xt702v2cbw81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbw81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-05-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1986 1986 1986-05-01 2020 true xt702v2cbw81 section xt702v2cbw81 ' 0
‘ Vol. XC, NO. I23 - . 8W tm . Universny of Kentucky. Loxmgton, Kontucky independent sinc- "71 Thursday, May 1, I986
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Dean lans S ' l ' ' '
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life after a -n » ... w » -» ..
, i u ,. E» t . an _... a nuc ear reactor * . ..
, lg- .. t . it an... ._._... - - .
i retirement . ., .,, tit. -- ,3» . , 4- . .. o . .. . .
' — . n »~ - «an » .- Lu .. ~~ ['00 1'0 .. .. -
Drennon to leave _ . I 3 ~V~ : . n1 - . '. :.
‘1 .‘V § * ‘2’ ’1‘ V v. D ‘ . '_ ‘ .k s a . V ,VVVVV ‘. IVVVV t. V}
UK after 35 years .5 .V a. g _ it‘d , l . At . - Wat" . , 3 Radiation spreads to Eastern Europe, . . .'
B) stunimvuoimrzs ' $4. ‘ mi, t “v" > ‘ 5‘" ‘. t kins." h ' 1‘ . U-os estimates fll'e Wt” bum for WCCkS '. '. ‘ ». ,~
, . . , . ' . f 1 r . u 'a ‘ ‘.V‘ . .' '.V ‘ V‘ ".V-
(“mnbu‘u‘gm‘wr ,1 It“ r” . “ ' ‘ - , . r " -___,, ,.. “ “ . ; By CAROL].WILLIAMS l-‘trVi' ”finial said tentvrda) in u be ‘-, .-
(‘ollege of (‘ommunications Dean 'F :1 V V " T’s». ' ’..., 1‘", ,2. . A“ -7, -. .~ ' - . Associated Press l:?epl’tiiii:ii:[itltiig'ii\\“d5 redmt‘d b5 ‘3‘..“V,
Herbert Drennon will retire this ”at" ,“g'f “ , ’. ». ."*..":-‘v"" . - .- . . . ' ,'; i“.
summer after 35 years and a variety 2 J“ , N - ”fix ‘fj " T “I . 4‘ : ..V ' . MOSCOW __ Vl‘p “Rm“ a wall 0t Later in the day, the ofiiCial news ' '. ' V-.V .‘- V1.51,“
of jobs at l'K, , ' ”fir" _h . “ .. ' MM "1"" ~ . It. Soyiet secrecy. “95‘"? govern: media carried a :ioo-word statement ,- - i.‘
l)rennon. who has been dean of 4‘ ‘ - . ‘ ’ I.» a, . ’ ' ta '- ». ~ 3 . ' " . ‘ ’ ments urged the" Citizens yesterday by the Soviet (‘otincil of Ministers ‘n .3 ' “:5 -." W“:
the college for the last seven years. ' *‘Z‘ ' . , M ~ _I - “a“ “.. ‘, . to pull out Of the stricken Ukraine, saying remedial measiires had re» . , .-.'.V >13. :EV‘.
has been a political seience profes- ”cg— ‘_ "2" __ '~ ' “‘3 as o...- . W“??? a nuclear fire spewed more duced the radioactivity spilling from V2 ‘. '3;
sor. associate dean of the College of ‘ . .g "" .a a? . ”a; ' ' , » . ‘ radiation across [Europe and touched the damaged reactor and "the ra- " ‘ , . ,‘ ‘i ‘
Al‘tS & SClt’hCE‘S and dean 0f the (‘01- $3511: .. .- t '- " ,. ’ w ' L a ‘ - ‘~ ‘ ‘J, offastorrn 0f wor dot‘t’ag‘“ diation le\cls in the area of the V. . V» : ‘. "“aV.‘.'-
lege of Fine Arts ‘ _.. .._ ' . . . ,, 5 ‘ ~ The hremlin claimed radiation atomic power station had been ": :V' ' . .' ,’
“It's more fun because I have had ”"3? ‘5‘ _ . ~t~ _ ‘fi ' '. levels were dropping at the de“' lowered " V' i I '. 7"? i
such a variety of jobs." he said durn on a?" . 515’ ‘ at" i ' -- _ *4? .‘t _ astated Chern9b-‘It nuclear power It said the chain reaction had been i . "f . -; Vu‘
ing a recent interview. "l never had Z ‘Q‘W . ‘ a: . - . -.1§=r . - planzd But a VSoy'ifitthiplomat “V35: shut down and specialists were . ; ‘ ‘- t ‘ ' V‘ _
adullmoment ” — Wu“ "’ 483” . . ' . _ t, V» .j . ‘ ‘ guott f as thal‘pg d ‘. gitfernol was cleaning up ”polluted sections ' 'tV-. - I ‘.- '
l)rennon says he has gotten where M‘Wau .' ’ .. - n» V f .. _ “f’th‘? L0" r0 ‘ 2d“ l ‘ mun-95 m around the plant " - . ."~ .V .
