xt705q4rkm2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rkm2d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Tech, February 29, 1988 text University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Tech, February 29, 1988 1988 1988 2014 true xt705q4rkm2d section xt705q4rkm2d i
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ln Kentucky sport has always  that always do/ng your best is
been more than playing a game. an attitude that extends beyond a
Here, sport means tradition. It   ”_ yt J     1 i tyso   K * 'tt. TNG QlE1YlllQll€ld. Just 33 b35K€T·
means pride.     yrr_t   _   ball is @ rust basketball at
Thats why we support this       ·» »~   Kentucky motor oil is @ lust i
. publication _with pride. Pride in     motor oil at Valvoline. With pride i
the University ot Kentucky Pride      t i,    .     and tradition, we make motor (
in itsathletic programs. /-\nd     g    . oils precisely formulated to meet '
SDSCIHI DFIGG llltlllé student Hill-   VALVg|Q|||E·     YOUFCEIFS SQ€C|3l_ll€€dS.
letes who honor us all with therr t’-··r r   $$3; · _ Valvoline Oil Company
commitment to a/ways doing   _, i Lexington, KY ~5~i~~¤r—rDivision
the/rbesl.     K P oi Ashland Oil, Inc. ©l98Z l
At Valvoline, we believe C v Valvoline Oil Company r

     Or %»r~4r
I _ G T6 I’OU to 9
y Coach Sharon Fanning .......................... 2 '
Basketball starr ................................ s S
I Dr. David Roselle .............................. 4       I
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ............,........ 4
Meet the Players ..........................., 5-22 . { egg
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker (F _/’=L"
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis/ {
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15) '
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17 .
Opponents’ Feature ........................... 18 /
Lady Kat Feature ............................. 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 »—— l r
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 E;
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25   Q
UK Sports Information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27
Lady Kat Records .......................... 29-30
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33
UK Campus ............................... 35-36
Your hometown grocery stores
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports Information Director
Special Thanks to
DOUG DEAF;EN_ ,3,,,5,,,,%,,, HALL IR LouisviIIe,_RlJPP ARENA IR Lexington,
and man other facilities around the count .
Advertising Sales
Photography by E
5 Design and Printing by  T.IIZHETBBN“ LOCATIONS.

 CZ/(rtwe/terry oy! gfemfucky   g
Coach SAO/IOM gartrttrtg Cgegtrtg      
         -.-5  _ ‘·_ · . t     ;
f     __ ——    
Sharon Fanning brings to Ken- T  A         `    ir ‘   t`‘»   le
tucky not only an exceptional `rt 8         T. C  >·     `
record, but also a national repu-   `  l g}    sg./. ·  It  I
tation as an outstanding coach, at         _       _
recruiter and motivator. In 11 . V’`V -   `1         Tri'
memorable seasons at the Uni-     ‘ . _.       g     I
versity ef Tennessee at Cnette- W *»—.`s   ·i,,       e     ‘»,—   ··_}*r _    
neeges Fennines squads cern- ,:e’ £?n» but she le eee e nne ner- , .a..   .,  2 —s,a s   ,ff     .. f .       ;    s
. _ . son who will be a good role        C    l`·-_i [ { 
Z`SZ€§$Oi”tl§2itlelli lgignsif Zi? more for   we etnleee We     h2   . ,n   7 A   fi ff     
U.S. Olympic Festival and last bcllcvc Fhaphcr piirsonahty and       A . I  
- _ drive will give this program the ,  j v ie.
A summer she was named to the boost it news ri ht HOW ,, A J     v_;_'   T
staff of the USA Select team Th 33_ _ ii F .` T   —’‘‘ > ‘  
competing in Seoul, Korea in . G year O ammg’ 3   C. i f  J t  
August. native of Chatanooga, completed   ,_ I { TT
"We are thrilled to have Coach hm undergraduate dcgmgat UTC t - 8 if .»   in
I A in 1975 while competing in both   , ‘   *
.·   . » in“.   basketball and volleyball. She   A A  
{ i f  ._ l received her masters degree in   ’n·.;   i‘·l tj,  
..   T. pp.p . .   1976 from the University of Ten-
,   .1  ‘ . * ».   . " Tw. ·     nessee, where she served as a EANNINCC RECORD AT UTC
  g g?  if ‘ » _ 3   ·_r‘V _ Qin TT»i   graduate assistant coach to Pat YEAR W L PCT_
j .         I- »       Head Summitt for one year be- 1976-77 20 is eee
E.;   ·,_°   :s·. A  A      -'`,l-°; ’¤¥ fore returning home to build a     17  
  A 8 _ A  ..-i  .9 1 program at her alma mater. T979_8O T5 T3 536
  .     A  T `___.·e Y  ,..- A I     ‘ A noted speaker who is very 1980-81* 19 9 .679
·  A     __ . active in civic affairs, Fanning :32;%, 1;   Eg?
