xt702v2cbs9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbs9z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 2004 Vol.75 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 2004 Vol.75 No.12 2004 2004 2019 true xt702v2cbs9z section xt702v2cbs9z / Volume 75, Number 12 u. s. postage
»’ ,, M - W ,4 . , 41 we “a a?“ Kentuc Press Association PAID
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“ _, ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' .. A UNIVERSITY OF KY. -, j ,
fife IWW‘K"... ‘ i “it. 'i ' . J *3} 211 KING LIBRARY SOUTH ' " i
5% .A ”if; V/ ‘ ' ' ” ' LEXINGTON KY 40506-003 '
é“ December 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ' {Ki 7 f
-___—______—_—__—l—_———_ ___< (
Conventlon Will offer 2004 ~ A year of 1 st- , -
If (1 f ' Am ndm * nt i “
mu 1tu e 0 toplcs   e . e ssues, I
By DAVID GREER your sports staff resources. Also, learn p e n , govern me nt , ., 1
Member Services Director the ins and outs of InDesign. And ; , . , I , . ‘ ‘. . . ' . , _ ,. 3
Just as Kentucky newspapers offer there’s more. I . ', ' _ .1" j, I , *‘ ' ' I 7
something for everyone, the 2005 The 2005 convention will be 7" 13$“; val, few " , I‘ , .mflifion' 1
Kentucky Press Association conven— Thursday and Friday, Jan. 20 and 21 'W'eeks‘rernain ; in» P reStdmts ' , ' Promising to be .
tion Jan. 20 and 21 in Louisville will at the Hyatt Regency hotel, 320 W. What,.ha3 been x33] 33 VCIomer , r ' just as significant 1
offer a multitude of topics and activi- Jefferson, in downtown Louisville. VUQK‘SHEHY busy ' . ______........... 4%? . ‘13 something more '
ties — a little something for everyone. Watch for our registration mailing. ._311d ’ Z ' ifitéfesttiftg , B‘ I}: N I , ’( 511131319. One Of 0111"
Whether it’s how to embrace new Thursday's agenda “year at KPA. It‘has M 132955153: , . “ most _ popular
technology or finding new and better starts with designer . been as I. had, ‘1 ' p‘, _ services, has been
ways to manage your paper and Tim Harrower from 1— .. 5 hoped “’ * ‘V v} the annuai'fseriai
increase revenue or designing more 4 pm. in the confer— 1? Muchofwhatwehave findeaVII-a story £01553," Newspapers In
reader-friendly pages and celebrating ence auditorium. . Oredlsstillbemg'iitéasured;'but‘We .gfiduéafiph: ng‘mms; ~ Starting _‘ in
the First Amendment in song, the Harrower, author of Wfll'haVé plentytodlscuss 3f our January'overdrflKenmcky neWSPav
2095 KPA SonVenfion .311 LOUiSViHe ”The . Newspaper H 4 i'cortvention .. in -'_January. In: .pers willpublish "Brain Freeze," 1
W111 Offera little somethug for every- D e S 1 g n e r I S mowef {Louisville,_weiwil1mark one year . Which Will be read weekly in
one. , Handbook,” ha? been an award-wm— since declaring that open- govern— ddzens of schools by thousands o'f
But that 5 get all. Come early and ning editor, desrgner afld columnist fit ~ment andFirstAmendment issues students. The story is being picked
tour The Couner—Journal snew prmt— such papers as the Tlmes-Union 1n 'WOfildbe 01.133, theme; , , up in a couple of other States as '
mg plant, one of the most state-of—the Rochester, NY. and The Oregoman. '- No‘fimeiwas Wasted in ettin well , , '
artinNorth America. Hear nationally He currently consults on redesigns gt 1th .1; T d , . '_ h g gf . A , ' ' . ' . 1
known newspaper design expert Tim and lectures on journalism. His new tfi ' '6 tag'v‘an, nowwe fur? proo ' t our. request, curricu {1m
Harrower. Learn the dos and don’ts of book, ”The Newspaper Reporter’s - rat we mean? what we said. apart» guides available ,Wlth the Stages 1
employment ads or how to attract Handbook,” will be published this Ihe.recordsvaudit.compiete, a legal W111 draw attention to the Fir.“
younger readers to your paper while year. Please note that seating for challenge to thesecrecy required 0f Amendment. AS important as it 15
building a stronger NIE program. Harrower’s workshop will be limited. jut/endearing, an .ECtFVe ymvolve— to stress the value Of the amend—
Hear some of Kentucky’s top sports I ment ,1“ the‘formatio'n Of, an rndev ' ,
editors discuss getting the most from See TOPICS on Page 8 “pendent Freedom Of Information See 2004 on Page 9 .
