xt702v2cbx3n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbx3n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1992 1992 1992-02-26 2020 true xt702v2cbx3n section xt702v2cbx3n  

independent since 1971



Contributing Writer

The lntemational Student
Council presented “An Evening
of Student Entertainment" last
night at Worsham Theatre to cel-
ebrate cultural diversity at UK.

The festival featured 13 cultu-
ral groups and countries. The
evening was a “celebration of
traditional music, dance, martial
arts and fashions from around
the globe."

Entertainment began with the
“Pooja Dance" —— an lndian
form of worship traditionally


presented before the opening of any

Korea's contribution was a dem—
onstration of Taekwon-Do, per-
formed by UK world politics teach-
ing assistant Song M. Kim and his
Taekwon-Do students.

After a display of moves and
kicks, Kim attempted to kick sever-
al boards in half. The first kick was
successful, but trouble hit on the
second attempt. Kim repeatedly
missed the boards, kicking one of
his students who was holding the
board. After several tries Kim suc-



TOP: Tommy Case, a music major from Cynthiana, Ky,. performs in the
UK Steel Band, The band particrpated in the opening kickoff ceremony
for 'Celebrating Diversity: A Festival of Life,‘ an annual celebration at the
University. BOTTOM: Members of UK's band marched in cadence
through the hallways of the Student Center as part of yesterday's cultu-

ral festivrty programming.



University officials dedicate
remodeled Family Center

Contributing Writer

UK officials formally dedicated
the newly expanded UK Family
Center in a ribbon-cutting ceremo—
ny last week.

Lexington Campus Chancellor
Robert Hemenway and College of
Human Environmental Sciences
Dean Peggy Meszaros were present
for the dedication ceremony, which
followed the completion of eight
months of renovations to the family
therapy facility. The addition of a
waiting room. student work areas

and training rooms were part of the

The Family Center was formed
two years ago as a University-
sanctioned facility with a “three-
pan mission“ — to provide servic—
es, research and continuing educa-
tion for professionals. said Gregory
Brock, director of the center.

“The community has been look-
ing for a resource like this," he said.
“This is probably the only resource
in the area that provides marriage
and family therapy, exclusively
practiced from a family systems

Staff at the center provide mar-
riage and family therapy with a di-
vorce adjustment program and mar-
ital communication skills training.

The center also sponsors continu-
ing education workshops for profes-
sionals. For example, it is conduct-
ing a workshop this weekend to
teach 35 professional therapists
how to provide marital communica-
tion training in their practices.

“The center helps everyone who
associates with it realize the impor-
tance of healthy families," Brock

See CENTER. Page 2

Although state economy bleak,
Jones receives 3 percent raise

Associated Press

Brercton Jones gets a 3 percent
raise this year. bumping his salary

The same percentage increases
will apply to Lt. Gov. Paul Patton.

other state constitutional officers,
mayors, prosecutors. county offi-
cials and a court administrator.

The new salary limits, retroactive
to Jan. I, were disclosed in an attor-
ney general’s opinion released

State law requires raises to be
calculated annually by the state De-

partment for Local Government and
checked by the attorney general.
The law flowed from the l962
“rubber dollar" ruling by the Ken-
tucky Court of Appeals.

Kentucky‘s IOl-year-old consti-
tution forbids any public official to

See JONES, Page 2

Wednesday, February 26. 1992

UK chancellor
addresses cuts,
possible change

Assocrate Editor

Cutting l0 percent from the Lex-
ington Campus budget will be no
small task, said Robert Hemenway.
chancellor for the Lexington Carti-
pus. The cut for
his sector of ti.C
University is
$12.8 million.

That is the
equivalent of
256 faculty, 425
staff positions,
the combined
budgets of the
colleges of Law.
Business and Fe
onomics and Communications, or
the budget of the College of Engi—

“We’re talking about things that
are gorng to force fundamental
changes in the way that we do
things at the University of Ken-
tucky," Hemenway said.

