xt702v2cbz36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbz36/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-11-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 2000 2000 2000-11-27 2020 true xt702v2cbz36 section xt702v2cbz36 LEFT 0F CENTER

Who took
my luffa?

, 1. that



Thanksgiving is a holiday
to celebrate what we



are thankful for,
right? Here are some
things that I noticed
at home while
celebrating the
holiday and being

My sister has products
that I will never
understand. Since
when did that little
nylon fluff thingy
that makes my soap
so lathery get
replaced by "an all
natural" product
called the Luffa? This
device looks more
like spaghetti that
dried out in the pan
and has the abrasion
power of sandpaper.
And if this is all
natural. where in the
world do these grow?
00 they work? Better
yet what is their
purpose? And do not
even get me started
on the orange gel
made to give you a
super clean feeling
with the essence of
dog poo or something
that smells very
similar. Maybe John
Tesh Christmas CD's
are in there.


What are you supposed
to do with all the
leftover food that
your parents sent
you home with. If you
live in the dorm, that
little fridge will allow
the mashed potatoes
in right between the
milk and the two
beers that somehow
got in there Is there
no love for green
beans anymore7 If
you are off campus,
you and your tour
roommates are all
trying to fit the stuff
in between the milk.
OJ and the beer that
never seems to stay
in there for long.

Of all the support groups
out there, society is
still missing one: The
Dads And Men are
Never To be Shopping
Group. Otherwrse
known as DAMN To
shopping, There were
so many sorry
looking males at the
mall on Friday. All
men should pay an
extra little bit in the
month of November
to support fellow
males in the
distribution of beer
and pretzels lTI malls
throughout America
to every down
trodden male, young
or old. That would
make me want to go
shopping, either that
or a large sale at Old

-Ron Norton


Have an outrageously
funny story about
your break? Did
Uncle Clyde clog the
commode? Aunt
Pearl pierce her
pinky with a tooth—
pick? Cousin Ted toss
Trivial Pursurt two
feet in the air? Let
me know!

THE 411

4.4 2.9

Welcome back. Good
thing you ate and put
some extra padding on
you over the weekend.
You'll need it to keep
you warm.

VOL. 33106 ISSUE 664


Call: 257-i9l5 or write:



Bush gets Flo

Appealing: Election officials say Bush gets Florida;
Democratic candidates Gore and Lieberman won't concede


.liist ;is main I'K .sttitloiits \toi‘o hogin
hing to think tho \‘otos in Hot'iiiii \VllllIlI
novoi' lio t’(lllIIT(‘(I. li‘loi‘iilzi‘s top olot'tion olii

Iiftlllli‘l‘lI tho t'oi‘titiotl totziIs II‘HIII IsIlll‘liIlI's
HT oouiitios SunriziV night. :ii‘toi‘ :i ilomllino
l'oi' t'ountios to submit iitiionilotl i'otui'ns
i‘omi hriiid t‘or'ouiits pzissoil :it .7 [LIII

'l'Iio linul t:ilI\ . (It't'lll‘tIIIII! to Iliii‘i‘is. \\(l\

t‘IitI t'oi‘tiiiotl tho i'osults Sunllztx‘ \\'1III 'I‘oxus ot.}1;7tm\v(,y,.gf(,,~Hum-norm—Li;yin-“UH.

Gov. Uootfiuo W. Biish It‘lltIlIILI Vit'o I’i'osi

(lent AI (Ioi'o h\' 5:37 \‘ott‘s.

