xt705q4rn11g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rn11g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 2005 Vol.76 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 2005 Vol.76 No.6 2005 2005 2019 true xt705q4rn11g section xt705q4rn11g ' F (UK) LEX 405 3. Postage
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June 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ;
By JOHN NELSON , in his court. tragedy might have been avoided. News & Notes
2004 KPA President ‘ That said, a good amount of A Lexington television station ‘ . , , _
I ' We need your . ' ' money has been spent. The KPA and radio station have each pro- KPA to offer two mini _
help, but not to . Legal Defense Fund has contributed duced programs about the issue, journalism bOOt camps
worry. It Will be ,, $20,000 toward the effort. Our attor- and public response has been sup- .
. . ' j, . . . . KPA Wlll feature two afford-
Simple and painless ney Jon Fleischaker more than dou- portive to the notion that there is a , , , _
, :3 .. . . able, onewday mini journalism ;
. to honor . our »; ' bled that in charges written off need for some openness. , ,
. . . boot camps for reporters during .
request. before the appeal ever began. This is truly a battle worth fight- . » « . ’
. . . . . . . . July. The July 7 sessmn Will be .
. Since the lawsuit to open juvenile We have smce received endorse- mg, and the KPA board along w1th h .
. . . . . . . eld at the Lexmgton Herald» 7
courts in Kentucky was filed almost ments and contributions of $500 Jon and his staff are committed to Leader The July 28 boot cam I
a year ago, a good deal of legal back each from the Louisville and seeing it through. will be held in Madisonville a1: ’
" and forth has taken place between Bluegrass chapters of the Society of The most satisfying result for us the Country Cupboard .
. KPA and the state. The case is still in Professronal Journalists. It was would be to have the current luve— Restaurant. ,
I I \thigetionpon appeal to the 6th recently announced that the national nile code in Kentucky declared Both boot camps will feature
fI . Circuit of the US. Court of Appeals SPJ Legal Defense'Fund will con- unconstitutional and a rewrite the same topics and will be
- .. in Cincinnati. tribute $3,000 toward the effort. beginning from scratch which geared primarily for reporters. ‘ I
Thoseof you who have followed The issue has received much would guarantee a level of openness Both will run from 9 am. to 4 , ,
> this action know that early this year, attention recently, and all indica- and accountability for those who pm. local time. The morning ses-
'just after our convention, federal tions are that the public supports conduct the public’s business in sions will be 9 a.m.tt0 noon and I
‘ District Judge Joseph Hood acceler— our position that there should be these matters. It would also include the afternoons from 1—4 pm. ' :
~ated the pace toward an inevitable more transparency in the juvenile a code that contained a guarantee / Featured will be a three-hour
‘ appeal by either side by dismissing court system. Much of that attention that due process and fairness be morning session on how ,
,» , our lawsuit. Though we disagreed resulted from the shooting death of afforded to juveniles and their par- reporters can plan, organize and
strongly with his ruling, we felt a Louisville police officer by a 17- ents in both criminal and dependen— execute in-depth reporting of , 'I
-. - almost as if he had done us a favor, year-old boy whose record was cy cases. important community issues. Bill
moving the case quickly along and lengthy. His own attorney said had No matter what the outcome, we Estep OfIthe Herald-Leader will
, ' . reducing the amount of billable time the juvenile's record been known, a See FUND on Page 4 lead the Lexington 59554011 while .
Courier—Journal reporter Jason
. ————-————————-—-—-~———————‘—"_—"————_—. . . Riley Will teachthe MadisonVille
_ . workshopn , ’

, PreSIdent-elect leaves for coaching JOb p... .
