xt702v2c954k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2c954k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-10-30 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 30, 1987, no. 514 text The Green Bean, October 30, 1987, no. 514 1987 1987-10-30 2014 true xt702v2c954k section xt702v2c954k Number 514 October 30, 1987
"` October 30 Gallery Series: “Adventures in Ghostbusting" :
Lecture : Dr. Robert Baker, Department of
Ezra Pound, 1885 —— 1972, American poet.
October 31 John Keats, 1795 —- 1821, English poet.
· Novmumr 2 Daniel Boone, 1734 —- 1820, American
frontiersman and explorer.
November 4 will Rogers, 1879 —- 1935, American writer,
actor and humorist.
November 5 Fire alarm test, King North and South.
Ida M. Tarbell, 1857 —- 1944, American writer,
editor and historian.
November 6 Gallery Series: "The Newspaper and the
University" : Lecture : Mr. John Carroll,
editor, Lexington Herald—Leader.
` November 11 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1821 —— 1881, Russian
Kurt Vonnegut, 1922--, American novelist.
November 12 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815 —— 1902, American `
woman suffragist and reformer. ,
Next Green Bean: Friday, November 13,1987
Deadline: Friday, November 6,1987 ’
Production Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox;  
Typist/proofreader: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil
Madison. ‘ _
‘In¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty  
of Kentueky Lnbrarnes

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Dear Mrs. Kennedy:
_" This is the first issue of Thank you so much for the help _
  the Q3 to have not only E — with my paper. I got an A. I
mail contributions, but really learned a lot. I know ~.
contributions on diskette as how busy your department was
well. Particularly for longer and what it means to give up
submissions, diskettes are your time...My teacher and
' ideal. fellow students were really
If you would like to submit impressed. Thanks again.
material on diskette, it should
either be in wordstar 2000 or STAFF ACTIVITIES
in an ASCII file (using the
non-document mode in other Toni Powell, director of the
releases of wordstar will Agriculture Library, has
produce an ASCII file). If you recently published Bibliography
· are able to produce your of Landscape Architecture,
contribution on a 3 1/2 inch Environmenta Desi n an
diskette for the IBM PS 30, Planning. The Book is `
that is even nicer, but 5 1/4 pub ishe by Oryx Press in the
inch floppies are acceptable. United States and Mansell in
Please let me know if you Great Britain.
wish your diskettes returned.
BAKE SALE DATE CHANGED Stephanie Allen, Medical Center
In order not to conflict Reference, has been selected as
·- with the Kentucky Solinet Users a member of the national BRS
Group meeting on November 13, Users Council. Her term begins
» the date of the LSO bake and in December, 1988. ·
. craft sale has been changed to s
Thursda , November 12. The sale ACCESS TO LISA ~
will still Ee Held in the staff Dr. Thomas waldhart of the
lounge on the third floor of College of Library and
King North. Information Science has access
‘ ( A to the LISA (Library and _
BON VOYAGE AND GOOD LUCK! Information Science Abstracts) `
database as part of a research
Myra Coomer P / N / M , project. He invites search
retired. topics from`members of the
library staff. ° _ >;
ABOVE AND BEYOND The LISA database coverage  
is roughly from 1969 to 1985. ·
Gail Kennedy recently The printed index is available .
received the following letter in Reference if you need to `
I after having talked about the familiarize yourself with the
records management activities database. ` »
in technical services with Tony Dr. Waldhart will perform 4- ·
Bigbee, a business education the search and provide you with _
student: a bibliography. His office is ` {
“ I 518E King Library South; hi.;-2   7
- telephone number is 7-3771. ` .
(Submitted by Brad Grissom.) ‘ .
2 I l . _-

