xt702v2cc07m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cc07m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1936 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.7 n.1, October-November, 1936 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.7 n.1, October-November, 1936 1936 1936 2020 true xt702v2cc07m section xt702v2cc07m  


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Volume 7 October-November, 1935 Na. I


1936 Annual Proceedings







John G. Fae School—W. H_ Humphmy‘ Principal



“An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child”





















 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Vol. VII October-November, 1986 No. 1

Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville; Managing Editor.
W. S. Blanton, Frankfort, President of K. N. E. A.


J. L. Bean, Versailles E. T. Buford, Bowling Green

R. L. Dowery, Manchester V. K. Perm}, Louisville

Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April


Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subscription to
the Journal
Rates for Advertising epeee mailed on request
Present Circulation. 2,000 COPiES. 1936 K. N. E. A. Membership 1,410


Officers of the K. N. E. A. for 1936-87 . . .
Greetings from the President
Editorial Comment .......
Minutes of the 1936 General Session of the K. N. E. A.
Departmental Sessions of the 1936 Convention
The N. A. T. c. 3. Meeting at Atlanta ....

Report of the Legislative Committee
Report of the K. N. E. A. Research Committee
Report of Resolutions Committee . ......
Secretary-Treasurer’s Financial Report .
The Auditing Committee Report .
The 1936 K. N. E. Al Honor Roll.
K. N E. A. Membership by Counties . .
Regulations Governing the Granting of State Aid to Graduates ‘ .
Rfice Segregation with Special Reference to Education . . . . . . . . i .44
(By W. E, DuBoie)

K. N. E. A. Kullings
K N. E. A. Announcements
The District Association of the
Convocation Address . . . . .

Educationally Speaking .









 K. N. E. A. Oflicers For 1935-36



W. S. Blanton, President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Frnnkfox’t
E. R. Merry, First Vice-President. . . . . . . . .Covington.
. Henderson


Mrs. R. E. Cabell, SeCond Vice-Presulent. .
Atwood S. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer . .Louisville
L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secrets . . . . . . . . . .Winchester
G. W. Path, Historian...............................Richmond





W. S. Blanton, (Chairman Ex—Oflcio) . . . . . ..... Frankfort
E. '1‘. Buford, (Tenn Exyires 1987) . . . .Bowling Green
R. L. Dowery (Term Expires 1937) .Manchester

. .Versailles

J. L. Bean, (Tenn Expires 1938).. .
Victor K. Perry, (Tenn Expires 1988) . . .Louisville
T. R. Daily, High School and College Department. . . . . . .Psducah
Lucy Bart Smith, Elementary Education Department. .. .Lexington
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Department. Hopkinsville
R. L. Carpenter, Music Department ...... ..Louisville
Whitney M. Young, Vocational Education Department. Lincoln Ridge
W. B. Fouse, Principals’ Conference. ...Lexington
Blanche Elliott, Primary Teachers’ Conference .....Greenville
Ouids Wilson, Art Teachers’ Conference.... Louisville
Henry Frizell, Science Teachers‘ Conference .Mayfield
Helen L. Yancey, English Teachers’ Conference Louisville
Ann L. Rocker, Librarians’ and Teachers’ Conference.
Lyle Hawldns, F. E. R. A. Teachers' Conference. . . . . .
H. A. Kean, Athletic Directors' and Physical Education

Teachers’ Conference ............ . . . , .
Marguerite Parks, Guidance Workers’ Conference.
Augusta M. Emanuel, Foreign Language Teachers'

Conference ......... . . ............. . . . . ...... Louisville

H. S. Brown, Paducah. .. . . .First District Association
W. E. Lee, Madisonville .Second District Association
H. E. Gnodloe, Russellville . . .Third District Association
G. W. Adams, Elizabethtown. . . . .Fourth District Association
Miss Hattie Daniel, Louisville. Jefferson County Association
. Miss N. H. Ward, Newport Fifth District Association
Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Lexingto . . . .Bluegl‘ass Associafion
8. J. W. Bate. Danville ...... District A, Bluegrass Association
9. W. E. Newsome. Cynthiana District 8, Bluegrass Association
10. W. F. Mudd, Jenkins. . . . . . . . . . . .Seventh District Asso
11. W. L.‘ Sholie, Middlesbol'o ...Nintl1 District Association
12. J. H. Cooper, Ashland!. .Esstem Kentucky Distinct Association
13. W. M. Wood, Harlan. .Uppel' Cumberland District Association