_~. _ ‘ . able experience in doing iii—depth _,
" - I . - Glenn Gray, vice— 5353:? Superintendent Doug Adams named Gray said. ”Keeping the Clay County reporting and will show reporters

, ._ president of Nolan Gray the new head coach on May 24, basketball standard, a bar that was set how to go beyond merely attend— K
. Group Media, the ,, filling the vacancy left when former very high by Bobby Keith, will take a ing public meetings when cover-
I- parent company of }* coach Mike Jones resigned. lot of hard work.” Iing complex issues in their com-
.. ‘ ‘ ~The Manchester a Gray, who served as an assistant In 1983, Gray was an assistant munities. Topics will include
. II Enterprise, has «I if “ 1 I under Jones for the past two seasons under Larry Bruner, the year his developing sources, researching ,
L . stepped down from i and as an elementary head coach for Middlesboro Yellow Jackets captured issues, how to find experts on '
' his position as presi- 10 years before that, becomes the the 13th region title. During his years . issues ranging from A to Z and 1
. dent-elect of the Kentucky Press fourth man in the last 35 years to take as elementary school head coach, he more. ' I
., . , Association to become the new head , the helm of the Tigers.‘ led the Eagles to six county champi— Both three-hour afternoon ses- , '
' 1 " coach of the Clay County Tigers boys’ , He will take over coaching respon— onships. signs .will be led by Joe 111191,. ' I ._
. ., basketball team. I sibilities immediately, in time to guide He worked games throughout the award-Winning photojournalist - . I
». ”I J l t Gray, who will keep his position ' the team through summer AAU play. region as a high school basketball ref— ' ,With the Daily News in" Bowling ., P
, .- , with Nolan Group Media, was‘in line ”This is-definitely one of the pre- eree inthe late 19903 and officiated the » '- . S‘ ' NEWS ' P; “:12 g; I
i , to be president of KPAin2006. School mier coaching positions in the state,” ,:BOy’s Sweet Sixteenin2002. , if); ee ” 911 age , :

 Page 2 — The Kentucky Press, June 2005 .
K t k l ' th W
en uc y peop e, papers in e ne 5
Alice Rouse, publisher of the Award. She served as the 2004 cam— The Monroe County Citizen, Kentucky New Era in Hopkinsville.
Murray Ledger 8: Times, earned paign chair for the United Way of The Edmonton Herald-News and Michael Powell, editor of The West
statewide recognition because of her Murray—Calloway County and is the Metcalfe County Light Sunday wel- Kentucky News, was elected vice
work with the local United Way United Way board’s president—elect. comed Kathy Riddle to the staff in president and Jed Dillingham of
fund-raising campaign. She was Rouse led the local funding raising April as sales manager. She is the The Dawson Springs Progress was ‘
among 10 people awarded the effort from August to January that third new sales person that has been re-elected treasurer. The fall meeting
Outstanding Kentucky Volunteer surpassed the $303,000 goal. added to the company this year. is tentatively set for Sept. 30.
Jonathan Fisher joined the staff Calen McKinney, former news
The KentUCk Pres S of the Meade County Messenger as assistant for the Central Kentucky ‘
“—- y -—---- a sports writer in April. He began News-Journal in Campbellsville,
covering baseball, softball and ten- began as a full-time staff writer for
The Kentucky Press (Permit# 939)ispub- Journal nis for the newspaper. Fisher, who the newspaper on May 2. She cur-
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press . . .
Association /Kentucky Press Service, Inc. District 12-Donna Carman, Casey just graduated from Meade County rently covers Taylor District and
Third Class postage is paid at Glasgow, County News High School, plans to attend the Circuit Court each week and also
KY.42141. Subscription price is $8 per University of Kentucky in the fall writes the “Pet of the Week” col-
year. Postmaster: Send change of address District 13 - Don White, Anderson News and major in English and linguistics umn, compiles ”Area Digest,” han-
tO The Kent‘mky Press, 101 Consumer in college. He will continue to work dles the ”Answers” column and
Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. District 14 - Teresa Scenters, Berea Citizen at the newspaper through the sum- writes features and news stories. She
Officers State 1%ng8 ’ mer months. ’ complies and paginates the informa-
Kentucky Press Association Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era George Stafford has been named tion for the Calendar Page. She has
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald—Leader college sports marketing coordina— been with the paper nearly two
President-Charlie Portmann, Franklin Willie Sawyers, London Sentinel Echo tor for Landmark Community years on a part-time basis while a '
Favorite Mark V3“ Patten, BOWMS GreenDaily Newspapers, Inc. He began his new student at Campbellsville
President—Elect» Alice Rouse, Murray News . , position May 16. He is most recently University. She. was also, editor of
Ledger and Times Division Chairman ‘ . the marketing director for the the Campus Times, CU s student
News Editorial Division—Mike Alexieffl American Heart Association in newspaper. '
Vice President— Bowling Green Daily News ' Lexington. Prior to that, he spent six Jamie Ray, a photojournalist at
’ 1 years as marketing director for the Glasgow Daily Times, graduat— j
Treasurer ' Taylor Hayes, Advertising DiViSim‘ ' Steve WheaflF—‘Y' Special Olympics Kentucky. He also ed from Western Kentucky I: C
KentuCky New Era Elizabethtown News Enterprise has more than four years of market— University on May 6 with a Bachelor
Past President - John Nelson, The Circulation Division _ Kriss Johnsom ing experience with Host of Arts degree in photojournalism.
