xt702v2cbs0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2cbs0p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1980 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Chem-news, Spring 1980 text Chem-news, Spring 1980 1980 1980 2019 true xt702v2cbs0p section xt702v2cbs0p "l e m . . . , . w , . .. , . ., .. - e -
lat -\\\ «IE!» '- V : Wiirg'AIun'inLNewsIetter Published browament of, Chemistry: Ufiiteraiii‘o’f smoky ‘1 .
iii; 'k s, Q i M i Spring 1980
A Message from the "Chairman
We again were pleased with the response 3%“ , ' V ‘x trometer system and a new high resolution
of our alumni to our last newsletter. We _ *E t ’ mass spectrometer. The equipment should
hope you enjoy the news from your former “" ’W 1 be installed by summer 1980.
classmates. i: I“ We wish to thank those who have contrib-
The fifth symposium on Chemistry and , m “Ag uted funds to the Department of Chemistry.
Molecular Biology supported by the endow- WWW I * , - , _ ' ' In addition to the alumni gifts, we have re-
ment fund in memory of Anna S. Naff was _ V, " wkvfim 4:: ceived substantial gifts this year to the Anna
held on April 23, 1979. The topic was “In- T A? ,i, \T' ‘7 l " I ‘ . , S. Naff Memorial Fund, and the Robert M.
terrupted Genes and RNA Splicing," pre- ti -. " , xg‘ ’ fl, . Boyer Fund. Grants were also received from
sented by Benjamin Lewin, editor, Cell, and Ah m ~.. the Ashland Oil Foundation for summer fel-
Dr. Phillip A. Sharp, Center for Cancer Re- ,, E" % ' ' Es lowships, Eastman Kodak for undergrad-
search and Department of Biology, MIT. As ,1 C ,- P f its: “i “gag a“ uate scholarships, and unrestricted grants Ml
\ usual, the program was a huge success. If i i 1mm,” “‘“fi‘séfil‘ from Dow Corning Corporation and Du-
\ you would like to be placed on the mailing Ii R {f’ wrf‘éfiffi Pont. These funds have been used to support
i list for future symposia please let us know, I; may if“: if‘efiifim our symposia, seminars, fellowships and .
and we would appreciate any of your sugges- ‘ i; ’€\;1F§§ 7; awards described elsewhere. In addition, the
' - - ' " ' "min; ,s infra—2* "‘9 ' “ . _
tions for topics and speakers for future pro- iii-'33:" ;' u 3? funds are used to support the publication
grams. . i ”‘ii‘iilfig‘vl and mailing of this newsletter and other ac- ,
Undergrad Enrollment Constant Dr. 11113th We i_i A" tiVitieS in support Of our teaChing and re- ‘
Our undergraduate enrollment remained search programs.
about constant this year. We have a small program has been well received by students Donations Appreciated ‘
increase in graduate enrollment which now and faculty. This year we have revised our If you wish to make contributions to the ‘
stands at 50. general chemistry program by offering a Sih' University to be used by the Department of
We received a request to include more gle course for all students except those in our Chemistry, please specify that the donation
pictures of the department and the Univer- non-major cultural chemistry terminal is for the Chemistry Development Fund for
sity. Accordingly, we are including pictures course. Students who have hOt had high unrestricted use by the Department of
of the faculty and other activities of the de SChOOl chemistry or score low on entrance Chemistry.
partment and University. exams Sign up for a remedial preparatory Donations may be sent to: Director of De-
We were sorry to learn of the death of Dr. course that starts the 135‘ two-thirds 0f the velopment / 204 Administration Building /
Norman 0. Long on April 21’ 1977. Dr. semester. Those students who are failing the University of Kentucky / Lexington, Kentucky
Long was on our faculty in the late 19405. regular course at that time may drop back to 40506.
He retired in 1975 after heading the Depart- the remedial course Without penalty. We If any of you are in a position to aid us in
ment of Chemistry, Central Methodist Col- hope this program Whl salvage those who obtaining support from your company for
lege, Fayette, Missouri for 10 years. Before might otherwise fail our freshman courses. graduate or undergraduate fellowships, or
that he taught at Indiana Institute of Tech- Excellent Research Support other support, we would appreciate your as-
nology, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, after serving in Our active research program is reflected sistance in helping us to make the necessary
the Indonesian Program sponsored by the in the section on News from the Faculty. contacts.
University of Kentucky. The faculty had 65 publications in the 1978 But most of all we appreciate hearing of
Our faculty continues to be active in their calendar year. your activities so that we can include them
teaching and research. An innovation in our The University administration continues in our HCXt newsletter. This helps all 0f us to
undergraduate seminar program has been to give us excellent support in purchasing keep in contact.
the addition of a poster session each spring capital equipment. This year they have pro-
for those students who are involved in un- vided over $700,000 for the purchase of a William F. Wagner
dergraduate independent research. The Varian XL-ZOO multinuclear NMR spec— Chairman

