xt702v2cbx8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbx8k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-08-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 23, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 23, 1996 1996 1996-08-23 2020 true xt702v2cbx8k section xt702v2cbx8k  


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By Gary Wull

Assistant News Editor

Students will have an opportu—
ni to relieve tension and panic
be ore the fall semester begins at
the annual Student Center Spec—

Ap roximately, 2,000 new and
trans er students are expected to

; students to UK

will wear traditional clothes to
teach folk dancing to any inter-
ested student.

Gamblers are invited to a
Monte Carlo Casino Night
which will feature 23 different
games such as craps and black-
jack. The games will be played
with fake money and no prizes
will be given for winning.





attend the Student However, door
Center Spectacular prizes will be given
on Sunday evening. A throughout the
total of 17 different evening.
events were orga- The next night,
nized by the Student the Student Govern—
Activities Board and ment and Residence
SGA. Hall Associations
Alex Goodman, have planned the first
Indoor Activities annual “Back to
chairperson for SAB, [fizzgs School Bash.”
helped line up the The event is open
event this year, which V to all students, faculty
includes three music Back to School and staff.
groups, a comedian Bash will he in L35! spring, the
and a hypnotist. Haggin Field Freshman Represen-
“The Student Monday from tative Counsel
Center Spectacular is 5:30- 8PM planned an “End of
one of the best ways The Student School Bash,” but
to introduce new stu- Center Spectaclar rain washed it out.
dents and transfers to will he at the Stu- SGA summer Sen-
the large amount of dent Centerfrom are approved funding
different activities on 8 _ 111).»: Sun- to reschedule the
campus," said da ' event for Monday.
Edward Marshall, y' “We’re banking
program assistant for on no rain, because
SAB. there really is no way

A snake and reptile exhibit are
among the new additions to this
year’s Spectacular. The exhibit
will allow students to handle the
snakes and reptiles.

Dancers will have two 0 por‘
tunities to Show their ski ls. A
professional country line dancer
will be resent to teach students
how to boot scoot and other line
dances. International students

to have an alternate site,” said
SGA president Alan Aja.

Barring inclement weather,
the outdoor event will feature a
live band, open basketball and
sand volleyball.

UK Food Services will sell
food and drinks. Radio station Z~
103 will have a remote live
broadcast from Haggin Hall

Add/Drop hints simplily
class schedule changes

By Gary Wull

Assistant News Editor

UK-VIP is relatively easy to
use, but every once in a while,
things don’t work out as planned
and a number of questions
emerge. Here is a guide to help
you through this year’s

VAdd/Drop opens on Aug.
27 at 7 am. and closes on Sept. 4
at 8 p.m.

VIf you forget your PAC
number, go to Student Records,
10 Funkhouser, with a picture
ID. Your PAC cannot be
released over the telephone or
without a photo ID.

VPhones in the registrar’s
office are not answered faster
than other calls. The calls are
taken in the order in which they
are received.

VThe conditional drop/add
function does not allow a student
to drop a course until the stu-
dent successfully adds a replace-
ment course.

VIf a student adds a new
course, the system confirms by
repeating the course prefix,
course number and section num-
ber of the course they have
added, followed by the course
prefix, course number and sec-
tion number of the course the

student has dropped.

VUK-VIP allows a student to
check open sections of a course
against courses, a person is cur—
rently enrolled in and alerts that
student to open sections that fit
into their schedule.

VIf a class is closed, go to the
class for the first couple of days.
Some students enrolled in the
class may drop it in the first few
days. If no one drops the class, a
student may be able to get an
override from the professor.

VA student can pick up a
printed schedule by presenting a
photo ID in the Registrar’s
Office, or by going to any micro-
computer lab.

VOverlapping schedules is
possible, but not through UK-
VIP. Ifyou receive permission to
register in two courses that have
overlapping meeting patterns, go
to 5 or 6 Funkhouser Building
your registration or Add/Drop

VIf you have questions, con-
sult the fall registration book.
For further questions, students
can call the Registration Help
Line at 257-7173. Help is avail-
able Monday through Friday
between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.


The Procrastlnetor‘e (a " mt
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€15 Drop a class with bfafl refund -— Aaousmk .

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Marching hack onto

Louisville. The marching hand’sfin‘t half-time show
ity recruitment wee/e, below, line up in front of the Kappa Alpha Theta social sorority houseThurs

bids Friday morning hasedon their top three preferences.