. . . Frankfort
. .Louis’v‘llle















 Greetings From the President
October 20, 1936

Dear Fellow Teachers:

This message from the Office of the President of the Kentucky
Negro Education Association comes to bring you greetings, words of
encouragement and to remind you of our obligation as public servants
in the cause of education. Your President knows you are busy with
the duties of your positions as Stewards of the childhood and youth in
your respective fields of employment, but he wants to enlist your in-
terest in the program of your State Association to the end that it
may become more potent and influential in improving our schools in
every way possible so that they may become more efficient in the
training and development of our future citizens.

Our job as teachers should extend beyond the walls of the class-
rooms and enlist the interest and support of every citizen of our com-
munity in a program of School Improvement. Hence, your President
is urging every teacher to acquaint himself with the parents and do~
mestic environment of every pupil in your class. We cannot teach
children whom we do not know. Every parent delights to know that
the teacher of his child is interested in the general welfare of child
hood. Therefore, let us take a part of our time to make friendly con-
tacts with the domestic environments of our pupils.

it is not enough to serve our local school and community well.
We should be members of some educational organization Where the
teachers can discuss ways and means of improving their methods,
classes, schools, and themselves. The right kind of contact begets
growth and improvement. The largest room in the world is the Room
for Improvement. The more extensive we can make our contacts as
teachers, the bigger and better will be our vision.

The K. N. E. A. is the largest Educational Organization in our
State. So, after you have idenh‘fied yourself with the nearest sectional
organization, take out a membership in your State organization by
paying your membership fee of one dollar, which entitles you to all
of our K. N. E. A. Journals and Bulletins. It would be I. splendid idea
for every teacher to become a member of the National Association of
Teachers in Colored Schools. This can be done by paying an extra
$1.50 which will give you access to the ~Journals and Bulletins of our
National Association. These contacts are very necessary to every
growing teacher so that they may become acquainted with what is
being attempted and what has been accomplished in the field of ed-
ucation for the benefit of students and teachers in Negro Schools and

Our efficient Secretary of the K. N. E. A. has arranged a list of
the District Associations of the K. N. E. A. which includes the district
presidents, their addresses and the counties with the number of teach-
ers in every county of the various districts. Read your K. N. E. A.


 Journal carefully and see which district has a claim on your member-
ship and join it.

The 1937 session of out K. N. E. A' will mark the Sixtieth An-
niversary of our State Organization. Hence, the President is urging
every district organizer, every district President, and every teacher
to use his influence and talent to help make our Annual Meeting next
April fruitful with contributions to the cause of Education by getting
every teacher interested in a good program built around some prog-
ressive theme such as, “Education for Improving the Economic Status
of the Negro.”

Elsewhere is an outline of what I consider one of the best ad—
dresses ever delivered ta :3. graduating clues at our State College. It
was made by Dr. Re El Clement and i am passing it on to you. It will
do you good. Copy it and file it for future reference.

Your President believes in sharing with you any good thing
that he has an opportunity to possess. He will tell you about his trip
to the N. A, T. C S. as one of your delegates in the next issue of

our Journall
Yours for education,
W. S BLANTON, President of K. Nl E. A.





For the Cnlored Ynulh of Runallvllle
1-1. EV Goodloe, Principal c. T. Canon, Superintendent

 Editorial Comment



The 1937 session of the K.N1E.A. marks the end of its sixtieth
year. From 1377 to 1937 the Kentucky Negro Education Association
has been the chief sponsor of a progsm to insure better educational
opportunities for the Negro youth of Kentucky. Due largely to its
efforts, the Kentucky Normal and Industrial Institute at Frankfort
was founded in 1386. The K‘N.E.Ar also indorsed movements leading
to the founding of Lincoln Institute in 1905, West Kentucky Industrial
College in 1911, and the Louisville Municipal College in 1931. These
four major institutions of higher learning stand as beacon lights in
the educational atmosphere of Kentucky They represent our progress
from 1877 to 1937. The K.N.E.A. further cooperated with the Baptist
people of Kentucky in the establishment of Simmons University in