 M w :3: 33/ ‘33 3-3" :33“: , 3
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The 1979 chemistry faculty included, front row, from left: Dr. Merle D. Pattengill, Dr. James E. O’Reilly, Dr. Paul G. Sears, Dr. Carol P. Brock, Dr. Au-
drey Companion, Dr. Paul Corio, Dr. James Kincaid and Dr. Laren Tolbert. Second row, from left, Dr. Steven W. Yates, Dr. Walter T. Smith, Dr. Allan
Butterfield, Dr. William Ehmann, Dr. Joe Wilson and Dr. Rodney Black. Third row, from left, Dr. Kurt Niedenzu, Dr. Robert Kiser, Dr. Douglas G. Naae, .
Dr. Donald Sands, Dr. John M. Patterson and Dr. Phillip Fanwick. Fourth row, from left, Dr. Ellis V. Brown, Dr. William K. Plucknett, Dr. William F.
Wagner (chairman), Dr. Stanford L. Smith and Dr. Frank Wiseman.
News from the Faculty ~
(Faculty News Continues on Pages 7 and 8) g
Torn Attig presented papers on his re— ternational Symposium on Huntington’s dis- Bill Ehmann presented results of his re- 3
search on organo-platinum complexes at the ease in San Diego; Southeast Magnetu Res- search at the following meetings: Southeast -
National ACS meeting in Miami Beach and onance Society in Knoxville; and the Sympo- ACS meeting in Savannah, Central Region-
the Central ACS meeting in Columbus. sium on Normal and Abnormal Red Cell a1 meeting in Columbus (invited symposium
Carol Brock gave an invited talk on The Membranes in Keystone, Colorado. He also speaker) and the Kentucky Academy of Sci- 3
Influence of Crystal Packing on Molecular presented a talk at the ACS meeting in Mi- ence. From NASA he received a citation of
Conformation at the American Crystallo- ami Beach. Allan received one of the $500 special recognition for his work as principal 1
graphic Association meeting in Honolulu University of Kentucky Research Foundav investigator in their Lunar Program, as part 1
and presented a paper at the ACS/CS] tion Faculty Research Awards for outstand- of the 10th anniversary celebration of the ‘
Chemical Congress meeting in Honolulu. ing research the two preceding years. He or- program. Bill also received a listing in
She is continuing as chairman of the Public ganized and hosted the Hereditary Disease Who’s Who in the World. His research in
Information Committee and has been Foundation Workshop on Huntington’s dis- neutron activation analysis is supported by .
named the Program Chairman of the Amer- ease in May 1979 in Lexington which at- grants from NIH and the Institute for Min-
ican Crystallographic Association 1980 tracted about 20 scientists from the U.S. ing and Minerals Research. "
Winter meeting. She has been appointed to who were interested in discussing Allan’s hy- Bob Guthrie has been appointed an asso- ’1
the Public Education and Information pothesis on the association of the disease ciate member of the Commission on No-
Committee of the American Institute of with a generalized cell membrane defect. menclature in Physical Organic Chemistry
Physics for a three-year term. His research is supported by grants from the of the International Union of Pure and Ap-
Ellis Brown presented talks on his re- Muscular Dystrophy Association, NIH, and plied Chemistry. He attended the 30th
search at the Southeast ACS meeting in Sa- L’Ass’n l’Ataxia de Friedreich. IUPAC General Assembly in Davos, Switzer~
vannah and the Kentucky Academy of Sci— Audrey Companion has completed the land in September to present his mechanis- .
ence. He is serving as faculty adviser to our revision of her book “Chemical Binding” tic nomenclature system. He has received a .
ACS Student Affiliates'Chapter. He and his which was published this year. She was ap- grant from NSF to continue his research on '
wife, Dorothy, took a quick tour of parts of pointed by the President of the ACS to serve Electron Transfer Reactions of Carbanions.
Europe, accompanying their daughter who on the National Committee for the Conant , Jim Holler presented papers on his re-
was on a tour with the Jessamine County Award for a three-year term. She is serving search at the 1979 Pittsburgh Conference as
High School Band. on the Committee for the selection of Na- well as at Ball State University. He attended
Allan Butterfield was an invited speaker tional Academy of SciencesANational Re- the Summer Symposium on Analytical
to discuss his research on membranes in re» search Council Postdoctoral Fellowships and Chemistry and the Gordon Research Confer- .
lation to diseases such as Muscular Dystro- second councilor in COMP Division of the ence on Analytical Chemistry. His research
phy, Huntington’s disease and Friedreich’s ACS. She presented a paper at the Midwest is supported by a grant from the Petroleum
Ataxia at the following meetings: NIH In- Theoretical Conference in 1978. Research Fund.

