xt705q4rjp20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rjp20/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1953 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 24, 1953 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 24, 1953 1953 1953 2012 true xt705q4rjp20 section xt705q4rjp20 . ’ In
followed in   _ I I ‘
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  I i .
  . Fifty Years Later—The Class of 7903
  “l J 2 I
s   VQQV 'E ‘ I
+*"I;’I" `glume XXIV August 1953 Number 3
` Z; I I
Vglgzzazliil V V l I V
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 "G 1 gi 
1 l .  
l  ·
Tl  .
ii V-  ,
They Have Earned Their "L " For Loyalty   1
V Another Alumni Loyalty Fund scholarship has been awarded, another young   Keg;
` high school graduate, the sixth, will enter the University of Kentucky this fall on   gg rl
a $2,800 scholarship, and another annual giving program to foster these scholar-   ASM
ships is under way. E  lim
·  € Cc
Last year the alumni of the University contributed $3,479.50 to the Loyalty   E
Fund. This sum was a little more than the $2,800 required for one scholarship,  li 8;*;
° l but it is not enough to permit us to expand our program and to otler more than  ~ ASW
` { · one of these {ine scholarships annually.  _e 1g*=lri¤
_   _ ; lliarg
l OFFERED TO YOU TO DIG A LITTLE DEEPER IN 1953-54 in order that  .
l more young Kentuckians may attend the University through Alumni-Fund spon—  _p‘ li.};
l sorship. Stretch your purse, your heart and your loyalty a little more, and make Y  
. . . . eel
4 another, bigger investment this year in the future of Kentucky. B All
l llet
l T lame
» (te
. Jud;
i ‘ fo;
l Homi
~ ‘ vil
` Will
A  J Ecu?
Dr. C. NV. Layne, 246 Grand St., Newburgh, N. Y. Howard F. Brown, 921 Rogers Ct., \\»’aukegau. lll. I A R {ll
Virgil P. Goodman, 703 Franklin Ave., Lexington, Ky. VV. Bruce Hager, 1415 Gridith Ave., Owensboro, Ky.  0 OL;
. l C. L. Arnold, Kalamazoo, Mich. Carl Pigman, Whitesburg, Ky. , ]. Q;
1   Harry B. DeAtley, 3128 Patterson Pl., N.W., Washington, D. C. L. L. Cull, 103 NVest Main St., Frankfort, Ky.   Drmrl
i Q C. NV. Gordon, 535 Oak St., Glen Ellyn, Ill. A. D. Langford, 115 N. Broadway Pk., Lexington, Ky. i. lll
. l C. C. Hawley, 619 Emery Rd., Louisville, Ky. Glenn W. Denham, Williamsburg, Ky. ·. Hem
i   Basil Frost, Madisonville, Ky. NV. B. NVendt, 2346 Emerson Ave., Louisville, Ky.  , GT"
» l ]. R. Watkins, P.O. Box 1341, New Haven, Conn. Anna B. Sprague, 1600 Richmond Rd., Lexington. Ky. A ufl]
· l Mrs. Walter V. Barney, 5036 Ortega Blvd., jacksonville, Fla. Louis M. Fendley, 2417 Goldsmith, 1·1ouston, Texas  :_ Wjllj
1 Stanley M. Stagg, 623 E. 13th, Bowling Green, Ky. NVillie Ann Brady, Boynton Beach, Fla.   \rBl·
— l ` Susan Grey Akers, Box 766, Chapel Hill, N. C. V. F. Payne, 400 Atlantic Ave., Long Branch, N. ]. V . A {il
_   Chhrles ll_ Gllmm.c_ l006 N_ Denver Avg, Tulsa 6, Ohhh Edward P. Tichenor, 1834 Stratford Dr., Owensboro. lxy. l Dr_(
Q , lack NV. Stallard, 1134 Fontaine Rd., Lexington, Ky. \'V· H· NOCL H¤r1¤¤· KY·   H (ll
Frederick W. Nessler, 90:3 Stanley Sr., Middletown, Ohio Weller Ray Garyr Fallston, N. C. l  . -115
· naar. Lec w..u..»., 475 w. zmi sr., Lexington, icy. W- F· Stew 7 >h¤¤<1¤¤ D·‘·» Slim 11111S- N· 1   nw.