He will discuss the cuts with stu-
dents, faculty and staff at forums

"No Small
Task ",

this week and Monday on campus.

“Anything is open for considera»
tion," Hemenway said. “It‘s not
written in stone that we must have
12 colleges on the Lexmgton (‘am-

Hemenway said he will speak for
about five minutes and then take
questions and ideas from the audi-

“I think there are a lot of good
ideas out there about how it c might
be able to cut this budget." ilL' \illti

He also will distribute a he. of
principles for cutting the ltutittu wit
the Lexington ('tittipti~

i K i‘resitlcnt (”hath "»\.1‘:t:

t . ull\i that prcxt'rxttix'

i. ll:i\\1i>ll ml the l lit‘.l .t. . is
first priority lll deciding what to
cut. Subsequent prioritie. are pro
serving tubs and then salaries.

“We have to be able to ensure
that this reduction l.\ handled with
Lls little disruption in possible to the
academic programs,” he said.

Hemenway find that cuLs Will not


Swift explores future,
past of liberal studies

Assistant Sports Editor

The spirit of the changes in uni-
versities' missions that took place
during the latter half of the 10th
century in America ought to be re-
instated and retained in the spirit of
the nation‘s modern universiues. a
UK administrator said last night.

That message was the topic of a
speech given by UK‘s Dean of in
dergraduate Studies Lou Stuff to
College of Arts and Sciences tactil-
ty. administrators and students at
the Otis A Singletary (‘cnter tor
the Ans.

Swift's presentation I\ part of his
obligation in receiving the college's
highest professional. the Distin-
gutshed Professor Award for NIH.


A faculty member 1’4 elected each
year by his or her peers based on
three criteria: unusually effectne
teaching, outstanding scholarship
and semce to the University and
the profession of teaching

Most recipients of the award are
granted a semester break from lht‘lf
positions to research and prepare a
presentation for the college‘s tacul»
1}. but. because he l‘~ .in administra-
tor. Swift decimed the \t‘lllcht‘l’ off.

But he still made ilh \peech. ti—
tled “Ivory Towers Hi a land (ir‘tint

The speech traced what Swift
called the t t'ut’ttil \e.it~ in the develr
opment of \merh i\ hmd grant in»

See SWIFT Page 5



UK serves up
culture via
pastry cafe

Senior Staff Writer

A little taste of Europe has
come to UK.


With the help of a red and
white awning, checkered table-
cloths, plants and French music.
245 Student Center has been
transformed into a European
pastry cafe this week.

The cafe. sponsored by the
Cosmopolitan Club and the ln-
temational Hospitality Program.
opened Monday and will operate
from 10 am. to 4 pm. this
week. As evidenced by the
strong turnout from students, fa-
culty and staff in its first two
days of business. the cafe has
beenabig hit.

“We have had a very good
turnout so far," said Charlene
Leach. who oversees the opera-
tion of the cafe for the Cosmo
Club. “l'd say it's been good.
steady business.

“The University has really
supported this over the years.
It‘s become well known since it

See EUROPEAN. Page 5

The European Pastry Cafe was set up outsrde 245 Student Center. Sev
eral pies and other delicaCies are being sold throughout the week


GREG EANS Kemei Sta“












A win tonight against the South Carolina
Gamecocks could give UK a first-round
bye in the Southeastern Conference
Tournament. Story, Page 2.


Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Rob-
ert Hemenway will hold forums at 10:30
am. in the Law School and 2 pm. in White
Hall Classroom Buliding.

Pianist, percussion-
ist highlight week’s

Column, Page 3.






 a - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday. February 26. “92

Kentuckians favor abortion with restrictions

Auoclatod Prose

LOUISVILLE. Ky. - A majori-
ty of Kentuckians surveyed in a
new poll took the philosophical
middle ground on the abortion issue
— they want abortions to remain le-
gal. but with cenain restrictions.