’ Ashland 0 Foundation Summer Fello '
ws h I ps
’ Five fellowships for the summer, 1979, , ,, $8,": r‘ ' ' we“; ’i’iia’tfi $3,?” 7114,; 5”,; “r 7.3,)
’ d d to the followin students: Ma- " f 7, , . ,y 2;. 7%) iquffl’: "‘ ’TI’. 1%,
‘ were awar e . 'g . i' , . -:~ "I; “13-; ’22.".5'31 la"; , Ire—r 51’s?” 2 k .,
““lda 1300““; Dame‘ 0°01“ Isms Husk" «:11. i; is
aby, DavidJohnson, and Sarah Pirtle. . :‘tljh , 'ééije 4”,;qu ’,.:',,’.: j
Ms. Doorley, a graduate student With a a»; “4% z’kfgégg w" ‘1‘ 531g?” , ‘14.; 7931;»?1 gin”: [1,4 ”,3“. .
’ B.A. degree from William Paterson College ;. 7 "is,“ 1/1"“ “av-m, “"952,” 1 I‘, i , .3. ‘ -:~
of New Jersey worked with Dr. Thomas At- L. . , .} “A“? - '11:; iii will _y ’33
i tig on the interaction of methylenecyclopro- I if, V, ’ ' 11,. i "1 as " 3:“; ' I“?
1. pane derivatives with metals. grime“ &DEVELDPMEN.[ I I ’ . »‘ é * '1 Trig . \ i’“
1 Mr. Goodin, a graduate student with a LABORATORlEs .‘ " é . "; a 1’5: ”91,: : Jaw/gist»:
, B.S. degree from Memphis State University, “2‘1; i, , _-~:..“.;‘y." ” II. ' ' 5’ 1}? T " 5," 1 [4i ; ,. -,, f’
and Mr, Johnson worked with Dr. William W 1,. , ;,,_ Ashland; 3 , ' f a? .32 ' ' "
Ehmann in the application of neutron activ- 335.3; f 3' 3 . . / 7' . . 3 I. ‘2‘ l 71%??? :4” uw-a
’ ation analysis to natural substances, includ~ ‘ 1’ ' ' .r _ .: ",, '1' 1‘ . . _ r. if; 3 i ' , ;?
. ing brain tissue, other biological materials, ”é, , ' f 7‘ 7 I ‘ ' ,:; 1...“: i V‘ ' i391 ' '
‘ and oil shales. “‘", . V, 7.4, ,, {eyewmfzfg’fxgfii
‘1 Mr. Huckaby, an undergraduate chemis- w'fibmfigéq; if .5! 5, 15277;? . ;‘ m 17.2.». __,. m .,
I - ‘ ' 'at»:/TN-;'Z?%*»~\}§“~;>W ”"7‘2;wé.‘.’ir:"';”£’.?m?4\:"v"r’ 3 u ' 2%:5 ' ~ ’ 'r’ l ’ ”y
5 try major from LouiSVille, conducted re- 'Ti’;'1,'«,"l:~' R ”3,”:1nggfgfirgrgfifi fit, ’é ”359’ , I,
1 search with Drs. Carolyn Brock and Thomas 3*; iffjufiin‘fiifiij “1"” 773-5: 1 ,5“); it: if
‘ - - ~ ”3‘25”?” haw"“"'"‘"""” l .M ”o ‘ tram, l . ."’ a ’9‘
‘ Attlg 1n the X-ray crystallographic deter- a,~ M,»,,,.,I.,. MM“ Wflfl 5w
. minations of two isomers of palladium com- MM” , . ~ "T ' . . y' '*”" ‘ *y “ "'
‘ plexes. . . . . . Those touring Ashland’s Research and Development Laboratories—as a part of the Fellowship Pro-
MS' Plrtle’ a native'of Loursvrlle, rece1ved gram—included: Dr. Douglas Naae, back row, left, Dr. William Wagner, David Johnson and James
, B-S- degrees 1“ ChemIStrY and mathematlcs Huckaby. In front are Mathilda Doorley, left, and Sarah Pirtle.
; from Ouachita Baptist University. With Dr,
, Douglas Naae, she studied the heats of fu- Wagner—as a part of the Fellowship Pro— ery, and discussions of the research pro-
, sion and X-ray crystal structures of com- gram, spent one day visiting the Ashland Pe- grams were provided. Funds for the contin—
