xt705q4rjm42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rjm42/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1975-04-apr8. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1975-04-apr8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1975-04-apr8. 1975 1975-04-apr8. 2011 true xt705q4rjm42 section xt705q4rjm42 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, April 8, 1975.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, pursuant to
adjournment of April 1, 1975 for want of a quorum, met on Tuesday, April
8, 1975 at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, in the Board Room on the
18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University campus with
the following members present: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr.
William R. Black, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr.
Richard E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mrs.
David Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr.,
Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, Mr. John R. Gaines, Mr. James A. Sutherland,
Professor Paul G. Sears, Professor Michael Adelstein, and Mr. David
Mucci. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Stanley Burlew, Mr. Zirl A.
Palmer and Dr. John R. Woodyard. Members of the University adminis-
tration present included President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Lewis W. Cochran, Robert G. Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosom-
worth, Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., and Raymond R. Hornback; and Mr. John
Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news media were
in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opened

      The Chairman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and the invo-
cation was pronounced by Mr. William R. Black.

      B. New Members Sworn In

      At the request of Mr. Sturgill, Mr. John Darsie administered the
oath of office to John R. Gaines, Sally Hermansdorfer (Mrs. David) and
Betty Carol Clark (Mrs. Robert). Mr. Gaines replaces Mr. Eugene Goss,
Mrs. Hermansdorfer replaces Mrs. Lucile T. Blazer, and Mrs. Clark
was reappointed for a second term. The terms of all three will end on
December 31, 1978.

      C. Roll Call

      Following the call of the roll, the Assistant Secretary reported six-
teen members present and three absent. A quorum being present, the
Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 2:05 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).



       D. Minutes Approved

       Mr. Sturgill asked if there were any corrections or additions to the
Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee on Monday, March 10,
1975 or the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday,
April 1, 1975. There being none, on motion duly made, seconded and
carried the reading of the Minutes of the two meetings was dispensed with
and the Minutes were approved as published.

       E. Resolutions of Appreciation Adopted

       Mr. Sutherland, chairman of the committee appointed to draw up
resolutions of appreciation for the services rendered by Mrs. Lucile T.
Blazer and Mr. Eugene Goss as members of the Board of Trustees, read
the two resolutions, and moved that they be adopted, spread upon the
Minutes of the meeting, and copies sent to Mrs. Blazer and Mr. Goss.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Black and carried. (See resolutions at
the end of the Minutes. )

      F. Nominating Committee Report

      Mr. Homer Ramsey, Chairman of the Nominating Committee com-
posed also of Mr. Frank Ramsey and Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, presented
the Committee's nomination of Dr. Paul Sears as Secretary of the Board
of Trustees to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of Mrs. Blazer's
term on the Board and recommended his election to this office. Mr. Sturgill
called for nominations from the floor. There being none, Mr. Ramrsey
moved that nominations cease and that Dr. Sears be unanimously elected
Secretary. His motion was seconded and carried with all present voting aye.

      G. Committee Appointments

      Noting that there were several vacancies on Board committees
created by the recent changes in Board membership, Mr. Sturgill announced
appointments to the following committees: Medical Center Committee - Mr.
J. A. Sutherland, Chairman; Student Code Committee - Mr. John R. Gaines;
Hearing Committee - Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer.



       H. Proclamation Issued

       Mr. Sturgill said that it was his pleasure to issue a proclamation
recognizing Heather Pace Clark, daughter of Mrs. Clark, as the first baby
born to a member of the Board. Mrs. Clark accepted the proclamation with

       I. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary reviewed the items in PR 1, President's Report
to the Trustees, and recommended its acceptance. Without objection, the
Chairman accepted the report and ordered it filed.

       J. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary explained that the items in PR 2 were routine
in nature and recommended its approval as a whole. Mr. Sturgill called
for questions or comments and, there being none, on motion by Dr. Sears,
seconded by Mr. Crockett and passed, PR 2 was approved as a whole and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

      K. Honorary Degree Recipients Approved (PR 4)

      President Singletary presented for formal action by the Board of
Trustees the recommendations of the Committee on Honorary Degrees,
approved by the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate, for five per-
sons to be awarded honorary degrees by the University of Kentucky at the
commencement exercises on May 10, 1975.

