xt705q4rjp1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rjp1d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1953 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 24, 1953 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 24, 1953 1953 1953 2012 true xt705q4rjp1d section xt705q4rjp1d k *2 ‘  
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1 l TZ h'e Have Earned Their ‘ ‘L " For Lo alt  
  A Q1
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 aaThe I
T1]€ rxlllilllll ASSOC1&t10ll~S 31111113.1 g1V1llg p1`OglfH1`ll, \V111C1l SpOl1SO1'S fOLlI`·y€9.1`,  
. . . . . . . QQ U ls E'
all-expense scholarships for deserving high school graduates, was initiated 111  ;gv.rtsI.;tuekyt
I . ,._ .   t ex1ng<
1 December by T. H. Hardwick, 1952-03 chairman, and the response to date has  ;2.00._1;{Ier
.  5 ASSOCIH 10n
b€€H V€I`y 1l€3.I`t€ll1llg.  ...`iAlumnus.
i  i.,i’M€mber 0
~` _ _ , _ “ ,,   Kentuck:
` The Alumni Loyalty Fund 1S our way ot saying thanks to Alma Mater for   Aiumnic
, our education, and it is a living endowment which comes from the hearts of   E,,,,,,,d,
;· . . . . .   fil tl'.
zlltlmtll €V€I'yWll€1‘€, and 1l1SUI`€S 2. fUtllI‘€ fO1' boys and g1l`lS Wl"10 Hllght, 0f1l€I‘W1S€,  5 8,,, cig; 0;
. . .   Al ' As
be unable to attend the University.  _‘1__`T;`;
1  Jr Hel G. I4
 i- G. Lge Mci
S . . . . . .  ‘ vi, ‘t
V The CH1TlP2].1gl] Wlll l.)€ COl`lt111LlOLlS t1]1`Ollg1]   3]., SO lf {lt 3.11y t1l'1'1€‘ dllflllg   i;;g§;n].;
the coming months any of you feel that you can spare a few dollars for this  Y ,95,5
’ worthy enterprise, send in your check to the Alumni Oilice, made payable to the  ·'_ wgiiam H
. _   . ommerc
,_ K€I1tuCl`·  ;. A B bh y·
‘ VV. G. Kefauver, 1331 Parkridgt- Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio Patil ]. Stone, Madisonville, Ky.  ¥·   bah am
’ { L. F. Colbert, 1778 Lanier Pl., N.VV. \¢Vashington, D. C. William Walter, 13 Avondale Plaza, Avondale Estates, Ga. 5  hadn 0;;
1 R. B- C0tt|'€ll, Dccriield, Ill. Mrs. ]amt·s Morris, Eastin Road, Lexington  ` T H I? ·
Robert H. Swope, 1223 Scoville Road, Lexington E. Zuckerman, 2017 E. 38th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.  { 'mn' Kam
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Bath Ave., Ashland, Ky. Mrs. john V. Heltsley, 1020 19th St. N.W., VVashington 20, UC-  tceoréu  
]. B. Hutson, 1015 Ring Bldg., \Vashington 6, D. C. Mrs. Wyan Locke, 1509 Ebenezer Ave., Exten. Rock Hill, S. C. i" vert C I I
Russell C. Mayhall, 116 Crestwood, Louisville, Ky. ]. S. ]oncs, 1806 Roanoke No. 4, Louisville, Ky.  Q-chris Rok
, ._ J. 1% wsuu
_ _`Virgil W t
·  __.` T. Dawgoii
` Louisville
.   it  
1 Z  TH E K
. 1 ,

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  he I{QlltllClQy' AIUIHHMS      ii
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VE? CLUB PRESIDENTS Marshall County—J. Homer Miller, Benton 9 ii
  Kentucky Alumnus Adair County—EarlHudd1eston. Columbia Mmm €¤¤¤¢v—T¥<>y Mills. I¤¢= _ § 4.