’, plexes of fluorinated biphenyls and substi- troleum Refinery in Ashland, Kentucky, uation of the program next summer have
H‘” 3 tuted biphenyls. and another day at the Ashland Chemical been provided by the Ashland Oil Founda»
’ These five students and three faculty~ Company in Dublin, Ohio, Tours of the re- tion, through the efforts of its president,
’ Drs. Carol Brock, Doug Naae, and Bill search laboratories and the Ashland refin- Paul Blazer.
, Student Awards
1 The following awards were made possible by gifts from alumni, friends and industry.
3 UNDERGRADUATE istry major. Last year he received the An- GRADUATE
American Institute of Chemists Award: alytlcal Chemistry Award. Two awards of $100 each were made to
‘ David A. Hrovat who previously has re- ' . graduate students from our Development
1 ceived the Meredith Award. David grad- The Undergraduate Award 1n Analytical Fundione to Peter Doorley for being the
; uated with a B.S. degree and has entered Chemistry camisnng Of an 18-month sub- outstanding teaching assistant and the other
‘ graduate school at Columbia University. scription to Analytical Chemistry, spon- to Jaweed Ashraf for excellence in research
‘ sored by the D1v1510n of Analytical Chemls- based on the past year.
Robert M. Boyer Memorial Fund Awards, try of the A.C.S. was awarded to Charles M.
~ consisting of $25 gift certificates to John A. Fort, aJunlor chemistry ma]or. Doorley, a native of New Jersey, received
‘ Fort, Elle'na Jan Rose, Carolyn R. Sands. The Willard Riggs Meredith Award, a $75 a B.A. degree from The William Paterson
1 John received a B.A. 'degree and has'been check, was given to John M. Patterson Jr. College of New Jersey in 1977, and entered
1, accepted by the UniverSIty . of Loulsv11le who graduated with a B.S. degree and is at- our graduate program the fall semester
é Medlcal School.Jan Rose recelved a B.S. de- tending the UK Medical School. He is the 1977. He is a M.S. candidate worklng with
. gree and has been accepted by the UK Med- son of Dr. John Patterson in our depart- Dr. Butterfield.
lcal School. Carolyn R. Sands received a merit.
‘ B.A. degree and has entered the UK Grad- Mr. Ashraf received a bachelor’s degree
; uate School in business administration. She Two CRC Handbook Awards were made from Central College, Bangalore, India in
I is the daughter of Dr. Donald Sands in our for outstanding performance in General 1973 and a master’s degree from Indian In-
; department. Chemistry to Michael T. Vanover and John stitute of Technology, Delhi, India. He en-
Conklin. One award was sponsored by the tered our graduate program in the fall 1976
Merck Award ofa copy of Merck Index was CRC Publishing Company and the other and is pursuing work toward a Ph.D. de-
. awarded to John W. Gilbert, a senior chem- from the Departmental Development Fund. gree. He is working with Dr. Butterfield.
; 3