Special elections in Districts9and who was elected vice president of vice president; and Taylor Hayes, Outlook; Edmund Shelby,
11 have finished the picture of the the association for the remainder of Kentucky New Era, treasurer. Beattyville Enterprise; Donna
2005 Kentucky Press Association/ 2004. Gray will be President Elect in District directors will be Alice Carman, Casey County News; Don
Kentucky Press Service Board of 2005. Rouse, Murray Ledger and Times; White, Anderson News; and Teresa
Directors. The slate of officers for 2005 to be Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Scenters, Berea Citizen.
Loretta Tackett, with the submitted to the membership are Progress; Bob Childress, Owensboro State At-Large directors appoint-
Paintsville Herald, was elected in Charlie Portmann, Franklin Messenger Inquirer; Jeff Jobe, Butler ed for one-year terms: Taylor Hayes,
District 9, to complete the term held Favorite, president; John Nelson, County Banner; Ron Filkins, Kentucky New Era; Tom Caudill,
by Jerry Pennington. And Don Danville Advocate Messenger, past Kentucky Standard; John Mura, Lexington Herald-Leader; Willie
Estep, with the Corbin News president; Glenn Gray, Manchester Louisville Courier-Journal; Kelley Sawyers, London Sentinel Echo; and
Journal, was elected in District 11 to Enterprise, president elect; Alice Warnick, Gallatin County News;
complete the term of Glenn Gray, Rouse, Murray Ledger and Times, Ken Metz, Bath County News See BOARD on Page 6

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, December 2004
K t k l ' th
en uc y peop e, papers in e news ‘
Debra Jasper, the former state- Institute at Ohio State. She works Bill Randolph will end his 40- launched the newspaper, said she
house bureau chief for The with mid-career journalists from year career in the newspaper busi— had been working on plans for Las
Cincinnati Enquirer and former edi- around the world who seek to ness at the end of this year. He Vereda for about three years. She is
tor of The Grant County News, is the enhance their public affairs and announced his retirement in October. the owner, publisher and editor-in-
new director. of the Kiplinger investigative reporting skills. The He has been the publisher of The chief of the newspaper. She hasastaff ]
Program for Public Affairs program provides six-month fellow- Harrodsburg Herald since 1993. of five — two full-time and three part-
Journalism in the John Glenn ships to journalists. Current General Manager Chris time. La Vereda is distributed free in
Freeman will become publisher. Butler, Daviess, Henderson, Ohio, y
‘ " 1 ' 1 ‘ 1 ‘ ~ . " '3 .1 - ‘ = , ' . Freeman has worked at the newspa- Warren and Webster counties as well a
, The KentuCky Press , ' "'1 ‘ per for 11 years. Randolph has been as in Evansville, Ind. twice a month. t]
' * V .‘ _' ' ' ' . _ 1,1,1 1‘ ‘K‘_ i'j. . j in the newspaper business since he The Winchester Sun won a n
1heKentuckyPress(Penmt#939)ispub- 1’: "'9' " . ' was 20 years old. He served two national award for reporting from i1
fished monflftley'theKenhicky'PreSS f 'Distfict‘11'7319m Grayi'Manches'ter stints at The Advocate-Messenger in the Inland Press Association. v
-Association/Kentucky'Press‘SerVioe,IInc.'Vv Enterpnse ‘ 1‘ Danville where he worked at one Jennifer Ginn, managing editor, C
ThirdCIaSS postageisPaid at Glasgow f 'f‘ "3" 5:: . time in composition when the news- received third place in explanatory
“-42141-51153Cfipfim price E58158" ' gDi'Sh‘id .12 'Dbnfia Canaan, {Jersey 1 ' , , paper was published using hot type. reporting for a three-day series print-
zeanfgfifingeofadm COWWNEWS '._ '1 He took a similar job at the ed in February about a 5-cent tax t‘
' 9 , 9‘ I " Y , , , mm ' “817" :' ”'1 : : Lexin ton Herald-Leader and then increase bein sou ht b the Clark D
Lane,Frankfort,KY40601,(502) 223.8821 SSEiiZjomCaudifl,Lemgmn - returnged to the Advocate-Messenger County Publigc Edfcatiohal System.