      On motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Clay and passed,
unanimous approval was given to the awarding of the honorary degree of
Doctor of Laws to Mr. Smith D. Broadbent, Jr., Dr. Juanita Morris Kreps,
Mr. Benjamin Hudson Milner, and Mr. Whitney M. Young, Sr.; and the
honorary degree of Doctor of Literature to Dr. Thomas B. Stroup. (See
PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)



       L. Community College Student Aid Funds (PR 5)

       At the request of President Singletary, Dr. Wall explained that the
recommendation in PR 5 would provide more flexibility in the use of receipts
from concessions and vending machines in the individual community colleges.
Presently the receipts must be used as scholarship funds. The proposed
recommendation would permit the use of these receipts for any formn of
student aid, including scholarships.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Kessinger, seconded by
Mr. Crockett and passed, authorization was given to the use of income from
concessions and vending machines in the individual community colleges to be
used for student aid generally rather than restricting its use for scholarships.
(See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M. Budget Revisions for 1974-75 (PR 6)

       President Singletary said that the budget revisions recommended in
PR 6 were routine and recommended their approval. He indicated that Mr.
Edward Carter was present to answer questions if the members had any.
There being none, on motion by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Griffin,
and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 6 were authorized and
approved as presented. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N. Medical Audit, University Hospital

       Dr. Bosomworth speaking for the Medical Center Committee said
that the University Hospital is now required to conduct more extensive audits
of medical care provided in the Hospital. These audits are required for
participation in federally funded health care programs and by accrediting
bodie s.

       The audits are conducted by establishing standards for the care
of patients with a specific diagnosis and measuring actual care received
against these standards.

       The Medical Center Committee reviewed two of these audits today:
1. Primary Appendectomy - 100 patients; 2. Acute Myocardial Infarction -
50 patients. The review indicates that the care provided met established
standards with only minor deficiencies and that in each instance corrective
action has been taken.



       Dr. Bosomworth noted further that the University Hospital is the
first hospital in Kentucky to activate a complete medical audit program.
Further, Hospital personnel have participated in workshops across the
Commonwealth designed to teach personnel in other hospitals how to con-
duct the audit.

       In closing, Dr. Bosomworth said that no action was required by
the Board of Trustees on this report. It was simply given as an informa-
tion item.

       Mr. Sturgill thanked Dr. Bosomworth for this evidence of the
University Hospital' s continuing leadership role.

       0. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr. 's Resignation Announced

       Dr. Singletary said it was with real regret that he was announcing
the resignation of Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr. as Vice President for
Business Affairs, effective on or about the first of May. Mr. Forgy is
resigning in order to take a position with a prestigious law firm in this
Commonwealth. The President said that he was forced to agree that it is
a wonderful opportunity for Mr. Forgy and for the firm and, although
reluctant to see him go, it is an appropriate career decision. It does,
however, present two problems: one, a purely personal one; and the other,
an institutional one.

       Saying that he considered Mr. Forgy a close personal friend as
well as a valued colleague, Dr. Singletary continued that he had brought
intelligence, character and dedication to a tough job and he has been a
constant source of help and advice always. Combining tact and know-how,
hard work and intelligence, he has been able to accomplish much for the
University. He will be a difficult man to replace.

       In closing, President Singletary said that the University has lost
a number of vice presidents in the last few years but that is a risk that
an institution runs when it attempts to recruit the Larry Forgys of this
world. The last four vice presidents have left the University to go on to
higher positions, one as coordinator of higher education in the state, one
as president of a university, one as executive director of a national
association in Washington, and now one to the private practive of law.



