xt705q4rjq2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rjq2j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1968 yearbooks ukyrbk1968 English , Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Kentuckian 68 text Kentuckian 68 1968 1968 2012 true xt705q4rjq2j section xt705q4rjq2j     University Archives Margaret I. (ing Library - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 kentuckiai UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY TOM GRALER-EDITOR   The ideal university is the incandescent center of independent thought. During the September Bitch-in, the University was briefly closer to this ideal.       ~  III...............  Rhythm and harmony find their way into
the inward places of the soul . . . imparting grace .
Plato      21 111
If any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true. To deny this is to assume our own infallibility.
John Stuart Mill
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22     27   A society which is mobile . . . must see to it that its members are educated to personal initiative and adaptability.
John Dewey
30    34 Theyear beg <3.n as if the University could anticipate an intellectual awakening with two forums on the Student Center Patio. At the first Forum on September 12, Alan and Margret McSurley, charged with sedition in Pike County, spoke with several hundred U.K. students about the problems in Eastern Kentucky. The McSurleys were charged with teaching, writing, and distributing seditious literature. When their house was ransacked by Pike County authorities, some examples of "seditious" literature were taken  Das Kapital, The Care and Feeding of Cats, and several letters to Appalachian Volenteers directors.  37  The Bitch-In did, however, further the dialogue between the Black and White communities, and, with two forums so close to the start of the semester, it seemed like it might be an interesting year.  Tavern Talk and
Nexus,   along with
other similar programs, provided opportunities for informal exchange between professors and students or between students and other students. The first tragedy of the
year was the death of Greg Page, one of the first two Negro football players in the Southeastern Conference. Page had lain paralyzed for over a month due to an injury suffered in preseason practice. But, as it had to be, football continued.   The Wildcats losing season was relieved by some moments of very fine play.  Protesters  were dragged
from a sit-in at the door of a Defense Intelligence Agency recruiter's office on November 6. The Administration stated that the protesters were interfering with the operation of the Placement Service. This was the first of many protests and demonstrations during the year. It remains to be seen whether these protests were sincere, or whether they were done simply because it was the thing which college students should do.  With a bench fui   of starters, the
Wildcats won the SEC championship, only to be upset by Ohio State in the NCAA semi-finals.
49  But basketball had problems other than athletic ones. And on December 11, while a game was being played, about 40 negro students marched outside the Coliseum to illustrate their concern about one of those problems. UK students broke the
monotony of the routine with the usual diversions - perhaps a bit too frequently. ''I
 Too infrequently, however, the campus was visited by people of the stature of Whitney Young, director of the national Urban League, or Peter Voul-kos, one of the most important Americans in art today. 55  And every now and
then, something unusual, exciting, and stimulating really did happen in a classroom.  m
 59  About twenty-five
protesters participated in a Peace Action Group protest against Dow Chemical Company on February 15. Less than two weeks later a vigil (far left) was conducted for the Negro students shot by law authorities at South Carolina State College in Orangeburg while protesting a segregated bowling alley near the school.
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6I 62 The Kentucky Conference on the War and the
Draft brought over 500 people to the campus to meet and discuss their views. Professor Wendell Berry (lower left) and Professor Robert Sedler (immediate left) spoke to the group.  Small group discussions, formal and informal, were also held. A symbolic confrontation between members of the campus ROTC and SDS (these from other than the UK campus), as pictured at the lower right, occurred toward the close of the conference.
 Guignol Theatre provided thought-provoking drama and good entertainment throughout the year.  68
And more parties  an attempt to dispel the boredom created by the combination of all the other social activities and the lack of intellectual stimulation.
On April 2, some 900
students spent varying amounts of time as demonstrators in support of President Oswald. One even burned his ID card. Dr. Oswald tendered his resignation to the Board of Trustees that day.
 71  This demonstration was, perhaps, the most campus-wide event of the year. Participators were young and old, Greek and independent, from the establishment and from outside the establishment. And that day, at least, unanimity concerning Dr. Oswald and Governor Nunn was evidenced.  Focus, in its first year,
was unfortunately marred by the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Understandably, Mohammed Ali and Senator Robert Kennedy cancelled their scheduled appearances. Speakers such as T. George Harris (p. 74), Senator Thruston Morton (p. 76, upper) and F. Lee Bailey (p. 76, lower) spoke and answered questions about the sadly appropriate topic  Focus on Social Inequities.