he is through a series of coin . “w “ “ ,« .Vu 0* _ A y ,—n . 8,; ingtonagree '. . . . , _ 0f the 197 people hmpitah/ed. 49 V n. '. " .‘
Cidences. “There is a lot of what if x/ .. “‘ ..\ .9... ‘ . / ‘1 (.3 extent O‘V 50”“ Cdbualtleb were dlfit'hdl‘gt‘tt illlt‘l‘ Ll t‘thkUP» it ‘ ~. . ‘ ' i ‘ i,
. . .But itmakesitiiiteresting. ' . . _. " * 4'1 ‘ 32.233 an . 3 .. also remained uncertain said The statement also criticized " V; " " *
“I never set out to get into admin- 3"“ l _‘f 3'34 g“ ”I." ' _‘J V V r'.‘:.:( 2" W VTVh': VSOHEI [government 5““d The" Western news agencies for "spread - -. . . .' V‘ _
istration.“ h? Silld. “It jUSt kind of :t' . ’5 ‘1 ”was”; ~\’ p. i . h i '1’ ‘_.I,:‘ _ (a) Vt“? peoPVehad been k‘Lled dnd \\.h.“)\”. l‘ i’ ”“9 ‘ . ‘
happened." \ ‘ ’v .. _ _ ‘v ta» . fiik 3‘» \ -._V on yesterday said that 19. others ‘ V. '. . . . "
Drennon‘s Lifinyear career at UK If? . 3"? . “ii." . (2“ '- ' ‘ had been hospitalized B”! ”"0”" . i ‘ " .
will be honored in an open cam- ‘Vi‘ a , ‘ ’ g “ “ it. 0“" unverified reports spoke S” 2nd plant ‘ ' "i. . t . ‘
puswide reception from 3 to 5 pm. ’ ' t . ’4‘ , ‘ ‘ I ' ‘ ' '. A" higher casualty tolls m history 5 . - . ’
tomorrow on the 18th floor of the \‘ \ , \_.V w t , \. ‘ ’ “2253:1393 Sight)? million people . ' V . ' . ‘
Pzittersont)ffice Tower. ‘ n . . ‘ ‘ ‘ . 5 " _ _ . -' u - ‘.
lie came to {K in 1931 after the 3 , ' ’V t‘ . ‘\ . ' I git were fleeing the L'krainian capital undergOlng ’
Gl rush was over and taught politi- - .. . " f a?‘ /‘ ' g. {V . / {6:233:31‘Vé430 miles to thédmrth- ~ '. . . .i ‘ "
calscience for several years. - h. $ A . ‘ t .- . _,/ ‘ ‘ . 5_ . Vrnian sources 5““ ‘ . ' 3 .
Drennon. who is from a family of t .J‘ 2:? . fl " Radioactiye clouds, meanwhile. me t own ‘ . .
teachers. said he chose to teach p0- ‘ “ I , ‘ ~ i .“ spreadVas far “(‘5‘ as the Swiss Alps , . ‘
litical science because he was famil- \ "\ -3“: ‘59....m‘ = _ . " ¢ ‘ ~ :hgdsxorway. borne on m‘le‘h‘gh . ' ’ ‘.- ‘
an: hilt: » . ,. $3?" I ~ uunnnaan experts say - ._
He said an administrator does not ‘i‘ ,' ‘ I .' f V" j' .'."t.‘-‘-." V\ .' _ #1 - sured the pUbh“ that radiation levels . . ‘ . . . » ,
necessarily have to be an expert in v. . I I _ . .u V . .n'i . .' presented no major danger, But By soimn ltl. \( k . . V
the field he is working in. In larger ' ' *5 i ‘ - . ‘ Wig; . anger butlt up against the SOV‘etS' Assmttttedt)tt‘-“
colleges. administrators "are not ex- u , - . . ' . " 35' who kept word of the deadly nuclear .