Gcrrrrrc \,V_ Ewell, 8133 Crmrh Aves Wllslllhgtohs D_ C_ Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, 282 Rose St., Lexington, Ky.  _ cl;]
hhs Alphrrrulm Archer phlhtsvlllg Ky_ Elmer L. Cawby, 4829 Presidio Dr., Los Angeles -13, Calif.  . Bmlii
mr. ana ins. \Vayne w. oanwn, 4802 washington Blvd., E- T· G¤rl>¤¤¤¤ty—E=¤r1 Kinn ,W z L`b it F
I  Kc£;'uc{;,°On (ix`; Bzgmpulg of th€“‘I‘3‘;ff;'gsit;’,’ g2S§;§0¤2:g1b€¤S¤¤ Cnunty—Ray N. Dryden, ML guvet   L .
I  mxgeileeritc McL{;;;é};I.{;....-...‘.....·.·.·.‘ Agsgggrég Edhg; Chxyée C§,II,]I,£1TEI1g€n€ Culmm In 93 French H0€}$§§l;;le County—Rad01ph Burdgttx Renfm I 1 ‘
‘— · · . . . ·, € Bf ‘
 _;    cgouérgty-tgméhstansoli, Ma?Ich§§{)er Russell County—Oth¤·lla Caskins, Russell Springs ·
 2 . U" · M es uttre , any Scott County-] C M K · h
 ,> Crlttend C   . D·   , . · 4- C nlg t, G€OTg€tO\VR
 i»‘ R R“§£;f.‘3.iE§iE§§’.§iVEi0E2Zi?$’T§fE ““g¤b·::§%2 ?¤`·?·?·*y·?·`$$i€ M¤¤$*—°;¥»m"`°" €*`“"°" °‘3‘“""F§‘;1‘°‘“,““°°*’ S*‘€‘*"“"€
· · · ·_ _ — _ , - _ or esvi e Jmpson ty- C I _ -
 ; T. HILIIEI Hlzjggglgil Vice Pres1dcnt—Kentuckmn Dagness €0unty—Forrest Mercer, 401 Maple Ave__ spmcer C0(::;,l.Ha?(;igr(£;,,€0‘¥;v]I(;;;];;:,n ~
.-  y wens oro ‘ ’ · ’
 , Helen G. King, Executive Secretary—522 Sayre Estill Countv—Stephen Rice Irvine Taylm C°““¤’·H’*¤¤' R" S'“lth· C¤m¤*>¤*1S~*i**¤
 Q Aw, L¤xi¤gf(§lr0\vd1;;urchctt, Prestonsburg [,:;:1; 2;($?';;nhT] GH DYE medfurda I
· ‘ ID 0 1'1 ·— - · y- om . i,
 J Jutilgft lgady St;wa1;,1g.}§‘;11$t Of Appeals, Frank- gulton C0url1ty—]0hn“l’zl;atts,8l‘Ir;r(;ltn (}Eounty—William Renaker, Route No. \V§’}’df°‘fS C°““tY—]°h“ “T· \Vilm¤th ]1”·.
