xt702v2cbw7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbw7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 1986 1986 1986-01-13 2020 true xt702v2cbw7f section xt702v2cbw7f ________________________________—__.——_——————————————————————
m Val..XC. Ne. 50 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky lndepeIndent since 1971 Monday. January 13, I986 '
O . .
eeping C3 m eases add/ drop Tuesday's
O C .
Admlnistrator says procedure ‘not the end of the world’ Add/Dmp . .
. ByBRAIH‘tNlPl-IR Despite the horror stories students students needing to enter the Col- and they will want to change it to SGthule . i .
' StaffWriter often associate with add/drop. it's iseum beforetheirdesignatedtime. section i3atltpm.."shesaid. » I' ‘ I
really "not that bad." Me uilkin She said students will be ab to " r '. ' - -'

Tomorrow the adventure begins, said Q enter the Coliseum after their 1time In addition. MCQUHR‘“ said that ‘0 a'm' "WKI‘ 1 p'm' v'z .. _'.

as UK students get the chance to “()ften students go in there think— slot has passed. but not before. students should remember m drop a 10:30 am. Ki-Mb 1'30 DJ“. A-BI : I '5' " 4‘
give their schedules the fine tuning mg tadd/dropt is going to take five Students eligible to participate in class 'f the-V attempt ‘0 add or . " " '2
they may need after preregistration. hours and sometimes they walk out tomorrow's centralized add/drop "hagge. 3355 15"Ct'3”? 6“" “unit 11 a'"" Mc-O 2 p'm' Bm-Che -. '

Centralized add/drop will begin {hetv 33:3? ibiflai‘dlth ev ery thing Sfid ttl: $105533?“{IE’I‘Ifzfgfilfifd and [cannemtwms :trzips‘findnlshv?31:02]: 11:30 OJ“. P'RI 2:30 p.m. Chi-Di '; .' " ' _1
:3:T;‘:3J§:?:§nata:ofiégbfig? 83:1 I"We don't hear the success sto- Students receive information :1“th ha: 1“” full??? “cums 0f 12 p'm' Ri'sm 3 P-m- Di'F ":9 '3' [17.
iseum. Students can add classes rle“_'..“'° only hear the mm" 5w- 5mm“ ““9" they enter the C01‘ esamecass. S ( Ml" 12:30 p.m.Sn-U 3'30 p,m_ G-Hen '. 3 ’i ,5} 1',
through January 21 and have until ries. she said. -d .- .- . . s . iseum. giving them step-by-step di- Students who must late register ' '3' I":
March til‘HlmPi‘CIUSS dirf‘xerclgorl‘ 13:3.ch thignvgaywimjtu‘tighi {£38222r?£}inis’::eploig‘:£ng where Will have t: obtain a course request 1.12. mm for new studenteonMondey ‘, ‘. 5);" 5'," '
De artments in the (‘ollege of Arts ‘ I I - ‘.I‘ . I - form and ave it approved by their mm - - .' . .-.._I.'I.
& Sexiences will remain in the Col- can prepare for add/drop is by de- Once students have completed dean's office. Fister said. There is a fmmmm"mwmmv ‘.“- .‘W‘u
iseum untilWednesday. veloping “I plan “uh alternative add/drop. they mu“ then turn the" $20 late registration fee. ‘ " ‘ 7» {if \

classes in case a particular section add/drop slips in to their college . . " '.~ .‘