By Kathy Belling
Assistant News Editor

While most students
are making their UK

debut or return trip, some
have cut their summers
short and have been on
campus for the past week.

Women participating in
sorority recruitment and
members of the marching
band have otten a head
start on t eir semester
while putting in long
hours with their organiza—


will feature a patriotic medley, complete with a


Since Sunday, marching

on Stoll field near the Stu—



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August 23, I996
- Brady: noun

7 he Brady 3' xiv/Mel opens
today. Story page B] .







$3? Tai’E‘Ifirihhjlfoipffi Band and sorority members return early

JAMES CRISP Kernel staff
FLAG "IMHO" The UK color guard practices in prepartion for its opening petfiirmam‘e at next Saturday ’5‘ football season—opener against the University of

“gigantic” American flag. W'omen participating on soror-
‘dsay before the final round ofparties. They trill receive their

“There is more empha—
sis on community service
than entertainment,” West
'said. “They are given more
information about the

When the recruitment

rocess ends with today’s
bid day, each of the 13
sororities will offer mem-
bership to a maximum of
38 women, \Vest said. It is
then up to the women
whether or not they join
the organization they have
been invited to.

Nancy Baldwin, a
sophomore transfer stu-
dent, who has been partici-
pating in the recruitment
week said she enjoyed the

dent Center, learning for-
mations and practicing
music for their first show
comin up Au . 31 at the
UK-U footba l game.

Richard Clary, director
of bands, said the 245 band
members are preparing
three shows for this year’s
season, the first one is a
“traditional patriotic show
featurin a ' ntic Ameri-
can flagg” Ti: other two
shows they will learn
through the remainder of
the season will be music
from the musical “Grease”
and a fantasy show with a
space theme.

Clary said it takes about
a week to learn the forma—
tions and music for each


“They’ll have the first
show on the field by the
end of the week,” Clary

Junior Margaret Dit-
tinger, color ard squad
leader, said t e band has
been working daily from
8:30 in the morning until 9
at night. Once classes
begin, rehearsal time will
be reduced to six hours per

Dittinger said they
have had a week less to
prepare this year since the
football season is begin-
ning earlier, but they will
be ready for the opening

Coming back to campus

a week early for days of
rehearsal hasn’t bothered
Dittinger even though it
shortened her summer.

“Band is a great bond-
ing experience, especially
for the freshmen,” she
said. “You get to know
people if you s end 12
ours a day with t em.”

While the band was
marching, 623 women
were also participating in
sorority recruitment week.

Dean Susan West,
sorority adviser, said the
process began last Satur—
day and ends with bid day
today. The number of
women involved is up
from the 534 who went
through last year.

West said part of the
increase is due to the
greater promotional work
done b the Panhellenic
Councillthis year and the
new format for recruit—

“One of the goals of
Panhellenic was to change
the image of sorority life,”
West said. The process is
no longer called “rush,”
but has been changed to
“recruitment week,” West
said. She said the process
has become more relaxed
and less formal.

This year, women were
allowed to wear casual
clothes for the first three
rounds instead of dressing

process because of the
people she met.

“I’m new to UK. I
didn’t know anyone,"
Baldwin said.

Kelly O’Bryan, a fresh-
man, said it had been a fun
week but that it was hard
to choose preferences.

“It gets stressful if you
don’t get invited back to
where you wanted,”
O’Bryan said. “I’ve already
cut them down.”

West said women who
did not participate in for—
mal recruitment but are
still interested in sorority
life can register for open
recruitment beginning
Monday at 575 Patterson
Office Tower.


llll-lllP has the open line ton class registration

By Lindsay Hendrix

Features Editor

It’s one of those technological
advances that makes our lives easi-
er. Although we don’t realize it,
we save time and escape hassles
every time we use it.

Just ask any student who
endured Add/Drop before the
new system was installed in the
1993 fall semester. They are
counting their blessings.

When it comes to registerin ,
adding and dropping classes, UK 9
Voice Information Processing
Network, commonly known as
UK-VIP, has brought relief to the

cam us.
“FVIP’s) a lot easier than stand-
ing in line,” said Ava Beckett, a
secondary Spanish senior. “As far
as registering — you can do it in
five minutes and be done.”
Although registering has been
done by computers for years, stu-
dents used to have to wait in line


to speak directly with a staff mem-
ber who entered the information
at a computer terminal.