perienced In all things vou are an a. " ‘ s. \ . ' ~ - v. -. ‘ event from the rest of the world WASHINGTON A disastrous ac- ,. ' ‘
administrator for There. is no way , ‘ » . ‘. .. fig; .. until Monday. three days after it Cident at a Soviet nuclear ptiwer .'
you can knowallgireasf' ‘ ’ ' ‘ “t' my ’3" ‘ " . happened . . plant. three days iii the making. has '.
' "You can pick it up in fairlv small ’ , g ‘ ’ ‘1“: ‘55“? -_ . “The Sox‘iet tnion has an obliga- spread to a second nuclear reactor. ' , W
order." he said. But "it is advanta- it?“ ‘ " \ ‘ g . lion and duty to the international Reagan administration sources said ’ . .V ,, m
geous V1 vou come out (A. the back- . . i a; V . community to give the fullest possi- yesterday . ,
groundg" ,' ‘ l ‘ ~ , . ' . ble explanation at. what happened These sources. uttering the most -' V
Edmund Lambeth. director of the 4’ ‘ ;‘/ ._ / and Why. Bl‘llalns foreign secre— detailed assessment to date of the ' , ‘
School of Journalism. described . ‘ ' .r V_ tary. Sir Geoffrey Howe. said at a acc1dent at the ('heriiohyl complex. - ' ‘
[)rennon as a wise. thoughtful and in! - . a ' . ' I ' “a“ European ministers meeting said .I‘ S intentgt‘mt‘ ”mm“ are ‘ ' .‘i
humane person. "His perspective on .. . ' ‘ a In “81V. fonvincedla second h)“ the tourI readc- ' ' _ -,
academia and the L'niversity of Ken- :. > . t: . . . . ». H“ West German counterpart ors at t e “t9 9" er “5 a rea ." - '
t - \' “v1 1. . , . a ‘ ' fl .V. " . _ j . ‘ . ' experienced. or is cxiwriencing. a f _
31:;th tio‘llttsgi‘izgt“ "“5de by me , ,nv . . . _ .. . , n. ( fit * {liens-Dietrictherzischer. l:alledl on meltdownofitscore ,u 5, . ».
Art .Gallaher. chancellor for the ‘ ‘ ” ~ 7 ‘ ”$0“ 42:5 u 9“"118 :Vuc (fir A meltdown “t“““““"‘ occurred " I “ “
Lexington campus. said his WWW “cmls'w‘t {fifgl‘txl 3 (‘ligi‘hobsl‘m‘pi‘d‘nt which wihthin thke first reactor. said officials ‘- V . n V . . , .
. ‘ » ' »' » . . . - . ‘ w o spo e to reporters under strict ' .- , ' .. _, ‘ '
EZit‘Etligl‘SVheigt'2‘ft‘: iihZEngfleifinbig‘; Blow out :‘505 an unusual graphtte-modera- ground rules ofconfidentiality ' ‘ . . ,
associatedean of A&S under him. D W'Ik R' h d . , f H H d . h t ‘0“ process. The-‘9 sources >3“ 8 t”? at that ~ .. ‘ ,. ‘. .‘
s”? made a unique contribution to “fin GI es, lfC or King, Paul KushraVski and 0 L0 erty H0 Yes“?r SW "‘0me 05 t 9 em The Soviet government has thrown first reactor still was burning out of . . . ‘_ ; :-
this institution." Gallaher said, “He p ray per orm as a tube quartet '" front perctures “9°:th ‘heh'gh 705' a wall of near~total secrecv around control “field” ‘Wmnt‘t smoke. " " ‘ ' .
sgclngy Pugcs what happened last week at Cherno- vapors and radiation into the atmo- . I ,u Vi“.
bvl, a four—reactor complex 60 miles sphere. , . _ -. ." .‘ . ._ '- ‘a V V .V
Off. 0 O O ’ O northof Kiev, The Officials flatly refused to dis ,_ . ‘. V-.V ,4 . -
leials discuss office tower 5 fire plan ....... ..