 ! 1
The November meeting of the Copies of "Suggestions for
PC Learners Group will be Preparing for Tenure and
Monday, November 23, 1987. Promotion" are available from
Gary Stottlemyer of the Law Claire McCann in Special
Library will present a workshop Collections. This was handed
on telecommunications. out at the meeting for .
'O The group and its meetings untenured faculty on October
are open to all faculty and 12, but extra copies are »
staff; prior experience with available for those faculty
computers and software is not members who could not attend
necessary, although basic the meeting. (Submitted by Toni
knowledge may be needed for Powell.)
some programs. ` _
The PC Learners Group is an
- information exchange medium for
library employees wishing to SYSTEM DOWN _gf.:g;}__;CgQ_TOBER
become more knowledgeable about 20tH gg__2g._s_t_ ‘ .
computers and computing. It is .
open to suggestions for On October 20th, the LS/2000
programs for upcoming meetings. was unavailable while we .
(Submitted by Christie installed the latest version of
Robinson.) _ Mlcrocode on the i~i‘~l€i—3QC'6£E down for
Christie Robinson in Special about forty minutes. we should ,
Collections or call her at 7- not have been down mmre than
8372. (Submitted by Christie flfteen minutes. Than"kts to all
Robinson.) who called in tn   us know ;__
_ _ A they were down. I l

. NIU TROUBLES ON A WEEKEND On a weekend or evenlng, lf you
_ have been instructed to reset
' On Sunday, October 18th, your NIU and after 5 m:Lnutes"
’ several libraries experienced your STATUS llght ls stlll ‘-
f NIU troubles. The NIU's are blinking slowly, call the
" Network Interface Unlts that Computing Center (7-2900) and
are our communlcatlons _llnks to tell the staff that your NIU
the UK Network, Durlng normal wlll not RELOAD and your red
operatlons the green llght on STATUS light ls bllnklng
‘ the front of the unlt ls llt. slowly. Ask them to contact the
Sometimes after a terminal port Network Communications staff
has been "unfrozen", the and have them check their flle
terminal stlll wlll not work. server. Please ldentlfy ,
The information blts that yourself, your llbrary and  
caused the terminal to "freeze" leave your phone number. - _ ‘
ln the first place may be stuck ; ,
— ln the NIU's buffer. Often If the red STATUS llght ls
resetting the NIU wlll release bllnklng rapidly, your NIU ls
the information blts and free malfunctlonlng. The trouble ls ‘ _
the terminal. (Do not reset ln_ our NIU, not ln the  
“ the NIU without lnstructlons to Network! Thls type of problem  
do so, given by a systems wlll take longer to resolve. . ·
administrator.) Durlng this Call Tarl durlng Monday—Frlday Q
process, the NIU reloads lts working hours. we wlll try and . F`?
baslc configuration of ports. diagnose the problem and flx lt
There ls a special IBM AT assoon as posslble. It may be
-— computer ln Mcvey Hall that necessary to substitute another
must be turned on and set to NIU while yours ls out for
q accept thls reload. Somehow repairs. we try our best to
b the IBM AT got out of the flnd the cause. and get you back
_i ·‘flle— server downloadlng mode upgwlthln a day.  
on Sunday afternoon. when the _ _ V
NIU's were reset, they were not Your help ln troubleshooting S
. able to reload. The libraries the NIU's wlll be appreciated , '
were not able to communicate greatly. . . ·
with the LS/2000 on any of .
their terminals untll Monday ·
when the cause of the problem I ELECTRONIC MAIL UPDATE _
was found. Y
Several new E-Mall groups have .
we learned something about been established thls Fall, ` —_
dlagnoslng NIU problems through with several more ln the
this experience. If an NIU's plannlng stages. In the next  
STATUS llght (red) ls bllnklng few Green Beans, lnformatlon  
slowly, the NIU ls trylng to wlll appear on the usage of E-
reload. The flle server IBM AT Mall ln the LS/2000 and who ls
ln Mcvey may not be ln out there uslng lt. A llst of
downloadlng mode. Call Tarl E-Mall groups wlll be provided
(7-2643) durlng a weekday to as, well as for what E-Mall
report this problem. Leave a should and should not be used. . j
_ message lf she ls not we wlll be offering E-Mall
` avallable. tralnlng ln the next few weeks. ·
4 .
. .     _ . ‘ '.‘_’_.§`

