xt705q4rn24s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rn24s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1972 1972 1972-09-13 2020 true xt705q4rn24s section xt705q4rn24s Q , .
y Vol. LXIV No. 10 an independent student newspaper
Wednesday, September 13, 1972 University of Kentucky
5 Eight pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
E _
O .
_ Thievery, forgery, attempted rope are all there * . r 5 , . tit :
_ By NEILL MORGAN offences were reported in the Commerce and battery. breaking and entering, in- 35 _ - 1. 5g:
Assistant Managing Editor Building and the combined total for decent exposure and forgery amounted to 3....“ s“ ' . i I . = " "
Statistically, you are more susceptible to Haggin. Holmes, Donovan and Blazer three percent of those reported. .2... ' h .. 55
crime on campus during the mid af— Halls was slightly less than five percent. Just complaints » 55 .55 i 535. ~52»?
ternoon than at midnight. You are more (The offences reported are those involving The statistics also indicate that only 15 52 .- :53: 5 5 _
likely to have something ripped off if you campus police directly in their in- percent of all offences reported resulted in 2‘ 5 ~ , _"
- ' work in the Medical Center rather than the vestigation.) arrests. However. Burch said the offences 5 g?” "i i 2.55”. ,
Commerce Bulding, if you live in the The reason for such large concentrations reported do not always turn out to be of— ‘2 . «5:
Complex rather than one of the other is “the most crimes simply occur where fences at all. He says they are really just 5 ‘25“ 3:5 _
. dorms. and when the most people conjugate,"said complaints investigated by the campus - 55
According to statistics compiled by the Joe Burch, director of public safety police. 5 _ . 5' ‘55 .
campus police for the last fiscal year division. However. he said most of the According to Burch many of the crimes 2\ L - 5 5. W
(FY1972), 25 percent of all offences crimes reported during the day are small committed on the campus are by people "» 5' " 5
reported to them take place between 2 offences like petty larceny. thefts valued who have no connection with the ‘ ¥_- " “ A '
pm. and 6pm. in the afternoon. However. at less than $100. Serious offences tend to L'niversity. A crime like petty larceny can -5 \'. I
‘ ' 5 only 10 percent occurr between 10 pm. and occurr at night he said. be committed by anyone passing through a 55 ' ~
_ midnight and nine percent between Among lesser crimes. petty larceny and building who sees a purse laying around, ”K5, 5 ;.
midnight and 2 am. \andalism make up 35 percent of the total he said. He said many of the moving traffic . 2 252 5 .
The lowest amount for any two hours offences reported in FY1972. In addition violations on and around the campus were .35. 22?...“
period.three percent.took place between 6 crimes like loitering. public drunkeness committed by peopletust passmg through. 253555552 . 2.722. . ' 5 _
am. and 8 am. and shoplifting amounted for four percent Before. their job was redefined by state .2‘2fi2 ““ 5 ., ,
L948 offences of those reported. law. Burch said the campus police would 2 __ 5.5 .. . 5 5
‘ ()f 1.948 offences reported in FY 1972, 23 Among serious crimes. grand larceny, have to make a physical arrest in these Another epl80d950f the man vs' madm‘e
percent occurred in or near the Medical thefts valued at greater than $100, cases because UK tickets did not compel saga, as "a“ Ritchey puts 5"" 5mm" leg '
Center and the Complex. Another six amounted to slightly less than 10 percent of people to appear in court. 0" 0"“ 0f "‘9 metal-munching monsters. ,
percent occurred in the Office Tower. No the total reported. Such crimes as assault (‘oiitiiiucd on Page :2, (til. i (Kernel phom by "0” 5"id“"“a""
5.. Jag-t;
it 22 ~- ' ~ iii] . . ». Eco groups fear apathy
555515.555. 5 ‘ 5‘11..2.Mm&*5.”1 ..1.;. «25 915.5
' ' 5 55255555 ' By RONALD l). HAWKINS “Meetings began to drop off toward the ~
5 25 . 2.5 Kernel Staff Writer end of the first semester." said Fowler.