- —  “       TVV_ A also served as Coordinator of tgB3.84~# 26 5 img
  _; _. ;   _  ··i°»‘  I  Ti·.   Women’s Athletics at UTC since 1984-85; 18 13 .552
  l    A           1978. She is a current member of lgggigg li gg   _
 i` ` ~  T· »..»».·-r · ....     —..i 1 i·.V· j   the Nelimlal WQU1€“’$ Baskmball Totals E E?    
This summer, Coach Fanning gave instruc- C9¤Cl‘€$ ASS°C13“9“ Board Of '$¤¤ine*n Conference Cnenwlene  
lions at a basketball clinic in Jaeltsbn, Ky. Directors. ”NW‘1 ““"“""UF’e ~

   ciiiiiitaity og {Kentucky
V Andy Barnes Adena High School, tion in 1979 after serv-
’»_» Anely bearna his that where she earned All- ing for four years as a
‘ it    vear at Kentuekv after America honors and was student trainer. She was
  ,_    it Vt t       . serving as an assistant te named the Outstanding graduate assistant at Pur-
       . COaCh Susan Yew at Athlete in Ohio. She due University, where
      i A Drake Universrtv iast went on to similar glory she earned her Masters
l   _  —.  ··`“   seasen_ At UK, he vviii at the University of Ten- Degree in Physical Fit-
i   ,.»    `  teens primarily en re_ nessee, where she earned ness and Exercise Physi-
I ,4itt/at-ai_ii·t~ I ri erurtina A native er Kodak All—America hon- ology in 1981.
ew" {”"`ACg‘ """‘ CL md jehnsen Crtv Tenn and ors before graduating in A native of Smithville,
i     I   a iggtj graduate et éast 1983. Ohio, Sue serves on the
t Z    i eraia  it Tennessee State, Andy In the meantime, she Board of Directors for
t         arg- taught and eeaehed at the was also establishing the National Athletics
i   'Z?   high seheei level fer six herself as a great inter- Trainers Association.
l ri e ea -i,»  ea   years bereee jerntna the national competitor. She -———-————
    e a  ,,    t ~.er Start at Drake. rtam WeS Selected te die l979 Lee needy
i           _. as 1980 te 1984, he vvas World University squad, I i
  pn   aliana assistant bayer basketball the 1980 Olympic team, Lee joined the Lady
    Coach and head aelr the 1983 Pan American Kat staff in December,
  B     i K   , ( coach at Daniel Boone [cam and the 1984 l983‘ She was previous"
    9 ` l l ’ S r.. High seiiatii itt Gray, Olympic Squad- She elSc ly cldpleycd by Bedlld·
L — x P   » i r . rata. 1-ietiietttattgiit tat pldycd i>rcleSSlc¤el l>eS- lcdlew Cedllly Welldlc
    » one year at Sun Valley kclbdll {Ol One Year in Department and COlum`
  .  ‘ A  if   if    High School in Monroe, Italy and for two yddrs bus East High School in
.,  =  ea   t l    l Nec', laerere returning in Japan, Columbus, Indiana. A
i .t .3; -     ` K l to his native state to Clll9Y» Wh9 was lll- llallvc cl Whllcsbulg
  i· »     .'.le    i.   teach and assist in boys’ ducted imo the Ndddmd Ky" L99 is married to
  S at  a a  basketball at Unieei High School Hall of BtelrdReedy and has two
i Uiiiiitijoti gait mm) County High School in Fame last Y9dl» IS map C 1 l9ll· »
i   ·     e Erwin. He is married to ded td Mall H9“S9l‘ __`T_—_
  K   2 r. Marsha Barnes. mad Lee Youster
·   ii  A `iiii   e ·L—*-T; Lee has been assistant
  - ··» .· ~ . i _ ";'r`;`_ strength coach at Ken-
  cc   ll .    .    Clddy l*lcl·le llcdSedde¤ titty at three   A
   . `¥ ;t§  ‘ Cindy’s experience as 1980 graduate of
  3 gféat pla}/Cf 3[ all lcv- Sue Stanley Y3[`IktOH College, he I-€`
  " els of competition made Sue joined the UK mained at his alma mater i
  her an exciting addition training staff in 1982 for two years as football