_ 1 6 Srrnlexpues _ ym; jam; Brsax es
 i Rcligznéltb HIQGHHKSYGIP Hiilsgglfyer Nurseries, gartdCount)é—R. W. Poynter, Home Cave * 7* W*—*·7)~———— ————
·  · n erm e ir - · - o
4, 1. cam Mym, pfpaieé Holliday Road, Lex- ent}. lilliit Bléléiw slum Mah"""’ 511 L O` ·““§§Q;“é C;;}*·j,§‘“‘°°‘"* L· Fm"- 3807 M¤¤¤¤r~·
mzton (term expires 1956) Hen * C t -0. L. M Ely E ‘ I ` ` ' '
I,  ‘ D"I}§]§§’$* ·%¤%€l¤¢i¤i, §09 Esplanade, Lexington giel;I§¤an(;§r$uynty_DavgdcB_ 8¥5hann:jr}i?’CE;i1]t0n Chlirleitcrl.   \’:¤.—]ames V. Kamck 1001 ‘
-·   0 ms ees _ _ op ins t —M. R. M'11 , M d' '11 °"'°“ · I V
.·  H°_§_¤d<>¤ ]· Evans, Pmcvxlle, Ky. (Board of Jefferson (.?cl11lqng,y—Don H,1I§¤bi¤:0;fFn£`,;ys$ and Greater Cincinnati—Beattic De Long, 229 See- Q
`  GuyrU$‘§€€$2-Iugu 1 t B d L I I Ch€§tnuEStreetsw$1?uj5v]gl]e • v 0\'ld st-, silV€1' GIOVC, KY. ‘ ·
Ky I- IB0m:d of Trigées) arrow ma , exmgton ]_g§;¤?;:1neC0l<;;11nty— nscn outt, Nnchclnsvnlle Chicago, Il1.—Tom Posey, Commonwealth Edison ,
» .. ty—Ms.A1h tt Ai-L. ~
  Willmm H. _T0w¤send, First National Bank Paintsvillc I P me a C er C0" 72 vvcsl Adams SL ~
Bld · · Cl ·ldO1 Rb MDV! ’
2 E·»_L€X1¤gt0¤ (immediate past president) KNOX C0unty—Ba.mm·d McKeeh:m, Bnrbourville Eu im ` no- 0 Ht C (mel ‘ 3203 V" I V
  M*“’§¤F¥1€€.McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell SL, Knott C0unty—Claude Frady, Principal, Hind- list St' ·
) KV.   DLEUUHWH (_llf€ member, honorary) man High Schgol Di1llllS, T€*XHS——]0lll‘A Coltlschmcding, jr., Philco V
’ ‘  Q '· _€°*’E€ W1lS0¤, 200 N. Upper St., Lexington Larue C0unty——Stanlcy A. Hager, Hodgenville C°¤‘P·~ 303 S0\!tl1l¤¤¤g me 1O1mg»"11"“11'· A gu;
1 uated from high school there and later was general manager of operations for  J _
1 entered the University of Kentucky. the railroad with headquarters in At-   Kernel   Q  $111
l In 1950 his alma mater conferred upon lanta, but he went to Knoxville in   S h l     loss'
1 him the honorary degree of Doctor of 1912 as president and general manager 1nS C 0 urs 1P 1 "’
V gl A l. . _ jA meyt
  1-M-_ A A A A 01 the C¤m1>b€11 COM Mmms C2 Merrill McCord   of nopkamaiia.  l Ma
l Majoring in engineering. young During the next ten years he headed lll52_53 Cdlmr Ol the Kmmckv limml  7 1l]
l Bonnyman completed his course -1n several coal companies which, in 192/. Student newspaper, and an Oulsmmllm  , mil
l ]833_ when he lomed the engineering consolidated mlo the 111116 D1Hm0¤<1 mldcm lll [hc School O[ ]Om~mllllll  1 me
I $11111 01 abc C` & O'KRa;¥O11€1 On Evhst (xml C°m1”m11' 1 A has been named recipient of the $2.11011 A TO"
{ 1* no" 116 eastern 1' wlsmn 0   C 111 19411 M12 B°m11'ma11 gav€_ 10 Us Charles Samuel ackson. I`.fCl10\\'§l11l  `,` dem
1 L Kc N There he pUS11€€1 C0¤Sifl1Ci10¤ 'll1`H'l m1ter 1 set of 25 c1rollon1c bells · ` - · ` 1 ·
· · j ' A _ ‘ ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ _ ‘ s _‘ for graduate ]Ol1I`H2lllS[1C study at 81:111 Q ing
1 fields. son. A personal friend of the late me lq;l%_5,l Mgdcmic mu,  , ‘ Q
" 1 I 1892 h b ·   - r connec- P '(1 K P 1   . 1 i . . ‘ .1
l _ 11 _ C _€g“m R Slxym _ . WSI em James ' attersom 1C Young McCord is the recipient 111 ‘ Tho
l tion with the Central of Georgia RHI1- served as chairman of the Patterson the highest Ol three gmntg Ollemd lll  `A wm
A · { road and in 1899 he lbecame Superlll- Memorial Committee to ratse fu11dS the llnlvmslly [O Students all mwllll  ._ 1929
l tendent of construction for the Al- tor a memorial statute on the campus. (mmm,  ’ bulll
g lamic and Birmingham Railroad and ‘ Other gifts {O his alma mater lm`? \A’hile "lll undergraduate \'l€1`l‘1ll1\`l*  · Oftl
l built 2 0 miles of ran way pon com included 1 portrait of President l-I I pmsldem Of the Henry llvattcrson lm , uml
1 plenum of this assignment he became Donovan H Pommlt Of MISS MMV Club 1 member ofthe Student Bmrll  ¢ 25th
` 1   ' dt. '1, ' `·   1 
3 oppritgggs supermten ing'- h guerite Mcl aughlm, and a giftlfrom Ol Publlcatloml Smbbard and Bllllll   Bust
Q ,11 1` `)' in me age O ` 1 E was 91} he mm1)any Of several Scholarships to military honorary, and Phi Kappa T11  Q 11
Q 1 pointed chief engineer for that line hgh) SODS gf his Company employees, mchl lmmmity “ A lm.