  Three days later, on
April 9, the Black Student Union conducted a well-attended memorial to King. The soccer team
won the SEC championship, and demonstrated that there are more than just two sports at U K.  On April 22, the towns-
peopl e got their chance to protest. The occasion was the address of Dr. Herbert Ap-theker, Director of the American Institute of Marxist Studies. To the surprise of some, the University was still standing when he left, and there were no queues of students waiting to join the American Communist Party.   The Troupers typify
the students who do manage to devote time and energy to a beneficial and worthwhile activity, giving pleasure to less fortunate, and finding enjoyment for themselves. The Little Kentucky Derby is a sad
commentary only if it truly is the South's Biggest College Week End. But it is improving, and a very worthwhile undertaking since all profits go toward scholarships.
84  And  before anyone
realized it, it was time to graduate. The four years were already over.
86 87  89  Pacesetters
Pacesetters are members of the University community who are doing their job excellently. They may be well-known, or they may not be known at all. But the manner in which they perform their work evidences their committment to that activity as well as to other people. The University needs more like them. Bill RoUghen'S hallmark is excellence. As photographer for the School of Architecture, he provides the School with copies of pictures and drawings from innumerable books. He also photographs the students' drawings and models. Significantly, his work is always of the same high quality, even if the particular task is not very stimulating. Next year he will be teaching two photography courses which are designed as elec-tives for architecture students, but which will be open to any interested student. The excellence which is characteristic of Bill will, without a doubt, be seen in these courses.  Smith R. Armstrong is
one of the finest people in the professional schools of the University. He is an excellent dental student as well as a very fine musician. A soloist in many works presented over the past few years, he has sung in such works as Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and St. John Passion.
i Helen McCloy is one of the delightfully free, blithe spirits. A transfer from Elizabethtown Community College, she quickly established herself on the University campus as a member of the Cosmopolitan Club, the Honors Program, and a key person on the Kernel. She was graduated Phi Beta Kappa.  Dr. Shah is a quiet
but effective mathematician who came to the United States in 1958. He is influential in the Indian Club and has published over 90 papers. He further helps the department gain contracts with the National Science Foundation, and works with a large number of Ph.D. candidates.
Mrs. Fanny Miller literally mothers her student teachers in English through what could be a harrowing experience, but very seldom is, due to her unselfish labors. Her enthusiasm for the subject, and for life, endears her to all her students, and they work to please her. This past year she was president of the Kentucky Council of Teachers of English. Dr. Lewis Coch ran, in a time
span of four years, has been Associate Graduate Dean, Trustee, Provost, Acting Graduate Dean, and, now, Vice President for Research. His meteoric rise is due in part to the new academic program of which he is the heart and spirit. Enjoying faculty support, he is viewed as a bright star in the administrative firmament.
Miss Bess M ciy, housemother to
the Alpha Gamma Deltas, is one of the most outstanding members of the University staff. Her kindness, charm, and hospitality are well-known, and the Alpha Gams adore her  the greatest compliment a housemother could be paid. 99  Thad J clfclCZ, although he didn't capture the headlines like the three stunning sophomores, was often the key to victory for the Wildcats. The best example is the game of January 27 when Captain Jar-acz paced the roundballers to victory over LSU, giving Coach Rupp his 771st victory. In a very fine effort, Jaracz scored 24 points to spark the Cats to victory. Thad later led the Cats on to give Coach Rupp the record breaking victory number 772.