.1: Officers 1, 1: , : ,: :: 9171.: er : as part of the advertising depart- The tax was defeated during a Feb. t1
KentuckyPress asébaafibn‘ 1”: i' _ - : District le-TezesaSeentersfiereaCIhzen ment. His second stint there was for 17 special election. d
; 1 : - 3. 5* about 16 years when he left in 1981 The Nicholas Countian 8: The
President:x-thnNels‘onijTheAdvocate"? f: 1:2 StateAt~Large ' and went to work at the Harrodsburg Carlisle Mercury celebrated its 10th s
'MessengerlDanVifle- 1:" ChrisPoore,I€enmckyKemel newspaper. anniversary of weekly publication a
: 1 1 1 i'. :7 Whesaiwyersfimtmebflcho La Vereda, the first Spanish-lan- and serving the community with an
PresxdenbElect- CharhePortmann, Path ClarkowentonNewsHerald :ii'j'f guage newspaper in Owensboro, open house Oct. 15. The first edition I
FranklmFavonte 2:1 151:;TaylorHayes,KentuckyNewEra1.11.1: published its first edition in of the community’s newspaper was V
chi’mdenthlemGrayMandwsterDimonChamnan September. The initial press run was distributed into homes on Oct. 17, s
~ , '1 : ' . ("I ,. j:: .1 - : ‘SifinfiiebOWeE'SPenCefiMagnefu' 2 :1 run Wlll double soon. Dr. Maria 1
.Treasurer—Taylbr‘Hayeel r 1' ‘x at .I ’: r 21' 'j’ :1 ,1 Elena Rivas-Countant, who See PEOPLE on Page 10 I
Kentucky New Era ’ - , :s ; 'Adverusing'eivisien~j€iiery1Maser$z1 1:- ————————————-———-———-——— a
1P 81E? (1' ’t' " - 1 T C- ‘ CenualKentuckyNewsJoumal D th 1977 to become Vice president of cor- t
a 31:93 ”31,:W,W.! ”WW1 ‘Q "ii orate markets for Koetzle Cor .
Wmchester Sun ' ' fiaflfgfimfisj ea S Eealtors. In 1990, he was named vife 2
'1 District1«AhceRouse,MmmyLedgermasmmm~pefiham ormer en 11C y Toebeen Construction Co. in I
«arm Kentuckyvhhm Enquirer editor dies Crescent SpringS- He also worked as E
g; z . f; {1.1;}:{3.1.5:}1127; 3‘? 3? g; 1f _ f:555:25:;113:3;53:???if}?j.fif;fgiijé;f_i,;1§:§i-"i}fif;3;!gigif}:5:‘:.j;§j§€f? - - ' a broker for several agencies, includ— s
.:. 1, 1 . .. .1. f, ty counc1 man in Ft. erght, ry
DrstnctS— DoqunmerHanwekiGeneralCeunsels—Jonflezsdtakez; died Oct. 20 of lung cancer at St. 1 ’ ' w"! 1
Clarion ' '- . . -‘“_~ ’3} Ashley Pack,mature8:Show1'75:235::fi-fisf-:+{§?E5'"_'37? Charles Care Center in Covington. Former master printerat z
* - '. -- He was 80- ' - ~ t
ma4'fltmhepmmFrwkhnKWCkmem WStaff .. Weiskittel was one of several The News Democrat & 5
:‘Favorite; 7 .. ' 35:1" '3 __ 1321de ThomPSOHrEXWhVQDfiedOI‘j members of his family who worked Leader files 1
'3 1f :' ; f ‘ .BonmeHoward,Controllerx .1 i; . at the Enquirer dating back to 1870, Eugene Murray Carnall, a master
glénhggg‘mms' Kenmcky 38:18: éfi§fi§gfii§omr {1 His father was a pressman and his printer at The News—Democrat 87: i
_ 1 1 : » , : : _ 11381111131111. News‘Burean Director ,1 brother worked in display advertis— Leader In Russellville for 54 years, 1
Districté—ArthurB.Post,L01fisville . 9' 'Dafid'Spem'NewMefiaDheWr ing- dled OCt- 18.” SOUthem KentUCkY 1