1 P1¤(1 ¤€<]\1|Y€€1 1F11”g€ holdings m coal A Roman Catholic, several years ago 1  ; glee
1 l . . . . • - I L ·
1 ‘11,1(1 11911 11€1<1S _111d 111€_B1;:m111g11“;,1 (11S the Pope named him a member of the  ·» exte;
· 1 . . . .
?   [UCL HC m'ir1i€ MISS mums €rr1' Association of the Sovereign Mxlrtarv Let’s get more  . Lev
1 Q ol Rome. Ga. in 1906. _ _ ’ · dem
T Order of Malta in the United States ;
_ _ _ members _ OHM.
of America. 1-le was affiliated with j lll
' 3 ‘ ·¤
A THE COVER numerous professional, social and re- m 54 L (hm.
` Nine members of the class of ligious groups, and of the Knoxville  ·--·~   mus}
1903 1c1111`11€(1 19 1116 €f1111P11$ 111S1 Church of the Immaculate Conception. REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS · U111`
A . lune to receive their Golden . . . . ‘ Fi
, · . . Survwors include his wife. two _
_llll)l1€€ CCYLIFICQIICS. They BTC Cincinnati Club ments first Thursdar 01 11*1 ; 111110
A Plcmrcdl [mm left {O right: daughters, Mrs. Margot McKeon. New Clmonth,(l2:l5 p.m.·, Hotel smmil ’ nl ml  2, lgng
g Honler TA ];md[md_ T_ H_ Cm. York City and Mrs. Thomas Atkinson. `,:g1g§’hJ kgfm_m§E2ld;1:;“1Cl1;1;°°{111,1 iw  .· and
— ler. R, T. \\’hittinghill, Miriam Montreal. Canada. his son. Gordon, L   Lélsflflc S1‘t \l0ml“_ W,  V Olhn
· ' . V , ~ ) l · 0l11SVl S ll I HIGB S CVCTY A 1.v 1'ii  _ v il
N·11‘C (·“11c1· 1)’€m·1(1€11€ 51191* and ten grandchildren, Funeral serv- 01¤1H<>¤S¤1 F11111 Sh ll.,  F 115*
,\Iz °t M ·L. 11‘ , . . . x 11-1 1-- 1<·t k· oi 1) ·1. rm 11* ..  .49
Tm 1 _ ufgucil C _ ° 1ug1 m —1 ices were held at the church and burial i ziciiigiiiéie Qgilicnlunth?   gngnrr fl*‘ .
I . 1’Vf`ll[ll11gl1lll. George L. Bark- l_ ll 1 _ A A HMC], AShllmd_ KYA V  A O
lev and Linwood Brown. O O“C( m H*S111¤¤<1 M°mO11‘11 Cem' \V¤shgigto¤,fD. CB, Clublmerts scc¤¤gl“l;;l‘Q .= rem
_ { HCS Hy 0 CHC l'YlOl'11 1, TIOOTL i 1 A  _
V A cterye Hotel · 11 (1
g L,/A .. U"

 € . - It ° i
  · i P .3 
. I 1 . 
* H cl °|< T H c|A| °° ’53’54 i  
echely Kyiv  .2 Dawson, BI' WIC ,   S8 UITII"|I In X. _,  .,
i¤ thc do   . ¤e » Q ~ . ~     ‘  . . I . M ` .
