xt702v2c9c7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2c9c7n/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_591 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 591 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 591   2014 true xt702v2c9c7n section xt702v2c9c7n         ApA,;;_ ji;;,»A  ‘ ·~· zA;;_g<5a·$   _» T ·~     ,  ‘ ’ -2
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By ]0I·m C. Robertson
and C. H. Chaney
CIRCULAR 591 (Filing Code 2-1)


 Swine Feeding and Management from
._ Farrowlng to WGCHIHQ
One of the biggest problems the swine producer faces is to produce
and wean a large litter of strong pigs from every sow in the herd.
The baby pig represents potential profit. The purpose of this publica-
tion is to point out management and feeding practices you should
follow to insure weaning large litters of healthy pigs.
_ How well you manage will determine your litter weaning average.
Management includes sanitation, disease prevention, and balanced
nutrition. A well designed central farrowing house will make your
management job much easier. Good farrowing house plans are
available through your county agricultural extension office.
A good swine program must include a good system of identification
and records.
One of the simplest and most easily remembered systems of ear-
marking litters is shown in Fig. 1. The upper center figure shows a
key to this system of marking. The rest of the figures are examples of
litter numbers.
In the system, a notch in the outer margin of the right ear always
has the value of one, no matter where it is located in the margin.
Similarly, a notch in the outer margin of the left ear always has a
value of 3, no matter where it is located. One in the inner margin of
I the right ear always has a value of 10; and one in the inner margin
of the left ear, 30. To get the litter number, add the sums repre-
sented by the notches.
Breeding and farrowing records are valuable tools to any swine
producer. Records can serve as the guide in culling sows and in
selecting replacement gilts and boars.
The breeding and farrowing record should give the identification
of the sow, date bred and farrowed, and number of pigs weaned. It
should also have the birth and weaning weight of the litter.
Most of the national swine breed associations have developed
‘ special herd books which are available to swine producers. These
books can be very helpful in keeping accurate records.

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No. 8 THE KEY No. I4
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R 1. 5 1 R L R 1. 3
A Q A I A A A 3 I A 2 A 3
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No. 25 No.35 No. 47
Fig. 'l.—A simple method of earmarking to identify pigs.
Nowhere is sanitation and disease prevention more important than _ ‘
in the farrowing house and nursery. Pork producers have many power-
ful antibiotics and drugs that can effectively control many conditions.
However, if you follow excellent sanitary precautions routinely,
disease prevention will be a simpler matter. To develop the most
effective sanitation and disease prevention program during the far- g
rowing and nursing stage, you must really begin the program a few
weeks prior to farrowing.
W0rming.—Worm the sow with piperazine 3-4 weeks before far-
rowing. Do not use sodium fluoride at this time.
Immunizing.—Three to four weeks prior to farrowing, immunize
the sow against erysipelas and any other diseases which might cause
trouble during the farrowing-nursing stage. Do not immunize the
sow against cholera during the gestation period. By immunizing the
sow at this time, you are doing the same thing as giving each pig a
small dose of serum. A mixed bacterin is available that contains dif-
ferent organisms often associated with baby pig troubles. The mixed
bacterin is harmless from a disease-producing standpoint. The sow
reacts to this immunization by producing large amounts of serum
antibodies, which are in turn milked off in the colostrum. These
antibodies give a certain amount of protection to the baby pig.
Handle a pregnant sow in a gentle manner at all times. The
easiest way to immunize sows is to crowd them in a holding pen and
work through them, injecting the bacterin in the skin behind the ear.

 Cleaning and Disinfecting the Farrowing House.-The farrowing
house can be effectively cleaned with a steam cleaner (F ig. 2), power
. sprayer, or a high pressure water system. Remove all manure and
dirt before scrubbing with one of the above methods.
After cleaning the house, apply a disinfectant. Lye is an excellent
disinfectant—add 1 pound to about 10 gallons of boiling water. Lye
‘ A is very caustic, so be very careful in using it on metal Hxtures or skin.
Be sure to rinse off soap or detergents before applying a disinfectant.
Disinfectants must come in contact with the disease organisms in
order to kill them, so if the organism is imbedded in a dirty crack, the
disinfectant is powerless. Many excellent disinfectants are available,
including quarternary ammonium compounds or phenol solutions.
A tightly constructed house can be effectively and economically
disinfected by fumigating with formaldehyde gas. Cas has an ad-
vantage over liquids in that it will penetrate porous materials. Even
. with gas, however, it is still impossible to disinfect Hlth. A certain
amount of personal danger is involved with gas, so use it with care.
Keep tractors, trucks, and manure spreaders out of farrowing
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Fig. 2.—A steam cleaner is an effective way to clean the farrowing house.

