xt702v2cbx70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbx70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1995 1995 1995-03-28 2020 true xt702v2cbx70 section xt702v2cbx70  


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WEATHER I ’m‘I/y .i‘rrmry today,

big/J around 60: mot/y r/mr
tonight, louy near 40,- part/y

g .tmnry tomorrow, [ugh near 6/).

IIIIIEIISIIINS jovial Lung ' term {lie ()xt‘i/rfiir

Best Admit, while '1 in” I [mt/o um Herr . liter

and ‘Fonwt Gum/2' Best Picture. Story, page 4.





ill/1rd) 28, I99)~


' o I../ dim/i 7 Unitariw. 4
y -. New ..

i Z I limit 2 \ltmltx 5
i I It u: ”"1! 7 l mayor/H 6




Students say SBA should address concerns

By Perry Brothers

New Editor

and Jenniler Smith
(."dmpro Editor

Ifhistory is any indicator, only
a fraction of the student body will
vote in the Student Government
Association elections that begin
tomorrow. Last year's turnout was
considered high even though
nearly 21,000 students stayed
away from the polls.


According to .1 Kentucky Ker—
nel poll of 75 students, it's because
SGA does not address the needs
and concerns of its constituents.

“The SGA should exrst to help

students get what they want from

the L'niversity," said Lisa I'Iobson,
.i biology sophomore “For exam—
ple, student prograriis and cariipus
safety. It should benefit all stui
dents, not just specific groups, but
the University as a whole. I can't
think of a thing they've done this
year that's benefited me."

So what issues should SUA
tackle to benefit the students?

Seven recurring issues surfaced
during the student interviews:
campus safety, parking, tuition
increases, financial aid, liood Ser—
vices, residence hall policies and
S( SA spending.

Campus Salety

lIobson said safety is one of her

primary concerns. She stressed


I can ‘t think of

a thing they’ve

done tbisyem'

that’s benefited
me. ’

the need for more
phones and better
lighting on campus.

Lexington Commu-
nity College social
work freshman Delmar
Black also said she is
concerned about a lack
of adequate campus

“The safety of caiii—
pus should be
improved N I have
heard friends say men
have chased them at
night," she said.
“There isn't enough
lighting. I don't even

mess around here at night."

.lennnifer Brack, an undeclared
LCC sophomore, attends
evening classes. She


said she feels unsafe on

it." \\'inlock said. “To put it In
perspective, if you lived in a (lion-
collegiate) community of 34,000

lll‘.’ Hi' latk thereof
The students interviewed over


Lisa Hobson
11 I SGA


campus after dark, and
she would like to see
more walking police

However, Trent
\Vinlock, an unde—
clared freshman,
doesn't consider camv
pus safety an issue. Ile
said crimes at UK get
blown out of propor-

“If any little thing
happens on campus or





if something comes
up, then everyone knows about

people, a lot more crime would

Instead of adding new lights
and phone boxes, \Vinlock said.
the candidates should consider
finding ways to prevent and deter
vandalism of property on campus.
Ile said he knows many people
who have had their cars broken
into and vandalized.


\\'hen students lost more than
lill parking spots to the construc-
tion of the \i'illiam I. ioring
Library. the issue of student park-

whelminglv cited a need for nioic
parking. and they said student
gover'nirient should be the group
to solve the problem

Keri \\'alls, a theater freshina:..
said students should be
more spaces on campus because sl.
many of them ll\ e on campus.

‘lames Ratliff, a business and
finance sophomore, said t'\t‘l‘\
time students get better plates,
L‘K takes them aw ay

“I have to pay S40 a semester to
park in K lot. tlten they taki‘ the
closest y in ol the lot .ind make it
an (employee,l lot.“ he said.

.Vr’r' ISSUES rill 3





Darts lly i
as race
heats up 1

By Ty Halpin

.‘I.i:i'r.\‘tilm .\ [imaging Ifr/Itnr

Two days before the Student
Government Association voting is
set to begin, iiiiitlslirigiiig has
entered the race full-force for the
first time.