I It is in the planning stages a ghost fine that is equal to
right now. If you have your Presumed Lost Charge.
U suggestions for effective Local Systems User Support
training formats or content staff must clean this problem
, (those of you who are using it up for you. Meanwhile, your
t already), please call Tari or patron may be hassled every
send her an E-Mall message. time rua or she comes to the
__ She is TSK in the LS/2000 E- circulation desk. we still
Mail systtm. (Submitted by Tari have this happen occasionally. A
Keller.) It helps to put a message on
the patron's record explaining
the situation. We have to
ANOTHER PLST AGAIN? . remember to waive the OVDR,
HOW DO YOU AVOID THOSE since we do not charge overdue
GHOST FINES? fines for lost books. .
At UK our system waits 60 Another problem with the
— days after the due date to PLST charge occurs when a book
assume that a patron has lost is checked in or renewed after
the book. At the end of that the PLST 11; declared by the `
period, it automatically systmn. The system is smart
assesses a PLST (Presumed Lost) enough to know the book is back
charge. _we thought that if we now. It takes the PLST charge
went in and paid the fine for and splits lt, then it assesses
the patron, the system would the overdue charge. The cost
declare the book LOST or at of the book is cancelled by the
least that the system would not system automatically, but the
‘ continue to hold the patron PLSTC ls kept. we do not want
responsible for the book. to charge the patron for the `
LS/2000, however, does not work Presumed Lost Charge, but until
the way we thought it would. the flne notice goes out, we
I In order to prevent the may not be aware that the PLSTC
system from reassesslng a PLST is still on the patron's
charge for the patron, it is record. Maybe this can be
necessary to /SS (Set Status) profiled differently, but we A
for the item o PL (Patron were not given that option.
Lost). The system wi isp ay while PLST is a great way to ·
e status LOST in the encourage patrons ·m¤ return
Availability Status area of the items, and II believe .tt gets
OPAC record. The Patron's the books back often, it does
record is marked as having lost generate many problems for us.
the book and the PLST charge Some libraries have set their
will be split into two parts: Days for Item to be Presumed
LOST (the replacement cost of Lost to a higher number than
tHe book and PLSTC (Presumed 60. It seems to be less of a
Lost Charge. problem for them. we still get
It is best to wait until you ghost flnes occasionally and we
can see the LOST and PLSTC spend much time waiving fines
charges In the Patron Record that we had not intended to
before paying or modifying assess. (Submlttéd by Tarl
(waiving) these fines. If you Keller.)
try to pay or modify the PLST
_ before it ls split, you may see
5 .

=‘ Just a reminder that
~_ November 6, 1987, ls the The twenty—second annual
  registration deadline for the Library Administrators
Kentucky Sollnet Users Group Development program is planned
Meeting November 13 at the for May 1 ~ 13, 1988, at the
University of Louisville. University of Maryland. Dr.
  An outline of the conference John 1%¤e;¢.zzo, professor of
schedule appeared in the last management at western Michigan
Q. A copy of the conference University will direct the
schedule and registration form program.
is available in the QQ office, Semlnar sessions will
Collection Development, 204 concentrate on the principal
King South. administrative issues which _
senior managers encounter,
· BLACK STORYTELLING FESTIVAL 1 n c l I1 d 1 n g l e a d e r s h 1 p ,
( motivation, communication,
"In the Traditlon," the personnel. policy performance `
r fifth national festival- of appraisal and others.
black storytelling, will be A flyer giving further
held Friday, November 12 at details of the conference is
Berea College. The festlval available in the GB office, 204
will include both storytelling King Library SoutK
· and lectures.
__ More information is EEQFESSIONAL READING
  available from Andrew Baskin, ,
I Black Cultural Center, CPOl34, Iggggl__yto_4____Get_ the Most Out of Dow
Berea, KY; telephone (606) 986»— Jones News/”Re’Er1'evaI By·CHarIes
; __ 9342, ext. 6515. (Submitted by Bowen and David Peyton. New
Q   ‘ Kate Black.) York: Bantam Books, 1987. Call
number ZZ 87—8474.
I_ggf_ggg1a'tg_gn Technology and
The Graduate School of gigpgga edite y Fran B ac er
Library Service at the and David Osborne. London:
University of Alabama ls British Psychological Society,
currently accepting 1.987. <‘ll number QA 76.9 .C66
applications for its doctoral I526 1987. (Submitted by Rob
program from students Aken.)
interested in the following
specializations: library f£§lCHNICAL POSITIONS
management, youth services,
library media studies , Referex·n:e Librarian, Medical
‘ information studies and Center Library, University of
" historical studies. Kentuaxky . Experience .
preferred. Salary:
Further information   Commensu r ate wi th
available from Dr. J. Gordon qualslfloatlons. Contact
Coleman, Jr., Doctoral Program Stephanie Allen. Deadline:
Coordinator, GSLS, P.O. Box None  
. 6242, Tuscaloosa,AL 35487.
. 6 I T