e.  ._   to the Lady Kats staff. A after serving for one and strength coach. He
  i = two-time Olympian, Cin- year as Co-Ordinator of then served as a graduate
, i f A     dy joined the University Sports Medicine for the assistant strength coach l
 et .,_ ee   of Kentucky for her first Department of lntramu— for two years at South
  N ,   coaching job in August, ral/Recreational Services Carolina and as an assis-
` Q     1985. at East Carolina Univer- tant strength coach at
    A native of Clarks- sity. Sue graduated from Oklahoma for one year A
i U   '       burg, Ohio, Cindy began Ohio State University, before coming to Ken-
i " 9 aa enema   an outstanding playing where she earned a de- tucky. Lee is 29 years
l Qiitiigit mitts yai.i»tii. rimgt {titty career at Frankfort- gree in Physical Educa— old and single.
i 3

 . . i
Cl/att/0/zsttg 0gl fifatttuc/ay i
  H  Executive Committee of the NCAA Division PRESIDENT  
IA Athletics Directors Association. `
DII`€C[0I° of Athletics A two-time All-American basketball center DAVID P' ROSELLE
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats _
   __   _ win 86 of 91 games during his career. Includ-
_  ___  .  A 1= __ ed in his career is a 1951 national champion-  
"   _tev  . ..i`.;     Shiv rrrrrirr irgrrrirry rrrrrh Arirrlvh Rrrrra ’   A A  _
°   ·f·’i` As a senior, Hagan helped lead UK to a   E r 
_   ‘`;°;   —f1 perfect 25-0 record and the Southeastern _   _  
  _· Conference title. That season, Hagan aver-  ` r ·
     rigs  ` ' ' ·   — ···· ` "*"·ir
    . I   ,_   aged 29 points per game and led the nation in V  
      rebounding (13.5 rpg). "l*;n<*¤•*  
.     After graduating from UK in 1954 and _  
  serving two years at Andrews Air Force Base ‘ ·—._    
as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a  
highly successful National Basketball Associ- Q
. ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. In 10   e    A  
rr seasons, he posted 12,433 career points in _’,__ A
I 672 games (18.5 ppg) and played in five NBA *   ` .
. ` Allrslal Salmsli S L _ h_ h Dr. David P. Roselle was named the .
As can Hagan enters no 12th year as its hrrrr Pay`? . Y’“ lr °“‘S ‘“““S W “’ rrrrrrh lrrrrrrirhr Oi the Urrrvrrrrry vi Krrr-  
_ _ _ _ claimed six division titles. In 1958. Hagan R - M lr lD87 _
director, the University of Kentucky Athletics helped lead the Hawks to the World Champr IUC Y lll EITC ~ r T I
Assoclallon ir undergoing an cm Of unprccci onship by defeating the Boston Celtics. He DL Roselle Comes to UK from Vlrgm`  
dented growth. also scr a NBA Single game record for most ia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., where he i
Rcccmlyfompletcd pmlccts include thc $6 field goals in a quarter (12). Hagan was voted Solved as Provost foul }’oaYS· Thr PoSl’ P
    NUIICY Football   Facili- All_PI_O from   tion Of provost at   Tech is [he l
ty» {llc Hllary J· Boooo Indoor Tonmsccmcré Between bagketbgll geasgng at St_ Lguigr l1L1IT1b€I‘ two administrative position HI [IIC i
the llghtmg rf rrr Shlvcly Bascballflcld an Hagan earned his M.S. degree from Washing- university, which has more than 22,000 i
the resurfacing and seating expansion of the mn Unlvcrslry ln l958 Students {
Shively Track. In addition, the $5.5 million H l h rl · ' l h f ll K . l
- · _ 6 a 50 8 3 Strrrr 35 P ¤Y€Y·€0¤C 0 I € A native of Pennsylvania, Dr. Roselle _
Harry C. Lancaster Aquatics Center is near D ll Ch l rl - h- lo » l _ _ .
