xt702v2cc16k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cc16k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1952-03-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 10, 1952 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 10, 1952 1952 1952-03-10 2020 true xt702v2cc16k section xt702v2cc16k  



















Minutes 3: the Universitpraculti, March lg. 1252

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
March 10, at 4:00 p.m.

President Donovan presided. Members absent were

H. P. Adams”. C. A. Anderson, James 3. Calvin, Frank G. Dickey, w. P. Garrigug,

J. P. Hammond, Ellis Hartford, R. D. Hawkins. Elizabeth Helton, A. C. McFarlan,-

Edward Rannells. D. M. Seath, A. E. Slesser. Robert H. Smith, D. V. Terrell,
Lawrence Thompson’, Martin E. Weeks and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of February 11 were read and approved.

Dean White presented recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences
which were approved by the University Faculty.



‘Absence explained


A. & P. 117 - Physiological Effects 22 Radiation »(2)
General bhflogical effects of external radiation, tracer methodology,
total body irradiation, health physics, and medical uses of radio-
active isotopes. Lectures and recitations, fifteen hours per week
for two weeks.


Bot. 136 - Introduction to Radiation Botany (2)
The effects of ionizing radiation on plants; the production of gene
mutations and chromosome aberrations; the use of isotopes in study-
ing plant processes. Lectures and recitations. fifteen hours per
week for two weeks.


Zool. 125 9 Principles gi Radiation Zoology, (2)
The effects of ionizing and energy rays on tissues and organismic
processes. Inactivation and recovery, pathology, death. shielding,
irradiation and embryological processes. Uses of unstable isotopes.
Lectures and recitations, fifteen hours per week for two weeks.


Chem. 100 , Introduction 33 Radiochemistry v(2)
A nonetechnical introductory course in the principles and applica»
tions of radiochemistry. Open to persons without previous train—
ing in chemistry. Lectures and recitations. fifteen hours per
week for two weeks. Summer 1952 only.

Physics 151 9 Radiation Physics (2)
A survey course for general students covering the physical basis.
detection. and physical properties of atomic and nuclear radiae
tions. No prior training in physics required. Lectures and
recitations. fifteen hours per week for two weeks. Summer 1952


Bot. 34 m Cytogenetics (2)
Anthro. 10a, b a Field Work g2 Anthropology (3, 3)

Anthro. 110a, b a Field Methods in Anthropology (3. 3)
Hist. 30 1 The Rise 3; American Nationality_ (3)

Hist. 176 » France Since 1870 (3)

Hist. 177 5 Germany Since 1870 (3)

Hist. 178 a The Balkan Peninsula (3)

R. L. 12 a AuraleOral Practice in French (1)

R. L. 14 a AuraIBOral Practice 33 Spanish (1)







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n I

Minutes 3; the University Faculty, Mgggh'lQ, 1252

1. All Army ROTC students:

March 24th, Ninth and tenth hours (Brigade Parade).
April 16th. Ninth and tenth hours (Federal Inspection).

2. Physical Education 61:

March 17th, 18th. and 19th (visit schools and recreation centers
in Cincinnati and attend Midwest Convention of the American As-
sociation for Health. Physical Education. and Recreation).

3, Physical Education 18;

March 12. beginning with eighth hour, through March 13th (present
a program on the Modern Dance at the Assembly of Morehead


Dean White also announced that the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
had approved certain recommendations concerning fraternity scholarship and he
moved that these recommendations be referred to the Committee on Rules. The

Faculty so ordered.

In the absence of Dean Terrell. Professor Romanowitz presented recom—
mendations from the College of Engineering concerning new and dropped courses
and changes in courses which were approved by the University Faculty.

Changg in Title and Prerequisites:

Change the title of Mining Engineering 131 from Mine Surveying to
Mine Surveying Practice. Add to the present prerequisites Mining

Engineering 1263.
New Courses 32 he added;

Mechanical Engineering £31. Motion and Time Study. 3 com. hrs.
Principles and uses of motion economy and fundamentals of time
study. Lecture and recitation. three hours. Prerequisite:

Mech. Eng. 15b.

Mechanical Engineering l38. Production Engineering. 3 sem. hrs.
Scheduling. routing. material control. quality control. and problems
in engineering economy. Lecture and recitation. three hours.

Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 137.

Mechanical Engineering 132. Plant Layout. 3 sem. hrs.
Selection of processes and machines. material handling systems.
and plant requirements. Lecture. two hours; drawing room, three

hours. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 138.

Mechanical Engineering_l4la, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
{31 Buildings. 3 son. hrs.

A course for Architectural Engineers.
supply. plumbing and drainage. air conditio
ment, lighting. and acoustics are studied.
three hours. Prerequisite: Phys. 3b.

The principles of water
ning. electrical equip-
Lecture and recitation.






























v- A mime .7



























Minutes gi the University Faculty. March lg! 1952

for Buildings. 3 sem. hrs.
Continuation of Mech. Eng. 141a. Lecture and recitation, three
hours. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 1413.



Mechanical Engineering 141b, Mechanical and Electrical Eguipment



Change 23 Options and Rearranging 3; Curriculum in Mechanical Engineer- figfl.
ing: “

Curriculum leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering

First two years same as in the present catalogue
Air Conditioning

Junior Year same as in present catalogue

Senior Year same as the present Option One with the exception of ade
ding Architectural Engineering C7, Building Construction. 2 semester
hours to the Second Semester of the Senior Year making a total of 21
credits instead of 19.


Aeronautical Engineering


Same as in the present catalogue for all four years.