Vice presidential candidate _loe
Bennett accused presidential caii— ‘,
didate Dan Michalak ,of naming
some ofthe 210 people on Micha-
lak’s “Campaign Committee” to
the group without their knowl»

However, of a list ofsix names
Bennett supplied the Kentucky
Kernel, only one person said he
didn’t want to be on Michalak's i
brochure. I

“I am on the back of his plats ‘
form absolutely without riiy
knowledge," said Jamie Huggins,








a sports management graduate
student. “It's very upsetting." l

Michalak said he spoke to Ilug— '
gins last week when the situation I
was brought to his attention. i

“A good friend of mine is a l
good friend of his, and I \vasy
under the impression that Jamie I

Don't Illlfl me

I ’ii/rrii'ill .i‘ri'i'nre freshman .\ 1mm 1 hark/)1 i i'i'ili‘ri' to .1 point made Irv plyf/Jn/ngy/i‘Ifi‘ii‘tllI-.'I”14377111” Smdreyjmrrnrjinn/1m 7 no during ll
forum in the Student Center xii/led Illi'n and II ill/”(II II 770 Dog '/ ‘lieir xI.i'.i‘oi'r'/1n’.i‘. ‘ It am part of Phi Beta Sigma II 'ei'I'. Story, page 3.

JAMES CRISP Ivivrir/ turf

. I
, Seven to enter Journal'sm Hall of Fame

ing to get us Seaton Center ,
votes," .Vlichalak said. “But there
was a miscommunicatiiin some—
where, and I was wrong."

It was Bennett, through Sena—
tor at Large .lulie \Vright, who
told Huggins his name was on the

“At first, I saw two of my fra»
ternity brothers on there," Ben
nett said. “I knew something was
fishy then."

Bennett's running mate Russ
Harper faced a similar situation
earlier in the campaign when he
incorrectly claimed the support of
Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Ileinenway.

Michalak said that, other than
Huggins, he hasn't heard corri-
plaints from committee members.




Seven new members will be inducted
into Kentucky's Journalism Ilall of
Fame and the Kentucky Advertising
Ilall of Fame during a ceremony next
inductee group are:

VThe Courierilournal Associate
I'alitor Mervin R. Aubespin, the paper's
first black news artist. Ile started his
tenure as a reporter when racial violence ed
broke out in Louisville in 1968.

Vlames .\I. Caldwell, a pioneer in
Kentucky‘s radio and television industry.
He was the first television news director
in Kentucky when \VAVI’HIV went on
the air in 1948. and is former president
of Kentucky Broadcasters Association.

VMartha Comer, former editor of

the .\Iaysville Ledger-
Independent and the
Daily Independent who,
at age 87, continues to
publish a regular col~

VNBC television
sportscaster and Lexing—
ton native Toiii Harn—
mond. IIe's considered
one ofthe iiiost-respect~

in the journalism

sportscasters. and has
covered the 1992
Olympics and other
national and world

sporting events.
VCurrent Lexington

Herald-Leader presi-

dent and publisher



Lewis Ii. ()wens, a former president of
the Kentucky Press Association.

VRichard \Vhitt, a I978 Pulitzer
Prize winner for coverage of the Beverly
Ilills Supper ( ilub fire in Southgaie. Ky.

The advertising inductee is nationally
respected copywriter and women's suf-
frage crusader Ilelen Lansdowne Resor.
She was often called “the greatest copy»
writer of her time" by her professional

The induction ceremony, which is
part of the _Ioe Creason Lecture Series,
will begin at S pm. April .‘0 at the Sin~
rletary Center for the Arts. This year's
Tecturer is Robert Ii. .\Iu|holland. for—
mer president of \' BC

Plaques honoring the inductees are
on permanent display in the UK School
of_lournalism and 'l‘elecrimmunicatioiis.


Smiling, happy Chaney thinks ticket has ‘a lot to otter'

By Brenna Reilly
Sta/f I'Vrm'r

It is very rare to see Shea Chaney without a smile
on his face.

“My friends always tell me that I'm always smil-
ing. I like that," said Chaney, a Student Government
Association presidential candidate.

Chaney, who grew u ) in tiny Pine Knot, Kv., just
outside Somerset, said t at’s because he‘s usually in a
good mood.