Baldwin, ol .  Beam, HIll€I1m€y8I‘, `   T - ~   [ /,   V. _   " i - 2
le executit-t i Myers Also N°m°Cl  ,;?§·:q.sr_   V we [    f    
of 1<¤¤¤·t·ti *     "¥»"`   . `     j   .   n  ‘ it ’
vc as lim e R· R- Dswsm B*00m*i€ld» Kr-» "        Q .       ·     I i
na for tin   civi1¤¤si¤€<*¤‘» 1>¤¤Sid€¤¤ ef the K R·    ‘··    i j              »~»»`     I
 · Dawson Bridge Company and retiring     `C  p W/¤ ~       ' I ‘
og ii mm   vice president oi`. the University       v_     `· · ’  
Stiiiiem in   of Kentucky Alumni Association, has ‘’‘‘     e x     ‘      
to ilqpiiiim s been named pf€Sld€Ht ol the alumni     { is rm · .
mmm gmt   governing body for 1953-54. T. H.   ’_    I `\   t   i ~— 
e iissoisimm  j Hardwick, '29, Lexington hotel execu-     jr, .0, _,  ., \ ·   4 _
iemsi in the  g tive, is the new vice president of the .  gx? ,,~§;·’<, · CY'.  it l _ @l   _ _
»ung_ alumni,  ; EYOUP- _ _ I s it Q% *§g`;       ‘   _ s ~  
  New members ol the executive com- .  c·_    gtk i'\_;_ gg V   _   · i I ·_
 1 mittee, named for three-year terms are: g  ¢.  ,,’,,}‘   ‘*" "; ‘ f W  ZAA   \i   .
T Mrs. T. _lere Beam (Lucy Kavanaugh),  , g so  gvl   . Ji· ‘,¤`  5;   2 ~     ‘
4 *22, of Louisville; Robert H. Hillen» _   ‘       ° ‘
  meyer, '43, Lexington, and _], Carlisle .    ._  [   · _, V ·»   f ‘`i'    
Hopkinsville.  je Myers, jr., ’48, also of Lexington. #   _E §s?a »  —   M i I-   ‘ I 4*
tucky lierncl.   Announcement of the result of the    H `   L ` ~
I Omsumdm  -L nm] baiioimg by active members Of NEW OFFICERS lof the Alumni nssociation were introduced at the annual .
i .l¤·¤m¤¤$ i·¤-  5 the ¤s¤¤i¤i¤¤ We meds bv W H KZ£`3“§$J`§d i'€`°‘iiL'li.$’.i tiiniifiiiiit"£i'Ia°Z`.£h`,1ZZ§l?.in.Z`€*‘hi$ln§'T"i‘T ‘in£'°$`.ZE.$
of the Salim  " TO“'“S€Ud» L€xingm“» Yetlring Presb (Lucy Kavanaiigh), Louisville, onelof three newly eleeted members of the
lr. fellowship  ’ dent, at the annual banquet and meet- — executive committee; William H. Townsend, Lexington, outgoing president, ‘
study at grim.  Q ing of the Alumni iASSOCia[i0n beiii and T. H. Hardwick, Lexington, new vice president. Not pictured are the two
innninn n in-   lune 4 in the sniaent Union. gugirggjigglggteg gegygcgg Ijjxgigtggmmtteei R*·b·=** H- “·“•=¤m·=y•=* and .
i·_ T Speaker at the banquet was Dr.  
recipient til   Thomas D. Clark, head of the Uni- .
its offeredbl   \’€l“$ll)"S Cl€p21l"tIn€nt of history and i
s all over the  I I929 graduate of the University, who which 28 were present including class Additional tours were conducted in
 Q built his address around the tictivities members and their wives. the afternoon, following which re-
Lc Mermim.  ,i ofthe studerits cmd faculties frgin l9()3 Thursday, june 4, all returning turning alumni were guests of the
ratterson pm, _~ until 1928 the dates of the 5()th mid alumni registered at 9:30 a.n1. i11 the President and Mrs. H. L, Donovan at
imdem Html   25th reuriioris_ His subject wes, “F]‘()i]] Alumni Association ollices, following a reception in the gardens of Maxwell
d and Bbiii  { Bustles to Bathtub Giri_" which visitors were conducted on Place. The alumnirbanquet closed the
li Kappa Tit,   Mi; Towriserid presided at the dm. tours ol the various colleges and de day’s reunion activities.