, 5 5‘ ' 5’ . 5 g 555‘ 3". t “ 55 tlilll'l‘tilt‘s NOTE: This is the '85! of a “Second semester we couldn’t even get
’ -; ‘ A“; :2 f5". €213 - ,._. "t-‘WL' » .5523 three- iart series on th ‘ a a ’ t d - -l' ‘ anything 0" the ground. we do have
. J." H 2-“ *1"- ." I iii-3‘»? z . “2.“ - , I . . ‘ . 5ppllt‘ll (( I.“ ‘ ' , 5 - »
155555: T‘ 5 2.55555 ,3. .55 ._.. E 5. 5 5,5552 .5...5255 of student activism at lk.) definite plans, howeyer. to get it gomg
.25! I2... 51.55.25 2. 5... 5 52M .5M555Nfi W . ,. éhfi Ecologically oriented groups on campus again. I plan to devote my time to the
. 2" £22.] 3355‘, *‘ . i 5“" . “Z a N551. are currently undergoing preparation fora McGovern campaign.
.‘5‘QNTMK7 5g: . 5;\§,% 55555555 5 new year of activity which they hope will The organizational status of EAS is
_ *’ $55.“ . my, :5, 3.2; xii“; § result in sustained student interest. somewhat more stable. The organization
3%.} -.. 5'5 ’1 x _".. fl 1 . ' .5 .1 In previous years,organizations such as has experienced somwhat smaller .3"
_ , , ‘5 5 .2. . 5‘ .. -. .. .555 5 .5 5 the Environmental Awareness Society tendance atmeetings. but the organization
' . t 5 55$ "-5 " (EAS) and Zero Population Growth (ZPG) 5“” plans to carry 0‘" "5 program or T—
m " experienced support from large numbers 8cm” . . 1
3. 2' : W22“ of students. only to see it dwindle down to More education in “8
Are they tunnimteruyfiothe sol e dread diase" ' It is Rosemary Shield, in her third year Of "Oh/Ed m the HenVIronmental movement
5 ‘ . . . ' . . . . ‘ aCtivity with EAS, said in a recent in- want to see their work and its results. One
~ 3313".1’.T‘i.'.l.'l".'.'.§'l§.tl°3:1322.755}.“ifE"2755;335:375.”132523.”.1’033it‘ll??? 2...... “You usuany .2... .2. with. no: 2...... 2...... to do .2... ~
"M‘s! ) ' -' - P . . of people and end up with about 12 good educational programs at the high school 2 ~
. . . workers. We‘re just now learning how to and college level. We re also trying to -.
Free un'verS'ty bares controversy organize.Some people have lost interest in make students more aware 0f their _
the past either because we gave them too congressman. Probably 50 percent of the
over nude female Photo on catalog "“0“ '° d° °r 2......» .22... denl‘. a... .2... .2... ~
ZPG has experienced problems in congressman '5'
By JOEL ZAKEM part of Free U.“ as a result of the poster establishing leadership for their programs Currently. EAS offers a library of
- Km...“ Staff Writer controversy. this year, envtronmcntal source books on the third
A two-foot poster of a nude woman The tilue-and-white poster pictures a ”This semester." said Jim Fowler, “0‘" 0‘ ”3199 Hall. A‘ "5 meetings. 5
decorating the cover of the Free nude woman with hands outstretched president of Zl’tl last school year." he (”"9" (”3va newsletter updating _
University‘s fall class schedule has drawn toward the viewer. Photographer Mike talked to a handful of people. Nobody is “COloglca' happenings. iS diStribUIed.
sharp criticism from campus women‘s Walkeizwho took the original picturesaid currently willing to be president.“ “00d.” Silld Hardy. We are Willing to ~
liberationists and has led to the the photo has appeared in three Fowler says the organization has 3333 in “SW" ‘0 9009'? ‘0 try ‘0 89‘ a new position.
resignation of one Free t'. coordinator. publications and seven different the bank and a full program of activities 1‘ "0W way 0f accomplishing things ~
Free U. head coordinator John Ezell photography shows. when the organization finally starts its Students can have power and it can W
said Tuesday night he was “no longer a Continued on Page 3, Col. 3 operation. done through organized channels "
A hot flash for McGovern supporters on page 7. Today . The new T \' season has _
Edward Kennedy has joined George's campaign . started. but Lexmgton s weather
I" radayls Kernel ”" ”l" sport's page. MCKH)’ and LOWS provide still seems like a summer rerun . 7
[K griddcrs with a one-two punch at quar- summer Tomorrows outlook is for hot and
terback (iood news tor cyclists The Public humid conditions. with tem
Salety l)i\'ision will now register hikes in an peratures in the upper 80's
t-tlorttostoptliieycs Look on the editorial page rerun Precipitation chances are 30
- percent.

