xt702v2cc264 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cc264/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1979 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, May 1979 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, May 1979 1979 1979 2022 true xt702v2cc264 section xt702v2cc264   

GOV’T. Pile. til-in:
AUG 8‘ ‘1979


MAY 1979








This year the 44th“ Annual
Kentucky Jaycee State Con-
ventibn Center in Louisville.
The event, was attended by
over 1000 very enthusiastic
‘Jaycees from all over the state
of Kentucky.


. O

. o


Viewingl'theawardsreceiVedat the State J aycee Convention are form left to right: Jim Lewis;


‘ Jim Maynard~,‘President of the Bluegrass Jaycees; William Seabold, Superintendent of the
Blackburn Correctional Complex; Tom Turner and Mike ODea, Associate Superintendent at


r JailhouseRock " 1

“Jailhouse Rock” was the

theme for- the Memorial Day?

weekend festivities. During
_ this“ weekend '(May 27),
’ WLRS-102 FM Radio Station

presented two» rock bands for

Our entertainment.

‘ Our- host, John Simon of
WLRS, introducedthe bands.
. Mr. Simon is a disc-jockey at
WLRS. His showis aired from
10:00a.m., until 2:00'p.m. He
also recorded this show—The

Jailhouse Rock—for a, future I

" f-‘te‘lecast on WLRS. It is almost

ninety-five percent (95 %) cer-
. taing' that the show Will, be
'.,,.played in its entirety, accord-

1. ingto Mr. Simon. '

' “Rapid Fire.j’ th'e firsthand

’ . to! performpis? frOm Indiana. '
, ; ' ' This. five-piece band plays the .
.f 1’ latest in} “hard reck." They
'playéd 'fi-yariety Of'rdck music ,


7 By Kenny Hayes, KSR

even the. old rock and roll
artists Were reborn for this
show Withtheir yellow “Jail-
house Rock tee-shirts’v’ they
gave a show that the residents
will remember for a long time.

“Riff-Raf a band, from
the Louisville area, also played
modern rock with a taste of

'rock and roll. These four.

musicians stole the hearts of
the majority of residents. They
played the latest in rock, but

' 't. ,ey made everyone feel that

this is their music. Their
musicwas understanding. and

meaningful. It was as if they'

were one of us. It wasa

The Bands. “Rapid Fire”
and “Riff-Raff," combined
their musical equipment of 12

channel stereo into a two
I channel stereo.‘ . The jailhouse

rock tee-shirts were supplied
by the radio station. 'It' took
many hours of_ work and
practice by the band as well-as
the radio station personnel to
create this show for us l‘ere at
La Grange.

The news media had cover-
age. of this concert“ WAV‘E
Television sent a camera fob
its news telecast. A reporter
for the Courier-Journal 'was
also present. This coverage
was arranged by WLRS.

Mr. Simon wishes to ex-
press his thanks fo Steve

Smith and Wiley Wilson for ’

making this concert possible.
He wishes to express his
utmost gratitude to'those resi-
dents that cheered the contest
into a very successful. event.
He'has plans for another con-
cert in the near future.


The convention centered ar-

Ound a hotly contested race for
President of the Kentucky
.Iaycees for the coming year.

: . m is...iamlgfll’fiQQQ-q



«he floor?" Mike Fisher ofzthe '
‘ Pendleton County [Jaycees tinf-
ally beat Jim Seraphine of the

_ Buechel-Fern Creek Jaycees.

.At the awards banquet held

in the Belle Hall. the Bluegrass
Jay'cees received 17 awards
including four first place CPG






Attend State Meet ,‘

Awards for programs spon-
sored by the Bluegrass Jay-
cees during the past year.
They received first place a-
wards for programs in public
relations, chapter fundraising,‘
human improvement and cha-

, pter activities.

Bluegrass also received a

second place award for 'its

Criminal Justice Program.
The first, place CPG’s were

t‘llengmsent .towth‘e , National -


‘C 0n ve mnTlWa‘shvlll,
neSs'ee t'o'l-be judged;


”Attending. the State c5h4.‘93-

vention representing the Blu-
egrass},Jaycees were ‘Jim.

Maynard-President, . Phil Mil-

ler, Jim Lewis,’ Bill Bowers
and 0 Tom _ Turner.