 AI u m n i N ews

Thomas M. Barbara (B.S. ’76), a grad- Carlton Colcord (B.S. ’56) The Louisville Physics in 1947 and a Ph.D. in Physics in
uate student at Columbia University, re- Courier-Journal had a feature in its maga- 1949 from Harvard University. He has been
ceived his M.S. in 1977. zine section on Carlton Colcord who has es- at Purdue since 1971 and served as head of

John 0. Baxter (B.S. ’62) is director, En- tablished a thriving vineyard on a 340-acre the Department of Physics until July 1977.
docrine Research Division, University of Bourbon County farm and opened the Col- His research is in High Energy Physics and
California, San Francisco. He received an cord Winery in Paris, Kentucky. While the most recently (via sabbatical) he was in-
M.D. degree from Yale in 1966. Scientists vineyards were maturing, he was a London- volved in a study of the production of the
working in his laboratory in collaboration based (where he makes his home) marketing newest particles (j/i/I and upsilon) in proton-
with H. M. Goodman’s laboratory have adviser to Kuwait petroleum interests. Be- proton collisions at the world's highest ener-
been very successful in work with recombi- fore that he worked for Cal Tex—a joint un- gy at the Intersection Storage Rings of the
nant DNA technology. They cloned the dertaking of Standard Oil of California and CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.
gene for growth hormone and placental lac- Texas. Robert E, Fraas (Ph.D. ’72) is associate
togen and constructed an artificial gene Balfour Y. Connell (B.S. Industrial professor of Forensic Science, College of
such that bacteria did direct the synthesis of Chemistry ’38) is plant manager—Wabash Law Enforcement, Eastern Kentucky Uni-
growth hormone (published in Nature, De- Plant, General Tire and Rubber Co., Wa- versity, Richmond, and was responsible for
cember 1978). bash, Indiana. His first job was with B. F. developing the courses and curriculum for

Jerry E. Berger (Ph.D. ’59) is manager of Goodrich in Akron, from which he resigned the program.

Health'Safety-Environment Support of in 1952 to accept a position with Dryden Marshall G. Frazer (Ph.D. ’68) is assis-
Shell Oil Company in Houston, Texas. He Rubber Division at Keokirk, Iowa, as assis- tant director Renin Laboratory, Division of
received aJ.D. from the University of Hous- tant technical director. In 1957 he moved to Endocrinology, Department of Medicine,
ton in 1978. General Tire as technical director and was Vanderbilt University Medical Center,

David Boyer (M.S. ’65) is a senior chem- promoted to plant manager in April 1976. Nashville. His duties include supervision of
ical engineer at Carolina Eastman Company He plans early retirement in 1979. He would radioimmunoassay analysis for hormones re—
in Columbia, SC. He received a M.S. in like to have more news from alumni who lating to hypertension. In 1977 he was one of
Chemical Engineering from the University graduated from 1936 through 1939. the charter members of the National Acad-
of Rochester. He is production manager for Wayne L. Cook is senior chemist with emy of Clinical Biochemistry. The Frazers
the polyester production plant. Velsicol Chemical Corporation, Ann Arbor, have a boy, Stanton, born in July, 1978.