 The Exhimum-n 1394 Assistanl Managing Editor. Katie'rlcCarihy I 0
Kentucky igf'iikffffiiit'2?§."i§§?g:;2. 3552522533» Edliorldls
Kernel (“'"pu‘ [m'o' M'” 7'9”“ Edatonals represent the ODIHIOH‘) ol the editors not the U"IV["':I'Y
‘As students for a democratic society, we are committed to
stimulating...this social movement in campus and community
across the nation. If we appear to seek the unattainable as it has f \
been said, then let it be known that we do so to avoid the
unimaginable.’ §
——The Port Huron Statement, 1962
Youth has grown a hundred temporaries had their chance to that “understanding must be , g
years old in the decade since an graduate,sufficiently radicalized, renewed”—all seem as absurd , g
infant Students for a Democratic from college. and unlikely now as another Kent Q g: .
Society issued its slightly leftof- The movement met an untold State or Chicago. fig," i
center cry for change in a calm number of its goals through its At Columbia University, 1‘ g
summer of 1962. demonstrations, sit-ins and even, President William J. McGill :3;
It‘s allbeen said before. Nobody on occasion,its building-burnings. merely moves to another office ”that 3
could have dreamed that a decade An entire system—from when protestors occupy his. 3%; _
of assassination, rioting, terror universities to a federal govern- Amherst‘s president is arrested it: 3., t
and confusion would begin almost ment—was brought to the very with his students while engaged in at; a 3
before the Port Huron Statement brink of truly radical reform. antiwar “civil disobedience”— ,5? . t .
becamefi an underground So the statement by one and the world hardly blinks an .. u’ a; _- “
documen‘b— Nobody could have demonstrator, reformed himself, eye. \~ =. 4.3" g I
What has happened? Have the 3.;‘!"- " 5" 3" f": 1
radicals of Chicago and 1968 .. 3W1 ‘ l
l I simply channeled their energies, @ " i w “i i l
. fi_.. , - . as some maintain,into systematic 2* ‘ g ‘ fr i
‘ : ' . __ ' TIC reform instead of demon- g 0
avg” DEMOCRA . strations‘? The spectacularly '
‘3 ,. NATIONAL _ _ 11%» successful McGovern campaign Those who found change unat-
, :; HEADQUARTERS g 7 f»: 2%” and the. student-elected City of- tainable are now too tired to care
., - . rmg; finals in college towns from _ '
‘1 ._ ‘ . , . f"! it Berkeley to Bloomington would Student protest, like protest
9 ,. V 3‘ J ,1 9 1r gl ,;, suggest so. anywhere, IS not dead. It has
1,? ‘ ,4 r. , ’ } \V But the much-touted voter merely aged, petixfied, NEW“
”31 ~ , 7.: . 5n ’\ registration drives netted only a itsel out m an era w ere mur ers
-” L, "' ,. 3x \ R "7" , fl‘ "‘ ‘ fraction of this campus at their are I‘Sted next , to the StF’Ck
, , ,l ., J N“ i; . w n 2/ i. peak last year. In Morehead, reports. No one IS shocked into
filfifil -, { %@.Q‘5 ' 1 {'51. 5 ‘__...;.. . where the revolution never action any more .by a burning
NIGER, .15 ib’m““Kif“°"‘-’f JHI“" fl; arrived, townspeople fear a budding. NO one ‘5 shocked by l
he"; i! "s ‘1, wzg‘fi’j‘ffi— ' iii-galagl student vote not on government, anything. .