  Allen C°umy.__y¤hn pedigo Scomvine Mason C0uHtY—Wl}ll§m D. Calvert, Maysville g _ .
  published quarterly by t¥ethUni}rersity_tof A'I;*E1*;_lg$°¤ C0l1¤ty—Walter Patrick, Lawrence- NTgF=;g<;u$gmty—W1lllam Henry Allen, Bran-   { E
gs:  k 1, campus 0 e h1V9l‘Sl y, . . . {
 igegggogtsg 5‘§bSe&pti0ni;0·n03;m;?b;:·s, gallard gouity-geiinpxegey, (-\;t;jck]j5€ Mgfafse C0unty——Fa1re1 C. Bailey, French- i E 3
  _00_ Mem ers 1p ype _1¤_ 8 U H1 STTED Gun y— asi ros cn, aszcw __ . _ · _ .
 fssociatlon includes subscription to the Bath County—George Gibson, Owingsville Mgogiguizunty M'; I“""‘ H“dd1°St°"· Har : j
 Alumnus- g§£H$°¤¤éY—l:· Hé B;rl;;¤‘·dFi¤¤*glle Monlxioe county-Justus L. sms, Tompkins- i z _Q
;j~g  _ _ _ _ _ on oun y— as ay en, ams vi e , =‘
`-é·JM€mbQf of National Editorial ASS¤¤¤¤t10¤. Boyle County——James M. Norvell, Green Montgomery County—Mrs. Rezin C. Howell,   ~ L
 ’ Kentucky Press Association. American Acres. Danville, Ky. Sycamore st., Mt, Sterling , ;\_»
  Alumni Council Bigckél? C$unty—Miss Lillian Hixson, Mo§5anbC0unty·-Earl Kinner, West Liberty l ‘
 —·—·— 1‘¤0 Svl e u en erg C0unty—Hami1ton Duncan, i ; ;
L  Entered as Second Class Mattel. at the post Breckinridge County—Fred Peters, Hardins- Greenville _ < _ , , 
 Omce at Lexington, Ky., May 1, 1952, under burg _ Nelson County—Beam1s Samuels, Bard- f` - 4
ts; the act of Aug_ 24_ 1g12_ Edited by the Caldwell County—Lowry Caldwell, Princeton town · ’ ·
  Alumni Association. gm`1i${fg0u¤ttY—IBi£Dh §{dI‘i¤Bt0¤. (Arlington Nicholas County-—Pat Conley, Carlisle i i L
 .  ___ ?lI`l°0 oun y— a on . Stone. arrollton Northeastern Kentucky—James D. Nickell, 1 V _
  Ki Editor Casey County—George Noble, Liberty Box 566, Ashland, Ky. i` .
 ..,H¢l¢¤ G- Fg ··············   ···‘·   Ed} r Clinton County—Charles Lutrell, Albany Ohio County—Whayne Priest, Hartford 3 . ,
 $6- Lee MCC am · ···· : ······ anagmg T ° Christian County—Robert C. Cayce, Hopkins- Owen County—E. G. Traylor, New Liberty . '
 glvlm-guerite McLaughlin   Associate Editor vmo Perry C°umy_M· K. Ebleu Hazard ,
 QQBEVQTIY Hagan ··‘‘·‘‘ Vital Statistics Ed1t°r Claék t County—Ambrose Stephenson, Win- Pike (1Jognty—-James W. Wine, Pikeville l Q
  c es er Powel ou¤ty—Ralph B. Coulee, Stanton .
 gg 1952-53 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Clay County—Carl Stinson, Manchester Pulaski County-John Prather, Box 106, `
 Qwmiam H_ Townggndv p,·eSid€nt-B;mk of Clinton County-Charles Luttrell, Albany Somerset - ‘<
 { Commerce Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Cfiilienden C0unty—L0uis   Chipns. Marion Robertson County—Ray N. Dryden, Mt, i
 *=*‘·“·D*“"°"·"‘°°.§’°“‘i°“‘·B§°°"‘{E§"*·’§;’é °%".l?§2Li?S. C°““"`L“"‘* “’°°°‘“"‘· R££Z§§.i. e.......y Rudolph Burd it R i.  
 mqelen G. King, xecu ive ecre ry- — e . en 0 _ .