Dr. Michael Adelstein has
long been recognized by students for his teaching ability. He is vitally interested in his students, and gives them the best he possibly can. Always open to student opinions, he has been a very fine chairman of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Student Affairs. Laura Muntz, the Outstanding Senior in English, has for four years been an active member of the University community. She has been an advisor in the Women's Residence Halls and an active member of the Baptist Student Union. She is a member of Mortar Board and Phi Beta Kappa. Her work this year on the Board of Student Publications indicates her willingness to delve into new areas and adapt to new roles. Robert Sedler, Professor of Law, has
made himself the defender of the undefended. He moderated the Student Center Forum on Sedition, spoke to the Council on the War and Draft, and counseled college men concerning the draft. He has worked extensively with the ACLU. One student said of him, "He is as likely to defend a member of the KKK as a member of the SDS. He defends the minority." No higher praise could be given, for there is no better insurance for freedom and liberty.  Ben Averitt is the dynamic force behind the International Center. He lives with exuberance, and is always ready to teach, in or out of the classroom. He and his equally vivacious wife are leaving the University to go to East Africa, where Ben will teach for two years.
Arnold Blackburn
once wrote a paper for an aesthetics course on Bach's Prelude and Fugue in B Minor, in which he said, in summary, "It's perfect." Although he received a "D," he was correct. And so it is with Blackburn himself. He is an excellent teacher, a fine musician, and a great friend. But in the final analysis, any attempt to describe him, as with Bach's work, would be inadequate.  Margaret Thompson nchiy
deserved the Oswald Award she won for the Creative Arts. Her choreography for Tau Sigma, for which she was given the award, has been superb. She is truly a student leader in the realm of creative dance.
Bryan Harrison has been winning accolades for several years now as a fine actor. In the Guignol Theatre he has portrayed several roles, but perhaps the most memorable was his lead in Panta-g/e/ze  "a farce to make you sad." Thanks to Harrison, it was just that. Dr. Albert Lott is a well-known and widely respected psychologist who is one of the leading members of the University faculty. His work on various committees as well as the Board of Student Publications has been incisive. He is a clear thinker who always focuses on the crux of the problem  and his students are the first to admit it.
Peggy Cooley has been a
quiet but forceful staff member of the Office of Religious Affairs. She has helped students to put their ideas into action and to become involved, something always needed in a large university. Working with Jack Dalton, she has helped the YWCA and YMCA to become initiators, starting programs with the hope that these programs can become autonomous.  Dr. Stuart Forth occasionally surprises someone by smoking his cigar in the library corridors. But this is only characteristic of his friendly, humorous, and informal style. As Director of the Libraries, he realizes how urgent it is that the University has the finest library possible. He is working constantly, and successfully, toward that goal.
her jobs quietly, but she does them very well. She is a quiet person, but very full of energy, imagination, and personality. A member of the YWCA and the Dillard House project, she is a Phi Beta Kappa in social work.
Carol Hoski nS is an
excellent chemistry student who has numerous academic awards. She is a member of the Honors Program and has twice been on the Honors Program Student Advisory Committee. Next year she will be president of the student chapter of the American Chemical Society.
 Ann Stallard has been the
imaginative president of the YWCA. She has helped initiate programs and make the "Y" an exciting organization. One of the members of the YWCA said, "Ann is just terrific. Why, I'd kiss her feet if she wanted me to." Such enthusiasm and allegiance is typical of the spirit Ann helped to create this year.  I Annals
This section contains stories about the significant development of several areas of the University. Some of the stories are representative. Some include more than just this particular school year. But all were important areas of University life 1967-1968.
I5 Complex Strengthens University Housing
The student body at the University of Kentucky is basically a group of commuters. They come to campus for their classes and then go home, returning only for a basketball game or the next day's classes. The Complex represents the University's effort to make University housing at least equally desirable, and hopefully more desirable, than town housing. When more students live on campus, when the University is not de facto a commuter campus, then a better community atmosphere will prevail. The Dormitory Complex is a beginning toward that goal.     and with corridor groups solving their own problems.  Recreation and thoughtful friendliness make it seem more like home,    Despite some unresolved problems such as women's hours and intervisitation, the Complex is a home now, more than any other place. "You speak of coming back from vacation as 'going home,' and your parents look up inquisitively. But this is your place to play, to work, to live."  Greek Life 1967-68: Systematized but Maturing
Whether she be an eighteen-year-old freshman or a somewhat older, isolated student, the coed finds those first hectic days of a new school year filled with the endless hours of open houses and parties that make up sorority rush. She learns how to smile even though her feet may be aching and her hair drooping from the humidity. She courteously answers the continuous questions about her major, her hometown. She is eager to be accepted and easily impressed. She spins in a picture-book world of glamour and sophistication.