“.-\i‘t'oi'rIiti}:lv on lit-hull ol‘ tho sillit‘
I‘IIT‘I'illlIi (‘iiiivzissinu (‘otiiinis‘sion and in :it-

St‘t‘l‘t't;tl'_\' ol' Stzito KIIIIII‘I'IIII‘ Harris :in t-oi'ilziiit'o with tho I.’1\\.\ilililt‘hiiiit‘tifI“Ilil'l


Light up the tree

(Ill. l Iioi'oliy (Ii‘t‘IIII't' (iovot'noi' tin-ow» W
Bush tho \tIIIIIt'I' ol~ Horton's 3.3 oIot-iorzil
\‘oios tot‘ tho pi'ositlont ol tho l'nitoii Stilt-sf
Iliii'i'is .siiitl

.\I(ll‘l_\ sitiilonts \i'oro glnil to si-o l-‘loi'oiti
l‘t'ili‘Il ii conclusion on who “on tho ‘f1lzlor
Ilil'.lI (‘ollouo \‘oti-s~

“I think thzit IIit'V hzivo I't‘t ouinoil ll so

lII.‘llI\‘ liinos .1an it is iust muslin: 'l Iot ol'

titno tlIIII iiioiit-i.” \lliI lii'im \'illinos, :i It“
Iiiii-til st'iont'o t‘i‘oshniiin.

\'iIliiios siiitl ll \\'.l> iiniioi‘tini TIMI l
iii‘ostilont \Vzis niinioil \ooii

See FLORIDA on 2


Lexington finished one holiday and went full force into the next one Friday
evening by lighting the Lexington Christmas tree in Triangle Park. Lexington
Mayor Pam Miller pushed the lever that lit the tree. Santa Claus even showed
up for the event, and spoke to children about being good. The lighting of the
tree was televised to over 50 Kentucky counties.

Dick Cheney undergoes
medical procedure for heart

By Andrew Grossman
ASS'S'ANT 3 AiQi- ,E E3 v

_\iniilst tho iii'ossut‘o oi :i (Ii‘ziu'n
out t‘It‘l'TIlllI. Ropulihi :in \‘im- pi‘osi
iii-iitizil t‘ilIItIItIllit‘ iiit‘lt (‘hotiox
sitt‘lii tour lIZI_\\ in tho Iitl\I>liIlI Inst
\toolt \‘IIIII \thiit iii:i\ li:i\ol1oon:i
inilil liozii't :itizit-k

\\'Iiilo tho lluin ('IIIIIII \oho
inontly (Ioiuorl th:it his :iiltnoiit \\.is
:i honi‘t :ittiir-k. (lootoi‘s iii‘o IIIII('I\ to
I‘l‘IIIll‘iiI us th;it tho toi‘iii r-zin lio nus

"'l‘ho it‘l‘IIl 'Iit‘IlI‘I :itt:ii*I\“ is i'oziI
Ix iust :i I;i_\tii.iii's toi‘in ioi‘ :in\ (IllIIl-
ago In tho Iio;ii‘l IIIII‘t'II'.” s lIlI vIlIhI}
Siii‘tini. :i t‘.II‘lIlllIllf.II\i :it St .losoiili's
Hospital Ill l.o\in:ton

Sni‘tnii sriirI lh:it tho contusion
Iikolx t‘iitiio i‘i'oin tho tosi i'osuIts.
\\'III('II test for omnnos thzit IIITIlt‘ziit'
(Iiiiniiuo to tho honi't ('oIIs.

"II‘tIio lii'si tost mino lw'lt nounr
tix'o. thiit \wulrl moan thot'o \\:is no
('Juiso for alarm It :ippozii‘s :is
though :i Iiitot‘ tost shouoil (l sitiiiII
ziinount ol‘ Iiozii‘t rliiiniigo. :intI thiit's
why i~\(it'§'i1tii1'_s up in arms ”