 Move the clean sow into the clean farrowing crate 110 days after
breeding (Figs. 3 and 4). The sow will usually get used t0 her new ‘
environment by the time she farrows.  
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Fig. 3.—Scrub sow with soap and water before placing her in farrowing crate.
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Fig. 4.—A farrowing crate prevents baby pigs from being crushed by the sow.

- Schedule your work load so you can be with the sow at farrowing.
¤ ` When milk fills the udder, the sow will usually farrow within 24
Inject the sow with 5 ml of combiotic in the muscle of the ham
the day she farrows and again the day after farrowing. Mastitis and
metritis are two infections that are frequently,observed in the sow at
farrowing time. By preventing these infections with excellent sanita-
tion and the antibiotic injections, much better lactation performance
may be expected.
Tie off and clip the navel cord as soon as each pig is farrowed.
, Each pig can be suspended by a small rope on the hind legs at a
convenient working height. Tie the cord about an inch from the
belly, and cut the cord below the string. Then paint the navel with
tincture of iodine. VVhile the pig is suspended, clip the tips of the
needle teeth, being careful not to injure the gums (Fig. 5). Earmark
for future identification. Always paint any skin puncture with iodine.
Assist weak pigs in nursing. Glucose may be given to weak pigs
  EQ . I { fi
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Fig. 5.—C|ip needle teeth at birth to prevent injury to sow's udder and other pigs
in litter.

 orally or injected (2 ml) into the fore Hanks for 2 to 3 days. Any
supplement given should be sterile and warmed to body temperature _
first. . -
Balance litters by shifting extra pigs from large litters to smaller
litters. Always shift older, stronger pigs to younger litters.
Sacriiice all pigs under 1% pounds.
Lactation Peri0d.—Provide fresh water at all times for both sow
and pigs. An automatic pressure-type waterer installed at a convenient
level may serve both the sow and pigs.
Keep baby pigs dry. This is important because less body heat will
be needed to maintain normal body temperature. Disease organisms
need high moisture to thrive; therefore, controlling humidity cannot .
be over-emphasized. Protect from floor drafts to prevent chilling. A
solid partition should divide every litter to prevent drafts and floor
drainage from one pen to the other. Remove wet bedding daily.
Prevent nutritional anemia in baby pigs farrowed on concrete by
giving an iron injection when the pigs are 2-3 days of age. If pigs
that are nursing good milking sows do not start eating well by 15-16
days of age, give them a second iron injection.
Feed sows antibiotics. A minimum of 5 mg of antibiotics per
pound of feed should be fed throughout the lactation period. Use
furazolidone to treat the pigs individually as needed to control necrotic .
enteritis. When scouring is a widespread problem, include furazoli-
done in the sow ration 1 week before farrowing to 2 weeks after, along
with the antibiotics.
Castrate male pigs before they are 5 weeks old (Figs. 6 and 7).
Two sows and litters may be combined for convenience and to
save space when the pigs arc 2 weeks old (Fig. 8). This multiplies
the disease prevention problem; however, it may be done routinely if
you provide excellent management.
Vaccination.—Vaccinate for hog cholera and erysipelas after the
pigs are 5 weeks old. Pigs should be healthy and weighing at least 25
pounds when vaccinated. The actual time for vaccination will be
determined by the weaning age. The most practical weaning age is
5-8 weeks, so vaccination for cholera and erysipelas should be done at
about 6% weeks of age. Use a modified live virus and serum from a
reputable company for cholera and a bacterin for erysipelas.
Feed the sow a laxative ration, and give her smaller amounts
than she has been eating just before farrowing. A gestation ration or

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Fig. 6.-—Castrate pigs at 2 to 5 weeks of age. Make incisions low to insure proper
drainage and healing.
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Fig. 7.—A knife or scalpel with removable blade may be used for castration.
a lactation ration containing one-fifth to one—fourth oat and/or wheat
products will be suflicient for the farrowing ration. Provide the sow
with fresh water at all times. After farrowing, lot the sow eat all she
wants to prevent restlessness and to insure maximum milk How. A sow