No. 2 pencils are helpful. but Mar- or class is closed. dean. During late registration. which 'l‘ransfer students and students for (‘liissvs lii .\lt'li|tii i..i t'tiliscutll : ’ .t i. ’_
gey McQuilkiii. assistant registrar “Students should go in prepared to McQuilkin said a way in which runs from Wednesdav through Jan. who were assigned previous .idvis itegiiinuigat l p Ill i ‘ ', " .'
for student records and services. spend some time. take it leisurely long lines can be avoided at 21. students must go to the individu» mg conferences and couldn‘t attend -' - _ '
suggests that students also “stay and not get stressed out over it all." add/drop may be to avoid the ”un- al departments of the classes in must attend an orientatation begin lit-admission awn”. In“. t 1. f ~ '-‘ ’.‘
calm” during add/drop. "Students shesaid. necessary shopping around." which they want to enroll. All stu- ning at 8 it in Monday In the (lam quired to attend the orientation. but 'lW .. . 7 ‘.
Just have to try to remember that Because add/drop will stay open dents who late register must turn in rtmmBuilding must still we an “Wm“... adviser . ' .- . '3,
this is not that bad and is not the until 6 this semester. McQuilkin said “Sometimes a student will have at their completed course request ,u'terword, these students will see to hau- their (‘tiui'se request l()i‘.ll ‘ ‘I . .
end of the world."shc said. no exceptions would be made for Math 123 class. section 22 at 9 am. forms outside 2m Miller Hall. their academic aimser and register wpnnm Help, mm - '. ‘ ' 5 .

" O . . v t . . ' .
UK offices - ’ h ' t ‘
11 on S , l‘lS mas , . . -,
. . \ .z“v " a ‘I 'l ...
m" ”mam ‘ - *~ full of glad tidings
1:13am . * ‘ - ' ~.
Open "“339" a for victorious Cats ' -
Jan. 28 deadline if" 5. \I. - = 1 '
[a K i ‘ ‘ fwmr‘ BNWILUEHHH‘ Even with a shorter lineu the .
for fees payment ‘ b l/ is Sports Editor Wildcats out—rebounded the lf‘ardi» .' ~_ -.
, ’1 ‘ nals iii} to 34 That. coupled with the ' _ . . ' *
Hy Sll.\l{().\ It \1‘t‘llFURI) "i -’ \\ .o. «,4 . At his first press luncheon as Ken dominating play ()1 junior forward . . .
(‘ontributing Writer , . W , x I. tucky coach. Eddie Sutton compared Winston Bennett. was enough for L'K . .
. . . _' " I; / i .; his excitement about C(MChlng Iht’ to take the fifth sticalled “Dream .. , _ ‘-

A flood of bills and paperwork al- . - . '2‘}! / [ ~. Wildcats to a kid 5 at ('hrtslmib (iame "
ways accompanies the first weeks of it" "' s ' 5‘ x I. " ‘i he had to pinch himself to see if he Bennett who was disappomted '

a semester. but many UK offices “,1, . .VI‘ . ’ was dreaming. after he failed to make the t'KlT allr . ' ' .
are extending their hours to help . 3 Sutton was wide awake as his tournament team after two strong . .
students keep their heads above “ 43‘ . Wildcats won five of their holiday performances. scored a career-high ’ ' I I

water. 33' a X games during hi3 “”1 Chl‘lSImJ-S 2.; points and also had seven re ' " V. l

Although the Student Billings alt. I. , 3%, season atL'K. hounds _ ,
Service is opening at 8:30 am. as "K . -. - , " '1 .,~ First. the Wildcats captured the Waiker g gaiiie-high H rebounds - '
usual. it will remain open until 6 X r‘ I . ,” 33rd University of Kentucky Invita and }{ur(l('nv§ key hug-km, down the . '
pm. on Mondays through Thursdays it?" ;- ,..." ./ - tional Tournament by downing l-Zast girth-n helped the (are (,lfgci Louis» ' .
and until 4:30 pm. on Fridays from ‘. ' " .. . )5 (‘arolina and Peppet‘dlnt‘ h! 'dh av \illc'sdcpihand quickness ' '
Jan, 13-28. It Will also be Open from .- r. _ ~.. V erage 0f 33 points The} ”‘9” “I look forward to see what everv ' _' '
to am. to 1 pm. on Saturdays dur« § g ‘ ‘ 4 I, crashed the boards Dec. 28 to beat mm hug 1., gm “hum ”1‘. km} « ' . .
ing these two weeks. / /ll . Louisville atits own gametis-o-i. Bennett. a Louisville native. said .‘