— - · · ·_ a rr appams urmg IS pro Csslona has a Ph.D. 1n mathematics from Duke .
mg Complcllom brrrrgrrrr the total Cxpcndl basketball days. In fact, Hagan was chosen as · - ·
rrrrr ir rrrirri rrrrrrirr rrrirrrr rr rrrrrlr rno Texas Professional Coach ofthe Year rn U“"“S“Y· H6 has ***6** 8 “"“‘“‘““‘“ 1
$15 million. l968 His record ar Dallas was 10990 In professor and researcher at the Univer-  
This past July, the UK Athletics Associa— l975' Hagan was named to the Kermrclry sity of Maryland and Louisi-  
rirr Board Of Directors approved A record Athletic Hall of Fame. Three years later, he alla Stale UlllVolSllY· Hr became 3 Pro"  
$9-3 ‘“l“l°'¥ l’“dg°‘ fm me l987i88 owl became tho first UK player lnaootoo into tho fessvr Oi mathematics at Virginia Tech ih  
_ l""“·_l" a “'I‘c “l;l“;l“ ma"? ‘“h$;5r;cl°a"` Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. 1974 and held that faculty appointment  
Illclm arcbfaclngll “ gl? °"S°Sr_ , l$°n` Hagan is married to the fomner Martha during his entire tenure there. l
unucg   C gow ytric {§uPpOrt_1tn$l Wn nc; MIIIOH of Owensboro. They l’1ElV€ l:Ol1I` Cl1ll— He also Served as dean Of   l
Elgdgc ms mm Q mvcrsl Y A genera dren -— Mrs. Lisa Thaxton, Mrs. Laurie Hill, Tcchrs graduate School and dean Of l-6-  
Hagan, n nonvo of Owensboro, replaced ';'gS6l@Tj,§$j§§§;°{}‘Ql§‘V§§Q;y" “’°°‘“ g“’d“‘ rrrrrh rrd arrsirrrrr rrrrriirr- _ `
the late Harry C. Lancaster as athletics direc- ` DI; R·95€ll€ l$ l0Ih 0¤ tht? Playing held and lh lll€ Cl¤55· cure increased support for sponsored re-
l°9m· search and was reco nized nationall for
Hagan has seen UK basketball teams win BOARD OF DIRECTORS his initiatives in Con? · . · lv y ._
, _ _ puting and in orma
an NCAA championship, an NIT champion- UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY rlrm S Stems
ship and make another appearance in the Fi- ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION y ` . . .
I . I _ [ In 1978. he was recognized by Virgin-
nal Four. The football Wildcats have ap- EX_0EElCl0 MEMBERS_AT_ . . .
pcared in three bowl games. Last season, six MEMBERS LARGE la Tech for hls Icachmg Cxccllcnco;
UK teams appeared in their respective NCAA Dr, Drlvlll Roselle Mr ld D Gorman Dl· Rosollo lm? lloloo VSYICIY ol lo?lo‘
Chmllplmlshlp €V€mS_ Dr Arr Grlllrrlrcr Mri Sr'T_`R0HCh ershtp positions in national mathematics
Academically. Hagan helped establish the Drlnok gtnnton organizations and served as executive
Center for Academic and Tutorial Services Dr. Raymond Hornbuck STUDEN MEMBERS secretary of the Mathematical Associa-
(CATS). The University of Kentucky was the Dr l¤m¢5 Mr Kuflcr Miss Susan Brothers tion of America for nine years.