In 1913 the Kentucky Negro Education Association was incor-
porated and reorganized. From an association of 200 members it has
grown since that date to an organization of 1410 teachers, practically
all of the Negro teachers in Kentucky. The year 1937 finds Kentucky
with seventy-six Colored High Schools, 22 of which are Class A, 31
Class B, 10 Class 2, and 13 Class 3. The total enrollment in these
schools is 8,533. There were enrolled about one thousand students
in the Negro colleges in Kentucky during September of 1936. About
forty— -three thousand Negro children are enrolled in the elementary
schools of Kentucky.

The Negro high schools of Kentucky are beginning to emphasize
vocational education and to inaugurate curricula that 'Will better adjust
our youth to the new social order. Truly, for the Negro Youth in
Kentucky, “Education Marches On."


Another step in the educational progress of Kentucky is marked
by the erection of the beautiful high school building for the Negro
youth of Russellville. This building is a brick structure of eight class
rooms, a domestic science room, a library, a domestic art room, ad-
ministrative 'office and a gymnasium 85’x70'. The building is steam
heated and equipped with modern conveniences. ,

The Knob City High School is B. six-year high school uud rated E
by the State Department of Education. The school has an enrollment
of 211, fifty-nine of which are in the high school division. The faculty
is comyosed of six members, four of whom are four-year college grad-
uates and two others who are working on a program of four year: of


 college training. The efficient principal of this school is H. E. Goodloe.
He is a leader in his city, takes an interest in all affairs pertaining
to the development of youth, and is a district organizer in the K.N.E.A.

and one of its most active members.

Prof. Goodloe reported that on Septcmhber 25 there was a
kitchen shower in which 353 useful articles were given to the domestic
science department. Among the donors were the students and teachers
of the local White high school. They came to school in person and
exhibited a splendidunttitude of interracial cooperation. The alumni
association of the school has launched a. movement to add to the librtu'y
several hundred worthwhile books.

It seems that s new deal is in store for the Colored Youth of
Russellville. For this splendid service and attitude the KlN.E.A. con-
gratulates Superintendent C. T. Canon and the members of the
Russellville Board of Education.


In the K.N.E.A. Newsette of September, 1936, mention was made
of the first four teachers who enrolled for 193647. These teachers
enrolled in August. During September and October, enrollments have
continued to arrive daily at the secretary’s office. About fifty teachers
had enrolled before October 15, the best record in the history of the
KN.E.A. The honor roll will be published in the Decembetjssue of
the K.N.E.A. Journal. Certificates of Membership are being sent (70
100% counties and 100% enrolled schoolswhere there are as many as
three or four teachers. The 1937 membership cards are ready for dis-

Principals and organizers should begin now to urge every teacher
to enroll in the K.N.E.A. for 1936—87 and send these memberships to
the secretary of the K.N.E.A. Enroll by mail. Enroll early. These pro—
cedures guarantee the K.N.E,A. a financial background and insure the
execution of its program and lead to the attainment of its objectives.



It has been suggested that the theme of the Gist session of the
K.N.E.A. he “Education for Improving the Economic Status of the
Negro.” A program would be helpful in which the speakers outlined
for our teachers those procedures that would lend to giving guidance
to our youth that would insure s wider distribution in the vocations
and lend more of our boys and girls to business pursuits.

Racial prejudice is largely due to the economic status of the Negro.
When this is improved, we shall be more respected, have better health.
be better citizens, and realize in full the guarantees of the fourteenth
and fifteenth amendments of our Constitution.


 Minutes oi the General Association
Louisville, Ky., April 15.13, 1936

wanna”, April is
3.15 P. M.

The Kentucky Negro Education
Association held its sixtieth on-
nusl session in Louisville on April
15-18, 1935. The first general
session was held Wednesday,
April 15 at 8:16 p. m. at Quinn
Chapel with the K. N. E. A. of~
fleets, directors, and past presi-
dents seated on the rostrum. H.
R. Merry, Vice President of the
K. N. E. A., padded It the ses-
sion. The opening musical num-
bers were rendered by the Girls’
Glee Club of Central High School,
directed by Miss N. G. Board.
The invocation was rendered by
Rev. Frank M. Reid, pastor of
Quinn Chapel, Louisville, Ky.