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Fig. 8.-Combining sows and litter 2 weeks after farrowing will save labor. Note -
the heat lamp and creep area in rear. ·
that has been sick should be brought to full feed more slowly. If
scouring is observed in the pigs, bring the sow to full feed more slowly.
An excellent farrowing-lactation ration is given in Table 1. The ration
contains 15 uercent nrotein and 5 in antibiotic er ound of feed.
1 1 P P
A good sow should produce 7-10 pounds of milk daily when fed
this lactation ration. ,
Table 'l.——Lactal·ion Sow Ration
lnpredients Pounds Pound/Ton
Ground yellow corn 60. 00 1, 200
Ground oats 20. 00 400
17% dehydrated alfalfa meal 5. 00 100
50% solvent soybean oilmeal 8. 00 160
50% meat and bone scraps 5. 00 100
Ground limestone 1. 00 Z0
Steamed bonemeal 0. 50 10 '
lodized salt 0. 50 10
Vitamin A 200 , 000 1.. U. 4 million 1. U.
Vitamin DZ 40 , 000 1. U. l million 1. U.
Riboflavin 100 milligrams Z grams
Calcium pantothenate 200 milligrams 4 grams
Niacin 400 milligrams 8 grams
Vitamin B12 500 micrograms 10 milligrams
Antibiotic 500 milligrams 10 grams
Total pounds 100.00 Z,000

 Sows may be self-fed from self-feeders or given a full feed in small
feeders or fed on clean concrete Hoors.
.- A complete mixed ration is preferred for sows.
Creep Feeding
The creep feed is the supplementary feed given baby pigs still
nursing their mothers. It is designed to supplement sow’s milk in
providing nutrients for maximum growth. For this reason the creep
feed does not have to be a milk replacer ration. It is designed and
formulated to be (l) very tasty to get pigs to eat at an earlier age and
. (2) highly nutritious to promote maximum growth. \Vhen baby pigs
start Consuming any quantity of dry feed, provide an adequate supply
( of clean water. Pigs will soon learn to operate a self—llushing, pressure-
type waterer.
It is always advisable to have 15 percent cane sugar in the pre-
starter feed. Table 2 gives a suggested pre—starter ration to be fed
the first 3 weeks after farrowing.
Table 2.-Pig Pre-starter Ration
Ingredients Pounds Pound/Ton
Ground yellow corn 28., 80 576
Rolled oats (table grade) 20.. 00 400
_ Sugar (cane or beet) l5., O0 300
50% solvent soybean oilmeal l0. 00 200
.\ Dried skim milk 20. 00 400
60% Menhaden fish meal 2. 50 50
Dried corn distillers solubles 2. 50 50
Ground limestone 0.. 50 l0
lodized salt 0. 50 l0
Trace mineral mixture 0.20 4
Vitamin A 300, 00 0 I. U, 6 million I. U.,
Vitamin D2 60, 000 I., U., l., 2 million l., U.
° Riboflavin 500 milligrams l0 grams
Calcium pantothenate l, 000 milligrams 20 grams
Niacin 2,400 milligrams 48 grams
Choline chloride 2, 500 milligrams 50 grams
Vitamin B12 l, 000 micrograms 20 milligrams
‘ Antibiotic 2, 500 milligrams 50 grams
Total pounds 100. 00 2,000
After 3 weeks changing to a Starter ration is recommended. This
V ration may be fed until the pigs weigh about 40 pounds. then change
to a conventional 16 percent protein ration. A suggested starter ration
is presented in Table 3.
You can buy vitamin premixes and add them to all the rations
l l

 Table 3.—Pig Starter Ration ·`
Ground yellow corn 39. 50 790
Rolled oats (table grade) 20. 00 400
Sugar (cane or beet) 5. 00 100
50% Soybean oilmeal 18. 00 360
Skim milk 10. 00 2.00
60% Menhaden fish meal 2. 80 50
Dried corn distillers solubles 2. 50 50
Ground limestone 0. 50 10
lodized salt 0. 50 1 O .
Trace mineral mixture 0. 20 4
Vitamin A 200,000 1. U. 4 million
Vitamin DZ 50,000 LU. 1 million
Ribof lavin 400 milligrams 8 grams
Calcium panthenate 800 milligrams 16 grams V
Niacin 1, 800 36 grams _
Choline chloride Z, 000 milligrams 40 grams
Vitamin B12 1, 000 micrograms Z0 milligrams
Antibiotic 2, 500 milligrams 50 grams
Total 100. 000 2, 000
given in this publication. Add these premixes to furnish the levels
suggested in each formula. (One pound : 454 grams; 1 gram :
1,000 milligrams; 1 milligram : 1,000 micrograms.)
Baby pigs may be weaned successfully any time after 3 weeks, i
depending on management and facilities. Do not wean pigs weighing
less than 12 pounds unless necessary (Fig. 9).
For most producers the practical time to wean is when pigs are
about 5-6 weeks old. At this age the pigs will be weighing 15-25
pounds and will be eating large quantities of feed. Sows may be
rcbred immediately after weaning the pigs at 5 weeks. No breeding
difficulties will bc encountered because of weaning. In some cases
conception will be decreased by weaning pigs at 3 weeks and
rebreeding thc sow immediately.
The baby pigs should weigh more than 30 pounds at the end of
the starter feeding period. \Vhen pigs weigh from 40 to 75 pounds,
the bcst ration for maximum CCOHOIHY is a 16 percent corn-soya ration
with proper fortification.
Managing Weaned Pigs
\Veaning baby pigs from their mothers is fairly simple, but it may
cause severe stunting unless you follow a few basic principles.
12 _

