xt705q4rjm2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt705q4rjm2w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1974-02-jan29. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-02-jan29. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-02-jan29. 1974 1974-02-jan29. 2011 true xt705q4rjm2w section xt705q4rjm2w 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, January 29, 1974

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special
session at 2:00 p.m. (Central Daylight Time) on Tuesday, January 29, 1974
in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
University campus with the following members answering the call of the roll:
Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mrs.
Robert 0. Clarlk, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. Eugene Goss, Mr. John R.
Crockett, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Garvice D. Kincaid, Professor Paul
Oberst, Mr. Zirl Palmer, Professor Paul G. Sears, Mr. William B. Sturgill,
Judge James A. Sutherland, Mr. James Flegle, and Dr. John R. Woodyard.
Absent from the meeting were Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Jr., Mr. Stanley
Burlew, and Mr. Albert G. Clay. The University administration was repre-
sented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris,
Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zurnwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter Bosomworth,
Larry Forgy, and Raymond Hornback; Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel; and
Dr. Donald Clapp, Executive Assistant to the President. Representatives of
the various news media were in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opcned

      Mr. Bell, Vice Chairman of the Board, called the meeting to order at
2:00 p.m. After the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Crockett, the Board
members observed a moment of silence in memory of Rexford S. Blazer, who
died on January 2, 1974. Mr. Bell extended to Mrs. Blazer the sympathy of
her fellow members and noted how much the University owed to Mr. Blazer for
his loyalty and devotion and how much he would be missed.

      The secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting was declared
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:05 o'clock.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Judge Sutherland and passed,
the reading of the Minutes of the December 11, 1973 meeting of the Board of
Trustees and the January 8, 1974 meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes for the meetings were
approved as published.

      C. President's Report to the Trustees

Following a brief review of the items in PR 1, President's Report to the



Trustees, by President Singletary, Mr. Bell accepted the report and it was
ordered filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Explaining that the items in PR 2 were routine in nature and that the
members had had an opportunity to study the recommendations prior to the
meeting, President Singletary recommended its approval as a whole.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Sturgill, seconded by Dr.
Woodyard and passed, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved
as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Amendments to Governing Regulations Approved (PR 4)

       President Singletary reminded the Board that proposed amendments to
the Governing Regulations had been accepted at the October 15, 1973 meeting of
the Board and tabled for action at a later meeting. He recommended that the
amendments to Part VII, A, 1 and Part VII, B, 3 be removed from the table and
approved as proposed at the meeting of October 15, 1973.

       Dr. Sears moved approval of the proposed amendments to Part VII, A, 1
and Part VII, B, 3 of the Governing Regulations. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Palmer and passed.

      Mr. Flegle expressed the appreciation of the students for the leadership
which Dr. Robert Evans has given to the Honors Program at the University of
Kentucky, stating that it was one of the more innovative programs in the country.
He felt that the changes which the amendments would effect would serve to
strengthen the program and, on behalf of Student Government, gave it his whole-
hearted endorsement. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

      F. Dean of the College of Social Professions Appointed (PR 5)

      When Dean Witte requested that he be relieved of the duties as Dean of
the College of Social Professions, a search committee was appointed to seek his
replacement. President Singletary said that the committee had completed its
screening of candidates and had recommended the appointment of Dr. Ronda S.
Connaway as Dean of the College of Social Professions. The administration of
the University concurs in the committee's recommendation and transmits it to
the Board of Trustees for final approval.

Mr. Bell asked if there were any questions and, there being none, he



called for a motion approving the appointment of Dr. Connaway as Professor of
Social Work and Dean of the College of Social Professions. The motion made by
Mr. Palmer and seconded by Mrs. Blazer carried without dissent. (See PR 5
at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Application Fee for Non-Resident Applicants to the College
of Medicine Authorized (PR 6)

       The next item on the agenda was a recommendation for authorization to
establish a $15 fee for all non-resident applicants for positions in the entering
class in the College of Medicine for the fall of 1975. Mr. Bell asked if any
member wished to have any further clarification of the matter than that con-
tained in PR 6. There being no questions, Judge Sutherland moved that the $15
fee be established as recommended in PR 6. His motion was seconded by
Dr. Woodyard and passed. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Budget Revisions for 1973-74 Authorized and Approved (PR 7)

       President Singletary explained that the recommended budget revisions
contained in PR 7 were routine in nature and indicated that Dr. Clapp would be
happy to answer any que-stions. There being none, on motion by Mrs. Blazer,
seconded by Professor Sears and passed, the budget revisions as set forth in
PR 7 were authorized and approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       I. President Comments on Pralltown

       President Singletary requested permission from Mr. Bell to comment
on stories which had appeared in the press over the weekend relative to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky's role as a landlord in Pralltown and the suggestion made
by Representative Kenton that the University should develop a demonstration
housing project on the property.