The opening {features of the
program consisted of a welcome
address by Prof. Clyde Liggin,
pn‘ncipnl of Virginia Avenue and
Parkland Schools, in Louisville.
The response to the welcome was
made by Miss Nora H. Ward, prin-
cipal of Southgate Street School,
of Newport, Ky.

Prof. W. S. ‘Blanton, principal
of Mayo~Underwood High School
of Frankfort, President of the
K. N. E. A., was next introduced
and delivered his annual address,
which was full of thought and
very comprehensive. He recom-
mended that $100.00 he placed
at the disposal of the Research
Committee, that school authori-
ties and principals be urged to
seek to develop greater interest
in agriculture, home economics,
and trades, that principals and


teachers, who work in the agri-
cultural distflcts, give greater
support to the Famers’ Context
ence, conducted at the State Col-
lege 'at Frankfort, thut the
K. N. E. A. pledge its loyal sup-
port to the administration of
Gov. Chandler, and that the
K. N. E. A. cooperate with the
progressive plans of Superintend-
ent H. W. Peters, of the State
Department of Education.

After n piano solo by Miss Tells
Marie Cole, President Atwood of.
K. S. I. C. introduced the guest
speaker or the evening, Dr. w. E.
B. DuBois, Professor of Sociology,

‘Atlantn University. Dr. DuBois

delivered a philosophical address
couched in eloquent diction on
“The Problem of Race Segrega-
tion in the United States with
Special Reference to Education."
The content of this address is her
ing published in the K. N. E. A.

After announcements by the.
Secretary, Atwood S. Wilson, the
benediction was rendered by Rev.
F. C. Locust of Covington. Among
the past presidents who sat on
the platform were: Miss M. S.
Brown, Dean H. 0. Russell, Prof.
A. E. Meyzeek, Prof. W. H. Hum~
phrey, President W. H. Anderson,
President R. B. Atwood, and Pres—
ident W. S. Blunton.


Thursday, April IS, 1936
9:00 A. M.

The second general session of
the K. N. E. A. was opened with
two music numbers by the All—
City Sixth Grade Chorus of Louis-

 ville. The chorus was directed by
Miss R. L. Carpenter and the ac—
campanist was Miss Ethel Malone.
The invocation was rendered by
Rev. E. B. Threadgill, pastor of
Young’s Chapel, Louisville

The next feature of this pro-
gram was a report of the K.N.E.Ai
Resolutions'Committee by S. L.
Barker of Owensboro. The report
was adopted by the general asso-
ciation. Profi P. L. Gut'hIiE, of
Richmond, chairman of the Aud-
iting Committee, then made his
report. The report of Prof. Guth-
rie’s committee stated that the
financial report printed in/the
Ki N. E. A. Journal for October:
1935, WES correct in detail. The
committee also commended the
work of the Secretary-Treasurer.
Atwood S. Wilson, for the busi-
ness efficiency displayed in keep-
ing all records pertinent to that
office and pointed out instances of
genuine progress.

The next report was that of
Mr. J. H. Ingram, chairman of the
Legislative Committee. This re<
port was also adopted by the gen-
eral association. Amendment to
the motion adopting the report
was made, which recommended
that each teacher be given a copy
of the repon.

The next feature of the session
was the ‘annual report of the
Secretarvareusurer, Atwood S.
Wilson. This financial report was
given in mimeographed form to
all teachers present. This report
was the one which the Auditing
Committee had previously approv-
ed. After comment on the general
Work of the office of the Secre-
tary-Treasurer, the renort of the
Secretary was adopted by the gen-
eral association. A motion was

also passed commending the work
of Secretary-Treasurer for ef-
ficient business management of
the organization.