 · ner and at the annual greeting, mid partments. At noon that day a picnic All during commencement week the
 _ greetings from the adminigtrgltigil were was held for all reuners, their guests, Alumni Association was host to faculty, V
""_’i  Q mended to returning alumni by Dr; faculty and friends, on the east con- students and alumni at coke and coffee .
re  ; Lec M. Chamberlain, UK vice presi- course ol` Memorial Coliseum, and a hours in the Music Room oi the Stu-
  dent. Invocation and benediction were large and enthusiastic group attended. dent Union.
‘ ollered by the Rev. Robert XV. Estill. The only feature at the informal jesse W. Tapp, Palo .-\lto, Calif.,
 . ,49- rector of St. l\#Iary’s Episcopal picnic was the presentation of the distinguished Kentucky 2\lllIllXlU$ and e
. Cllutfli at lvliddlesboro, Ky__ and ;t Alma Magna Mater award to tht? vice president of the Bank ol ·’\lU€TI€ii· ` E
————-—;""   musical l)l`OgI`ElI`l'l \\’2`iS I)l`€$€l][€d   [116 SC1]lO1` S[lld€I]i \Vh(3, in the jl1€lgI11€Tl[ \\'ll5 tll€ (L()ll\lII€I]C€II]€l][ llUl(`h€()ll
   ;- U¤l}’€I`Slty quartep ol the organization S 1n€1nl)€1Sl11p, lliifl spealser ()ll·ljI`lflZl?'. _
~ Flll€€H Classes came back for re- contributed the lllOSll LlnS€liiSh S€I`\1C€ l·r1day nights t.0nlIll€I1L€l11€I\l,[0 the
[`l]urS(li\)' Ol mh  · unions on JUNE 4, \Vi[h [he Class Of [() [ll(j‘ [iI]l\’Cl`Sl[}’ during his l\1ld€l`· Qllllllllli Hi. least. “luS    
linmll , { mt ‘i I903 €€l€l)rating its golden gimiiversgtry gracluate (l1l)’S. Mr. R. R. Dawson l)l€*· the presentation of l10l101`?l!`}’ DOUG? Ol I
xiindilizlsll limi  r and the class of 1928 its silver jubilee sided at the brief C€‘I`€IllOlll€$, and 1l1· Laws degrees to six lJ1”0¤\1ll€Ui m€¤~
.     0'hm Willfning were: l907; I9lO, ’l l. troduced lay Wallace. Caffolltoll. KY-» two of whom. Mr. Tapp and Ma]. Gen.
hiondml W  I il? and llgi   ,30, ,3] {Ind   and $(jlll()l` Zlllll l)l`CSl(l€l][ of i`\ll]la lwiigllii Hugh   l\’Ill[Oll, ll. of VVnShingtO"·
      ,501     ,52.               D. C. are   ()f    
Om I . O“ .l““° 3 the Class Ol l907· which tt<>l>h>’ *0 H‘“"`¥' COl€“‘““ D“"h“‘“· in nutrition, golden jubilee t·e¤·tiHr¤¤tes I i ,
acts $<‘€0‘;‘l“l;;ii  V leturns biennially for fl reunion, held grgrduating sCniOl‘ fTOI'il Gl`€€l'l$l)Ul`g· · 1
“°°"` ini *  “ dinner at the Lafayette hotel ot Ky, (Continued on Page 'il I ..