       Permission being granted, President Singletary reviewed briefly the
background of the University's ownership of property in Pralltown, stating that
of the approximately 140 parcels of land in that area, the University had acquired
a total of 44 during the period when it was thought the University might expand in
that direction. When the physical development plan was changed and the Uni-
versity wished to dispose of the property, it was requested to hold the land pending
the development of an urban renewal project for the Pralltown area. The
University acquiesced and has converted all of its property to parking lots with the
exception of a church which is rented and the one house which gave rise to the
controversy and which was only vacated in Novem-iber and is scheduled for demo-
lition in February.

On the second point at issue, the University becoming a developer of a



demonstration housing project, President Singletary stated that he felt strongly
that such a project was not within the statutory role and scope of the University
and that furthermore, there were no funds available for such a purpose. He
added, however, that should the General Assembly see fit to provide funds for
such a project, the University of Kentucky would be willing to assist in whatever
ways appeared to be feasible.

       At the conclusion of President Singletary's remarks Mr. Eugene Goss
stated that he felt there was too much property being held by public agencies and
hence off the tax rolls and that the University .4hould sell its holdings in
Pralltown as soon as possible and use the proceeds from the sale elsewhere.
Mr. Kincaid endorsed President Singletary's statement and said that the Uni-
versity should let it be known that the property is available for sale. Other
members indicated agreement with the positions taken by President Singletary,
Mr. Goss and Mr. Kincaid.

       3. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       As Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Sturgill moved that the
Interim Financial Report, covering the period ending December 31, 1973 be ac-
cepted and ordered filed. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and, without
discussion, it was so ordered. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Authorization to Purchase Property (FCR 2)

       Mr. Sturgill explained that in order to straighten out some fence lines
and protect present holdings at the Eden Shale Farm in Owen County, the Finance
Committee recommended and he so moved that the Vice President for Business
Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to purchase fifteen acres of land adjacent to
the University's Eden Shale Farm in Owen County for $2, 800. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Kincaid and passed with all present voting "Aye". (See FCR 2
at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Provision of Liability Insurance Authorized (FCR 3)

       Mr. Sturgill said the proposal to provide liability insurance covering the
decision making members of the faculty and administration of the University
together with members of the boards of the University and its ancillary groups
had come about because of recent law suits against certain faculty members and
members of the Board of Trustees. Stating that the Finance Committee
endorsed the proposal, Mr. Sturgill moved that the Vice President for Business
Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to purchase the policy of professional lia-
bility insurance covering the groups mentioned above. His motion was seconded
by Mrs. Clark and passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.



       M. Approval Given for Certain Utility Projects (FCR 5)

       Mr. Sturgill moved adoption of the recommendation set forth in FCR 5
which would authorize certain expansions in the utilities system necessitated by
new construction on campus. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and
passed without dissent. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Amendments to Retirement System Adopted (FCR 6)

       inasmuch as the Board members had had an opportunity to study the
proposed amendments to the University's Retirement System, Mr. Sturgill
asked if there were any questions relative to any of the proposed amendments.
There being none, he moved that FCR 6 setting forth the proposed amendments
be approved. Mrs. Clark seconded his motion and the "Aye" votes carried.
No 'Nay' votes were cast. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Room and Board Rates for 1974-75 Established (FCR 4)

       Mr. Sturgill said that the Finance Committee had studied the proposed
room and board rates for the 1974-75 academic year and recommended that the
rates as set forth in FCR 4 be approved.