  A __ L ' t , K _ Daviess C0unty—F0rrest Mercer, 401 Maple Valley i
 iagiiigen.`seh1vei;u}1§rgz;;ure¥—Department or Ave., Owensboro _ Russell C<>unty—0th•=ll¤ Gaskins. Russell  
Vi Athletics, University of Kentucky `Estlll C0unty—Stenhen Rice. Irvine Springs _ ,
 znobm H. Hillenmeyer, miienmeyer Nur- Fayette C<>¤¤ty—MrS. Hampton C. Adams. S¤<>¤ €¤¤¤¢y—J- C- M¢K¤¤shl· G¤¤¤e¤t¤w¤ A
  .t—· genes, Lexington (term expires wss) Old Keen Place. Versailles Pike. Lexington Shelby C<>¤¤*y—Fr¤¤¤h Sm¤¤t. Shelbwlle ‘
 ;*Wathen Medley Box 593 Owensboro Ky, Fleming County—Dr. C. D, Blair, Fleming;- Simpson County——Woodrow Coots. Franklin
  (term oxoi,.oS’1953) ’ ’ burg Spencer County—Harold Love. Taylorsville _
 §Marshall Barnes, Owensboro National Bank, gloyd C0¤¤tY—W00dI‘0w Burchett, Prestons- Ti*;§’; C°““ty_Ha"y R· Smith- Caml·°b€uS' ‘ ` '
 F Owensboro, Ky. (term expires 1953) UFS ’ _ ,
 f.James S. Shropshire, R. R. N0. 4, Lexington, Ffilnklin C0¤¤fY—EdW¤1‘d Bennett. Frankfert Tofjd C"“"t*'_L°·‘Z‘"‘ W"hh· G“u“""
  Ky. (term expires 1954) Fulton County—John Watts, Hickman, Ky. TUE? Cmmty " Tom MaEY`¤W· CadiZ• KY- ‘
 iludgg Brady Stewart, Court gf App€a]g_ Garrard County—Miss Iona Montgomery, Tm_mb1€ C°u“tY”J· G· DYE- B€df0"d_ ,
 QQ Frankfort, Ky. {term expires 1954) Lancaster $,‘“°“ C3““"{"T§"'é H"‘}'*g M§'§,a“f"%1d 832 Q
 {Homer L. Baker, 2242 Rutherford Ave., Lou- Graves C¤u¤ty—Sam B. Neely. Mayfield ""°.“ °““ Y_ “ ge · avi '““°‘S·
`%  isville, Ky, (term expires 1954) Grayson County—Marshall Hearin, Lcitchfield Cowngton Stu Bowling Gmenv KY- '
W_ _h  {Dr. Ralph Angelucci, mg Esplanade Lexing- Hancock County—Hm·ry Black. Hawesville \V¤Snlnet9n C<>unty—Char1es J. Haydon.
' J5 l  QV ton, Ky. (term expires 1955) Halrdm County—R0hert McNamara, Eliza- W$ll:I';¤Ef§ld t H ld T d P dence .
 ‘~,J¤h¤ R. Bullock, sos Dixie Terminal Bldg., et Own °. S ET °““ Y- “° ra °'· '°Y‘
5  (;· · to O_ t · Harlan (;0unty.T (1 cre cn, Tw`]3 Whitley County-Sam Cannon, Corbin, Ky. _
 jDodgg?n;;rrish,( ggglsexggfs gtsgigq expires Harrison Countyjwilliain Renaker, Route Wolfe County—Ev<-brett Miller. Campion
·j. 1955) ’ N¤_ 1, Cynthiana Woodford County—John W. Willmott, Jr., J ,
  D, Pa] , F kf t, K _ b d f Hart County—R. W. T’oynter. Horse Cave V€1'$¤lU€$ : ·
  Trustees)mOr€ mn or y ( Oar 0 Hcgiderson County—Stuart Mahui-in, 511-12 Atlanta, Ga.—%alejolm L. Foster, 3807 Mar- {
 éfllefndon Evans, Pineville, Ky, (Board of · V· Bank Bldg more Drive- · · ¥
  Trustees) Henry County—O. L. McElroy, Eminence Charleston, `W. Va.—James V. Karrick, 1001 , i
_ ._  f;Guy A, Hug 1 t, B R d L · Hickman County—David B. Graham, Jr., Lookout Rd. .