,Coufier.joumaj : : ' " Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant, . ', Weiskittel, a Covington native, Rehab Hospital 1n Bowling Green. r
' 1 StephanieConrad,Research/Marketing , joined the paper as a copyboy in He was 79. :
District7—KelleyWamick,Gallatin" CoordmatOr 1 :' ': 1942 after graduating from high Besides working at the 1
County News Sue Cammack,AdministrativeAssistant school. Three months after the Russellville newspaper, Carnall also
1 <1 , Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, he worked full-time at the Todd County 1
gsttfloztkg‘Km Mew! Bath County NEWS gfigif’gflei?§eis0flk , enlisted in the Army, He returned to Standard in Elkton from Oct. 2002 l
: : , , Y’ , 9r ' ‘- : the Enquirer and worked as a finan— until Aug. 2003, after previous own- i
District94LorettaTackett,Paintsvilie , ' 1 1 " " 5.11:3} . cial reporter while attending ers of The News-Democrat and l
Herald] 1 I 1 ~ ' .' . Staffmenrbers,0fficeré.and,Directdrs 7i." evening classes at Xavier University. Leader indicated plans to remove
., 1 . ‘ ‘ . 1 :‘ ., " . _' "2', 7 maybereadiedbyernannsmgtheinaj»; He was the business and home edi- that company's press. He continued ]
'Disuict’lmfidmund Shelby, Beattyviller ' viduai‘sifirst‘inifiai, Billiast ,_ . : = f ' . tor from 1963 to 1977. working for the Standard in a part- 1
Enterprise I 1 1 " 1, _ . ' name@kypz€sscom ' " i. . :1 ,' He resigned from the Enquirer in time capacity until Sept. 2004. .

 The Kentucky Press, December 2004 - Page 3
When you’re making your list Decemb“ ' ‘
. e s & N
y . V W otes .
: put thls down as number one ettentteeentnee
, being accepted , , , .
L This time of I, In the budget the days until they report to ' 'Entriesinthe 2004' Sigma Delta _
. year, most people on second éggé, adopted during Frankfort for our third odd—year ses- Chi Awards of the Society of ,
. are thinking of 3352?: the 2003 session, sion since Kentuckians changed the Professional Iburnaliists'are'being
the ”liSt U they mugh't— fiat? (a) remained in constitution. And there’s no better lgacczepted now through M547. .
L need to be mak— m the final version time than right now to give them a . 1. Entries musthavebeenpub- ‘
‘ tee — what they 3 a... m... while an wen can talk with teen about the the turmewwtttttt i
' want for KléA Executive Dirgctor f Withdrawn dur- and get their commitment. They imayrheisubn‘uttedmonlyonecate V
'r Christmas. ing negotiations aren’t preoccupied right now with egoryandcontestantsmaymter
But there’s another list you need between the House and Senate. reading mounds of legislation as asmanycategorzesasdestred .
: to be making and a part of it has a During the 2004 session that they will be in a month. They aren’t Editorials,coentsand Exile".
_ . . . . bags maybeactded easisapportmg ,
: much longer effect. ended in Apr1l, you know that the inundated With stacks of phone calls materiaiglnalchps .: and , 1
. That’s your ”to do” list and next session adjourned without a budget to return, meetings to attend or lob- tearsheetsare preferred; but. .