'I‘ho i‘ot‘out hozilth i'otii‘oi‘ns inln h” of Kid Rock pi lccr ou o eaiea. oug, univer31 y o 1 . , ‘ .. 'd
an . ont in . a us ant _ .. t o. t l I t . ‘. (i The int sized cials say they have no plans to build on the sur- man. said refusing to concede Canon sal . , . ‘ . . ‘ t
pital doctors said. lhe lsiaell aim} said it Illt( P . l' h'll .- 1,. th . , t h .~ ‘h was m the nation 5 best inter- Former Lb. Secretary of ~
1in 'iininuniiion 111 \"1blus do i‘ it c llllt under rapper suffered iount ing 1 b" ('5' e currcn ousing crunc Stat) Ilmt Baker in red (‘ore
I, f ‘>l ‘1" ‘I *l l‘ . l‘l vi ll ,1.“ froma enetic adds pressure to expand. Stanfords 10-year 951-" ,. . . It, . ' \ '11) “I" In: d
bun lit. iutl aimll it ilsu ony in mm 111 L s l I] U. ,1 l' . l l ., 11' ’t , t - ‘t \rlcem-esmpm(,m‘pand1 to aund a cha cngc. Ba c1. .
)1 it .m I” . 1w 11‘ 1 111m disorder known hiowt 1 p an me ur es at ( mg, wo more 8 ones 0 _ 'l "B ‘h“ l .,. .
11s[ I 111 II 5P .am .muiiiiTi I: I311 L I “In.“ and as Celiac dis- two-stop}, graduate student housing and building have no choice but to. contest plains us \s top ohlsfrVU 1n
)1 I 7].“, I1 1 fr .. 5“ .. 1" “\ kl . ‘4)1 ) more housing and academic facilities on open ar- ”1956" “$10115 “5 PmYldt‘d un- m K a: Plum?“ t 4‘ impol-
i all stinian lear t. \ asset Aiatat spo e 1y i: c ease. He was ,, 5. cu - tl , s. b d - . (191‘ Florida law and in accord tance of teaching closure. a
I‘Iltillt l‘rld'ly and '1 lud llil‘t lit w low it \‘tlsecil just 3feet 9 “L “1 1m 1e campu. oun aries. ' h h l ' ' f l ll ' \t ' t H
'. I ‘ , ‘~ ‘ . g H ‘. . ' I .‘ ‘ w1t t etec1slono tie “on "1 some poln. 1ere d
ijm “(‘51. illl'i‘lllllllls' Ill“ ii'fltl‘k “I 1“ Jii‘lm llillistm Ullj inches tall. He da Supreme Court." Lieber- must be closure at some point. 5
m“- “ “V l “'01“ 5 ml ““5“” 4 I” “11 51““ 1 935500 away 0“ man said. "it is in our nation‘s the law must prevail and the
II v W101” “ 115 k111i“ 11‘ 01W ”Uihost. Thursday night Statue Offers SOIBCE to 603' Town interest that the winner in lawyers must go home." Baker
ACtua 3, I in his sleep at BENHAM. Ky.‘ w A 6-foot-8 inch bronze stat- Florida is truly the person said. “We have reached that
have been home in Taylor, lie of a coal miner 15 providing solace to families who got the most votes.“ point... It is time to honor the
luckier Environment talks IITISIICCBSSIIII Michigan. who have lost husbands. sons. fathers and grand- Gore's not the only candi< will of the people." By
since I left 'l‘HF il\(}l'l‘ Netherlands »\ l' \. climate fathers in .mine aCCldents 1n Harlan (ounty. ,,
. ‘ ‘ “ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ f . 1‘ 1 With a hardh'it. i .'e. coverall and EC”