“It takes a lot to get me in a bad mood, but once
I’m in a bad mood I'll just to for the problem and
try to solve it," Chaney said w ile drinking coffee at a
downtown coffee shop.

He grew up in a traditional nuclear family. Ilis
parents have been married for 27 years. Ilis brother,
Chad, is a sophomore at Eastern Kentucky Universi—

“I love the way I was brou rht up, and I hope I can
give my kids the same kintfrif environment,” the

rst—year law student said. “I have the best )arents in
the world. They are so supportive of everyt ing I do.
They are never pushy."

Being involved in politics is nothing new to
Chaney — he was president of his high school senior

“I wasn’t quiet in high school by any stretch of the
imagination," he said. “I was pretty involved with

Although Chaney has run for offices in high
school and college, he said this election will be his
last. It's the negative aspects of campaigning that
bother him.

Chaney wants to be a lawyer. He said he wants to
combine two ofhis interests to make his career.

“()ne of my biggest things is I‘m an environmen-
talist," Chaney said. “\Vhat I want to do is get an
environmental law consulting company, where I
could help companies meet environmental regula-

Althou ’h he doesn't like everythin about cam-
paigning, he has learned a few positive t ings.

“((Zainpaigning) gives you an extra confidence. I
feel like I could go up and talk to anybody now, abso-
lutely anybody," Chaney said.

Chaney has fun joking with people about his
unusual first name.

“It‘s always fun to tell people I was born in Shea
Stadium in the middle the ninth inning ofan All-Star

ame," Chaney said. Actually, his full name is
i Iichael Shea, “but Michael is my dad, so I go by
Shea. My mom is the only one that calls me Michael

Chaney said the reason he is so active is he has .i
lot of energy. “I'm always up for doing something. I
hate sitting around and being bored."

Also, he said, he is known for being spontaneous.
He often does things on the spur ofthe moment.

“We left for Mardi (iras one night. \Ve were at
Steak Fest at like midnight and were, like, ‘Iley. let's
go to Mardi Grits.‘ we took off. \Ve packed that
night and left," Chaney said.

One of the main reasons he decided to stay at UK
for law school was his friends.

“I’m happy. I really like my life like it is right now
— I like UK, I like the school, I like my friends," he

\Vhen faced with a problem Chaney said he
always takes a direct approach.

“I like to hit things head on," he said. “I think it's
always better to have a confrontation early than to
have one late and let it fester around for a while. I
think if you let problems simmer, it just makes them

Althou h Chaney has been involved with SGA
since his fgeshman year, he said he never planned to
run for president.

“It's something I never thought I would do, but I
really think that Heather (Hennel) and I have a lot to
offer,” he said.

I '.



NATION White House Will
use diplomacy With Iraq

\VASIIING'I‘UX ’I lie \Vhite House said
yesterday it lielimcs “quiet diplomacy" will win
the early release of two \inci'icans field prisoner
in Iraq. lint a Rt'lllll‘lll..ll‘. senator is suggesting
the I'nited States consider iixilitary action to tree
David llalibcrti and \‘villiaa: Barloon. w ho were
sentenced Saturday to eight tears in prison after
being coiiiitteil of illegally entering Iraq,

\Vliite lloiise spokesiizaii Alike \Ic( .iii‘r'y ,
asked about rise of “Hillary .ll tion 'o I‘l'tt' the '\\o.
said “we don't rule out -‘l "Illlfi in options that the
president might want to t o-isidci at some point "

But be dismissed the military toice suggestion
made Sundav by Sen. Rn hard Lugar, l)rlnd., say~
mg “\Ve believe that quiet ilirili illl.lt'\ will work in
this case Sonic \iiiei‘ri airs or running for pii-si
dent. I‘ll kind oflr- ike Ii: r.' ‘i r:. to them i‘

Baseball hearing set for Friday

\IA‘I YORK ilihc \'iti trial labor I‘lela
tions l’ioard yesterday .iskc l for a court order that
could end baseball‘s — nio'i‘i. ‘sllllxtf in time for
opening day this \\t‘(‘l-.t hi and a federal iudgc set
a hearing for l‘iiiday.