. time you’re making one, put this being adopted. But the same lan- byist loitering in the hallways, need— duphcateswfiibeacceptedtlpto
down as number one. guage was back in that proposal. ing ”just a second or minute or hour” femmdmduais maybenamed :
3 ”Call state representative and When they left town without a budg— of their time. onateamentry, otherwxse the . ;
l state senator about public notice et, it turned out to be a victory So this is the time to make that mtrymustbemademthe name ' :
1 advertising.” because the school financial state- call. ofi'ilfihéj staff of "flié;p1:bkcat10n 1
I In less than a month, the ment language expired and publica- Themisa$60per enuyfeeforSP}: 7
1 Kentucky General Assembly con- tion of those returned to newspa- 0 0 0 0 0 members and $100139; gritty! fee 3
9 venes its short, 30-day legislative ses— pers. for nonnmem’bers. ' ‘ ' i '
' sion. The schedule calls for the legis- Expect another effort to start We’ve shared with you the last ' A cover letter must also
1 lature to ascend on Frankfort on Jan. showing up soon, to allow school two sessions the text of our testi— accompanyallenmeswrththe
, 3, work a few days, go back home districts, if not all public agencies, monies against public notice adver- fofiowmg mformatzonasumma-
and then come in early February for the right to publish notices on the tising on the Internet. If you need a Waffiteatoryorstenesmdzsmste
__ the last 25 or so days. Internet instead of in newspapers. copy of our reasons to oppose such Simofrandggbse» ;
There’s a lot of work ahead inthe So why does your ”to do” list legislation, send me an e—mail wtmsmmvgwgm t
' ' - - - . , Wgetémmfi‘t ‘
3 2005 sessmn, not the least of which 15 need the directlon at the top to call (dthompson@kypress.com) and Ill mdawwamfieaabttae
, finally adopting a state budget and your legislators now? To get their get it to you before you make the call; getting
1 refining the health insurance pro- commitment to vote against any leg- Nothing has changed those argu- mwkgfmgmm
3 gram approved during this year’s islation that “changes the pubhc ments. The Internet is used mostly ”gag/WWWWW
— spec1al sess1on. notice advertismg law. for e-mail purposes, by those WWWgwfi
1 Perhaps in the budget, again, or as Well, let me refine that slightly. It Kentuckians who have access. Q€§%WW§E« ,
stand alone legislation, expect to would not be good policy for me to Internet access has not improved 2%:th '
‘1 hear from KPA about public notice suggest they should vote against the much around the state and Internet éy?.{g%i§
adVerfising. The topic has been on budget simply because of this lan— use still isn’t approaching newspa- @wafiwizy:
the front burner the last three ses- guage. The state needs abudget. Two per readership. g
sions, not only-for KPA but for some of the last three sessions have
legislators, as well. " adjourned without a state budget. 0 0 0 0 - 2,, j
r While we’ve been able to halt But you can at least get their com- 6 “I/ *6“ 26%,: _
f individual legislation, the more com— mitment to remove any similar lan- If you have the chance, pull the ”.35”,th
" mon approach now is to stick itinthe guage from the state budget if it’s last financial statements from local eJIMi/Mf’féwgé/{fi
{I ' budget. And to try to ”stick it to us.” included. public agencies and have those in @gywfifimwwfl
' The last two budget proposals have You’ll be among the first to know front of you when you make the call. earth‘s/Eye:
e included language that would: if any legislation is filed that affects One of the arguments is it would WWWthésglat
3 (a) allow school boards to publish public notice advertising and at that save a tremendous amount of M”
V their financial statements in newspa— point we’ll ask you to make another money. So check some of the other Ngmiflafifimgt
2 pers OR on the Internet OR by plac- contact. With those same legislators, expenditures of those agencies. As I faI-Ialleflé’ame
- ing a copy in the main branch of the reminding them of their commit- was when I read how much some of I
1 local public library; ment to vote against any such bill or them are spending in other areas, TheUmwszfyefiKmWs
e (b) allow all public agencies to language. If they didn’t commit the you’ll be shocked. And betcha there Inmnalmumalmzs
l have the option to publish those first time, give them another chance are some items on that list worth acceptngnemaferz
i" notices on the Internet instead of in with that follow up call. pointing out to your legislators. Wamsmflaxmmw
the newspaper. They're all at home now, counting Take a look. Then make the call! SgeWSeaBage?