Fifty-six percent said that was
their position. while most others
were on the polarized extremes —
20 percent favored a total ban on
abortions and 70 percent said it
should be legal under all circum-
stances. according to a Bluegrass
State Poll published Monday.

But the poll, conducted by The

Courier-Journal, also found that 70
percent of the 810 adults surveyed

supported passage of a parental-
eonsent bill before the Kentucky


Under the legislation. written
consent from one parent or a judge
would be required before a woman
under 18 could have an abortion.

Kentuckians were split on wheth-
er the U.S. Supreme Court should
overturn Roe vs. Wade, the 1973
decision that established a woman's
right to an abortion.

Although 40 percent believe it
should be overturned, 45 percent
said it should remain in effect, the

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poll found. Fifteen percent had no

Roe vs. Wade allows abortions
for women through the sixth month
of pregnancy. If the landmark rul-
ing is struck down by the us. Su-
preme Court, states would create
their own rules for abortion.

The Supreme Court’s niling in a
Pennsylvania case is expected later
this year. Meanwhile, abortion toes
are backing three bills in the state
legislature that would increase re-
strictions on abortion.

Gov. Brereton Jones recently said
he would support a law banning
abortions after the first three

months of pregnancy if Roe vs.
Wade is overturned. The governor
said he would allow exceptions af-
ter three months only if the life of
the mother was in danger.

The poll, conducted Feb. 3-10.
has a margin of error of 3.4 percent-
age points. This means. in theory.
that in 19 of 20 cases the poll re-
sults would differ by nolmore than
3.4 points from the results that
would have been obtained by ques-
tioning all adults in Kentucky with

Parents were somewhat more
likely than non-parents to back the
parental-consent measure. accord-

ing to the poll. Black adults were
more likely than whites to oppose
it. the poll found.

Poorer people were more likely
to say abortions should be illegal in
all cases. That was the position of
33 percent of those with household
incomes of less than 815.000. com-

pared with 16 percent of those with I

higher incomes. '

By about 3 to l. Kentuckians
with at least a high: school diploma
— are more likely to believe abor-
tions should be allowed for any rea-
son. according to the poll's results.



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Continued from page 1

said. “Healthy families make

healthy people."

Presently. the program assists be-
tween 50 and 80 families. for an av-
erage of about 200 hours of therapy
each month. With the new additions
to its facilities. however. those fig-
ures are expected to increase to

B013 ’n’ weer/e

about l00 families for nearly 300
hours of therapy per month.

The staff at the center is com-
posed of ccnitied marriage and
family therapists. who are UK fa-
culty members. Several graduate
students in marriage and therapy
also work at the center.

Staff members also see families
at family resource centers at Fayette
County elementary schools. These
centers formed through the Ken-
tucky Education Reform Act. ena-

bling parents to get involved with
their children's education.

“This is another example of the
University reaching out to the com-
munity." Meszaros said. “The ser-
vices we are providing to families
grows out of our instructional and
research mission.“

Anyone having family problems
is encouraged to call the center.
257-7755. The center does not
maintain a waiting list. so callers
can receive immediate attention.

by John Morrow and Jerry Volgt



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Kentucky Kernel
needs editors for the summer and the 1992-93 school year

Requirements for 1992 summer Editor-in-chief
.. Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexington campus for the semester prior to and
toll0wuig term as editor.

.... Must be in good academic (2.0 GPA), disciplinary and financnal standing with the

Universrty at time of application and during term as editor,

.. Must have publications experience and be familiar with the operation of a newspaper,
.. Persons applying for the position who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a
recommendation from previous employer. adviser. or both.

Requirements for 1992-93 Editor-in-chiof ,
2:" Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexrngton campus during the term as editor.
Must be in good academic (2.0 GPA), disciplinary and financial standing with the

University at time of application and during term as editor.

.. Must have a minimum of one year‘s publications experience and be familiar with the
operation of a daily newspaper

2» Persons applying for the position who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a
recommendation from previous employer. adviser. or both.