“.p:m?m, a»! 153.1: g @ m“ . aka ‘ " ' but on beer sales. At Western, And who IS to say that the next
' cheerleaders stir the only Port Heron Statement, by a
I I protests. generation whose sores of
And in the nation, despite huge discontent have _ again been
foreseen the hopes of the young that rock ’n roll beats revolution gains for the young in the 1960’8, rubbed rawnwlio ‘5 to say that
rising so high, and falling so isn’t entirely true. A younger an older population has been statement wont accompany an
' ' kl in 10 short ears. n ation stunned itself with its. backlashed into conservatism by even b‘OOdler’ more merCiless
qu1c y, y ge er - - v ~ - d de of rotest b America"
B t thf l t' . own fervor for change, fell back, thell‘ children 5 misbehaVior. The 9&3 uldph tyM'l't t ' (I
do ‘u ytmd . u ac ivbisrfi, as lost momentum, changed tactics. war goes on. ABM still .outranks _ lewo tope nfo . ill an an _
Lumen e m a series y eme . HEW. The same sores still tester. V“) en. pro es ’ or a 1 S ac
reporter Ronald Hawkins, has The pleas of the PreSIdent’s complishments, has not left a
bloomed and withered before its Commission on Campus Unrest in Port Huron’s “unimaginable” pleasant legacy. But we are not
e 1 e in en t a ry -sc h 00] con - 1970—that “violence must end,” is here, in stark black and white. optimistic.
joined in a laSt Gite" effort to Step It is self-defeating to elect George year, 15t0250fthemcan expect to become
, McGovern by SUPPOFtlhg SCOOP Jackson. McGovern president,and at the same time pregnant.
"UddIQSton h" “UddleSth has repeatedly ”led ‘0 electsomeonetoopposehiminthe Senate. According to the McGill Birth Control
disassociate himself from McGovern and Instead we should work to get McGovern Handbook, ‘ “all vaginal spermicides have
While many of us are supporting and is even going so far 35 to bring Jackson ‘0 elected president, and William Bartley a high failure rate and should not be used
working for the election 0t George Kentucky ‘0 campaign for him. elected to the US. Senate. by women who must not become pregnant.
" McGovern to the presidency, it is im- By looking at Huddleston‘s stands on the Howard Stovall The vaginal spermicide method is not as
portant not to forget the races for Congress issues, it is clear that if elected, he Will A&S Senior effective as the diaphragm or the con-
and Senate. We should study the can- work against any piece 0f progressive dom."
didates and see which one comes closest to legislation which McGovern, 01' anyone Although the ad was misleading, I don't‘
McGovern's viewpoint. else, initiates. Warns about foam particularly criticize the Kernel for '
In the Senate race there are four can- While Kentucky Democrats have still printing it—foam is better than nothing. It
didates. The American Party is running not endorsed George McGovern, the Although I understand that the Kernel’s is about 98 percent effective when a con-
someone, the Republicans are running Kentucky People‘s Party did so within one financialposition makes it inappropiiate dom is used at the same time, so I would
Louie Nunn (remember him? He sent the week after his nomination. to criticize Kernel advertising, I must call encourage the Kernel to run ads for rUbber
National Guard to UK in 1970 to crush anti- William Bartley‘s stands show that he attention to one advertisement in Mon- condoms along with any future Emko ads.
war demonstrations) the Democrats are willbean asset to Kentucky and the nation day‘s Kernel which may have been Ido congratulate the Kernel for printing
running Dee Huddleston, and the People‘s in the Senate, He has called for an im- dangerously misleading to UK women, birth control referral numbers in the same
Party is running William Bartley. mediate and total end to US support for the The advertisment for Emko Foam 0" issue. l WOUld encourage any person :
Huddleston is hopelessly tied to the JR. military dictatorships in Indochina, a page 8 was misleading in that it indicated seeking contraceptive advise to call one of
Miller-Wendell Ford administration, national ban on strip mining, aseverance that a woman using Emko Will have those numbers rather than rely entirely on
which did everything short of tax on minerals_with revenue going to complete “contraceptive protection and the Emko advertisement if she really
assassination to keep McGovern from education, closing of tax loopholes for the peace of mind." This is simply not true— wants “contraceptive protection and
being nominated in Miami. After first very wealthy and the corporations,and the contraceptive foam is considered tobe75° peace of mind.“
endorsing Muskie, then switching to belief that all Americans are entitled to 85 percent effective at most; that means Barbara Sutherland
, Humphrey, the Ford delegation finally health care as a right, not a privilege. that if 100 UK women use foam for one A&S Senior

 'l‘IIPZ KlCNTl'CKY KERNEL Wednesday. September 13. 1972—3
l Cam s's from crime PD’ B h
P08 no 00 I , says 8 urc
(‘ontinued from Page I
He said suspicious activity is not as campus police want to try and get as many percent; stolen cars up 60 percent; and for crime Burch said. but people shouls be
clearly defined in the day as it is at night of them registered as possible Burch said. contributing to the delinquincey of a minor on the look out.