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Fig. 9.—A set of scales will provide weaning weight information. This is essential
in selecting breeding stock.
Baby pigs may be weaned at any age only if proper environment
is provided. Under most production programs the practical weaning
age will be 5 weeks. The 5—week schedule Hts in very nicely with a
6-week farrowing schedule. Pigs weaned at 5 weeks of age have
already learned to eat and will present very few management prob-
lems. When pigs are weaned at about 3 weeks of age, they may not
have learned to eat dry feed yet and, therefore, must be handled very
` carefully.
Table 4 will help you in providing the most favorable conditions
for the early—weaned pig.
Table 4.—Proper Conditions for Pigs at Weaning
Age in weeks 5 4 3
Minimum weaning wt, lb Z5 15 12
Nursery temperature 650 7(P 750
Minimum floor space per pig, ft G 5 4
Maximum No. pigs per ft of feeder 4 4 4
Maximum N0. pigs per waterer Z5 20 10
Maximum No. pigs per group Z5 Z0 10

 Advantage of Early Weaning: =
Early weaning saves labor. l
Early weaning saves space.
Early weaning saves sow feed.
Early weaning reduces sow weight loss. .
Early weaning permits quicker rebreeding.
Early weaning provides optimum nutrition.
Early weaning encourages multiple farrowing.
Early weaning requires better management. .
Early weaning requires better facilities.
Isolati0n.—The farrowing house and nursery should be fully en-
closed to control {lies, birds, and rodents. Place screens on windows
to be opened and on open doors. ·
There is some evidence to indicate that birds may carry trans-
missible gastro-enteritis (TCE). Therefore, take all precautions to
control starlings.
Pork producers should establish certain rules of conduct to prevent
the spread of disease. When visiting other farms, always disinfect
your footwear and stay out of baby pig areas unless invited by the "
owner to inspect his pigs. Leave dogs and other animals you cannot
control at home. If you ever encounter diseased hogs, end your
visiting, for the day and wash thoroughly before making contact with
other hogs. r
On your own farm be sure to provide a foot bath at the farrowing
house and nursery, and insist that all visitors use the foot bath. Begin
your daily hog chores at the farrowing house and end with the mature
Do not return to your farrowing house unless necessary. Keep all
dogs, cats, chickens, birds, rodents, and flies from your young pigs. E
It is a good idea to follow a checklist at farrowing time. You have
too many small, but very important, jobs to do before and after
farrowing for you to remember them all. You can use this list as a
guide to a more efficient job.
1. Worm sow with piperazine 3-4 weeks prior to farrowing.
2. Give booster shot for swine erysipelas 3-4 weeks prior to
3. Clean and disinfect farrowing house.
4. \Vash sow and place in farrowing pen 3-4 days prior to

 __ 5. Clean pen twice daily.
_ . 6. Control flies at all times.
1. Inject 5 ml of combiotic in the ham.
. 2. Use heat lamps.
3. Wipe off pigs with clean rags.
4. Tie and cut navel cord——use iodine solution.
5. Clip needle teeth—disinfect nippers.
f 6. Earmark for identification.
7. Sacrifice pigs under 1% pounds.
· · 8. Prevent drafts.
1. Allow sow to eat all she wants.
V 2. Provide fresh water for sow and pigs.
3. Keep pen dry.
4. Give sow 5 ml combiotic.
THREE DAYS AFTER FARROWINC: Prevent anemia by giving
iron injection.
1. Provide starter rations—place in corner near heat lamp.
_ 2. Castrate male pigs—use disinfectant.
SIX WEEKS AFTER FARROWINC: Vaccinate for cholera—this
will be determined by weaning time. Do not vaccinate within 1 week
of weaning.
TWO WEEKS AFTER WEANINC: Worm pigs with piperazine.

 This circular and Circular 592, "Swine Feeding and Management from Weaning to
l\larket." replace Circular 368, "Pigs—Fr0m Birth to Market in Six M0nths."
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College of Agriculture
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky. Lexington, and the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture. cooperating. William A. Sealy, Director. Issued in furtherance of the
Acts of May 8 and June 30. 1914.