C. Kenneth Bjork (Ph.D. ’53) was named Michigan, as a result ofa merger with Mich- Frederick J. Giglia (B.S. '69) received a

' manager, International Patent Séctionbf T‘ifi’n‘CheTnTc'al ’CBfip‘anyf'I-re‘is onkTrEfon ' fidoctfior’ate infidental “Editing 1H 1973735” 7‘

Dow Chemical Company’s Patent Depart- new compounds for flame retardants in the the University of Louisville and presently is

ment. The section is responsible for securing Organic Synthesis Group. in private practice in Highland Heights,

and protecting all of Dow’s foreign patents. Bobbie P. Cooper (M.S. ’65) is an assis- Kentucky. The Giglias have three daugh-

For the past two years he has also been man- tant professor at DaltonJunior College, Dal- ters: Heather, Meredith and Caryn,

ager of Administrative Services, to institute ton, Georgia. John T. Gormley (B.S. ’71) is commer-
computer and word processing services to Thomas L. Dawson (M.S. ’58 Ph.D. cial development manager for Sun Chem-

that area. He has given his talk on “Patents ’60) is a group leader and technology man- ical Corporation in Cincinnati, Ohio. He

for the Layman” to many groups, including ager at Union Carbide Corporation, South obtained a M.B.A. in 1978 from Xavier
aseminar in our Department. Charleston, West Virginia, where he first University, Cincinnati.

James C. W. Chien (M.S. '51) is profes- joined after receiving his Ph.D. He was pro- Michael A. Hale (B.S. ’77) is a chemical
sor of Chemistry and professor of Polymer moted to project scientist in 1966, research laboratory analyst at International Fertilizer
Science and Engineering, University of Mas— scientist in 1970, and to his present position Development Center in Muscle Shoals, Ala-
sachusetts, Amherst. He received his Ph.D. in 1975. bama. He is working in the Agro-economic
from the University of Wisconsin, and has James J. Duffy (Ph.D. ’66) is technical Division helping to develop more suitable
over a hundred publications and patents in manager R/D at Hooker Chemical Com- phosphate fertilizers for developing coun-
enzymes, proteins, electron and magnetic pany, Niagara Falls. tries in the tropics. In September, 1978, he
resonance, free radical and polymer chemis- Jerome F. Eastham (B.S. ’48) is professor married Karen E. Redick, a 1977 graduate
try. of chemistry, University of Tennessee, of UK College of Nursing.

Nam Sock Cho (Ph.D. ’77) was a post- Knoxville. He received a Ph.D. from the Norman W. Hall (B.S. Industrial Chem-
doctoral fellow at the Department of Chem- University of California-Berkeley and a istry ’48, M.S. ’49) is executive assistant with
istry, University of Oregon, Eugene, and re- M.D. from the University of Tennessee. Ashland Syngthetic Fuels, Inc., Ashland,
turned to Korea in March, 1979, to conduct Benjamin M. Edwards (B.A. ’69) re- Kentucky. He is assigned to the $250 million
research at the Korea Research Institute of ceived a M.D. from West Virginia Univer- H-coal Pilot Project for conversion of coal to
Chemical Technology. sity in 1975, and completed his residency in synthetic crude and fuel oil products. The

Emerson G. Cobb (M.S. ’31) is professor Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Charleston plant is adjacent to Ashland Petroleum’s
emeritus, University of the Pacific, Stock- Area Medical Center. He is now in private Catlettsburg Refinery and is jointly funded
ton, California. He received a Ph.D. from practice in Huntington, West Virginia. by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, indus-
the University of North Carolina in 1941 Earle C. Fowler (B.S. ’42) is professor of try, and the Federal government.
and a LHD from Union College (Ky.) in physics at Purdue University. He obtained a James R. Hamilton (B.A. ’29) received
1961. He retired as professor and chairman Professional Certificate in Meteorology from his M.D. from Johns Hopkins in 1927. He is
inJune 1978. the University of Chicago in 1942, a M.A. in a family physician in Mitchell, Indiana, and