       Mr. Flegle requested permission to explain why Board members had
received letters from Student Government recommending approval of the
increase in room and board rates rather than of an alternative plan known as the
Coupon System. The Coupon System had been suggested by the University ad-
ministration as a possible means of avoiding an increase in the board rates.
Student Government had undertaken a survey of the students living in the residence
halls and the survey showed that the students were clearly opposed to the Coupon
System and favored the necessary increase in board rates. Acceding to the
student's wishes, the administration did not recommend the adoption of the Coupon
System to the Board of Trustees but rather made only the one recommendation
that the rates be increased sufficiently to meet anticipated increases in food and
labor costs. Mr. Flegle regretted the confusion caused by the Student Government
letter and expressed appreciation for the administration's willingness to goalong
with the student's wishes in the matter.

       There being no further discussion, Mr. Bell called for a motion. Mr.
Sturgill moved that the recommendation relative to the room and board rates for
1974-75 as proposed in FCR 4 be approved. His motion was seconded by Judge
Sutherland and passed. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P. Quarterly Report on Investments Accepted (ICR 1)

Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Kincaid, seconded and passed,



the quarterly report on investments was accepted and ordered to record. (See
ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q. Hearing Committee Report

       Mr. Bell, as Chairman of the Hearing Committee of the Board of
Trustees, gave the following report:

           The Hearing Committee of the Boar,- of Trustees of the Uni-
       versity of Kentucky met on January 8, 1974, on the 18th floor of
       the Patterson Office Tower on the University of Kentucky campus.
       Members of the Committee present were Thomas P. Bell, William
       R. Black, Paul Oberst, and Mrs. Robert Clark.

           The hearing was held pursuant to notice and the distinguished
       members of the American Cancer Society and the Kentucky Heart
       Association appeared before the committee. The purpose of their
       appearance was to request the Board of Trustees of the University
       of Kentucky to permit them to solicit on the University of Kentucky
       campus in the same manner and with the same rights as the United
       Way Fund solicits. This policy was set on March 17, 1967 by the
       Board of Trustees.

           During the course of the hearings the distinguished members
       of both the American Cancer Society and the Kentucky Heart As-
       sociation agreed that even though they had given tremendous
       contributions to the University of Kentucky for research, their
       request that they be put on the same footing as the United Way was
       not based upon these gifts for research. The gifts for research
       were given because the University of Kentucky has excellent research
       facilities. Both the American Cancer Society and Kentucky Heart
       Association have been meeting their quotas for Fayette County for the
       past years, and of course the University of Kentucky professors and
       administrative personnel have participated individually in these drives.

           It was the unanimous opinion of the members of the Hearing Com-
       mittee that they would recommend to the Board of Trustees that the
       Board of Trustees instruct President Otis Singletary to appoint a
       committee to review the policy set on March 17, 1967 by the Board of
       Trustees. This committee to be composed of representatives of the
       people who will be solicited: to-wit, all employees of the University
       of Kentucky.

       At the conclusion of the report by Mr. Bell, Mrs. Clark moved that
President Singletary be requested to appoint a committee to review the present
Board policy relative to solicitation of funds, such committee to be composed of



representatives of those persons being solicited, namely. all employees of the
University of Kentucky. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and, without
discussion, it was so ordered,

      R. Meeting Adjourned

      Having first determined that there was no further business to come before
the meeting, Mr. Bell called for a motion for adjournment. The motion was
made, seconded and carried and the meeting ac,-jurned at 2:45 p.m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                          Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7; FCRs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; and ICR 1 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )



                          January 29, 1974


     The University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa initiated 26 students
in early December. The initiates, their hometowns and major fields
of study are:

     Rocco P. Ambrose, psychology, Margaret Saunier, mathematics,
and Robert E. Stickel Jr., physics, all of Lexington. Kenneth H.
Ashby Jr., Hopkinsville, sociology; Cindy S. Bloch, Medina, Ohio,
economics and journalism; Mary T. Davis, Winchester, history;
Jeffrey Allen Boecker, urban studies; William Ladusaw, linguistics;
David Loy, psychology, and Mary Lynne Osterholt, French graduate
student, all of Louisville. Dorothy R. Dean, Pewee Valley, mathe-
matics and computer science; Debby Z. Dempsey, Cold Spring, botany;
Anne W. Domeck, Prospect, psychology; Raymond Lee Easton, Ashland,
philosophy; Lois Fugate, Catlettsburg, linguistics; Barbara Holland,
Mississippi State, Miss., communications; Robert W. Jewett, Basking
Ridge, N.J., history; Roy McNeill Jr., Ludlow, philosophy.