The last day for students to pay C. é Two nights later. L'K destroyed 1,11”th game . ' . _ . .
their fees in full is Jan. 28. The of— ’1“ a ’ 7 ; lowly Virginia Military institute Ett- ' . ‘ '
“('8 Wt" “probably be open longer m k. . .. ' , . _ . 4 . g 55 at Freedom Hall. and then opened In its annual game at Freedom ' r " ’ *
than 6 that day." said Ben Crutcher. ' / r_,~~ ‘.
validated from 9 am. to 3 pm. in .3?) sq I. . . ' second. a 39-6 scoring drive by the ' , .1 '. g '
the Student Center Ballroom during is ‘ . 5;. § _ 30-point favorite Wildcats was Had it not been for Walker's 2:3 ; _ :I I.
the first two weeks of the semester. : 5 - ‘4‘, x . ' ' .~ enough to put the Cats past East points. with a couple of key baskets g. " ' “t" .4- . 3
or from 8:30 am. to 6 pm. in the . A ‘ ' Carolina and into Saturday night's inside the last five minutes. the ,"' .5"
student billings office. 257 Student . final against Pepperdine. Wildcats would have gotten an even ii ., 2.3,._3'_3."£""
Center. 3; I‘ Going again with its three guards bigger scare from \‘andy . . .1 ‘ ,‘I~,‘.' T-i-..I7

(‘rutcher said the lines in the ball IQ .- ‘ ' 77 Roger Harden, James Blackmon .‘ . it; ‘. I, i: I.
room willprobablybeshorter. " and Ed Davender i the Wildcats Th0 t‘oviimodores cut [K3 13' “.‘ri: L-‘f'h"

Students who registered late will Mi . ~ mounted a similar scoring drive «29» POInt halftime lead to five three II.
not be able to pick up their leftover ....s ‘ 6) beginning the second half which times. before the Wildcats put the ‘ . 1'. .' “
financial aid checks until Jan. 29. r A drained the Waves. then a Top :20 game Wit} WW“ the stretch it: I, v...
(‘i‘utcher said. ' team. i. » . .~ . , . .. 3‘: ,4 ‘ i,"
. The University subtracts what stu- , a.» 1‘ Senior lx'enny' Walker. who scored haste:it?ikégge)?r{g:{kzgf‘t,et{3:13}; . ; .
dents owe from their finanCial aid 40 pomts in the tourament. was h' I_ t In In troubl I .. Sutton "id .. -. . -'
checks and then awards the remain- . . ii. - voted the Most Valuable Player. and . a“ ’8‘ L ‘ . 5d ‘ _‘ . ' ‘ - ‘

i . . . . . . _ . I . I as the t .its upped their retord to Hi . _
tiei. so students need not worry 5;. _ i , g .. Blackmon and Davender made the . . _ , _ , ~ .

. . y _ . ‘ ... I I lnlllt tonftitnteand to lovuall . . i
abt-ut theirtuition debts.he said. ...“ at? all-tournamentteam. . . . - . -
Students who preregistered can ‘ '. ...”5” if: q.- “I‘ve always thought .VOU can Win Rounding out its four games in -~ ' -
pick up their checks from 9 am. to ‘ "mt mm.“ KevnelSlall a lot of games with three guards." eight days. the Wildcats played Aue ‘ '

3 pm, through Jan. 28 in the ball- Pepperdine coach Jim Harrick said burn. Mississippi and Alabama last ~ , .' ‘
room. said Sheri Litton. a reception. Louisville senior Billy Thompson tries to get off a bounded Louisville 36-24 in the game. which following the game. “but you can‘t week. L'K met-[5 Mississippi State ..
ist in the student financial aid office. shot over Kentucky's Kenny Walker in the Wild- gave the Wildcats a 3-2 edge in the renewed se- win the league." Wednesday in Starkville and Florida ‘
After that date. the checks can be cat's 69-64 win over the Cardinals. UK out~re~ ries between the two in-state rivals. Butyoucan beat U 0tL- Saturdayintiainesville.