      Mr. Forgy responded to President Singletary's remarks by saying
that he has a tremendous affection for Dr. Singletary and the institution,
and appreciates the opportunity to have been a part of the life of this Univer-
sity. He thanked the Board of Trustees for having had sufficient confidence
in him to appoint him as Vice President for Business Affairs, and said that
he would value always the experiences he has had while here and the support
which he has received.

      Mr. Clay said that he confirmed President Singletary's evaluation
of Mr. Forgy. As former Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the
Finance Committee during the past four and one-half years, Mr. Clay
always found him to be a man of integrity, character and ability. He thanked
Mr. Forgy for all he has done for the University and extended best wishes
to him and his family for success in his new career. Mr. Sturgill and Mr.
Homer Ramsey also spoke of their admiration of Mr. Forgy and expressed
their regrets that he is leaving the University.

      P. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

      Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that the Finance
Committee had not met prior to the Board meeting since the only item to be
presented to the Board was a routine Interim Financial Report for the period
ending February 28, 1975. He moved that the report be accepted. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Crockett and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1
at the end of the Minutes. )

      Q. Student Code Revision Committee Report (SCRCR 1)

      Mr. Crockett, Chairman of the Student Code Revision Committee,
said that this committee had met on March 27 to review recommendations
made to it by President Singletary after he had received recommendations
from the Advisory Committee on Student Code Revisions. There were nine
recommendations transmitted to the Board committee by President Singletary
who recommended that eight of the Advisory Committee's recommendations
be approved without change and that one be disapproved. The Board com-
mittee, after thorough review, agreed with the President's recommendations.

      Mr. Corckett then moved that the Board of Trustees approve the
eight recommended revisions in Student Rights and Responsibilities, Part I.



Code of Student Conduct, effective August 16, 1975 as set forth in SCRCR 1.
His motion was seconded by Professor Sears and passed with all present
voting aye. (See SCRCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R. Trustee Recommendation

       Mr. Sturgill said that without objection he would waive the ten-day
notice and recognize Mr. Mucci who wished to place before the Board a
recommendation seeking revision of Section 7. 11 of the Code. There being
no objection, it was so ordered and Mr. Mucci was recognized.

       Copies of Mr. Mucci's recommendation were distributed to members,
and after a brief explanation of his reasons for making the recommendation,
Mr. Mucci moved approval of the revision in Section 7. 11 of the Student Code
as presented in his Trustee Recommendation. Mr. Sturgill called for a
second to Mr. Mucci's motion. The motion died for lack of a second. (See
Trustee Recommendation at the end of the Minutes.)

       S. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting
adjourned at 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                                  Board of Trustees

(The Resolutions, PRs 2,4, 5, & 6, FCR 1. SCRCR 1 and Trustee Recommen-
dation which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                            RESOLUT ION

It is with regret that the Board of Trustees notes the expiration of the term
of Lucile T. Blazer as a member of the Board and wishes to recognize her
many contributions during the two terms which she served.

A graduate of the University of Kentucky in 1937, Mrs. Blazer was appoint-
ed by Governor Edward T. Breathitt as a member of the Board in January
1967 for a four-year term ending December 31, 1970. She was reappointed
for a second term by Governor Louie B. Nunn in January 1971 for a term
expiring December 31, 1974.

Mrs. Blazer was only the second woman to be appointed to the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, the first having been Mrs. Paul
Blazer, Sr. Through her loyal and devoted service, Lucile Blazer soon
demonstrated that a woman had much to contribute to the deliberations of
the Board. In recognition of her abilities her fellow members elected her
Secretary of the Board in January 1969, an office which she continued to
hold until her term expired in December 1974. She was also elected to the
Executive Committee in 1969 and continued as a member of this commit-
tee until May 1971 when, under a change in the Governing Regulations, she
became ex-officio Secretary of the Executive Committee. In addition to
these two assignments, she served on many Board committees including
the Medical Center Committee (chairman from 1972 to 1974), Student Code
Committee, the Hearing Committee, and the Presidential Search Committee.