     John A. Miller, Frankfort, political science; Steve H. Murdock,
Milnor, N. Dak., sociology graduate student; Keith Ewan Pope, Loyall,
computer science; David Michael Sproull, Houston, Tex., political
science; Susan Tomasky, Morgantown, W. Va., political communications;
John R. White, Marion, pre-med; Robert B. Wooley, Paducah, biology,
and Earl V. Mullins, Lebanon, English.


     While many institutions report a decline in enrollment of
foreign students this year from that of previous years, the Univer-
sity has gained. Last year there were 400 on campus, this year
there are 450.

     Several committees and agencies on campus deal with the students.
The International Student Office in the Human Relations Center is
concerned with all aspects of international students' experiences on
campus except the academic aspect, although the office maintains
liaison with the faculty in dealing with problems not neatly divi-
sible into academic and non-academic segments.

     The office provides a meeting place for the students; counseling
on personal, financial and immigration problems; assists in providing
housing, orientation to student life, and introduction to the larger
Lexington and other communities.




     A moot court team representing the College of Law finished third
in the National Moot Court finals in New York City at the annual com-
petition held early in December.

     The competition is designed to provide courtroom experience to
students, who brief a complex legal problem and then argue the case
before a bench of lawyers and judges. Members of the team are select-
ed through competition in the law school, where final arguments are
judged by members of the Kentucky Court of Appeals.

     Members of the University team in New York were John T. Reed,
Fulton, Ralph T. McDermott, Covington, and J. Gregg Clendenin,
Lexington, all seniors.


     The Livestock Judging Team has been named the best in the South-
eastern Conference, concluding one of its most successful seasons in
history. The team was seventh among 34 schools in the National Inter-
collegiate contest held in Chicago, and did well in other competition.

     Team members were: Buster Hayslett, Burgin; Robert Botkin, Lex-
ington; Charles Conner, Cynthiana; Edward Stack, Guthrie; Dale Stith,
Guston; Rodney Kelley, Georgetown; Richard Caple, Louisville, and
Doug Cooper, coach.


     The Department of Political Science ranks second in the number
of research articles by faculty members published in major political
science journals during the last five years.

     Political science faculty members have published 25  articles
in the major journals, only one article less than political scien-
tists at the University of Wisconsin, says Dr. Bradley Canon, de-
partment chairman. One-half denotes a jointly-written article, each
author receiving credit for a half.

     The faculty is two articles ahead of the faculty of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, which ranked third, and which has been prolific in
the past.  The journals are "Polity," "Journal of Politics," "Ameri-
can Journal of Political Science," "American Political Science Review,"
and "Western Political Science Quarterly." Other universities in the
top ten are Florida State, Georgia, California at Berkeley, Michigan
State, Iowa, Ohio State and Stanford.


- 3


     The Institute for Mining and Mineral Research, now in its fourth
year, is gaining national prominence in its coal research activities,
despite the fact it has no full-time staff and no office of its own.
It is housed in the College of Engineering and involves twelve pro-
fessors who have been meeting monthly to discuss advances in coal re-
search but who have individual projects of their own underway.

     The institute is being recognized as one of five such facilities
in the nation that are prepared to focus on research leading to
solutions in the current national energy crisis. Directed by Dean
James E. Funk, the institute received its first encouragement in 1970
when the state appropriated $200,000 for five major projects, includ-
ing geologic and economic studies, work on the desulfurization of
coal, and liquefaction research. Last October, the National Science
Foundation approved a two-year study on producing synthetic oil from
coal, and Governor Ford has proposed a $4 million facility for the
institute and additional money for support programs in the coal re-
search field.

     Research in the future will be interdisciplinary, although
engineers presently dominate the institute.


     A study to determine whether people can be encouraged to reduce
their use of energy was expected to begin this month under the direc-
tion of Dr. Michael T. Nietzel and Dr. Richard A. Winett, both psy-

     They hope to solicit the cooperation of about 50 families in
Lexington and Fayette county, studying their reaction to voluntary
reduction of energy use, penalties for excessive use, and incentives
for reduced use of energy. These are considered alternatives to
rationing. Another part of the study involves mailing a survey
questionnaire to 300 families asking their opinion on reducing fuel

     Dr. Nietzel said, "If you demonstrate to people that they can do
things more efficiently, they may continue to do them that way."