picked up in 257 Student Center. ,

Meal plans can be changed 0 O . '
tnrough Jan. 24. but students will Ima e bulldln
have to pay $25 for the change. said -
Allen Rieman. director of UK Food
Services. The fee must be paid by . . . . . . . . . . . '
maimed SAB Vice preSident optimistic about Little Kentucky Derby, committee planning mp to Florida

Students who live in residence
halls can change their plans in the By WENDY SUSAN SMITH . Hayden said SAB is hoping the ies will run for six days. instead of
housing office in the Service Build- Staff'Writer festival will be one of the biggest the usual two- or three-day period. ' \ ‘
ing or in 206 Student Center during events of the season. “We are giving The visual arts committee is con-
the first week ofthe semester. The Student Activities Board‘s it a new face." he said. “Basically. tracting new art exhibitions for the \ ' ,1

11,059 who live in Greg Page spring schedule is similar to what it we are shortening the number of Rasdall Gallery. and the travel com- ., "5 V3
Apartments or on campus can has been in the past. but the youp 5 days from one week to three days. mittee is planning for a spring break ‘f” .
change their meal plans in 206 Stu- offiCIals say that students can look We want to pack these three days tnpto South Padre lsland.Fla. / ’ \
dent Center during the first week or forward to some changes. . with as many activitiesaspossible." The special activities committee is ‘ l/ ‘ .»
in the Food Storage Center behind ‘I‘Our main objective is to continue “A lot of time and effort has been working on a couple of projects yet a -

K-Lair Grill the second week Rie- building a reputable image through put into making the LKD a big we to be announced. Hayden said these ‘ I
man said. ' the programs that we put on," said cess." said David Nickell, SAB vice projects will add a little flavor to ‘

Ag long as Sludems have paid Pan] Hayden‘s“ pmmem' ”5.533% iiilimrgiiisiiemiiiiaoin):t tl "1.in “$3351? l ' t ll ted / t

their 8100 de sit. their meal cards ‘ . m' . 5 w‘ ,, s s a 5° “Jus a oca ' A
will be valid” through Jan. 28, he “$2?anng Syngermsviggtyb; at leastinthepast lOyears. money for a speaker who should be If '
sallifhzal plan changes in t ~ things to d°' “SAB activities can The concert committee is current- lcli‘bewf'tlrhgaygggsa‘i’d“ draw a blg ; ' i ‘ ~' ‘ i (‘ “ ‘”‘ 5‘

a require a hel enhance st nts‘ knowl “ ‘ ' ~ ‘ . ‘. . . .~ c -‘ .. - _,_ --\\

refund are handled through SlUdent well, as give gm an «:3?an 3mgncitemu$sforglnfgt§flefigaig bi.“ said the orgamzation M" be p5” XM— \
billings. . . break fromthebooks." Kakie Urch. concert committee co- ame to fltagt more speakers} and ‘17",- )

”coming of the refund wiii take chairwoman. “We are looking for- s st w' ”"3 “-5” ".w‘ ' "3' _. ... in
three weeks. except for students A highlight of the coming semes- ward to booking a 81'0"? that is as ceive when the student fee increase LMM" "WOW“-
who receiveIfinancial aid. Crutcher t6" IS SAB“ Little Kentucky Derby. successfulasthoeeinthefall.“ goesmtoeffectthis ML what happens on campus. then all “We want students to sign up for
said. They will be reimbursed within UK‘s annual spring festival. The or- All students are eligible to join an they have to do is come to the SAB committees because we went to
form oaffut: ti: billing office is in- sanitation is already planning SAB has also put together a new SAB committee. Nickel] said. “ll 3 office. 204 Student Center. and fill know their ideas.“ he said. as well