, Advocate Messenger, Danville Lexington Herald-Leader , Communications, working on vari- Beth E. Barnes, director of the
ous university and NCAA projects. University of Kentucky School of
‘ Board Of DiIeCtOIS ASSOCiateS Division- CliffFeltham, He holds two degrees from the Journalism and Telecommunica-
District 1 f LOyd Ford, The Lake News, Kentucky Utilities University of Kentucky — a Bachelor tions, has been elected to the
Calvert City . . . . . . . . . .
Journalism Education Representative of Busmess Administration as well Accrediting CounCil on Education in
Distrith-Jed Dillingham, Dawson Liz Hansen, Eastern Kentucky University as a Master of SCience in Sports Journalism and Mass Communica—
Springs Progress Management. tions. Barnes will serve a three-year
General Counsels - Jon Fleischaker, John Foster joined The Oldham term representing the Association of
DismCt 3 ' DaVid Dixon, The Henderson AShleY P3919 Dinsmore 3‘ Shohl Era staff in February as a staff writer Schools of Journalism and Mass
Gleaner Kentucky Press Association Staff andhphotographer. He riturns to Communication. She previously ,
District4—Jeff Jobe, Butler County Banner DavidTiThompson, Executive Director Old. am County after lvmg m served. for SIX Years . on the
Bonnie Howard, Controller , Lexmgton for the past five years. He Accrediting Committee, including
District5 ~Ron Filkins, Kentucky Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales grew up in Jackson Hole, Wy0., two years as chair. The committee is
Standard David Greer, Member Services DirectOr before moving to Oldham County the second level of the ACEJMC ‘
‘ _ . g _ Dana Lear, News Bureau Pirecmf _ , when he was in high school. He review process. Barnes regularly
Dlsmcm'bhn Mum’ Loulsvme Courier— Dawd Spencer, New Mama Admirustrator graduated from the University of serves as a site visit team chair and
Journal Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assrstant _ . ,
Stephanie Conrad, Research /Marketing Kentucky in December With a bach- as a consultant to programs seeking
District 7_ Kelley Warnick, Gallatin Coordinator elor of science in creative integrated accreditation. She was a member of
County News Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant strategic communication. He a committee that developed revised
RachelMcCarty, Advertising ASSiStant worked at UK’s newspaper, The standards for accreditation that will
DiStriCt 8 " Ken Metz, Bath County News HO“? Willard, INAN Business Clerk Kentucky Kernel, as the photo editor go into effect for 2005-06. She joined ‘
ouflOOk TamiHensiey, TeaIShQEt Clerk and staff writer. UK’S School of Journalism in 2003,
District 9 - Loretta Tackett, Paintsville Staff members, Officers and Directors C'D' Bradley, entertainment Edi‘ after serving as faculty at
Herald may be reached by email using the indi- tor of The Paducah Sun, was elected Pennsylvania State University,
vidual's first initial, full last president of the West Kentucky Northwestern University, Miami
DiStfiCt '10 ‘ Edmund Shelby, BeaW’ille name@kypress.com. Press Association at its spring meet— (Ohio) University and Syracuse
Enter??? . . 4 _ j . ‘ _ ‘ . ing on April 29. Bradley succeeds ‘ University’s S.l. Newhouse School
'Distri‘ctillr:Den‘i§step,:mutiéyNews “-th a” '. p ‘ _‘ - , _. .Tayloirgljl‘ayes,‘ publisher, of The of PublicCommiini‘cations.»