““°’ }"· V3  Ky. maoarduise Truggggsvf O3 ’ €xmgt°n’ Clinton Greater Cincinnati——Wi1liam Franz, 5 Ft. { 2
 iLouis COX, % Hazeirigg and Cox_ Frankfort Hopkins County—David Pritchett, 436 N. Mitchell Ave., Ft. Mitchell, Ky.
>'·  2 Ky_ (immediate post prosidom) ’ Scott St., Madisonville, Ky. _ A Chicago, Ill.—Tom Posey, Commonwealth ¤ ‘
 ;Marguem€ McLaughlin 226 E_ Maxwell Stn Jefferson C0unty—Don   Robinson, Fu-st Edison Co., 72 West Adams St.  
  Lexington (life member, honorary) and Chestnut Streets, Louisville Cleveland, Ohio—Robert McDowell. 3203 W.
 _.Dr. George wilson, 200 N_ Upper SL L€xmg_ Jessamme County—W1lson Routt, Nicholas- 'ilst St.
  ton (life membom honorary) ' ville Dallas, Tex.—John Goldschmeding, Jr., Phil- ,
 ·*»Wi%E‘"?.9§i M°“*°°-, “°° °·=°“· L¤¤iSv*¤€· J°é·‘§‘.i§’€év.i?§““‘y`M's‘ "'°‘""°“" "’°"°" D§§.§.°"2si..?,°“€°‘§l"‘2‘2i.E;‘§;. B5‘§§‘G...¤... V i
 ’ ’· seni · . — · · . .  
i  T`.!-·¤Wfence Riddle?]§u;i§,eSEp§€;?n:?g§§€Looiol. Knox County—Barnard McKeeha¤. Barbour- Ave, ; ‘
 ff ¤l¤SS representative) ' ville Detroit, Mich.—Richard Stites. Jr., 18432 Riv- g ·
 Z; Knott County-—Lovell Ison. Pippanass, Ky. erside Dr., R. No. 7, Birmingham, Mich. <
  APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Larue Cnunty—Stanley A. Hager. Hodgenville Midland, Tex.-——H. J. Rucker, 207 E. Maple I I
 FM _ _ . _ Laurel County—G. W. Griffin, London Ave. ‘ .
_ _   {iu; gge B‘=‘am· 69 W1U¤W Terrace. Louis- Lawrence county-George R. Burgess, Louisa Middle Ten:iessee——Robert T. Hanna, Trimble
lllv, l\>·  B_Chm{d1 E1 _ Lee County-Dr. Clarence Combs, Beattyville Road. Nashville. Tenn. ·
  Dalton Girée fm1§u`€€t;V€Y$3l1l€$· KY- Leslie County—Denver Adams. Hyden New Orleans, La.—Ge0rge E. Jones, 4969 g {
,_   Paducah K ¤ le . Citizens Bank Bldg., Lachey County-J, L, Hays, Whitesburg Metropolitan Drive ¢ ‘
  H_ Hm,hWi}éi{ K t _ _ Lewis County——Charles Stages, Vanceburg New York City—Walter N. Flippin, Jr., % Q *
 ag tom Ky * sn ucklan HMB]- I-€Xl¤E· Lincoln County—Truman Taylor, Waynes- California Texas Oil Co. Ltd., 551 Fifth Ave, §
Z0, D·C·  ggeorgo P‘HmEn 7 B1 _ burg, Ky, Philadelphia, Pa.—Wi11iam A. Lurtey, 312 j i
S. C-  _: vert CO' wth im; Arggggzis EEE? Slilfi $11- {jogan County—Grz;1n;iille(_(5lark, Russellville Jerico Road, Abington, Pa. {
 ig · ·· . . isvi e, . ·- _ p · · _ {.e N.-, · , _ _- _ ,
 lfihéii,.§2.,§§,;;¤=¤;,,,M¤ySvi11¤- Ky- _ y ~&‘E‘...‘5»‘22.'2*Ee...i..iy.‘¤.§§..i3i§;LbL;..} C.&..... W§i.*3;.§§&“P.'§..._°N_§§.*T““*i K Dim"- mi i ,
 Q Ky_ ’ E· Hlgh St¥`€€t» L€Xll'lEt0¤- Savings Bank Bldg., Paducah   3 l
 {vi]. -1 McCreary County—C. W. Hume. Stem`n= Executive Committee meets second Monde ~
 ;T_ %a¥§g;°nw¥%g0 PODIGY Ave., Ashland, Ky. McLean County-Charles Gatton. Sacramento night of each month. September through , ·
 5 Louisville K1 mms. 2549 Trevillan Way, Magoffin County-—Luther Rice, Salyersville May 6:30 p.m. Colonial Room, Lafayette ; | .