(/»  ` I
Tzflwt  ,t F ‘ni‘x“i’tini¤Lis ’ · i  
.7 `  

 I _ UK Graduate to  
A ma Magna Mater Gives work in Lrberia
\ . / . Dr. Alton M. Harvill, jr., B_$_ gin K
        M.S. *19, formerly of Princeton, Kin
is ·r member of the UK Student Gov HOW H bomllist at the university lil
Hcmvy Durham Of Gr€€uSburg’ H ertiment ~\ssociation’s judicial Commit- :\iubHma’·1Ch thc U- S. {Or L1b°"" in l
senior in the University of Kentucky’s we wm Aus YMCA Phm€1_S(;n Limmr 111*351 Afrlql lust Mal? 10 {lo I`€$€i11`lll i
College 0fCOmm€1_C€,0n June 4 was ` i_ 1 P I O » ‘ _ _ _}’ lor the Firestone plantation laliini ~
— , botiety, the UK -40 Committee, Pitkin limes in Hamm]
presented the UK Alma Magna Mater Club _md Si ma Chi Sochl fmmmitr ‘_ ‘ Q.
award, given each year to an ont- 'Flwillw qgvisor {gr glmp Mal   D1`. H211`\’1ll’ was selected by the i.,,,i_ I·1
standing University senior. r`   T i _. A ` Kg. l”*“Y for 1115 knowledge "l l11¤11M lm
Tl l ` I _ ' ` I I _ Mater is Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Pathology, and Plant breeding. Thi mi]
_ 16 l”€5€m"‘1O" ““* mac 6 M *1 Sm: emeritus professor of journalism. lpircmmc rcaearch dc irimcm is up grat
prise ceremony conducted at the UK     _ _ Pi I .1111 i,m._
· alumni picnic in l\Iemorial Coliseum. [O I fuer me l"‘”°“_1l‘;““"{1 *11111111 mm
. . . · z ~ 1 i z . · ».
This years award was in the form W- C- SMITH NAMED T0 [lm. msmgl l_“lIul?€;1]1 Or in *1*11111 IW
of an engraved silver plate. STANDARD Oll. BOARD )1_ lmpmlmg me 1u))€r_U€€ 1hl‘”‘Y1= · T
U U \[ _ _ scientific study and selective l>reetliiii_
’ 11}*   Hgnd 1 Mm ”_ A Campus \Vl11111111 C. $1111111, '2'T, of L0111SV111€. One of the nation’s foremost autliiii; Gen
""3£*““Z““O“_ “”1‘l’OS€d Pl SO“$ and formerly of Lexington, has been elee ties on artic mosses, Dr. Harvill wiisiii B·S·
daughters of U`? Sl1ln1t11f21gd_1€;§111€1` wd rr director of Standard Oil Com- Alaska as a bacteriologist and liin. Dj
“‘{"?‘“S· -l“1 Q ““’\° _ ,"“§[“’“’ P1111}’ <1i¤¤111<¤1<>*) 10 1111 Z1 recent chemist in the Army r»1et1iea1c;m-i,,i, 111111
P1€$1€§€31 lOl l· Ima biagind MTR vacancy. He was also named HSSISKHINZ \~\7orld \#Var II. He has published il "ml
awiarce tie p ate to ur iam at tic I0 the Pr€Sid€nt_ Phymgeogniphic Study Of fxlmm (juli
(€]€mOnl" _ U _ M1`. $1111111 j0111€d $1€111d€1Yd O11 111 l\~Iosses" a paper on the flora of .»\ni. Bm
\‘Villl1l(`ts Skllll l)2iS1S fOl` [ll€ 2`l\\'?l1`(l IS   as gi Sgilgguigyl in L€xing[On and Island in [hc fxlcutiansy and mlm T
H()ll[S[ZlIl(llllg E`tI'l(l llIlS€lllSh SCTVICC [O becimig [hg (Ou]l)gny°S ggg¤[ [hgrg in works On arctic Plants. 1i]`l`(
[DC. Ulll\`€TSl[)' by ll ll1€l'Hl)CI` of the   Hg yygg Inadg gi inaykgting gg. Dr. Hal.\.il1 `vent {O the Uni\_Cr3i[_` . PICS
senior class." sistant in 1950 and later was appointed of Alabania from the University ii; ""‘l
.—\ graduate of Kentucky Military In- executive assistant. Miciiigiiii where hc received his phi] **1111
stitute. Durham is the son of Mr. and He holds the LL.B. degree from the dc —i~€€ iii bmiiii ._ 1 111'
· · g l vcr
Mrs. Henry Durham, Greensburg. He University. it \[ *1
  . ur
R. D. Mclntyre Is im
` ,   . Honored by ODK » {1111
- ..`r·j·,`,Q$> · * . . )` .
  i     da. A  __ Prof. R. D. Mclntyre of the Collar (LE;
 {hi '   __  se .... < it 1¢»?>*1`“ ` of Commerce was honored by Oiiiicnin UI. l_
gf). .      "  jb;  Delta Kappa, national leadership >~ Oi. (
_ i _       if";   ciety, at its national convention iz. L. i
`           » _ ” —         Roanoke, Va., last April, when he rxr {nid`
    ffl ‘        "   presented the society’s Distingnnlité mr)
__..- `    ,    “ {  Q1 _     Service Key. _l
      ,°, `.     Professor Mclntyre is the ninth nin.