_ had pieced together a chronology of . . i . '. . .
“I am not authorized to tell you the Chernobvldisaster ' .‘ » an v"... V
By KIMBERLY “SK but he declined to say how long in- "-‘if. anything.“ a Ukrainian Health Min» ' MM” Hun“. page; ’3' ’ _ ‘. i
Siaff Writer stallation would take. -» V ', ." ~’,
The existing fire evacuation plan v“"“‘»_5_'5:i3;:_;‘* ., ‘i ‘. 1 ' ‘. ‘.
If there was a fire in Patterson Of- "0W COhStStS 0t pulling the fire a 1‘” SGA honors Grundy ' ' -.' ,~ Vt“;
fice Tower tomorrow, there wouldn't alarm and exiting by tWO properly eff/g“ ""<€3Ea§n::'i' n' V.’ ‘~ ‘ .I. . .5
be a sprinkler system to extinguish ethtt’S‘EVd Stfihwe‘filslgn the east and it”? -.'. . .- ‘n‘ v
That is just one of the many con- Several peeple eXpressed fear of agau ',V. or S u en a vocac V. .n -' ;,j
cerns of staff members who met to being blocked in the stairwells. ”We? .. W, . _ . _ . . V . V "in. "5: i - ‘j , «5'
discuss fire evacuation procedures “In order to be blocked in. you -' u .. I.” 't"“.m"\§1.‘0‘\ be known for ”“3." .u5 an admcate i’: ‘-V‘.V'- ‘Li:
with officials vesterdav on the 18th would have to be physically . _ " .13 Senior Staff Writer for‘student rights. (iruiidysaid. . ‘.' .5'3 .‘i
floor ofthe building. ' blocked,“Beach said. . 1' . . . (.rundy said it was also an honor ._ VV- ". i“.
About 15 people. mostly secretar- As for smoke, “People in this . . .. . ‘t'. . (hester Grundy, director of the of- to receive the award because it was .‘ V: ‘. V V
ies who work in the tower. with building are supposedly awake" and . ' is. . . '1 . fice of minority student affairs. was named after Lumwinkle. a man for .i - ’ iV ,n '7'..-
Garrv Beach. manager of the UK should be able to detect it, Beach __ . --.».;._ awarded the Zumwinkle Student whom he feels "respect in a very '.. ' ._
fire and accident prevention office; said. » .“w . mm f ‘ _ R'ghts award last night. profound way. . l ‘V '.
UK Police Chief Paul Harrison; and Beach added that when the fire ‘ “W _ .‘V‘; "“3 ii The award, given annually by the Grundy added that he hopes he . , V ,_ V _
James 52‘1le acting fire marshal alarm is pulled, the heat or air con— ._ 'g “ Student Government Assocmhon, can do what he can to honor this . , . . . , .
from the Lexington fire department. ditioning is cut 0“ 5° the smoke “‘ttt ~ . was named m honor 0f .V‘ce Chan- award, . . , _ , . ’ 5 " ' .‘ ‘. ‘
Beach prefaced his remarks by not continue to circulate. ’. ' ., ' cellorV for Student Affairs Robert The last SGA meeting was also _ . . .u
encouraging people “not to become Staff members were also con- *3; ’ .. Zumwinkle. who is retiring at the marked by dissent - this time from , ; ,
paranoid about [301‘ just because cerned that the alarm system is not W" .V‘\' end of June. . . outSidethe senate . . ‘. .
it‘s-ahigh-risebuilding.” tiedinwith the firedepartment. " '1' ' ‘ . J“. Patterson. SGhVadViser. said 9 k' { ab t to l 'h ' “
. . . As soon as an alarm is pulled, .. , a5 \" ' 5* Grundy "epitomizes what the .pea ing ”t d 0” 99099 Vt .C .
