xt705q4rkc34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rkc34/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-03-12 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 12, 1976, no. 119 text The Green Bean, March 12, 1976, no. 119 1976 1976-03-12 2014 true xt705q4rkc34 section xt705q4rkc34   T H E ‘ ;
l7 March — Administrative Council G R E E N
'· Meeting - 8:30 AM, . _
Gallery. V ’ _ B E A Ni
25 March - Blood drawing (see S
note; time and place- ·
Nawstzrrzn N0.119 3/12/76
25-26 March - KLA Special Li- David Farrell, Editor Ext.82684
braries Section meets r ‘
in Lexington.
26-27 March - University of Kentucky Chapter AAUP meets in Lexington. .
Dr. william Van Alstyne speaks on "Academic Freedom and
Tenure in Kentucky."
  A ·
The "Collection Development" section of the Planning committee
Report was discussed at the Library Faculty meeting on March 5,
A 1976. The concern of the Planning Committee was to analyze those
problems relating to developing the library's book collection.
The report raised several areas for consideration: book selec-
tion has been a major responsibility of the teaching faculty:
support from the liaisons is not evenly given; some liaisons are
lacking in subject expertise and/or time to devote to collection
development; weeding the collection; filling gaps in the
collection; evaluating serial holdings; a collection development
policy needs to be written for the entire library.
The Committee recommended that subject bibliographers/reference
librarians may lend a solution to the problems. A major point
raised in the discussion was that the Resource Utilization Unit
has been an excellent facility for public relations. While this I
is true, it was the Committee's primary concern to deal with the
state and the quality of the library's collection. Since most
of the library liaisons are unable to move beyond current
purchasing into in—depth examination of the collection, the
Committee recommended that the Resource Utilization Unit be re-
garded as an intermediary step to full-time staffing in the area
of collection development.
_ S. McCargar
Kentucky's Pioneer Days
Did you know that Daniel Boone could write? Not a fine, italic
hand to be sure, but he had a sufficiently useful script to permit
,him to handle his own business affairs as may be seen from the
items on display in the Department of Special Collections and
Archives Mon.-Fri. 8-5 and Sat. 8-l2 p.m. Our exhibit empha-
sizes Kentucky's pioneer days and was assembled from books and
manuscripts selected from our holdings.
Our extensive manuscript collections number almost 3,000,000
. pieces and stress regional history including records of early,

local businesses and farms as well as family papers. Many
Kentucky authors are represented as are numerous contemporary
political figures.
Several 1792 manuscripts are being shown including three letters
written from Lexington, and documents concerning Isaac She1by‘s
inauguration as Kentucky‘s first governor in addition to material
related to Kentucky's establishment as the 15th state of the
The next time you're caught in the midst of the 5 o'c1ock -
traffic jam wondering how a car sometimes complicates your life
or why the 5:13 bus isn't in sight at 5:32 be grateful that one
of the first transportation systems in Lexington is no longer
in use. In a 1792 letter, Joseph Wood, a newly arrived settler
from New Jersey, complains that "When the Ground is Wet [it] is
about half leg deep . . . When Lexington was first made a
station the Women went from house to house Shuveing a Small
V Cannew on the mud . . ." Perhaps modern day living isn't so bad
_ after all.
C. McCann
Eight members of the MIK faculty are teaching this sum er at the
College of Library Science. Faculty and their courses are: Ruth
Brown and John Bryant ("Academic Libraries"); Susan Csaky ("Bib-
liography of the Social Sciences"); Bill James ("Law Librarian-
ship"); Bill Marshall and Claire McCann ("Special Collections");
Emilie Smith ("Intro to Cataloging and Classification"); Dean
Trivette ("Government Publications").
Reguest for Periodica1s:`
The Periodical Room needs copies of the following issues:
Association of Research Libraries 1967-1968. Academic Library
Statistics _
California University Bureau of Public Administration No. 2
Explorers Journal Vol. 53 1975 No. 1 .
Films and Filming Vol. 19 1973 No. 10; Vol. 20 1974 Nos. 7-9,11-12
Harper's Bazaar 107th 1974 No. 3157 Dec.
Journal of Approximation Theory Vol. 12 1974 No. 3
Music Educator's Journal Vol. 61 1975 No. 5 January
Political Socialization Research: a bibliography ‘
Communities 1975 No. 17
Interior Design Vol. 46 1975 Nos. 9-10
Directory of Published Proceedings. Series SEMT: Science Vol.l0
1975 No. 7
Southern Living 1975 No. 1 January
Country Music Vol. 3 1975 Nos. 6, 10
Educational and Psychological Measurements Vol. 35 1975 Spring
No. 1
Elementary School Guidance and Counseling Vol. 9 1975 No. 3 March
English Journal 1975 Vol. 64 January

Far Eastern Economic Review Vol. 88 1975 Nos. 14,17, 19
( High Fidelity/Musical America Vol. 25 1975 No. 9
Popular Electronics including Electronic World V.7 1975 Nos. 2,3,4
International Economic Review Vol. 15 1974 No. 2 June
If you can donate any of the above, see Myra Coomer, Ext. 258-5627.
  The University Senate held its regular monthly meeting on March 8,
( in the Law Building. After brief discussion on informational items,
  the members acted on the two items of the agenda. The first item
( was clarification of Senate Rules, Section VI, on Punishment for
( Academic Offenses & Disposition of cases of Academic Offenses. The
Q vote dealt primarily with guidelines for the existing rule to avoid
E improper handling of such cases by students and the faculty. The
{ only discussion dealt with editorial changes in the text. The
; measure was passed.
The second agenda item was a proposed change in Senate Rules, Section
V, 4.1, regarding a waiver of the requirement which disallows corre-
I spondence courses in the last 30 hours taken at U.K. The Senate
j voted to allow correspondence courses in extenuating circumstances
` with the approval of the College Dean.
  Before adjourning, a motion was presented from the floor to pass a
  resolution condemning the proposed use of the "Blue-White Fund" for
1 allocating choice seating at University sports events. The motion
i was tabled until the April meeting in order to investigate the
  matter further.
y M.E. Minter
On 25 March the Central Kentucky Blood Center's mobile unit will be
receiving blood donations from Library volunteers. If 20% of the
University employees donate blood, every full time employee who has
worked a year at U.K. is assured that the blood needs of his family
(including spouse, dependents, parents and parents~in—law) will be
met for the coming year. Representatives will be visiting the staff
soon; further information is available from the Staff Benefits
Office, 257-2831.
The five-year Library Services and Construction Act extension bill
(HR 11233) recently passed in the House by a large majority. The
Congressional Record for 17 February, p. Hl053-1060, tells the story;
Breckinridge and Perkins of Kentucky supported the bill. Also in
Congress, and by a large majority, the House of Representatives
approved a bill authorizing an additional $33 million to complete
construction of the Library of Congress James Madison Memorial
Building for library purposes (Congress had been considering taking
over the building for their own offices.). The bill has now passed
to the Senate.

Judy Steuer has resigned from the library staff. _
Staff Meeting: There will be a meeting for all classified staff
to discuss next year's salaries on Wednesday,March 17, at 1:30 p.m.
in the Gallery.
Library Director. California Polytechnic State University, San I
Luis Obispo, l August 76. $27,492 - 33,420.