c nge. events forthcApril affair. mowe schedule. This semester mov- student wants to have a voice in outan application. as their helpcoordinatingproyann.
4 e g ‘
. . . . v}

rAeR 360 001 AGR 386 001 rAGR 412 001 AOR 562 001 AGR 619 001 A08 734 001 AGR 769v001
SCHEDULE OF CLASSES AGR 360 002 AER 386 002 A08 4700001 A08 566 001 A08 654 001 .4011 741 001 A041 770mm
rAGR 360 003 AOR 395v001 A08 501 001 IAGR 597 001 AGR 664 001 rAcR 749 001 AGR 7708002
AGR 366 001 rAGR 399v001 A08 510 001 A08 599v001 AOR 676 001 rAGR 768v001 AGR 799A001
This Schedule of Classes Supplement lists all of the OPEN AGR 367 001 AGR 006 001 AGR 556 001 AGR 601 001
classes for the 1986 Spring Semester which are available for Coliseum
Registration on January 13, 1986. Some Of the courses listed have
very few spaces available. ANIMAL SCIENCES
. The Sunplement must be used in conjunction with the regular AS
I . I c 300 002 rAsc 360 002 ASC 380 001 4Asc 4100001 A50 564 001 Asc 749 001 Asc 781v001
gfgfigfi%$ i§s%%%§%§% EASE: zgjrgggs("te"ecl§:::§ jittfi g‘mesé °"d 53°35 Asc 301 001 ASC 360 003 Asc 395 001 Asc 4420001 Asc 664 001 rAsc 768V001 Asc 782V001
_ or where there has been a chan e in°th5 er ind] 1': 1:? nee" 1 9 Asc 303 001 Asc 362 001 ASC 399v001 rAsc 470 002 ASC 683 001 Asc 769v001 Asc 790v001
9 e 0 9 ” °rma ‘0 ‘ Asc 304 002 Asc 364 001 Asc 4040001 #ASC 550 001 A50 684 001 Asc 771 001 ASC 791v001
The format of this Supplement is the sane as the regular schedule, OASC 306 001 ASC 378 001 ASC 4066001 ASC 562 001 ASC 688 001 ASC 780V001 AASC 792V001
. i.e., the colleges are listed alphabetically, ASC 321 001
Fsc 306 001 rFsc 399v001 rFsc 470 001 Fsc 532 001 #FSC 538 001 Fsc 780v001 Fsc 790v001
AFsc 395 001 Fsc 4300001 #FSC 470 002 Fsc 534 001
NOTE 1: Advance registration dates for the 1986 Sunmer Sessions
and Fall Semester are April 9-16. 1986. Advance registra-
~ v. tion is required for all continuing students. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION
. ' V NOTE 2: UniverSIty Senate regulations give faculty members the CEX 501 001
‘ 3 option of dropping students who do not attend the first
1' . ‘ two class meetings.
: ‘ » ' ENT 310 001 ENT 399v001 ENT 561 001 ENT 665 001 #ENT 768V001 ENT 770 001 #ENT 790v001
_ V 1 ‘ ENT 395v001 ENT 530 001 ENT 606 001 ENT 749 001 ENT 769v001 ENT 78OV001
* If: g ' ’v FORESTRY
'J .' ~ - LEG F M
‘ - _. £9L~__§Jle_£91£l!£ FOR 305 001 FOR 350 001 FOR 410 001 FOR 455 001 FOR 512 001 #FOR 630 001 FOR 781V001