Th‘.‘ Office tower '5 a fire-rated Beach said. his office and the police ' ' _ ‘T’ I \ . award is a“ about. attended the “in“? "leftmg‘ 9”th -.
butlding. Beach said. which means station get a readout. The dis— . ._ . V» ‘-. , Patterson said that in a job there Murrell. a political seience Junior. .
the physical structure of the build- patcher at the police station imme- _ ' " : are minimum requirements that a SccGRl'NDLPaSt‘l . . V . -
ing will not burn immediately. “It is diately calls the fire department. he ‘l 1 1M person must meet to keep the job. . ‘
not completely fireproof ‘. but it‘s not said. Firefighters from Station No. 6 It ' - - The question that must be asked. Z‘Sh .. .3 3 . .
atinderbox either. hesaid. of the Lexington fire department Auuuuio “may," hchwever, is £310 :hsiy 890 he)?“ ._ ge" §u
.. V. . . .. w at is ex 0 em." a ter- ‘n *‘t
As of July l.V$725.000 will be avail. a’lr‘l‘ie‘wtif'fi‘ge‘ut‘gw‘e‘i'mig‘giififped with About l5 peopleVlistened to guest speakers discuss fire safety in son said. “i‘tt‘i‘ce they willing to go be. , n 4.5.». . it»
‘ able tor a sprinkler 5)‘$t9'h- tt “:llt a 500 gallon-per-minute fire pump. the Patterson Office Tower oto meeting yesterday. yond the call ofduty'?" .
be gwen top pnortty- BeaCh said, SeeOFFlCIAI.S.Pagc2 Patterson added that although _h m" ramped m,
there are many reasons why Grundy New York Tech 194! yostot- ,
C 0 d dfserged lt-h: swath; some. in partic- day a, Shivoly “.th For m.
uar. ese V cm n. » '
ampus gul e Grundy has been an advocate of “0W. mm' P0906.
those student groups that are not ill be 6‘
' ' ' ' ' ' popular because of their views but W W om
SAB plans weekend of activmes to acquaint students, parents With life at UK Sm, aredeservmgofa m Pam M, m mm m m
By l-IVAJ. WINKLE Under the theme “Share the Good end is to “target incoming students dents. Then a mom] was sent to 5°" said. Grundy has been the type Nick's cable TV. For 60%.
Staff Writer Times — UK Parents‘ Weekend ‘86. as well as their parents." He said theadministration for approval. t” say. Those people have a right ”0W. Puget. ‘
YOU‘LL LOVE m" representatives students returning to UK are tar- toameetml _ .. ’ '
Thanks to an idea by Student Ac- from residence halls. student organi- geted as well. but the main em- "They tadministratorsl were cau- Also. Grundy “3.5 always said. t _..... ‘ , ,
th‘ltleS Board Praident Paul Hay- zations. fraternities and sororities Phasisisonnewstudents. tiously optimistic,“ Hayden said. w'" be “"1"“ to 5'5" my name as a -..‘ “gm ‘
den. major campus organizations will join together to celebrate the The main concern was for the aca- co-sponsor to a radical 8MP: Pat- . “35., «gnaw '
will be working together to officially best aspectsofstudent life. H d .d mm . m t , demic side of campus life to be well- ““0" sa'd- he has *9“,thth ‘0 .
welcome students and parents to Althoughtheweekend is still in its . ay en 58'. . m e pas .‘a‘ represented.hesaid. challengethe statm-quo. A N percent chm ‘7
UK. mm m e H, den id am,_ mia orithiranzninIom have thted Grundy has taken students who -
- » p ng 8 ‘ y sa n their own indiVidual rents week- . - - ‘ ' MM I’M! t' a”
That idea has blossomed into dance at the UK-Vanderbilt football .. pa An academic branch will be In- are lacking the tMile needs 0‘ t00d w with .
“Parents‘Weekend ‘86.“ me on Nov. 8 is set. Other activ- end, but We wanted to get an °.v.°r' cluded in the weekend among those and shelter into his home to try to W . W
go all m to start new tr dtion - - u ' M 70 b 75 TM»;
. . in” m.y iml‘m “mtg and a . "We ‘V a . a V! representing student hfeV encw‘ge Stments to stay ln “I ' .V -.-<,
A three-day introduction to UK or- mum by the UK "um de- “m parents weekend atttn one. University," Patterson saidV “(mi " h M d . _ V_
ganizatiom and activities for incom- partment . Hayden said the steering commit- University is very fortunate in hnv- “m *0. .V .