The NLRB wants .I pi'tfiiiiinau iniunction
forcing team ii'wllt'l‘s to l':'»lii7t‘ key parts of the
game's expired contract. 11% imling salary arbitra-
tion and free agent binding. Players have said
they will end the walkom‘ :f a “ridge issues such .iii
order But many owner's l: or »aid they will lock
out the players iftliev tllii their sti ikc without a
new agreement. It was uni I: i: if the owners could
get the necessary .‘1 suites among the 3H teams for
a lockout.


Bo open lor business
RAI).\'HR. I’a.

know the riteaniiig of “off scaA
son." 'I wo-sporr siai Bolu kson
has signed up with the \‘. illiam
Morris Agency .lli'tl is open for
business. he says in the April I
issue of II (fun/t- . Iii kson. a free
agent with the ( ..illliill1l.l \ngcls~
is turning his sights toward Ilol«
lywood because he‘s tii'cd of wait~ Jackson
ing for the baseball strike to end,
The former Los Angclcs Raider, u ho had a 'I'\
role as .i nanny on “Diagnosis \Iur'der,‘~ l\|1.[ Lid
ding himself about his t ileni off the play mg fields

“Bo doesn't know .I( ting." latkson said, "but
he's learning."

(limp/Ital how :. JH‘ ri‘pwr h

, .
l‘iii ilric'sl‘it




..... .__ C0ffee Talk.

~ ‘ . a six-part look althe people i
c ‘ , /: ,4 behind the platforms i





Chaney/Henna Campaign Highlights

VSelecl a student or team nl Silltlfinl‘~ in
be lobbyist in Fiaiiklnri

VDevelop a turban payment plan that
allows students to pay their tuition on I
monthly basis

VRequne organizations seeking money to
attend one of two semesterly Senate fund-
ing meetings

VRequire the University to develop a

plan for pavrng the Virginia Avenue
parking lot

VExpand lighting in the Klot/Seaton Field locations, near
the Reynolds Budding and around Virginia Avenue parking

VRequire internal audit prior to spring semester

Vlnslall automatic teller machine at LCC





To. TIUV Kmrl ruff

 2 (untidy. Mint/v .‘k'. lWi. ls'rnmih Ker‘rir/


"IIIIIII‘ SOCIBLIBS IISLBII as candidates debate

By Sara Spears

Senior Stu/j ll 'nm

Three campus honor societies
held their first ever Student (ioi
eminent Association presidential
debate last night in the Student
Center's \Vorshnn 'I Iicatcr.

Societas l’ro legibus, Uiiiicron
Delta Kappa and Mortar Board


W.“ 7...

A .Ji at meet. girl stirs

' e" [1199":-

held the debate in which candi-
dates seemed to take on a less for—
mal attitude, exemplified by canr
didate Shea Chaney's wearing a
Dr. Seuss hat through the entire

The panel was made up of Beth
Henderson, president of Mortar
Board, l’aul _lett, president of
()I)K, and Stephanie llunt, vice



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in the Old Student Center
from lO:OO-3:OO pm.

Come to our Special
film and Information Session
this evening (free showing)
where we will present the new film
"Completely Alive"
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and the Student Center
from IO:OO—3:OO pm.

For More Information call

(606) 257 8646

president of Sl’l.. Keiin (iliasso—
mians, president of SI’I,, acted as
moderator. About It) students
attended the debate.

The candidates faced questions
about which programs they
thought would bring about the
most change and what positive
things they thought came out of
this year's organization.

In opening statements, candi~
date 'l‘ony Carota threw his oppo—
nents' platform pamphlets about
the stage claiming they were
wastes of paper and ink and took
all ofSherwood Forest to print.


Fun and

By Allison Marsh

(mi/i Iii/11mg ll rite;

The season may be over for
\\'iltlt.it basketball, but there is
another final four tournament on
campus. Phi Beta Sigma social fra—
ternity is holding a basketball
tournament for the four tradition»
ally black fraternities at the Seaton
Center 'lhursilay at 7 p m.