 . 'v l
i j The Kentucky Press, June 2005 - Page 3 ;
l l ' f KPA k h f
. J u y to eature two wor s ops or reporters ;
- 1
5t i High SChOOl association ,, s has led many such training sessions job has certain glamorous aspects, it’s J
:e .. . Oh, By 3; around the state. also very dangerous and he is away ‘
3f iJ finlshes year on a roll Th W 2 J The morning sessions will run from home for months at a time. I
is ”I like the idea of a one—day jour— e ay g from 9 am. to noon with the after— ”I’m away so much that when I do
lg J nalism boot camp,” one Kentucky 1;; noons going from 1-4 p.m., local come home, my cat treats me like a
, i editor told me recently. “Sign me up. By Dam-d Greer time. houseguest,” Newton told the stu- .
IS In fact, there will be two of us.” KPA Member Services if? / GO tO W to find dents.
1y 1 KP A is sponsoring two July work— Director information on the mini boot camps Many in the audience found his ,
e, l shops for reporters. We’re calling same program. We chose two loca— as well asaregistration form that can comments about his numerous '1
31. .J them mini boot camps. Our ”normal” tions in different areas of the state to be mailed or faxed to KPA. Our mail- assrgnments in Afghanistan and Iraq _’
r- 1 boot camp is a three-week program cut down on travel time for partici— mg address is KPA, 101 Consumer to be very movmg. He recounted the ‘
1d l geared for entry-level journalists. But pants. Both will run from 9 am. to 4 Lane, Frankfort 40601. Our fax num- tale of seeing a young Afghan girl
so i. last year’s three—week camp didn’t p.m., local time. Both morning ses— ber is (502) 226-3867. Hurry, because selling maps to American soldiers on ,
)l- ‘ meet our attendance expectations so sions will deal with learning how to seating is limited at both locations. a street corner in Kabul day after day. ’
n— i ~ the decision was made to sit out this do in-depth reporting on community High school convention. More Then one day, the girl was too close .
1d ‘1 summer and bring back the three— issues. The Herald-Leader’s Bill than 700 Kentucky high school stu— to a roadside bombing. She was criti-
1e 5 week boot camp in 2006. But in the Estep will lead the Lexington work- dents attended. the Kentucky High cally injured, Newton said. He had to
'a- ‘_ meantime, it seemed this year was shop while The Courier—Journal’s School lournahsm Association con- shoot video of the bombing’s after-
”: the ideal time to do two one-day Jason Riley will be the Madisonville vention in Louisville on May 3 and 4. math. The little girl, whose parents
as _ camps for reporters who’ve been in instructor. Both are experienced in Our keynote speaker was Jeff he had met only shortly before, died
’0 _ ' . the field for a while. doing in-depth reporting 'on local Newton, field producer for the CBS- two hours later from her injuries,
a ’ l You will find all the mini boot issues. Bill and Jason will have tips TVprogram 60 Minutes. Newton is a Newton said. ,
.le l camp information on galore on how to plan, organize, former reporter at The News- To conclude the convention, stu-
Of www.k;zpress.com including a regis— research and write about topics of Enterprise in Elizabethtown and a dents and teachers attended the 1
“t ,J tration form, which has the registra— importance to your readers graduate of Eastern Kentucky awards banquet for the annual :
tion deadline information. The July 7 Meanwhile, both afternoon ses— University. He also served as editor KHSJA-sponsored contest for high
at J boot camp will be held in Lexington sions will feature Joe Imel, photojour— of EKU’s The Eastern Progress . school newspapers, yearbooks and g
at- . 2:- at The Herald—Leader building. The nalist with the Daily News in After working in Elizabethtown in broadcast programs. There were
ky fl July 128 boot camp will be held in Bowling Green. Joe’s ”Photography the 19905, Newton worked for the more than 2,150 entries in the,contest.
or ~ f Madisonville at the Country for reporters” sessions will offer Fayetteville (NC) Observer and the In all, more than 300 students won
_ - Cupboard Restaurant. Registration is hands-on training for reporters who Reuters Wire service covering awards and several schools placed in
he E J ‘ only $15 per person, and that must often double as shooters for Afghanistan and Iraq before being the general excellence categories.
of l includes lunch. - their papers. Joe began 17 years ago hired by CBS. KHSIA had 106 member schools
:a- ; Both boot camps will feature the as a weekly paper photographer and He acknowledged that while his during the 2004—05 school year. ;
he 3 o o 9 '
g; Hotlme Is one of KPA s most valuable resources
:ar By KENYON MEYER No. Running a poem without per- whether it will remedy the violation, an open records request.