Pick up an appiication in and return to Room 026 Journalism Building

Application Deadline: 3 p.m., March 13, 1992


The Kentuckion Yearbook
needs editors and staff for the 1992-93 school year.

4» The following paid positions are available: Editor-in-chiet: photographers; sports editor;
academics editor campus editor, copy editor; portraits editor; organizations editor: and

rm tr raging editor

'- Editor-iri~chief submits proposal r ind is chosen after interviewing with UK Media Board.


we Students must be in good academic. finanCIal and disciplinary standing with the
University at time of application and during term as staff member
'2» Applicants for Editor-in-Chlef should have some previous publications experience.

Pick up application in and return to Room 026 Journalism Building

Application Deadline: 3 p.m., March 13, 1992


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Continued from page 1

be paid more than $12,000 a
year. The court decreed annu-
al raises based on increases in
the Consumer Price Index.

The governor's salary this
year would increase 82.392.
Jones said in his budget ad-
dress this month that he
would take a 2 percent pay
cut because of the state's
bleak economy.

He said his top appointees
and other state employees
making at least $50,000 also
would take the cut Jones en-
couraged other constitutional
officers to take pay cuts. but
he cannot force to do so.

Joncs' press secretary.
Frank Ashley, said the admin-
istration was researching a
question about whether Jones
could refuse the raise or
would have to remit it to the

Patton‘s salary also is to in-
crease 3 percent to $69,412.




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Continued from page 1

ceeded. but not before the audience
got a laugh at his expense.

A fashion show ended the eve-
ning, displaying traditional. cultural
dress from nine countries. including
China. Indonesia. Libya and Sri

“1 would like everyone to under-

stand what each country has to offer
because each country has so much
to give." said Deepa Ranganathan.
music coordinator for the “Pooja
Dance” and vice president of the In-
dia Association.

The festival continues today in
the Student Center Ballroom from
11:30 am. to 2:30 pm. Exhibits
will include foods. clothing. ani-
facts and crafts from around the








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Kentucky Kernel. Wednudly, February 26. 1992 . 3



