and that even a locked car can be opened They can get an engraver from downtown up 60 percent. He said there are reports of women be
in a matter .of 'minutes. toput a serial number on the bicycle he But there are some others that have detained against their will. “But there are -
Statistics indicated nine percent of the said. decreased like breaking and entering a lot of bushes and trees in there to hide
offences reported in FY1972 involved Burch said the campus police have down 20 percent and breaking into cars behind." he said. Some people may think
. .. 22:22.“
There were also approximately 75 bicycles complete description 0f the bicy C18 and its f - . . but they are fairly we“ protected he said
stolen since Jan 1 Burch said owner. . According to. Burch the statistics may The garages have 3. VOICE audible
' ' The statistics also indicate that some indicatearise in some offences but that it detecting system monitered by the
, But the campus police have access to other offences have also increased from could also be due to more comprehensive campus pollcethatwillpickupa lOUd ShOUt
state and federal teletypes that carry FY 1972 [0 FY1972. For example: grand reporting by the campus police. There are 0|" cry he sald' He sald the garages are also
information about stolen cars he said. All larceny UP 45 percent; petty larceny UP 20 "0 “particular h°t spots" around campus patrtolled frequently.
of the cars stolen on the campus last year
were recovered he said. ‘
Burch said theft crimes involving cars I 0
follow thesametrendsasthe total crimes. Free u s "Ude POSter bares dllemma
“There is still more danger in O ’
big busy lot during the day rather than an
Ollt 0f the way place at night.”he said. (‘ontinued from Page I “If anyone on the campus night. about five coordinators ,
tshouldi. the Free U. ought to be and several women's
I There are no organized car theft rings And Council on Women’s beyond such sexism.“ he said. "I liberationists decided not to
l around UK but there could be some Concerns member Susan wish we could have stopped the distribute the poster. .
i regional ones that use the campus for a Tomasky said “a number 0t circulation of this poster. but However. at a subsequent
l pickup and drop point he said. He said the women on the council. including since the decisiommaking meeting yesterday. Free u.
l campus police had caught one man at the myself, felt that the poster either process was a democratic one. decided that individuals who did
l Medical Center switching licence plates on subjectively or objectively ex- those of us in the minority were not find anything offensive in the
‘ a car. ploits women." overruled." poster could distribute it if they
, desired. and at least get the _
B'cydes “Ole" But coordinator Mark Paster One supporter of the poster. at course offerings known.
at- According to Burch there has been an countered that “as a member 0f least on an artistic level. is it was also decided to pursue
re' increase in the number of bicycles stolen, the Free University...l apologize Walker. the photographer. other means than the poster to
est and also in the seriousness of the crime to all who are justifiably offended He claimed that “any time a advertise Free U courses. 'But _
laS because many of the new 10 and 15 speed and insulted by the Free male takes a picture of a women what those means are. and what
wn bikes are. expensive. But the biggest UniverSIty catalog—poster. he is in danger of being referred effect they will have; on ‘the'l‘t‘ree
”‘5 problem “at“ now Is the identification 0f Not all coordinators opposed to as a sexist.“ and also said that l ' progi am Is not ”0““ "H ‘
.ck them. he said. the poster. Free U. member Alex when he shot it his major concern Walker. meanwhile. said he
no Right now we have'a whole basementY Bard said he thought the was form. not sex. apologized if the poster offended
ng full of bicycles we wan t find owners for, organization had ”fallen vic- ‘ ‘ N u d e p h o t o g r a p h y anyone. ‘ And resigned coor~
by § he said. tim...to a core of resident dchumanizes.“ he said. diiiator lazell. ending his first
There is also the problem 0t identifying elitists" of liberationists who Free 1‘. leaders seem Split on year as a Free U. leader. said he
*xt bicycles when they are stolen he said. The attacked the photo. the matter. At a meeting Monday Personally liked the photograph.