Now, students use the tele-

phone to communi-
cate with a box locat-
ed in McVey Hall

that contains the
actual VIP operating

VIP uses the Stu-
dent Information Sys-
tem (SIS) to retrieve
the information it
needs to work cor-

For example, when
your VIP window
opens is based on
your social security
number and student
status. The VIP sys-
tem obtains theinfor-
mation from SIS.

This convenient

connection can present a problem,






“If SIS goes down, then VIP
will not function either,” said
Michelle Nordin, director of reg-

But this doesn’t hap-

pen often.
. . As a matter of fact, it
. has only happened once
in the month that
Mare Nordin has held this
W" position, and it was
100“” a only down for a few

3 minutes.
, way: to “It functions pretty
Wm well, all things consid-
system—make cred,” she said. “(VIP)
217513330411?!“ is so much better.
on mg. it We’re constantly look-
' ' igg for ways to improye
uracil-m ‘ F ”3“"? ‘7 m“ "
thin easrer on stu-
W’f dent?”

We! Although it has
improved atl from

the days 0 long ines in

hot weather, there are still a few
complaints about getting busy sig-

nals when it is time to register.

Since there are 62 lines, it has
not been a major problem, but it
can be frustrating for students
who get a bu signal.

Nordin afllvises that students
not use automatic busy dial, any
kind of redial or cordless phones.
These can make it harder to get
through. In addition, she recom~
mends doing your homework to
reduce VIP—stress for both your-
self and the Registrar’s office.

“The best advice I can give for
using VIP is read the front of the
schedule book,” she said. “And
then if they find that they’re hav-
ing problems, we’re here to help
Monday through Friday, 8 am.-
4:30 .m.”

Tile phone number is 257-
7173. For general questions, to
pick up a schedule, change your
address or get a cam us map, an
information desk will bei n the
lobby of the F unkhouser Building
Monday through Friday.




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00124 us 075 001 13 c 30 TBA ‘
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a 00420 us 070 001 15 C10 TBA
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Thenumber of available seats isnoted inthecolumn following the sectnon 05452 MA 10051 005 12 30 TR %: (13605“
— I number. An uter'ult (') indicates that the Iecuon ha: live or fewer seats 06499 MA 109 031 28 3.0 MWF 1
available. Course section that have the letter “C“ Immediately after the number ‘4 3 0 TBA PM M
of available 0eau have controlled enrollment. You must get speclal permlsalon 03273 MA 565 001 . WP 0000 0350P
— I from the offering department in order to enroll In a course wtth controlled 32;; ms 9% 3: $1519 83 TBA
m ADDIDCOUKSES 00490 Mrs 704 03: 5; 3.3 TRBA 9M 9M _
00355 0400914 00009M 00291 146T 410 4 . 0000 0030 .
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. 00309 GER 211 001 19 3.0 TR OBOOAM 0915414 02302 FAM 710 00, 04591 my 591 001
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00399 us 044 401 25 3.0 w 0600PM 0830PM 05700 JAT 439 401









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06105 A-E 545 401 20 30 M . 06009M 0830PM 00076 Ass 301 003 3' s 2.0 MW 02009M 0250991 00210 A9 530 001 5' 3.0 MW 0100PM 04509M 00257 A~S 750 002 4' 30 TBA ' 3;
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00394 ABC 624 001 21 3.0 M 1100AM 1150AM y w 1000AM 1140AM 00215 As 561 001 7 30 TR 01009M 04509M 00262 As 767 005 5' 10 TBA . ’

1 w 1100AM 12409M 00001 A-E 272 001 9 20 M 1000AM 1150AM 00216 As 570 401 4' 30 MW 06009M 09509M 00263 A5 767 006 4' 10 TBA '~
06272 Am 774 001 2- 3.0 T 0500pM ()7pr w 1000AM 1140AM 00217 A5 571 401 4' 30 Mw 0600PM 09509M 00264 As 767 007 5' 10 TBA U -'
00606 ARC 330 001 78 30 MM mm 0950“,. 00002 AB 272 002 7 20 T 1000AM 1050AM 00210 A6 500 001 6 3.0 T9 03009M 04509M 00265 A6 770 001 5' 30 TBA '- .
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00739 AST 191 401 151 30 Mw 06009M 07159M 0‘40 TBA 00269 A-8 780 003 5' 30 WA 1 17
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00948 CE 4716 00‘ 3. 3-0 m “00AM 1150AM 00007 A-E 395 005 3' C 10 TBA 00223 A5 620 001 2' 30 MW 0000AM 1150AM 00274 A6 700 000 5- 30 TBA 11'