Constant in her attendance at the meetings of the Board and the Executive
Committee, she also gave unstintingly of her time to the many campus
functions involving members of the Board of Trustees. Her interest in the
University went beyond her obligations and responsibilities with the Board
of Trustees for she is active in the Alumni Association, is a University
Fellow, and is on the Development Council.

The Board of Trustees feels that in recognizing Mrs. Blazer it would be
remiss if it did not also pay tribute to her late husband, Rexford S. Blazer,
who not only supported her efforts on behalf of the University but gave
generously of his own time and talents to the University. The contributions
which Mr. and Mrs. Blazer have made to this institution will long be remem-
bered with gratitude and appreciation.

Lucile Blazer made a place for herself in the annals of the Board of Trustees
and she will be missed. Her fellow members wish her well and hope that
she will maintain her interest in the University and will remain active in its



Mr. Eugene Goss was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky by Governor Louie B. Nunn in January 1971 for a four-
year term, ending December 31, 1974. Having come to the end of his
term and his successor having been named, the Board of Trustees wishes
to take this means of recognizing the contributions which Mr. Goss made
as a member of the Board.

A graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Law in 1959, Mr.
Goss has been a practicing attorney in Harlan, Kentucky since that time
except for the period from 1968 to 1970 when he served first as Com-
missioner of Economic Security and then as Commissioner of Highways
in Frankfort. Although his obligations were many and heavy, he gave
generously of his time to his duties as a member of the Board of Trustees
and served on the Finance Committee and the Student Code Revision Com-
mittee, both of which benefitted from his advice and counsel.

The Board of Trustees and the University of Kentucky count themselves
fortunate to have had the benefit of Mr. Goss' services as a member of
the Board for four years and wish to express their thanks and appreciation
to him for his interest in the University and for his support of its programs.
His fellow members on the Board will miss him and express the hope that
he will maintain his interest and support even though he is no longer a
member of the Board of Trustees.


                                                     Office of the President
                                                     April 8. 1975

Members, Board of Trustees:


I.    Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

       Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
       and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
       report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
       by the administration be accepted.

       Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
       staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
       with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
       recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
       president through the President and have his concurrence.

       Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appoint-
       ments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other
       administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board.
       This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

                          BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Ferri, Michael G, Instructor, Department of Business Administration, College
      of Business & Economics, 8/1/75 through 5/31/76, (upon completion of
      doctoral degree requirements, may be promoted to Assistant Professor.)
Holmes, James R., Instructor, Department of Accounting, College of Business
       & Economics, 8/1/75 through 5/31/76, (upon completion of the doctoral
       degree requirements, may be promoted to Assistant Professor.)
Jones, Janet Hall, Assistant Professor* and Psychiatrist (University Health
      Service), Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, 7/1/75 thru

*Special Title Series



Lemmon, Kathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, College
       of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Luce, Edward A., Associate Professor*, Department of Surgery (Plastic).
       College of Medicine, 3/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Munjal, Devidayal, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, College
       of Medicine, 3/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Pagoulatos, Angelos, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Eco-
       nomics, College of Agriculture, 2/19/75 through 6/30/75.
Palmano, Calixto M., Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology,
       College of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.

Non-Academic Appointments

Altschul, Lis B., LRS Coordinator, Department of Special Education, College
       of Education, retroactive January 15, 1975.

Administrative Appointments

Bell, Joseph R., Assistant to the Dean, College of Agriculture, retroactive
       February 15, 1975.
Grieves, Robert B., Chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering, College
       of Engineering, 7/1/75 through 6/30/79.
Hiatt, A. J., Chairman, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture,
       7/1/75 through 6/30/81.
Steele, Earl L., Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of
       Engineering, 7/1/75 through 6/30/79.


Abbott, Walter, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure),
       Department of Sociology, College of Arts & Sciences, effective 7/1/75.
Bacdayan, Albert, Assistant Professor (without tenure), to Associate Professor,
       (with tenure), Department of Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences,
       effective 7/1/75.
Campbell, Lois J., Assistant Professor (with tenure) to Associate Professor
       (with tenure), Department of Geology, College of Arts & Sciences,
       effective 7/1/75.
Hollingsworth, Dorothy, Associate Professor (with tenure) to Professor (with
      tenure), Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/75.
Morelock, Maryrhea, Assistant Professor* to Associate Professor* (with tenure),
      Department of Social Work, College of Social Professions, effective 7/1/75.