 n ’ y· Marion County-Paul Owens, Lebanon Hotel, Lexington l I
 ..   2  
l I 2 -
7 } ;
I I . . _ ,   H ,"

  . ii   pictures were good and rnany  
. V ’ is real-  rl
‘ Tha Nutllohal flag hung at half` Cincinnati Club meets first Thursday of each Zred yngmorl His turiting _ y  
Stag for ten days after the death month, 12:15 p.m. Hotel Smton   ’   Z . as [Uh   I-.
. on Ianuary 4 of the president Clgtflriz,Cliégnlnglhh-gdcxghdliisifiliigl gjzgbahghllaigrlhgs ZZ     D F
  Dr Frank L- MMU-   “       he aaa   g, §  ld Eire
. - · » r tu  A 0 5
(Zi the atla'”aa’;1 ct the funeral L°5li§Viifugu?rrI3¤E(gl. every Monday, mm, amusement perhaps essentially   shy of K
. ct'v't'es on t e cam us were _ ’ , ·  31 ,
jiecgs-S;(;’hglltUe1·y few Otiyw em_ N‘§i§’.i?$?E};§§E¢;'}°`§§Ztr°$}“,Z’0’§`.$€§€I.§‘,f§§ "gify because he was usually serum;  5; “';);l°S1{
- f _ °°· 5 ““· Y- even to austerrty. He was tl   hos im]
. nloyees and virtually none Ole the Washington, D. C., Club meets second Wed- great teacher and nlm]   P
` students knew that the man to “"sda" °f Each “‘°“"h· “°°“* ‘°‘““‘“"°“S °° . am   Stone OP
_ _ H°*°1 women who sat rn his classn   on the!
whom these tributes were paid .   , ee
f _ ,   considered themselves very fn. s_ WOW
_ was one of Americas great edu- www ‘  . Bam
I cotors, industrial economists and The state purchased Nlaxwell ° _  E- Ohio, h4
. Kentucky recerved Dr. Mclln H 3
leaders, whose last 36 years had Place for the residence of the , _ —  c WY
_ _ , _ _ rn 1917 and Kentuckrans placai  , In l8!
been spent rn the interest of the new president and hrs family .,.. 5. (
. , a high evaluation on his evan N M001"€ ~
Commonwealth. Stoll Field was a gift from that _ A _ __ ·  . After he
· . _. . _ A [Lk __ f .1 lP_ .1 y effort. fter hrs retirement an  ;_
A burldrng bears hrs name, a we nown famz y ant resrc ent , . ,  · deceased
_ until the very last minute of In  · .