  And, if she becomes one of the chosen few, she finds herself surrounded by a mob of screaming, hugging sisters.
Her male counterpart is similarly subjected to the smokers, the parties, and the high pressure talks which establish him as a fraternity man. For both, the system becomes the prime aspect of their life at U.K. They purchase their mugs and sweatshirts, and learn fraternity  songs.  They  schedule themselves
around pledge lessons and initiations, meetings and alums, and the parties, desserts, and jam sessions which somehow make them feel more sure of their identity.
131  The conversations become dominated by what theme to plan for Friday night's party and whether the band for Saturday will be the best on campus.
133    And of course the Sigma Chi Derby, where, amidst parades, floats, and contests, sorority pledges get their first taste of competition, which is perpetuated in other contests, such as the Lambda Chi Pushcart Derby. Intramural football, a lesson in sportsmanship, even when it means helping a brother find his contact lens,  484853235348535391914853532348232323 But there is another side to a sorority or a fraternity, a side which, much to the discredit of the Greek system, has usually gone unused and unnoticed. Through a dawning recognition that there is more to life than parties and contests, many groups have mustered their social prowess for charity projects ... a housemother kidnapping with a ransom of food baskets for needy families, a picnic for orphans,
141  a visit to a hospital, a Halloween party, or presents and a Santa Claus for underprivileged children. 144 The awareness of the potential for service and leadership a united Greek system could possess has brought the glimmering of organized efforts in this direction. With such undertakings as an all-campus Student-Faculty Night, a banquet honoring outstanding professors, and a Greek Week which provides independent-Greek interchange, charity projects, and recognition of Greek leaders, perhaps the system will finally present itself as a necessary part of the University.
145  The Greeks have a name for their system  brotherhood. It is a name which really doesn't tell anyone very much. Even a Greek isn't sure what it means. Brotherhood certainly can't be described by rush or parties, a side of Greek life which usually succeeds in masking it. Its definition is made somewhat clearer by joint efforts, by projects which look beyond the glittering world of sorority and fraternity. But even then, the word still stands as a poor attempt to describe an intangible which doesn't show on a shiny pin or in a rush skit.
Maybe it can be better described as a unity, a cohesiveness, which makes old grads from the class of '38 or even '08 come back to the house or the Founder's Day, which makes "sisters" and "brothers" find much in common to talk about and do.
But whatever this brotherhood is, it is the main asset that the Greek system has. If this feeling is expanded and really put into use, it will become the main selling point of a system at a University where high rise dorms threaten to offer more luxury than sorority houses, where all campus events might be more entertaining than fraternity parties and where, hopefully, prejudices and discrimination are giving way to understanding.
 Tutorial Program Kindles Silent Revolution
Four years ago four people started the Tutorial Program. The one location was the Manchester Center. Today there are over 200 volunteers, all UK students, and seven locations. The tutors work on a one to one basis to help culturally handicapped children develop a functional self-image. 149 Through this program the UK students become a force in the reform of education and society. The tutors try to develop a spark of self-expression in the tutees, showing the children that education can be exciting.
w  The Tutorial Program means more than just helping the tutees with their studies. It means becoming a friend. It means giving the children new experiences, like a view from a twenty-two story building.  fe^V'
In many cases, helping the tutee feel like a worthy human being is more significant than helping him with his schoolwork. And so the program continues, with both the tutor and tutee benefitting from their friendship.
 155 Orchestra Improves Sharply
The University Orchestra was little more than a Faculty Society for Fine Talk in years past. Few people heard it and not many more heard of it. It was the kind of thing that was nice to grace a University's image. But those who knew it knew that that was about all it did.
Mid-year in 1966-67, Phillip Miller assumed direction of the Orchestra. He utilized the money which had always been there and the student performers who had not. He expanded the program from one to nine concerts per year and built the Orchestra to 55 members.