The main address of this pro-
gram was that of H. Wi Peters,
State Superintendent of Public
Instruction. Superintendent Pe-
ters outlined some of his plans for
improving conditions throughout
the state. Particularly did be men-
tion some of the advantages that
he hoped to secure through an
improved program of cnnsolida~
tion and transportation. Super-in»
tendent Peters expressed his be-
lief in the continued progress of
education in Kentucky. in polnfr
ed out that the per capita, under
the Chandler administration, was
higher than that of previous years
and expressed hope for general
progress with this increased al~

The next feature of the pro.
gram consisted of a revert of the
K. N. E. A. Neurology Commit
tee, of which Rev. J. Francis Wil—
son, of Maceo, was the chairman.
Other members of the committee
were Mrs. Rebecca J. Tilley, of
Shelhyville, and Prof. R. L. Dow-
ery, of Manchester. The brief
memorial service was featured by
singing led by Mrs. Blanche El-
liott and a eulogy on the deceas-
ed by Rev. J. Francis Wilson.
Names of the deceased teachers
were mentioned on this occasion
as fo‘lows: Miss Rudye Rohards,
Hardinsburg; Mrs. Valaria S.
Caldwell. Owensbom; Mrs Rosie
Merriweather, Honkinsville; Mrs.
Naomi Hall Estill, Frankfort; Miss
Carrie Bell Doneghy, Danville;
Miss Carrie B. Warren, Louisville;
Professor Wm. Jackson, Bowling
Green: Mrsi Lidia Branch Com-

 mans. Louisville; Mrs. Frances
Hampton Castleman, Anchorage;
Prof. W. S. Marks, Paris.

The final feature of this ses—
sion consisted of the report of the
Nominating Committee, of which
W. E. Newsome was chairman.
The Nominating Committee re—
ported the following officers for
the year 1936-37: W. S. Blanton.
President; H. R. Merry, First
Vice President; Mrs. R. E. Cahell,
Second Vice President; Atwood
S. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer;
Miss L. V. Ranels, Assistant Sec-
retary; Messrs. J. L. Bean, and
V. K. Perry, Directors; and Prof.
G. W. Parks, Historian. I'l‘he re-
port of the Nominating Commit.
tee was received and adopted.
Since there were no two candidates
for the same office, the adoption

of the report of- the Nominating
Committee elected the officers

Thuruhy, April is, 1936
8:15 P. M.

The third general session of the
K. N. E. A. was opened by music
furnished by the Louisville Choral
Club, of which Miss R. L. Car-
penter was directress and Miss N.
G. Board, accompanist. The invo~
cation was rendered by the Rev»
ei'end H. W. Ballew. On this 00»
casion there were seated on the
rostrum presidents of the district
associations and district organ-
izers. President W. S. Blanton
Was master of cerem‘onies at this

The first main address on this
program was given by Attorney
C. W. Anderson. member of the
State Legislature of Kentucky.
His address was on the subject,
“Legal Decisions and Legislation

'Pertaining to the Negro.”

Anderson outlined the hills which
were enacted at the 1935 Gen-
eral Assembly as they affected
the Negro in Kentucky. He mede
special reference to the bill which
he introduced and had adopted by
the Kentucky Legislature rela~
tive to the paying of tuition of
colored students in Kentucky for
graduate work and other train-
ing not offered at Kentucky State
Industrial College, but offered at
the University of Kentucky. The
audience received Attorney An—
derson’s address in an enthusias-
tic manner and expressed satisfac—
tion for the service which he had
rendered the K. N. E. A. Attor—
ney Anderson was introduced by
very fitting remarks by Mr. Lee
L. Brown, Director of Brown’s
Commercial School.

After a music number by the
Lincoln Institute chorus, of which
Mrs. Alene Martin was directress.
the second main address of the
evening was made. The speaker,
Mrs. Myrtle R. Phillips, of Wash-
ington, D. C., was fittingly intro»
duced by Prof. E. W. Whiteside.
principal of Lincoln High School
of Paducah. Prof. Whiteside men—
tioned Mrs. Phillips’ work as a
Kentucky teacher and principal
and also her achievements in the
department or education at now—
ard University. Mrs. Phillips
spoke on the subject, “Perfection
in Performance—Every Teacher’s
Goal." Mrs. Phillips’ address eme
phasized the desirability of doing
whatever task assigned well. She
pointed out that in our teaching,
we should train boys and girls to
be efficient and to master the
learning of their entire lessons.
Mrs. Phillips emphasized the spilu

 it of mastery and inspired the vast
audience, creating in them ml at-
titude of desire to do their tasks
mor'e efficiently hereafter.

The closing features of this
program were a solo by Charles
William Ssulsbury and music by
the Lincoln Institute Chorus.