_ bronze plaque and two portraits McVey accepted the challenge , , , g in 1923-
_ _ lrfe his friends, and they wen  He SC
have been placed in prominent and became a part of every mam felt a Comfort in the f _ g lh U _
places in buildings on the cam- phase of University life. He im- J’ rr  . C. nl
. . that he belonged to Kentucky. , uml! hn
gz pus. All of these are mute re- medrately started the work of ex-  E aroma
  minders, to those who knew, of panding the curriculum. and or- M. Mci   North D
l a personality which led the first ganizing the many uncertain   Hs at
»   ed·ucational institution of the dangling elements into a unit.  f   l
y' state fromavery uncertain status He succeeded. His ability and DR_ MCVEY WAS FATHER  _· junior §_
n 4 to a University in good standing. poise commanded respect a·nd OF      i A Pa] Of [1
; The late Richard C. Stoll, who while his estimate of people and  · In 1895
was chairman of the Board of his reserved manner were often In aha of the last mta"'5laa`sl—  ;— in econo
  Trustees for many years made confusing to the uninformed Or gave, last year when he was rr; `y Mb;/Ono;
Q Q the statement time after time in perhaps even caused many rroeebme his 83Td birthday. Di  r Oliiohg/V1
{ public addresses, that he was strangers to question his attitude, FRANK LEROND MCVEY said? ·“ ` Berea C
Q prouder of having signed the yet, at the same time the ad- hhwslshll exists ter tha 7’“’l"’s’* ; Universi
. document that brought Frank miration the student body, the P’al’a"'”é’ Uaaahg mah ahh '”0’"*l  { "°“hY Oi
· = LeRond McVey to the Univer- faculty and the public in general la" the ahlaahsas ef h'Jl'lé€ am] A-  y
`L sity than of any other single had for him was most flattering. lsadsrshlih  Q After
i · agreement he had made. But President McVey did ·not lh his Ow"' Careers this lhlcshh   Yale, D;
Z Dr. MeV ey was in the prime want adulation. He wanted s'hs'h“·s Ol the Uhhiarshll Ol I“°` i form Ch
g of his ability when he came to whole-hearted cooperation and Wahl! wha dried Sandal! s'*"""*·   l;‘“°*Y§
‘ Lexington in 1917. He had been quality of work—not necessarily limhsd himself to be at "O"'"1"  hgh; C;
. recognized by the President, masses of it—but quality- Piafhlal of halaarshll aah""0· ii   Univgsi
Woodrow Wilson, for his study Back at ltloxwell Plaaa in the life was full and versatile, anrll  r the New
- ~ of American industrialism and few hours he had to divert he was aaltaialll a leader that ahilf  { Froml
3 by testimonials from F ounda- would devote a few odd minutes sahsahsh but also ih Phhhs ·shh‘   Ymhl O
’ tions sent to the Board of Trus- to a cross-word puzzle; scribble al mahll hlhds-  »° fgsglcg?
tees when the new president was notes for future use or read fhg He had been president of lr   He bm
being sought. His ability as an latest criticism; of bank; and Slate universitiess North Daily   Mimwso
educational leader was appre- policies. He spent his vacation; and, t0r 22 years, Kenfllcbl/·_ lr   Twoy
ciated throughout the length and at a lake resort where he could had been before that an €’s`h’h’h  g_ E; lh“"‘
V breadth of the United States, paint to his heart’s content. His (Continued on page gr  Q;. mma
 · 1  

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tmiorott   Dr, Frank LeRond MCVey, 83-year presidency of the University of Ken-       i i
6 g,-cm   Old president emeritus of the Univer- tucky in 1917,      "   ”     i ·
Sentianii   shy ofKeI1tl1Cl<}’,   at Good SaIn3·ri' The University of Chicago €[lg3g€d   _] _  I (     ri   ‘_ i i      
i SCriO`   [QU] l'lOSPl[a1 January   i DI`. McVey as lecturer from   to i'         ~ i ·    
V i IIS ii  Dr_ McVey was admitted to the 1930, and he previously lectured at I       l I i IV  
u“(lS fl   h05pi[3_l Dec. 7 and underwent 3 gall' the Royal FI`€d€I`lCk University 3[ M;   i         »  
zen and   stone operation Dec. 12. He had been Christiana, Norway, in i9i2_ Hg      *  · 1 .
i C[a8i.,,   on the hospital's critical list for about served as first vice president of the ‘’vi’ ’  "’“° [_·l—»     V   I .  