     The Somerset Community College Intercollegiate Debate Team parti-
cipated in four University level tournaments last semester. At More-
head University, they won two of six matches; at Tennessee Wesleyan,
they won six to ten matches; at Marshall University they won eight of
12 matches, placing third, and at Western Kentucky University, they
won ten of sixteen matches. In University competition the team has a
winning first semester season of 26 wins and 17 losses. Plans are
being made to send the team to Junior College Nationals.


- 4


     Swing shift workers in area industries are enabled to attend
college classes with no loss of work time under a new arrangement
set up for the spring semester at Paducah Community College. Blocks
of time for classes are allotted twice a day, two days a week
(morning and evening sessions). This allows persons working day
shifts to meet the class in the evening and persons working afternoon
shifts to meet in the morning. Those working midnight shifts could
attend either class. In case of necessary absence caused by a change
in work hours, the student can meet the class in another time slot
with no loss of class contact because the blocked classes will be
taught by the same instructor and the same subject will be covered.

     Each class will require three hours of participation each week
and provide the student three hours' college credit.


     Charles Landrum Jr., Lexington attorney and civic leader, has
been elected president of the Alumni Association for 1974. Landrum,
a senior partner in the law firm of Landrum, Patterson and Dickey,
received a bachelor of laws degree here in 1942. He succeeds W. Hugh
Adcock of Atlanta, Ga., as president of the association.

     Mrs. Joe F. Morris, Lexington, was reelected treasurer, and
Edward Jay Brumfield, director of alumni affairs, was reelected as
secretary. Mrs. Morris, the former Jane Irvin, is a 1938 graduate.
She has been a member of the association's board of directors since

     Hopkinsville Mayor George L. Atkins Jr., a 1963 graduate, was
elected vice president. He also is serving his second year as
National Membership Chairman of the association.

     There are approximately 53,000 living alumni of the University.
About 14,000 alumni are active members of the association.


     The aim of the Kentucky January project, which this month sent
170 students to 27 locations throughout the state, is to mingle
students from different health fields among professionals in all health
fields. The unique program, the only one of its kind in the country,
functions as a three hour course in the College of Allied Health Pro-
fessions. In addition to providing insight into all phases of the
health care program, the project provides smaller hospitals and clinics
a chance for consultation with the faculty members who accompany the
student teams to the field.


- 5 -


     Although two grants were reduced during November and December
by $327,000, the increase in research grants through the University
Research Foundation since October amount to $558,064. Total awards
since July now stand at $12,306,958.43.


     Office of the Dean--C. 0. Little, Develop, Install and Make
Operational an Automatic Weather Data-Logging Station, U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce, $9,000. Agricultural Economics--K. R. Anschel,
Design, Implementation of a Special Recruitment Plan, Action A&F/
Small Purchases Branch, $400. Agricultural Engineering--G. W. Stokes,
Agricultural Engineering Research, American Society of Agricultural
Engineering, $2,800 additional. J. N. Walker, Environment in Green-
house Associated With Strip Mine Benches and/or Deep Mines, Kentucky
Surface Mining and Reclamation Association, Gro-Master Gilts, Inc.
and Sto-Cote Products, Inc., $2,000 additional. Agronomy--N. L. Tay-
lor, Framers Forage Cooperative, Schempp Bros. and Lawrence Omlin,
$1,237,50 additional. Animal Science--J. H. Drudge, Controlled Re-
lease Formulations of Trichlorfon in the Horse, Fort Dodge Labora-
tories, $1,500. Entomology--D. I. Dahlman, Canavanine Biotoxicity
in Anthropods, BSSG General Research Support Branch-Division of Re-
search Resources, NIH, $500. R. Thurston, Tobacco, Corn and Alfalfa
With Cyanamid Insecticides, American Cyanamid Co., $1,500. Plant
Pathology--M. R. Siegel and R. Couch, Reactions of the Fungicide
Captan With Purified Histones, DNA and Nuclear Components From Iso-
lated Rate Liver Nuclei, NIH, $1,000. Cooperative Extension Service--
J. L. Ragland and D. A. Tichenor, Rural Manpower Services, Somerset
Employment Office, Kentucky Department for Human Resources, $37,803.