“I look forward to the basket,
ball games,“ said Mack ()wens III,

a member of Phi Beta Sigma. “If

we win. we have bragging rights
for a whole year and the floating

'l‘he games are one event in an

Candidates were asked to name
the major problem with the 'l'. \.
Jones administration.

Candidate Avi \Veitzman said
the organization, not the man, was
the problem.

“He had a vision that I am
endorsing right now: The stu-
dents (are) what matters,’ he said.
“He just didn't understand Iiow to
implement his ideas,"

Candidate Dan Michalak dis
agreed with \Veitzman's assessi
ment, saying the problem was
_lones' lat k ofaliility to work with
the Senate.

“’l‘.:\. came into SGA as anti-
this and ‘JIliI‘tllAlI. The Senate got
the idea that they were doing
something wrong from the begin—
ning," Michalak said.

Candidates were asked what
plans they have for the ({eneral

Chaney said he has specific
)lans‘ about how to deal with the

“\Ve plan to have a student
Ioliliy'lst that Will go to Frankfort,
know all ofthe Iegislators' names
and who will truly fight for stu~
dent rights," Chaney said.

Candidates also were asked
what separated them from the
other candidates.

Candidate Russell Harper said
he is set apart because he always
has been a hard worker.

“You can't sit on the front
porch and expect to catch raw
coons. You have to get your butt
out there and search for them."

Carota said he is different
because he is a completely neutral

“I'm not greek; I‘m not noii-
greek.“ he said. "I represent


ames highlight Sigma week

annual week of activities spon»
sored by Phi Beta Sigma. The
week is a chance for the fraternity
to be noticed through social actiw
ities and community service,
Owens said. If you have mastered
the art ofprocrastination and spe—
ciaIi/e in Sega games like “Mortal
Koinbat ll," “College l’ootball
“H" .iiid “NBA Iain." you're in
Int k.

A tournament with \ ash prizes
will be held in the Student Center
game room today. Registration
begins at 5; ill pin.

(iiiys with nappy Iiair, iiastv
nails and no sense of fashion are to
report to the ls'irwairBlanding

Complex Commons tomorrow at
(Mt) p.ni. for grooming discounts
and professional fashion tips. This
event is to promote black busi—
ness‘es within the community.

Men and women who deem
themselves Worthy of the title
“Mack of the Year" will partici-
pate in a talent show Friday Spoli‘
sored by the fraternity and the
Black Student l'nion.

()n Saturday, a inini~field day
project with the Bluegrass
:\.spendale Teen Center will bring
teclis totaliipth.

“People of Lexington tend to
think that UK students stay
amongst themselves," Owens said.

“Al‘his is our way to reach out into
the community

After the field day, the Blue and
\Vhite l’layas Ball, a dance for the
fraternities, will be held in the
Student Center (irand Ballroom
from If) pan. to l a.m. The week
will wind down on Sunday when
the fraternity will have an appreci-
ation reception for its sister social
sorority, Zeta Phi Beta.

“A lot of people tend to think
these events are iust for African—
Americans," t)wens said. “I want
everybody to feel they can come
out and participate or watch. It‘s a
chance to see what we‘re all


SEA officials IIBIIJ form national IIIQIIBI‘ Ell group

By Sara Spears
Swim- Silt/f ll 'rim-

Several of L'K's Student (iov-
ernment Association members
spent their weekend in \VasliingA
ton, I).C., helping other student
governments across the country
create the National .'\.s\tit'l.lllt)li of
Students for Higher l‘itlllt‘dlltill.

\ASIIIC is made up of about
III universities and colleges
groups across the United States,
as well as several state student
organizations. \',-\Sl II“, was creat-r





Your Campus News

l_¥ _.._A ,A., ___,h ,







ed to represent college students to
Congress members and to push
for students rights.

The organization became offi—
cial this weekend when the stu—
dents elected interim officers, and
wrote and approved bylaws and a

NASIIIC currently is working
on contacting members of
Congress during their recess, the
week of April I7AZI, and inviting
them to speak at college campus;

Alison Crabtree, director of

governmental affairs for SGA,
attended the NASHE meeting
and said the idea of getting the
speakers isn't concrete yet, but
information should be available
within a few days.