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00976 CE 699 001 12 3.0 F 12009M 02509M ME . _ . . .
00091 399 004 3 C 10 TBA 00227 As 630 003 5 30 TBA 00270 A6 795 002 5 10 TBA
05990 CME 550 001 6 30 MWF 01009M 0150PM 2 kg . , . . r
0009 539 005 3 C10 TBA 00220 As 630 004 5 30 TBA 00279 As 795 003 5 10 TBA
06070 ECO 660 002 10 3.0 TR 0000AM 0915AM 00093 M; 545 - , . . ' ‘
001 5 30 T 0500PM 00009M 00229 As 630 005 5 3.0 TBA 00200 A5 795 004 5 10 TBA t '
4 01512 ECO 662 001 15 3.0 MW 03009M 04159M 06105 M; 54 . . . 1
5 401 20 3.0 M 06009M 06309M 00230 As 630 006 5 3.0 TBA 00201 As 795 005 5 10 TBA .
06071 ECO 679 001 13 3.0 MW 1000AM 1115AM 00095 A-E 645 001 5' 3.0 T 05009M 00009M 00231 As 630 007 5' 30 TBA 00202 A0 795 006 4' 10 TBA 1 «
01531 EDA 600 201 29 3.0 w 05309M 00009M 06106 A-E 645 401 30 3.0 M 06009M 00309M 05755 A5 630 000 5' 30 TBA TBA TBA 00203 A5 795 007 5' 10 TBA -
01554 EDA 771 201 30 C30 T 05009M 07309M 00097 AH: 695 001 2' C 1.0 TBA 00232 A5 650 001 2' 30 MW 0000AM 1150AM 00204 A-S 795 000 4' 10 TBA ‘
01579 soc 320 002 4 3.0 Mw 04009M 0515PM 00090 ME 695 002 3' C 10 TBA 00233 71-6 651 001 1' 3.0 MW 0000AM 1150AM 00205 A6 795 009 5' 10 TBA "
01505 sec 337 002 6 3.0 Mw 02309M 03459M 00099 A-E 695 003 3' C10 TBA 00234 AB 660 001 4' 3.0 TB 01009M 04509M 00206 A6 795 010 5' 10 TBA ‘
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01744 EDS 540 001 1' 30 w 0530914 00mm 00101 AS 695 005 3' C 10 TBA 00236 A6 670 401 4' 3.0 MW WJPM 09pr 00200 MB 401 001 4' 30 T 04309M 05309M
01009 EM 556 001 5' 4.0 TB 1100AM 12159171 00105 AH 105 401 5' 30 TR 0600PM 0715PM 00237 A5 671 401 5' 3.0 Mw 06009M 09509M TBA
T 0200PM 04pr 00106 A-H 106 001 1- 30 MWF 0900AM 0950AM 00230 A5 600 001 10 3.0 TR 03009M 04pr 00209 ABT 101 001 17 1.0 M 02009M 03509M
01959 ENG 101 059 3' 30 MWF 1100AM 1150AM 00111 A-H 395 001 1' C 1.0 TBA TBA 00290 ABT 201 001 19 10 T 0400PM 0450PM
01977 ENG 101 077 21 3.0 TB 0000AM 0915AM 33:3 2': 332 $3 :31“ g 1.3 $3: 00239 A-s 601 001 5' 3.0 TB 03009M 0450PM 00291 ABT 395 001 6 10 TBA
02142 ENG 609 001 16 3.0 TB 1100AM 1215PM - ' . TBA 00292 ABT 399 001 13 1.0 TBA
02225 FA ‘0, 00, ,5 3.0 MW 1230”, 0145”, 00114 A-H 395 004 3' C 1.0 TBA 00240 As 710 001 5' 30 TBA 00293 ABT 401 001 2' 2.0 T9 12009111 1250PM
02436 W 20‘ 001 3. 30 TR 1100AM 12159M 00115 A-H 399 001 5 C 10 TBA 00241 A5 710 002 4 30 TBA 00305 ACC 201 011 2' 3.0 TB 04309M 05459M