     ` A r   ,°, _ ` $1;    in the history of ODK to receive mln D(]‘
“ _/F   •°• _ ’   .._V     recognition.
» •°• .     “` 'Q During the past 22 years 1’1`olo~~1 WU
O'. ::}:5    / » l\’lCIIl[)’l`€ 1135 S€I"V€d [he S()Cl€ll` ih-1  
• •   '  . >rovince de 1ut , chairman ol 1111 ` `
• • e. = s   I . I Y. . . .-\lni
2 O     I $(`llOlZlI`Shll') (`OI'l]IHl[[C€, Chllllflllilll 011111 U) lh
- _ l   'fjg i.’· N   -.·‘- Q gy. / ritual committee, council 1ll€llll)Y1‘·11 (lm
  `‘·· _ ‘  gs /     large, and since 1939 has served :1~11·1· Hm
` _ /   .si,¤.\;i r .      5   V  n I     tional treasurer. At the Roanoke 11111 com
~       "    y   .    . vention he was elevated to lllC1'111 mgm
· . ~. t - -  `J .' ‘ l I~ ' " .
·   \ Ul·A55¤     Q, ·; V V _. _ >@ presidency. MOH
R . _   ·     \ it   The University of Kentucky lilllllll mw
  ~.·. s'  ·` ' . .   t.r.   t .. . ‘ » · ·
. · V   ` * · f ?jéi.ik3»»   \ member has been affiliated 111111 M cull
‘ _   ` `       Circle at the University of 1{t·nn11l1 Lau;
V V _ , ___.. U - {   it V E   ”@1‘°‘*<¤· since 1928. y __ mm,
11   More than 250 delegates 1;`A11111l[’l‘ hill.
. . , ' ` ' , , U C , _
HENRY ooLEMAN DURHAM accepts ··Uase1nsn seriiow award from Jay ¢<>11_°1%€> -111d u111Y€1S111€¤ —111"“""= \\1i.
Wallace, ’53, of Carrollton, while Alumni President R. R. Dawson looks on. nat1onal convention in Roanoke.
  .1 e , T H
N Ul

 UK l"lO|'lOl'S SIX l\l8lIOI"tBlly L    ;-V ~  
JL B‘S° We Known   Two Are G|'@dS {it    ~ i
nceton, Ki., I ‘V ,  V’‘ i .
Iniversitv of ` ” V   ’’V’/ '   V V  j `
or Liberia i1]  , MlltOD, Tupp, Get   V   n V ·  __ 6 _,V4-·V: ,   . 1 r
do 1`€Seartl1   ni if “ Ai ' ‘ » L ii V.   ii  ex  .      
am ia. ,l ;,, l'l°“°'°'Y D°9'°°$     L ‘ ’’  V      l
Vb), the VVVVVVV sj; men who have distinguished   V     ‘’ _   V i ·V‘:   V
,€ of Plum themselves nationally Vin their fields.   VV `  VV       .
gcding UV — im-hiding tivo Vllniverstty of kentucky V ’·   , - eV _ .—.   mf   r  V nvlnvv V   1
Hem is VVVVVVV; V gmduates, received llonorary Y-<>l-           V ''” · V VV V   g
Murnl_1.ul3bCV laws (l€gTCCS ill &ll(‘ Both Ztttmtal com-    'V ·‘   _ ”" V
Or thc [umn _ iiiencement exercises lrcld on l·rtdav.       V V V
une 5.   'r`V   uf     l
  `I The two alumni honorecl were Maj.       _ Us  
most atrtlwiil Gm' Hugh Nlaglone Mllmin U' 1 4`A '` { V_ if