“\Ve think it is very important
that these Congressmen come in
contact with the students they are
representing,“ ( Irabtree said.

S(i:\ Senator at Large Shelli
l‘ireeland was elected director of
internal relations for NASHF.
ller responsibilities include mak—
ing sure the members of the Board

of Directors keep in contact with
one another and recruiting .stu7
dent governments from other uni—
versities to become involved in the

Both Freeland and Crahtree
said NASHIC will be a viable
source of representation for stu—
dents on a national level.

“This means there will be more
groups pressuring Congress to do
things for college students," Crab—
tree said.

“You can never go wrong with
more student representation."

Back 3rom The Movie


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Kmruil'y [xi/ml. Irii'iilily, .Udrtl' It, 1995‘ a

Kernel Voting Guide



in the SGA'









l l - To"! Shea nan Avi
8 BC I O n Carota Chaney Harper Michalalr Weitzman
I’l’vrri'xv/rmwr Firm-year lirz." rmdnm I’ii/llii’il/ rite/1w J’t’llllll' .\ limiter-ment and marketing st’lIlilI‘ l‘i/mid/ armtr rum”
V v v v l v
VLobby to get a parking structure on VPave C-4 lot VLobby for a student parking structure VTry to get student spaces in VPetition to get student parking in
South Campus in the 8-3 lot VLobby for student places in new new parking structure faculty and staff lots when parking
VAchieve more parking on campus parking structure VWork with administration to keep structure is burlt

without raising parking fees

VFight to keep spots behind the Fra-
ternity Six-Pack
VKeep city funding for LexTran

parking rates as low as possrble

VLobby to get A-Iots reserved for


VWork With other state universities to
get a lobbyist in Washington, DC.
VLobby the Council on Higher Educa-
tion to decrease tuition hikes

VStudent lobbyist in Frankfort
VDevelop tuition payment plan

VLimit turtion increases to every two

VBe an active member in state and
national lobbying efforts

VEncourage Kentucky General
Assembly to make cuts and find rev~
enues in areas other than increasmg
student tuition

VOrganize student forum for lobby-
ing in Frankfort

iVHire iotiby‘st tr: fight for students

' concerns in Washington. D C, and

VTry to get a two-year cap on tuition
increases through parental petitions ,
and :alling for statewrde boycotts of

i CHE members busrnesses


VPaint emergency phones blue
Vlncrease campus emergency phones
Vlmprove campus maps to show well-
lighted zones and areas the escort
service covers
VExpand escort hours and patrols
VMake Flape Aggression Defense
class available for college credit

VIncrease UK police department foot

VDecrease UK police car patrols
VIncrease number of emergency
phones on campus

VDevelop crime watch areas on cam-

VExpand escort hours and patrols

Vrlncrease campus lighting, especrally

near construction of new library
VIncrease emergency phones on

VAdd lights to the phones

increase emergency telephones
Vlmprove lighting

VBicycle police officers

VRevive campus watch and escort

VEducate students about safety

improve campus lighting

VSwrtch from white lights to yellow
halogen lights to decrease costs
VMore campus police to walk through

Vlvti3re police on blKeS



VEliminate minimum and maximum
requirements on meal cards
VExpand services available on cards


VFurther commercialization of Stu-
dent Center

Vlmprove food services available

VDecrease minimum balance
requrred on meal cards

VExpand commerCiairzation
VLobby for cheaper food prices


VLook for ways to expand student
meal serVices

VMonitor prices to make sure stu-
dents get a fair deal

! VTry tr‘ get VendPlus accounts
; available at popuiar offcampus loca-
j trons



VPush for 24—hour full weekend visi-
VLimited weekday visitation

VDevelop plan to get optional 24~hour
visitation halls

VWork with Residence Hall Assoma
tion and residence life to achieve 24.
hour visitation

VTriai period in select halls for a 24~
hour visitation

I VLobby to get students optional 24
lhour vrsrtation hails

i VEstablish a Student Bill of Rights
that would demand students be "treat-
ed like adults”



VDevelop a scholarship fund with
money saved from SGA funding criteria


VStudent lobbyist in Frankfort
VSupport national student govern-
ment association efforts to maintain
current federal financial aid programs

VDevelop need-based scholarships
VCreate minority student leader and
international student leader scholar-

Vlncrease lobbying efforts so finan-
cral aid will not get out

VDevelop a UK~specrfic publication to
make students aware of available
finanCial aid

Vlmprove sources of financial aid to
students by encouraging an
alumni/student network





lVFull -ti rre l ibbvist

iVP rant 9/ std dent petitions


VBefore requesting funds, groups
must notify the Senate that they need
money. They must then do their own
fund raising.