     Anthropology--L. F. Duffield, Survey Projects in Various Counties,
U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, $9,800. Chemistry--R. W. Kiser,
Analyzing Samples by Mass Spectroscopy, IBM, $1,000.


     Office of Business Development and Government Services--M. Hack-
bart, Local Government Personnel Management Training Program, U.S.
Civil Service Commission through Kentucky Department of Personnel,
$2,000 additional. C. Hultman, Black Lung Compensation, Kentucky De-
partment of Labor, $2,700. H. K. Charlesworth, Technical Assistance
to Business, EDA/U.S. Department of Commerce, $27,250 additional. M.
Hackbart, Evaluate Present and Alternative Policies Regarding Invest-
ment of State Cash Balances, Kentucky Office of Policy and Management,
$15,750. N. Willard and D. Victor, Commissioner of Bureau of Manpower,
Department for Human Resources, $78,437.50.


     Curriculum and Instruction--D. Arnold, Flexible Scheduling Pro-
ject, Pendleton County Board of Education/Carroll County Board of
Education, $1,500 additional. Special Education--J. Tawney, Develop-
ment and Curriculum Development and Dissemination for MR Children
(Teacher, Tutor Portion), U.S. Department of Education, $100,486.


- 6

J. Tawney, Development MR Children (Research Portion), U.S.D.E.,


     Chemical Engineering--R. B. Grieves, Membrane Ultrafiltration
to Treat Non-Sanitary Military Wastes, U.S. Army, $48,568 additional.
Civil Engineering--J. G. Rose, Testing and Evaluation of Concrete,
Proctor and Gamble Company, $400. Electrical Engineering--E. L.
Steele, Inter-Systems Communications Electronics, U.S. Air Force,
$17,480 additional. Mechanical Engineering--J. F. Lafferty, Mechani-
cal Etiology of Spondylolysis, Veterans Administration, $11,225.
Office of Research & Engineering Services--R. E. Puckett, Use of
Digital Computer, Fuller, Mossbarger and Scott, $500 additional.


     S. Shenkar, Project Open Door, Kentucky Department of Mental
Health, $20,400 additional. E. F. Witte, Curriculum Development of
Doctoral Degree in Criminal Justice, Crime Commission, Department of
Justice, $37,000.


     Department of Social Services--N. Smith, Miscellaneous, S. C.
Bohanan, Ruth R. Miller, $85 additional.


     Civil Defense--W. Berry, Civil Defense Program, U.S. Department
of the Army, $7,250.


     J. W. Crouch and B. F. Denbo, Publication of "Women in the
Medieval Spanish Epic and Lyric Traditions," Louisiana State Univer-
sity in New Orleans, $1,000.


     E. Hebbeler, O.V.R.M. Program, Regional Medical Programs Service,
Health Services and MHA, $25,434 additional. E. Hebbeler, O.V.R.M.
Program, Regional Medical Programs Service, Health Services and Mental
Health Administration, $326,826 reduction due to error.


     Office of the Dean--W. S. Jordan, College Alumni Association-Fund,
Miscellaneous, $45 additional. F. Lemon, Continuing Education Develop-
ment Fund, Miscellaneous, $8,665 additional. J. Wolff and D. Stuckey,
Appalachian Kentucky Health Manpower Service, National Health Council,
$21,959. Community Medicine--A. Benenson, Field Professor for Buffalo
Trace and Gateway Regions, Health Development Association of North-
eastern Kentucky, Inc., $48,851. M. Vandiviere, Herman Huempfner
Research Fund, Miscellaneous, $30 additional. Medicine--W. E. Bullock,
In Vivo Studies of Delayed Hypersensitivity in Leprosy, National Insti-
tutes of Health, $58,080. B. Surawicz, Cardiology Symposium, Miscel-
laneous, $2,000 additional. J. W. Hollingsworth, Post-Doctoral


- 7 -

Fellowship, Kentucky Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, $4,500
additional. P. Madelstam, Gastro-Intestinal Research Fund, Smith,
Kline, and French, $5,000 additional. E. Rees, Phase III Clinical
Study of MK-185, Merck, Sharp and Dohme, $2,500 additional.
Obstetrics and Gynecology--J. Greene, OB-GYN Fund, Miscellaneous,
$3,150 additional.  Pediatrics--W. Wheeler, Resident's Fund, Fayette
County Children's Bureau, $150 additional. B. Wolf, Chil