Admittedly, reputation will take many years of the same hard work. Cultural coteries are not noted for their accessibility. But we now have what some circles would call a University Orchestra in name and fact.  Director Miller comments:
The University Orchestra has three functions:
I. to make beautiful music;
II. to explore musical literature;
III. to provide a lab for musical aspirants. The Common Practice Period extends from about 1740 to 1940. Contemporary music (since 1955) lacks exposure. It wouldn't even pay the price of a hall in most cases. The Orchestra is freer and can play a wider variety. Its concerts aren't dictated by the box office receipts.
We probably have as extensive a library as the Cincinnati Symphony. Most people aren't aware of the tremendous possibilities here.
I 59  Music is locked in time. It cannot be generalized or examined like a piece of architecture or a painting. It is completely in the present and hearing is only a small part of experiencing it.
To perform demands concentration; to organize, to coordinate, to balance with other players through feedback. It is intense, complete involvement.
If you ever get over nerves, you're through. In tennis you've got to think, constantly, two shots ahead. It's the same with music.  Enterprising symphonies won't shell out for the billing and rental to get a composer or performer started without some guarantee. It's sort of a built-in self-destruct. They won't play new people, and consequently they develop a culture lag.
The Orchestra is a forum for the student who wants to write. He can hear his work and get criticism gratis.
163 Cosmopolitan Club: UK Meets the World 1
The Cosmopolitan Club is a social club designed to develop cross-cultural experience between club members. It is important to the international student as it eases his adjustment into a totally different culture and an unfamiliar environment full of new faces, new foods, a new climate, and an entirely novel education system. The Cosmopolitan Club is important to the American student and to the University because it lends an international atmosphere and provides the cosmopolitan education and exchange between foreign and American students which is a necessity of modern education.
165 	1    , |: -I ( (
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Cosmopolitan members contribute much to the University community. They offer diverse and new ideas to class discussions; they often serve as campus leaders and "infiltrate" campus activities. In addition they can be found instructing classes or working in the bookstore or library. The International Affairs Forum focuses campus wide attention on world affairs. New interests have been stimulated by club members such as the successful resurrection of the soccer team and the new found enthusiasm in karate.
166 167  Since the Cosmopolitan Club is largely a social club, they have a great variety of functions. The year begins by welcoming new international students and reuniting old ones. Christmas, Halloween, and other holidays are celebrated with parties. Dinners, picnics, and other parties are scattered throughout the year as a much needed release from the pressures of studying. Other club projects include trips to Central Kentucky industries and farms. Travel is encouraged within the club, and club members often relax camping in state parks. During vacations, these students have toured the Far West and Expo '67.
169  In addition to lending an international tenor to the campus, the Cosmopolitan Club shares its many cultures with others in the community and the state. Club members often visit local schools and hospitals. They perform on television several times a year and have traveled to cosmopolitan clubs on other campuses. Even Eastern Kentucky communities have also been reached by the influence of the Cosmopolitans. 172 International Week highlights the activities of the Cosmopolitan Club. For one week in April the Student Center Ballroom is filled with unusual and exotic objects from such faraway places as Thailand and Tanzania. Brownies, scouts, and church groups join U.K. students in viewing the exhibit. Costumes from all parts of the world are modeled in the International Style Show. Cosmopolitan talent has its night, too, as the week is climaxed by an International Talent Show with dances, songs, and other art forms from different cultures.  The Oswald Era: Years of Growth and Controversy
He came not knowing much about the Commonwealth of Kentucky and unknown by most of its people. He leaves knowing the State, but still only little known by its people. When he arrived, all most Kentuckians knew was that he was from California and an administrator in the nation's largest higher educational system. The California system itself was enough to raise caution throughout the state, for it was at Berkeley that the first rumblings of student discord were beginning to surface. Berkeley, according to mass media, was the haven of the long-haired, the bearded, the new left, and the "great unwashed." So, any man from as far away as California and connected with a school system as "foreign" as the one at Berkeley had to be received with some degree of caution by the more conservative Kentuckians.
The man was John W. Oswald, a small man, who sat in his wood-paneled office having progressive ideas about what could be done to build a great University at Lexington and a better educational system for all Kentucky.