*Special Title Series



Saenz, Gerardo, Associate Professor (with tenure), to Professor (with tenure),
       Department of Spanish and Italian Languages & Literature, College of
       Arts & Sciences, effective 7/1/75.
Traurig, Harold H., Associate Professor ((with tenure) to Professor (with
       tenure), Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/75.
Conley, Opal Skaggs, Associate Professor (with tenure) to Professor (with
       tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75.
Edwards, George Jahnel, Associate Professor (with tenure) to Professor
       (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75.
Hughes, Henry J., Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate Professor
       (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75.
McCabe, Jennifer A., Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate
       Professor (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community
       College, effective 7/1/75.
Miller, Jimmy Jack, Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate Professor
       (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75.
Reed, Kathryn Louise, Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate
       Professor (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community
       College, effective 7/1/75.
Swanson, Uma Garg, Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate Professor
       (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75.
Vice, Billy James, Assistant Professor (without tenure) to Associate Professor
       (with tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75 .
Walthall, Elizabeth Ann, Associate Professor (with tenure) to Professor (with
       tenure), Community College System, Ashland Community College,
       effective 7/1/75.

Tenure Granted

Giansanti, Joseph, Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, College
       of Dentistry, effective 7/1/75.
Hendrix, Melva Jo, Associate Professor', College of Nursing, effective 7/1/75.

*Special Title Series




Austin, James, Associate Professor*, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
       College of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Brown, Albert T., Associate Professor, Department of Oral Biology, College
       of Dentistry, effective 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Drummond, James F., Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology
       and Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Hassain, Anwar, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, 7/1/75 through
Jaeger, LaVonne, Associate Professor*, Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Lennarson, Vincent A. E., Associated Professor*, Department of Surgery,
       College of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Long, John M., Associate Professor*(primary appointment), Department of
       Diagnostic Radiology and Assistant Professor* Department of Surgery
       (Neurosurgery), College of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Luther, Dorothy, Associate Professor*, College of Nursing, 7/1/75 through
Sklar, Allen L., Associate Professor*, Department of Family Practice,
       College of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Tsueda, Kentaro, Associate Professor*, Department of Anesthesiology, College
      of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Vogt, Donald, Associate Professor*, College of Pharmacy, 7/1/75 through
Willard, Norman, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration,
      College of Business & Economics, 8/1/75 through 5/31/76.


Jobert, Ada Mary, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical
      Education & Recreation, College of Education, after 17 1/2 years
      of service, effective January 1, 1975.

                     ADMINISTRATION ACTION

New Appointments - Lexington Campus

Attig, Thomas George, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College
      of Arts & Sciences, 8/1/75 through 5/31/77.

*Special Title Series



Butterfield, David Allan, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.
       College of Arts & Sciences, 8/1/75 through 5/31/77.
Canlas, Marcelo, Assistant Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of
       Pathology, College of Medicine, 4/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Cottell, Captain Philip G., Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of Military
       Science, College of Arts & Sciences, effective 6/1/76.
Evans, James W., Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, College
       of Arts & Sciences, 8/1/75 through 5/31/77.
Greasley, Philip A., Instructor*, University of Kentucky Center at Fort
       Knox, 1/1/75 through 5/31/75.
Jessop, Norman S. , Assistant Clinical Professor (Voluntary), Department of
       Psychiatry, College of Medicine, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Yates, Steven W., Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of
       Arts & Sciences, 8/1/75 through 5/31/77.

New Appointments - Community College System

Ashland Community College
Judd, Louise, Assistant Professor, 3/1/75 through 6/30/75.

Administrative Appointments

Fleming, Juanita, Assistant Dean for Graduate Education, College of Nursing,
      retroactive 3/1/75.