go 1
l2,000 a
annu- O O O O O O ’
”8““ 131115 CFCUSSlOHIS l 1 W69 S even S
Index. ’ .
lary this
82,392. If I wanted toknow what wasgo- , Much has changed since I first former in UK’s acclaimed Spotlight plays a variety of traditional instru- Thursday, at 5 pm. The following
dget ad- ing on around UK and Lexington. What 3 enrolled at UK eight years ago. Jazz Series. Roberts performs at merits, will lead the audience in day Phillips will presentalecture in
that he the Kentucky Kernel would be the Gain on Her I, Since then, the cultural mecca of Memorial Hall Friday at 8 pm. call/response songs and share sto- the Whitehall Classroom Building
ent pay last place I'd look—or the Herald- 9 e - Lexin ton — the Kentucky 'lheatre More will be said of Roberts in Fri- ries about the drum as an instru- at noon. Both events are free and
l 8 t .
state s Leader, or ACE, for that matter. by John Dyer Fort —— has closed. remains closed and day’s Kernel, but if you need more merit of cultural learning, healing open to the public.
There really isn't a good place to still does not promise to be theonce information now call 257-8427. and a link between the visible and If you don't know who Phillips
inlees turn to. in my opinion. In order to grand showroom of foreign. artsy. oYaya Diallo. lntemationally- invisible worlds. is his works are on exhibit at me
“:0 ees find out what s really geing on, we theyarean d what they do— if you alternative and flame films and known percussromst Diallo will Drum and Dance Workshop: UK M Museum in the Singletary
p y need a source that ‘8 consrstent, did ou've robabl b0 ht tickets documentaries when the my reo- cometoUKtohelp celebrate Black Sunday 9:30 am -5 pm Barker Center until April 12 For three dec-
000 also broad and informative. I’m talking y p l.’ ug pens it. I still could care less about History Month. A member of the ’- -' ‘ . ' " - . - . . - ' , ,
ones en- . already andtherestls moot. . u . _ . , Hall. Diallo Will teach traditional ades Phillips pieces have been ea—
, , here specd'ically about art and en- Wildcat spons. The Home, Garden West African Minianka tribe, a cul- tribal rhythms and dance For more gcrly sou ht b collectors and his
titutional tenainment. But when I find out Roberts. at and Boat" show doesn’tinterest me. ture that worships, lives and information about these events call works 8ng inclilided in the pcmw
cuts, bl" There is plenty to do and see, if 27' ls l0 Jazz plano today what the RUPP Arena has become a lame breathes lo the beat 0f ll“: drum, Dl' 257-4929 or 233-3577. nent collections of the Art Institute
so. not in the Bluegrass, then around Duke w.“ In his day, that he per- 23,000—seat home to Sesame Street. allo will present a lecture, concert , _ , of Chicago and New York's Met
retary the area, or perhaps as far afield as fected his traditional Jail technique tractor pulls, pro-wrestling and and workshop: TMa“, Ph'll'l’s' 53" ,Franmco and Whitne r Museums 9
admin: Louisville and Cincinnati. Repre- with Wynton Marsalis before going mock-rock concens like Hank Wil- Lecture; “Growing up in Two arust Phillips Will be at UK to dcm- _ l ‘ ‘ ' . “
hin a senting just about every trend, gen- out on his own, 1 want to see this. liams Jr. and New Kids on the Worlds." Friday. 12:30 pm, Mar- onstlatc his well—known monotype Assistant Arrx Edilor'John Dyer
er Jgncs re, movement and fetish, the area No longer is Jazz an academic ques- Block. tin Luther King Cultural Center. Di- technique in the Reynolds Building Forl I.\’ a Kernel columnist
aise or offers everything from the off-beat. "Olllllal '5 answered l". far 9“ plac— The fact is — and the good news allo grew up in Mali, West Africa
it to the cutting-edge next wave to the more 6? like smoky Harlem 12322 jOlmS or here —- Lexington has a healthy, but was given a Western education,
traditional. tried-and-true stuff; lllP L-A- beat ClUbS- ll 5 here and original and firstclass art commu- Diallo will share insights into the
everything from mind-jarring, soul- now, at UK. and only 58 ll l W31“ nity generating music, theater and cultural conflicts he experienced.
is to in- searching forays to mind-numbing, it. mulli-mcdia forms worth seeing. Concert: “African Tribal
9.412. forget-your-troublesentertaimnem. When I learn that Diallo makesa Together. UK and Lexmgton are Rhythms." Saturday. 8 p.m.. Otis
Campus flyers and the Kemel's drum sound like a beating heart as able 10 mm“ all-ISIS. PFQPhelS. ex- A. Singletary Center for the Arts. 1