 is on the staff of Dunn Memorial Hospital in General Surgery at Moncrief Army Hospital the Student Mental Health at UK.
Bedford, Indiana. He has been active in in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and as- Lydia C. Kahnt (B.S. Industrial Chemis-
community affairs serving as city health offi- sumed his present position in January 1979. try ’26) retired as a medical technologist
cer, chief—of—staff at the hospital, on the Sal- Emil W. Johnson (B.S. ’30, M.S. ’33) is a (A.S.C.P.) from Elyria Memorial Hospital
vation Army Board ofDirectors, as Advisory retired US. Army Major. He recently be- Laboratory, Elyria, Ohio. She received a
Commander for the American Legion, is a came the National Champion of Hardcourt M.S. in biochemistry in 1928 from St. Louis
40—year member of Rotary International, a Singles and Doubles-Senior, for those aged University. ‘
Paul Harris Fellow Scottish Rite Mason, and 70 and over. (Anyone wish to challenge Kim Kaub (B.S. ’77) is a chemist working
was appointed a Kentucky Colonel by Gov. him?) in the Organic Research Group specializing
Breathitt and Sagamore of the Wabash by Robert F. Johnson (B.S. ’51) is professor in gas chromatographic analysis at P.P.G.
Gov. Branigan of Indiana. in Department of Textiles and Clothing, Industries in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
David A. Herman (B.A. '77) is a product University of Minnesota. He received a M.S. Mary T. Kinsley (M.S. ’50) is a chemist
engineer at Universal Oil Products, Des degree in Textile Chemistry from Georgia at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Up-
Plaines, Illinois. Institute of Technology and a Dr. Sc. ton, New York.
James L. Haynes (A.B. ’62, MD. ’66) is Techn. (Organisch-Hochschule (Zurich). Patricia A. Kumar (M.S. ’73) is a senior
assistant professor of surgery, U.S.C. School William S. Johnson (M.S. ’66) is head of research chemist in the Analytical Science
of Medicine in Cola, South Carolina. He en- Agricultural Product Development for Eli Department at International Paper Com-
tered the US. Army following medical Lilly and Co., Greenfield, Indiana. pany, Tuxedo Park, New York.
school in 1966. After completing his residen- Janet (Hall) Jones (B.A. ’67) obtained an Chester Leach (M.S. ’77) is a chemist in
cy in general surgery in San Francisco in MD. degree in 1971 and is an assistant pro- Chemical Technical Services with Eli Lilly ‘
1973, he served for five years as a Chief of fessor of psychiatry and staff psychiatrist in and Company, Clinton, Indiana. l
George R. Lester (M.S. ’56, Ph.D. ‘58) is J
director of material science UOP, Inc., Des l
Special News from Our Alumni Plaines, Illinois. He is directing research on
automotlve exhaust catalysrs, solar energy
Since some of the alumni asked for more information from older graduates, I conversion and storage, high efficiency heat
thought it would be interesting to include in our newsletter, in the future, a special exchange surfaces, fuel cell electrocatalysts,
section on graduates from a given period. I wrote to all the alumni who graduated metallography and electron microscopy,
1 7‘ :- before 1920, but unfortunately have only one response, and that is from A. S. i and advanced materials for coal conversion Ti
Behrman, who reports the following activities since graduating in 1914 ”proudly PTOCCSSCS- The Lesters have four children;
waving my BS. in Industrial Chemistry”: the oldest, Julie, a sophomore in chemical
He taught chemistry, etc., at Sue Bennett Memorial School for a year, then spent engineering at Purdue. i
two years in the Philippine Islands conducting surveys of water supplies. He was D. M. McKown (Ph.D. ’69) left the Uni-
commissioned in the U.S. Army Reserve and returned to the U.S., transferring to the versity 0f Missouri to join the US. Geolog-
Sanitary Corps. He saw duty in the European theater to 1919, making surveys of ical Survey, Federal Center, Denver, Color—
public utilities after participating in all three American offensives. From 1919-42 he ado.
was chief chemist, later vice-president of International Filter Company, Chicago, Wayne L. Maddox (B.S. ’51) is a devel-
which pioneered in equipment for water treatment. He returned to active duty with 0pment staff member in Analytical Chemis-
the Army 1942-44, stationed in Hawaii and Washington, D.C. From 1944-46 he was try at Union Carbide Corporation in Oak ‘
vice president, director of research of Velsicol Corporation, manufacturers of Ridge. He received a MS- in 1960 and 1,
petrochemicals. Since 1947 he has been a chemical consultant and is still active in this Ph.D. in 1976 from the University of Ten-
area. He retired from the Army Reserve in 1963 with a rank of Colonel. He has nessee.
published two books, about a hundred papers and 50-60 US patents relating mostly Jere M. Marrs (B.S. '63) iS materials SCi- }
to water treatment. entist at Tektronix Laboratories in Beaver- 1
Next year we hope to include more detailed news from our graduates of the [011, Oregon. He received a Ph.D. in phys- l
“twenties." ical chemistry from Florida State University
When we received a contribution in memory of Stephen H. Cook, who was not in l971- He has been Studying the spectros-
listed in our alumni file, we learned from his father, Colonel Byron T. Cook, the copy of electronic phosphor materials and
following information: Colonel Cook received an AB. degree in Economics in 1940. recently has started Work on electrolumines-
He has completed 32 years of civil service with the Air Force and was awarded the cent films and low~temperature photolumi-
Legion of Merit in 1974. His wife, Grace, a graduate of Wesleyan College and Mercer nescence of Ill-V semiconductor materials.
University, is Chairman of the English Department at Perry, Georgia, Junior High Laurel (Broge) Mauldin (M.S. ’75)
School. Their second son, Stephen, was a 1972 graduate of Vanderbilt with a major in taught high school physics and math in Tay-
Chemistry. They lost him to leukemia in 1975 while he was a teaching assistant in lor, Michigan, for three years. The Maul- .
chemistry at Iowa State studying for a Ph.D. Because of their love for our University, dins have a daughter, Elizabeth Laurel,
they felt a memorial to Steve in his favorite field of endeavor would be appropriate. born July 3, 1977. Her husband, Clyde, re-
Colonel Cook included a reprint of a publication by Steve and Dr. John R. Van ceived a law degree in June 1978 and has
Wazer. We appreciate the Cooks’ contribution and share their hope that the efforts in joined the IRS in Detroit.
the field of chemistry will help deter or eliminate the dread disease, leukemia.
(please turn page)