— W811 contci‘cnce collapsed without an agreement Saiv $221211: (limit the statue seegilscfioqr‘emind everyone
311109 I uroay. the conterencc chairman announced aitci‘ of a different miner they held dear. Women in
4 , i 1 _ U i r t r ‘ \ ' ‘ ' s ‘ .
have been ‘1 “I" d A” ”I‘m IM“.’I1‘II”}5“ i“ ”1”” ”n 11"“ I“ Benham. many ot whom have had someone in -
doin m cut the pollution that is warming the plzlllol. the family killed in ,1 mining accident are His baccalaureate students end up “.“
g y ”“1: hII‘sVl‘ ”(II I‘I‘IIIIIII‘II iIgI‘I‘OIIIL‘III.“ I)IIiI.‘II . ’ (1)r< 7} , f ( h a , . "b , P (‘ 1 )urguinu '1 rl‘lld gchool (1011129 (III.
0WD Ijnxironment Minister l'm l’ronk said "i ‘ml “.15 $"‘0(.)(‘ to pay 0“ e statue made 3 rue. I ‘ ~”( I" ‘ ~ ‘ . . g. I lor
thing n v I‘.\ h ) ) win 1 d ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I tah. artist Gary l’razen. Benham. a town of 700 Ifl‘CflCUOn I01h15p10¥1€1m 15 45 ”H
' I ‘ “I I‘ ‘L . . _ people. is home to the Kentucky Coal Mining Mu- - strong GS SUSDONOd. that (‘Ollld ~
l’ionk s announcement came alter an unsuc . . . Continued from pagel . . , 1.. . ~.} 1“ l n
' 59W SPICE ‘e ‘st'ul lli'il“lll101l ses ‘ion behind clos id doors ' seum. Benham has been a mining town Since. the boom the bk (’I‘I(ILI‘H9_5L mo 5 ‘lll
Mel C to a (“I-1:11 del “"‘ll‘lt‘ll leaders i‘e ire ‘en‘infl Iléil) couii- PULP FICTION: first load 0f coal was shipped 0m in 1911' At that current eni‘ollinent of 0‘10” gm? ion
British T'Vinter‘ ,.- . mt? }.. .2 (1,1 I). 1k f ,1 I ‘I‘ . . Pulp singer time. nearly every building in the town was the [7K Graduate School. "We (INNS Slsnlli1Cfilltli'. .
. - 1‘ 1‘ N 1.‘ n I "It 3%” ‘I 1 ”m 1‘ I “ “Stimlmm - owned by the mining arm of international Har- want people to learn the value The GIFT program W111 ‘e’t’
Viewer ”"5 week, meetinU 111 his office with Uoyci‘nment ministers Jarvrs Cocker ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - - , . .- W‘
h‘ hf d the ‘ b ‘ ’ . - th vester. of these courses. and that they 1m” et‘lect “PM MW. (1111 mg iht‘
w '? orce to try to salvage the talks to no avail. Pronk '5 I0 SW39 e ‘ ‘ .. fl . wring-1001 gammy“. ”U‘
Spice Girls to ., . . , . . world of o for can be sucressful in them. This ~l s ~ ~ ~ . I, ,
. 'fl _ said he was not c losin" the contt iente but would ' D I! pilot proiect is ,1 “on. to encour- 4‘1
'SdSIf’eaS‘INA , I resume it at a later stage The iiet'otiatoits broke the hlqh'flvlml . . . . '10e'1iii‘st steit‘owfird “WIGLHIC If“
an thggnggeveagl: UII IlIIk> Ililllx‘l}' 12 IIUUI' 5 ({Ilt‘l ‘tl()}[]t’ In“) ~\‘(i( IU' work! of the Murray matChes "III'IOIS tult'on gauéqnon 'I/[IHI It) TI](‘I%E";§(‘ Ihl‘ “I"
disbanding slon to try to nail down (It‘lalls‘liii the extent to nioVIes, accord- MURRAY. Ki". Murray State University public's and)“ 1“) 11 ‘ ‘ ' Interested? ‘