0f ‘ KPA General Counsel mission of the original author could or deny the reporter’s request. In this 3b. In addition, the reporter wants '
‘55 ‘ } Dinsmore 8: Shohl 3%; result in a copyright infringement case, the fiscal court should discuss in the incident reports in hard copy
313’ : One of the KPA’s ,, lawsuit against you and the newspa— open session the issue discussed dur- instead of trying to download them
he ‘ most valuable resources as” per. Any time the newspaper wants ing closed session. If the request is off the department’s website. Does
ng : is the KPA Hotline. This ". to run a story, article, poem or picture denied and you believe that a viola- the reporter have to make an open
2 is 7 service permits KPA .:' 5g that is not the work of the customer, tion did in fact occur, you can appeal records request for each day’s worth ,
/IC members to consult you must have permission from the the denial to the Attorney General. of incident reports or can the reporter ‘
rly _ I with KPA lawyers regarding legal original author. The Attorney General will issue a make a general open records request
nd 1 issues that arise during the newsgath- 2. A reporter attends a meeting of decision within ten days. which would cover incident reports
ng ering process. To illustrate the types the fiscal court. The court goes into 3a. Every day the police depart- for a month’s time or possibly a year’s
of Q of issues that arise on a daily basis on closed session to discuss a topic that ment sets out copies of the daily inci- time?
led the Hotline, we set forth the following the reporter is convinced must be dis- dent reports (or logs) for reporters to Unfortunately, you must make an
vill hypothetical calls. cussed in open session. The reporter pick up. Recently, the department has open records request each and every
led 1. A customer wants to run a poem verbally objects, but the fiscal court begun placing these incident reports day. The Open Records Act does not
03, ‘j in memory of her son who tragically ignores the objection. What should and other voluminous documentation recognize ”continuing” requests.
at .J died in an automobile accident four the reporter due to remedy his or her that the newspaper does not want on However, the police department may ‘
ity ; years ago. She will pay whatever it concern? its website. Because of this new tech- get tired of your repeated open
mi 1 costs to run the poem and has signed To remedy a Violation of the Open nology, the department refuses to con— records requests and work with you J
' her name at the bottom. She is putting Meetings Act, the reporter should tinue copying the incident reports for on a system beneficial to both parties.
ise . . . . . . . . ’
a great deal of pressure on you to run write a letter to the pre31dmg officer of pick up. Can the police department If you have any questions please con—
001 the advertisement. Thepoem, how- the public agency describing the do this? tact your Hotline attorneys: ,
3 ever, ’Was 'WrittenV‘by‘ an unnamed nature of the violation and'what can Yes. The law does not mandate . .‘ Jon L..F.leischaker:502/540-2319 .
: author. Can you run the poem with be done to remedy the violation. The that' the 'police department furnish ' R. Kenyon Meyer: 502/540-2325 i
the customer’s name at the bottom? public agency must then determine you copies of incident reports without Ashley C. Pack: 502/540-2385 i

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, June 2005
KPA media kits are an impressive sales tool
_ E
Do you need an 5 informa— year. The multi-page media kit can over each detail that she needs from
‘ impressive sales tool for Advertising W? tion will ,be as full of information as you you. After your personal input is By
your clients at an even Pl be perti- deem necessary. These tools will gathered, the in—house software will Mt
\ more impressive cost? us , n e n t make excellent leave behinds after create the rest. Usually Stephanie
‘ Well, the media kits done ———— a c o u n t y your presentation is finished. can have the media kit returned to set
by the Kentucky Press ~ d e m 0 - The profile of your county will you within a couple of weeks. ve:
Service are just your By Teresa Revlett { “g graphics, include age and income levels The cost of $25 is based on a per siz
answer to that little KPS Director of Sales '. ’“i circula - specifically for your area. kit order. If you would like to order abI
_ dilemma. ., t i o n Newspaper personnel provide us more than one, that is another 1y
i For only $25 each, b r e a k - with the rates and data for the rate option. er:
Stephanie Conrad, KPS Statewide down of your newspaper as well as sheet of the kit. Circulation break- Remember, when you think of $01
: Classifieds and ARK Coordinator detailed information that you pro- down by zip can also be included. marketing your newspaper, only the _ 1
will tailor make you a detailed vide. The media kits are easy to order. most impressive details will work. tiv
media kit for your newspaper’s Newspapers can list special sec- Just give Stephanie a call at 502—223— Let Stephanie Conrad help you tlu
. marketing area. Included in that tions that they are planning for the 8821 or 1—800-264-5721. She will go make a great first impression. thi
. O o 0 K6
~ FUND NNA Foundation receives Knight m.