Campus Calender tell me when and big as the earth. that his drumming pcl'lS and more: the V'OICC In the know that a lot of disenchanted
where, but not who, what and why. is used to cure the spiritually and wilderness '5 audible if You only middle—aged men and former hip—
“ no It's not enough to know that Mar- physically sick. that he reminds me lISlCH- pics get together and beat drums in
0' i cus Roberts plays Friday night at that history music is synonymous l h0pC once a week, in this col- order to recapture something
Ice/Luck cm Memorial Hall and Yaya Diallo with healing, community. and the umn. to draw attention to the who. they‘ve lost tn the work-a-dav
" . (Ml-Kl drums at the Singlclary Center Sat: invisiblc forces of life, I think: I what and why. world, but Diallo is both larger and
L‘“ “I urday night, unless vou know who gotta see this! -.\larcus Roberts. The third pcr- more original than thst‘. Diallo
Lit.‘ 3‘". ' 7 i
V l d' ' ' ' h Sl‘k T 'k’ ‘s h’ 531%
oca s istlnguis 1 0X1 5 moot AFFORD
By DAVE LAVENDER -------------------------------------------------------- the release, paints accurate, but ob- roughly with Walsh’s vocals, which AClJT
l, Stall Critic :3 scenity-strewn portraits of urban are the definite distinction in this ’FHIS‘
Music life. On “Riff-Raff,” a boogie-blues band. Guest critic Wayne Campbell ‘ k ,_
I’ S|ik Toxik 0 REVIEW 0 tune that draws heavily from Aero— from Illinois suburbs (Wayne’s (K)()D There's nu
Smooth andDeadly (EP) smith influences, Mercer unleashes World) would say. “Walsh. man, ' need in t _ . 3
Capitol Records his street-walk, street-talk messag- you wa’l' I mean yoooou wail. pay $23 or more fora great heilrt‘llt \f' o ..
. . " ' - . 65' w'm. twrsted borrowmgs from At Fantastic Sam's. you'll get an \ ‘ /,,/ A
ll doesn l “3ch take a R011"!!! wrapped in a less-rounded, less- the Engl‘Sh bard Shakespeare. For those people who have not expert t-tltiincludingzl Slllllll[)llll.U)Il- V1” /,/” \
Stone reponer to figure out that Shk refined and rawer package. “All the world’s a sta e/ Get off learned that the volume turns to the ditionlntz l’lllSt‘ and complete style— //[’,u'5 §\
Toxik is not a New Zealand polka . , g _ ... hi , . ~tf - . - r” VI 9- \
, . - ~ h l 1 C left and for those not offended (\tm lng \(lll txpet mm an tx . PER
band More accurately this Tom“- The band 3 dlsllncmess partly ls on I e pan m p 3yln8/ ause . . j. ' . . , . ‘\ g \
' v _ . that's what I am/ M love is under- by flurnes of foul language — Slik pensn'o salon. except the prlt c. i M 4
astooffer to-based five-man band IS a group because ll W35 lllCl‘Y enough 10 y - . - - , - , . ~ -~ .
. - lined/ Sometimes in win 5 are Toxic Will be digestible. However. You dont need an appointment. \ .
so much of lewd nide and tattooed glam- have its first recording, Smooth and y 8 , . . .
' . . . - _ butl 5mm for those half-hearted heavyometal we re walling for you now. \ . ,
nganathan, rockers With. surprise, surprise, Deadly ' mixed by. Los Angeles rags y fans who stay on the fringes (Guns . , \ , ’
e “Pooja Harley Davrdsons and attitudes to figifii‘fflfiefidfifi‘xfif: While the guitar offerings of Rob N‘ Roses' three billion fans) then @Cférltastic Sam’s- v _
{Of the ln- match. . - ll p. be k “8' Bruce and Kevin Gale are not ex- you might find Slik Toxic, equally 'lheOrigimlFirw, nan-snow 0
While the band falls into the pecxa Y on "S . Sl trac . lg - . f - . - a
. . . . F - . .. actly Enc Johnson and Yngwre as of enswe, as GN R, not quite as (l , l‘
cliched hairdressm and clothin “Ck"l Deal, In WlllCll Delena . . . . ptn / lays
. g . . g - lth l' - - th l'f Malmsteen,and certainly nothing to commercial or talented. And like \l l“ l) a g, (i R l (
today in looks that make every lipsticked mlxes upa e 3 injection at its . . . _ till ll . - ..ll h . .Ull l
- - . write home about, they are more chaSlng down cheap brew With Jim ., . , . , .. . _ . . .
00m from Holl 00d heav -metal rocker lead vocalist NlCl‘ Walsh 5 some- i . (illldcllxldc St lhlk) Alt‘mndrlh DI, l.C\lll}_Il0Il. l\\ 276-3088
. , W . . . y . ti fla'l‘ tj ~ than ample for the band 5 first EP. Beam — it could make you hurl. -
. Exhibits look like its km in one big motley mes llllgr some mes soaring, Bruce and Gale do get busy on the
ing. arti- family, Slik Toxic does show some bl" always larynx-teanng walls, 0‘" - _ - ..
. . . . . from under the roars of distorted high voltage instrumental. Mass
ound the bursts of onglnality and creatiVity Confusion." Alternating lead