Non-Academic Appointments

Coope, Daniel F., Research Associate, Department of Physics & Astronomy,
      College of Arts & Sciences, retroactive 2/10/75.

Joint Appointments

Lynd, Priscilla A., Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics &
      Gynecology (primary appointment), College of Medicine and Department
      of Allied Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
      2/1/75 through 6/30/75.

*Special Title Series




Blondell, Julia, Department of Community Health, College of Allied Health
       Professions from Instructor* to Assistant Professor:, 7/1/75 through
Desai, Nirmala, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, from
       Instructor to Assistant Professor, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Griffith, Ronnie G., Department of Medical Technology, College of Allied
       Health Professions, from Instructor' to Assistant Professor*, 7/1/75
       through 6/30/76.
Martin, William D., Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, from
       Instructor to Assistant Professor, 7/1/75 through 6/30/78.
Nalepka, Claire, College of Nursing, from Instructor to Assistant Professor*,
       7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Okeson, Jeffrey P., Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
       from Instructor to Assistant Professor, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Seymour, Ronald J., Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied
       Health Professions, from Instructor* to Assistant Professor", 7/1/75
       through 6/30/76.
Smith, Jean G., College of Nursing, from Instructor to Assistant Professor*.
       7/1/75 through 6/30/76.

Reappointments - Lexington Campus

College of Allied Health Professions
Bassler, Carl, Instructor', Department of Physical Therapy, 7/1/75 through
Beagle, Willena, Assistant Professor*, Department of Clinical Nutrition,
       7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Chiswell, Charles L., Assistant Professor-, Department of Allied Health
      Education & Research, (primary appointment) and Department of
      Pedodontics, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Clark, Daniel A., Instructor*, Department of Allied Health Education &
      Research, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Curtis, Sylvia B., Assistant Professor:, Department of Dental Hygiene and
       Department of Allied Health Education & Research, 7/1/75 through
Davison, David D., Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education
      and Research, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Davison, Judith Ann, Instructor', Department of Dental Hygiene, 7/1/75
      through 6/30/76.
Fair, Kathryn, Assistant Professor-, Department of Dental Hygiene, 7/1/75
      through 6/30/76.

*Special Title Series



Floro, Robert, Assistant Professor', Department of Respiratory Therapy and
       Lexington Technical Institute, Community College System, 7/1/75
       through 6/30/76.
Gardner, Davis L., Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education
       & Research, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Herring, Kent, Assistant Professor'c, Department of Allied Health Education
       & Research (primary appointment), and Department of Restorative
       Dentistry, College of Deatistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Ho, Marian Louise, Instructor', Department of Clinical Nutrition, 7/1/75
       through 6/30/76.
Lipscomb, Susan B., Assistant Professor*, Department of Radiologic Technology,
       (primary appointment), and Lexington Technical Institute, Community
       College System, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Martin, Kenneth Morris, Assistant Professors:, Department of Medical Technology,
       7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Morris, Bonnie Lynch, Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health
       Education & Research (primary appointment), and Department of Medical
       Technology, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Peck, Patsy Moore, Instructor*, Department of Physical Therapy, 7/1/75
       through 12/31/75.
Sanchez, Michael R., Instructor*, Department of Respiratory Therapy, (primary
       appointment), and Lexington Technical Institute, Community College
       System, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Schlacter, Stan, Instructor*, Department of Physical Therapy, 7/1/75 through
Serkland, John D., Assistant Professor', Department of Clinical Pastoral
       Counseling, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Sterling, Catherine Curtis, Instructor*, Department of Dental Hygiene, 7/1/75
      through 6/30/76.
Stoll, Walter W., Assistant Professor", Department of Allied Health Education
       & Research, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Stoner, John C., Assistant Professor*, Department of Community Health,
       7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Wadsworth, John, Assistant Professor', Department of Physical Therapy and
      Department of Allied Health Education & Research, 7/1/75 through
Watjen, L. Russell, Ass