3 Continued from page 1 0t]
1.... .h. 0. grant to help teachers use newspapers
and discussion in this issue, and N1
. that was sorely needed. The Newspaper Association of career and will help all students role in modern citizenship and H:
1 We hope you agree, and that America Foundation has received a understand the importance of the informed decision making. Next, an
you will respond favorably to $225,000 grant from the John S. and First Amendment. they will learn the craft of journalism in
' our request that each member of James L. Knight Foundation to devel- ”Newspapers provide teachers including how to gather information,
KPA make a one—time contribu— op an integrated language-arts and and students with a wealth of real- write, edit and evaluate the final th
tion to our Legal Defense fundin journalism curriculum using news— world material that is, by its very product, and discuss the importance w:
the form of the proceeds from a papers for middle-school students. nature, fresh and current," said of audiences and journalism ethics. M ., th
‘ quarter page ad sold through The project will be a combined Margaret Vassilikos, senior Vice pres- In the third unit, they will learn how Ht
KPS. Your normal contribution Newspaper In Education and stu— ident of the NAA Foundation. ”It to produce their own newspaper. ‘ sa
» to the fund in this manner dent journalism program beginning reaches young people in a way that They will be acquainted with design
, would be the same as in any in sixth-grade classes. Special traditional methods may not, and and layout concepts, and use avail— . Ht
* other year. emphasis will be placed on schools studies have shown that NIE pro— able technology to manipulate text, ta
This one-time addition to whose students are low-income or do grams have a particularly dramatic graphics and new media applications D;
your annual contribution would not speak English as their first lan- impact on underprivileged and to create a finished product. Ri
be designated for the legal guage. minority schools. We are very Development of the curriculum is 11}
expenses associated with the Newspaper In Education, or NIE, pleased that Knight Foundation rec- expected to take six months. It will cc
‘ lawsuit, and in honor of the 10th is a cooperative effort between ognizes the value of newspapers as a then be field tested in three newspa- A
anniversary of our Legal schools and newspapers that pro- way to broaden the educational per markets with diverse geographic Te
Defense Fund, which has pro- motes the use of newspapers as an experience, increase awareness of and circulation sizes by three to five ta
vided valuable assistance to educational resource and curriculum journalism as a career and enhance teachers in each market for approxi- th
many newspapers in Kentucky tool. The NAA Foundation is the understanding of the First mately another six months. th
in legal matters that have an administrative organization for the Amendment.” ”These days, sixth grade is not too w
impact on the industry. 950 NIE programsinthe US. The curriculum will consist of early to teach students the role of
If every member newspaper The new program’s goal will be to three sequential units on media liter- free—flowing news in working 1-]
makes this contribution, we can improve reading scores for poor and acy, journalism and newspaper pro- democracies,” said Eric Newton, . hi
cover the costs of this appeal. non-English speaking students. It duction. First, students will learn Knight Foundation’s director of si
Look for a letter making this also will serve to expose more stu- media literacy skills to help them Journalism Initiatives. ”No grade is in
request official to arrive with dents to journalism as a possible gain an understanding of the media’s too early to teach media literacy.” tl
your annual Legal Defense Fund 0 . N
notice, which will arrive inafew Somethmg gomg on at your newspaper? T.
weeks. Please, hel us fi ht the . C
good fight. Our psuccefs will Have you hll‘ed new Staff memberS? h;
make us better watchdo s of - . . SI
goverment, and help us getter Have you done somethlng eXCItlng? ‘ P‘
serve our readers’ interests. . a1
Don’t wait for the letter. Let Let Others know about It! h.