reports Reuters. “h“Ih “”IIHH"‘ ”“3 meet me”: “”1““ I” H" "‘9 to people- “111118 Illinois students and 15 offering 3 tuition A A three-hour graduate Those wishing to apply must \\ n
ducilons ot greenhouse gas emissions without ac- news.com. The deal to hmi lllinoisans south. Beginning next fa“. “th course usually costs submit a transcript complete 3 ~11
[WHY burning It!“ l05511 lucl. former student lllinois residents attending Murray State won't 3.391 dollars. almost twice as short application arid pay a $30
0' cmematogra- have [0 DRY ()III‘OIZSIHIO tuition and “‘95- current- much as the Sill dollars for a processing fee Early registration it“
MW at St. ly about 86.9%. Instead. Murray State says it will similar pre-grad («nurse is recommended “"‘
. . . . I I ‘ ' ‘ Y I V I " i l " 3 . . ) ‘ ' I v . K I ‘
Pushing for Social Security protection Martin 5' «him 111111917de mum tumor] angles the} "We want mim- students W
v . v . 4 1 \ . s _ , . . l 4‘
RICHMOND. \‘zl. Elected officials should EM“? ° A" Will-d I’d,“ ”(3,196 ‘HIIIIEMI fi““§“;g"1{0mgr If“. ht)“ "1.11"“,“111W!‘*~*“““‘.'l “‘1“ To get an application or learn l ..
protect Social Security and invest in national do as een $1153“ {III fir] 0}“ flit: f] 7“” .1); f' ' ‘ luIIl‘II ht‘. billtl 1115‘“ 01111151 HSSISIZIHI more about GIFT. contact Patricia
t'enst. and education. Sen relect George F. Allen approached by ‘ “It ' “.11: I15 win“. JusltfflIlm.‘ {I3 “mg—(II “1.1: dean ”I ”it“ I“ (il‘é‘lrllliltt‘ Bond in the UK Graduate School at I”
said Saturday 111 Km weekly Republican radio ad- Mirnmax IIIITIS lion! 519,“ mfg {1:13:35 1 35 ‘dTYult . h l 1' School. "Sure. it s a lot ol work. 257-4905; write to the Graduate M.
dress. Allen also stressed the importance of t° direct a _ “III-MIKE (“gone :35 ~31, Istucent?‘ I]: “gt 0101 t‘ but its very rewarding... School at 3595 Patterson Office A
heightening security and increased pay for over- screen “75'0" I: m If” U fl‘lgnfl‘yln‘l‘l ‘u‘Iliminl‘ (1‘61 ‘ (’5.I1(.‘Il1: There s much more interaction Tower, UK, Lexington, KY 40506- \p‘
seas llllllIZlI‘V personnel. pointing to the Oct. 13 M the "WEI tom (.iincssce. “ l:SSOUI 1 dm m 1‘11“ ‘ 15 in 1 ‘ between 511N100“ illld l"‘<’f(‘>“ 0027: or ViSit their web site at 1}.
attack on the I‘ss (‘011- that killed 17 sailors. 5’" ”0W" “fth‘5.tm‘ght -‘"“'”“’I”mm"“mumem3““‘199‘15 sols. which mam l)1‘(“§11‘€1(l ht!p://www.rQS-Ukv.edU/GS/GlFT. (If):
1.2th h“ “M” (““me addressed the pl‘esiden- Arthur, Stick out-ot-state students to keep enrollment up. courses arcilacking." ‘ . html (W
11:11 recount debate in Florida. Allen urged that To "WIV- AW‘W‘IHN 1" MUN] 5 “SI" ,5