in its music.

Too slow for thrash, too wild and
untamed for commercialized, main-
streamed heavy-metal pop rockers
(such as Poison), Slik Toxic falls
somewhere between Motley Crue
and the Bullet Boys — except

guitars. These studio wonders ear-
mark the 4-year-old band from the
glut of the continual monotonous
flow of heavy-metal musicians
coming in the market.

Lyrically. Dave Mercer, who
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‘ " Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. February 26. 1992

Victory may give
UK lst-round bye

Assistant Sports Editor

For Rick Pitino and the Wildcats.
a different season brings different

So the simple fact that the Wild-
caB could win the Eastern Division
of the Southeastern Conference to-
night with a victory over South Car--
olina doesn’t seem to interest them
as much as you would think.

There is, of course, the practicali-
ty of the first round bye in the SEC
Tournament that goes along with
being a division champ in the con-

A win tonight also would move
UK a step closer to the SEC regu-
lar-season title.

“It's not as important for us as it
was last year." Pitino said. “Our
only goal last year was to win the
conference — to have the best
record in the conference and be No.

l — we couldn‘t win 11. It‘s the
only thing we could look loruard

“We didn‘t have the conference
tournament. We didn't have a post-
season toumament,“ Pitino said.

“That's all we had because it‘s all
we could play for." UK senior for-
ward John Pelphrey said. “That‘s
all we could control. Now, I think

we feel comfortable that we have a
very good chance of getting into the
NCAA Tournament.”

This season the goal is much,
much larger. Pitino is looking for a
strong performance in his first
NCAA Tournament as UK's head
coach. And with UK comfortable.
resting at 20-5 overall, its tourrta-
ment invitation is signed, sealed
and almost delivered.

50 winning the Eastern Division
title or even the overall regular sea-
son title are taking a back seat.
while Pitino and crew give lip ser-
vice to “peaking at the right time."

“Winning the div1sion, that was a
goal of ours going into the season,"
senior forward Deron Feldhaus
said. “We're still in the race to win
the whole conference. We'd love to
do that and keep on winning and
see what happens. That would be
something a lot more significant."

To polish off the division title.
though, UK must overcome South
Carolina tonight in Rupp Arena.
While the Gamecocks may look
like easy prey for the streaking
Wildcats, UK’s players and coach-
ing staff harbor some concern that
UK could be overlooking South
Carolina now that UK almost is as-
sured of a ticket to the NCAA Tour-

If you go down in the streets
today baby you better open
your eyes


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Pitino, Cats looking to win Eastern Division


is J J o’ J o’ o’ J J
[ Kentucky (20-5) vs. South Carolina (10-13)

Tonight, 8:00 Rupp Arena

, UK leads 9-1. In January UK won 80-63.


i TELEVISION. SEC- TV (Tom Hammond 8. Larry Conle
IRADIO: UK Radio Network- Live (Cawood Ledtord & Ralph acker)
1 Gamecock Radio Network (Don Williams 8. Bob Fulton)

Kentucky: Rick Pitino (Massachusetts 1974)
Career Record: 261 - 168
UK Record: 56-25

South CaroIIna : Steve Newton Indiana State. 1963)
Career Record;1 6-78
S. Carolina Record: 10-13


. Flat or
11- ean Woods
32-Richie Farmer
25-Aminu Timberlake
34-John Pelphrey
24-Jamal Mashburn

South Ca ar

. Player
04-Jo Jo English
40-Barr Manning
55-Jeff oulston
15-Jamie Watson
35-Chris Leso

Ht. WI.
6- 180
6- 170
6- 195
6- 195
6-. I240

1 55
1 86






Pelphrey said staying focused for
South Carolina tonight is not a

“It would be terrible to get some
great road wins. bounce back after
losing three out of four and then