Deny foie   [WO weeks. AUl€I`lC3I1 Economics Association from     i.         i -,
*   Born Nov. 10, 1869, in Wilmington, 1910 to 1928 and as chairman of the V·    ,.,, ,   "     V It 5 I
3  Ohio, he Was 21 SOII of tht? late Alfred N?1fl0I1Hl Conference on Marketing ‘ A `lii . VV     V. \VY
'· AICVUII   Henry and Anna Holmes McVey. and Farm Credits from 1914 to 1916, V     . i _ V   ,4 M 
xs placed   In 1898, Dr. McVey married Mabel Twice President · ·   `   i Ii »
lis ew,   Moore Sawyer of Minneapolis, Minn. Twiee, in 1923 and 1935, Di. Mcvey   L W C i   i. _, Q
lent and   MWF her death he mamed th? “°“" was president of the National Associa- `   V V . `   ii = · I
vie Oi hi   deceased Frances jewell of Lexington [ion of Stale Univeisiiiee He was · I   .   I ‘ E
      In   d   I president of the Southeastern Confef. - V- I ‘
1   He S§fV€_ as ith; [hkPY§s*d€“it9i’f ence. of State Universities in 1935; ‘ Oklahoma, Indiana, Florida, North · ¤
tig int,  4,     theiilgiversity 0 entuiggo mmd 7 president of the Southern Association Carolina, Kentucky, Louisiana, Rhode  
tricky  V. uml is Tetligmcmimh »_ an _ was of Schools and Colleges in 1934; presi- Island, and `William and Mary College.
M \i L   Qfoixtg {if; (im 0 { C UHIVEYSNY of gent of the Association of Land Grant Dr, McVey was also a member of
· - i'€· 9, OY a - olle es in 1935, d `d f ' ' ‘ i
L   He attended Ohio Wesleyan Uni- Kentticky rducasign priiiocigtloon     czirioslgihlhdlliiii liilieia iczmmaa
  versity, from which he was graduated ]937_ University Ciub “,;iShingiOn andpgié
THER  iz in i893· B€if*’€€¤uh1$ $€;iPh0m0T€ and Among his many other activities, Rotary. He was an elder in the First V
  luiiwi YEMEN} C0 ;g€» 6 Was Prmcle he had been president of the Min- Presbyterian church. V v_
 in @9; E I`1€Ii[v»d0l‘:’.d» ;iI1%)h §h00I· neapohs Association Charities; secre- An author as well as an educator,
__ ii  ii _“ 9Y€C€“€ le 1: · i€gY€€ tary of the Minnesota Academy of his published works include Populist ’
?ft»l€lLS·  i —»., in economics from Yale University. Social Sciences; enrecutive committee Movement, History and Government E
0 was it  eil Ml`:/Onorary degrees were awarded D1`- member of the National Conference of of Minnesota, Modern Industrialism, V
ihdayi D,  gi Ole ey by the University of, Alabama, Charities and Correction; chairman of Transportation, The Making of ·a
_ Said: ..._   B 10 Wesleyan, Transylvania College, the North Dakota Temporary Eduea. Town, Economics of Business, and Fi· ’
NOW ye. erea College, Rollins College, the tional Committee; member of the Na- nancial History of Great Britain, * *
Pi; I Omi   Uniiiersiiyiiof Loirnsville and the Uni- tional Education Council; state direc- During Dr. McVey’s regime as presi- I i
nt tc I   versiyo entuc y, tor of the Public Service Reserve and dent of the University of Kentuck I V
. ;-: . * Y» 5
rtg and It   Following College 3 member of €d11Cat10nal surveys in (Continued on Page 6)    
rcsiiiii   After receiving his doctorate from I l
ip    Fdlffr DI`. McVcy worked for the Re- 1 d V ?
i y 9 ti   orm Club Of New York and taught Reso ution passe by the executive committee of the University of I
yy occult.  $5-history at Horace Mami school in New Kentucky Alumni Association, Feb. 9, 1953.
a, ;·gtn1tIiJ §PYk CKY- He was an instructor of ¤ o ¤ o 3
it Ci Hy  ie ISIPYY at Teachers College, Columbia _ i
fi ur ui,   University, and an editorial writer for FRANK LEROND NICVEY `
'”> ”'     the New York Times in 1895.96, i
wt Only;   From Columbia, he went to the Uni November 10, 1869 —- ]anuary 4, 1953 — I
blltj SCIVII  Qi Y€r$ltY of Minnesota where he was an , · · · · · - .
 ii instructor, assisiam instructor and pm- Educator, Philosopher, Humanitarian, Leader, Citizen and Friend. ; Q. 
