
physicians, pharmacists and nurses which have
made the studies successful.





should decide obscenity cases in

“A LOT ()F people feel that
America is a free country and
that we shouldn‘t have laws that
limit our freedoms in what we
read and what we see,“ she said.

“Most people are pulled both
ways. though. They don't like to
think thata lot of people might be
hurt by it. But they say there
should be some kind of standard
without putting a damper on

Smith. who plans to study
medicine, said she didn‘t want to

become PG.“

A young person on the com-
mission also insures the panel is
representative of a cross-section
of the community, she said.

SHE‘S personally doubtful,
though. ofthe i it put young people
can provide on the issue