Friday, April 17, 1936—2il5 P-M.

The fourth general session of
the K. N. n. A. was opened by
a music program by the band of
Kentucky School for the Blind.
Mr. Otis Eades, the director of
this hand, entertained the audi-
ence for one half hour vfith a
varied program, including famous
marches and overtures. This fea—
ture of the program received
much comment from those who
heard the music rendered by the
band under the direction of Mt.

The main part of the afternoon
session was opened with music by
the Girls’ Glee Club of Madison
Junior High School, under the di-
recfion of Miss Earline Good. The
invocation was given by Rev. M,
L. Manier, principal of Simmons
University. After music by the
Boys’ Glee Club of Jackson Jun~
ior High School, under the direc-
tion of Miss M. Lyda Johnson,
Prof. W. H. Perry, Jr., who was
presiding, presented one of the
guest speakers of the afternoon
session. This speaker was Dr.
Ralph L. Jacobs, Professor of
Education at the University of
Cincinnati. Dr. Jacobs gave a
scholarly address on the subject,
“Occupational Achievement.” Af-
ter music by the Boys’ Glee Club
of Madison Junior High School,
under the'directiou of Mr. Wil-
liam King, and a solo by New-


12nd Hobbs, a pupil of Mrs. The—-
da Van Lowe, principal of the
Douglas High School, Lexington,
and another selection by the Girls'
Glee Club of Jackson Junior High
School, the second guest speaker
of the afternoon was presented.
This speaker, Dean R. E. Clement,
President of the N. A. T. C. 5,,
spoke on the subject, “The Pecu-
liar Responsibility of the School
for Negroes.” Dean Clement point-
ed out that there were certain
functions to be performed by the
Negro school which were not a
part of the program of other
schools. Dean Clement pointed
out some specific needs in the edu-
cation of the Negro and urged e
consideration to these specific
needs in the teaching of our Ne—
gro youth.

The afternoon session then ad-
journed with the announcement of
the Fifth Annual Musicale to be
held on Friday evening, April 17
at Quinn chapel.

Suturdny, April is, 1936
10:00 A. M.

The final general session of
the K. N. E. A. opened with de-
votionals conducted by Prof. W. E.
Newsome of Cynthisna. Prof. G.
W. Perks, of Richmond, then
made his report as Historian and
outlined his program of activities
for the next year. The various de—
partmental chairmen were then
permitted to give reports of their
respective departments and cone
ferences. These reports are pub
lished in the K- N. E. A. Journal
for October, 1936.

The next feature of the morn-
ing session was the report of the
Research Committee. of which
Dean R. E. Clement was chair-
man. The report of Dean Clement

 outlined the work which had been
done by the Research Committee
during the past year. In this re—
port Dean Clement urged that
the study of the salaries of Ne—
gro teachers in Kentucky be con-
tinued. He requested an appro-
priation from the general treas—
ury sufficient to make a fund of
$250 to continue this study. The
report of the Research Committee
was adopted by the Association,

Mrs. Lucy 11. Smith, of_Lexing—
ton, made a general request that
the schools of the state he re
quested to bring exhihits to the
next convention of the KN.E.A.
it was voted that this request be
referred to the Board of Direc-
tors. At the suggestion of Prof.
R. L, Dowery, the K. N. E. A.
voted to ask each district asso—
ciation in Kentucky to contribute
$5.00 towards increasing the
prizes offered at the annual spell-
ing contest of the K.N.E.A.

Dean R. E. Clement, President
of the N.A.'l‘.C.S., then asked the
K.N.E.A. to support more fully
the work for the Nat-inns] Asso<
ciation of Teachers in Colored
Schools. In accordance with this
reduest, the K.N.E.A. voted an
appropriation of $50.00 as an at—
filiafion fee to the N.A.T.C.S.
President W. S. Blanton and Sec-
retary Atwood S. Wilson were
elected as the two official dele-
gates from the K.N.E.Al to the
annual meeting of the N.A,r.c.s.
in July, 1936 at Atlanta, Georgia.
At the suggestion of the Secretary
of the KiN.E.A., a motion was
carried that the various schools of
the state be requested to donate
$5.00 or more as a gift to the
N.A.T.C.S. These schools were to
send the donations from their