Americans “atlirm that we honor the sacrifice of
those serving America abroad and not deny them

Compiled from wire reports.

mates in the Oct. 28 edition of
the Heraill-Leader. about one
quarter to oneiliii‘d of post

The deadline for registration is
Jan. 5, 2001.



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C o M M o Ns thenq‘ join us at the

IMen ’s Basketball Student Appreciaridn Practice
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" bar *8“ a 4 pm

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i I















Matt Mulcahey
Scene Editor
Phone 2571915 I Email: kerneiartnvahootom


neuruciiv Kenna.Vlwhonoivltiovsuaen 27. 2000 | 3


‘Unbreakable' fractured

by disappointing

Bruce Willis
once again
teams with The
Sixth Sense
director M.
Night Shya-
malan in
an interesting
dissection of


Berrratt Mulcahey

stint with}?

“I see (Ii‘LHI people.”

With that one [iht‘nso (lllII 'l
\VIt'Itt‘iIIV oi'ieintil t\\ist l‘IlIIlll‘J.
(Ill‘H‘ltti‘ t\l. Nieht SIlMlllltlItill
I'oi‘iwi-i‘ t‘llll't‘llt‘Ilt'iI liinisvli‘ into
the .\lllt‘l'li':lll tihii Il"\lt'ttll \\'itli
I'iilti‘m/tu/i/i‘. Sli\:iiii:il:iii ll‘ittIv“
:in I‘\t‘ll iiioi'v .‘llllItlIl'ills :ii
tempt to (It‘I\‘ t'itll\'t'llllttll.

Ilt‘tii'i' Willis st;it's Cl\ :i hit
lllt‘l' high si'hool iitotltzill stint!
(till \VIltt is io'xt. ti >t‘i‘lll'll\
:iini'il llis lllJlI'l'liIL't' is on the
looks tinil Ili‘ is tlistziiti. ilisit
It‘t'li‘d :inil (Ion llll'itIIIIt‘ll

Willis" Iili‘ ls liti't'\‘t-i‘ t‘Il.ill';t‘II
\\Il‘*lt his ll’illll iII‘l"ilI\ ltzil, 7‘


v-x'oi‘jt li.l.\\"ll!t'l iii Iili‘t‘.“ it
Hot not étlii‘. s \‘t his
\lli“\l'\’t'. Iii mutin- s t n.2,“,
iii-:itli llllsi'IIIIlt‘nI
'l'his llllItt‘Ilt” ittii "ii is

iiist “illil I‘ZIIltlII I‘m ~ is amt;-
I.. -IIl(‘I\'.\itlll hits Itt‘on nutttn; t-tt‘
I)l‘it‘t’ is :1 \‘Hlllil' hook
It‘t'IHl' LIII'IIi‘lt'tI “till .i l'ftlt‘ iii
i‘llsi'lilfll lll£1I\t*\Ili\Itt nitslirgét
l_\ \Il‘si'I‘IIIIIlIi‘ to Inn-tilting lItVs
spent his litit i'll‘illIItII lllsiIt‘

J \

the \UtI‘Iii oi' ('tlllllt'\ .IllII Ii
('Iillli‘ to hollow tli.tt lIlt' \Ivtl'ltw
(Il‘f‘ ltzisoil in it‘lllIl. iIII\\I‘ll Hunt.
:is i'i‘i'rtt‘ils oi' \\li,it \‘tft‘ 'ilv- 'tt‘t
('It‘llI liuiitmii Illt‘iIIL‘IHII‘il-l s

I’l'II'I‘ has st'lll‘I‘Ili‘lI his on-
lll't‘ lil'o to ltl'iIU' his thooi‘t' lIlJll
it' there is someone like him.
IIlt'l‘t' iiiiist lu- ,s‘itllli‘ttllt‘ on the
other >IIII‘ oi‘iho 5})(‘I'll'llllli A I‘t‘ilI
liii- L'tillllt'Iiliiik .sllitt‘l‘llt‘l‘tt VI ho‘s
:is llliii‘\II'Il(‘llItI(‘ zis Ilt' is fragile

Although Willis is iinilei‘
st:inil;iltl\ \I\'i'[IIl(‘.'II. Ilt‘ soon
stsii'ts to i'i‘llli‘lllItI‘l' tliztt Ili' h;is
llt'\‘t‘l' Itmtii lllllll't'iI Itl' stink

lloi'o‘s whori- iniitlziiisihili-
t\ si~its iii

The illi‘l‘t‘ notion thzit \Villis
\\'oiilil'\v llt‘Vt‘l‘ llitllt‘t‘iI his so
itci‘rliiiniin :ihiliiios is liiili
i‘i‘itlis. Hon i-oiiiil iliis um llt‘U'l‘
lii-‘Ill‘t ho isn‘t ztlilt- in IN' hiii‘t‘.‘
Ilw lli'\t’!‘ i‘oll (limit :is :i ('IllIiI
Iil‘itI sm his Into-vs i‘otililii't he
\I\.lllilt‘II" [to iiwtmi‘ t‘Ill his Ii’ll'l‘
sii'i‘xiii: IllltI llttlli't‘II thiit ht'
t‘ttilItI titil IIIl‘i‘II“