By w. a. Rudy, KSR

Under the leadership of_-
KSR Recreation Director, Mr.
W. Wilson, and resident in-
structor, W. G. Rudy, the KSR
tennis classes and intramural
tennis program cleared their
first obstacle. the inclement
weather, and got off to a very
exciting and impressive start.

In the tennis classes. the

attending residents are taught ‘

the basics of tennis play: the

forehand stroke, backhand

stroke, serve and lob, rather,
than play and game strategy. -

In the advanced seeded
position, and because of the
non-existence of a KSR varisty
team,‘ the top seeded players
are as follows in alphabetical
order: R. Bishop, C. Cook, D.
Elliott, K. Forley," Forid L.
Hamilton, J. Horpring, ' C.
Harrison, K. Hayes, C.
Kimbrough, L. Lenston, B.
Longest, J. Matthews. J.
Pickney, R. Pilon, W. Rudy,
G. Taylor and C. Vandyke.

In the intramural tennis
league, there are three

teams—“The Balls” coached
by”W. Rudy, “The Nets”
coached by K.’ Hayes and
“The Rockets” coached by L.
Lenston. In the first figame of
the‘season, The Nets were
pitted against The Rockets. In
the singles matches, J.
Horpring defeated The Nets’
K. ‘ Forley 6,-0, 6-1. C.
Kimbrough of The Rockets
defeated L. Hamilton of The
Nets 1-6, 6-3, 6-4. In the
doubles «matches, The Nets-
K. Hayes and'Lr Hamilton
defeated The Rockets’ B'.
Longest and R. 1Pilon'6-0, 6-2.

In the second match of the
season, 4 The Balls’ J.
MattheWs defeated J. Pickney
of TheNets 3-6, 6-3, 7-5. R.
Bishop of The Balls, defeated
'K. Forley 6-3, 7-5. D. Elliott of
The Balls, defeated [Lt-{Hayes
6-‘4, ‘6-4; G. 'Taylor of The
Balls, defeated 'L. Hamilton,

6-2, 6-4. In the doubles, K. -

Hayes and- L. Hamilton of The
Nets, defeated W- Rudy and
G. Taylor, 76-12,“6-3. ..

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Page 2-- The INTER-PRISON PRESS-- May 1979



Kentucky State Penitentiary........................_....................795
Kentucky State Reformatory 1952
.- ‘ ' Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women..................... .103

I wish I cauld Manipulate my ' ' HOPE . Blackburn Correctional Cemplex............................... .214
, >— : - intellect, so I could use.mysel.f , Bell County Forestry Camp u..........u_-un...."nun-nu... .........()7
‘1. Like I try to use other people _ ByJeffery Gains, KSR Harlan County Forestry Camp 35

I By Harry Elliot, K SR

Daniel Boone Career Development Center 32
Frankfort Career Development Center 86

. And then maybe my inertia ' _ ' . v . . _
eeetettty tsetse W, est . Through the fortresses of test - Xiséfiizéitii‘fi‘zfiiflififi‘fff:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.‘§3
I could stop being ambiguous And the blockades of sin, - . ‘ ,
Like everyone else, and drop ' - I exist, TOTAL 3556

These images, and recapture self . Under the scum and torment V ' *
' , ' 0f life I dwell,


7 When .I recapture self, I’m - -. Death eats at me, .
" goin to make wisdon my wife, And sorrow darkens me, ' ' ‘ '
and knowledge my most intimate ' Yet life exercises me, ' GIVE ALL YOUHA VE
friend, and understanding my closest - ‘ And time strengthens me, , ' . .
11'» » ~ . 1 live off that dim light, ~ Barry V- Williams 1 _
.. a ' W _ - _ . That shines through your lives, 1 ‘ v ‘ ' ', e
".55.: '. I want to lose egoism 1 ' I am the last retreat,‘ " .
' and learn altruism, I know '_ I am hope. The world owes man nothing, a \
‘ ' it’ s going to be hard for me 4 , ' It’s earth that doth request; ' .
To drop my ethics, and deny ‘ , 0f man when life is over '
myself,‘ but God wants everyone ' His body made of flesh

, to be affinitive and recepture self. . .
'9 ' . . _ ' v . . . Give all you ahve of life to give,
' V ' But of this world take naught,-
It’s follies or its wisdoms '
Or in hell your soul .is bought."

e . By C Raymond Beran, KSR / Life in this world 15 merely a state,
' ' ' ' ' To gain your wits-to contemplate;

To choose to live eternally, , ‘

' Wh ts r d?I llt ll .It th h d t b
1 a 1 a f1en w1 e you 1s a person w1 w om you are 0 e 0r answer satan’ s fa te.