schools to the Secretary of the
K.N.E.A., who in turn was to send
them to the secretary of the
N.A.T.C.S. Prof. Wi E. Fouse ex-
plained the campaign for funds
for the Hanby Memorial at West-
erville, Ohio. After some explan-
ation, the Seeretary of the KN.-
E.A. made a motion that a do-
nation of $5.00 be made to the
Hanhy Memorial Fund. The mo-
tion was carried. At the sugges-
tion of Mrs. Lucy H. Smith of
Lexington, a. donation of $20.00
for the support of the work of the
National Association for the Study
of Negro Life and History was
approved. At the suggestion of
Prof. E. ’1‘. Buford of Bowling
Green, consideration was given to
the possibility of redistricting the
various counties of Kentucky for
the purpose of better executing
the work of the K.N.E.A. It was
Voted that this matter be refer»
red to the Board of Directors.

At this point, President W. s.
Blanton outlined his activities
during the past year and gave his
attitude regarding the needs of
Negro education in Kentucky. He
outlined, in some detail, his pro-
gram for the next year. The As-
sociation voted to indorse the ad-
ministration of President Wi S.
Blanton and gave him a vote of
thanks for the excellent Work
which he had done. It was then
voted that Prof. R L. Dowery be
the alternate delegate to the
N.A.T.C.S. at Atlanta during July,
1986. It was also voted that should
the donations from Kentucky pera
wit the third delegate, that Prof.
R. L. Dowery be that third offic-
ial delegate

Mrs. Essie D. Mark, 3 past
president of the Parent Teachers

 Association, then gave a report
regarding the meeting of the State
Parent Teachers Association a:
Covingtnn on April 13 and 14,

Adjournment of the Associa-
tion took place at noon on Satur-
day, April 18, 1936 with the an;-
nouncement that the convention

would end with the presentation

of the Sixteenth Annual Exhibi-

tion at the Armory on the even-

ing of Saturday, April 18, 1986.

L. V. RANELS, Assistant. Secre-

ATWOOD Si WILSON, Secretary-

W. S. BLANTON, President.


Privileges of Active Membership
in the K. N. E. A.

1. The privilege of attending all general sessions of the Asso-


2. The privilege of participating in the department“ sessions

3‘ The privilege of speaking and holding office in the Kentucky
Negro Education Association.

4. The privilege of voting and participating in the business
affairs of the Association.

5. The privilege of receiving all literature of the Association
including the official pubiication, The K. N. E. A.

J animal.

No Kentucky Teacher Should Fail to Enroll
Send One Dollar

To A. 5. WILSON, Secretuy-Trensurer

[925 W. Madison Street, Louisville, Ky.


 Departmental Sessions of the 1936 Convention


The High School and College
Department met on Thursday
afternoon. April 16, under the
chairmanship of Dean T. R. Dailey,
of West Kentucky Industrial Col-
lege. The opening number of the
program was a. musical selection
rendered by the Boys' Glee Club
of Central High School, under the
direction of Mr. Carl J. Barbour.
After opening remarks. an address
was made on the subject, “Effec-
tive Methods of Improving Schol-
arship,” by Dr. G. D. Wilson, of
the Louisville Municipal College.
Following the address of Dr. Wil-
son, there was a jury Panel dis-
cussion on the topic, “How We
Can Get a Better College Fresh-
man." This topic was introduced
by Dean H. 0. Russell of K. S. I.
C. of Frankfort. Others who fol-
lowed Dean Russell in the dis-
cussion were Mr. L. N. Tay-
lor of Frankfort, Mr. P. Moore of
Hopkinsv'ille, Mr. S. L. :Barker' of
Owensboro, and Messrs. Blyden
Jackson and W. H. Perry, Jr. of
Louisville. The program brought
to light much information that
should lead to better articulation
between the high school and the


The Rural School Department
of the K. N. E. A. sponsored two
successful sessions during the K.
N. E. A. convention. The main
session was on Thursday, April 16
at Cenhul High School, under the
direction of Mrs. M. L. Copeland
of Hopln‘nsv'ille, who is chairman
of this department The opening
music was rendered by pupils of


the Dorsey School, in Jefi'erson
County, un