,.3. . ’ ’ - See College of Medicine listings. FOR 310 001 FOR 399v001 FOR 420 001 FOR 460 001 FOR 599v001 FOR 768v001 FOR 791v001
I x.
“'“V '. ,' g .' EYPERIENTIAL Egggggpm EEEEBAL_A§£l£!LI!EE
,0; EXP 396v001 GEN 101 001 GEN 102 001 GEN 104 001 #GEN 106 001 GEN 106 002 GEN 300 001
. '5 F th E ' t' l Ed t' , ' t d t t l I' '
. I '_ 07‘ 0 er xDerien la uca ion courses see appropria e epar men a Istings HORTICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTQ’E
, lNTERNAlIONAL STUDY PROGRAM HOR 245 001 #HOR 350 001 HOR 399v001 HOR 524 001 HOR 582v002 HOR 768v001 HOR 790v001
»‘ A-‘———~‘-——~r*—————«~———-» HOR 345 001 #HOR 352 001 #HOR 510 001 HOR 582 001 HOR 734 001 H08 770 001
‘_ . TSP 599 001
, '1 7' OFF—CAMPUS PROGRAMS, TELEVISION COURSES. AND HEEKEND COLLEGE LA 205 001 LA 810 001 LA 853 001 LA 895v001 LA 903 001 LA 950 001 LA 951 001
, I ,. ~- *'rr—-"—-c~' ~—-A—-4‘~'-—--~> -—--‘>~"‘ #LA 802 001 LA 832 001
- See apuropriate departmental listings.
I PPA 410 001 PPA 595 001 PPA 749 001 #PPA 769v001 PPA 770 001 PPA 784v001 PPA 794v001
' COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE PPA 503 001 #PPA 656 001 #PPA 768v001
- AEC 301 001 AEC 312 001 AEC 4410001 AEC 502 001 AEC 606 001 AEC 661 001 AEC 768v001 SOCIOLOGY
, AEC 301 002 AEC 314 001 AEC 4450001 AEC 516 001 AEC 640 001 AEC 670 001 AEC 769V001 ‘"’“”“*“‘
, AEC 302 001 AEC 315 001 AEC 480v001 AEC 532 001 AEC 646 001 AEC 699 001 +AEC 780N401 soc 565v001 soc 640 001 soc 773 001 SOC 790v001 soc 797v001
- , AEC 302 002 AEC 321 001 AEC 501 001 AEC 580V001 +AEC 660 001 AEC 749 001 AEC 780V001
_ AEC 303 001 AEC 399v001
' 7 +92959 AEC 660 001 RESEARCH METHODS lN AEC 3 TBA AGS 712 SMITH
I ' I E vs 350 001 #vs 749 001 rvs 769V001 #vs 781v001 «vs 786 001 «vs 791v001 «vs 792v001
‘ vs 351 001 #vs 768V001 vs 770 001
- R
, =AEN 220 DOI AEN 220 002 AEN 252 001 A£N 252 002 AEN 345 001 ’Changed C°urse
#Five or fewer vacanCTeS
, A far-
~ - d 1‘ st-
” ’ml rcit
- v _- - 31 L1 11 Ma *5
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 KENTUCKYKERNEL, Add-Drop Edtlon My,” 1:, 1‘.)
COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH pROFESSIQNs ARC 2111 «101 ARC 813 11111 ARC 821C063 ~ARC «.21.»: . 914:1: 4 ARC 35413013
ARC 202 '101 ARC 81312.1 ARC 821110114 ARC ~13; : AR. .: 9541105 oARC 954x201
-aAHP 840 001 +AHP 840 002 +AHP 840 003 +AHP 840 004 ARC 221 1101 ARC BZUAUIJ‘; ARC 8211305 ARC 5'11 ,1 =1w :