VSGA will aid the groups in fund
raising efforts and then supplement
money that could not be raised.





VAmend SGA Constitution so organi-

zations can only come to SGA twice a


VAmend SGA Constitution to say the

Senate can only give money to confer-
ences at two meetings a semester


JVWork with Senate to develop spend-

ing criteria
VOnly permit certain percentage of
funding to go to funding conferences

VSet a limit that can be spent on con-


VStrengthen spending criteria
VRequrre groups that get Senate
money to report back to the Senate
VAllow for a student veto if they do
not like SGA legislation


VArtieod 35A Constitution to cap con-
ference funding at $1,000

Yemeni! constitution so Senate only
funds prop-Lsals beiiefitting entire cam-

VLimit amount of money allotted for
bills that do not help the entire campus



stronger student VOlCC in keeping

in classes because they' re worried

their financial aid options.

“ridiculous and inflated."

Senate spending


“\Ve already pay a shitload as it
is," Flcriiiiicr said. “I about dicil on
vaiatton \\ licn l saw a bo\ of'cerc
al was lcss .ir a gas station than it is
at the ( Loinmons l.\l.irkctl H

“l cannot get it now becausc of
how much my parents make, but
no one looks at how much I make
or how much I have to pay for,"
Kreiner said.

Allison W'alston, a biotechnol—
ogy sophomore, agreed with Kre—
iner and said financial aid at l'lx' is

“They hide it. I swear they hide
the financial aid deadlines and
information," she said.

Students my ST 1A

doem ’2‘ meet (OIIL'C‘I‘IIS
From PAGE 1

tuition prices dow.n

()ther students think SGA is
unable to fight tuition increases
Scott Bishop an electrical engi—
neering sophomore said he thinks
different proposals about capping
tuition increases are not feasible.

lhcy take a platform, and I

re ally don t think the (( ouncil on
Higher qutition) holds much financial 3“
stock in what they are shiying” _
Bishop siid. “How many of (the Although the students inter-
cmdidttes) 'JCtU'JH\ WOT” 1hnut VlL'“'C(l ilen()“’lCdgC thC limited
“UNOUIHCFCHSCS anyw-lvy" abilitv S(l‘\ h‘JS in [ht national

about workingr full— time to pay
tuition. But if the school had a
payment plan, the retention lc\cl
would rise and more students
would be able to stay in school
because they wouldn’t have to
worry about a lump sutii at the
beginning of the semester."

l‘his year the Senate has been
known for fundinir sin ill c iinpns
1'“ tips on trips and tonfcrtnt: .
\\ ll. lock siid hc (lr)t\ not nndtr
start 1 how S(i .\ tan get away witl
its r itr aqenus spi ndinir.
lhtx inst unc lllllllL‘\ ti orga
ni/. ii: on» for no rc isori .it .ill he
said lltll l t an get afcu people
to sign soiriethinij. Maybe I can
get some- money."
Sen-rail students suggested
(lLWL'lUPIHfJ criteria for spendinpr

Residence hall visitation

.\lost of the students intcr-
viewed who live in residence halls
said they believe 24-hour \'l\llll'
tion would itnprovc the atrnoe
spheres in ill of‘the h ills

Stephinic l altk in anirnil sci

Also Ratliff said parkirnr ind
pirkinpr prices are not the only
issues students feel underrepre—
sented on

and he ilih lees

~ parking. tuition
(has) prone up,"

Food Services

Ratliff said. “And SGA hag not Still students like Darrick(ol- financial aid scene, most said ence freshman said increased visis and enforcing a roll call vote to
done anything about it.” her a biology sophomore said e