ing students and their parents will ' Hayden tlrSt 308898t€d the idea to tee is encouraging as many groups ing this kindofperson." ‘ ' W . .s.
beheld Nov. 7-9. “INC" aid the id” Of the M- Michael Palm. assistant dean 0t Stu' to host activities as possible. “I can think of nothim I‘d rather fl‘ M”. - 9*

 I ' ‘
2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, My, May 1, 19“
Jury seeks 4 death sentences for Taylor oOfficials
( APi _ A jury yesterday recom- _——_______—— Taylor must formally be sen- Continued from page one
‘ ' ._ ' _- f - ,. . . . tenced by Jefferson Circuit Judge . . . , _ , ,
{“l‘z’t‘fjfdmt’gfl‘gf’gffior’ffiflffiw ‘3} Witnesses said at least half the Jurors were in William Mommy, the trial judge, water stand Wes, fire resxstant budding. 333i. said, [S that there
. '. ' ‘ ‘ . . a ' ' who has the authority to impose a doors and walls, sprinkler sys- are "0 eno . 9’“ Signs. .
i‘i‘i‘iiil’fiii‘gnfiffl Iggdgfigfl 3L0 tears and clinging to each other for support as I . I out. mm in me trash mom in the Beach Emmett that me eqmp.
dengin 1984 ' they were led from the courtroom. The lf McAnulty follows the jury's rec- bastingfnt aid trash tehquz.IIaiwi Lnéiiigmfesgl; danfirtrrigncth "iii:
A ' r if ei ht women and {our ' ' . t - - ommendation, Taylor would become POr 9. "‘9 ex inguis CPS. , .
men Jillehberatt: four hours and 40 emotional ending Vi as characteristic of the the 27", person on “News death BeachIsald. . . . . 2m, floor of the panerson build-
minutes. including three hours yes- sentenc‘ing phase of Taylor’s trial, which had row. However, a death sentence au- It Is everyones resmnSIbIhty ' like 0 l [on e r ‘
terdav morning before delivering ~ tomatically "188975 an appeal pr oc- t9 tour the" particular .“°°’.s and nIy evacua '. I.“ asu es
' , ' . been marked bV frequent OUibUl‘SIS. 955 that characteristicall take find out where the extinguishers for those "1 wheelchairs 1510 take
~ the unanimous recommendations to - y _
Jefferson t‘ireuit Judge William years. are.“ Beach said. He also recom- them to the stairwellsI and send
\lc-tnulh ‘ _ The last execution in Kentucky's mended that ”each department someotnlgttotiilert thenflre departI;
TaHor'. 26. “as immediately teristie ot the sentencing Phase of shrieking uncontrollably on the wit- electric chair was in 1962' . have "gillv'dluals ripgam‘ble {01‘ Sf: t e) are ere, Bede
whisked away by sheriff‘s deputies Taylor‘s trial. which had been ness stand. Taylor and George Ellis Wade flag: '0" pfans all; “ye 3125.3;- Nvé” Allan a Russian and East~
. at the Fayette County Courthouse. marked by frequent outbursts His attorneys had pleaded for a were arrested shortly after the bOd' 3|ng .lgi‘ea or r0 ca 0" I e erii studieslstaff assistant who
’ where the trial had been moved Jurors were \‘lslbly shaken .\lon- priSOn sentence, saying Taylor is IeIs of Scott IChristopher Nelson and e “I "18- helped organize the meeting said
. from Luum‘lllt‘. His attorneys ills” day when Taylor Jumped to his feet borderline mentally retarded and Richard Dav'd Stephenson. both 17‘ Beach said many fires were “questions were answered‘ but
. left xiitha police escort and screamed at prosecutor Ernest had suffered a life of physical abuse were found bound. gagged and Sh“ started in trash cans and by un- not satisfactorily in many areas
Witnesses said at least half the ju~ Jasiiiiii during the questioning of his and foster homes, through thehead. authorized cooking devices PeO- ‘ '
‘ mm were in tears and clinging to mother.Annalee-Taylor Jasmin said yesterday there was Wade, who claimed that 'l‘aleor ple also violate safety rules by "The bottom line is it‘s our re-
, each other for support as they were The defendant then scuttled mth no joy to be derived from a death was the triggerman. received a life propping doors open he said sponsibility to design a plan and
, . . led from the courtroom. deputies as he was hustled out of the sentence. but that no other penalty sentence in March. meamng he ' ' go to the officials with it." she
. . - , ' The emotional ending was ehai‘ac courtrmiii and Mrs Tailor lx-gan would have been adequate. couldbeparoled inabout six years. A recognized deficiency of the said.