, , yourself. Your soul can be naked with him. He seems to ask of you to
’4 . put

' you nothing, only to be what you are. He does not want at ve better or

-, worse. When you a ' ‘ you feel as apris ner feels wh‘ ha"

God created all but man makes h1mself~

I By how he thinks-he man1fests;
~- re? -;-~ . 1fe

His days of rest and nights of strife.





1 . _, ,declared 1nnoeertt¢tty it“??? we" o‘e on your gaur. You can say
' what you think, so long. as it’s genuinelyyou, he understands those
contradictions 1n your nature to lead others to misjudge you.- With him
you breathe freely,- you can avow your life vanities and envies and hates
, . and vicious sparks, your meannesses and absurdities, and 1n opening ,
" . them up to him, they are lost, dissolved on the white ocean of h1s loyalty
‘He understands. Ybu do not have to be careful. You can abuse him,
, neglect him, tolerate him, Best of all, you can keep still with him. It
' " {"elmakes no matter, he likes you-He is like fire that purges to the bone;
He understands.- You can weep with him, sin with him, laugh with him.
’ {pray with him. Through it all- and underneath-he sees, knows and
laves you. A friend? What'1s a Friend? Just one, I repeat, with whom
“ ‘ “you can be yourself.

Pass through this realm unscaved,
, Be consciously aware unslaved,-
_ ”Free now your mind-be 'pOssitive,
' ' To never takee always give..,. .e . _ "
4 1‘ Your all-and all depends on you, . . . ., A,
’ " -‘ T 0 live or die-or to exsist; ’ ' \ ' ,
Your proving ground-your thought-your thought


It’ s of your mind that Christ will look,
To find 1f you are written in the book,
‘ The book of life which tells the story,
0f your great fall or rise to glory

t-i‘k'“ .,

vrrvl 1 rr" (1 rrr'ut'rinr‘u

111 . ~ - 1 1 ,
11"1'7 11 1,111.1'111l111111JJ41 J1l'1l'1ll'1'lr1'1 11 111111

'J'L'l '1 '1l'1l1'

the hut-city .



._ - GA YDWYER ‘
, Public Education Services Manager .' '

The KENTUCKY INTER- PRISON PRESS, a monthly publication of I . ' ‘ei
the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky, 40601, is . ‘ '
produced by and for residents of the 11 correctional institutions of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views expressed in this,
publication are not necessarily those of the Kentucky Bureau of
Corrections. Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the
proper credit is given. All correspondence and Forms 3579 should

. , be directed to the Public Education Services Manager, Bureau of

s ' Corrections, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. Second Class postage
rates paid at Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601.

. , , , p . ‘ » performers.

,. , . ' . USPS 011170 ~ ,. . . E] -


7“,, .‘-.. r... 1 , .. .-«-
l ”111'1“ 1 JI‘."11.1L1\I 1,11..1'1."-1"1l'.t1"1l'1. ,' .‘,1'..‘ .1'1 "KJ'. ’.'1".'-'


 . members i of




by Jeffery Gains

. All things that don’t seem right or comfortable,
Stem From ignorance,

Or the extent of being the unknown factors,

. .The Old adage fear of the unknown,
Yet lastbut not least there is also fear
0f the known factors,
All we seem to find is temporary relief,
No absolutes in this world as we know
It at the present,

' All we can do is to seek the temporaries
In the world as 'we know it,

But the aim is to find the absolute solution,

T 0 all stress problems,

To find it in the world as we know it
Seems an impossible task, .
But to find it is really bur every striving endeavor,
To perfect the pie, the only real logic,
Perhaps to put all the temporaries together in a collect sense,
Is the real answer, ' ‘
And the stepping stone pathway to perfected pie,

Is first to philosophize and continueto seek,

.For out of the seeker,

- Surely comes the temporary perfections,
And he who continues to seek,
This absolute Elysium, ’

Shall surely one day 'be part of it, .
And his contribution to the absolute perfection,

The ’measureIof his position in it.


- Flrst AUCllO-VISUCll Talent Contest


~‘B’y'KeminyayengSR7‘5. : -

. Theo Simm6ns L and the,
Audio Visual Club presented
- ' their first Annual Audio .-Visual.