en 0mmeni
‘55 ° ' - l. ’ cl 1 d
a The Municli Experience. et 3 try to un ers an
IC- By TERRY TUCKER millions of over-protected world citizens Rather, let us try to understand why vert the spirit of Olympic competition to
a With the 1972 Summer Olympic Games the immediacy of political chaos which is these Arabs did what they did- We can satisfy its own ends?
tot officially concluded, we must now retire the reality of our time, assume that they were not simply insane.
with our memories to reflect upon the In Munich. the manifestations of this They were. perhaps attempting to ShOCk "0 love '0’ America
painful lessons of the Munich Experience. chaos centered upon the slaughterous the world awake.The WOTld is shocked. We Perhaps the events of Munich can be
Munich ‘72 was much more than a sporting kidnapping of the Israeli athletes, and the can only hope that It Will. awaken. better viewed as a collective expressmn of
. event. It was an awakening. When the repetitive maltreatment of the United Secondly.and more selfishly. the ordeal international ill will toward once-envied
isolated triumphs 0t 1nle1dual athletes States‘ competitors. of the US. Olympic Team. One need only America. Perhaps (and here I must
fade the shock of whathappened these past to have experienced the final moments of acknowledge the limits of my own per-
weeks shall remain With each of us. Or. at N l f d the Sov1et-American basketball game to ception) the reaction of the world com- .
me least. it should. 0 P ace 0' MI" er gaina glimpse of the discouragement our munity to the atrocity of Vietnam the
It is easy for Americans to be bitter. The First and foremost, let usidenounce the representatives ' ill Munich encountered. interference in Pakistan. the meddling in .
rol medals snatched from our grasp. the actions of the Arab guerillas. Let us Thelist of speCific insultSis too well known the Middle East and the‘ effects of social
ive outrageous denials, the cries of denounce the taking of hostages. and the as. sadly. too long to bear rec1ting. failure at home was evidenced in those
ied discrimination and conspiracy. Yet, in the killing. But let us not allow ourselves to Still, it is convenient and traditional for misdealings at the Olympics.
nt. context of “pure" athletics, those who won complain only that. “Murder has no place someone who feels himself wronged to If so. it must certainly be a shock to
:5 :(tpow they w0:;r;lcizzr::0il:llt: 2:;mp:rmlt __ many Americans to discover that the US.
0 - emse ves an . .. . . . .
The. rest of us should look beyond Terry Tucker is on A85 iunior maioring in journalism. lle :33‘;§;?§;§f§l.‘fjjdifigjjalflffijfe';
n,“ despair, beyond consolation. We should wrote this Comment one night US a free-form reaction to to the cries of our fellow nations; to hear
for ' seek out the reasons for the nightmares . their protests and seek out the causes of
.It which caused a promising young boxer to "'9 tragedy and problems "lflf plagued "'9 Olympics. their agonies.
on- quit. a sevenfold gold medalist to be —_'—-——_—_‘—'——————_ Yes. Munich '72 is important. It showed
Jld spirited away under heavy guard to his us that inequity and dissent are so
)er homeland and an injured ‘track star to in the Olympic Games." For murder has blame that elusive offender. “Them." widespread in our world that not even the
ds. hopelessly confess. ”1 (mm t want to run no place in the world. Thus. we can say that. “They treated us Olympic Games could be shielded from
ng anyway. indeed. if political murder is a pervasive unfairly." or “They robbed us of our them. Yet the true importance lies in how
no . . . reality. then why should it not take place laurels.“ we. as Americans and citizens of the
‘0" ‘ DOUb'Y Significant within the sight of people everywhere? And yet. who arcThey'.’ The judges? The world. react to the questions raised there.