 Arthur D. Meyer (B.S. ’65), after receiv- Connecticut. of Professional Chemists and Chemical En-
ing a MD. degree, served two years at Charles B. Nickell (B.S. ‘68) is area gineers 1976, 1977. He received the “Award

‘ USPHS, Lexington, working with narcotic manager, Dearborn Chemical Division, of Merit” in 1976 and 1977 from the Ala-
addicts, one year as general practitioner at Chemed Corporation, Cincinnati, Ohio. He bama Historical Commission for preserva-
the local HMO (Hunter Foundation) and received a M.B.A. from Xavier University in tion work related to the history of chemistry.
two years as clinical director at Eastern State Cincinnati. Donald Showalter (Ph.D. ’70) was pro-
Hospital in Lexington. He is presently tem- M. D. Phelps, Jr. (B.S. ’44) received his moted to associate professor with tenure at
porarily disabled due to partial blindness. MD. from the University of Louisville in the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.

Clifford D. Miller (Ph.D. ’70) is chair‘ 1947, and for 20 years has been on the staff He was elected outstanding teacher in the
man, Division of Science and Technology, of Lahey Clinic Foundation in Massachu- Department ofChemistry 1977-78-
Mountain View College, Dallas, Texas. He setts, specializing in cardiology and vascular Jildith Kay (YOI‘k) Smith (B-A- ’56) is
is working on a NSF-funded Needs Assess- disease. administrative assistant with PEDCo Envi~ ‘

, ment in chemistry for certain occupational Glen G. Possley (Ph.D. ’69) was pro- ronmental, Inc. in Durham, North Caroli-

; programs. moted to operations manager June 1, 1978, na. She received a M.A.T. in Chemistry in

i Stanley Mitchell (Ph.D. ’75) is depart- at Texas Instruments, in charge of Bipolar 1973 from Duke University.

i ment head, Department of Toxicology, Ma- Memories and Microprocessors, which in- Jean Somerville (B.S. ’78) is a laboratory
son-Barron Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois. cludes the direction of engineering, manu- technologist in the department of biochem-

Clarence S. Moore, Jr. (B.S. Industrial facturing, production control and process istry, University ofFlorida, Gainesville.
Chemistry, ’34) retired in May, 1977, after development for T.I.’s worldwide Bipolar William A. Speicher, Jr. (B.S. ’68) was
more than 41 years with DuPont Company, Memory and Microprocessor business. He is promoted to manager, materials inspection
37 years of which