Talent Contest on April 28.
The contest consisted of three

categories: Country & .Westi'f ’
and Reck, andi’”

. ern, Pop
I Rhythm and Blues.

The background music was”:

. provided ' by
-‘: Mighty” and ' ‘-‘ Function’
“Mighty- -Mighty” opened the

, ~s‘h6w with three instrument.
...Ials—“For the Love of You;I”'
”If “ReaSOns” and “That’s the.
,"~-.Way of the World” After
*- , these selections, the Master of "
" I' -'-i-‘ Ceremonies,
II ~-:wasintroduced. He 1ntroduced
the'members of

George Jones,


-',-"M'igh,ty’_’.~, [Billy ’J'acksOn on

saxaphone,"’Marion Caldwell"

_ I. ‘on bass, Henry Robinson on
drums, Junior Pence on gui-
tar, Richard Penick on bass,
James Maddox on trumpet,

'1 ‘William Stanford on trom-'
bane, and Nippy Jones on
guitar. ’

Jones then ’ introduced the
. “Function,” .
Milton “Too Tall,” Ray, Eddie

' 1 Chandler and Mike Killebrew. .
"Something Old, Something
V'NeW” and “Float On”; were -
"'5twO of the music numbers ..

performed by “Function.’
, The; band,‘ using Bobby.
.. Caldwell’ s theme '

'pr'IeSented‘ - I
. Campbell. He sang, “Johnnie

"“IB'randy.’ ’
“Ain’t Gonna Hurt Nobody to -
"Get on Down”
-Roy...Bray did his version of '

' .“Reason.”

song, '


brought on the Emcee to?“
. 9» introduce the judges. The five
judges were Ralph Brannon,

“w'BilI Longest, Paul Brittenine, "‘-
and Robert
_'Gordon. - .

The first song in the Court-

Sam ElworthI

try and Western category was
by -' Lonnie

Be ‘Good.” As the only con-
testant in the Country ;and
Western category, he was

named the winner. The second -
. act, which was in the Pop and

- Rock category, was made up of
" four talented groups.

York. did his version of the

’ instrumental of “Pipe Time.’
Lonnie Campbell sang “Run-

aWay. ” Mike Cauthen’ s band

I». played “Dancing Days.” Nicki

Gann's own version of “The
Other Side” was the last song.
The «winner was Mike
Cauthen’s band. 1 The band
members were Shot Jackson,
Mike Trumbell, Mike Coffee
and Junior Pence; Nick Gann

I received Second, place in this

The third category was the

.Rhythm and Blues section.
' ‘This' also V
- disco This'category was com- .
posed of ten musical acts.

included modern

Larry Franklin sang

Paul Neblitt did
and “Easy.”

Albert Combs
‘Skin Tight.” Marshall
Smith was next with “Always


”and’Forev‘er.’ V
ed by James Easley. He sang, ’

,. “Back 1n Love Again,”

_ Baby

. key, Theo


a disco
hit Sie Edwards sang,
,.is“I5‘ ..Gone.” Ike
Anderson’s. versionof “Knock
on . wood” and

the category.
‘The winner in the disco

. category was James. Easley

with “Back in Love Again.”
The second place "recipient
was Paul Neblitt with “Ain’t
Gonna jHurt Nobody to Get on

, Down." In Rhythm and Blues,

the winner was Roy Bray with
his outstanding song, “Rea-
son." Again _Paul Neblitt was
the runner-up with “Easy.”

To end the show on a good

“Function” did their version

‘of “Keep Your Head to the

Sky.” The Audio Visual Club-
would like to give special
thanks to the guys who parti-
cipated in the Contest. Without
them the Audio Visual Club

could not have made it hap- .

pen. They would also like to
extend thanks to the band for
the hard work and patience
that theys howed. They would
like to thank Mr. Wilson, the
Athletic Director, for the use
of the gym and Chaplin Dent
for the use of the c t’urch 5
public address equipment.
And thanks to the people that
came to the show, without
it could never have

”'Hewas follow-
‘ ‘My I

“Ain’t. No.
. Sunshine” was the last act in

Simmons and ‘

The INTER-PRISON PRESS-~ May 1979-‘Page3 ‘j [I ‘

Kenny .Hoyes'.