He arrived just before the University of Kentucky was to begin its Second Century, and he set out with all of his vigorous energy to see that the next one hundred years moved the school and the State into the mainstream of progress. What he tried to do, did, and hoped to accomplish brought him accolades from some quarters and sarcasm from others. Those who criticized facetiously began to refer to the school as the University of California at Lexington, claiming that he was "bringing a little too much of California east with him."
But none of this seemed to sway John Oswald from his chartered course. He envisioned in Kentucky a great potential for growth in education, and he wanted to help speed that growth along. He has met many obstacles, but his successes have been many. In spite of his trials and his failures, President Oswald is the man most responsible for raising the University of Kentucky from just another bland state institution to a major competing regional university.
175 In a statement to the Board of Trustees on May 7,1968, after he had announced his resignation as the sixth president of the University, Dr. Oswald pointed out what he considered to be the functions of this institution. He said, "we view this institution as the central agency in Kentucky for furtherance of the development of our people and State. Its functions are fourfold. First, to transmit knowledge imaginatively from each generation to the next and develop in our students inquisiter's minds, understandings, attitudes, and skills that will equip them for living a creative and meaningful life. Second, to provide our State and Nation with educated graduates for the profession, for business, for the arts, and for government services. Third, to discover new truths about as many things as our resources will permit, and expand the boundaries of our knowledge through research. Fourth, to aid the citizens of our State in applying the results of research through extension activities in and doing so bring the vast intellectual resources of the University to bear on the social, economic, and political
problems of our State." To accomplish these goals is an almost impossible task, but it was these "noble and vital" goals that John Oswald attempted to attain during his five-year administration at Lexington.
In the process of education itself, probably Oswald's most dramatic advances came from his ability to organize, re-organize, and to get things moving once the organization had taken place. To the State as a whole, the most visible monument erected during the Oswald years is the greatly expanded community college system stretching from Ashland to Paducah, from Louisville to Somerset, from Cumberland to Henderson. These are by no means just preparatory schools, leading their students finally to the main campus at Lexington, but are adult refresher courses, education centers, and also provide two-year technical courses designed to help people in the areas served by the Community Colleges to qualify for jobs that they could probably not otherwise obtain without such training. But even this system did not go without criti-
176 cism. There were those who felt that the University was stretching out its tentacles so that it might better influence politically and economically the areas that it was proposing to serve. These critics kept alluding to the "multiversity", claiming that Kentucky did not need another California system with its bigness, impersonalization, and increased, unwanted influence. However, for the regions of the Commonwealth aided by the Community Colleges, the people living there will more than likely agree with Dean of the Community College System, Ellis Hartford, when he said that this system ". . . is one of President Oswald's greatest achievements during his tenure here."
W ithin the University community itself, vast changes have also taken place. One member of the University family has put his finger on one of the enormous effects of the Oswald administration. "The University of Kentucky, it seems to me, has gone from an institutionalized school to a discipline-oriented institution." In some ways this is
good because it has enabled UK to go forward with the much-needed improvement in the graduate program, but it can certainly be tenuous because the new faculty and administrators that come here under Dr. Oswald have no loyalty to the institution. They came here because they liked the academic atmosphere as they saw it, but if the atmosphere changes, they can leave just as easily.
There is no doubt that the graduate program has, indeed, advanced. It has increased in number of students, in number of faculty, and in doctoral degrees awarded. But the real test of ourgraduate school is where the graduates go from here and the type of students that apply to the graduate school. The graduates have left here to take places on the faculties of many of the nation's major universities, such as Ohio State, Texas, Maryland, and Kansas State. Research positions have also been open to UK graduates at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As more and more students go on from the University to other institutions such as these, the University's graduate program will continue to gain a reputation, which will bring applications from the better quality students throughout the country.
But this is not the only reason why applications to the UK graduate school have increased over the past two or three years. Dr. Oswald has greatly expanded the emphasis on research and on the money expended for that area. Under the Oswald administration, the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, which handles research grants for the University and dispenses some of the fellowships, was established. Considerably more money is today being spent for research equipment, for travel, and for improved research facilities than when Oswald came to the University. All of these things help to draw students to the graduate program at the University.
Further, since John Oswald came in 1963, there has been a much greater emphasis on r