f. " . . -: .( :rund In Search of the Unicorn
7 ~ . y Renaissance Festival Kl—NTLL'KY l
I- . I I I‘ t omiiiiied l't‘lli meet ne 0' Ohio Stu,“ University Kerne
I i . I spoke on the senate compensation “\Vllill I ask )‘iill tonight l\ for mu Sample life in the Middle Ages: Editor in chlgf Elizabeth Caros
' ‘ II . I I . I hillI I [I I III t . IIII . I h- toIIret-onsidei' tho IliIiIll\iindIIlIiolI(IlIiIt Medevol Music and Medicine, News Editor Fran Stewart
‘ . ‘ t -, ‘ Th“ )% vim“, “0 ii“, 5 a“: 3‘ ‘1‘.“ 1‘" "9t 5“” “n” 5"" Human Chessboard, lousts and Assistant NowsEdiIor Linda Hendricks
7. > , the senate. allm‘aied senator sala~ l Ill iiol lieie to question the honor . i . l .
l II 'I ' l’lt‘S “yr the {”31 lllllC. pr[ )cuf ”f .the, it‘llillill'fi. ’ IeS'ers‘ A . ProceSS'onIa . ICOSIUme A3‘ls'an' News Editor Cynthia A. PGIOI'ITiC
g 2;, ' I . >(‘llilltll‘\ \Hll be paid $150 Ll seiiies- However. Mui'i'ell said he only parade initiates OCI'V'I'es 0"? Editorial Editor AlIeiItoncIler Crouch
. ' . '. * ' tei‘ asks that the senators be responsible May 3- "‘00 a.m. ' 6:00 p.m. 59°"! Edi“)? WM"? ”'0”
’ i , .\iuri‘ell said he Wishes the senate I” the attitudes and desires of the on the South Oval. West of ill. Arts Editor Gory Pierce
I f i . ,v ' ' . \uiuld reconwkir 11> actions eon? student bod} The issue. I\liii‘i*ell Ohio Union 1739 North High Special Proiocis Editor ScottWard
, ’ . .» . . cerning the hill said. desei'ies student bod) opinion 5?. fea'ure, Edna,- Kokie Urch
ond...aiier the festival, come to High St! For where to eat, Ph°'° Editor J.D.VanHoose
I , V where to shop, where to park, and how to get there, call (614) Adviser Paula Anderson
- 294-5113. Advertising Manager Linda Collins
. . ' ’ Available to B 8 E Juniors, Seniors W Production Manager Rhonda 0 Non
' , ' ' and Grad Students
‘ - - I The Kaniucky Karnol is published on class days during the academic year
‘ I r ' and *ekly during the summer session.
in I, 7 :1?le "Bog;nonafgrglln'sfraifigsfegg:$231: ign S/tf/tinngiescgdoegxf ————-—-———-———————‘——— ih‘ii'd-closs postage paid at Lexington, KY. 405”. Mailed subscription rates.
' ' 2 ' ‘ L ‘ areSlSper semester: $30per year.
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Assistant Art: Editor
assure 1 - . » * . . . ._ - . .
‘ , .. . .
Ghostbusters tops 1e senS°
tops schedule - .
. . i an" . ,. '-" " .. n
of cable f llms . V . _, V . ,
m “N H. “I. I .R .* V ' 3. ~ .. m». - ; , Capone speClal makes strong showmg
”dimmer fig "'3 . . A... M ‘3 at" ‘3‘... By FREDROTHENBERG
. " ,_ .. »- ' ' x =33 Associated Press
They saiditcouldn the dune . . - yes it" ._ NEW YORK _ CBS won the so- i .« . . —‘ . ‘_
. There‘s no way you. can cram a 3i . '. §" -y . ' , -' 5 called “black week" between the , / \
- whole months worth ot cable delica- V. t. .- ° -. 3 ‘ §§ £5 .d "s end of the traditional prime-time l,
clcs down the throats of the readers $ '=' ‘V D .3395“: .\ * ‘,V _ _ i. ‘25s... season and the start of the May /
without haying them puke soon . . ” § \3 ._ 7 " .. \s "t sweeps with a potent Sunday night . t h—
- ' alter fig 32'}. V“ ' _, " a... ' _ lineup. But the major ratings story .