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, December 2004 ‘ '
o o '
KHSJ A approaches membership milestone ]
I’m pleased to _ . out in early 2005 young. of robbing Ruth Brown, a Durham ’
report that the Oh, By a for volunteers to Speaking of the KPA convention, police department property room
Kentucky High ; help judge the be watching for our convention technician. E
School Journalism The Way I high school jour- mailing. As always, the convention Lee wrote a follow—up story a 11
Association is ———'—‘ “tau nalism contest. If will end with the popular awards year later and the conversation .y I]
POiSEd to top the By David Greer it“ . : your paper is Con- banquet. ended with Brown telling Lee never a
loo-member mark Km Member Services 3.. . tacted, if possible, The KHSJA convention, by the to call her again.
for the 2004—05 Director ' please help by way, is set for May4at the Executive But the case was reopened by y
school year. As sending us a West in Louisville. We’re expectinga police earlier this year and in the 5
this is being written, KHSIA stands judge, or two or three or as many as large crowd. A couple of our more course of writing about it, Lee left b
at 98 member schools with three your paper can spare that day. The recent conventions have featured three phone messages on Brown’s 13
additional publishers telling me date for the judging has not been attendance at nearly 900. ' home answering machine seeking
their papers will sponsor schools in selected yet. As in past years, it most Reporter harassment? her comment about the situation. e
their communities. likely will be held at KET in Iwas interested to read that jour- Brown swore out a warrant . e
' In journalism, one dislikes Lexington. nalists in Durham, N.C., have a real against the reporter after Claiming tl
‘_ assuming anything— it’s a sure path The annual KPA convention is set friend in local prosecutor Jim she was being harassed. Lee was fl
_ to trouble—butinthis caselam con— for Jan. 20 and 21 at the Hyatt Hardin. arrested at his home in mid- ‘1]
fident KHSIA will break the 100 Regency in Louisville. Again, we Hardin dismissed a charge of November. Fortunately, prosecutor
. school mark—a real milestone in the have a very dynamic program of harassment filed against a reporter Hardin, understanding the First - E
‘ organization’s eight-year history. speakers and programs plarmed. A for the Charlotte News &: Observer. Amendment and the benefits of s
‘ Since last month, the News couple of workshops at the conven- The reporter was trying to interview good journalism in his community,
3 Democrat & Leader, Russellville, tion will be opened to a limited a woman for a story and the prose- dismissed the charge against the _
_ also joined the ranks of sponsoring number of high school journalism cutor cited a lack of evidence to reporter saying messages meant to -
‘ papers. Many thanks go to all teachers and students so if you see a make the harassment charge stick. give a source the opportunity to
' Kentucky papers that sponsored few very young people hanging out It started three years ago when comment on a story hardly consti- ‘
E schools for the current year. at our convention, no, you’re not reporter Demorris Lee covered a tuted harassment. '
' Speaking of KHSIA, a call will go just getting older. They really will be trial in which a teen was convicted Bravo for the prosecutor. ' IE
. ' (
C f l bl '11 b ° “I
. overage O genera assem y W] egln 8001] y
By DANA ‘ will meet and bills will be drafted. be filed throughout the session on My work doesn’t end when the I:
‘ LEAR j The second part of the session will major bills and the budget as it is general assembly ends. The news i:
News Bureau begin on Feb. 1 and last through drafted and discussed. doesn’t end in the state’s capital just a
1 Director ”a“ March 22 with March 8—18 reserved The stories can be accessed on the because the lawmakers have gone f