Magnificent sevengI>>"

Do all the good you can,

by all . the means you can,
in all the ways you can,

in all the places you can,

at all the times you can,

to all the people you can

as long as ever you can—

John Wesley [1703-1791]

I had the opportunity to
observe the game of basket-
ball now in progress here at
Kentucky State Reformatory. I
decided to write this article
about seven basketball players
with a remarkable and smooth
game. -

With some difficulty, I
chose seven basketball players

‘ from the many talented play-

ers here. I chose these seven
because each contributed
something different to the
game as well as they are just
“too tough.”
A good place to start is with

the shooters or scorers. The

three that I chose can make or
break any. gamnze If either one
is “hot” or ’he Will blow
a team right out of the gym.

Julius Pickney, a quick and

w:1‘ ~-

shot. creates a commotion
among defensive players. He:

will carry a defensiveaman _‘.‘t0,-7

the hoop.” 0n the, court'thef
fellows call him- "‘Doctor‘

With his smooth and fluid”
jump shot, Mike Mundy would

be my clutch man. I would
want him to take the deciding

_ shot; whether I was ahead by

one or behind by one; He has
excellent body control. This is
one reason that he is so
effective. He is a great power
guard. 'With his “Downtown”
jump shot, his friends, 'call
him “Star. ”

George Gervin is GeOrge
Gervin, but Brent Crisp' 15 our

George Gervin. This young, .

quick, tough and marvelous
basketball player has so many

moves that he keeps them 1n 3. *

trick bag. Sometimes, he even

surprises himself. The best _
thing about his game is that he- -

is left-handed with a terrifying
slam dunk. Besides being a

consistent soorer,‘ he can re-’ ,
bound and' pass. He . is a

complete ball player.

All magic, it goes without
saying, is illusion. The effect"
of the illusion is how it appears. '
to the audience. Of the great ,
ones, and I would be lying if I.

didn’t include Eugene Strong I,
“Tragic Magic” is the-ulti-

' mate-entertainer. This'player

whom I considerto be one of

the best passers at La Grange .

. «.__ oe . " * ”the. gut-3*

‘ . side will hurt“ a team’ s morale f " .
’ badly. He is so deminant. and . “ . .I
aggressive that his outside

-..._..§._tl‘0n , powerful



is very flexible. His passes are,
not impossible, but the'yrun a '
very close second. _We; named ‘

him after “Magic Johnson’

Tragic or magic—the ball is

his toy.

“Shake and Bake" is not
- the food commercial that we __

see on television. Ifirst heard
the term “Shake and Bake”'in
the gym last summer. “Shake
and Bake" is not just a term.

It is a terminology. IROg'er
Baily IS so fluid with his passes
that he shakes up his oppon-

ents. Yet we do notcall him .

“Shake and Bake" for his
passes alone. The slam dunk.
is his deadly .weapon'JI‘I 'Two
reasons for his dundv game
being exceptional arethat he
slams nasty andihard. He

slams without regard for size, ‘I
talent, or misunderstanding of ,

his defensive player’s judg-
ment. It is _aIWays amazing to
watch him perform;

I have obServed this play-I”.'

‘er’_ 5 game With many different

' , thoughts. I finally came to the

Conclusion that he has'a
conservative game. He has a



He plays a small center, but he

' is really a power forward. His ~

favoriteshot' is the hook, but
he would rather slam on his

opponent. His friends call him
" “Too Tall", but his name is

Milton Ray. I
' “The. Intimidator” is the
only word that I can use to

. describe “Big Tom Payne.”

He is so big and awesome in
'the‘ middle that he makes a
player‘give him "the .ball. He
'will block a shot from any-

, where He destroys an inside

game, but he has one small

problem. He has a tendency to‘
reject a. shot so hard that the‘

ball goes out of bounds.
Besides he slams Ivery hard—
too hard. :He loves to catch a

ball in from of the rim and

.slam it. I am expecting him to
-, pull a ball apart on a Irebbund

.. someday.

Our basketball program he-

"re at La Grange, has many, ,

good and talantedI players. I
am sorry that I could not write
about each and everyone. Yet,
I chose these seven because
their games are liked and

respeCted So, IIIhope that each .
, ' player keeps on with the
things that works for his ~

, personal game and his team.
We all have desires to win

every game or we would not be . . '

‘I‘playingwith a purpose.” 1


and inside,

. P
.. .. ‘lrebounds, he passes audif- _
'[j ,w1thlifi his comb1nat1on of .reI-I_
"bounds and passes, II he .
ways leading a fast breaks.

.. « 1;

















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_Te yet/R _' .
Fanny 0R mums “