Industrial Engineering




First §2393t°r Second Semester I
Qgé, rs.
Assam. 4aa—Class Society 0 Assem94beaCIass Society __5
Mech. Eng. 137ewMotion and Mech.Eng. 138eaProduction
Time Study 3 Engineering 3
Applied Mach. ZeaMechanisms 3 Mech.Eng,lOOa~eMachine Design 3 (
Applied Mecho 7~oDynamics 3 Mech.Eng.104beeEngineering
Applied Mech. IOanStrength of Thermodynamics 3 ‘
Materials 4 Mech.Eng.lO7an1uid Mechanics 3 {
Mech. Eng. 104amaEngineering Mecthng.1129aMechanical f
Thermodynamics 3 Laboratory ‘ 2 ‘

Elec. Eng. lOSaanElectrical
Engineering Circuits and

Civ.Eng. BleaTesting Materials

Engineering Circuits and

Civ.Eng.12~aPlane Surveying


#4 4s


>44 ~ \ ,4 r“. . ,A .


WW“; 2;; the University Facultjb March Lg, 1352


First Semester Second Semester

‘ _C_r_§_. Crs.
Assam. San-Class Society 0 Assam. 5bo-Class Society '6-.
Mech.Eng. 139-~Production Mech. Eng. l40--Plant Layout 3
Control 3 Mech. Eng. 108--Internal Combustion
Mech.Eng. lOOb~~Machine Design 3 Engines 3
Mech.Eng. 129anlements of Applied Mach. 107o-Mechanical

heat Transfer 4 Vibrations . 4
Mech.Eng. 113a—~Mechanica1 Mech. Eng. 113b-aMechanical

Laboratory 2 Laboratory 2
Econ. BlesPrinciples of Eng. Adm. 102-»Engineering

Economics 3 Administration 3
SOCiOlOgy 25-nCollective Mech.Eng. 136¢Internal Combustion
Behavior 3 Engine Lab. 1
Mech. Eng. 122aa~Seminar 1 Mach. Eng.l22bueSeminar 1
Math, BEQQDifferential Mech.Eng. l33-oTool Design 3
Equations .___

21 5'0—

Dean Carpenter presented for the College of Commerce a recommendation for
a new course and for course changes which were approved by the University

10 New course:
Commerce 166, Personnel Problems. 2 credits.
A case course in the problems of supervision of employees.
and the personnel policies which promote productive efficiency.

Prerequisite: Econ. 155

2. Change ig.course number:


Change Economics 16 to Economics 167

This is a tutorial work course for Arts and Sciences students
wishing to major in Economics. It will continue to carry 1 hour
of credit.

3. Change in Personnel Management Curriculum:


Remove Economics 112a. b9 and add Economics 166, Personnel

Dean Carpenter also asked permission of the Faculty to make certain substitutions
in the curriculum in Personnel Management which were made necessary by changes in
the courses concernedo These changes would substitute Psychology 128 for Psy-
ch010gy 106. In the CommerceaLaw curriculum he asked to substitute thory 53

and b for History 10a and b. The Faculty approved these changes in the two cur—

Dean Spivey presented for the Graduate Faculty the following names of persons
recommended for honorary degrees, to be conferred at the Commencement on May 30,
































































926 Minutes 2; the Universal weenie. Matchlesggn

Mark Foster Ethridge. LL.D.(renewal invitation) Louis Ware. Sc.D.

Paul Garrett Blazer. LL.D. John E. Brown, LL.D.

Lawrence W. Wetherby. LL.D. David Morton. Litt.D.
Lucius DuBois Clay. LL,D.

He called attention to the necessity for keeping the list confidential until
anproved by the Board of Trustees and accepted by the persons concerned. The
University Faculty voted to recommend these persons to the Board of Trustees
for the degrees indicated.

President Donovan announced that he had received a request from the editor
of the Kernel to he allowed to attend faculty meetings as a renorter° He
stated he had also had a similar request from Mr, R. W. Wilda Director of
Public Relations. After some discussion° the University Faculty approved the
motion that both Mr. Wild and the editor of the Kernel he invited to attend
the meetings of the University Faculty for information but not as reporters.

The Faculty adjourned. ,li

, .\V

1’/’ , I" r

4, 35/ a V
B. L. Tuthill


up , , _n w, _ ~ ,. .. - n - .. ,' ”g on ~. r'r
Linutes .L the Unitel‘31ty Faculty, .Luiil 4.3., $7“:


The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Laffcrty Hall
Monday, April 21, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided Members absent
were H, H, Downing, A. C. McFarlan, L. E. Hoses, Frank D. Peterson, Robert
H. Smith, R. L. Tuthill’, Martin E. Weeks, and Frank J. Welsh, and Col.

C. N. Mount.

The minutes of March 10 were read and approved.

Dr. Donovan introduced Mr. Wild, Director of Public Relations, and
Mr. Mansfield, Editor of the Kernel, who were attending the meeting for

Dean Kirwan, Chairman of the Committee on Student Organizations, pre~
sented a recommendation that a new degartmental club, to be kn wn as the
English Club, be approved by the UniVersity Faculty. The Faculty approved
the formation of the English Club.

Deon White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences, 3 recom~

mendetion for changes in the Rules g£_the University Faculty as they
pertain to Military and Air Science and requested that the recommended
changes he referred to the Committee on Rules for further study" He
referred the Faculty to the suh~head "Advanced Credit" and asked the
Faculty to add the following to the last sentence "unless he was previ—
ously enrolled in R.O.T.C.". Dr. Donovan referred the recommended changes
to the Committee on Rules with the request that they bring their f ndings

before the Faculty later on, and if possible at the next Faculty meeting.

Dean Terrell presented the following dropned course and courses to
be added in the College of Engineering, which were apnrOVed by the Univer—
sity Faculty.

* Absence eXplained