 .. c - . . . 2
gni of II   Hiisoig of €°°“°m‘CS from _l896 td 1907- P1'€S1d€1lt of the University of Kentucky F ‘
H1 Dalit z  _V.’ M_ ecame the first chairman of the . ; ‘
'   H   lnnesota Tax Commission in 1907, 19].7-].940 , i
W6 l/‘i  ji Twq Y€?iTS later he became president   I .
Csmlilttlli  jj gf University gf North Dakota where F hou wert my guide, philosopher and friend], *
:8 6)   e Y€mall'l€d until he assumed the _ _ I I I V g
 ‘V» ‘ .` I I  
   £·   5    
.-  n    
> I I I   -

’ Q (C tin d f Page 5) · · (0 15 ti 5 p  
j h h on iue drom 1 th MISS MCL¤ughhn Z on uiuegd rom ;ge 4) ii  I
i t e sc 00 enloye an unusua grow S € I `fl l` ' ·  Q
in its physical plant, scholastic rating MISS M¤1‘g¤€YI¥€ MCI-Hughlifli ’03s Fhorcglni ;;li;aSSi?il;p1;;S,liiQl;le’“l*·  
and educational importance. It was the U¤iv¤rsi¤y'Sb¢1¤v¤d"MiSSM=¤si<=a" H   "'"€'"  is BY
_ tinring his administration that all has been h<>¤<>¤=d by Pope PMS XU Ol w l""“"l“ Slalg lax C°"""’l·   i·ii- Det
‘ graduate work in Stat€_main[ain€d in_ with the award HPYO Pontifiace et EC- SIGN; ]cO7` (lTlOlih€7`, chairman of tllg   Th
I , sthutions Of   hg]; lgarnin was (jen. Cl€$i21," f0I` uOl1[S[Z1l'ldlIlg COI`llZI`lbl1IlOI`lS National COll·`]c€7°€nC€ on MaTk€ll)U li  E
g g · - - - · ‘~  » sstit ta
  tered at the university here. to the yvflfare of religion and society 1n and Farm Credits; for Still anothei hi  Day P]
I I 22 New Blllllllllgs Added gegliiiiouncement of the award which president Ol the National Assoclll   be the
Wllilg     was Presidgnt Of in the forrn Of oi medal and Citation, LION of State Universities. He [Cal   Day wl
U. of K., 22 new buildings were added lwlll be presented to the Lexingloninn f01' two years an editorial writer jI0[  , Ol Tlll
, to the ;choo1’s phys1calip§mt. In addi- and emeritus journalism professor at “The New York Times.”  KQ Nsclgel
, ti0H. I 9~CI`€5 W€Y€ Hd 6 K0 tht? main the University at a special ceremony, Th , ,· _  -`  
1 campus here. An additional 375 Z1Cl`€S was made january 9 by the Most Rev. 1, 886 are Orgy Tandohl lilhleclllllllll  _ edmcm
were added to the experiment-station William T_ Niullgy, Catholic bishop of I 0m_ ll Iewl Ol ‘lClIUIlIe$ and  s ferent
' ~ farm. The subexperiment station at [he Covington diocese; teeming IIIIeI`e—$`I$ IIIIII ]£€w mtu   {I0 addi
Quicksand in Breathitt County, Com- Miss Margie has been 3 member of @0671 of hl.? SfdfU1‘6 lLClU8 compiled,   ls im
I T . présmg more than 1,500 acre; and the St. Peter’s Catholic church in Lexing- The range of them is indicated bil   [QQ; 3
t t t .t t , ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . 5 5
E i igupgpggrgrixors philorp 6610 aC;;1C¢;V<;1€ IOIg;1IlfZ€ HS 0fg;¤1Z¤E10; Hf 1900- I the tttles of his books: G 7'6U€¢1l111§ r versity
; _ _ _ _ _ _· e 15 a mem er 0 t e mmacu ate l· (,_<