. . - . “ell. here goes nothing. . . . . \ - V m ‘ was the spectacular performance of
~ - ' ‘ Th”? “1” ”9 tour Premwr“ “’3‘ a, .. ~~ J \ ' t. i the syndicated special. “The Mys- "L
~ ‘ » tum over the upt‘ttmmg “'t‘ek- 830“ 7531‘ s ' .: i: 3% fl 3 $ x3 tery ofAlCapone‘s Vaults." r“ I i-
5 . ”fft‘l‘lntl a I‘ltll‘l't‘m degree 0f ""9“ w v i .' ii ' ‘ .3 V, 0‘ Figures released ’hiesday by the ‘l .
' - -.‘ tammt'm lulu“ ” w“ - W ~ ' i ‘ A.C. Nielsen Co. showed that CBS I ,-
. _ . Thc worst (iotclia! irated PG-lli. V ' .. ' 3 : \ £5. went from third place for the six \
. ~ - " debuting on The Movie t‘hannel to- s: of} ": days ending Saturday to first with s g
' i .‘ night . stun Anthony Edwards and h t . ' ' its blockbuster Sunday lineup that _ , c -
. . Vick i‘urri as wllest‘ roommates " ~ ' ' = ~ ’ placed the movie. “Resting Place.“ I” .
. _- > ,' “h” 1'1"“ 3 "t’le‘l’lal’mg game SUd' ‘ - “’ “60 Minutes" and “Murder. She l n , . Q
i . . '-' . ‘ ' ' denly brought to life when they are ..__.~-‘1 ‘V - 3" _. :52, ’3‘ if“? . Wrote"all in the top five. , '31 A?“ _ ‘7‘
. " .1 mm‘d ”1‘” ”‘1‘ world Of b‘g'tlme 95' fig § ‘ f ..-' s : National ratings were not avail— it (7‘5“ ' ’7" /'
. - . '- 7 liltmiiw‘ Tht‘lr RUM“ an “mac‘lw. ., my. . - .3 able for the two-hour “Al CapOne“ r { £m% . ' i '4’ ’1‘
I - ~ - l ‘ . " . 1 were? "~‘= . . W .. . . . a". . . , ‘_ .
' ’ ' I' ‘3 . mphlliuu" m um tte Linda P loren 'I i ' 5: , ‘ ~“ :‘ 53$ ‘ Spec”! 0f Apr” 21‘ b“! the 12-market ’1' um POWELL Kernel Graphics
. tllloot Alter Hours ~~ . h ”to W “ I 0V9migm5 gave it an average rating
.. . r. .j . ”n ”w '"“"“*:"‘g°"d‘a>'""SW” ’ e . "' ~ " h \ of 31.5, which if it held up in the na- and the low-rated "TV's Bloopers &
» . . .5 . have becn-hut-it s-stillvfunny—any— fi .. a ‘ = * :=-::is.=.«:::=:>=~1';:' " . ti onal ratings would make it the N0. Practical Jokes" and "Television
. ‘ . . \\il_\-irt:‘.llt‘.\\ list is :rctpster's Mil- morocoumsvoraowmuncruus 1-ranked program for the week. The Academy Hall of Fame“ special on
' -4 lions irated PGI. w ic premieres . . . . . _ , . ' n e of a; three NBC, the live look into Ca ne‘s
. . ' ' on may th'IE‘ channel sometime EC'°l3'05""c exterminators 3'“ MUVTOY and Don lA’lhiledhe film may not ”To"? "5 full potential, $23,335: £33.23}: Shh, wasea 32.5 vaults in Chicago found gold i): the
. ,1 . . , \\llhlll the next three days. 50 If you Aykl’Oyd rem0ve some pesky 'CiClSS-A, non-re- If 5 SN” WOl'fh another vrewmg. In fact, when rating and no network series from ratings. despite only discovering
. , turn on the TV. you'll probably find