0f Munich ‘72 is significant in the record Would we wish it merely to occur administrators'.’ (‘an we honestly accept. Again. it is easy to be bitter. It is much
on books of sports. But is is more important. elsewhere. not of sight. so that we may as some have suggested. that the con— more difficult to understand.
lly more demanding. upon history books. The pretend ignorance andinnocence‘? lsit any tinuous affronts were a well—organized. Let us hope that by Denver ‘76 we can
nd ordeal of Munich has accomplished a feat better than 17 persons be murdered. pre-meditated attempt to discredit the ilioncstly welcome the nations of the world
which even the United Nations has failed unknown to us. somewhere in the Middle United States? (‘an we believe that any to our country. And that they. in turn. will
ind to accomplish. It forced upon hundreds of East? single power could so dominate and per— be glad to come

 l——'l‘llli KltIN’l‘l't‘KY KENNEL, Wednesday. Sepleiiibei' lit. [972
PERSONAL MESSAGES IN Tllli KENTUCKY KERNEL Sa'es tax on popcorn or flats .
CLASSIFIED COLUMN BRING RESULTS. Grocers confused on new law
Are you concerned about the future """"°' 5‘3" “ r 1‘" R at: _v aéfiaswf ,_ ,3! ' .25 g.
of the Woodland Park Auditorium? The Pmblems °l Ken‘UCl‘y's t‘ ‘3. at 'i' . .t '
inVItes you to vaice your opinion at percent slate sales tax will be ' . ifs =_ . 1.,- g . . .
7:30 pm Sept. 14 at The Maxwell taken off many food items. l ,. 'W‘
Elementary Sc hool—Corner of And now the only Problem for f? M I 3M 9‘ my _
Maxwell 8. Woodland. :tudents lS determining which I? . «g», s! g” :_ ”some”: _ k .5 -
Sponsored by Lex. tin-tn °°ds “9 ‘ax‘exemp‘ and Wh'c" t:::::::::.i: t .. r.
' The State Revenue Department ~ 1- ,. W: W3 fig...“ 1; :3
has sent a list of items that will be I' t ‘31: ' W -
. . taxfree to all Kentucky grocers. ,_ :i 1%»wa I *N" § "
Opportunllles for As one area grocer said, “No ,. 1H,. 5 "all --._; fax 3 . a :5
one is going to know what is going a. - l§ *2“ N. _ fl: . “‘0
INTERCOLLEGIATE on for a while.“ . , .l ' _:> I. %% N‘s \L
Many grocers have said they . - - -. L . '5' - ' .zp
DEBATE p... .. - __ M»-
will have the tax removed. -~ .' . 1 . 'i tho-221‘ "
Novice and Experienced However. a list will not clear if... __ is? ' . N
. Contact: the confusion completely for s ' * 1,1. s l v § .
Director of Debate Phone: 257-2323 some Showers For. mStance’ at: I WM” L
nuts Will be tax-exempt—but .12: .93 . *3 t g .,.

. carmelocoated popcorn and ’3 ’2 4 $ YE! ‘ {ohm .
chocolate-covered nuts will be ' as, 3% ix m “no...
taxed. a; . If" 2.. ' 9.. I ..

1 Generally. any drink con- ' V"? ‘t 23 as “We
THE TREASURE TROVE taining carbonated water, and .\l.\l‘ MM‘ (iood. Soup goes tax-free. The state revenue service
‘ _ . ‘ . . . ,, , some drinks that do "Ot contain announced that as of Uct. l the five per cent sales tax will be
l.lt..\l.\(i'l‘t).\"S (‘l'TES'l‘ (03”. IN AND BROWSE carbonated water bUl are nor- removed from most foodsJKi-rnel photoby Basim Shaniiycht
mally purchased for consumption
WIDEST SELECTION OF CARDS, from “soft drink“ bottles or cans,
POSTERS, STA TIONER Y, CANDLES . also will be taxed. prepared meals in restaurants they buy.