'l'liis Ilill'lIIt‘ is :i h;i:tl into to
iixt-i'voiiiw. I‘II? iI' \oti “Jill sits
[It‘lltl iIl\Il!'II“I long enough
viii? tollitns is intriguing

I leltt'x‘. 'I's :tIHiitsl Ilt‘lt's_\ lit
"ttlllitfil'i‘ :i illl‘l‘t' lllltl'l.‘II tit
IIlII‘Ilt‘UI‘h. Itlll Slitzimulzin
shuns tin :iiloittnoss with shot
\i'It‘t‘Ilitll illliI :itiiiositht'l't’ to
"III‘II siii h :i i'oiiiitzii'ison

'l‘lii- l't'lfllt'l'l ltiltIt".\ Ii'om
t‘\t‘i'\ :inelo tin/l. tIIIIlitilL’ll it is
\ttlllt‘lllllt’s t‘\t't'ssl\'i*. I'ti/ittiil.



(th0 is nothing: if not it (Izizlline
oxntnitlo of i'i'eiitiw framing
and i':itiiei‘:i\\'oi‘k.

Shyninnltiii's tiso of soiinil
is also interesting. mixing loiiil.
:t hit of Bernard I’It‘l'llléllirt'stilli‘

sti'ines illiII iiiiiiiiio moments ol'

>IIt‘lli‘l' into (in («pertinent iii
t‘l'i‘illllltl mood.

ll‘_\ou t'illl UVt'l‘t‘ttlllt‘ tho int
iilgiiisiltiliti' ol‘ Willis t'HllIIlIlttll.
('nIi/‘i'ukuit/e is (Ill t‘xil‘t‘lllt‘h lll
titi'ostiii: tli\‘oi‘sion ti‘om lIlt‘
I\'I)lt‘£lI i'omii' hook hero. llt- is
not some Slii)t‘I‘-Illilll(lll. mythi
ml home. He is £111 ;I\'t‘l‘ZlL‘t‘ e115
\\Iio hits. Iit‘I‘ll eiwn :i sinti~izil
gift and must (‘Ulllt‘ to toi'nis
\\ itli IIlt‘ I‘ttllst'tllli‘lit't'\' and ill“
[tl‘lt‘t‘ [mil Ioi' liitii to i‘tu‘ili/it his

lint in tho t‘llII tho tnist
“Willi! thzit iii:iili- 'l'lii' SIM/i
Si'iisi' siii'h (I siit'i'oss‘ is \VIllll
HI)IIIi'l'1llt'\ (‘ti/ti'wnAu/t/v's t‘IIt‘t'

Although IIII‘ mist iii and
ot‘ itsi-lt' is (‘t‘l'iZtIIlI\ niipi'o
(lit-tnlili- :inil i'i‘iuitiw. ihw him
tIIlllL'. \\'lIIl tin epilogue lIl-Ill Ili‘ls
io I‘iillk its one oi’tho \i'oixst t'lllt‘
lllJIIlt‘ (I(‘('l>lllll\ i’\'t‘l‘. I‘xills tlzit.
shzittiti‘ing ('iilii'i’i/A'ui‘i/i' into :1
million likieini-iits oi lii‘s:l;~:i
Grade: B-








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Good Luck

_ ; Cats at
0 Chapel Hill!



. I I I i; ~ , CatsExtra
SPOR s . previews North
_ .. , . . ,. ., , ' ., Carolina Friday


- The last time Ult lost a
home opener. The
Eddie Sutton led Cats
fell to Northwest