”91138 AHP 840 001 ETHICS IN HEALTH PRACTICE 2 F 1000-1150AM MN 253 PISANESCHI ”28711 ARC 102A1c11 :um 10 ADCHI'EE'L‘RE :: z w , ».C/.PM ~15 )2; ‘.1‘BRVAN 1
21.11:. '1 — 1 :RM :12 .1'2'. :TRICALANO
«41.721 ARC 1028,13 INTFJU ARCA1'1CTRC 1: A '~ 1, AM PM O‘BPYAN '
+91154 AHP 840 033 ETHICS IN HEALTH RRACTICE 2 E 1000-1150AM HS 511 CARPENTER 1.150;: '1 1 —::: w XW'H-DZNNE'
+91152 AHP 840 004 ETHICS 111 HEALTH PRACTICE 2 E 1000-1150AM HS 214 RERRIIT ' 4 ' ' '
131551 ARC I I'TIIP S251 81- 1 WEU ARC :. « 1 RI: EPbL—PXLCI ' . ,
13:25, ARC 3.2 PROGRAM. :1 10-11va ARC SRAJL ‘ -
AHEQfiEfi‘Lfl’L EDUCATION AN_0 RESEARCH "9112” m ”r” "3 COMP“; M" I“ ”L .. ‘ ii " " 9”” ‘ V
AHE 101 001 AHE 550v001 AHE 570v001 AHE 842A001 AHE 842C003 4AHE 842E005 uAHE 880 001 . . .3, r . . r . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. ,. -' g' .. "Q
AHE 502 001 +AHE 570N401 HAHE 590 001 AHE 8428002 «AHE 8420004 eAHE 854A001 +AHE 880v002 '3" ‘ ‘ ’64’ ‘ “J“ RE“ ”OM” " "”‘ “ " ' ' "' "*‘“”"‘"“" I - -
PAHE 595v001 ., . ‘. .. '1
+27952 AHE 570N401 ADV SEM AHE:VERT JOINT DYSFUNCT 3 11 0600-0900PM HS 407 THRELKELD 1 "i -' 51'
+=93149 AHE 590 001 RESEARCH PROBS IN AHE 3 TBA REEIELE it: $43175.
' '1' ..'«'.‘»'f.
193131 AHE 880v002 SEM AHE 1-3 T8A PEEIELE ”EWJE U? "W" “‘* ' "' ' ' 1"1' 1.1.".‘35-‘113
is 1 1 v.41: ‘1
COMMUNlTV HEALTH 4 4 4.4 ,';"‘L,'-,':f1
., . -- ~~—. 191.21, :, 31 SP :NTRG :HSE.11:'V 1101: >1 I: , . . - ’
CH 241 001 «CH 250 001 CH 510N401 aCH 501N402 xCH 785v001 ”CH 785v002 CH 842 001 17"". .:‘§'5.":31:
=CH 24111401 CH 35511401 CH 501N401 «CH 522001 ., ., i'i'."'~‘\'ir."31"~'1.
AEPCJPNCL 511111112 . ,.‘4f ‘ .17. -";".“g!
' ",'~.x_. I": 3;: 11,4;
.1’ -' J "1‘ '3
CLINICAL NUTRITION 55 I12 101 AS :1. 104 AS 212 AS ':: ‘ ' . 2. ; 3:: ' 1 '.i,“;3‘,'1"“4’
. ., 112 :02 AS 114 0111 AS 212 '3 AS .;.: . - _ .; , .2; :13 _ 3.71951"? ';
=CNU 502 001 =CNU 1701 001 «CNU 702 001 sCNU 780 001 1‘3 W 1'13 AS 1111 1101' 85 81? HS 5 . ._; .. .;1 « 11:9 3951-; ".1'f1',‘1.”1‘.1':'
.5, ‘1 i4,’ 7;,- L. i 'f ." j-4-.
, - . W. ANTHROPOLOGY 1:. '.
*i""""*‘“"'* p 1. . s 4 :- ."-
CPC:.1111.1001 _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4., L
ANT I20 002 ANT 121 .05 ms 355 m. . . -. , ., -. 1 . , :. .41 ._,1 4
ANT I20 003 ANT 121 007 ANT 353 .21 =A11' -..« , . . 1 . '.'- . .4 1 3:
ANT 120 004 ANT 121714111 ANT 3991.01 ANT ; i :. ; ». 1 . -. 14' __: 1"
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