02060 HOR 32° 00, 4' 40 m 0930AM m5“ 00116 AH 399 002 5' c 1.0 TBA 00242 As 710 003 4' 3.0 TBA TBA
11 12009M 03509M 00117 A-H 399 003 5' C 10 TBA 00243 A6 710 004 5' 30 TBA 00306 ACC 201 201 13 3.0 M 06009M 00309M
02004 HSM 353 00, 10 3,0 m 0200PM 0315", 00110 A-H 399 004 5' C 10 TBA 00244 As 710 005 2' 30 TBA 00307 ACC 201 401 23 3.0 MW 06009M 0715PM ,'
05439 MA 764 00‘ 22 30 MWF 03009M ()3pr 06434 A-H 527 001 14 30 TR 12309M 01459M 05756 A6 710 006 4' 3.0 TBA TBA 00300 ACC 201 402 20 3.0 MW 0730PM 0045914
03307 M 770 00‘ 24 30 TBA 05739 A-H 520 001 10 30 M 01009M 03309M 00245 A6 720 001 5' 3.0 TBA 00315 ACC 202 402 15 3.0 T0 07309M 00459M .'
12228 M. 615 001 4' 3.0 m 1000AM “30AM 05736 A11 555 001 1' 30 T 0930AM 1200PM 00246 As 720 002 3' 30 TBA 00310 ACC 301 003 7 3.0 MWF 01009M 0150PM .
06000 W 390 401 10 3 0 m 06009M 0715PM 00119 A-H 592 001 9 3.0 TR 0930AM 1045AM 00247 As 720 003 5' 30 TBA 00322 ACC 301 401 5' 30 MW 06009M 07159M . ,
0556‘ Msc105 003 0 3 50 MW “00AM ”50AM 00120 A-B 590 001 5' 30 TBA 00240 A5 730 001 5' 3.0 TBA 00323 ACC 302 001 6 3.0 MWF 1000AM 1050AM 1 ,'
1 m 1 100m 11 50M 00121 A-H 590 002 5' 3.0 TBA 00249 A6 730 002 5' 3.0 TBA 00324 ACC 302 002 3' 3.0 TR 0930AM 1045AM ' .
00122 AH 590 003 5' 30 TBA 00250 A5 730 003 5' 3.0 TBA 00325 ACC 302 003 1' 3.0 TB 12309M 01459M '
03507 MSE 556 001 0 40 TR 1100AM 1215PM -
. T 02009M 9 00123 A-H 590 004 5' 3.0 TBA 00251 As 730 004 5' 3.0 TBA 00326 ACC 324 001 7 30 WP 0000AM 0050AM '
. 0450 M 06204 AH 640 001 11 3.0 R 0930AM 1200PM ‘
05999 MSE 599 001 7 3,0 TF1 1230PM OMSPM 06285 0.14 590 001 , 1 ‘
9 30 w 0930AM 2009M
03911 M03 170 004 6 2.0 TR 0930AM 1045AM 06444 AH 690 002 4- 30 111 1230914 0145910 P ¥ ’
05774 M06 362 001 26 20 MWF 0900AM 0950AM 00127 A-H 740 002 5' 00 TBA L
03951 Mus 4706 001 15 10 M 0300914 03509M 00120 A-H 740 003 5' 00 TBA 1163161116111 . ~
I I .
TBA 00129 AH 700 001 2' c 10 TBA ' ' .5 . '
05799 MUS 4716 001 14 10 WP 03009111 0350914 00131 A-H 700 003 1' C 10 TBA - '. ‘ .3,
06061 NUR 520 001 25 30 R 03459M 06459M 05791 A-H 760 004 2' C 10 TBA Yea ‘
06064 N09 520 501 26 3.0 R 03459M 06459M 00136 A6 102 001 1' 3.0 MW 0900AM 1150AM .
06065 NUR 520 502 30 3.0 R 03459M 0645PM 00137 A-S 102 002 3' 30 MW 01009M 03509M .. .. -
04049 NUR 600 002 25 30 T 0300PM 0600PM 00140 A25 103 001 2' 40 T1". OBOOAM 1150AM ‘I
04051 NUR am 502 13 :30 1' 0300PM ()600PM 00145 A-S 215 002 4' 30 TR OIOOPM 0450PM feat F ;
06119 1109 600 503 29 3.0 T 03009141 06009M