. Soon after all for the governor’s veto days. Web site using your user name and home. C
the Christmas This will be my third time to password. For those who have not I’m still here and available to 3
presents are put _ cover a legislative session. How registered on the site, I encourage member newspapers that need a ‘
' away and the é lucky am I that all three sessions you to do so as soon as possible. record or report from a state agency ,5
1 ornaments are have been budget sessions? Once Other stories on state government or a court case or a hearing or press . I
i taken down from the tree, lawmak— again, because lawmakers left town are filed throughout the year that conference covered. I
ers, lobbyists and yes, even us earlier this year without a budget, you could be missing out on because Throughout the year I try to ;
reporters will begin our daily trek to legislators will have to use most of you aren’t registered. You are noti- cover press conferences and state '
. the Capitol for the 2005 legislative the 30-day odd session drafting a fied by e-mail when a story has been events that I believe may be of inter- ‘
: session. budget. As in 2003, this will leave lit- filed. est to readers across the state, but ;
' It seems like it was just weeks ago tle time for them to deal with much You aren’t limited to just the sto- I’m sure there have been many times _ 2
E that I was walking the marble hall- else. ries that We choose to write on the when you have said to yourself, 1
- ways with my reporter’s notebook As in the past years, the legislature. Is there a bill or resolu— ”Gee,Iwish we could cover that but 2
' in hand gathering information for Kentucky Press Association News tion that might have an impact on I just can’t afford to sent a reporter i
2 stories. Well, Iguess technically Bureau will be there to cover each your readers? Is there something all the way to Frankfort.” That’s
_ because of the special session in and everyday of the session. With going on that is important to you? wherelcome in. My services are free ., j
‘ October, it was just weeks ago. This the assistance of an intern, lwill pro- Something we have overlooked? to you as a KPA member. 1
- past year has gone by so fast and it is vide stories each week on the major Would you like a picture of your leg— I sincerely Wish more of you 1
hard to believe another session is developments on the state's budget islator in action? Please don’t hesi— would take advantage of my preS— t
» upon us. and other bills as they make their tate to contact me throughout the ence in Frankfort. ]
Part one of the odd—year session way through the system. session to request that we write a If you have any questions about t
3 will begin on Jan. 4 and last through A legislative wrap-up story on specific story, watch a specific bill or the legislative coverage or would ‘
_ Friday, Jan. 7. There will be a break the week’s developments will be get quotes from your senators and like to make special requests you l
: between Jan. 10 and Ian. 31 during filed on AccessKPA.com every representatives. We are here to serve can contact me at (502) 223-8821 or ‘
, which time legislative committees Friday afternoon. Other stories will you. _ by e-mail at dlear@kypress.com. ‘
. Vi. a I ) >‘I' f ". LIKE-.5 ’ l H" W ~14." \ ".'r"-.’-.t ’v'iz :1 AH," .320} V)" ".‘ ', ‘ .' _’ "37.x." ."g'g _'_ ._'1‘."_‘ ' Lem-"111.1 ”‘3. .".i ' "' .’ .‘.’.‘,r i', 57er ' ‘ I

 The Kentucky Press, December 2004 - Page 5
‘ News a ers hel ed Daniels win election
. P P P
1 Ask Mitch ,"fifig end in October for out to the voters," said Luther. where he traveled the state in an RV
1 Daniels about win- Advertising . "a"? 17 newspapers One of the reasons for that quick visiting various sites.
1 ning the race for P1 . V. 1% with a circulation response was the coordination from After the visits, newspaper ads
Indiana Governor us ' *7. of over 1.8 million. Indiana Newspaper Advertising were run in areas with local photos of .