I tirst university in the nation to open an aca- ow" R_"l’°"l o· l-”‘V$"'l Mr. Karl Crasc HD has madc llllmemlls lllvllcd ad-
dcmic ccnterrfor student-athletes. The efforts Mfr Pll'lGl€°I _ l _ 1 _ dresses in his lqcld and is Widely Dllb_
have paid oil. as UK led the Southeastern , , , l‘AClJL”lYlVlElIlBl‘·R5 l. h d ll . _ _ ll ll hl _
C l. _ l_ _l , . lh b ll _l _ ALLMM MEMBERS Dr. Dllnlcllrccll is c as a mat ematics sc o ar. He as
"" °'°"“° "“ y°‘" '“ ° "““‘ cl ‘ *“ M wit- B sl wil · Y been ed`tor oftwo bo kr ara w· · on th
dent-athletes named to the lcague`s various l' I mm ‘ my o'· Nl l°·rr·¤¤ri<> . . 1   A d J5 C l
Aonoo.nto Honor Rolls. Mr lrlrr C   Dr- rhrrirr r- r<»·r¤¤ rrlrrrrrrrl brrrrri rrr rr rhrrrl l
Hngan`s involvement in collcgc athletics TRUSTEE MEMBERS D°“" P°l$gY€l}M“lZ“'°$ Dl· Roselle l$ lllarflod to lllc lofllml  
extends beyond thc University of Kentucky. Mr Albm B Chandler   g;l§lrI§;m‘ Ehrrrr L0uiS€ DOWIIUE of Manhasset. N·Y-·  
He serves on the Executive Committee ofthe Mri Emrllr Rrlmscv Drl l B Wnlgllgcll and they I1%1V€ 21 SON, Arthur. 16, and 3  
Southeastern Conference and is also on the ' I I V daughter, Cynthia. 15.  

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 `A  `° ``'”‘     ‘’ ‘ ‘‘   »‘*·      .    ,,; ...,       .
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° O 4 Q ii   is  ` ;€·“   ;
`     »AV,=i       l
    .    >;    \
  , — -~ .     '»`’ Y   A    
One of the most talented players in Lady if ,      
Kat history, Bebe is expected to be one of the V_ » — . _4}_       II E   ,V`_  
top players in the Southeastern Conference   .   4 __ II VI i  
this season and should be a strong contender X.}    II Qi;    
for All-America honors. She led the Lady     y:_·     I   {
. Kats in scoring last season with an average of       1 · `   3
17.7 points a game. which ranked her fourth A   `»`i       1
in [nar oarogory among sac players. sne was T * =.f V ‘‘;·   lt”‘t‘‘V‘`     t»‘'.i   — V   A
else leurli ir the SEC lr free threw rereerl- . -*1 t‘.»   ’’“    i'”~_t   = · V  ·:- V ‘itl  
‘ age <78·6>. sixth ir Steele per game <2V6> and       `i.i      ..£t.¥;.    
ninth in rebounding (7.1). .     vij-gi      ’
Bebe is 14th on the all-time Lady Kats     ·°:“'   `S``     Vivw  W  ` _ · ,
sooring list with 937 career points, and if she i {V i   :i‘   V El?-*;F.j?‘Tj ii..           r
keeps up her current pace, she should easily  9.  _.     _..-i            
finish as one of UK`s top five all-time Ii I I It         ’:.—       T
eeerete A   7     »i’i   i.‘i`              
A first-team Parade All-America as a sen- y _ . t I. ’           ” * I
ior at Henry Clay High School in Lexington, . /'.` { VII  V[—  I   "   ‘‘'·   ‘   —·.·     S
Bebe suffered a stress fracture as a freshman j   ·I `'r» Ij I   I   ·_I  _I J  
and played in only half of the games in her       ._._»   l           .%.—   is  
iirst year. But as a sophomore, she started in   i·*‘   ’ V ‘,Vii___ A ‘i·Y   .'-’_ =     9   A t_. Q .V.at   V. t··· ___ t’.. V_ Q, ,,.      
22 of 27 games and was the fourth—1eading     ·i-/:’ ;;·”Q‘·.`i’;___f.ji§;?§:1i]f_,gIEL   ...._,,   ° Y fi i'A‘   ~-·.      
. Scorer ee the team   . ..  . .V » i "   ‘‘’‘" V  .     ‘.· .     .    
· ·  ; . »   _ _   »»r. ». —_t. = s ~r·.. .< ..Vr.tr.     r . =   . ·     .     _..Va,V   =
Last year she began her Junior season by   . I ··   ,II  ·   ·r·.»V:   ·,·‘_ r   [   ‘‘“‘-’r   I   .    
being named the iirst unanimous MVP in the ;  ·‘  3   ¤I   ._··  Ii. »V_·     . _,... II   ;,      
1()-year nisrory of the Larry Kats invitational     ‘     ’·=,V. °` ,a     ..i...    
te¤t¤e¤le¤l· She e>