31311333152?“ know tOday Send it to Dana Lear, at dlear@kypress.com, to have it included in the :1
unfiditimsogt . . ' . . . .. - ». Kentucky.:People and Papers section oftheKentucky. Press.- . . i.

The Kentucky Press, June 2005 - Page 5
Some say size matters to newspaper read r
By DAVID GREER ation for a conversion. His paper an innovator. No readers or advertisers com-
Member Services Director ‘ already runs a number of newspaper ”There is nothing out of bounds plained — or even noticed the change
Beginning about three years ago, sections as tabs, he pointed out. that we won’t try if it improves the to a yet even narrower page even after
several European newspapers con— ”I’ve had nobody request that we product for our readers and advertis— the paper’s earlier 50—inch web con—
verted from broadsheet to a tabloid convert to tabloid — no readers and no ers,” he said. version, Hurst said.
size and enjoyed modest but notice- advertisers,” Kelly said. Alice Rouse, publisher of the Hurst thinks advertising concerns
able circulation increases — parficular— Noted newspaper design expert Murray Ledger 8: Times, sees no con— might keep many papers from con-
ly among females and younger read- Mario Garcia has been quoted on The version to tab size in her paper’s verting to compact formats. It’s diffi-
ers. Now, the conversion to what Miami Herald’s web site as predicting immediate future, but admits that as cult to stuff preprints into tabs, he
some are calling compact newspapers that all American newspapers will new trends emerge, it forces one to said. That could be a real problem for
— the term tabloid conjures up nega— have converted to compact formats consider more options. publications with Sunday issues.
tive images for some — has caught within 20 years. But not everyone ”Smaller papers, like ours, have a But Hurst admits that many young
the attention of industry observers on agrees with him — The Herald- tendency to watch the bigger papers people prefer the tabloid size.
this side of the Atlantic. While no Leader’s Kelly being one. and see what they do,” she said. ”If I was going out to start a news-
Kentucky papers appear ready to ”I like tabs as sections but not the While tabs seem popular with big— paper from scratch, it would be a
make the leap, some publishers are whole paper,” Kelly said. He points city commuters — particularly those tabloid.” Why? Because it would save
watching the trend with interest and out thick tabloids with many pages, riding mass transit — because of the on newsprint, he said, and you would
others with skepticism. such as Long Island, N.Y.’s Newsday, smaller pages, a smaller page doesn’t gain color capacity. ”Young readers
”We’re watching it like other peo- can be difficult for readers to handle. allow the same editorial presentation, seem to prefer that size,” Hurst said.
ple,” said Landmark Community And having a paper without sections as does abroadsheet, Kelly points out. Hurst predicts that if the industry
Newspapers’ editorial director Benjy can pose problems. He already gets All publishers and executives inter— sees significant newsprint price
Hamm, ”but have no plans to convert complaints from female readers, Kelly viewed agreed that while readers will increases, we will see more newspa—
any papers.” LCNI operates 19 papers said, who don’t like having the weath— have a major say, advertisers would pers willing ”to be brave and experi-
inKentucky. , er column on the back page of the be a major driving force behind page ment with a tab format. But if
”The newspaper industry is going sports section, for instance. size. newsprint prices stay at their current
through a lot of self-examination One Kentucky publisher who Kentucky Press Service sales direc- level, people probably won’t be so
while it’s thinking about doing a lot of won’t be converting because he tor Teresa Revlett finds herself in the brave,” he said.
things in different ways,” Lexington already did a decade ago is Gerald situau'on of dealing with nearly 160 Nationally, Editor 8: Publisher
Herald-Leader publisher Tim Kelly Lush, publisher of The Hardin papers across the state—many already magazine reported in March that the
said. County Independent, a weekly in with different size pages. Journal and Courier in Lafayette, Ind.,
Knight Ridder, owner of T