r and he will tell x ”5% - Cost of the first Network and the Indianapolis Star people talking to Daniels. The
you that newspa- round was just staff. "thanks to you" headline campaign
: pers help to seal By Teresa Revlett , _ over $50,000. Dave Wilson coordinated the buy targeted the "down home" feel of the
E the deal. Daniels KP S Dmcmr of Sales ' } When the final at the Star with Mike Rendel han- Daniels campaign. They also used
beat the incum- count was in dling layout and design for the ads. newspapers to combat some negative
5 bent Joe Kernan in the Nov. 2 election. Daniels had spent over $350,000 in The Star was not paid anything extra advertising in the beginning and to
; "[Newspapers] are a highly cost Indiana newspapers and in the for their efforts. "inform the voters of the facts and
t effective way of reaching Indiana vot— Indiana edition of the Louisville "We saw this as a chance to make issues," said Luther. '
ers," said Christie Luther, a staffer on Courier Journal. history for Indiana newspapers and While Daniels was out in the field
g the Daniels' campaign, who added Luther said after the positive feed- were encouraged to be a part of it by campaigning people would
S they were looking for a quick and back of the first buy, the decision was our managers," said Wilson. approach him and mention seeing
_ inexpensive way to reachalot of peo- made to add newspapers to the Luther said that the personal the ads in local papers. When the
r ple. This is the first newspaper ad buy media mix to a higher degree. touch that newspapers added made feedback from the public became so
E that the candidate had made on this ~"Initially we tested the markets all the difference in their marketing positive, Luther said the investment
’ scale. and found that newspapers could strategy. Daniels' campaign took on a in newspapers had to be part of the
Z The first buy came the first week- respond quickly and get our message grass roots, feel good approach campaign.
0 I’ b d ' d bl' d h 9
3 ve een enle a pu 1c recor , now w at.
By Ashley Pack KPA ' . with the Attorney General’s decision, satisfied with the Attorney General’s held access to its electronic database.
General Counsel i. you can appeal the decision to the cir— decision, you can appeal it to the cir- The Courier—Journal appealed the
— ' Dinsmore 8: ShOhl cuit court of the county where the cuit court within 30 days. Similar to denial of access to the electronic data-
l I’m sure many of } public agency has its principal place the Open Records Act, the court can base to the Attorney General. The
you have experienced 4% § of business or in the county where the award costs, including reasonable Attorney General found that the elec-
frustration when a " public record is maintained. Bringing attorney’s fees, and an amount not to tronic database existed, and granted
e public agency an action in the circuit court can be exceed $100 for each violation if the access to The Courier-Journal. But,
'5 improperly denies more expensive, but if the court finds violation is found to be willful. the Transportation Cabinet refused to
st access to its records or meetings. In that the public agency willfully with— Recently, two Kentucky courts disclose the database despite count—
_9 fact, I’m sure that many times you are held the records, the court can award have found the actions of public agen- less efforts by counsel for The
completely dumbfounded by the attorney’ 5 fees and a penalty of $25 a cies to be willful violations. In an Courier-Journal to obtain these
0 agency’s actions. What can you do if day for each day the records were unpublished decision, the Kentucky records. The Courier—Journal filed a
a confronted with an agency that denies willfully withheld. There is no Court of Appeals found that the Floyd lawsuit in the Franklin Circuit Court
y your request? Do you have any requirement that you first go to the County Board of Education ”willfully requesting that the Court order the
;S recourse against the agency? Attorney General, but it is generally violated the Open Meetings Act to Transportation Cabinet to disclose the
Recently, two Kentucky courts have the cheapest and easiest resolution. shield themselves from the public.” records. The Transportation Cabinet
0 determined that public agencies will— If denied access to an open meet- Floyd County Board of Education, et al. 0. finally disclosed the electronic data-
» fully withheld access to their records ing, the appeal process is slightly dif— Ratlifl, Thompson, and Grigsby, et (11., base, and the Court found that the
.e and meetings—~and in one instance, ferent. First, you need to submit a 2002—CA-001971-MR (Oct. 15, 2004). Transportation Cabinet willfully with-
“ awarded attorney’s fees to the plain- written complaint to the presiding The Board of Education had gone into held the records and awarded attor-
lt tiff who challenged the denial. This is officer of the public agency stating the executive session to discuss personnel ney’s fees and costs in an amount of
35 good news in the fight for access to circumstances you believe violate the matters, but also indicated the threat approximately $3,900 and penalties in
f' public records and public meetings Open Meetings Act. You also need to of litigation was the reason for the the amount of $1,500.
1t and proves that the courts will listen include what the public agency closed session. The Court found that This is exciting. Hopefully, aggres-
31‘ to our complaints. should do to remedy the violation