CALIFORNIA Assistant D:Lrector of the
L1brary. Kennesaw College.
[ Head Librarian and Salary: competitive and
1 Bibllographer. The Stanford c o m m e n s u r a t e w 1 t h
University Swa1n Library of background/exper1ence.
Chemistry and Chemical Deadline: November 20, 1987. .
  Engineering. Salary:
Assoc1ate Librarian, $28,600- INDIANA
39,800; Librarian, $32,600-
48,100. Deadline: December Music Cataloger, Title II-C
15, 1987. Project, Music Library, Indiana
University. Salary: dependent
Head, Technical Services. upon qualifications and
University of California, San experience (minimum $19,040). ,
· D1ego. Salary: $31,008- Deadline: November 4, 1987.
44,676. Deadline: January 4,
1988. V1s1t1ng Assistant'
Librarian/Serials Cataloger (2
Jewish Studies Bibllographer. yr. appointment). Indiana
University of California, Los University-Purdue University.
Angeles. Salary: Assistant Salary: dependent upon
L 1 b r a r 1 a n / A s s o c 1 a t e qualifications and experience.
Librarian/L1brar1an, $24,012- Deadline: open unt1l pos1t1on
49,656. Deadline: February 1, f1lled.
-· 1988.
Chief of Jansson L1brary of ·:
Government Documents. Stanford Head, Des1gn, Arch1tecture, Art
. University L1brar:Les. Salary: and Planning L1brary.
Librarian, $32,600-48,100; Un1vers1ty of C1nc1nnat1.
Senior L1brar1an, $38,000- Salary: $22,000-28,000.
55,400. Deadline: November Deadline: January 4, 1988. 4
27, 1987.
Head, Special Collect1ons
Law L1brar1an. Un1vers1ty of Cataloging. Oh1o State
_ California, Los Angeles School University. Salary: $22,680-
of Law. Salary: _ None 27,480. Deadline: November
specified. Deadline: January 30,; 1987.
1, 1988.
Interlibrary Loan L1brar1an.
DELAWARE Oh1o State University. Salary:
$20,040-24,480. Deadline:
Marine Studies Librarian. November 30, 1987.
University of Delaware. ,
_ Salary: dependent upon Latin American Studies
experience and qual1f1cat;Lons. Librarian. Oh1o State
Deadline: November 18, 1987. University. Salary: $23,040-
30 , 240 . Deadl1ne: November
30, 1987.

_? Head, Catalog Maintenance and
L Retrospective Conversion. New
York University. Salary: ·
$27,000 minimum. Deadline: {
November 30, 1987.
Reference Librarian. Brown
University. Salary: $21,500-
“ 27,500. Deadline: December
15, 1987.
Catalog VL1brar1an. Brown
- University. Salary: $21,500-
27,500. Deadline: November
15, 1987. ‘
Associate Director of Libraries
for Bibliographic Control and
· Access Services. University of
~ c o m m e n s u r a t e w 1 t h
qualifications and experience.
i Deadline: November 13, 1987, »
_ 5:00 p.m.
Q ,... H .,___ ,