Other taxable items include will continue to be taxed. If a For those students who eat on
284 South Limestone _ Comer Maxwell St. alcoholic beverages, candy, store has facilities for eating campus. there will be no change
chewing gum, drugs, household prepared food on the premises, in prices. Allen Rieman, director
Tel- 254-0038 OPEN Tll—L 6 pm. supplies, pet supplies and foods, the food will be taxed whether it of food services, says the tax
- and tobacco products. is eaten there or sold on a “to go“ exemptions will not have any
Only foods and cooking basis. effect on prices of food purchased
materials “sold for use or con- So students on a tight budget in eating facilities on campus
sumption in the home" are to be will need to conserve their money because the food was previously
B E s T P I CT U R E exempt from the tax. Sales of and be selective in the food items tax—free.
WINNER NYHLM games AWARDS losing interest at other universities
The best film of the year. It is in his 0
totat vision that Kubrick's mastery language course enrollments rise
of every phase of his art is dis-
played in bravura style.
_JUdflh Crist, New York Magazine By CAROL “ARDlSON Spanish and Italian department, said the
H . . _ Kernel Staff Writer Spanish department had to “turn people
some mowes are SO Invenllve and While interest in language study seems away. All sections were filled."
powerful that they can be viewed to beon a downward trend elsewherein the In spite of the BGS Dr. Keller suggests
again and again and each time United States, the move in UK language people are still after more “traditional
yield up fresh illuminations_ departments is toward increased degrees."
Stamey KUbl’iCk’S, ‘A ClOCkWOl‘k enrollment, administrators say. . The French department not only
orange’! is such a movie.” Many language department chairmen enrolled the number of students expected,
—T/ME claim students have been “holding out“ but actually took an upward jump in
TIMES : until this semester to see lt knowledge Of a enrollment. Dr. R. LaCharite, chairman of
.' 2:00-4:45 second language WOUId be required for the French department, credited the rise
7; 30-10:00 graduation. to the “oral track" teaching methods and a
l The result 0t meetings last spring on new credit system. Starting this fallI
abolition 0f the language requirement has beginning French students are enrolled in
’u-m been a new degree WlthOUt the four one-creditcourses instead of the usual
.5 mm " requirement—now known as the Bachelor four-credit introductory language courses.
of General Studies. Administrators This Dr.LaCharitesays, “allowsastudent
LOCK-n throughout the language department to go at his own pace."
° WORK gkinglg refer; to the degree as the “Blue “Le'ss stuffy" approach
;. 1%, _ rass P6013 The Classics de artmentalso has had an
_, 4. ". " W Rkflae ”AS it t the 305) becomes more widely increasing numbe‘; of students coming into
known the department will decline," said the department because of a “less stuffy"
. g... - _ . ~ HELD OVER! A. Wayne Wonderley, department of approach with ”more to offer" according
f , '59- 3rd BIG WEEK Germanic languages chairman. to Associate Professor Louis J. Swift,
fl “Where therlanguage requirement was department chairman.
r ». N0 ONll‘ UNDER dropped on other campuses, the depart- Swift said languages were more popular
. . ~ - l8 ADMITTED ments experienced a critical drop followed because they helped men understand each
. . . __ ' ® by a slow rise," he added. “We were wise other.
not to wipe everything 0Ut." “The primary purpose in learning a
ASteam:thrglx‘tfsmfimfit gx-grxlm P332371? “gamm- Steady growth language is to understand culture and
ommsysmu, Hubnchvl-«umhmesw-LMoMSLrW-FromwrwBio: The German department, says Won- record its literature, he said. “To come to
BARGAIN MATINEE . derley, has “exhibited a slow but steady grips with a man’s thinking, you have to
MON THRL’ SAT—TIL ”40?. mm,” Mu growth in graduate and undergraduate know what language the man is thinking
2:30 P. M. ALL SEATss l.00 m programs.” in. The hidden element in culture is
EXCEPT HOLIDAYS ~‘--°°t-U-o-Oto-t-~t-ttt~ Dr. John E. Keller, chairman of the language.“

 'I‘IIK KENTI'(‘K\' KENNEL, Wednesday. September Ill. I972—5
’ C“? If (H I I
0 ers cre l S,